2015-02-15 UTC
# 00:00 pdurbin tantek: I mean, podcast feeds are always RSS, right? That's my understanding. Maybe Atom sometimes? I dunno. It just works. :)
# 00:01 tantek pdurbin: good questions. I honestly don't know the answer. All we can do is document what we do know and what currently works.
# 00:02 tantek I doubt most of that wikipedia article is written by people who either publish or consume podcasts
# 00:02 pdurbin tantek: nope. I'm vaguely interested in publishing one. Takes time.
# 00:02 tantek pdurbin: so it's only a minor itch for you. got it.
# 00:02 GWG I have posting a podcast regularly.
# 00:03 tantek aaronpk, re: logos on wikipedia - great - let them figure it out and then hotlink wikipedia's images if you must.
# 00:03 snarfed pdurbin: itunes (proprietary) is actually the dominant distribution channel for podcasts, at least by market share
# 00:06 snarfed (or at least, the rss feed sometimes isn't advertised)
# 00:07 tantek snarfed, apologies for the ugliness of mediawiki syntax. I am more than happy to do syntax cleanup/fixup for any content you want to just copy/paste in as plain text.
# 00:07 snarfed tantek: thanks for the offer! i'm just lazy though. ignore me
# 00:08 tantek also, sad to hear about FB API breakage hurting Bridgy :(
# 00:11 snarfed tantek: yup. hurting every app that wants to posse/pesos! there are lots of anecdotal stories of other apps being hurt or even shutting down due to the 2.x api. whee.
# 00:11 tantek acegiak, re: audio and video should (not) be separate kinds from note/article, the whole point is different presentation
# 00:12 snarfed tantek: already captured in the posse/pesos sections on that page
# 00:12 tantek having a timeline of these breakages would be useful
# 00:12 snarfed we can duplicate it in other sections if you want
# 00:13 tantek I mean, the API Degradation criticism should include the full history
# 00:13 tantek whereas POSSE/PESOS section can simply summarize the current state with limitations
# 00:14 acegiak tantek: the problem with having a video/audio/picture kind is that sometimes I will want to use multiple pieces of media in a post?
# 00:15 tantek acegiak hence many of us use very few *explicit* kinds, and instead add properties, and use those to determine *implicit* kinds
# 00:15 acegiak so then why were they different when there was just one?
# 00:15 GWG acegiak: I used photo because of featured image support in WordPress. It doesn't use the content at all in my theme.
# 00:15 tantek so you're asking the right questions, and the answer right now is, sometimes a new explicit kind makes sense, othertimes it is unnecessary
# 00:16 tantek however many of the newer kinds of posts have been done via properties only and implying post kind
# 00:17 acegiak I think my plan is to only have explicit post kinds for describing the relationship to other content
# 00:17 tantek feel free to try to approach that makes the most sense for you, your site, your presentation of various "kinds" of posts, and report back what you figure out!
# 00:17 Loqi tantek meant to say: feel free to try an approach that makes the most sense for you, your site, your presentation of various "kinds" of posts, and report back what you figure out!
# 00:18 acegiak cause we're using/working on the same set of wordpress plugins it's a matter of trying to avoid a forking tangle
ben_thatmust_ joined the channel
# 00:19 tantek and with that, it's time for afternoon coffee
# 00:19 tantek I should say, *now* it is time for afternoon coffee.
# 00:20 tantek seems the server is a few seconds behind my laptop :P
# 00:20 GWG So, we need a solution. I'm not against putting something in as I did, and hiding it from displaying.
# 00:23 GWG That's why I'm not pushing anything to the .org repository until I'm more certain.
# 00:27 acegiak on my site at least I would probably get rid of photo/article/note and just have "post" and then adjust the presentation based on whether or not I give the post a title
# 00:29 GWG acegiak: I did start putting in a file for multi-kind. But that is a longer term issue.
# 00:29 acegiak GWG: yeah I understand that it would mess with your core strucutre etc
# 00:30 GWG acegiak: That is why I set it up as a separate file, so different functions could be written in.
# 00:30 GWG Instead of modding existing stuff.
KevinMarks and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 01:09 acegiak GWG: did you say you'd pushed the changes about themes registering support for post kinds?
# 01:10 GWG acegiak: No. I said I planned on it after you finished.
# 01:10 GWG I was adding a microformats2 support option
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# 01:28 GWG snarfed: I'm looking at the micropub options right now
# 01:30 GWG snarfed: I think you could store the elements as post meta, which would allow the theme to decide how to render them
# 01:30 snarfed GWG: sure, of course. my question is, do we have a standard format for the keys and values yet
# 01:31 snarfed post kinds'? semantic linkbacks'? something else?
# 01:31 GWG snarfed: What if we start with my standard format for a response and add to it?
# 01:31 GWG I need a place on the wiki to document this.
# 01:32 gRegor` GWG: My friend would like to not display 'like' webmentions. Don't expect that as a feature in the plugin, but would it be relatively easy to hack that in the theme? Haven't dug into the code yet; thought I'd ask first.
