2015-01-29 UTC
stream7 and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 00:26 JonathanNeal Is there a service that supports indieauth as well as other social media auths?
tantek and prtksxna joined the channel
# 00:28 aaronpk JonathanNeal: closest i can think of is the omniauth gem, but it's not a service
prtksxna joined the channel
# 00:41 tantek more references for the single page app/site anti-pattern: "The One Pager 1.0.12"
# 00:41 tantek found on dandelionchocolate.com - which shows no text when scripts disabld
# 00:45 tantek so instead of using their site, I use Google Image search for "dandelion chocolate menu" - much more usable than a bunch of junk one-off single-page-app JS
# 00:45 tantek essentially, use of single-page-app/site coding techniques are marking sites less useful / usable than just googling their contents, and using google image search as a proxy for their site.
# 00:45 tantek of course, not sure how google is indexing the images.
# 00:46 tantek so the lesson is, either make your site content easily curlable/indexable, or other sites will determine what shows up in your search results.
# 00:47 tantek that is a concrete reason why SPA approaches are an anti-pattern, you relinquish search results to the rest of the web.
# 00:47 tantek (in practice that is, I don't care how many blog posts people cite about supposed search engine support for parsing JS etc. - in practice that approach is too crap to depend on)
# 00:48 tantek (e.g. Brett Slatkin's recent post about client vs. serverside "rendering" where he offhandedly mentions/links to a post about search spiders crawling JS)
# 00:51 tantek I just discovered that FB allows you to "location tag" *others'* photos!
# 00:51 tantek like person-tagging but with (linked)names of venues instead of people!
# 00:53 tantek ah - *only* if you're tagged in the photo (are you prompted with the optoin to location-tag it)
# 00:53 tantek and the text description syntax is something like
# 00:53 tantek "With " (list of profile-linked person-tags) " at " (linked location tag)
# 00:54 tantek and if you did the location tagging on someone else's photo, after the linked location tag it says in gray text: "(requested tag)" to indicate to you the (moderation) status
# 00:55 tantek GWG, I believe that (moderation status) is the problem we're running into with WordPress comments not giving any feedback about whether your comment made it to the server etc.
# 00:58 tantek GWG, want to take a crack at that ^^^ since WordPress probably has the most deliberately designed and well understood moderation system?
# 00:58 tantek documenting these basics will help us better understand some of the broader interaction problems and develop solutions
j12t, lukebrooker_, lukebrooker and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
jjuran and tantek joined the channel
gmack joined the channel
# 02:06 GWG If you do it, I'll put it up too, if I'm welcome
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 02:22 KevinMarks back with jean and i cna curl --head www.jeanmrussell.com/testing-brid-gy/ OK
# 02:24 KevinMarks any ideas on why bridgy might get a 403 when my curl gets a 200
# 02:25 GWG Sounds like it might be a host issue, not a WordPress issue, unless there is a plugin filtering hosts
# 02:25 GWG Early on, my settings were restricting some curls.
# 02:28 GWG The user agent is python-requests
# 02:30 tantek are you sure you don't have your volume turned down on us or something?
# 02:37 KevinMarks if I do curl -A "python-requests" --head www.jeanmrussell.com/testing-brid-gy/
# 02:41 tantek and then it gives you a URL for them like imgur
# 02:42 tantek it supports webmentions via webmention heroku app
# 02:50 tantek wrote code to go from Kindle notes to static web pages
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 02:51 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 02:52 joel This is the static page I made of my notes on "What Technology Wants"
# 02:52 tantek writing a medium post about how to fix something is less inspiring than writing a post about a song
# 02:53 tantek trying to figure out a balance between displaying herself as an expert in the field, vs. just being herself
# 02:53 tantek how can we share without worrying about career stuff
# 02:53 jjuran Josh Juran: jjuran.com, metamage.com and others, @joshuajuran on Twitter
# 02:54 tantek Josh: have not done any blogging lately, but a lot of development
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 02:54 tantek wanting to start getting some inspiration and start coding again
indie-visitor_ joined the channel
# 02:55 tantek 2 weeks ago KevinMarks and Jean were working on getting Bridgy working on her Wordpress blog
# 02:55 tantek Bridgy is making a request of her site and is receiving a 403
# 02:55 GWG Still unsure why. Wish there was a log file to check
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 02:57 tantek trying to duck back in here to figure out what the current state is
