2015-02-17 UTC
# 00:00 GWG KartikPrabhu: That is how I'm doing it now.
# 00:00 tantek KartikPrabhu: that's exactly the name of the microformats property - u-syndication
# 00:01 pwcc GWG, anyway - that's why I was asking :). Off to a meeting.
# 00:08 gRegor` kylewm: Have you thought about showing reply-contexts in Woodwind?
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:09 kylewm gRegor`: yep right up at the top of my todo list for it
# 00:10 tantek kylewm immediate reply context or the entire chain to the first non-reply post?
# 00:14 kylewm more like IndieWordpressCamp around here lately, am I right
# 00:14 tantek kylewm: it's all good, feels like a transitional bump
# 00:14 GWG kylewm: It's an exciting time. WordPress was dead for a bit there.
# 00:14 kylewm tantek: reply chain is a much more difficult styling/display problem
# 00:17 kylewm (I'm happy for the bump in wordpress interest too)
# 00:17 tantek it's an important learning experience for us as a community with learning how to peer-to-peer on a human level with another community
scor joined the channel
# 00:21 tantek sadness, just ran into " Facebook comments and likes are no longer supported. :(" on Bridgy Publish.
# 00:23 tantek is that the first regression of Bridgy Publish functionality?
# 00:28 Blackwool hey all, just letting you know I've submitted my proposal for the Indie Web film to the funding opp.
# 00:28 Blackwool Keep your fingers crossed for it!
# 00:29 Blackwool ok, work time for me, ciao!
# 00:30 tantek since a "like" doesn't really have any information that the silo can "own" from you (it's just one bit), that may diminish the disadvantages of PESOS over POSSE in that case to being fairly trivial / minimal.
# 00:31 tantek especially since silos (e.g. FB, Twitter, IT) rarely if ever provide permalinks for "likes" inside (that you could link to from your indie "like" posts with rel=syndication)
# 00:32 tantek thus in practice it will be hard to tell the difference between POSSE and PESOS likes
wolftune joined the channel
# 00:36 tantek snarfed - how can they claim to own one bit of information?
# 00:37 tantek and I suppose we already have this problem with G+
# 00:38 tantek snarfed - not true, there's a murky threshold for such things
# 00:39 tantek this is good ^^^ WP people explaining to other WP people why/how IndieWeb is beyond blogging
# 00:40 snarfed tantek: ah you were speaking legally. for that, sure. i was thinking product/eng
# 00:40 tantek snarfed, legally, morally, risk thereof, etc.
# 00:41 tantek the silos are particularly bereft in this way because they don't have permalinks for likes, and rarely do they have or show datestamps either
# 00:42 snarfed actually g+ has them for +1s too, just similarly hidden
# 00:42 snarfed forget permalink, twitter doesn't even expose favorites in the api
# 00:46 tantek snarfed - is it possible to query if you've liked a FB post?
# 00:46 snarfed with 2.x api? in general, i think only your own posts
# 00:46 tantek do you mean Bridgy couldn't check on my behalf?
# 00:46 kylewm it's not even possible to query a post at all
# 00:47 kylewm unless that person has also given an impossible to get permission to bridgy
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 00:47 tantek so I couldn't ask Bridgy - have I liked this FB post? (URL) and have it return yes/no?
# 00:48 snarfed tantek: confused, sounds like the same question; i must be missing something
# 00:48 tantek I'm asking if I can *read* the "like"-state of a post
# 00:49 KevinMarks snarfed - you know you can pass a URL to FB and it gives you a graph id - what happens if you pass it a fb post url?
# 00:49 snarfed right. same answer. for other people's posts, in 2.x, both read only and read write need `read_stream` scope, which is impossible to get
# 00:51 snarfed our conclusion is this is an intentional product decision on their part
# 00:52 snarfed tantek: there is, it just doesn't tell you anything about *which* post you liked'
# 00:52 aaronpk facebook doesn't even have a real HTML view of user profiles
# 00:53 tantek snarfed - worse - you'd need someone's FB pw to do that
# 00:53 kylewm you would have also have to render in javascript before scraping right?
# 00:54 KevinMarks well, going back to "give me your password" auth because OAuth permissions dies would be ironic
# 01:09 aaronpk why does wordpress insist on having fully-qualified URLs in img tags in post content instead of relative URLs?
