2015-02-20 UTC
mdik_, mdik, carlo_au, daf, KartikPrabhu, JHSheridan, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
gRegor` joined the channel
# 00:42 JHSheridan How goes it, friend?
# 00:43 GWG But it's over now and I may bask in the comfort of the IRC channel
# 00:49 JHSheridan Helped a friend move all day
# 00:50 JHSheridan Now I'm bugging kylewm about RedWind
# 00:52 GWG JHSheridan: I just use kylewm in screenshots.
# 00:53 JHSheridan I'm not sure what you mean
# 00:53 GWG JHSheridan: kylewm always sends me webmentions when I'm trying to test a feature
# 00:53 GWG So when I document the feature, it's often with a profile picture of him
scor and Mark87 joined the channel
alanpearce, gRegor`, davemenninger, snarfed, JHSheridan and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 01:41 kylewm easy to add, if you want to use it for something?
caseorganic joined the channel
# 01:47 acegiak kylewm: yeah I want to try and get upstream comment threading working
# 01:48 acegiak ah, right, sorry I got confused about which libraries are which
# 01:51 acegiak kylewm: not quite. if you comment on my post and then someone else comments on your comment on your site, what I want is for you to be able to send me an update webmention and then I can show that third party comment in thread on my original post
# 01:52 kylewm acegiak: oh right, I meant php-comments is similar to my mf2util library. I totally support the threaded comment thing
# 01:55 kylewm github changed its syntax highlighting theme again
# 01:57 GWG acegiak: What are you working on?
# 01:58 acegiak "if you comment on my post and then someone else comments on your comment on your site, what I want is for you to be able to send me an update webmention and then I can show that third party comment in thread on my original post"
# 01:59 kylewm acegiak, if you reply to a post that is already a reply, do you display both reply contexts now?
# 02:00 GWG It's not supported by the plugin, kylewm.
# 02:01 kylewm oh but acegiak is talking about going the other way, duh
# 02:02 acegiak kylewm: what about ifI use the word "salmonlike"?
# 02:02 kylewm ha, ok i see, you want the comments to flow upstream, that makes sense
# 02:08 acegiak kylewm: theoretically if I'm fetching from mf2 I should display nested reply contexts
# 02:09 acegiak KevinMarks: which is why I want to just do "hey I got a new comment, here's an update webmention if you want to check it out"
# 02:10 KevinMarks 'cos slamon protocol decided it was goign to be not on the web, so had to have signing complexity rather than just checking the origin for a comment
# 02:10 GWG acegiak: Anything I can do to help?
# 02:12 acegiak GWG: to solve this problem on wordpress we need to do a couple of steps: 1) make the mf2 parser library capable of returning data about comments on a h-entry
# 02:13 GWG acegiak: It doesn't parse it? Or it needs more?
# 02:13 acegiak 2) make the semantic linkbacks plugin read those comment data and create/update new comments in thread for them
# 02:13 GWG acegiak: Is it a linkbanks thing or a webmention plugin thing?
# 02:14 kylewm acegiak: GWG: aren't you just using php-mf2? It shouldn't need any changes to read comments
marclaporte and cmhobbs joined the channel
# 02:15 acegiak kylewm: really? hmm. maybe I'm just not using it right then
# 02:16 GWG kylewm: I don't include it in Post Kinds, but I may have to in a future version if I want to add a button to read data.
# 02:16 kylewm this will be an interesting game of telephone, parsing and re-parsing comments, sanitizing and re-sanitizing :)
# 02:18 acegiak kylewm: yeah. every time GWG updates indieweb-post-kinds I have to remove the sanitization from the response-content field because it's definitely the safest thing for end users, it's stopping me reblogging youtube videos
# 02:20 GWG acegiak: Is there a way we can work with that?
# 02:21 acegiak GWG: I'm not allowed near anything security sensitive
# 02:22 GWG acegiak: I put the Youtube video URL in and embed it separately using the oembed code.
# 02:22 GWG I have the embed section for that.
# 02:23 acegiak GWG: I'm reblogging things where the embeded youtube video needs to be in context with the comments around it
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:24 GWG I think solving some of your problems makes the plugin better
# 02:28 GWG So, you are trying to get the Youtube comments?
# 02:29 acegiak I just want to rblog what my friends are reblogging, whether that's youtube, vine, images, whatever
# 02:29 acegiak but the problem is that kses strips iframes and script tags for obvious reasons
# 02:30 GWG I could put in a variable you could set in wp-config that would override it.
# 02:30 GWG That would be the best way to do a hidden feature.
# 02:31 GWG Then you wouldn't have to edit it each time.
# 02:31 GWG But most people wouldn't be 'at risk'.
# 02:31 acegiak GWG: the other suggestion is to do what I currently do with javascript which is to display it escaped in a code box
# 02:32 acegiak and then when you doubleclick it it turns it back into the actual script
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:32 GWG If you want to contribute something...if it doesn't work for the majority of people, the option I suggested works...hidden feature.