# 01:33 GWG gRegor`: Yes and no. You'd have to do a custom query to filter them out.
# 01:33 GWG snarfed: Creating a WordPress metadata page on the wiki
# 01:34 gRegor` Though with the impending death of FB on Bridgy, wonder if she'll want to keep the plugin around for just g+ and Twitter.
# 01:35 gRegor` That's a real bummer.
# 01:35 snarfed gRegor`: only comment and like publishing are dying. listen (ie wms) isn't going anywhere
# 01:35 gRegor` I misread then. Phew.
# 01:35 snarfed GWG: great! comparing yours and semantic linkbacks would be a good start. also finding any others
# 01:36 GWG snarfed: That is why I'm going to document.
wagle joined the channel
# 01:36 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Different reasoning, I think. I think she just doesn't like the way the WP plugin lists "so-and-so liked on plus.google.com"
tantek joined the channel
# 01:37 gRegor` She said she did like mine, which just says "liked this - [permalink date]"
# 01:37 gRegor` Oh yeah, good idea.
# 01:38 acegiak GWG: in mf2_s : wp_enqueue_style( 'mf2_s-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/site.min.css' );
# 01:38 acegiak using get_stylesheet_directory_url breaks child themes
# 01:38 acegiak use get_template_directory_uri() like the other lines around it
# 01:48 david.shanske.com created /WordPress_Data (+1894) "Created page with "In order to ensure interoperability between Indieweb WordPress plugins, as much as possible, the same data structures should be used. = Taxonomies = Currently used for the [Po..."" (
view diff )
# 01:48 GWG Will add more after I put food in heating device.
# 01:51 snarfed thanks GWG! a few suggestions: maybe reconsider structure, since geodata is stored in metadata, and clarify the response fields, specifically what are the post metadata string keys in the db?
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# 01:55 GWG Also want to see what ideas others have.
# 01:55 GWG For example, I'm not supporting date in a response, but it is in the wiki as a data field that could be supported in the future.
# 01:56 GWG In Geodata, I have an extra field that matches microformats, but isn't part of the standard, so it is backward compatible.
# 01:56 GWG acegiak: You are still here, right? You have any ideas?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 02:01 KevinMarks Listening to Stewart talk about slack, I bad a thought for loqi and Tantek ing
# 02:01 KevinMarks If someone says "what is x?" and loqi gives the make it prompt
# 02:02 GWG acegiak: This is documenting data structures for use by WordPress plugins
# 02:02 KevinMarks And someone says "x is blah blah" could loqi make a stub dfn page?
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# 02:05 acegiak so is htere data that microformats uses for geo that wordpress doesn't normally store?
# 02:05 GWG acegiak: Exactly. If we all store the same way....
# 02:07 acegiak are you storing it in the same format that wordpress stores it's geo?
# 02:08 GWG acegiak: Yes. For cross-compatibility.
# 02:14 GWG acegiak, snarfed: It is making me think of changing my storage of syndication URLs.
# 02:17 acegiak see I'm not even storing/displaying my syndication urls at the moment
# 02:17 GWG I'm using an array with the key as the name of the service.
# 02:18 GWG Wondering if I should eliminate the key and, like micropub, store just an array of URLs.
# 02:19 GWG Since I style based on this CSS... a[href*="facebook.com"]::before to add the social icons...it would be identical.
# 02:20 GWG Those people storing syndication URLs on other platforms, how do you store it?
# 02:22 gRegor` GWG: Mysql column, data type text.
# 02:23 gRegor` My UI only lets me input one syndication link currently since that's all I've used, but when I add support for multiple, it will just be a newline character separating each link.
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# 02:23 GWG gRegor`: So, just a basic array without keys?
# 02:24 gRegor` It's a mysql column of data type "text"
# 02:24 GWG WordPress automatically converts arrays to strings and back as metadata if you want
# 02:24 gRegor` I don't know what you'd need the array structure for.
# 02:25 gRegor` wp_postmeta has a post_id field, right?
# 02:25 gRegor` serializing/unserializing seems unnecessary
# 02:27 GWG gRegor`: It was just the difference between doing it yourself and using the WordPress metadata system
# 02:28 GWG You are suggesting the interface be a textbox with each line being a URL?
# 02:29 GWG Hmm...that is very simple and would probably work better than anything more complicated
# 02:29 tantek GWG++ for naming his new page _data instead of _metadata
# 02:31 GWG I think I will go for the simpler structure proposal.
# 02:31 gRegor` GWG: If it's possible with WordPress custom fields, or whatever method you're using, I think that's good.