# 01:13 gRegor` because reasons
# 01:13 gRegor` (I hate it too)
# 01:15 gRegor` I think it's an easier way to make sure they work no matter where you show the posts; different permalink structures
pwcc joined the channel
# 01:17 aaronpk it makes it almost impossible to change domains, or do something on a staging domain
# 01:17 snarfed aaronpk: huh that's not true, at least not entirely
# 01:17 snarfed i put relative urls in img tags for both media library images and ones served directly through apache
# 01:18 aaronpk and every time i've used the media library to insert an image it writes a full URL
# 01:18 pwcc Means they don't need to regex the URLs fro rss.
# 01:18 aaronpk like, ideally, I could set up caseorganic's new site on a subdomain and switch it over at the last second
# 01:18 snarfed ok, so rephrased as, why does it always *give* you fully qualified urls
# 01:18 aaronpk but I can't, because wordpress will break all the URLs
# 01:19 aaronpk snarfed: kind of...? I shouldn't have to think about it
# 01:19 gRegor` SQL REPLACE() is what most WordPress people would say
# 01:20 aaronpk i don't understand why my use case is not recognized
# 01:20 aaronpk i'm tryign to move *to* wordpress even... why would they want to make that hard
# 01:21 aaronpk i'm going to have to do hosts file tricks or deal with the fact that the site will be empty/broken for a while
# 01:22 gRegor` I think you can modify the TinyMCE (or whatever editor WP uses) to exclude the domain name when inserting images.
# 01:22 gRegor` I'm missing something then
# 01:23 aaronpk i'm using internal wordpress functions to add an image, and the html it's returning has absolute URLs
hidgw joined the channel
# 01:23 gRegor` Oh. Which function(s)?
# 01:23 pwcc On the save_post action you could filter the content to remove the domain from img tags
# 01:24 aaronpk which I then have to parse to get the image URL to replace in the post content
# 01:25 gRegor` Let me refresh myself. You should be able to call an upload function that will put the image in wp-content/uploads/ using whatever filename you want, so they could keep the same name and then you don't need to update any HTML, just a rewrite rule or two
# 01:25 aaronpk no i have to use the wordpress functions to get them into the media library
# 01:26 gRegor` Because it's creating db entries for each image?
# 01:28 aaronpk i mean i can make this import with relative paths, which i'm going to do, but the point is I think it's not a good idea to store the full URL in the first place
# 01:29 aaronpk the funny thing is the function i'm using doesn't even return an object ID, it returns html to me!
# 01:33 gRegor` And then adding a filter to wp_get_attachment_url would let you return a relative path, if you'd like.
# 01:34 gRegor` That's usually my response to WordPress. "This works. I'm done."
# 01:34 aaronpk the less time I spend in the wordpress mines the better
# 01:34 gRegor` Hopefully caseorganic really appreciates all the work :)
# 01:38 aaronpk i don't like making things for just one person. kind of like how I don't like cooking food if I'm the only one who's going to eat it.
# 01:39 gRegor` I'm currently having really weird issues with PHP object inheritance.
# 01:42 gRegor` A extends B and only adds one new method... From this new method I can successfully call $this->foo() and it works, except within foo a reference to $this->var does not seem to work. I've confirmed $this->var is set correctly in my method, both before and after the call to $this->foo()
# 01:43 gRegor` But $this->_createBoundary() is not being called.
# 01:44 gRegor` All the other $this->var references before it work, so I'm baffled. The rest of the email headers are set correctly by that method
# 01:44 aaronpk it just occurred to me, the bridgy publish webmention overload trick is almost identical to the problem indienews has with getting people to post things there
# 01:45 aaronpk indienews is a POSSE destination just like bridgy publish
# 01:45 aaronpk both have solved it a slightly different way, and I'm not super sold on either approach
# 01:56 aaronpk i just mean that both have the same problem, you want an easy way for people to tell the destination about their content, and the response needs to include a URL generated by their site
# 01:57 snarfed for indienews, the url is generated programmatically, not returned
# 01:57 Loqi snarfed meant to say: for indienews, the url is generated algorithmically, not returned
# 01:57 aaronpk I could have implemented it the way bridgy publish does
# 01:58 aaronpk where indienews retursn the URL for the posse copy
# 02:04 aaronpk good news! so far I can import notes, photos and replies, and everything works quite well!
# 02:04 aaronpk turns out HTML is a pretty good interchange format :)
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 02:15 gRegor` Oh geez. Well I feel silly. The object inheritance issue above... apparently that file in production doesn't match the page I linked to. I think the documentation has a newer version of the file and they forgot to change the version number.
