#tanteksince a "like" doesn't really have any information that the silo can "own" from you (it's just one bit), that may diminish the disadvantages of PESOS over POSSE in that case to being fairly trivial / minimal.
#tantekespecially since silos (e.g. FB, Twitter, IT) rarely if ever provide permalinks for "likes" inside (that you could link to from your indie "like" posts with rel=syndication)
#tantekthus in practice it will be hard to tell the difference between POSSE and PESOS likes
#aaronpkwhich I then have to parse to get the image URL to replace in the post content
#gRegor`Let me refresh myself. You should be able to call an upload function that will put the image in wp-content/uploads/ using whatever filename you want, so they could keep the same name and then you don't need to update any HTML, just a rewrite rule or two
#aaronpkno i have to use the wordpress functions to get them into the media library
#aaronpki mean i can make this import with relative paths, which i'm going to do, but the point is I think it's not a good idea to store the full URL in the first place
#aaronpkthe funny thing is the function i'm using doesn't even return an object ID, it returns html to me!
#gRegor`And then adding a filter to wp_get_attachment_url would let you return a relative path, if you'd like.
#gRegor`That's usually my response to WordPress. "This works. I'm done."
#aaronpkthe less time I spend in the wordpress mines the better
#gRegor`Hopefully caseorganic really appreciates all the work :)
#aaronpkhopefully someone else does too eventually
#aaronpksince it is a generic h-entry importer after all
#aaronpki don't like making things for just one person. kind of like how I don't like cooking food if I'm the only one who's going to eat it.
#gRegor`I'm currently having really weird issues with PHP object inheritance.
#gRegor`A extends B and only adds one new method... From this new method I can successfully call $this->foo() and it works, except within foo a reference to $this->var does not seem to work. I've confirmed $this->var is set correctly in my method, both before and after the call to $this->foo()
#aaronpkit just occurred to me, the bridgy publish webmention overload trick is almost identical to the problem indienews has with getting people to post things there
#aaronpkindienews is a POSSE destination just like bridgy publish
#aaronpkboth have solved it a slightly different way, and I'm not super sold on either approach
#aaronpki just mean that both have the same problem, you want an easy way for people to tell the destination about their content, and the response needs to include a URL generated by their site
#gRegor`Oh geez. Well I feel silly. The object inheritance issue above... apparently that file in production doesn't match the page I linked to. I think the documentation has a newer version of the file and they forgot to change the version number.
#gRegor`Both report same version, but ours is definitely different.
#gRegor`I'm still cautiously optimistic about ProcessWire framework. I've really liked it's flexibility setting up sites in it, vs. trying to jam non-blog functionality into WordPress sites.
#gRegor`"it's flexibility setting up sites in it"? I am tired.
#aaronpk90% of frameworks I've used try to do too much or make assumptions I don't agree with
#aaronpkboth user-visible assumptions like URL structure, or code-level assumptions about how to organize files internally
#tantek.comedited /2014/reposts (+201) "subheads for repost presentation sketches, expand text description of Reposting a post that lacks a POSSE tweet" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /Twitter (+142) "/* POSSE Reposts to Twitter */ consider How to POSSE a repost of a post that lacks a POSSE tweet itself" (view diff)
#aaronpki think that's pretty much the nail in the coffin for openid
#tantekgoogle doesn't really care about federated identity interop anyway
#tantekbased on their behavior with providing vs. consuming openid, all they care about is openwashing the consumption of G+ identities
#tantekit's fine, the more the big silos muck around with their-silo-only identity strategies, the more time it gives indieauth to independently grow and flourish without them screwing it up
#ben_thatmust_We need to find someone on the G+ team and get then to come to a camp
#ben_thatmust_its a long shot that it would go anywhere but even minor tweaks to get it slightly closer to indieweb friendly would be a step in the right direction
#snarfedhonestly guys, don't bother. they had good intentions for a long time but were always fighting to survive first and foremost, so they were never able to prioritize it
#snarfedand now they're a lot smaller and things have changed a lot
#snarfedif you want to lobby them for anything at all, i'd start with a write API
#tantekwhich is measured by stock price performance
#tanteklots of short-term / fear-centric driven motivations / decisions, except at the individual contributor / coder / designer level - where they lack the influence to make such bold decisions
#tantekit's a fundamental flaw in large corporate structures that prevents them from innovating in a disruptive distributed network effects fashion
scor joined the channel
#tantekand they did try hard - but in some ways they got burned with Google Buzz's failure (which did support a bunch of open standards)
#tantekthe smaller the team / project, the more nimble and able to adapt / evolve and be bold, the greater the chance of rapid success, feedback loop etc.
#tantekwith each one of those, then pursue the next one slightly larger
#tantekas the overall number of people / projects that participate in indiewebcamp grows, the network effects will start to convince more and more
#tantekthe only time the bigcos like Google will bother will when they can't ignore it
#tantekand the other key part - never have your platform / protocols / formats *depend* on bigco adoption, because then as soon as they adopt it, they will subvert it and attempt to control / dominate it
#tantekthat being said, contacting people on *old* projects, like Blogger, and getting incremental improvements, like h-entry support on blog post permalinks etc. may have a better chance of success, without providing a takeover threat
#tantekbut that's basically your only "early" opportunity with bigco adoption, small under-the-radar changes that management doesn't care enough to notice
#acegiakat the moment though I'm just updating WP_LastFmScrape to manually populate the slugs because even though the WP docs say it will autopopulate from the title and every other time it's autopopulated from title
#kylewmacegiak++ scrobbles and tantek's likes are going to motivate me to add some smart-ish "similar post types in a similar time period" aggregation to my reader
#petermolnar500px is giving me a massive headache... the request token url goes Server Error once I fill in the required data...
