gRegor`Depending what indieweb-enabled features you mean, ProcessWire is a solid choice IMO. I'm in the process of migrating my site to ProcessWire and writing a webmention plugin for it.
dougmckownMy main IW feature is tweet-cloning to my site along with the ability to pull in twitter replies and favorites to my sites. On WP, I use Twitter Tools and Social by MailChimp.
dougmckowngregor: because syndicating a post that's under 140 characters still pushes a URL to twitter, and because I haven't found a way to syndicate *just* the post and not the title to twitter. I've tried dozens of twitter syndication tools. They all have these problems.
dougmckowngregor: to solve these problems, I have decided to push tweets (and replies) to WP instead. That means that I have a non-silo version and replies.
gRegor`If your notes are marked up with mf2, bridgy should properly pull in the text. You can use the interactive publish mode to paste in your link and see a preview of the tweet to be sent.
gRegor`dougmckown: I am working on a webmention plugin for ProcessWire. It's "close" but I've been really busy. Hopefully I can launch a beta within a month.
gRegor`You can install ProcessWire with the blog profile (included in the download) as easily as WordPress, IMO. From there it depends what indieweb functionality you want.
GWGdougmckown: Most themes can get a basic mf2 by just added h-card where there is vcard, h-entry where there is hentry, etc. There are some other issues with the mf1 standard as implemented on WordPress
GWGdougmckown: If you edit a theme, you should be able to find it in the theme, and then it would be on all posts. Remember, the theme is a template applied to all posts.
dougmckowngregor`: Thanks, I'll add myself as soon as I can get web sign-in to work. My site includes re=me links to silos that have links back to me, but I still can't sign in.
gRegor`dougmckown: I think the common experience is that github seems to work best. For Twitter rel=me I had to update the URL on my twitter bio once to get it to work; I think there was an issue with Twitter's URL shortener.
dougmckowngregor`: I see what happened, I loggin in to indiewebcamp, then clicked the link above to irc people which is http:// and it would send me to the logged out version of the page.
acegiakSo a bunch of the people I've talked to in my social circles that are interested in having their own indieweb site currently have no website at all and I'm trying to find the most cost effective but flexible solution for them
acegiakcause the problem I had was that I was using a paid host and then I started using too much processing time and they got shitty so I had to go through the hassle of migrating to my own server
Loqislack/snarfed: ok. still, AWS is for engineers/ops people. I'd never recommend anyone else use any AWS product, except maybe outliers like mechanical turk
Loqislack/snarfed: there are plenty of free hosted options. e.g. known, but you can also make blogger, tumblr, and <|> pretty indieweb
Loqislack/snarfed: eh. owning data isn't necessarily about owning the server, hosting, etc. you're always at some point on the spectrum. your own domain is the main part
hmansI always thought I should have gone the PHP route for Pants for maximum web "portability", but I just couldn't be bothered to deal with the language any more. :/
hmansI'm kind of hoping that a couple of years from now, container based hosting will be just as omnipresent as simple LAMP stack web space type hosting, so we can go crazy with all sorts of obscure technology stacks without losing users. I'd love to build something with OpenResty (nginx + Lua, it's crazy fast and very hackable)
benwerdI second this. LAMP was a practical decision because it could be installed almost anywhere. It'd be cool to be able to mix and match to make the best possible machine.
hmansThat's one of my major gripes with PHP as a platform (not language)... in the end, it's still mostly about scripting Apache workers instead of thinking in terms of having long-running application processes. Granted, this is what makes it easy to deploy. Hm.
Unifex, tantek, lukebrooker, cweiske, elima and KevinMarks joined the channel
Loqi!calc 1) ownyourdata - 100% of posts (e.g. at least of one post type) they post on their own site first, then POSSE to a silo, e.g. notes to Twitter
tantek3) sharecropper - none of their posts (of at least one post type) they post to their own site first, but instead always post to silos first, e.g. Twitter
tantekwondering how to document this, because it shows how committed they are to their own website and to an independent web. i.e. if you're not living it (or at least trying to, even partially), you don't really believe in it.
Loqiown your data is one of the principles of the IndieWeb and is an encouragement to always post content directly to your own domain with permalinks that you control instead of posting to silos (or only posting copies of your posts to silos per POSSE, and if so, preferably both automatically & with permashortlinks back to your original posts)
tantekownsomedata is when an indieweb site user/owner only posts some of their content (perhaps of a certain type) on their own domain first, then POSSEs it to silos, and instead posts some or most content on silos first.
gRegor`The iPad Twitter app has a "copy URL of Tweet" option, but the Android Twitter app does not - when you go to copy on Android it adds some text like "Check out @username's tweet: URL"
ben_thatmustbemeoh yeah, i remember why i stopped looking at that for the time being... phonegap build doesn't support the plugin for it yet, so I could make it work for myself but I had wanted to use the build service to make in available for iOS
bearFYI for anyone using Gitorious for their git repos: "GitLab and Gitorious have announced that GitLab will acquire Gitorious. "Starting today, users can import their existing projects into by clicking the “Import projects from” link when creating a new project. will stay online until the end of May 2015 to give people time to migrate their repositories.
GWGpfefferle: The comment you made about how to override the text Semantic Linkback puts in...I'd paste that exact thing in as a remark in the code for anyone who wants to use it
LoqiGWG: pfefferle left you a message 7 hours, 31 minutes ago: GWG yes, that seems to be the problem… found a quick fix that seems even more elegant that the original code anyways :)
GWGSo... "To override the default behavior, just add a filter to comment_text with a lower priority (so that it's called after this one) or remove the filter completely in your code: remove_filter('comment_text', array('SemanticLinkbacksPlugin', 'comment_text_add_cite'), 11);