# 02:15 gRegor` Both report same version, but ours is definitely different.
mlncn joined the channel
# 02:38 aaronpk gRegor`: lol that's usually the problem I have when things just don't make sense
# 02:38 aaronpk "i swear there are gremlins in this thing! oh wait i'm editing a file on my computer and expecting the remote server to have the changes"
# 02:39 tantek aaronpk that's usually when I start changing the CSS in harsh ways like background:red
# 02:39 aaronpk at some point I resort to doing "die('wtf');" in my php code
# 02:39 gRegor` Debug statements start using more swear words...
# 02:41 tantek aaronpk: I'm usually good with echo "should at least get here."
# 02:42 aaronpk tantek: yeah that usually works except when you're in crazy framework land where things are doing output buffering
# 02:42 aaronpk i don't always trust that echo is going to make it to the browser
# 02:42 tantek I think this may be one of the reasons I don't use anyone's frameworks. In CSS, JS, or PHP.
# 02:43 aaronpk related, using a framework makes you dependent on that framework
# 02:43 tantek You call the thing the creates a thing to post an event to do make a call back to do a thing.
# 02:44 tantek lots of layers of abstraction = clearly bad engineers
# 02:44 tantek I have no time for lots of layers of abstraction - which is what most frameworks are
# 02:44 aaronpk node.js is so new that code I wrote only a year and a half ago no longer runs because the language has changed so much
# 02:44 tantek aaronpk - cassis.js is also still new - yet I bet the code you wrote that uses cassis still runs. :P
# 02:51 gRegor` I'm still cautiously optimistic about ProcessWire framework. I've really liked it's flexibility setting up sites in it, vs. trying to jam non-blog functionality into WordPress sites.
# 02:52 gRegor` "it's flexibility setting up sites in it"? I am tired.
# 02:53 aaronpk 90% of frameworks I've used try to do too much or make assumptions I don't agree with
# 02:53 aaronpk both user-visible assumptions like URL structure, or code-level assumptions about how to organize files internally
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:25 tantek oh someone already captured Google's OpenID 2.0 shutdown. good.
# 03:29 aaronpk i think that's pretty much the nail in the coffin for openid
# 03:31 tantek google doesn't really care about federated identity interop anyway
# 03:32 tantek based on their behavior with providing vs. consuming openid, all they care about is openwashing the consumption of G+ identities
# 03:33 tantek it's fine, the more the big silos muck around with their-silo-only identity strategies, the more time it gives indieauth to independently grow and flourish without them screwing it up
ben_thatmust_ joined the channel
# 04:14 ben_thatmust_ its a long shot that it would go anywhere but even minor tweaks to get it slightly closer to indieweb friendly would be a step in the right direction
mlncn joined the channel
# 04:22 GWG Who does standards and markup over there?
# 04:33 snarfed honestly guys, don't bother. they had good intentions for a long time but were always fighting to survive first and foremost, so they were never able to prioritize it
# 04:34 snarfed and now they're a lot smaller and things have changed a lot
# 04:35 snarfed if you want to lobby them for anything at all, i'd start with a write API
# 04:37 tantek ben_thatmust: we had G+ / Google people show up to the original IndieWebCamp - Chris Messina, WIll Norris
# 04:40 tantek ben_thatmust: the people that come to indiewebcamp lack sufficient internal influence to actually make such big differences in G+
# 04:41 tantek and the management types that *do* have internal influence are themselves measured by silo-driven metrics / goals
# 04:42 tantek lots of short-term / fear-centric driven motivations / decisions, except at the individual contributor / coder / designer level - where they lack the influence to make such bold decisions
# 04:42 tantek it's a fundamental flaw in large corporate structures that prevents them from innovating in a disruptive distributed network effects fashion
scor joined the channel
# 04:44 tantek and they did try hard - but in some ways they got burned with Google Buzz's failure (which did support a bunch of open standards)
# 04:44 tantek ^^^ how about we start an opt-in directory on a wiki page for starters?
# 04:48 tantek ben_thatmust: and if you're looking for groups / companies / projects come to a camp, invite from smallest first to largest last
# 04:48 tantek smalledst = individuals who want / run their own sites, then small maybe unknown projects, etc.
# 04:48 snarfed tantek++ that generally fits my impressions of G+ from the inside too
# 04:49 tantek the smaller the team / project, the more nimble and able to adapt / evolve and be bold, the greater the chance of rapid success, feedback loop etc.