# 02:57 tantek which we were talking about how RSVPs could work
# 02:59 tantek (aaronpk can you take notes we're having trouble hearing)
# 02:59 aaronpk has been using her reader in her site for a while a
# 02:59 aaronpk and is noticing that she wants to add realtime functionality to it
# 02:59 aaronpk like how twitter shows interactions as they happen without refreshing
emmak joined the channel
# 03:01 tantek Andi: how do you change the name of the input type=file button
# 03:04 tantek time for peer to peer small group discussions
andicascadesf joined the channel
# 03:09 GWG tantek: I still have to point out that the webmention spec needs to be expanded.
# 03:10 tantek GWG - could you rephrase that request as set of questions about webmention?
# 03:12 GWG tantek: You suggested that my site should return notice about moderation. What form are you suggesting that take?
# 03:13 tantek yes I was suggesting moderation status as a part of the UX of any site that has moderation
# 03:13 tantek first step of any such design question is to gather and document examples
# 03:14 tantek see logs today where I mentioned Facebook for example and (requested tag)
# 03:16 Guest33444 Does anybody have a suggestion for a self hosted thing like "Google Analytics"?
# 03:16 Guest33444 oooo, thanks @Loqi
# 03:19 GWG tantek: I thught you were referring to a response code earlier. So, more than that.
# 03:31 snarfed KevinMarks: jean: hey! sorry you're (she's) still having trouble getting bridgy to talk to her site
# 03:33 snarfed i've seen this a couple times before with both wp and non-wp sites. i'd ugess some plugin or config that tries to defend against bots/scrapers
# 03:33 snarfed er, sorry, the bridgy logs that matter here are the individual response links. the "X… ago" links under "Recent responses"
# 03:35 snarfed aha. i can reproduce it in a local python shell with just:
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 03:44 GWG snarfed: That was what I was thinking. I had one I had to reconfigure.
fourtonfish joined the channel
# 03:57 KartikPrabhu kylewm: starred woodwind! might use it on site and contribute once I get back to more indieweb stuffs
lukebrooker, dietrich, gRegor` and snarfed joined the channel
# 04:33 gRegor` Ran into a little security issue at Chicago HWC tonight.
# 04:33 gRegor` Namely, the door was really secure . . . and the lock did not like the key.
# 04:34 gRegor` So we ended up getting noodles instead.
# 04:35 gRegor` I really wish I had taken a picture now, KartikPrabhu
# 04:38 gRegor` I saw that, hadn't clicked through yet
# 04:38 gRegor` You're not using Kindle, though, correct?
tantek, andicascadesf, finchd, jjuran, KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, sanduhrs, yakker, j12t and dorian joined the channel
# 07:01 tantek KevinMarks: oh yes they do and have had for a while
# 07:02 tantek in fact they keep track of the entire retweet chain, so that if you reply to something by A rewteeted by B then C (which is how you saw it), then when you reply it puts all three in the default reply text as @-mentions preceding tyour text content.
JHSheridan joined the channel
cweiske, KartikPrabhu, Deledrius_, Jihaisse, LauraJ, friedcell, JHSheridan and emmak joined the channel
Shogun, wolftune, stream7, loic_m, KevinMarks, cweiske, JHSheridan, LauraJ, interactivist, j12t, michielbdejong, friedcell, jjuran, petermolnar, KevinMarks_, squeakytoy, Sebastien-L, danfowler, elf-pavlik, sammachin, modem, Garbee, nloadholtes, KartikPrabhu, GWG and minsky joined the channel
adactio and michielbdejong joined the channel
# 12:27 kylewm !tell jhsheridan excited you are going to try out red wind! there are likely some rough edges in the installation right now but nothing huge. and also the pilbox dependency is going away eventually
# 12:27 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
LauraJ, friedcell, Deledrius__, j12t, GWG, danlyke, nloadholtes, mlncn, verdi and fourtonfish joined the channel
# 15:15 GWG I've discovered that you shouldn't send pull requests at 2AM
prtksxna, scor, shiflett and elf-pavlik_ joined the channel
friedcell, danlyke and gRegor` joined the channel
wolftune, davidmead, friedcell and tantek joined the channel
# 17:03 GWG !tell tantek I've submitted a PR for issue #9 of the Semantic Linkbacks plugin. After checks, I need to find someone with legitimate pingbacks to try and convert. Any ideas?