# 02:32 GWG It is. And expandable. No changes would be required to add new support.
# 02:32 GWG You can then POSSE whatever you want.
# 02:32 GWG I have to do a rewrite, but that's my problem
# 02:32 gRegor` The only way I can think to make it simpler UX is an individual text field for each syndication URL and a button to 'add another' but that gets into javascript and could complicate things more, however slightly
# 02:33 GWG gRegor`: I did that. I'm going back.
# 02:33 gRegor` ^Removes some of the rooo for user error
# 02:33 GWG gRegor`: You can do that with an error checking function as well.
# 02:34 gRegor` Like check for spaces on each line and show a warning message?
# 02:34 gRegor` Guess that could work
# 02:34 GWG Check for valid URLs before saving
# 02:34 gRegor` I'm referring to input error handing, what if people enter them all on one line instead of on separate lines
# 02:34 GWG WordPress recommends sanitizing inputs anyway
# 02:35 gRegor` Of course. Always.
# 02:35 gRegor` But I'm talking about validation
# 02:35 GWG And there is a precedent. WordPress has a blacklist that is one entry per line.
# 02:35 GWG So WordPress users should be used to it
# 02:38 GWG I was going to rewrite that plugin anyway
# 02:40 GWG Now that that is done, what is missing?
# 02:45 GWG Oh, yes. I have to document Semantic Linkbacks
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# 03:07 GWG You fear someone has turned to the dark side?
# 03:08 tantek nah - more likely some level of lost interest
# 03:10 GWG I've seen his name, but I've never seen him.
upper- and minsky joined the channel
# 03:36 tantek GWG - I don't know if anyone here has ever met him
# 03:36 tantek but he created webmention, upon which we've built so much
# 03:37 GWG That's an achievement worth citing
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# 03:56 tantek ben_thatmust: I believe barnabywalters *found* it, somewhat randomly, on the web, and introduced it to this community.
# 03:57 tantek but sandeepshetty is certainly the inventor of webmention
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# 04:02 tantek snarfed, got another 403 from trying to like a public FB post from a person. I think I'm starting to resign myself to manually POSSEing likes to FB. Thaks for trying.
# 04:02 snarfed tantek: yup, i saw. good timing, i'm starting on the change to disable like/comment support. sad. RIP.
# 04:05 tantek I am really enjoying posting likes on my own site
# 04:06 GWG But now they can't go anywhere without more work
# 04:06 GWG snarfed: You don't think other services will do the same?
# 04:07 tantek snarfed, check this out: I liked two things by the same person *from different sites*, and my code figured out to not have to repeat their name! top of http://tantek.com/
# 04:07 tantek (one's a page on squarespace, the other is a facebook post)
# 04:08 tantek thanks! that was my goal, to have it read nicely, and be about the person/author, not what (silo) they might happen to post at
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# 04:20 snarfed kylewm has talked about standing up a service for that
# 04:20 snarfed shouldn't be too hard as part of bridgy, at least for bridgy users
# 04:21 tantek pretty sure barnabywalters even had a browser add-on which would rewrite Twitter pages to show you original posts inline
prtksxna, ben_thatmust, voxpelli, minsky, ben_thatmust_ and lmorchard joined the channel
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# 05:34 GWG ben_thatmust_: You showed off people-focused communication on your site at the last Cambridge event? Or am I misremembering?
# 05:34 ben_thatmust_ mine uses login / whitelist to get any more info than you would get from the homepage though
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# 05:44 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KartikPrabhu, tjgillies and snarfed joined the channel
# 06:37 GWG !tell acegiak Going to bed earlier this time. Looking forward to seeing where you got.
# 06:37 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
elf-pavlik, pauloppenheim, lmorchard, KevinMarks, wolftune, eschnou and barryf1 joined the channel
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# 16:17 snarfed hey GWG, i'm looking at how to store mf2 props in wp again
# 16:18 snarfed it looks like post kinds is the only prior art that stores more than one or two mf2 props
# 16:18 GWG snarfed: I spent the morning rewriting my syndication links plugin to store URLs as a single data field.
# 16:19 snarfed re post kinds' storage model…i like it, but for storing mf2 props for use across plugins/themes, i'd suggest a couple changes
# 16:19 GWG snarfed: That was the one I planned to add the Social, SNAP, and Bridgy integrations from the other plugin into anyway.
# 16:19 snarfed first, mf2 already has a vocabulary, so i'm inclined to use those terms verbatim
# 16:19 snarfed (ie name instead of title, published instead of datetime, etc)
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# 16:20 GWG snarfed: That was the purpose of writing it out. It can be changed.
# 16:20 snarfed second, wp convention seems to be to use individual keys and values, not an array, so i'm inclined to do that.
# 16:21 snarfed so e.g. in-reply-to would be stored in the post_meta key `mf2_in_reply_to`, with possibly multiple values
# 16:21 GWG snarfed: Many plugins use arrays actually
# 16:22 snarfed the examples of *standards* that i've seen, e.g. geodata, seem to be straight keys/values more often
# 16:22 GWG Well, the rationale for an array is fewer database calls, I believe.
# 16:23 snarfed huh. seems like a silly reason. you can fetch multiple values with e.g. `…meta_key IN (key1, key2, …)`
# 16:24 GWG I'm willing to go back to individual fields if there is a standard.
# 16:25 GWG The more important thing is to have the standard, I think.
# 16:26 GWG I will make one change either way
# 16:27 GWG I may migrate the names of the other fields if a standard is set.
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# 16:30 GWG snarfed: Wish I'd thought of trying to establish a standard months ago
# 16:30 snarfed eh you need at least a handful of use cases before the standard
# 16:34 GWG snarfed: My annoyance is now I'll have to write a function to migrate the data I already have.
# 16:34 GWG I think this time I'd better do it differently.
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# 16:50 kylewm naming question -- I'm pulling out some bridgy functions into a tiny library for ellipsizing tweets; i was calling it "brevity" but that feels like it'd be a good name for something broader :) any suggestions?