# 04:49 tantek with each one of those, then pursue the next one slightly larger
# 04:50 tantek as the overall number of people / projects that participate in indiewebcamp grows, the network effects will start to convince more and more
# 04:50 tantek the only time the bigcos like Google will bother will when they can't ignore it
# 04:51 tantek and the other key part - never have your platform / protocols / formats *depend* on bigco adoption, because then as soon as they adopt it, they will subvert it and attempt to control / dominate it
# 04:53 tantek that being said, contacting people on *old* projects, like Blogger, and getting incremental improvements, like h-entry support on blog post permalinks etc. may have a better chance of success, without providing a takeover threat
# 04:58 tantek but that's basically your only "early" opportunity with bigco adoption, small under-the-radar changes that management doesn't care enough to notice
# 05:07 tantek acegiak - interesting (and a bit odd?) your POSSE @-reply included the reply-context - pretty sure you don't want that :)
# 05:09 acegiak tantek: hmm yeah I need to make it recognise when I'm replying to twitter
# 05:09 tantek acegiak are you using a plugin to write your replies?
# 05:09 acegiak cause I do want the context when I'm just sharing posts from tumblr
# 05:09 tantek you also likely want to have your POSSE copy of your reply thread with the original POSSE copy
# 05:11 acegiak oh! I see! it's because I was replying to the known post
# 05:12 tantek but that's good! your software should automatically notice that the Known post has a POSSE copy
# 05:13 tantek where it asys "Also on: @benwerd" in the footer of Ben's known post
# 05:13 acegiak I also don't post the syndication links on my content
# 05:13 tantek then when your software posts a POSSE copy to Twitter, it should set the in-reply-to-id to the Twitter ID from that rel-syndication link!
# 05:15 GWG acegiak: I have a plugin I'm working on refining to put in the repository for that
# 05:16 acegiak but i still need to update whisperfollow to pickup the syndication links and my posse plugin to use them
# 05:19 acegiak oh my god do I really not have my profile photo marked up for h-card?
# 05:21 acegiak tantek: it's PESOS till I can work out how to build a micropub scrobbler
# 05:22 acegiak which is mostly just working out indieauth on an android app
# 05:27 snarfed acegiak: eh not really. you can get a long-lived token and hard-code it into the app
# 05:27 acegiak snarfed: I guess I can do the "please paste your token here" thing
# 05:28 acegiak which is what I do with a lot of my wordpress plugins
# 05:28 acegiak getting the oauth dance right for tumblr posse though, jesus
jcap joined the channel
# 06:15 kylewm acegiak: hey just noticed class="u-url" is missing from post links in your h-feed
# 06:16 kylewm I was excited to see the scrobble storm hit woodwind, but it didn't bc it couldn't find permalinks :(
# 06:17 acegiak kylewm: huh. look at that. I'll fix it and push at GWG
# 06:18 kylewm acegiak: i haven't been getting an avatar for you for a while, but i haven't dug into why
# 06:19 acegiak kylewm: apparently I was missing u-photo on the photo
# 06:20 tantek well that's my attempt to provide a productive reply to elf, about what the indieweb would ever use
# 06:22 acegiak so the problem is the location of my h-card I think
# 06:28 acegiak dear wordpress: that is not a permalink. what have you done with the postslug?
# 06:32 kylewm acegiak: oh I see, so your h-card at the top is great, but the hidden byline on each post supersedes it
# 06:32 acegiak it would be great if I could somehow say "see at top"
# 06:35 acegiak at the moment though I'm just updating WP_LastFmScrape to manually populate the slugs because even though the WP docs say it will autopopulate from the title and every other time it's autopopulated from title
snarfed joined the channel
# 06:37 kylewm acegiak, i vote remove the byline from individual posts ... gets rid of some invisible data anyway
# 06:39 kylewm there was something about munging together two h-cards with the same u-url as the current page's rel=author, but i can't find it now
# 06:39 acegiak kylewm: yeah, good plan. the reason i did it that way Is I've just been playing with CSS on top of GWG's mf2_s
# 06:46 kylewm acegiak: little typo, you've got rel="bookmark u-url"
# 06:49 kylewm acegiak++ scrobbles and tantek's likes are going to motivate me to add some smart-ish "similar post types in a similar time period" aggregation to my reader
# 06:55 acegiak I'll have to update the theme to use action hooks there properly
# 06:58 kylewm acegiak: adding "p-author" on the h-feed's h-card would get it, i think. headed to bed, good night y'all
eschnou, KartikPrabhu and elima joined the channel
Jihaisse joined the channel
friedcell, michielbdejong and loic_m joined the channel
# 08:14 tantek not sure if anyone else is trying to ownyourjams
cweiske, eschnou, sanduhrs, KartikPrabhu, krendil and friedcell joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, pfefferle, petermolnar, Garbee, alanpearce, sanduhrs1, thehighfiveghost, friedcell, upper-- and Stryyker joined the channel
thehighfiveghost and adactio joined the channel
thehighfiveghost, pfefferle, Pierre-O and frzn joined the channel
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# 11:12 petermolnar cweiske thanks, it turned out that 500px is a special snowflake :/