# 02:32 acegiak but that's not the thing Im most worried about atht emoment
# 02:34 GWG acegiak: The next thing on my list after the theme support thing, which is giving me trouble for some reason in testing, is rewriting the display function again. I want to try to break it into smaller pieces.
# 02:35 GWG I have trouble following the various ifs.
caseorganic and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 03:06 GWG Did I miss anything? Neighbor needed to borrow a sim tool
alanpearce, wolftune, KartikPrabhu, davemenninger and caseorganic joined the channel
# 03:49 kylewm acegiak: sorry for the delay, yes i got a wm from you
# 03:55 GWG acegiak: I have something for that which may help
# 04:47 aaronpk oh *whew* I thought I was doing something horribly wrong but it was not my fault
# 04:47 aaronpk i forgot that twitter doesn't have permalinks for their likes, so bridgy just sets the tweet URL as the like URL
dariusdunlap and Mark87 joined the channel
# 04:50 kylewm snarfed: i'm looking at this inReplyTo thing again, do you think inReplyTo should be part of the activity or its object?
# 04:52 snarfed i think my reading of the spec was that it goes in that context field
# 04:53 snarfed we could look at g+ and even app.net comments as examples if we want
# 04:53 aaronpk question... if you're displaying a facepile of likes or reposts, do you hyperlink the face to the like URL or the author's home page?
# 04:56 snarfed aaronpk: yeah, i make up fragments in many cases when there's no permalink, but not all
# 04:57 kylewm snarfed: so the only reference i see to inReplyTo is in the comment object type
# 04:57 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: I use URL for reposts and author for likes but that is because most "likes" come from silos with no "like URL"
# 04:57 kylewm "Objects of this type MAY contain an additional inReplyTo property..."
# 04:57 KartikPrabhu for indie-likes I'd always link to response URL but I should implement that
# 04:58 aaronpk the challenge i'm having is with the mf2 underlying data
# 04:58 aaronpk each icon in the facepile is actually an "h-entry p-like"
# 05:01 aaronpk yeah it's realy a question of whether I should link to the author home page or the "like" permalink
# 05:01 KartikPrabhu yeah. I think silos need to be made an exception in that case, due to "likes" not being first-class posts on most
# 05:01 aaronpk right now i can link to the author home page and have a hidden link for the like permalink so that the mf2 data is correct
# 05:01 snarfed kylewm: yeah. i may have abused context for tweets specifically because an @-reply is still arguably a note, not a comment
# 05:01 GWG aaronpk: I think the author page. Anyone who is interested in clicking through isn't interested in the like page
# 05:03 snarfed kylewm: i vote go ahead and put inReplyTo top level, not in context
# 05:03 aaronpk do you expect to be taken to their home page? (there is no way to verify the like because the post was so long ago)
# 05:03 GWG I expect to learn more about who it is
# 05:03 snarfed aaronpk: yeah, home page. or silo profile for silo likes
# 05:04 kylewm snarfed: actually I think your rationale for putting it in the context makes sense, as much or more sense than putting it in the activity. is it ok if i pull it from the context when converting to mf2?
# 05:05 snarfed kylewm: maybe! the next question is consistency across the different silos. is that maybe more important than special handling for tweets as notes?