# 16:52 kylewm I will have to ask again when KartikPrabhu is around, he's good at naming things
# 16:56 GWG snarfed: So, is this the approach you are planning to put into the micropub plugin?
# 16:56 snarfed what was that tweet joking about composing the perfect tweet, finding that it's 141 chars, and then deciding which grammar rule to break?
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# 16:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:00 GWG Thought I should get his input too.
# 17:11 GWG !tell acegiak I merged your work in
# 17:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:19 ben_thatmust i don't see anything for posting comments via API but i haven't dug deeply
alexhartley and tantek joined the channel
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# 17:35 GWG snarfed: You are still also saving it in the content though.
# 17:37 GWG snarfed: That was what I was asking. Are you planning to merge it in? Or are there other changes you are thinking?
# 17:39 snarfed let's definitely merge it! it just needs style cleanup, like we discussed
# 17:42 GWG snarfed: I have the hardest time with style. Is that better?
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# 17:44 GWG Anyone have a nice guide to code styling I can study?
# 17:52 snarfed more importantly though, follow the style of the code you're working with
# 17:52 snarfed GWG: getting closer! still needs whitespace before if( paren and two column indents
# 17:53 GWG snarfed: I'm just bad at that, oddly.
# 17:55 snarfed GWG: two column indents, ie all indents should be two spaces
# 17:56 snarfed (some people use four, some use tabs, etc. generally just follow the existing code)
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# 17:57 snarfed GWG: ah i see, your change does use tabs. you'll want to change those to spaces
# 17:57 GWG Why do I have so much trouble with this?
# 17:58 snarfed editors often render both tabs and spaces invisible so it's hard to see the difference
# 17:59 snarfed GWG: almost there! line 217 has a tab and 218 is three spaces instead of two. otherwise all lgtm
# 17:59 snarfed sorry for the noise all. we should move this to gh
# 17:59 GWG snarfed: I'll pull my vi quick reference
# 18:01 kylewm GWG: "set expandtab" is the setting for spaces instead of tabs... that can be hard to google
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# 18:10 GWG kylewm: I'm saving that in my vimrc
# 18:11 snarfed of course, the next PR you write may be on a project that uses tabs. :P whee
# 18:12 GWG snarfed: The two people I've been submitting to are you and pfefferle
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# 18:13 GWG If I succeed in not annoying either of you, I'll be thrilled
# 18:14 snarfed k, wp-micropub is feeling very complete now. nothing more planned near term. wordpress people, please try it out!
alexhartley, JHSheridan and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 18:38 JHSheridan Hi all... I'm having a bit of trouble wrangling all the active IndieWebCamp projects. I figure I should contribute to one instead of rolling my own, but even on the IndieWebCamp site, there doesn't seem to be an updated list of projects or their licenses. Thus far, I've looked into Known and Homsteading.io, which seem to be full-fledged solutions, and then projects that solve specific issues like Bridgy, Webmention.io, etc.
# 18:38 JHSheridan Can anyone suggest a couple of projects being actively developed that I should check out?
# 18:38 Loqi JHSheridan: kylewm left you a message 2 weeks, 3 days ago: excited you are going to try out red wind! there are likely some rough edges in the installation right now but nothing huge. and also the pilbox dependency is going away eventually
# 18:40 kylewm JHSheridan: Known is by far the most polished and widely used. Homesteading is in active development but i don't think ready for users yet
# 18:41 JHSheridan You're developing RedWind right?
# 18:41 JHSheridan I have some experience w/ Flask. I meant to add that in my list, but it's been hard for me to keep up with all of them
# 18:41 tantek JHSheridan, indeed the /projects page is quite "in-progress" and needs more work (by myself included)
# 18:42 JHSheridan I mostly work on the front-end of things professionally, but I've got some python experience, particularly in Flask
# 18:42 tantek JHSheridan, the primary criteria you should keep in mind is, is the creator of the project actively using it to post on their own site, like daily? (e.g. instead of using silos like Twitter)
# 18:42 JHSheridan That makes sense.
# 18:42 tantek that's only true right now for Known, RedWind, and p3k (the latter is not yet fully open source)
# 18:43 JHSheridan Yeah... I was surprised to see p3k was not fully open
# 18:43 tantek JHSheridan, it's ok - making something fully open is non-trivial
# 18:43 JHSheridan oh absolutely... not judging
# 18:44 JHSheridan I totally understand
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# 18:46 JHSheridan Thanks for the info, all
# 18:49 JHSheridan I assume that's a project name? haha
# 18:49 hmans JHSheridan, it's very much in flux right now, though. It's running hmans.io and a bunch of other sites, but it's not 100% IndieWeb yet. Working on a big new version that's much more focused on IndieWeb protocols/etc.
