2015-02-18 UTC
# 00:04 kylewm does anybody know order of magnitude how much work it would be to port Known's Firefox Social extension thing to work with another website?
# 00:05 kylewm I think that might be the frictionlessest way I've seen to reply to tweets
# 00:08 aaronpk only downside is it does involve navigating to another page, but it's still pretty quick to reply to tweets
# 00:12 aaronpk too many browser security things that would prevent that from working i think
# 00:13 aaronpk i tried an iframe trick to make my "like" button work without leaving the page. it works on most sites but not on facebook or a few others
# 00:15 kylewm sticking the "Reply" "Like" bookmarklets actually inside each tweet would be pretty good too, so I didn't actually have to navigate to the tweet permalink
# 00:15 aaronpk kylewm: i had that for a while with barnaby's browser extension
# 00:15 kylewm oh duh, i totally forgot about that part of webaction hero toolbelt
# 00:16 aaronpk i got a new computer and never set it up on the new one
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# 00:34 kylewm i didn't account for the case with author name but not author url
# 00:36 acegiak kylewm: it seems weird to have a url link in my h-card on my own site header?
# 00:37 kylewm acegiak: lol, you have one right above your header
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# 00:43 acegiak kylewm: when I reply to your reply is your site gonna send my post an update webmention?
# 00:44 kylewm no, would you do something cool with it if it did??
tantek joined the channel
# 00:44 acegiak kylewm: I'm just thinking that when I recieve an update webmention I should check comments and post them as replies to comment on my original post?
# 00:44 aaronpk other than readers, what are other overarching themes here right now?
# 00:46 acegiak but I haven't looked at the semantic linkbacks plugin in soo long
# 00:46 GWG acegiak: I have. What do you want to know?
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# 00:47 acegiak GWG: do we have any kind of threaded comment functionality there?
tantek joined the channel
# 00:48 GWG acegiak: Look at webmention for comments.
# 00:48 GWG acegiak: I know pfefferle worked on that
# 00:51 tantek delayed response to kylewm: we could totally implement a distributed growing webring with links and webmentions
# 00:51 tantek all you would need is a "hey can you add me to your webring" type post
# 00:52 aaronpk would that basically just collect the URLs of everyone who sent a webmention to it?
# 00:52 tantek with a special response post that said "sure, your next neighbor is (link)"
# 00:53 GWG kylewm: I was just looking at your parser.
# 00:53 aaronpk can we call the other one a webpool or something?
# 00:53 KevinMarks make one fo those "you shoudl read next" thingies that wasn't just clickbait?
# 00:53 tantek the one that "just collect the URLs of everyone who sent a webmention to it?" is already called a "directory"
# 00:53 GWG kylewm: It seems to be duping something. Trying to figure out why.
# 00:54 aaronpk needs a cooler name than "directory" for people to care about it tho ;)
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# 00:55 GWG KevinMarks: What happens there, stays there?
# 00:55 tantek and we already had that problem / analogy with app.net
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:57 tantek and if you're an "admin" (group creator?) you can rename, delete, or kick people out
# 00:58 tantek groups are also mentioned in a few Social Web WG user-stories
# 00:58 Loqi group in the context of the indieweb (also "indie group" or "indie groups") is a place where people can deliberately share content with each other, not necessarily on their own domain (though likely copied from via webmention etc.) https://indiewebcamp.com/group
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# 01:04 GWG This is a test link from my test site