# 17:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
veselosky and gRegor`_ joined the channel
davidmead and prtksxna joined the channel
# 17:36 GWG I need a WordPress user with legitimate non spam pingbacks. That seems like a tall order
KevinMarks__ and shiflett joined the channel
# 17:45 aaronpk GWG: i've received legitimate non-spam pingbacks but not to my wordperss site
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 17:46 GWG Aaronpk, I have sn extension under development for converting okf pingbacks in Wordpress.
# 17:48 gRegor` Converting them to what, GWG?
# 17:49 GWG gRegor`: Richer content. The current plugin doesn't convert old pingbacks, only new ones.
# 17:50 tantek GWG, some of the Mozilla blogs have some pingbacks that are legitimate non-spam
# 17:50 Loqi tantek: GWG left you a message 46 minutes ago: I've submitted a PR for issue #9 of the Semantic Linkbacks plugin. After checks, I need to find someone with legitimate pingbacks to try and convert. Any ideas?
# 17:50 tantek I've seen them in the past - you'll have to search for Mozilla blogs to find one in particular.
# 17:52 GWG Okay. Need to fix the code first. Goy some feedback on my first try from Pfefferle.
# 17:53 GWG I hate phone keyboards, by the way
iandevlin, friedcell, frzn, gmack, davidmead, shiflett, snarfed, j12t, michielbdejong, scor, nloadholtes, fourtonfish, KevinMarks, squeakytoy and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 19:36 aaronpk tantek: I just booked flights to Boston for w3c f2f!
# 19:38 aaronpk managed to do it for $150 to buy some delta miles, and $140 return flight
# 19:39 GWG Worth going to? I can get to Boston easily?
# 19:40 GWG And I'm always looking for new things to do
# 19:43 GWG aaronpk: It doesn't conflict this year, so I might come up for it
KevinMarks, awolf, owen1_, KevinMarks__, FergusL_, prtksxna and snarfed joined the channel
fourtonfish and scor joined the channel
# 20:06 tantek GWG, let me know if you have *any* difficulty with the invited expert process.
# 20:11 tantek KevinMarks_: unlikely - I think it is optimized for a *new* person joining and following all instructions very closely.
# 20:11 tantek any straying from the instructions, or dealing with previous accounts appears to be randomly problematic
snarfed, frzn, KartikPrabhu and shiflett joined the channel
# 20:49 GWG Am I correct that Cambridge is Thu/Fri this year?
fiatjaf joined the channel
benwerd joined the channel
Gold, Unifex and snarfed joined the channel
# 21:25 aaronpk dangit why are people shortening #indieauthors to #indieauth now?
# 21:25 aaronpk that wasn't even one of the twitter-truncated #indieauth... ones
# 21:32 tantek aaronpk maybe you need to post more about #indieauth ;)
prtksxna joined the channel
# 21:33 aaronpk apparently haven't closed any issues since november
# 21:35 tantek and you have the @indieauth account also right?
# 21:37 tantek then perhaps file a Twitter support request to get the account, and let them know the "current" account you have that you'd like renamed to @indieauth, is @indie_auth
# 21:38 tantek usually if there are no tweets, you can get such accounts quickly
# 21:38 tantek pretty sure that's how Aral got @indie for example
# 21:38 tantek especially point out that you have indieauth.com
# 21:38 aaronpk oh really? I thought they weren't doing that anymore
# 21:39 tantek exactly - you're already paying for that identity - that gives you cred
# 21:39 tantek in other news - who wants to help with iterating on http://indiewebcamp.com/SWAT0 and filling in the previously MISSING and UNDEFINED bits with things we've figured out since that page was last edited?
# 21:41 aaronpk it boggles my mind how many emails twitter sends out
nloadholtes and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 21:44 tantek "how many emails twitter sends out" = "growth hacking"
caseorganic joined the channel
interactivist joined the channel
# 21:49 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme: gRegor` left you a message 1 day, 4 hours ago: I tried to skim through your updates yesterday to keep the IWC 2015 parts, but had a hard time following the diff. I chose to revert instead. Can you take a look and put back the changes you intended? Be sure the next HWC section is correct.