# 18:50 JHSheridan great... thanks for the info, hmans
# 18:50 hmans I can't really recommend installing it right now since I'm not making a lot of changes to the old version anymore, and the new version isn't ready for production use yet.
# 18:51 hmans To give you a little perspective, Pants is both a publisher *and* an aggregator.
# 18:51 hmans I'm basically trying to build something that largely looks and feels like a normal social network, except it's all IndieWeb.
# 18:51 hmans (ie. you can follow users and get a timeline of their posts/likes/etc.)
# 18:53 hmans I'm not adding a lot of "syndicate to silos" stuff because f' those silos. (I am parsing Bridgy's twitter documents, but that's roughly the entire integration with them.)
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# 19:00 JHSheridan That makes sense hmans
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# 20:39 pdurbin KevinMarks: I wonder if supporting *multiple* logins (like StackOverflow does) would help with the "I forgot how I created my account" problem.
# 20:44 KevinMarks If you login with another auth it would ask if you wanted to combine the accounts
# 20:44 kylewm KevinMarks: how did it know which accounts to combine?
# 20:44 pdurbin I mean, as long as you can get in with *one* of your accounts, you can see the other accounts that also let you in (or at least stackoverflow does)
# 20:46 KevinMarks Cookies, cross checking email addresses (when fb and Google provided those)
# 20:48 GWG KevinMarks: You want TWIT to go MF2?
# 20:50 GWG KevinMarks: I'm wondering what his developers will think
# 20:51 GWG tries to think of a witty answer to that
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# 20:52 bunnywabbit_1 hello everyone
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# 20:53 bunnywabbit_1 (will get back on irssi tomorrow.... just saying hi before bye and bed)
# 20:53 GWG KevinMarks: Now, if you could talk her and Jeff Jarvis into joining up, I could have a NYC HWC
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# 20:57 GWG KevinMarks and all his underscores: I agree. That is why I'm working on it, despite being a sub par coder
# 20:57 pdurbin bunnywabbit_1: so you've shared a lot of interesting links via FB, Twitter, etc and later you're wondering how to collect those links together, look at them, all at once, and decide which to put in a blog post?
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# 21:16 JHSheridan will do, tantek
# 21:20 aaronpk hello wordpress people! what is the way to get rel-syndication links on posts?
# 21:21 GWG I'm planning to take the functionality of 2 and merge it into 1 so 2 things don't need to be maintained
# 21:21 aaronpk is your syndication-links plgugin in the wordpress directory?
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# 21:23 snarfed aaronpk: GWG: 3. add them manually. that's what i usually do
# 21:24 GWG aaronpk: When I finish merging 2 into 1, then I intend to put it in. It was supposed to be my weekend project. I got sidetracked with acegiak and scrobbling.
# 21:24 GWG snarfed: Have you seen how my plugin is set up? it is mostly manual.
# 21:25 snarfed GWG: oh i mean manually authoring the markup itself, directly in the post body
# 21:25 GWG snarfed: This is one step above that. It offers the option of inserting into the post content filter at the bottom.
# 21:26 aaronpk i'm pretty confused about the state of the wordpress stuff
# 21:26 aaronpk the wiki pages seem to be in various states of documentation
# 21:28 aaronpk that one didn't install on this worpdress blog, had some error i didn't understand
# 21:28 GWG tantek: Jihaisse isn't maintaining it. It is versions behind the Github repo. That is why I was merging the code into mine and was going to post it.
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# 21:34 aaronpk but then when Isearch the wordpress directory for "indieweb" it's kind of confusing
# 21:37 aaronpk I now understand the comment someone made the other day about information being weirdly duplicated on the wiki
# 21:37 aaronpk because there are three places that try to document how to syndicate from wordpress
# 21:38 tantek aaronpk - people may explore the wiki from different perspectives
# 21:38 tantek and you don't want to have to make them dig through too many pages/links to find the information
# 21:38 aaronpk well the way I was trying to find it I would not have found the rel-syndication page
# 21:39 tantek "what is the way to get rel-syndication links on posts?"
# 21:39 tantek and hopefully scrolled down to "How to link from WordPress "
# 21:40 tantek if you literally followed your own question, you would (now at least) find the answer
# 21:40 tantek that doesn't mean the WordPress page can't be further improved
# 21:40 tantek just saying, it's *good* to make it easy to find the information from multiple ways of asking the same / similar question