stream7 joined the channel
# 11:16 cweiske 1.0a is standard since it fixes a security problem
thehighfiveghost, scor and sanduhrs joined the channel
# 11:42 pfefferle cweiske it is a bit confusing because the RFC is also called 1.0 and includes the fix
# 11:43 cweiske yes. although in the introduction paragraph 1 they say the rfc is based on 1.0a
tantek and eschnou joined the channel
# 12:02 GWG !tell acegiak I missed a u-url? Darn
# 12:02 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
loic_m joined the channel
# 12:03 acegiak gwg: i've put it on the date link cuse sometimes theres no title
# 12:03 Loqi acegiak: GWG left you a message 1 minute ago: I missed a u-url? Darn
# 12:05 acegiak also you calls to posted_on and posted_by should probably be done with action hooks
# 12:06 GWG acegiak: Put that in as an issue if you can. I'll have a look.
# 12:08 GWG That one isn't a quick fix. Requires more review
# 12:08 acegiak the reason being i want my chillld theme to not show byline so that mf2parsers use the hcard in my pages head
# 12:09 GWG That's why I split the line initially.
# 12:09 GWG The original _s had the byline and posted on in the same function
friedcell joined the channel
# 12:38 petermolnar 500px is giving me a massive headache... the request token url goes Server Error once I fill in the required data...
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 12:41 petermolnar is there anyone around who is willing to test a WordPress Flickr comment/fav importer plugin? There was one among the plugins, but that triggered the import on pageviews, so I made new one which triggers it with wp-cron
# 12:43 GWG petermolnar: Regrettably, don't use Flickr
# 12:43 petermolnar yeah, I've realised that, this was something I done _before_ trying to to the 500px version
# 12:44 petermolnar the flickr one was enough for a skeleton and to see if it's working
# 12:46 GWG petermolnar: I do have a question for you
# 12:50 GWG petermolnar: What is WordPress still missing in regards to Indieweb
# 12:51 GWG We've made a lot of progress of late
# 12:51 petermolnar I've seen the Micropub endpoint, I did not have time to test it though
# 12:52 petermolnar on the POSSE part there are still providers no one added a plugin yet (500px as an example)
# 12:52 petermolnar the backfeed is another thing, I'd love to add brid.gy extensions in, but again, time
# 12:54 GWG petermolnar: Just want to set some goals
glennjones, scor and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 13:11 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
scor, michielbdejong, pfefferle, eschnou, e-lima, squeakytoy and verdi_ joined the channel
friedcell, gRegor`, fourtonfish and sanduhrs1 joined the channel
Pierre-O, marjolein, pfefferle, realjxn, stream7 and tantek joined the channel
# 15:52 GWG Anyone working on anything they want to mention?
# 15:53 tantek e.g. check near top of tantek.com for a few examples
# 15:55 tantek sorry, look further down, e.g. likes of a whole bunch of tweets
# 15:56 tantek and then likes of a whole bunch of NovemberProjectSF’s photos
wolftune joined the channel
# 16:06 tantek ideally I'd show a mini row or grid of photos, for the "likes of a bunch of photos from the same source" case like that
# 16:06 tantek but short of having thumbnails, I'd like to do something more intelligent with the text
# 16:08 gRegor` I'm interested too, though it's a lower priority itch
# 16:13 GWG That reminds me, re Podcasts...I was talking to a friend of mine. Anyone interested in doing a recording re Indieweb for HPR?
# 16:14 gRegor` could have out-tanteked tantek, but didn't
# 16:16 ben_thatmustbeme begins writing a bot to look for 3 letter words in caps and "Tantek" them immediately
eschenal joined the channel
# 16:31 kylewm I'm trying to subscribe to my h-feed via PuSH, still getting a mysterious "Please provide a valid hub.topic (feed) URL that is accepted on this hub. The hub does not match."
