#Loqi[mention] Ryan Barrett posted 'POSSEing silo interactions is getting harder by the day, and Bridgy Publish is suffering as a result. We could fix this by adding an OwnYour...' linking to https://indiewebcamp.com/POSSE (https://snarfed.org/)
#Loqi[mention] Ryan Barrett posted 'POSSEing silo interactions is getting harder by the day, and Bridgy Publish is suffering as a result. We could fix this by adding an OwnYour...' linking to https://indiewebcamp.com/PESOS (https://snarfed.org/)
#Loqi[mention] Ryan Barrett posted 'POSSEing silo interactions is getting harder by the day, and Bridgy Publish is suffering as a result. We could fix this by adding an OwnYour...' linking to https://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata (https://snarfed.org/)
#Loqi[mention] Ryan Barrett posted 'POSSEing silo interactions is getting harder by the day, and Bridgy Publish is suffering as a result. We could fix this by adding an OwnYour...' linking to https://indiewebcamp.com/webactions (https://snarfed.org/)
#Loqi[mention] Ryan Barrett posted 'POSSEing silo interactions is getting harder by the day, and Bridgy Publish is suffering as a result. We could fix this by adding an OwnYour...' linking to https://indiewebcamp.com/silo (https://snarfed.org/)
#Loqi[mention] Ryan Barrett posted 'POSSEing silo interactions is getting harder by the day, and Bridgy Publish is suffering as a result. We could fix this by adding an OwnYour...' linking to https://indiewebcamp.com/interactions (https://snarfed.org/)
#Loqi[mention] Ryan Barrett posted 'POSSEing silo interactions is getting harder by the day, and Bridgy Publish is suffering as a result. We could fix this by adding an OwnYour...' linking to https://indiewebcamp.com/Instagram#API (https://snarfed.org/)
snarfed, cstanhope, pwcc, KevinMarks__ and gRegor` joined the channel
#gRegor`!tell snarfed I'm about 1,000 miles from having micropub support. Just not an itch for me currently or in the near future. So I guess I don't have strong opinions on Bridgy PESOS
#GWGI wouldn't suggest merging all of the comment plugin into the Linkbacks plugin, but I think moving some of what I was trying to do upstream would work
LauraJ joined the channel
#GWGIt's the same reason I asked Jihaisse about merging WordPress Syndication and Syndication Links.
#GWGThe Walker marks up the individual comments using MF2 and uses the 'short_ping' option to generate the picture only version of the webmention for the facepile.
#GWGSo, if you change that argument to wp_list_comments, then it goes back to the full Linkbacks presentation
#GWGpfefferle: If you look on the settings page, I have a 'debug' setting for each part of the plugin.
#GWGYou can disable the template and just use the walker, and you can disable the short ping.
#ben_thatmustbeme!tell tantek facepile looks good, sorry I missed a few people from that list, took me some time to clean it all up and sort alphabetically and all
#pfefferleGWG I get a lot of warnings/errors if I disable/enable some parts
adactio, mlncn and bupkes joined the channel
#pfefferleGWG ah and you have to set a size for the picture to display them!
#pfefferleGWG ok, I understand, I understand… Nice work! (now that I found out how to customize it ;) )
#GWGpfefferle: Remind me to set a default for that picture size
#GWGI've discovered I've fiddled with the settings so much, my database has them, so I can't see what a clean install looks like. There must be a way to test for that.
#GWGSo, the walker can be used to override the rendering of comments within an existing comment template.
#GWGWhere if you want to split your comments by type...you need a custom template.
#GWGAnd, with a custom comment walker over a custom callback function, a custom callback function can still override it.
#GWGpfefferle: The Codex described a comment walker as the "primary method of customizing comment html"
prtksxna, mlncn and booly-yam-4259 joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbeme!tell snarfed oh yeah, loqi doesn't seem to do well with the multiple messages btw. It reports it to one of those people listed instead of all
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme: tantek left you a message on 9/30 at 2:47pm: I'm not going to edit your changes to reply-thread / history-thread without first discussing with you and seeing if we can figure out what was confusing and debate which terms better reflect what is going. I updated /reply-context dfn/summary a bit - please take a look.
