#tantekfound on dandelionchocolate.com - which shows no text when scripts disabld
#tantekso instead of using their site, I use Google Image search for "dandelion chocolate menu" - much more usable than a bunch of junk one-off single-page-app JS
#tantekessentially, use of single-page-app/site coding techniques are marking sites less useful / usable than just googling their contents, and using google image search as a proxy for their site.
#tantekof course, not sure how google is indexing the images.
#tantekso the lesson is, either make your site content easily curlable/indexable, or other sites will determine what shows up in your search results.
#tantekthat is a concrete reason why SPA approaches are an anti-pattern, you relinquish search results to the rest of the web.
#tantek(in practice that is, I don't care how many blog posts people cite about supposed search engine support for parsing JS etc. - in practice that approach is too crap to depend on)
#tantek(e.g. Brett Slatkin's recent post about client vs. serverside "rendering" where he offhandedly mentions/links to a post about search spiders crawling JS)
#tantekI just discovered that FB allows you to "location tag" *others'* photos!
#tanteklike person-tagging but with (linked)names of venues instead of people!
#tantekah - *only* if you're tagged in the photo (are you prompted with the optoin to location-tag it)
#tantekand the text description syntax is something like
#tantek"With " (list of profile-linked person-tags) " at " (linked location tag)
#tantekand if you did the location tagging on someone else's photo, after the linked location tag it says in gray text: "(requested tag)" to indicate to you the (moderation) status
#tantekGWG, I believe that (moderation status) is the problem we're running into with WordPress comments not giving any feedback about whether your comment made it to the server etc.
#david.shanske.comcreated /moderation (+446) "Created page with "<dfn>Moderation</dfn> is the process of holding [[comments]] for review by a human. == Moderation Status == Under the current [[webmention]] specification there is no indicati..."" (view diff)
#tantekKevinMarks: oh yes they do and have had for a while
#tantekin fact they keep track of the entire retweet chain, so that if you reply to something by A rewteeted by B then C (which is how you saw it), then when you reply it puts all three in the default reply text as @-mentions preceding tyour text content.
#kylewm!tell jhsheridan excited you are going to try out red wind! there are likely some rough edges in the installation right now but nothing huge. and also the pilbox dependency is going away eventually
wolftune, davidmead, friedcell and tantek joined the channel
#GWG!tell tantek I've submitted a PR for issue #9 of the Semantic Linkbacks plugin. After checks, I need to find someone with legitimate pingbacks to try and convert. Any ideas?
#GWGgRegor`: Richer content. The current plugin doesn't convert old pingbacks, only new ones.
#tantekGWG, some of the Mozilla blogs have some pingbacks that are legitimate non-spam
#Loqitantek: GWG left you a message 46 minutes ago: I've submitted a PR for issue #9 of the Semantic Linkbacks plugin. After checks, I need to find someone with legitimate pingbacks to try and convert. Any ideas?
#tantekI've seen them in the past - you'll have to search for Mozilla blogs to find one in particular.
#GWGOkay. Need to fix the code first. Goy some feedback on my first try from Pfefferle.
#tantekthen perhaps file a Twitter support request to get the account, and let them know the "current" account you have that you'd like renamed to @indieauth, is @indie_auth
#tantekusually if there are no tweets, you can get such accounts quickly
#tantekpretty sure that's how Aral got @indie for example
#tantekespecially point out that you have indieauth.com
#aaronpkoh really? I thought they weren't doing that anymore
#tantekexactly - you're already paying for that identity - that gives you cred
#tantekin other news - who wants to help with iterating on http://indiewebcamp.com/SWAT0 and filling in the previously MISSING and UNDEFINED bits with things we've figured out since that page was last edited?
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme: gRegor` left you a message 1 day, 4 hours ago: I tried to skim through your updates yesterday to keep the IWC 2015 parts, but had a hard time following the diff. I chose to revert instead. Can you take a look and put back the changes you intended? Be sure the next HWC section is correct.
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme: gRegor` left you a message 1 day, 4 hours ago: I'm referring to /Main_Page
#aaronpkthe closest thing i can find is to report it as a brand impersonation
#ben_thatmustbemelooking at SWAT0 we have pretty much figured out how to do all those, just haven't really done them yet
#ben_thatmustbemei had planned to implement them, just got side-tracked with MobilePub
#aaronpksubmitted a report. we'll see what happens.
#aaronpk"Please note: this form is only for reporting accounts that violate our impersonation policy. At this time, we are unable to accommodate individual requests for inactive or suspended @usernames." autoresponse
#tantekGWG, there is no outvoted - each chair has their own opinion, and any chair can potentially veto an invited expert (there has to be consensus to accept them)
#aaronpki believe i may even have a video of me doing that
caseorga_ joined the channel
#KevinMarks_workflow: highlight text; click bookmarklet - it creates a quotation post that you can comment on (with fragmention) then POSSEs it to twitter with an image of the quoted text
#tantekaaronpk - even better - reply with, "already thought of it, and implemented: (video) "