# 01:04 tantek aaronpk the point of an indieweb ring is that you don't need a separate site to make it work
# 01:05 aaronpk that involves updating people on both sides of where you're inserting, right?
# 01:05 kylewm GWG: the syndication links? it's because they are both rel="syndication" and class="u-syndication", and i don't bother to de-dupe them
# 01:05 tantek you ask a site to add you to the end of their ring via a webring insertion request post that just links to the site
# 01:06 tantek then you it tells you who your next neighbor is (who was its earlier next neighbor)
# 01:06 Loqi tantek meant to say: then it tells you who your next neighbor is (who was its earlier next neighbor)
# 01:06 tantek KevinMarks, hence you ask a site to add you as their "next"
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# 01:06 tantek and then it responds by telling you your previous
# 01:07 Loqi tantek meant to say: and then it responds by telling you your new previous
# 01:08 aaronpk i'm confusde because earlier you said you can ask to be added to the end of the ring
# 01:08 gRegor` indiewebring++
# 01:09 gRegor` But who will maintain the RSS feed of everyone in the ring? ;)
# 01:09 gRegor` sees himself out
# 01:10 tantek aaronpk - "end of the ring" from any site's perspective is their next neighbor
# 01:10 aaronpk so to insert someone you also ahve to tell your next neighbor who their new previous neighbor is, right?
# 01:13 jcap so, again, this will be a very naive question for indieweb I'm sure
# 01:13 jcap as you're talking about a ring
# 01:13 aaronpk seems like this would be very delicate, because if one site goes offline the ring breaks
# 01:13 jcap I can't help but thinking I've been wondering where foaf might fit here
# 01:13 tantek jcap - re: distinguishing responses - they're all different user interactions
# 01:14 tantek jcap - it doesn't. "where does plumbing x fit?" is always the wrong question to ask
# 01:14 jcap so I know you've all developed "readers" but I've been wondering how do I connect to "people"
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# 01:14 jcap tantek, sorry, just using foaf as a generalization for the above
# 01:14 aaronpk you connect to people by adding their home pages to your readers
# 01:17 tantek jcap "foaf" is jargon for specific plumbing, better to rephrase questions in terms of actual user goals
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# 01:20 tantek writing on the sand is a metaphor used to describe the act of writing in ephemeral places like [[silos ]] which are very likely to [[site-deaths|die ]] and take everything you've written with them.
# 01:20 tantek it's not you (or Loqi), it's me. I'm good at breaking things. ask the CSSWG.
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:27 jcap tantek, fair enough
# 01:27 jcap tantek, aaronpk, something about links to homepages doesn't seem to quite capture the same feeling of say, a list of people you follow on twitter, or fb contacts
# 01:27 jcap maybe it's the same
# 01:27 gRegor` jcap: You could add a list of bookmarks (or blogroll)
# 01:28 jcap tantek, aseriesofideas.com at the moment
# 01:28 jcap I've got an error being throwin in the logs about mongo
# 01:28 jcap but otherwise should be mostly operational
# 01:28 tantek jcap - your home page has your name, a nice profile photo, a description - sure looks like a twitter or fb profile page to me
# 01:29 tantek why do you say it doesn't seem to quite capture the same feeling?
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# 01:31 jcap tantek, yeah, I think you're right. I also am not sure it matters that things aren't exactly like everywhere else
# 01:31 jcap I think a blogroll/ list of links, makes sense
# 01:32 jcap I'd like that list to correspond to my indieweb reader
# 01:32 jcap but that's just logiistical
# 01:32 aaronpk the reader ultimately should be able to pick up a public blogroll from your site
# 01:32 aaronpk the one benwerd and emmak and I built at IWC did that
# 01:32 jcap is that the woodwind tool (or something like that)?
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# 01:33 jcap someone, I think kylewm? had some sort of contacts management in his platform
# 01:34 jcap that seemed perhaps a starting point for the collection of people + what to pull their content from into a reader
# 01:37 jcap I wonder if I could dump a subset of my addressbook, or sync my addressbook, to a db that would then populate both a blogroll and/or reader
# 01:37 acegiak all I had to do for WhisperFollow was add a function that used the phpmf2 library instead of magpieRSS
# 01:38 kylewm jcap, woodwind is not the same as the indie reader they built at IWC in Portland, but it does a lot of the same stuff... I have not gotten to fetching a list of subscriptions from the user's domain, but it's something i would definitely like to add in the future
# 01:38 jcap acegiak, very cool
# 01:40 GWG acegiak: How's Whisperfollow doing?
# 01:41 acegiak GWG: I'm addicted to it like facebook or tumblr or any other social network
# 01:41 GWG acegiak: I haven't looked at it in a while.
# 01:42 jcap acegiak, I think that's a good sign
# 01:43 jcap I have to fix the disaster I've left my known codebase in before I can add things unfortunately
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# 01:47 tantek acegiak, what do you mean by rss reader is suddenly indieweb compatible? is this a project that you added h-feed consuming support to?