# 21:41 tantek it's not reasonable to expect new (or in general) people to ask the same questions in the same way.
# 21:41 aaronpk i guess the other thing is this is after some mild frustration/confusion about what to install on wordpress after searching the plugin directory for "indieweb"
# 21:41 aaronpk and lack of clear instructions of how to make a new wordpress blog support everything needed
# 21:41 tantek right. "searching the plugin directory for …" is never a good strategy for WordPress
# 21:42 GWG aaronpk: I keep trying to figure out good ways to explain it
# 21:42 tantek GWG, directories are very bad for this sort of thing because they contain too much crap, too much noise,
# 21:42 aaronpk a list of what plugins to install and why would be sufficient
# 21:42 tantek because a directory tries to be more comprehensive of what's out there
# 21:42 tantek aaronpk - searching a directory = wrong approach
# 21:42 GWG That was what I was trying with this
# 21:42 tantek if you're looking for answers to "what you *should* install"
# 21:43 aaronpk so I installed the "indieweb" plugin but then it had like 8 plugins linked and I knew some oft hem weren't necessary
# 21:43 aaronpk so already the "indieweb" plugin is its own directory that has fallen to the same problems as any directory like tantek mentioned
# 21:44 tantek we can't fix the WordPress plugin directory for your purpose of "how to"
# 21:44 tantek because of the comprehensive vs. curated difference in focus
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# 21:46 GWG I can't even explain to people what my plugin does
# 21:48 tantek GWG, a good place to start is with answering the question "Why?" as in Why should I bother with this plugin?
# 21:48 tantek all software is maintenance, and thus has to justify its existence. the default answer is no, don't install it, because no, I don't want to waste my time for no reason.
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# 21:50 snarfed three steps to great descriptions of software: 1) tell story illustrating problem, 2) explain why existing approaches aren't good enough, 3) describe new solution
# 21:51 tantek snarfed, I'd re-order 1), then 2) describe minimal steps to solution. Then only appendix: why existing approaches aren't good enough
# 21:52 tantek assume most people don't even know about existing approaches, and thus you don't need to waste their time debunking existing approaches
# 21:52 tantek from the perspective of saving the reader time
# 21:52 snarfed eh. depends on the audience. but i take your point.
# 21:53 tantek snarfed, I don't know, perhaps. Typically the "legacy" audiences who ask "Why I can't just use x?" or "Isn't this already solved by y?" will then immediately stumble into the FAQ/appendix
# 21:53 tantek whereas for new folks, you save them time, and cognitive load, by not bothering with a history lesson
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# 21:54 snarfed maybe! personally, not acknowledging previous work, or downplaying it (e.g. by relegating to an appendix) is a pet peeve of mine
# 21:54 snarfed regardless, i hear you. i still like my alternative, but i'm ok with disagreeing :P
# 21:55 snarfed important part is 1) tell a story describing the problem
# 21:57 tantek GWG, disagreed, practice, and become a good copywriter
# 21:57 GWG tantek: I need one to be my mentor
# 21:57 GWG Bob wants to reply to Sue on his own website.
# 21:57 GWG Sue enables webmentions on her site.
# 21:57 GWG Bob creates a post and sets it as a reply to Sue's post.
# 21:57 GWG A webmention is sent to Sue's site, and stored as a comment on Sue's post.
# 21:58 GWG But that is more a webmention than a post kind story
# 21:58 tantek snarfed, the other thing I prefer to show *before* the "here's past/previous/other approaches and why they're less desirable" is a section on "Here's folks who are actually using the software that you can look at"
# 21:58 tantek snarfed, thus the structure of 1) Why (story/use-case), 2) How-to, 3) IndieWeb Examples. and then "previous work" or "silo examples" or "FAQ" etc.
# 22:00 tantek the question & answer style is a useful explanation method
# 22:01 GWG tantek: I have another revision planned for tonight.
# 22:01 aaronpk GWG: snarfed: what is the recommended way to import posts and comments into wordpres? is there a guide somewhere?
# 22:01 tantek the only thing I'd do is step back and write a story more from the newcomer perspective, who may have a need (why / how to), rather than questions about details (what is, how does)
# 22:02 snarfed aaronpk: searching wordpress.org is usually decent for those kinds of q's
# 22:02 tantek Ever want to reply to someone else's post with a post on your own site? Or to "like" someone else's post, but with your own site? IndieWeb Post Kinds enables you to do both.
# 22:02 tantek GWG ^^^ that's an example of a short question form story.
# 22:03 tantek rather than trying to explain terminology "What is a post kind" etc.
# 22:03 GWG tantek: I feel like reading that in the sort of voice the lead in a sitcom does in the opener
# 22:03 tantek GWG, yes - adjustment of voice is the job of a good copywriter :)
# 22:04 GWG tantek: I'm saving that one for later.
# 22:04 tantek In a world where everyone post on their own websites, a daring blogger seeks to comment and like from their own website as well, and uses Indieweb Post Kidns to do so.
# 22:05 GWG tantek: Now, that is definitely movie voiceover guy
# 22:05 tantek GWG, that's the point. The same story can be told in many different voices.
# 22:07 tantek You're here because you want to own your comments and own your likes, using your own website. Install Indieweb Post Kinds on your WordPress blog and do so.
# 22:07 Blackwool hey! just got your message
# 22:07 GWG tantek: I pity the fool who doesn't own their own domain?
# 22:08 Blackwool Tantek, aha! I thought I heard you mention a fourth in a talk I watched
# 22:09 ben_thatmust aaronpk, hopefully that bit of code i linked will solve the connection problems with the node websockets
# 22:09 Blackwool Tantek, I'm currently rushing to complete a draft of my proposal so it can be sent to a possible producer, how much longer will you be about?