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme: KevinMarks_ left you a message on 10/22 at 4:30pm: Android apps can claim http URL fragmentt as intents, so an app can take over, say, https://twitter.com/intent/tweet/ or anything from twitter.com
#Loqiben_thatmust: GWG left you a message on 11/6 at 10:13am: Need to make plans
#Loqiben_thatmust: KevinMarks_ left you a message 3 weeks, 4 days ago: I have an Android notify app built for twitter that I'd like to add webmention support to - let's collaborate
#Loqiben_thatmust: KevinMarks_ left you a message 3 weeks, 4 days ago: I have an Android notify app built for twitter that I'd like to add webmention support to - let's collaborate
#Loqiben_thatmust: tantek left you a message on 1/4 at 9:33am: great job on your first /checkin post! btmb.me/s/5p - I tried URL trimming to https://ben.thatmustbe.me/checkin/ and got 404 - do you have a checkin stream?
#Loqiben_thatmust: tantek left you a message on 1/4 at 9:33am: great job on your first /checkin post! btmb.me/s/5p - I tried URL trimming to https://ben.thatmustbe.me/checkin/ and got 404 - do you have a checkin stream?
#Loqitantek: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 2 hours, 5 minutes ago: facepile looks good, sorry I missed a few people from that list, took me some time to clean it all up and sort alphabetically and all
#tantekI'm going to take a break from design iterations on my "like" posts. I haven't quite coded up everything I brainstormed, but I'm pretty happy with how it is now.
#tantekThe next two design improvements for sequential likes (numbering consecutive items of the same type, further clustering of sets of consecutive items of the same type from the same source with a leading count, and parenthesizing such sets) are will take a bit more code, so I'm going to reflect on them a bit to see if I can think of anything better. http://indiewebcamp.com/like#Brainstorming
prtksxna joined the channel
#aaronpktantek: really happy about all your research on clustering likes
#aaronpkI don't expect to render my own content that way, but will likely use it in a reader and also considering creating an "activity" page that shows my content all in that form
#tantekI've only done *some* research because there are very few silos that seem to do it
#tantekmost of what I did in Brainstorming is design I came up with by iterating with my own likes
#tantekand there are interesting design challenges/opportunities in particular for indieweb likes where you can like things *anywhere* on the web
#tantekespecially from the same person across different sites
#tantek!tell snarfed speaking of PESOS for Bridgy Publish, any thought to a "Bridgy Reader" feature for providing an h-feed of silo profiles of people you (want to) follow? E.g. non-authenticated conversion for public profiles, and if the profile is private, then attempt to do so with silo credentials given to Bridgy?
#tantekaaronpk - in particular a lot of my design thinking for "like" posts were very much author-(liker-)centric
#aaronpki've made a design decision of not including third-party language on content I create on my site (so you won't see text like "aaron liked this" or "aaron posted an article")
#aaronpkbut i've been thinking about adding a page as an experiment which turns *all* my content into that
#aaronpklike one giant feed of everything on my site, but clustered and written in third person
#tantekthat is, I wanted to present like posts in a way which made me less hesitant to like stuff (like unafraid of or minimizing the feeling of "spamming" my home page with likes)
#tantekaaronpk I too don't like referring to myself in 3rd person in posts
#tantekhowever the implied 3rd person "likes …" or "liked …" seems fine to me
LauraJ joined the channel
#aaronpki'm imagining that kind of phrasing and clustering would work great in a reader
#tantekit would - but the reader would have to do all the work
#aaronpkbecause it might also cluster across different websites
#aaronpksuch as "tantek and aaronpk liked a post by snarfed"
#tantekas it is I was pretty impressed I was able to figure out HTML markup to both do the clustering on my home page presentationally, AND provide individual self-standing h-entry items!
#tantekaaronpk - the biggest *common* difference that I know if is that /favorite puts things in a collection that is almost always public, and browsable
#LoqiKevinMarks_: colintedford left you a message 1 week ago: For the fragmentions icon, maybe some combo of a quotation mark + a link icon? Rough idea @ http://test.colintedford.com/s/2014/fragicon.html but I'm sure someone could do better.
#LoqiKevinMarks_: tantek left you a message on 11/5 at 2:03pm: what was that article you cited that said something like "if you have to moderate the trolling, the trolling has already succeeded." ?