# 16:32 kylewm I reached out to Julien, hopefully I am just making a silly mistake
# 16:37 gRegor` (I should have said OOH BOY above)
# 17:00 petermolnar are there any oauth gurus around? no matter which library I'm trying to use, I cannot get pass the request token point of 500px; I get an 500 internal server error and I cannot confirm if it's me doing something wrong or it's their side
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:04 aaronpk if you'r egetting an internal server error that is definitely their fault. at the very least they should be giving you a sane error reply if you're doing something wrong
# 17:04 petermolnar i have a feeling they either dropped oauth1 or it's broken on their side
# 17:09 gRegor` What is Blip.tv?
# 17:15 ben_thatmustbeme oh yay, aaronpk, they just finished backporting the SNI not sending hostname on reconnect bug to ruby 2.0 and 2.1
# 17:16 aaronpk it is still an issue, I'v e just been restarting the server every hour in the mean time
# 17:17 aaronpk I think I can update to 2.1 though, i've been running 2.1.3 on my laptop and everything seems to be working fine
# 17:30 KartikPrabhu adactio thanks for sharing links on your site. I find a lot of cool stuff from there
# 17:31 adactio KartikPrabhu: My pleasure! Glad someone's reading 'em. :-)
# 17:32 tantek KartikPrabhu: most of the lessons that Paul Kinlan documents in that post were *exactly* what I told him when we met very early on when he was developing Google web intents, specifically about the need to get the UX right first. But he kept ignoring my feedback. And others' too.
# 17:33 tantek hence the conceptual "fork" to reframe the problem as *web actions*
# 17:33 tantek he even admits that naming it intents was a mistake
# 17:34 tantek problem is, he's at Google, and lots of people like to just agree with Google proposals because they come from Google, and they're trying to curry favor with Google, Google people, anyone
# 17:34 tantek so I think he got *just enough* positive re-inforcing feedback to hide the actual problems, and ignore critical feedback as "not getting it"
# 17:35 tantek that's a very difficult psychological trap to escape from, so from that perspective I sympathize with him
# 17:37 tantek there's also an pretty big attitude internally at Google (among many/most, but not all) engineers about not being able to do any wrong, by definition since they're all "Don't be evil". it's an odd variant of arrogance.
wolftune joined the channel
# 17:38 KartikPrabhu tantek I recall reading something similar at FB. Where if you criticise something "you don't get it"
# 17:39 tantek somewhere there was an article about Google employee's widespread blindspot in this regard, but I can't find it right now
# 17:42 KartikPrabhu speaking of Google, wasn't GTalk supposed to shutdown yesterday or something
scor, snarfed and stream7 joined the channel
# 18:18 petermolnar I'm giving it up; 500px OAuth is broken, period. I ended up using Keyring to test it; the exact same code is working for Twitter and failing for 500px, so I'll go home now.
# 18:27 KevinMarks the other Googler problem is that becasue they know a lot about internal google plans, they are wary of talking to non-googlers in case they let somethignslip
# 18:28 KevinMarks I got a lot of that when I was trying to encourage them to go to meetups, barcamps etc
JarOfGreen joined the channel
# 18:52 gRegor` What is 500px?
# 18:53 gRegor` !tell petermolnar Could you document your Oauth experience on the /500px page?
# 18:54 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:55 tantek since you've implemented such a section on your posts
# 18:55 aaronpk I guess my first instinct is that "responses" would really only capture comments, whereas "interactions" would include likes and reposts
yakker joined the channel
# 18:59 tantek aaronpk - yeah that might have been my early influence
# 18:59 tantek snarfed has slowly pushed me over to the "responses" (as a set) side
# 18:59 aaronpk i don't have an explicit header on my site for them
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# 19:02 tantek I think what pushed me over to the responses side was that it works better as a header
# 19:02 tantek e.g. KevinMarks used to have a heading "Webmentions" above where he included his JS embed to display webmentions
# 19:02 aaronpk but I think "interactions" is more descriptive of all of them
# 19:02 tantek and I pointed out that that was a plumbing-centric view/wording
# 19:03 KevinMarks though as I don't use templates I still have some that say webmentions
# 19:03 tantek thus since it's a more user-friendly / obvious term than "Interactions", that's what pushed me over
# 19:03 aaronpk I would *consider* adding a header that says "responses" (would definitely not say interactions) but I try to avoid needing to include text like that at all
# 19:04 aaronpk similar to my design decision of not including third-party language on my site
# 19:04 tantek aaronpk indeed! if you can make a design work with fewer borders / headings - so much the better!
# 19:04 tantek it means you're using space / type hierarchy more effectively
# 19:05 tantek KevinMarks: I thought single-# fragmentions had to be 2+ words?
# 19:05 aaronpk I just realized I have the webmention form with this text: "Have you written a response to this? Let me know the URL:"
