2015-02-19 UTC
# 00:02 aaronpk you should be using a client_id regardless, but it shouldn't be throwing 500 errors
wolftune joined the channel
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# 00:05 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
petermolnar joined the channel
j12t, j12t_ and frzn joined the channel
# 00:28 snarfed aaronpk: remind me, you said you're trying to standardize all multi-valued micropub properties on array syntax?
# 00:29 snarfed and it looks like the only ones that support multiple values right now are category and syndicate-to?
# 00:29 snarfed ie micropub doesn't support e.g. multi-reply right now?
# 00:31 gRegor` ben_thatmust: How are you doing it from web?
# 00:31 Loqi gRegor`: ben_thatmust left you a message 25 minutes ago: I'm doing it from both
# 00:32 aaronpk there aren't many of us even publishing multi-replies yet, but that seems like another good one for potential array values
# 00:35 GWG snarfed: So the note..will be more careful.
# 00:35 snarfed aaronpk: or technically multi-like, multi-repost, etc
# 00:36 snarfed one reason i like unit tests. should add them to the micropub plugin
# 00:42 GWG snarfed: Got a good article on unit testing? I probably should learn that.
# 00:42 GWG snarfed: I think I'm getting better though
# 00:43 aaronpk i was getting in the habit of writing good tests. mostly just for my libraries though, not full apps.
# 00:45 snarfed GWG: i'd learn the concept first, then figure out how to do it in any specific language
# 00:46 KevinMarks that one by mark explains the idea of test-first development well
# 00:49 GWG I'm trying to decide when I might be able to up my assessment of my programming ability from horrible to adequate.
# 00:51 snarfed pro tip: don't assess your programming ability :P
# 00:53 GWG I am. I need to test Bridgy Publish capability in Syndication Links tonight.
# 01:05 snarfed oh actually aaronpk re multi-replies, bridgy publishes them fairly often for twitter
# 01:05 aaronpk oh you mean the bridgy permalinks are multi-replie?
# 01:06 snarfed well all of them i guess, since they're in-reply-to both the original and silo posts
Loqi and yakker joined the channel
# 01:58 ben_thatmust and i usually only run it when i'm on chrome at work, so it worked out
# 01:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
joshwnj and alanpearce joined the channel
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# 02:30 aaronpk GWG: does it sound right that the semantic-linkbacks plugin sets 4 commentmeta properties? "semantic_linkbacks_source" "semantic_linkbacks_canonical" "semantic_linkbacks_type" "semantic_linkbacks_avatar"
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, gRegor`, lukebrooker, lukebrooker_, nothingrandom and wolftune joined the channel
tantek, lukebrooker, KartikPrabhu, tjgillies and elima_ joined the channel
loic_m, alanpearce, snarfed and pfefferle joined the channel
# 07:27 Loqi pfefferle: GWG left you a message 11 hours, 47 minutes ago: I am done for now.
# 07:38 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 07:46 pfefferle !tell snarfed how do you identify the user that actually posts via micropub? what do you think about replacing Micropub::authorize(); with a do_action(”žmicropub_authorize“); ?
# 07:46 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 07:49 pfefferle !tell snarfed you/we could replace nearly all static function calls with actions or filters so they will be extendable…
# 07:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
michielbdejong, alanpearce, eschnou, hidgw, friedcell, tantek, glennjones, Pierre-O, petermolnar, LauraJ, thehighfiveghost, frzn, lukebrooker, nothingrandom, krendil, interactivist, Sebastien-L, stream7, adactio, marclaporte, scor, elima_, KartikPrabhu and pfefferle joined the channel
interactivist and pfefferle joined the channel
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Garbee and scor joined the channel
# 13:06 Loqi GWG: pfefferle left you a message 5 hours, 28 minutes ago: updated!
michielbdejong joined the channel
friedcell and Sebastien-L joined the channel
interactivist and e-lima joined the channel
# 13:38 GWG !tell pfefferle Pushed another minor change to Indieweb
# 13:38 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jgarber and verdi_ joined the channel
gRegor`, wolftune, benjamin-agaric, pfefferle, nothingrandom and arlen joined the channel
davidmead, adactio and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:08 Loqi snarfed: pfefferle left you a message 8 hours, 22 minutes ago: how do you identify the user that actually posts via micropub? what do you think about replacing Micropub::authorize(); with a do_action(”žmicropub_authorize“); ?
# 16:08 snarfed except maybe for authorize, since it's part of the protocol
# 16:08 Loqi snarfed: pfefferle left you a message 8 hours, 18 minutes ago: you/we could replace nearly all static function calls with actions or filters so they will be extendable…
# 16:09 snarfed unless you meant choosing which *wordpress* user it uses…?
# 16:09 snarfed michielbdejong: sounds like a job for archive team!
# 16:09 pfefferle snarfed but it would be nice if it is kind of a chain, so you might be able to implement other IndieAuth compatible services...
# 16:10 Loqi pfefferle: GWG left you a message 2 hours, 31 minutes ago: Pushed another minor change to Indieweb
# 16:10 snarfed pfefferle: hmm. the indieauth protocol does allow auth providers other than indieauth.com
# 16:12 pfefferle snarfed: if ”žbundled“ login doesn’t work, try … and if this does not work, try next…
# 16:13 snarfed pfefferle: right, i understand the idea, it's just that micropub requires the indieauth protocol. it doesn't currently allow falling back to anything else
# 16:13 pfefferle snarfed yes, but as far as I know IndieAuth is the same as RelMeAuth… and works with every rel-me+OAuth enabled service… am I wrong?