# 05:06 kylewm on the other silos, inReplyTo is in the object.. but those really are comments
# 05:06 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: yeah, making it work as people expect to is better. Also for likes one would expect "liked by whom" but for reposts it might be "reposted at... "
# 05:06 kylewm and it looks like G+ doesn't bother with "object" at all and just puts everything in the activity
# 05:09 aaronpk yeah interesting that "reposted at" is more interesting than "liked at"
# 05:09 kylewm i bet you meant status.net instead of app.net huh
# 05:10 aaronpk but that's subtle enough that i'm gonna treat them the same for now
# 05:12 snarfed kylewm: heh i guess. i thought ADN was based on AS too? maybe not?
# 05:12 snarfed kylewm: so you're proposing to look for inReplyTo both top level and in context?
# 05:13 kylewm right now it looks in activity["object"]["inReplyTo"], i'm proposing looking in activity["context"]["inReplyTo"] too
# 05:14 kylewm shortest distance from the current impl that gets what i want :)
alanpearce joined the channel
# 05:16 kylewm also, surprisingly difficult to find a spec for statusnet... moving on to gnusocial...
alanpearce joined the channel
# 05:20 tantek ok Loqi, let me know if I have any messages before I should go to sleep.
# 05:21 tantek I guess not, thought I saw something in the logs about my in-reply-to markup but maybe I was missing something.
# 05:51 aaronpk interesting that twitter returns a unique URL for reposts but not for likes
# 05:53 tantek not that interesting, likely side-effect of accidental implementation design
# 05:53 tantek e.g. twitter favorites were coded first, likely quickly, and sloppily / minimally
# 05:54 aaronpk hm true, that seems likely given what i know about twitter implementation history
# 05:54 tantek whereas native retweets probably had A LOT more up front design work, data modeling etc. that went into them
# 05:54 aaronpk i guess it's interesting that it matches up with the comment earlier about possibly wanting to actually see the repost permalink but not really caring to see the like permalink
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 05:57 snarfed retweet permalinks have always seemed kind of half-assed, since they redirect to the original tweet
# 05:58 snarfed i'm sure it's an intentional design choice, but still
# 05:59 tantek snarfed - I got more of the impression of "that's the best they could do" rather than "half-assed" but perhaps I'm being too charitable.
# 06:00 snarfed half-assed is probably unfair. i kind of doubt redesigning RTs is a priority for them though
benwerd joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme, webhat, wolftune, lukebrooker_, alanpearce, KartikPrabhu, Jihaisse, LauraJ, pfefferle, loic_m, elima, dariusdunlap and krendil joined the channel
sanduhrs, dariusdunlap_, KartikPrabhu, LauraJ, friedcell, caseorganic, cweiske, michielbdejong, eschnou, petermolnar, Sebastien-L, stream7, thehighfiveghost, nothingrandom, interactivist, davemenninger and squeakytoy2 joined the channel
pfefferle and LauraJ joined the channel
cphyc, glennjones, Mark87, frzn and davemenninger joined the channel
Mark87, wolftune, thehighfiveghost, caseorganic, danlyke, elima, pfefferle, nothingrandom and csarven joined the channel
scor, modem, e-lima, friedcell, thehighfiveghost, nothingrandom, danlyke, pfefferle, jgarber, LauraJ, davemenninger and Aeyoun joined the channel
danlyke_, fourtonfish and petermolnar joined the channel
kerosene joined the channel
# 15:30 GWG I'm trying to figure out WordPress data
# 15:31 GWG Snarfed went for mf2_ for his properties, I was using response[]
# 15:31 GWG I want to read his data if it is there.
# 15:32 GWG Trying to decide if I want to adopt or just convert.
# 16:04 GWG pfefferle: Either start storing my data in the mf2_ format, or just look for data in the mf2_ format and store it in my response array
# 16:05 pfefferle GWG does the second option mean, that you will store the same data twice?
# 16:06 GWG I'm writing a function that would return an array of the data. So, I wouldn't store it twice. I would just return it to the display functionality without worrying about where it came from.
# 16:07 GWG I figured, if I do change it, adding that layer would make it easier.
# 16:07 GWG Also, there are a few other good reasons to separate it into a function
Aeyoun, kronda and pfefferle joined the channel
# 16:21 GWG pfefferle: That was what I was thinking. Because that moves forward WordPress_Data to a 'standard'. Which moves forward Indieweb on WordPress.