# 01:48 acegiak tantek: All whisperfollow does is grab your blogroll and enumerate through it and if it has an rss feed listed, aggregate the posts from rss into a feed for me to consume
# 01:49 acegiak so all I did was add an else clause so that if there ISNT an rss feed it tries to mf2 parse the page and aggregate that
# 01:49 tantek acegiak - I'd suggest looking for an h-feed before RSS. Those of us that have h-feed typically have more information (higher fidelity) there.
# 01:50 tantek and from experience, you can depend on HTML versions of information being more correct / up to date than any sidefiles (RSS or otherwise)
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# 01:50 acegiak tantek: I don't populate the rss field in my blogroll entries for indieweb sites
# 01:51 acegiak I'm not parsing for rss links in site headers every time
# 01:52 acegiak wordpress has an rss column for link entries, I'm just checking if that's populated or not
# 01:53 acegiak BUT I will adjust my quick follow script so that if it detects an mf2 feed it specifically avoid populating that rss column
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# 01:54 kylewm acegiak: I see some pubsubhubbub stuff in the github repo, does Whisperfollow use it?
# 01:55 acegiak kylewm: it tries to, it's a little beyond me so it's pretty sketchy
# 01:55 acegiak I'm really bad at anything with a dance like pubsubhubbub
# 01:59 kylewm acegiak++ for adding h-feeds to whisperfollow
# 01:59 acegiak I'm just doing some screenshots of my UX flow now
# 02:03 acegiak oh neat, my screenshot upload script worked on those even though they weren't game shots
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# 02:04 jcap Loqi, what is h-feed
# 02:05 tantek hmm - do we have more than one consumer of h-feed now?
# 02:06 jcap wonders if there's an h-feed in his known install. seems I've seen that classification
# 02:11 jcap hrm, I wonder if I removed the h-feed class erroneously :\
# 02:13 kylewm parsers can just fallback on all top-level h-entrys though
# 02:26 acegiak there's a post on my site for the UX at the moment
# 02:27 jcap kylewm, it's odd too as there are h-entry entities
# 02:27 jcap kylewm, oh, I see
# 02:27 GWG acegiak: May I make some UX comments?
# 02:28 GWG The search, page, forcecheck, and new boxes at the top aren't intuitive.
# 02:35 acegiak GWG: yeah, I probably need to take another look at how they fit
# 02:36 acegiak I'm heading out, I'd love any other comments. send me a webmention if you have them
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# 02:50 GWG Syndication Links, the next plugin I want to deploy.
# 02:50 GWG Is there a better thing to call it?
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# 03:12 tantek if it adds syndication links to posts then that sounds like a good name
# 03:31 jcap do webmentions not have to be directed at specific entities?
# 03:33 tantek jcap can you rephrase your question in terms of a positive expression?
# 03:33 tantek huh, no one has RSVPing to a public event documented
# 03:38 jcap tantek, well specifically, trying to work out what acegiak meant by "send me a webmention"
# 03:38 jcap what does that mean in terms of an action?
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# 04:27 tantek jcap - I'm going to focus on that for now - might be able to answer more qs after 21:00 PST if you're around
# 04:41 tantek acegiak - great that you published a real world example of expressing a pronoun preference
# 04:41 tantek next step is to document that on the microformats wiki
# 04:42 tantek perhaps in microformats.org/wik/h-card-brainstorming with a link to your real world example
# 04:42 tantek also note that all microformats properties are singular
# 04:42 tantek thus you probably want p-pronoun markup on each one (if there is more than one), rather than p-prounouns
# 04:43 acegiak oh so p-pronoun-subject p-pronoun-object p-pronoun-posessive ?
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# 04:46 tantek acegiak - not sure if that's even cross-language compatible
# 04:47 tantek more to write-up - even as a question, as part of your brainstor
# 04:47 tantek self-expression of pronoun preference is something we should at least note we are thinking about
# 04:48 acegiak IF you can assume english it's actually super practical
# 04:49 acegiak because it allows me to for instance, say "tantek edited his post"
# 04:51 GWG acegiak: I have the hardest time figuring a simple way to do syntax. I put the verb at the beginning for that reason.