# 16:14 pfefferle snarfed I thought IndieAuth.com is only one possible implementation...
# 16:14 snarfed ah. i think they are all related, yes, but not exactly the same
# 16:14 snarfed actually, maybe i misunderstand. you're talking about the micropub plugin's use of tokens.indieauth.com?
# 16:15 snarfed so you want to allow delegating to a different token provider?
upper-- joined the channel
# 16:16 pfefferle and if it is an action or filter, it is possible to overwrite the default
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# 16:17 pfefferle not yet… very busy at the moment… I became a father last december ;)
# 16:19 pfefferle but back to business… how do you identify the local user? or does wordpress allow posts without defining a user?
# 16:20 michielbdejong for now we're trying to give people the option to move their instance to IndieHosters
# 16:20 snarfed pfefferle: it defaults to the "current" user. not sure how that's determined
# 16:33 pfefferle snarfed does that mean that everyone is allowed to post micropubs to your site if he has a token atm?
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# 16:33 snarfed pfefferle: sure, that's what a token for. just like if someone has a facebook token for your account, they can post as you on fb
# 16:36 snarfed pfefferle: sorry, i don't understand the question
# 16:37 snarfed your installation of the plugin? your installation of a client?
# 16:37 pfefferle if there is no combination between a token and a user, everyone that get’s a token, can post
michielbdejong joined the channel
# 16:38 snarfed ahhhh sure. that's a difference between micropub and wordpress. micropub generally expects a site is single user; wordpress allows multiple
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# 16:39 snarfed you could set up rel=me and log into indieauth as different paths under the domain for each user
# 16:39 snarfed or you could plug in a new token generator that supports wp users
# 16:40 snarfed i'd happily merge a PR that added a filter to change the user!
caseorganic and thehighfiveghost joined the channel
# 17:25 kylewm !tell emmak hey I noticed in-reply-tos in your h-feed are parsing a little strangely. you may want to use "u-in-reply-to" or "p-in-reply-to h-cite"
# 17:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell her that when I see her next
jonnybarnes, squeakytoy and adactio joined the channel
# 17:45 aaronpk did I call it the "indieweb of things"? I didn't think so!
# 17:46 aaronpk i should make my site send an http redirect if it notices the utm params..
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:48 kylewm !tell snarfed I'm not seeing u-in-reply-to on tweets in activitystreams-unofficial. twitter-activitystreams returns json output {..."context": { "inReplyTo": {"url":...}}}, but I *think* the micformats formatter is only looking for {"inReplyTo":{"url":..}}
. is that plausible?
# 17:48 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:53 Loqi snarfed: kylewm left you a message 5 minutes ago: I'm not seeing u-in-reply-to on tweets in activitystreams-unofficial. twitter-activitystreams returns json output {..."context": { "inReplyTo": {"url":...}}}, but I *think* the micformats formatter is only looking for {"inReplyTo":{"url":..}}
. is that plausible?
mlncn joined the channel
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# 18:00 kylewm snarfed: that's a weird example, it's u-in-reply-to withknown.com
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# 18:31 aaronpk it's nice that it requires logging in to the wiki to add yourself, but the main issue is that it's duplicating info that should be on your home page
# 18:31 aaronpk right now it's not toooo bad, name, url, photo and timezone
# 18:31 aaronpk but if we start adding more things like preferred pronouns...
# 18:31 aaronpk would sure be nice if it could pull that from your home page
# 18:32 aaronpk so I was thinking, this sounds an awful lot like what we were talking about the other day, setting up an indieweb directory
# 18:33 aaronpk you could add yourself to the directory by sending a webmention
# 18:34 aaronpk and if you didn't want that much info on your home page you could even send a webmention from a "bio" page
# 18:34 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, for that matter could irc-people be built from homepages, anyone who has logged in to the wiki, pull their site and look for p-freenode-name or something
# 18:35 aaronpk that's what i'm thinking, replacing the irc-people page with something that gets info from ppls' home pages
# 18:35 aaronpk i'd still want it to be an explicit action to add yourself to the directory tho
# 18:35 aaronpk not just automatically from anyone who logs in to the wiki, since typically logging in does not have such public effects
# 18:36 ben_thatmustbeme indeed, and if they are sharing data on their site, they have to assume that anyone can be pulling it in
# 18:36 aaronpk i'd need to add a big notice on the login page that says "logging in will add yourself to the directory" or something
# 18:37 aaronpk well it sounds like this would not do the webmention thing
# 18:37 aaronpk the act of loggin in to the wiki would trigger it
# 18:38 gRegor` Or maybe logging in + creation of User: page?
# 18:38 KevinMarks hm, actually, that could be an indieauth feature - show the hCard info on the "I just parsed your page, login with what" interstitial
snarfed, e-lima, frzn, alanpearce, elima, pauloppenheim and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:19 gRegor` Any indieweb examples of a reply and like in one note?
# 19:20 gRegor` I'm wondering if I can just add u-like-of to the URL in the reply-context. It's nested in an h-cite, so wasn't sure if most implementations would parse it.
# 19:24 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Have you posted any combos like that?
# 19:35 GWG snarfed: I'm always faster because I am single, alas.
jacus joined the channel
fourtonfish, krendil, raretrack, snarfed1, KevinMarks, Erkan_Yilmaz, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, interactivist, alanpearce and lukebrooker joined the channel
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# 22:04 KartikPrabhu jgarber: I did read your post. Adactio's links keep me pretty up-to-date on this stuff :)
LauraJ, KartikPrabhu, scor, elima, glennjones_ and nothingrandom joined the channel
# 22:57 snarfed if you want to own your likes/replies/retweets automatically, via PESOS over micropub, feel free to check it out!
frzn, tilgovi, alanpearce, snarfed, lukebrooker and Esse joined the channel