# 19:07 tantek though didn't that language come from adactio's form?
# 19:07 rhiaro In my head it's a 'reaction', with or without its own content. So a reply/response is a reaction with content and a like/bookmark/fave/share/upvote/plusone is a reaction without content
# 19:08 rhiaro I probably wouldn't label a form/set of buttons with 'reaction' heading though
# 19:08 tantek right, just needs your "vote" on it with the explanation you gave
# 19:09 KevinMarks my thinking on single word fragmentions is that they are a fallback if no id or name exists
# 19:09 tantek aaronpk: I've been leaning towards this topology: responses = (replies + reactions)
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# 19:11 kylewm KevinMarks: what's the fragmention attribute for? on <h2 fragmention="">webmentions</h2>
# 19:12 KevinMarks that's added by the plugin when it's resolving a fragmention so there's a target for CSS to style
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# 19:13 KevinMarks there is a danger with teminology to move from the concrete to the adstarct
# 19:13 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: there is a danger with teminology to move from the concrete to the abstract
# 19:13 tantek aaronpk, and then I'm thinking of "interactions" as a secondary synonym for "responses"
# 19:14 tantek e.g. I use "interactions" in talks, instead of saying "responses" all the time.
# 19:14 KevinMarks the saxon/latin/greek game goes with this as the greek forms are usually favoured by academics
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# 19:29 benwerd tapiriik seems to be an open source project to provide interoperability between fitness products and dropbox
# 19:29 benwerd I haven't used it, but it's an interesting approach
# 19:30 tantek aaronpk ^^^ I think you're the current king of passive
# 19:31 KevinMarks still wants to spawn wiki pages by writing "midnight is the arbitrary endpoint of a calendar day"
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# 19:42 gRegor` Re-visiting my earlier thoughts, I think I prefer "responses" now. I don't think the confusion with "replies" (as in "comments") will be a problem since /replies points to /comment
# 19:43 tantek benwerd - since you proposed an *opt-in* directory
# 19:43 tantek you may be interested to know that KevinMarks and I proposed a way (format+ping) for blogs to opt-into directories back in the day
# 19:44 gRegor` Already was ;)
# 19:44 gRegor` Wanted an IRC link first
# 19:45 tantek yeah that was almost 10 years ago, the last time innovation was active in this space ;)
# 19:45 tantek as an update, we would simply add a webmention
# 19:46 tantek that is once you've linked your blog home page to a directory page that you think it should be included in with rel=directory, then send a webmention *to* that directory page
# 19:46 tantek the directory page verifies your webmention per usual (source being your blog home page, target being the directory page itself), and then adds you (modulo vouch if needed)
# 19:47 tantek could also be used for dynamic inclusion in distributed webrings
# 19:47 tantek since a webring is just a special kind of directory
# 19:49 kylewm suddenly so mad that we don't have an indiewebring
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# 19:59 KevinMarks so you can use preload=Template:loqidef but manually replace the $1 and $2
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# 20:06 aaronpk hehe, Loqi used to have his own "what is" database but it got annoying quickly
# 20:09 jcap out of curiosity, what are you solving for? (just curious, and hello)
# 20:11 jcap ah, I thought that was a standard bot feature, no?
# 20:11 jcap I see, which doesn't matter if it's not writing ot a wiki
# 20:12 jcap I suppose it would be pretty noisy if it just picked up all is declarations
# 20:16 jcap I'm still trying to understand how reply, like, bookmark, share, (and a few other words) are differen't yet similar to each other in the indieweb world
# 20:16 jcap but I'll get there
# 20:17 jcap KevinMarks, yeah, that doesn't help
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# 20:20 jcap and a response is a webmention?
# 20:21 jcap KevinMarks, ah, sure, that makes sense
# 20:22 jcap ah right, this is the modern day version of a web ping or whatever that was from back in the day?
# 20:22 gRegor` pingback, yes. Sans XML
# 20:25 jcap KevinMarks, you confused me with your example
# 20:26 jcap well, didn't confuse me, but I don't follow ;)
# 20:26 KevinMarks that post has received a bunch of differnt kinds of responses
# 20:26 jcap I'm with you so far
# 20:27 KevinMarks and they are displayed sorted by type then time at the bottom
# 20:27 KevinMarks the second link displays the likes ad reposts as a facepile, not listed out by time
# 20:34 aaronpk careful though, you can clobber wiki pages! luckily it's a wiki so you can always undo it
# 20:34 aaronpk you have two minutes to contribute a definition after someone asks
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# 20:36 KevinMarks you won't be in a listening state if the page existed when the "what is" was asked
# 20:36 jcap KevinMarks, oh, I see what you mean now. yes, got it
# 20:36 jcap KevinMarks, thanks!
# 20:36 aaronpk right now the prompt is using the search api which has some limitations
# 20:39 aaronpk i have no idea what value i'm supposed to use for "createonly"
# 20:41 snarfed estimates this will triple his wiki contributions
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# 20:51 gRegor` Does it accept wiki redirect syntax too?
