#tantek.comedited /IndieWebCamps (+3697) "/* FAQ */ write an essay in response to the high bar question that aaronpk appears to be getting. Maybe I should blog this." (view diff)
#tantekcorrect. already answered: very few locations have both, thus my essay applies to the vast majority of IndieWebCamps, and I'm *guessing* the one that aaronpk is being bugged about
#tantekbesides the amount of travel time for the average person to make it to a HWC is >> the amount of time to setup a personal website. or to hop into this channel and ask
#tantekdon't have time to setup indieauth (then you certainly don't have time to spend at an indiewebcamp)
#tantekdon't care about adding even small things to the wiki - then you don't care about our kind of community, and we'd rather focus indiewebcamps on people who do all step up to doing that
#tantekthat's more blog post fodder than FAQ fodder
#tantekso yes, the barriers are designed as a filter. to filter in the qualities that help make a healthy indiewebcamp community, and perhaps more importantly to filter OUT the qualities that dilute or destroy community.
#tommorrisand, I'm sure Google and Internet Archive probably keep mappings of DOIs to things, but the canonical resolver is dx.doi.org
#KevinMarks_this is the weird thing now, that searching the quotation is more resilient than the reference
#KevinMarks_noticing this with my sons' essays - I don't have the jstor access they do, but given the quote I cna usually find some uni that has posted the paper online
#tommorrissame in the UK. that's why the National Archives basically just ran an internal Internet Archive-style dump of everything.
#tommorrisalso, on cool government domains, though whitehouse.gov is good, it's not quite as good as friends of mine who have email addresses @digital.justice.gov.uk
Tantek__ joined the channel
#Tantek__Darn it. According to google maps I'm going to be 15min late for the microformats dev meetup. Tommorris kevinmarks kylewm can you all find each other and grab some adjacent table space?
#Tantek__See you as soon as I can safely get there.
#LoqiGWG: KevinMarks_ left you a message 13 minutes ago: we're discussing changing the back compatibility rules to not add mf2 properties to mf1 containers
#KevinMarks_and what the constraints are with different combinations of plugins
#GWGThat would be a problem for backwards compatibility, wouldn't it?
jancborchardt_ joined the channel
#KevinMarks_that's what we're trying to work out - implied properties don't make sense for an mf1 marked-up post as that was never intended
#KevinMarks_but if you have an mf1 container with mf2 contents, it gets trickire
hugoroyd_, emmak, tantek_, eliemichel and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#tantek!tell voxpelli I resent the webmention to KevinMarks's post and my face in the facepile now errantly links to my home page (tantek.com) instead of the like permalink: http://tantek.com/2015/016/f1 (but at least it changed in real time! it used to link to tantek.com/2015)
joshwnj, lukebrooker, simonv3, tantek, wolftune, sanduhrs, scor, yakker, icco, KartikPrabhu and tantek_ joined the channel
#voxpellitantek: it's actually meant to link to your profile like that, as it could only link to one or the other I thought the author profile was more interesting
#Loqivoxpelli: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 59 minutes ago: I resent the webmention to KevinMarks's post and my face in the facepile now errantly links to my home page (tantek.com) instead of the like permalink: http://tantek.com/2015/016/f1 (but at least it changed in real time! it used to link to tantek.com/2015)
#tantekhuh - yet the retweets link to specific permalinks
#tantekseems to make more sense to link to a permalink (verification) when you have it
#tantekand then only fallback to author / profile links
loic_m, snarfed, cweiske, simonv3, Jihaisse, xtof, tantek, elf-pavlik, wolftune and tantek_ joined the channel
#fkoomanaaronpk: hi! i am having some problems with using indieauth with 'https://www.tuxed.net/fkooman', can you see what is going on? sometimes there is a TLS error, sometimes it doesn't find and rel links, sometimes only GitHub, but continuing with GitHub still doesn't work then :(
#LoqiWelcome to news about the IndieWeb where recent notable articles about the IndieWeb are cited and linked to keep you up to date https://indiewebcamp.com/going_on
adactio joined the channel
#michielbdejongfkooman: if you click Re-Scan it gets the SSL error. But if you refresh the page it recognizes github.