# 22:10 tantek Blackwool: we rarely know how much longer we have.
# 22:13 tantek GWG: You are not your Facebook. You are not how many favorites your tweets get. You're not the apps on your smartphone. You're the all-posting, all-owning-your-data indieweb site.
# 22:13 aaronpk anyone know if the standard wordpres backup also backs up images?
# 22:14 tantek aaronpk, are you asking if you have to backup the database and the filesystem? :P
# 22:14 aaronpk i'm trying to figure out the best way to get everything from caseorganic's p3k into Wordpress
# 22:15 Blackwool tantek, how profound :P ...I'll try to get this written up as quick as I can anyhow
# 22:17 GWG aaronpk: It does and it doesn't. It can reimport them from another site. There are third-party plugins that would do more
# 22:17 GWG caseorganic is moving to WordPress? Interesting
# 22:18 tantek Blackwool: The silos you post to end up owning you.
# 22:18 gRegor` Debugging PHP memory exhausted fatal errors is a pain.
# 22:18 snarfed aaronpk: GWG: it's not that confusing. the built in wordpress export/import absolutely can include the media library
# 22:21 GWG snarfed: Only if the URLs are still available to the new site, from what I recall
# 22:23 aaronpk snarfed: i'm debating either writing a wordpress plugin to read the p3k files and import everything vs writing some p3k code to export a Wordpress-style XML file
# 22:23 snarfed GWG: i think if you check all "import x?" checkboxes, it exports the physical image contents too
# 22:24 snarfed aaronpk: huh. what's the high level use case? hot backup on top of wp?
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# 22:26 GWG One of these days, I have to thank caseorganic for doing that interview I heard that alerted me to this community's existence.
# 22:27 GWG So that all of you get to put up with me.
# 22:28 aaronpk are there docs on the WXR format somewhere? it seems kind of... scattered
# 22:30 aaronpk i bet i can just fake it by looking at an xml file
# 22:30 aaronpk but i'm still confuse dabout getting images imported
# 22:31 GWG I think the import/export features of WordPress haven't gotten love in a while
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# 22:38 GWG Install the Micropub plugin and transfer it all that way maybe?
# 22:39 Loqi acegiak: GWG left you a message on 2/14 at 10:37pm: Going to bed earlier this time. Looking forward to seeing where you got.
# 22:39 Loqi acegiak: GWG left you a message 5 hours, 28 minutes ago: I merged your work in
# 22:40 aaronpk i suppose i could write a bridgy-like proxy and send myself webmentions
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# 22:44 GWG aaronpk: Are all the comments webmentions already?
# 22:45 GWG Then can't you generate a list and then have WordPress run through them to verify?
# 22:45 GWG Although that would be a bit DDOS like
# 22:46 GWG acegiak: I'm working on the theme support thing next, and some additional documentation before another push to wordpress.org
# 22:47 acegiak but I think that might be because I need to update the sass or something
# 22:49 GWG acegiak: I have it running off Grunt, actually
# 22:49 GWG Grunt runs sass and generates the css files off the SASS versions
# 22:50 GWG But theme support will work exactly like it does for post-formats.
# 22:50 GWG acegiak: I taught myself last month
# 22:50 GWG acegiak: pfefferle was using Grunt, and I was working on the Indieweb plugin so I picked it up
# 22:50 acegiak like working on amygdala I was like "Gee I sure am glad libgdx sets up ant for me cause I'd be fucked on my own!"
# 22:50 GWG _s started using SASS, so I joined them
# 22:51 GWG SASS is really helpful in dealing with giant CSS files
# 22:53 GWG So I binge sassed and converted all my plugins to it
# 22:53 GWG Then, so I didn't have to remember the commands, I grunted
# 22:53 GWG I set up config files to run them for me
# 22:55 GWG IF you look in the repo, I have the Gruntfile set up
# 22:56 Blackwool tantek, where was the first indie web camp? and do you still host it there?
# 22:57 snarfed aaronpk: GWG: i still suspect, in the end, wxr will be the easiest
# 22:58 aaronpk Multiple images per blog post but also I'll need to do the "photo" post kind
# 22:58 snarfed aaronpk: i cheated. i don't use the media library, so i didn't
# 22:58 aaronpk Oh actually the WXR option won't work cause it won't be able to do post kinds right?
# 22:59 snarfed aaronpk: you can do them after the fact in the db
# 22:59 acegiak snarfed, a neat. the little snipped on the timeline page has some information that isn't on some other pages
# 22:59 aaronpk I think making an importer plugin actually doesn't sound that bad
# 22:59 Blackwool snarfed, thanks! thats what I was looking for! :)
# 23:00 aaronpk I made a delicious->Wordpress importer back in the day
# 23:00 GWG aaronpk: I opted to not do a gallery post kind.
# 23:01 acegiak surely it will let you do taxonomies and metadata?
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# 23:11 Blackwool another question for you all! was there a ringleader for Indie Web Camp 2014 in Berlin? If so, who is that?