# 16:21 GWG Different meta values means it is harder.
# 16:22 GWG Right now, it is just snarfed doing mf2_ though.
# 16:22 pfefferle GWG but is mf2 or uf2 a good idea? what about ”žindie_“ or ”žindieweb_“
# 16:23 GWG One refers to microformats 2 properties. The other is referred to a series of concepts.
# 16:23 GWG I tend to lean toward mf2 as more inclusive.
voxpelli joined the channel
# 16:29 GWG Either way, I need to figure out the structure and think on it.
# 16:29 GWG I'm not even sure how a reply-context should be stored in these keys.
# 16:30 GWG So, it is just a matter of changing 'response' to 'mf2_cite'.
# 16:31 GWG And the field names to match the properties.
# 16:32 GWG That only means author changes to 'name'.
# 16:33 GWG Possibly also storing the URL in mf2_in_reply_to if context suggests.
# 16:34 GWG Although that is redundant much of the time.
gmack joined the channel
# 16:35 GWG I think I need to look in 3 places, create the logic around it, and ultimately store in one.
KartikPrabhu, tonious, pfefferle, friedcell and verdi_ joined the channel
tilgovi, tilgovi_, benwerd, raretrack and tantek joined the channel
fourtonfish and snarfed joined the channel
# 18:14 GWG Things are always surprisingly fast
# 18:15 tantek GWG, well they had hoped to ship in December, ahem. ;)
# 18:17 aaronpk !tell pfefferle guten tag! what part of Germany do you live in? I'm going to be in a couple places in Germany in March and thought maybe we could host a homebrew website club!
# 18:17 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:18 GWG Every time someone says that I keep hoping to find someone in NYC
# 18:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:19 GWG snarfed: I have been thinking about mf2_ and I think I will be coming on board
# 18:21 GWG I hope that I don't drive users crazy with dataset changes
# 18:21 tantek figured I'd balance the criticism of RSS with adding a silo example
stream7 joined the channel
# 18:29 fiatjaf does anyone know of something bad that can happen if I try to post webmentions to a github jekyll site using the github api?
# 18:34 aaronpk i've been thinking of the idea of my website as a feed reader too
# 18:35 aaronpk the more I start pulling in external content (like reply contexts, reposts, likes, and mentions) the more I think my site might be better off rendering my own posts from the same data format, h-entry
# 18:36 tantek kylewm: another alternative would be to use RSS as flat file storage
# 18:36 tantek that's just as reasonable as rendering the HTML by reading HTML
# 18:37 aaronpk or hey why not just present the RSS feed as your home page and use XSLT! ;)
# 18:37 tantek assuming you prefer storing things as RSS rather than HTML
# 18:37 tantek aaonpk - because search engines don't run XSTL
# 18:37 Loqi tantek meant to say: aaonpk - because search engines don't run XSLT
# 18:37 aaronpk but the content would be there anyway, just in XML instead of XHTML
# 18:39 tantek except … search engines do not index RSS (any more)
# 18:39 tantek pours one out for Feedster, PubSub, Technorati, etc.
# 18:39 tantek yes it got dropped. because it was far less useful than the equivalent HTML.
# 18:44 tantek if you want your content to go everywhere, including the archives, you have no choice but to send down HTML
wolftune, Pierre-O, interactivist, snarfed, cphyc, cweiske, KartikPrabhu, scor, alanpearce, Rob__, pauloppenheim, sparverius, friedcell, hober and smcgregor joined the channel
hober joined the channel
# 20:37 GWG tantek: Are you planning your afterlife already?
KartikPrabhu, megalan and interactivist joined the channel
JHSheridan joined the channel
# 20:42 tantek GWG, just creating redirects in ways people have asked the question
# 20:42 GWG tantek: I thought you would have an interesting view on it. You usually say things that get me thinking
frzn joined the channel
# 20:44 tantek hey Loqi, why you gotta drop the first non-URL word of my tweet?
# 20:44 GWG tantek: You may be gone, but tanteking will live forever
# 20:44 tantek aaronpk bug ^^^ - " of these mornings" should have been "“One of these mornings"
# 20:45 tantek apparently is *really* good at breaking things.
# 20:48 tantek "Please choose an image that is at least 400 pixels wide." FUUUUUUU FB!
# 20:56 tantek ^^^ the error message you get if you try to set an event header image that is narrower than 400px
tilgovi, friedcell, benwerd and frzn joined the channel
# 21:33 hmans In h-entry, is u-uid expected to be a URI?
# 21:34 tantek everything else is handwavy hypothetical mumbojumbo
# 21:34 hmans How do we deal with someone migrating their site from http to https -- wouldn't that break existing u-uids? (Or do they just remain at http://, and nobody cares?)