#tantekbupkes you may be able to modify whatever it is that is calling Bridgy for you to take the result from Bridgy and add it to your post automatically
#Loqitantek meant to say: bupkes you may be able to modify whatever it is that is calling Bridgy Publish for you to take the result from Bridgy Publish and add it to your post automatically
#aaronpklol I like how the example screenshot shows 1 RT and 1 fav on the post with the instagram link and 3.3M RTs on the native photo post
#tantekaaronpk HAH! good catch. that is hilarious. totally photo shopped :P
#tantek"Instagram continued to increase in popularity, thanks in part to its acquisition by Facebook, and likely recently overtook Twitter in monthly active users. " <--- WAT!
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#tantekdoesn't the Instagram >--- ownyourgram --> personal site >---- POSSE tweet+photo ---> Twitter approach solve this problem?
#bupkestantek: nope, i can't seem to do it automatically (i'm not really much of a coder). quite happy to do it manually as I'm not all that prolific a poster anyway
#aaronpki can send a webmention for any post that bridgy publish has already posted and cause bridgyt o tweet it out again
#tantek"I decided in 2005 to self-publish rather than chase after a record deal. I am independent because I didn’t want a bunch of men in suits deciding how I should release my music"
snarfed joined the channel
#tantekTHIS: "The people who work at Google, Facebook, etc can’t imagine how everything they make is not, like, totally awesome. If it’s not awesome for you it’s because you just don’t understand it yet and you’ll come around."
#snarfedaaronpk: not exactly. bridgy won't re publish posts it's already published once
#Loqisnarfed: gRegor` left you a message 12 hours, 41 minutes ago: I'm about 1,000 miles from having micropub support. Just not an itch for me currently or in the near future. So I guess I don't have strong opinions on Bridgy PESOS
#Loqisnarfed: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 2 hours, 39 minutes ago: oh yeah, loqi doesn't seem to do well with the multiple messages btw. It reports it to one of those people listed instead of all
#Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 11 minutes ago: speaking of PESOS for Bridgy Publish, any thought to a "Bridgy Reader" feature for providing an h-feed of silo profiles of people you (want to) follow? E.g. non-authenticated conversion for public profiles, and if the profile is private, then attempt to do so with silo credentials given to Bridgy?
#aaronpkoh I thought we had demonstrated that before
#snarfedthe problem is that you can make it posse a post that someone *didn't* posse to a given silo
#aaronpkoh wait, it *doesn't* require that you add a link to the bridgy publish URL on the post you're trying to POSSE?
#snarfed(ie they posted it on their site, just chose not to posse)
#snarfedaarobpk: yes it's an odd wm usage: trigger, not true mention. i discuss it a bit in the docs
#tanteksnarfed - only thing that is odd is that you can cause Bridgy Publish to POSSE to an account that you're not logged into Bridgy Publish with.
#tantekthat is, Bridgy Publish should be acting like a "Twitter app". If you're signed in to Bridgy Publish with Twitter username foo, then you can use Bridgy Publish to post to Twitter username foo
#snarfedtantek: you have to have enabled publish for that account, but true, you don't have to be logged into it in the browser
#tantekright, my suggestion is that you should have to be logged into it in the browser
#snarfedthat proposal works for interactive but not automated (webmention)
#tanteksnarfed: for automated, you have that solved with the requirement of the post to link to Bridgy Publish (which indicates intent of the publisher to use Bridgy Publish to POSSE)
snarfed joined the channel
#tantekthus this "security issue" should be / is solvable
#snarfedaaronpk: yes, i understand what you're saying. i'm not too concerned whether it's technically called a webmention or not; i just support the http request and standard query params as the trigger
#snarfedfails at juggling baby and phone and two irc threads
#tantekis "syndication link" a generic and understandable enough term for the hyperlinks people use like "Also on Twitter" or "View on Twitter" or "Reply on Twitter" ?
#snarfedhappily usable in h-feed readers. shrewdness actually already uses the twitter one, maybe more
#gRegor2Sheesh. gRegor_ and gRegor2 are both Nickserv registered.
#tantekI have to run, but I can start that page later this afternoon - or if anyone else wants to jump on it, please be my guest!