# 04:52 acegiak Gwg: they/them/their are all acceptable for when gender is unknown or variable
# 04:53 tjgillies why is there a microformat2 instead of an extension to microformats? Did microformats2 break stuff in microformats1?
# 04:55 GWG acegiak: Maybe in the next rewrite of the display functionality.
# 04:55 GWG acegiak: I wrote the current version not thinking about other languages either, even though I put in the strings for internationalization.
# 04:56 acegiak if your current sentence structure works for you thats good
# 04:57 acegiak if you can pull and use preferred pronouns from h-card that's even better!
# 04:58 acegiak tantek: gender is listed on the vcard suggestions page but vcard accepts gender identity on the sex field?
# 04:59 acegiak just trying to work out where to put my suggestion
# 05:00 tantek acegiak "gender" as a compound vCard4 property was proposed and developed on the microformats wiki
# 05:01 tantek and a single character enumerated "sex" component
# 05:01 tantek yeah it was something I worked pretty hard to get
# 05:02 acegiak so i should put this in the v-card suggestions section?
# 05:02 tantek acegiak are you perhaps confusiong vcard and hcard?
# 05:02 tjgillies tantek: whats your MBTI type? Out of curiosity
# 05:03 tantek acegiak: microformats.org/wiki/h-card-brainstorming
# 05:03 tjgillies tantek: that's no ones fault but yours ;)
# 05:03 acegiak tantek: h-card section says new attribute suggestions go on v-card suggestions page to maaintain 1:1 vcard:h-card
# 05:04 tjgillies goes off to file proposal of MBTI into h-card
# 05:07 tantek acegiak - btw microformats-specific discussions (and wiki updates) go to #microformats
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# 05:12 tjgillies redoing my personal website to use microformats, woo
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# 05:42 tjgillies is microformats considered an h-product?
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# 08:49 tjgillies Is there an indiephoneauth?
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# 08:54 tjgillies ah sms right there on the site, derp
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# 10:23 acegiak pfefferle: what's the current state of webmention for comments?
# 10:24 pfefferle acegiak should work… but tested it only with to local blogs, because no one else seems using it
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# 10:27 acegiak pfefferle: if I post a comment with webmention for comments and someone then sends a webmention reply to that comment should that work?
# 10:28 pfefferle and the comment on this comment is also sent as webmention and so on
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# 10:30 acegiak pfefferle: so the next step for me then is to get it so that if a third party comments on a reply to my post, that reply then sends me an update webmention and then I scan theirs for the comment and display it on my site as a reply to that comment
# 10:31 pfefferle acegiak you don’t have to do anything… the semantic linkbacks also hooks into the webmentions for comments plugin
# 10:33 pfefferle ah, it does not scan for comments that aren’t sent via webmentions if that is what you meant
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# 10:33 acegiak pfefferle: yeah, I'm basically trying to create salmon-like behaviour
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# 11:17 petermolnar yesterday's 500px issue turned out to be user error... select-copy-paste the oauth key and secrets adds an additional, near invisible space to the front of the string
# 11:18 Loqi petermolnar: gRegor` left you a message on 2/17 at 10:54am: Could you document your Oauth experience on the /500px page?
# 11:18 petermolnar !tell gRegor` I will, though I ended up using the WordPress Keyring plugin in the end as framework
# 11:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
scor, fiatjaf and sanduhrs joined the channel
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# 13:09 GWG Activity on the Wordpress pages. Great
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# 13:14 GWG pfefferle: I am thinking of rewriting my submission. I still want to get the indenting right. I don't know why I have so much trouble with it.
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# 15:11 pfefferle GWG are you still working on the IndieWeb descriptions or can I realease a new version later?