Pierre-O joined the channel
#petermolnaris there anyone around who is willing to test a WordPress Flickr comment/fav importer plugin? There was one among the plugins, but that triggered the import on pageviews, so I made new one which triggers it with wp-cron
#@tStill working on figuring out a good design to collapse presentation of likes of same type of thing from same source. (ttk.me t4_h1) (twitter.com/_/status/567526574052761603)
#tanteke.g. check near top of tantek.com for a few examples
#kylewmI'm trying to subscribe to my h-feed via PuSH, still getting a mysterious "Please provide a valid hub.topic (feed) URL that is accepted on this hub. The hub does not match."
#kylewmI reached out to Julien, hopefully I am just making a silly mistake
#petermolnarare there any oauth gurus around? no matter which library I'm trying to use, I cannot get pass the request token point of 500px; I get an 500 internal server error and I cannot confirm if it's me doing something wrong or it's their side
#aaronpkif you'r egetting an internal server error that is definitely their fault. at the very least they should be giving you a sane error reply if you're doing something wrong
#petermolnari have a feeling they either dropped oauth1 or it's broken on their side
#KartikPrabhuadactio thanks for sharing links on your site. I find a lot of cool stuff from there
#adactioKartikPrabhu: My pleasure! Glad someone's reading 'em. :-)
#tantekKartikPrabhu: most of the lessons that Paul Kinlan documents in that post were *exactly* what I told him when we met very early on when he was developing Google web intents, specifically about the need to get the UX right first. But he kept ignoring my feedback. And others' too.
#tantekproblem is, he's at Google, and lots of people like to just agree with Google proposals because they come from Google, and they're trying to curry favor with Google, Google people, anyone
#tantekthat's a very difficult psychological trap to escape from, so from that perspective I sympathize with him
#tantekthere's also an pretty big attitude internally at Google (among many/most, but not all) engineers about not being able to do any wrong, by definition since they're all "Don't be evil". it's an odd variant of arrogance.
wolftune joined the channel
#KartikPrabhutantek I recall reading something similar at FB. Where if you criticise something "you don't get it"
#petermolnarI'm giving it up; 500px OAuth is broken, period. I ended up using Keyring to test it; the exact same code is working for Twitter and failing for 500px, so I'll go home now.
#KevinMarksthe other Googler problem is that becasue they know a lot about internal google plans, they are wary of talking to non-googlers in case they let somethignslip
#KevinMarksI got a lot of that when I was trying to encourage them to go to meetups, barcamps etc
#aaronpkI would *consider* adding a header that says "responses" (would definitely not say interactions) but I try to avoid needing to include text like that at all
#tantekthough didn't that language come from adactio's form?
#rhiaroIn my head it's a 'reaction', with or without its own content. So a reply/response is a reaction with content and a like/bookmark/fave/share/upvote/plusone is a reaction without content
#benwerdtapiriik seems to be an open source project to provide interoperability between fitness products and dropbox
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 1 day, 12 hours ago: take a look at https://indiewebcamp.com/specifications#IndieWebCamp_Specifications and see if there's anything missing in terms of indiewebcamp specs being developed and implemented (e.g. in all your tools, sites, etc.) if so please add a local wiki link to it! Thanks.
#benwerdI haven't used it, but it's an interesting approach
#Loqisleep is a passive metrics post type that indicates how much time (and often a graph of how deeply) a person has slept https://indiewebcamp.com/sleep
#gRegor`Re-visiting my earlier thoughts, I think I prefer "responses" now. I don't think the confusion with "replies" (as in "comments") will be a problem since /replies points to /comment
#tantekyeah that was almost 10 years ago, the last time innovation was active in this space ;)
#tantekas an update, we would simply add a webmention
#tantekthat is once you've linked your blog home page to a directory page that you think it should be included in with rel=directory, then send a webmention *to* that directory page
#tantekthe directory page verifies your webmention per usual (source being your blog home page, target being the directory page itself), and then adds you (modulo vouch if needed)
#tantekcould also be used for dynamic inclusion in distributed webrings
#tanteksince a webring is just a special kind of directory
#jcapI'm still trying to understand how reply, like, bookmark, share, (and a few other words) are differen't yet similar to each other in the indieweb world
#@shazowHow to figure out what to build: 1. Build something, anything. 2. Get frustrated with the hardest parts, build tools to help. 3. Discard #1. (twitter.com/_/status/567797705570836480)
#tantekwhat NoScript reports on that URL you just pasted
#tantekthat's what all the developer full time employment act programmers have been doing - writing more and more javascripts to be habitually included in every page for no good reason
#tantekseriously, a brief /quotation permalink does not need 51 script files
#KevinMarks"On the front end we have embraced new technologies such as isomorphic Javascript using ReactJS. This allows us to execute our Javascript templates on both the server and the client meaning that users without Javascript can still load a basic version of the page."