# 21:49 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme: gRegor` left you a message 1 day, 4 hours ago: I'm referring to /Main_Page
# 21:53 aaronpk i don't even know where to go to send a support request to twitter
# 21:53 aaronpk i thought there was some sort of trademark violation thing
# 21:54 aaronpk even the "contact support" link isn't really a contact page
# 21:55 aaronpk don't have a trademark registration number for IndieAuth tho
# 21:57 aaronpk the closest thing i can find is to report it as a brand impersonation
# 22:01 ben_thatmustbeme looking at SWAT0 we have pretty much figured out how to do all those, just haven't really done them yet
# 22:04 aaronpk "Please note: this form is only for reporting accounts that violate our impersonation policy. At this time, we are unable to accommodate individual requests for inactive or suspended @usernames." autoresponse
# 22:06 aaronpk they've been saying they're going to create an inactive account policy for years now
nloadholtes joined the channel
interactivist joined the channel
# 22:38 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I'm going to try to come up.
# 22:39 GWG tantek: I need to get a Thursday off.
# 22:40 tantek you should apply as a Social Web WG invited expert regardless!
# 22:40 GWG Did someone answer the Social Web thing and I missed it in the scroll?
# 22:42 GWG tantek: What makes me qualified to be an expert?
# 22:42 GWG In your opinion as I don't know what the qualifications are?
wilfredh and snarfed joined the channel
# 22:57 GWG tantek: So, your qualifications are you have to be active on publishing social content on your site. But you seem to be outvoted
# 22:58 GWG I think maybe I'll just come for Thursday
# 23:00 tantek GWG, there is no outvoted - each chair has their own opinion, and any chair can potentially veto an invited expert (there has to be consensus to accept them)
# 23:00 tantek you're obviously an implementer, you've got shipping WP plugins
# 23:01 GWG I'll see how my work feels about time off. They owe me some
# 23:01 GWG tantek: I'm a neophyte implementer. I'd like to think I'm getting better
frzn joined the channel
# 23:03 tantek GWG, you're a *shipping* implementer who's actively *selfdogfooding* on their own site
# 23:04 GWG But most of what I'm working on is trying to get to making it easier.
# 23:05 GWG Sometimes, I think about posting, and remember all the steps
# 23:05 tantek there's always room for improvement, that's not a negative
# 23:07 GWG Then some guy comments he has to wait for me to moderate a favorite, so I stop for a bit and write a whitelist for Semantic Linkbacks.
# 23:08 GWG I do so at 2AM, and don't know what I was thinking, because after I woke up, I wondered why I thought it would work the way I did it
# 23:08 GWG So I rewrote it, and while I was in the code, wrote a bulk old pingback script to run on activation and sent some more pull requests.
# 23:09 GWG And fortunately, Pfefferle is very good at keeping my sleep deprived enthusiasm under control, so I need to do another rewrite.
# 23:10 GWG I'm mentioning this, because I'm building the tools I want to use.
# 23:10 GWG I just feel I need to use them more
interactivist joined the channel
# 23:18 tantek maybe just a mode switch for that? those are often quite annoying
# 23:18 aaronpk that sounds like a description of how to POSSE a blog post to Twitter!
# 23:19 KevinMarks_ right, the art is actually making the tweets break into standlone points
# 23:21 tantek (which can then *optionally* POSSE to Twitter, thus supersetting his idea)
# 23:21 aaronpk i believe i may even have a video of me doing that
caseorga_ joined the channel
# 23:21 KevinMarks_ workflow: highlight text; click bookmarklet - it creates a quotation post that you can comment on (with fragmention) then POSSEs it to twitter with an image of the quoted text
# 23:22 tantek aaronpk - even better - reply with, "already thought of it, and implemented: (video) "
# 23:22 tantek and then encourage him if he's interested in these topics to join the rest of us on the cutting of edge at indiewebcamp
# 23:26 GWG So I've written a domain whitelist for moderation on my site...not yet live. What other moderation tools can I build?
# 23:26 GWG gRegor`: You were going to come to Boston?
# 23:27 tantek did you not get email about it and automatically get signed up for the mailing list?
# 23:27 gRegor` The whole process has confused me honestly.
# 23:29 aaronpk isn't there a trick of making some other button and triggering it via JS?
# 23:30 aaronpk should probably add that css via JS so it falls back to a regular button with noscript
prtksxna joined the channel
# 23:33 KevinMarks_ there is a huge tension between designers wanting consistent buttons and browsers implementing native ones
snarfed, jancborchardt and hugoroyd joined the channel