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# 17:24 gRegor` Quiet day in the IWC
# 17:24 Loqi gRegor`: petermolnar left you a message 6 hours, 5 minutes ago: I will, though I ended up using the WordPress Keyring plugin in the end as framework
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:41 aaronpk it appears to make it quite easy to install otherwise complicated apps like Gitlab
# 17:42 aaronpk I was just lamenting my current Gitlab install which is one of the earliest versions and was a total nightmare
# 17:43 tantek aaronpk, the problem(s) you have are more about *updates* (and thus the option to easily *revert*) than about *install*
# 17:43 aaronpk they now ship Gitlab as a docker container with everytyhing you need: nginx, postgres, gitlab itself
# 17:43 tantek that's what I realized last time I ran into the "install" problem
# 17:43 aaronpk yeah updating is the recurring problem. you should have seen the crap I had to go through to install this tho ;)
# 17:44 tantek makes the classic mistake of XYZ is something something meta to ABC
# 17:45 tantek says nothing about how it is useful to a user, or especially an indieweb site user / maintainer
# 17:46 aaronpk it's more useful when your current installation instructions are like "first install nginx, then install postgres, then install redis, then install the app's source code, then configure a startup script..."
# 17:48 tantek sure, but that's what things like macports do too
# 17:48 tantek but I have a feeling Docker is more than that
# 17:49 tantek it's just that people seem to suck at definitions for such Linux tools
# 17:49 tantek macports is like /homebrew, a software package installation manager for MacOS, that automatically installs (or updates) dependencies for whatever package you ask it to install or update.
# 17:50 tantek macports is like /homebrew, a software package installation manager for MacOS, that automatically installs (or updates) dependencies for whatever package you ask it to install or update.
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# 17:54 aaronpk amazing what happens when you find the log files so can actually see what the error was
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# 18:00 kylewm "Docker adds an intrusive layer of complexity which makes development, troubleshooting and debugging frustratingly difficult, often creating more problems than it solves."
# 18:01 aaronpk hm it seems that maybe he's trying to push it too far or make it do things it was not intended for
# 18:01 kylewm "I have no idea why my gitlab instance stopped working, I suspect it is something similar between the confluence of docker requiring constant maintenance and gitlab being fragile to set up to begin with."
# 18:03 aaronpk I have an Ubuntu server at home. I want to install as little as possible on it to avoid the upgrade/maintenance cost, but I want to run things like Gitlab or other web apps on it
# 18:03 aaronpk Docker seems like a great idea because I need to install *only* Docker on the computer
# 18:04 aaronpk then I can run apps packaged for Docker individually, so when I want to run Gitlab, I don't have to worry about whether it needs a different version of Postgres than some other app needs
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# 18:13 kylewm I am actually fairly confused about Docker ... the little bit I read about it made it seem like you'd install MySQL and Postgres in separate containers from the app actually using them
# 18:13 aaronpk I'm comfortable installing Ubuntu and running things on it, and I trust that they'll be around a while and continue to maintain it. So I'm less likely to want to install someone else's OS like UBOS (sorry j12t ;)
# 18:14 aaronpk so it's the middle layer that I want abstracted for me, like I'd love to install Gitlab in a way where it installs whatever it needs but doesn't mess with my system
# 18:15 kylewm similarly, I don't know trust the Sandstorm team to keep every app up to date, seems like it requires re-porting each time
# 18:15 aaronpk kylewm: I think you *can* install mysql/postgres/nginx all on the same container but often people separate them
# 18:15 aaronpk it seems there are also several ways to use Docker, including being able to autoscale a cluster of servers, which is when you'd want to separate the DB and web server and apps
# 18:20 kylewm weird, I keep thinking he has logged into the wiki before, but apparently not
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# 18:33 aaronpk is there a word that includes scrobbles as well as tv/movie/reading?