# 23:12 Blackwool I'm trying to get a sense for who will be running the simultaneous camps this year, but i know it isn't all set in stone yet
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# 23:24 tantek We have held the primary annual IndieWebCamp there every year since
# 23:24 Blackwool gRegor, thanks!
# 23:25 Blackwool Tantek, okay, cool. Are you currently planning on doing the simultaneous location camp thing again this year?
# 23:25 tantek In 2014 the primary IndieWebCamp, distributed across three locations simultaneously for the first time. Portland, New York, Berlin
# 23:25 tantek Blackwool - it's completely up to the local organizers.
# 23:26 Blackwool ah, yes ok I see
# 23:26 tantek There will be another primary IndieWebCamp 2015 in Portland, and given the success of last year's distributed IndieWebCamp, we'll be encouraging other sites to step forward.
# 23:26 tantek But each site/city decides on their own, as you would expect for a distributed event :)
# 23:26 GWG tantek: I am hoping that we get the a/v improved. I couldn't hear PDX
# 23:27 Blackwool Okay, cool, well I have to write this film treatment as a hypothetical visualisation
# 23:28 Blackwool so for my purposes I'll use the locations from last year as the hypothetical locations for this year i think
# 23:28 tantek GWG, could you volunteer to help with testing a/v before the event itself?
# 23:28 GWG tantek: Do we have a date/locations yet? But yes?
# 23:29 GWG I know aaronpk has gotten the equipment to make PDX work better this year, because Cambridge was an improvement
# 23:29 Blackwool yeah, I saw that, thanks :)
# 23:29 tantek GWG, we have a URL, add yourself as an a/v/ testing volunteer with your objectives
# 23:30 Blackwool Tantek, my current plan is to film one organiser from each location as they get ready and go to the event, would you be prepared to be filmed for whichever one you are attending?
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# 23:31 Blackwool I would most likely be "filmed" via videochat or similar, as I can't really get my crew there and I want to come up with a more creative web-based solution anyhow
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# 23:36 tantek Blackwool - we could likely arrange something, perhaps by FaceTime
# 23:37 Blackwool tantek, yeah, that sort of thing would work! are you happy for me to put your name down in this draft proposal?
# 23:38 tantek Blackwool yes of course. I also strongly encourage you to interview at least one of the women co-founders. You might need to contact them via email.
# 23:40 Blackwool oh yes, don't worry, I am going to be chasing down Amber Case for sure
# 23:40 Blackwool I've watched a few of her talks and I'm super keen for her to be in this project
# 23:41 tantek Crystal is also particularly important, as she designed our logo as well.
# 23:41 Blackwool Yup, I will definitely have a chat with her too.
# 23:42 Blackwool I just wanted to check it with you while you're online
# 23:42 GWG tantek: Is Crystal ever in here? I know I occasionally see caseorganic as a screenname? I don't always associate screennames and names.
# 23:45 GWG Not seeing it, but I'll keep it in mind
# 23:46 aaronpk okay I am launching in to this attempt at writing a wordpress import plugin for p3k
# 23:48 aaronpk GWG: your syndication-links plugin... it stores the links as an array of URLs?
# 23:49 GWG aaronpk: Yes. I changed it to be easier to work with without knowing the syndication source. The old way had a field for each source.
# 23:49 aaronpk cool, so if I know the syndication links of every post I can just put them all in that meta field?
# 23:49 GWG aaronpk: Exactly. That's why I changed after last night's discussion.
# 23:50 GWG I'll have that one in the repository soon too, after some other things.
# 23:52 aaronpk GWG: I got an error activating post kinds after installing syndication links
# 23:52 GWG Oh, yes. Haven't pushed that fix yet
# 23:52 tantek aaronpk - if your entire storage is in flat files, isn't that just a matter of writing a flat-file importer for WordPress?
# 23:53 aaronpk but it's not like there is a standard flat file format
# 23:53 GWG Just haven't pushed to the repository yet
# 23:54 aaronpk what is the most responsible way for authors of CMSs like p3k, known, wordpress, etc, to handle import/export of data
# 23:55 GWG aaronpk: The function is fixed in the Github repo. I'll push it to WordPress.org later as part of some other changes I'm working on still.
# 23:55 aaronpk GWG: okay so i can clone from github to continue right now?
# 23:56 aaronpk tantek: so should there actually be a wordpress importer that imports from h-entry?
# 23:56 aaronpk at that point why not make a "clone site" button that you can point at another site and it crawls and imports all the data
# 23:56 tantek aaronpk, because setting up a site is a lot more than just importing
# 23:57 aaronpk so I could make this plugin read the p3k HTML instead of source files
# 23:58 aaronpk which means it could be used by other people to import their whatever CMS into wordpress
# 23:58 aaronpk it's a question of "p3k-source -> wordpress source" vs "p3k-html -> microformats -> wordpress source"
# 23:59 GWG What the heck, I'll push to the repo now.