# 21:35 hmans Right... and the UID remains at its original value. Only way this works, I guess
# 21:35 hmans (I'm looking at using u-uid for deduplication when fetching remote documents after receiving a webmention)
# 21:36 tantek at some point in the future I expect a revision of the "http:" spec to switch to "try accessing the resource over https *first*, and then fallback to http"
# 21:38 aaronpk for deduplication I'd just ignore the scheme when comparing
# 21:38 hmans I guess it's not a big problem as long as the uid is considered primarily an identifier and not an actual location (even though it will be just that in most situations.)
# 21:39 aaronpk i can't remember the citation, but somewhere it's written that if your site responds to both http and https the contents of the URLs should be the same
# 21:40 hmans Yeah, I would expect most if not all people who serve both :80 and :443 to 301 from one to the other.
# 21:41 aaronpk i'm serving from both right now until I can fix all mixed-content warnings
# 21:42 tantek aaronpk - pretty sure I saw a blog post by timbl about that "should be the same"
# 21:46 GWG How would MicroPub post a like? I see syndicate like in the wiki, but not just post one
# 21:46 GWG aaronpk: I meant, what does it send? like-of?
gRegor` and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 21:49 gRegor` kylewm: Nice work on reply contexts in Woodwind, especially showing tweets. I was not expecting that.
# 21:49 gRegor` How easy/difficult would it be to set up my own install of Woodwind? Is it also built on Flask?
wolftune joined the channel
# 21:51 kylewm gRegor`: thanks! it is Flask, yes ... it would go up on Heroku pretty painlessly
# 21:51 gRegor` What's it use for storage?
# 21:52 gRegor` I'm on Dreamhost
# 21:52 kylewm also, I'm defering to activitystreams-unofficial for the twitter contexts
# 21:52 kylewm Postgres for storage, Redis or RabbitMQ for the task queue
# 21:52 gRegor` Ah, ok. Not easy for me to get going then.
# 21:53 kylewm you would need to run the main application in a wsgi app server, and the celery worker separate
# 21:54 gRegor` Maybe I'll pick up the indie reader started at /2014
# 21:55 gRegor` Must focus on this ProcessWire webmention plugin in the meantime.
# 21:55 gRegor` aaronpk: Yeah, I thought it could be a starting point.
# 21:55 gRegor` By the time I get around to it, maybe yours will be up and going aaronpk :) More choices!
# 21:56 gRegor` is content using reader.kylewm.com until he wants to kick me off
# 21:57 kylewm feel free to! i'm planning to keep it running as long as i can :)
# 21:57 kylewm well, until someone else's reader lures me away
dns53 and scor joined the channel
# 22:03 gRegor` GWG, why not mf2['key'] instead of mf2_cite['key'] ?
# 22:04 gRegor` Alternately, why not store the JSON and not worry about breaking out individual parameters?
# 22:04 GWG store a post's top-level microformats2 string properties in post metadata with the property names as the keys, prefixed by mf2_.
# 22:05 hmans tantek, I'm noticing that your u-uid URLs are relative -- is it assumed that consumers should build a fully qualified URI when encountering a relative u-uid?
# 22:05 GWG gRegor`: The proposal states storing using mf2_toplevelproperty. The citation is not top level.
# 22:06 tantek hmans - per microformats2 parsing spec, parsers MUST build a fully qualified URL when encountering u-* properties.
# 22:06 GWG gRegor`: Also, you can retrieve the entire post metadata in a single command.
# 22:07 GWG The only thing is technically, I should be storing the h-card inside the h-cite.
# 22:07 gRegor` steps away from WordPress
# 22:07 GWG That would be technically accurate
lukebrooker joined the channel
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# 22:18 hmans As a h-entry consumer interested in using UID for deduplication (and I may be on the wrong path?), I would expect the UID to remain the same during the lifetime of a post, even if content or URL change.
# 22:20 tantek to answer first question, don't know, haven't had to yet (since I started blogging 2002-08-08)
# 22:20 tantek (thus postponing bothering to think about / solve hypotheticals)
# 22:20 aaronpk I am going to have to make this decision very soon
# 22:20 aaronpk since I am going to change my URLs to drop the post type from them
# 22:22 tantek which is basically what I'm doing based on iso ordinal
# 22:22 ben_thatmustbeme plus as i had mentioned before, if you start doing too much data you get stuck at how to handle multiple things per second
# 22:22 tantek but including type because I like clustering by type in a day
# 22:22 hmans Am I completely off track thinking that u-url and u-uid are two completely separate entities that most of the time just happen to be equal?