# 20:52 jcap I can see now all the i.s usage
# 20:52 aaronpk don't worry you can still say something is something
# 20:52 KevinMarks ah, so if you say "responses is interactions" it creates a link?
# 20:53 jcap aaronpk, it only looks for single words / camelcase?
# 20:53 aaronpk it'll only make the page if there was a prompt in the last 2 minutes
# 20:53 gRegor` If it just drops the text in the page, it should work.
# 20:53 gRegor` Ah, so the prompt has to come first. Cool.
# 20:54 gRegor` What is Loqi the bot?
# 20:54 gRegor` Loqi the bot is #redirect [[Loqi ]]
# 20:55 gRegor` Oops. I was impatient. :)
# 20:55 gRegor` What is impatien
# 20:56 gRegor` Good jorb, Loqi
# 20:58 jcap Loqi, what is a webmention?
# 20:58 jcap damn. (another "standard" bot feature ;)
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# 21:30 jcap it would be handy if Loqi formatted his changelogs a bit more, though I have no suggestions
# 21:30 jcap maybe I just need to tweak irssi
# 21:31 kylewm I believe they come pretty much verbatim from mediawiki
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# 21:49 gRegor` It's the jump to bottom link at the top
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# 21:53 aaronpk what's that page that has all the thumbnails of everyone who attended an indiewebcamp?
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# 22:18 kylewm had no idea that was the history of Flickr, reading wp now... fascinating
# 22:19 aaronpk "Early versions of Flickr focused on a chat room called FlickrLive..." so that's where Slack came from
# 22:21 aaronpk that also explains the in-game chat room that Glitch had
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# 22:21 aaronpk welcome back tantek, Loqi got smarter while you were away :)
# 22:22 KevinMarks for them to update each other about what they were working on
# 22:23 tantek oh dear - did the chill pill have unintended side effects?!?
# 22:23 tantek "internal status notification thing" and then Slack has the same origin story
# 22:25 tantek KevinMarks - CYC couldn't be taught using English like that.
# 22:26 ben_thatmustbeme what happens if loqi is told something is something else, if the page already exists?
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# 22:31 gRegor` Glitch was a fun game.
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# 22:43 tantek what NoScript reports on that URL you just pasted
# 22:44 tantek that's what all the developer full time employment act programmers have been doing - writing more and more javascripts to be habitually included in every page for no good reason
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# 22:45 aaronpk the nice thing is the site looks just fine without the JS
# 22:45 tantek And programmers are going to bloat, bloat, bloat, bloat, bloat, bloat
# 22:45 KevinMarks "On the front end we have embraced new technologies such as isomorphic Javascript using ReactJS. This allows us to execute our Javascript templates on both the server and the client meaning that users without Javascript can still load a basic version of the page."
# 22:51 gRegor` aaronpk: How is the WordPress import coming along?
# 22:51 aaronpk remember when web analytics didn't even require js?
# 22:51 KevinMarks "lets make permalinks big enough to enumerate atoms in the universe"
# 22:51 aaronpk gRegor`: so close! i have to get comments/likes/reposts imported now
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# 22:53 gRegor` Haha KevinMarks
# 22:53 gRegor` aaronpk: <img src="analytics.gif" width="1" height="1" />
# 22:54 gRegor` What is webalyzer?
# 22:55 aaronpk webalyzer is a web [[analytics ]] tool that parses a server's access logs and generates HTML reports
# 22:56 gRegor` Loqi does cooler stuff than my website.
# 22:56 gRegor` Shown up by a bot.
# 22:56 jgarber tantek: It's a Facebook-created JavaScript... thing... for creating user interfaces.
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# 23:04 gRegor` "and occasionally writes some songs"
# 23:19 aaronpk lol how many domains do we have that redirect to wiki pages?
# 23:32 GWG aaronpk: Just having a bad day. Need to hear something good. Like someone doing something interesting on their site, or an idea that excites me
# 23:32 aaronpk I am writing up a response to some indieweb interview questions for a german publication!
# 23:38 realjxn Messy combinations of JS and HTML are the new normal
# 23:39 GWG I keep trying to find fun things to do with CSS to avoid js
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# 23:58 aaronpk like if I make a public stream in my reader, you'd be able to subscribe to it in your reader