#Loqimichielbdejong: tantek left you a message 2 days, 11 hours ago: I've tried sending webmentions to your new Known site but keep getting 400 errors, documented details here: https://indiewebcamp.com/Known#The_target_page_does_not_exist maybe a problem with your htaccess or Known configuration?
#michielbdejongThis might be because of the bug where the IndieAuth server needs to be restarted every hour
#Loqitantek: michielbdejong left you a message 6 hours, 36 minutes ago: thanks for reporting the webmention error, I found a workaround for it, should be working now.
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: michielbdejong left you a message 6 hours, 42 minutes ago: thanks for reporting the webmention error, I found a workaround for it, should be working now.
#bretdocuments need to cache their own references if they actually care about longevity, pointers cant be trusted long term!
#voxpelliI'm thinking of highlighting where a WebMention was posted and if it was posted through a third-party site, but can't really find any thoughts on how to best do that in the wiki
#bretalso “let’s just give a number to everything” is about as antiquated as the phone number system lol
#voxpelliI noticed that eg. aaronpk only shows origin of mentions through favicons-like icons in the facepile
#aaronpkvoxpelli: where a webmention was posted? how do you mean?
#voxpelliaaronpk: I meant on the site a WebMention mentioned
#voxpelliI was thinking something like "Published 2 days ago on [twitter.com] through [brid.gy]"
#aaronpkthe icons I show are just twitter, facebook and instagram icons if the author URL matches that domain
#aaronpkI do something like that when I show vouched mentions now
#voxpelliWould love to give some cred to indieweb friendly tools like brid.gy and I guess something like app.net if they were to send WebMentions themselves
#aaronpkthere isn't really a mechanism in the webmention protocol for the webmention sender to authenticate itself
#voxpelliTwitter showing which apps a tweet was posted through was probably key in creating the thriving ecosystem it had
#aaronpktotally. people are already doing that with micropub posts
#voxpelliYeah, I was thinking of initially matching the hostname of the source URL and the h-entry URL – source URL being Brid.gy, the h-entry URL being eg. Twitter
#aaronpktake a look at my notes or photos, they'll say "posted via quill.p3k.io" or "posted via ownyourgram.com"
#aaronpkthere's also a difference between something like bridgy which is a proxy for webmentions vs things like the page on indiewebify.me which can send webmentions on your behalf
#aaronpkthe difference is bridgy creates source URLs on its own, but indiewebify.me uses your own source URL
alexhartley joined the channel
#voxpelliownyourgram and bridgy is kind of similar only that ownyourgram pushes the data to your site whereas bridgy creates its own source URL
scor joined the channel
#voxpelliso if ownyourgram were to trigger webmentions it could be interesting to highlight it as the app/tool in WebMentions – and also in IndieReaders
#aaronpkoh like ownyourgram could send webmentions for comments on the instagram photos it posted?
#aaronpk(i'm unlikely to make it do that because bridgy already handles instagram, but I get your point)
#voxpelliyep, and my endpoint showing the mention as "posted 1 day ago on aaronparecki.com with ownyourgram"
#voxpelliso if that data could just be marked up somehow as part of the h-entry that would enable discoverability of tools in all readers
#aaronpkbut when I go to the server and drop into the interactive shell, I can fetch it just fine
joshwnj joined the channel
#aaronpkfkooman: the server doesn't seem to have any problem fetching https://tuxed.net/fkooman/ ... is there a particular reason you're using the "www" prefix?