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# 18:35 aaronpk a passive post is a [[post ]] that is created without the person taking an explicit action to create the post, such as listening to music or watching a movie
# 18:35 aaronpk passive post is a [[post ]] that is created without the person taking an explicit action to create the post, such as listening to music or watching a movie
# 18:38 aaronpk a passive post is a [[post ]] that is created without the person taking an explicit action to create the post, such as listening to music or watching a movie
# 18:44 aaronpk kylewm: what would you expect a micropub request with a scrobble to look like?
# 18:44 aaronpk would it be like the data your last.fm client sends to last.fm? (name of the song, artist, etc from the mp3 tags)
# 18:45 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, i wonder if we shouldn't perhaps require any write to wiki commands require addressing loqi directly
# 18:46 kylewm or would it send an h=card for the artist, and then an h=entry for the scrobble
# 18:47 aaronpk hm that's not very good... "album" and "artist" are opaque strings
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# 18:48 aaronpk loqi won't overwrite pages, and will only create a page if a "what is" question has been asked within 3 minutes
# 18:49 aaronpk seems unlikely that <3 minutes after someone asks "what is ___" that someone would accidentally say "___ is"
# 18:49 ben_thatmustbeme well if someone asks something asinine in the chat, someone else is likely to respond
# 18:50 kylewm canonical url for an artist or album is tough...
# 18:51 aaronpk your server can figure out what to do with it, whcih may even be just not linking it anywhere
# 18:52 kylewm collisions are pretty common inside last.fm, but unlikely in my music collection
# 18:52 aaronpk right now Teacup is sending micropub requests with h=entry&p3k-food=X&p3k-type=drink&location=X
# 18:53 aaronpk should I also be sending "content=drank a coffee" as a fallback?
# 18:53 aaronpk for micropub endpoints that don't know about the fancy properties?
# 18:53 aaronpk presumably a scrobble micropub client would do the same... "listened to _____" as well as the special properties
# 18:54 aaronpk cause then you could take a new wordpress blog, install the micropub plugin, then start using both
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# 18:56 aaronpk i can't remember why I didn't do p3k-food and p3k-drink and no "type"
# 18:57 ben_thatmustbeme i like the idea of type, allows expansion, might want to get more refined to meal vs snack, etc
# 18:58 aaronpk i'm also not tracking any notion of size or units
# 19:01 ben_thatmustbeme actually probably the most sensible way is to start with the mf markup of it, that should tell you how to do your mp fields
# 19:03 aaronpk hm looks like I did switch to publishing "p3k-food" and "p3k-drink" on my site
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# 19:26 kylewm !tell petermolnar i sympathize about the extra space copied from api key/secret. i've done that more times than is reasonable.
# 19:26 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 19:39 GWG !tell pfefferle I am done for now.
# 19:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 19:44 GWG Ben_thatmustbeme: Are you interested in passive posting?
# 19:45 GWG I am trying to decide what I want to post passively
# 19:47 GWG I keep meaning to finish setting up my own thing
# 19:51 GWG It is too cold for me to passively post weather.
# 19:53 aaronpk i thought the point of google music is that you can upload your own stuff
# 19:53 GWG Maybe until spring I'll use a weather API
# 19:57 GWG But I assumed that when he said selection...
# 20:01 KevinMarks both is the good part. Also you can install the uploader on multiple machines and it uploads and dedupes thema ll
# 20:02 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: musicbrainz is decent "canonical URL for music" attempt
# 20:03 KevinMarks google music also bridges to youtube, which does help with selection
# 20:03 aaronpk i don't think canonical URL for music is an important problem to solve
# 20:03 aaronpk you should have your own URL for music even if you want to point to the musicbrainz or last.fm version too
# 20:04 aaronpk it's similar to how you should have your own venue URLs and not rely on foursquare
# 20:07 tantek KevinMarks: nah, maybe as research source material, but the methodology used to develop xspf was too flawed
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# 22:20 gRegor` ben_thatmust: Are you scrobbling from Google Music web, or just the app? I'm curious about the former.
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# 23:08 acegiak snarfed: "tiny teacup bug report" is the most adorable mental image
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# 23:12 acegiak kylewm: did we decide if I need to change the way I'm displaying scrobbles?
nothingrandom joined the channel
# 23:35 acegiak kylewm: my server's been compromised and abused a couple of times
# 23:36 acegiak so it's probably still holding the warning from that
# 23:37 acegiak kylewm: so woodwind is just showing the post title. cool
pfefferle joined the channel
# 23:45 kylewm yeah it mostly just shows "name" and "content"
# 23:58 snarfed i'm crafting post bodies by hand so users may not ever hit that code path
petermolnar joined the channel