# 22:22 aaronpk because I often create posts out of sequence such as when I'm importing car2go history or last.fm scrobbles
# 22:23 tantek hmans - it's not reasonable to place any burden on publishers like "UID to remain the same during the lifetime of a post, even if content or URL change" therefore you must not assume that
# 22:23 tantek u-uid is more like the canonical URL for a post, which *can* change over time
# 22:24 tantek though I could see posts keeping all past variants as "u-url" property values somewhere, and only the current canonical one as u-uid
# 22:24 tantek aaronpk, "often create posts out of sequence" is *exactly* why I type-segment the numerical index portion of the URL
# 22:25 hmans That doesn't sound like I should be using u-uid for deduplication.
# 22:25 tantek if it has the same u-uid it is the same thing
# 22:25 aaronpk tantek: but I am trying to get away from post type in URL
# 22:26 tantek aaronpk - it was the simplest solution I found for "often create posts out of sequence" (per type)
# 22:26 hmans tantek, good point. Do you see any obvious heuristics beyond u-uid?
# 22:26 aaronpk (or was I trying to get away from post type as first component of the URL)
# 22:27 tantek it also permits me to change URL policies once a year should I choose to
# 22:27 hmans tantek, the scenario I'm trying to solve is this: I receive a webmention with source=http://bob/foo. Later, Bob changes the URL of the post to http://bob/bar and sends another webmention. I want to find out if /bar is the same document as /foo.
tilgovi joined the channel
# 22:30 hmans What I'm building on the receiving end (Pants) is the following: if I get a new webmention from bob.com, and the target document already has existing incoming links from other documents at bob.com, I will iterate through them, HEAD them, and check for a redirect. If one or more gets redirected tp new URLs, I will combine and consolidate accordingly. (As a fallback if u-uid don't match.)
# 22:31 hmans This will break if someone ends up publishing the same thing on multiple URLs, sending webmentions for two or more, but it's a start
# 22:41 aaronpk I just realized I'm also struggling with the concept of post types
# 22:42 tantek aaronpk in the short URL form, I preferred the type first because I thought it looked nicer, and since it was going to redirect to the year-first permalink anyway I thought it was fine
# 22:42 tantek aaronpk, I did spend a lot of time in 2009 stressing over the segmentation / design of a taxonomy of post types
# 22:42 aaronpk my car2go, biking and running posts all have something in common, which is the fact they are all routes
# 22:42 aaronpk but biking and running are also exercise, along with pushups
# 22:43 tantek mostly at least to capture my immediate needs, near term needs, what I had published at all, then likely future additions
# 22:43 tantek I especially think the permashortcitations look nicer with the type char before number
# 22:44 tantek the idea there is to communicate subtly what the shortlink is before the user clicks on it
# 22:44 tantek that is, they know if they see /tNNNN that it's "just" a note - low reading commitment
# 22:45 tantek also I wanted to allow for different shortening strategies for different types
# 22:45 tantek I right now have ended up using "notes" for all three of notes, replies, RSVPs
# 22:46 tantek because in practice I have found them all to be "note-like"
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# 22:49 tantek ah - I've actually captured my use of text notes for replies and RSVPs on my post type taxonomy design page: tantek.com/w/Whistle#design - just after the list of letters
# 22:52 aaronpk right now i'm just having a debate with myself on github :P
# 22:53 tantek yeah seems like he switched CMSs to boxpub and broke everything
scor joined the channel
# 23:05 tantek messaged him via gchat auto-offline-failover-to-gmail
# 23:06 tantek for those that don't know the name, he was heavily involved in the DiSo effort that predated IndieWeb(Camp) and had many similar principles/values/goals
# 23:07 tantek (besides the usual own your data reasons to put it on a blog post on my domain instead of a wikipage on pbworks)
# 23:08 aaronpk probably yeah, although I'd also like to see more explanation of your design decisions of your full permalinks, not just short
# 23:12 hmans KevinMarks, but that may change over time, too, considering it has SEO use
# 23:12 KevinMarks hence this handy script javascript:var c = document.querySelector("link[rel=canonical]"); if(c){ history.replaceState({},document.title, c.href); }
jacus joined the channel
# 23:28 kylewm hmm, nothing on archive.org for that monkinetic url either
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