#voxpellitantek: sorry for not being clear with what I'm doing – so I'm importing a post after they have WebMentioned me and I want to link to the front page of the site that the original post was posted on – not the author archive
#aaronpkvoxpelli: under what circumstances do you expect the "front page of the site" to be different from the author's URL?
joshwnj and tlor joined the channel
#tantekI'd agree with aaronpk - why "front page" of the site? there's no proof that the post was ever on the "front page" of the site
#bretrascul: i just started playing with ansible over the last few weeks, captured a lot of my dev machine configuration into a repository: https://github.com/bcomnes/ansible-dotfiles next step is capturing server config
#tantekvoxpelli: seems like noise in the UI on your side
#rasculbret i'm building tiny, single purpose read only virtual machines with buildroot to run things in
#voxpellitantek: it would add nice discoverability for tools though + many are already hard-coding similar solutions for the biggest silos, highlighting content from just twitter and similar
#tantekand yeah I've been using poshformat class name for "using" for sometime
#voxpellisure, would rel-home be the right thing to use then for "site"?
#rasculbret when i get it running (almost there, just got over the last major hurdle) i'll work on publicly documenting what i did, someone might find it interesting
#tantekit would - however it wouldn't give you something accurate for "Posted on …"
#tanteksince like I said - any particular post might not have ever been on the "home" page
#voxpelliI meant for your suggestion of "Posted using..."
#aaronpkhere's more prior art for this... hackernews!
#aaronpkit shows the domain name of the URL of submissions
#tantekvoxpelli: no - rel-home is not right for "tool"
#tantekmore like the work that aaronpk has been doing with micropub and app
#tantekand linking to the *tool* home page, not the home page of the person posting
#aaronpkI used "u-client-id" in my markup because it's the value of the client ID used during IndieAuth
#voxpellitantek: arronpk's work on tools was what I'm going to use, the u-client-id, but wanted more
#tanteke.g. for your Tweet compilations … does it say noterlive? ;)
#KevinMarks_that's the atom name for it, from hAtom
#tantekyeah client-id sounds like an opaque number / code
#voxpelliideally I would like the same discoverability of tools as Twitter had when their ecosystem was thriving – every tweet having a link to the app which posted it – doing the same for eg. brid.gy would be nice – will just try something with client-id then
#aaronpkthe work snarfed and I did in webmention.io to make it show nice sentences here is great, and I don't want to re-create the logic in PHP for my site
#aaronpkI'm wondering if I can have my site send a copy of all my webmentions to webmention.io so that it generates the text for me
#voxpelliaaronpk: giving-crdit, nice! makes the new page unnecessary for now :P
#aaronpkor perhaps we can move the crediting apps section to tools, since the credit page also talks about crediting people
#kylewm!tell snarfed I'm looking at the facebook API, it seems there is no way to find a post ID from its URL anymore?? (or a user ID from their username). I must be wrong right?
#kylewm!tell snarfed here's an example, I tried to like this status, got a 403 because you can't look up the post by its bare ID https://kylewm.com/2015/01/burn
#Loqisnarfed: kylewm left you a message 13 minutes ago: I'm looking at the facebook API, it seems there is no way to find a post ID from its URL anymore?? (or a user ID from their username). I must be wrong right?
#Loqisnarfed: kylewm left you a message 2 minutes ago: here's an example, I tried to like this status, got a 403 because you can't look up the post by its bare ID https://kylewm.com/2015/01/burn
#snarfedso one hard problem in sw/system development is schema migration without downtime. you can do it by supporting both old and new while you transform old data, then remove the code paths for the old
#tantekbuilt on top of h-card and webmention as well
#tantekmany ways to combine the fundamental building blocks of microformats and webmention
#tantekperson-tagging is a big deal because 1) you can only do it on silos currently, and 2) this is the first open standards proposal to do so using simple HTML, from one website peer to peer to another
#aaronpktantek is writing a whole blog post, one line of IRC at a time!
#tantekand this leads into - you have a sample of it on your own site
#Loqisharecropping in the context of the IndieWeb is the practice of primarily or exclusively creating/publishing content on silos as opposed to doing so first (or primarily) on your own site, and those that do publish primarily or exclusively on silos are known as sharecroppers https://indiewebcamp.com/sharecropping