#aaronpkso what I was getting at with using bridgy publish, is I could make my micropub endpoint accept "bridgy publish" as a syndication target, adding the invisible publish link, at which point my webmention sender would cause bridgy to post that to twitter for me
#snarfedaaronpk: exactly! that's a big reason why i used webmention as the trigger
scor joined the channel
#snarfedso many people could start doing it with no new code
#snarfedalso aaronpk: thanks for the feedback on the pesos article. i think the only big remaining hurdle is that i don't have the bandwidth to do it myself right now :P
#aaronpkthe link to the publish URL should be required, and then as a potential alternate method you could allow people to publish posts that don't have that link if they're authenticated somehow
#ben_thatmustbemesnarfed, i believe it should have sent, i don't think its caching though
#snarfedben_thatmustbeme: it was. flushed. thanks!
#snarfedre splitting it up, i like the sentiment, but it's not really a problem that needs to be solved right now
#snarfedthe code base and architecture aren't unmanageably big (yet)
#snarfedand re indie readers and one-click actions, i'm all for those! but they're *still* not here, and they'll require micropub and indie-config, which very few sites have implemented
#snarfedif/when those are available and good, though, including on mobile, i'd happily ditch bridgy publish pesos
#aaronpkif I delete teh tweet and try to republish will it let me? or will it not publish because it knows it has already?
#aaronpkah I hav eto add special handling anyway in order to be able to add the twitter syndication link that bridgy returns in the webmention response
#Loqiindie-config is a method of using protocol handlers and postmessage to setup your indie website to both notify the browser that it can handle webactions and then do so https://indiewebcamp.com/indie-config
#tanteksnarfed - indeed - I filed a pull-request for him to add webmention support to his blogging engine Hacker CMS and he followed up with a challenging reply: https://github.com/kentonv/ssjekyll/issues/3
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk, btw if you want, i modified mention-client slightly to record any syndication urls returned
#tanteknot sure how to incorporate his needs into webmention
#aaronpkwe had talked briefly about adding a geoloqi channel way back in the day. but the beeminder folks have been trying hard for a long time to get added as a channel.
#tanteksomething about cats automatically syndicating photos seems quite internet-appropriate
#tantekand from there, we can only wait for indiewebcat to post the first cat-selfie, to 1-up the monkey-selfie
#tantekperhaps there needs to be a catstagram iPad (web?) app where the "take photo" button is just a giant square with a mouse running around in it near the camera of the iPad, so by tapping the mouse, the cat takes a selfie.
#tantekfor extra credit, take video of indiewebcat taking the selfie, and post it as proof
#tantekshe's a really good writer, and critic. well-spoken and not ranty at all.
snarfed joined the channel
#sparveriusThey can’t imagine scenarios outside their reality and that is how they inadvertently unleash things like the algorithmic cruelty of Facebook’s yearly review (which showed me a picture I had posted after a doctor told me my husband had 6-8 weeks to live).
#tanteksemantically I think you should be using srcset to markup all three of the images
#KevinMarks_especially as (in the case I am using) they have huge src images
wolftune joined the channel
#GWGtantek: The problem was..on the archive views, I wanted it to be smaller. I wanted the larger either to pop up, or to display on the single post view
#GWGSo, I have 2 different versions of how the page is supposed to display
#tantekonce you figure out how to mark it up with img srcset, then the next question is, is there a use-case for marking it up with microformats
friedcell joined the channel
#tanteki.e. is there a use-case for a consuming site/app to get the diffierent resolutions of a photo?
#GWGtantek: I think I can go srcset limitedly for the single view, but I'd want a different size displayed on the archive view, which goes back to the initial problem
#tantekonce you have this working presentationally, then we can see what we need to do in terms of microformats markup of it
#GWGI'll mock it up. That's why I have a test site. To see how things look before I deploy them
#tantekand more interestingly, what an indie reader of photo posts would need to "do the right thing" depending on what screen dimensions the reader was using
#tantekGWG - yes of course - mocking up srcset on your test site makes the most sense
#tantekbtw - srcset / responsive images are certainly not quick questions, however, they are quite interesting/challenging and something we should figure out!
#tantek(point is, I appreciate your questions GWG whether or not you think they may be quick or not)
#GWGtantek: I still wonder if that means I should dump the popup....which I sort of liked as an effect. But I can always just...not mark it up, I suppose.
#GWGIt isn't far off from what I had been playing with. I already had picturefill loaded.
#tantekbtw be sure to check your use of srcset with a browser that supports it (I think you have to turn it on with a flag in Firefox) http://caniuse.com/srcset