2015-03-04 UTC
caseorganic, lukebrooker_ and snarfed joined the channel
# 00:09 dietrich tantek: bret aaronpk yah i think i can do 11th, let me check the office calendar...
# 00:10 bret dietrich: When you confirm, I'll put up a calagator post
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# 00:19 bret dietrich: i rsvpd you on the wiki. is that okay?
# 00:42 elf-pavlik thinking about micropub and sending AS2.0 object serialized as microformats
# 00:42 Loqi Homebrew Website Club PDX on Tuesday, Mar 3, 6:30pm at Mozilla
# 00:43 aaronpk also is the ipfs blurb correct? it's not on the wiki
# 00:45 bret aaronpk: tjgillies and i have been playing around with ipfs
# 00:45 bret he has his indiweb site running on it
# 00:46 tantek elf-pavlik: that's "use as2" is not a *user* use-case
# 00:46 tantek better for us to figure out the other direction
# 00:47 tantek how a receiver of form-encoded microformats could convert to AS2 upon receiving it if it needs that
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# 00:47 tantek elf-pavlik: the examples in as-core are horrible
# 00:47 tantek I'm working on reviewing them and I would hate to see anyone try to publish or consume them
# 00:48 elf-pavlik tantek, did you just read them for the first time?
# 00:48 tantek they are overly complicated or just outright wrong
# 00:48 tantek elf-pavlik: I thought I did but apparently I missed the abuse of <link> and <meta>
# 00:48 tantek none of the examples reflect any current practices
# 00:48 elf-pavlik as you may guess jasnell doesn't use microformats much ...
# 00:48 tantek it's like they were written out of thin air, completely impractically
# 00:49 tantek elf-pavlik: I'm shockd because we made much more progress on the wiki page
# 00:55 Loqi slack/snarfed: it doesn't convert btw mf2 and micropub (is form encoded) yet, but that would be a great addition!
# 00:55 Loqi slack/snarfed: tantek: it uses one or two 2.0 features but not many
# 01:01 bret aaronpk: thanks for catching those errors, at work and got distracted I think
XgFgX joined the channel
# 01:01 aaronpk bret: cool. you already got people in #pdxtech excited about the meetup tomorrow ;)
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# 01:06 elf-pavlik i also wonder how it differes from u-url
# 01:06 elf-pavlik u-url - entry permalink URL
# 01:06 elf-pavlik u-uid - unique entry ID
# 01:07 elf-pavlik what is canonical?
# 01:08 elf-pavlik ok so it sounds like JSON-LD @id
# 01:10 tantek u-uid is like @id - well that seems reasonable - hopefully the meaning is similar enough
# 01:10 tantek in practice all working u-uid on the web have been u-url
# 01:10 tantek a stronger requirement of "linked" content as it were ;)
# 01:11 elf-pavlik can u-uid 'not be' u-url' ?
# 01:13 elf-pavlik i understood u-uid = the canonical u-url
# 01:13 elf-pavlik and if something has u- it implies HTTP URI - URL
# 01:17 Loqi slack/snarfed: fwiw the a-u library puts tag uris in u-uid, which are uris but not (afaik) http urls
# 01:18 Loqi slack/snarfed: I now wish I'd used real urls instead, but I kept the tag uris so that the uids stayed consistent
# 01:18 elf-pavlik 'u-*' for URL properties, e.g. 'u-photo'
# 01:19 elf-pavlik which scheme those non http: URIs use?
# 01:20 Loqi slack/snarfed: yup. I was converting from AS, and already populating u-url with the permalink, so I put I'd into u-uid
# 01:21 Loqi slack/snarfed: er, "I put id into u-uid"
alanpearce, scor and XgFgX joined the channel
# 01:41 elf-pavlik tantek, i struggle with interpreting tag: URI as URL :|
# 01:42 elf-pavlik better just goes to sleep... 2:40AM here @|@
# 01:45 Loqi slack/snarfed: elf-pavlik, tantek: my fault. tag uris aren't URLs. I incorrectly used them in mf2 u-uid. ignore me
# 01:45 Loqi slack/snarfed: I was just explaining the existing code
# 01:48 elf-pavlik snarfed, no worries i just try to clarify u-uid
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# 01:53 elf-pavlik snarfed, does brid.gy keep cache of publicly shared microformats ?
# 01:56 elf-pavlik aaronpk, tantek imagine querying public indieweb posts and microformats knowledge graph with something like above ^
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# 01:57 elf-pavlik aaronpk, snarfed try pick example query "Events that took place in the Trentino region" ping rhiaro
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# 02:02 elf-pavlik brid.gy could harvest data for such knowledge graph with query interface
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# 02:15 snarfed elf-pavlik: bridgy stores a limited amount of as/mf2 data for all silo activities and responses it sees. doesn't include location.
# 02:16 snarfed it would take a little work to munge it into a format that's easily queryable like you describe, but only a little. happy to help if you want to try that!
# 02:17 elf-pavlik snarfed++ thx!
# 02:17 elf-pavlik let's talk about querying indieweb public data once rhiaro wakes up :)
# 02:21 kylewm i feel like it would be more interesting to query a corpus of indieweb sites than a corpus of silo responses
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# 02:25 kylewm yeah that's kind of what i was getting at :) I was thinking I should start storing raw mf2 data in my reader
# 02:25 Loqi KevinMarks_ meant to say: It was a nice part of shrewdness
# 02:27 kylewm ah but you can't query shrewdness with SPARQL
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, e-lima, tilgovi, alanpearce and snarfed joined the channel
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# 05:02 GWG aaronpk: Pfefferle got around to updating Semantic Linkbacks on the repository. That function I use is now stable.
tilgovi, KartikPrabhu and wolftune joined the channel
# 05:27 kylewm soliciting clever ideas, i want to deduplicate originals and syndicated copies in my feed reader... i started looking for u-syndication on the originals but it turns out most people (incl me) don't publish those in the h-feed
# 05:28 kylewm i don't really want to fetch every permalink every time
# 05:30 Loqi slack/pwcc: kylewm: if you're happy with rough, can you standardise whitespace, remove formatting and generate a hash?
# 05:31 Loqi slack/pwcc: Or not, now I write it it doesn't look as easy as I first thought
# 05:33 kylewm hmm interesting idea pwcc. just a substring match would work pretty well for a lot of tweets
# 05:33 kylewm photos is still a tough case, but i guess lots of photos have a caption
# 05:34 kylewm substring match if you remove trailing links, perma-citations and ellipses
# 05:35 kylewm I could just campaign for people to put their syndication links in the h-feed :)
# 05:36 Loqi slack/pwcc: Y, that's the sort of thing I am thinking.
# 05:36 Loqi slack/pwcc: Nah, RSS will never take off.
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# 05:37 tantek kylewm: that's interesting about the lack of syndication links in people's h-feed
# 05:38 tantek one approach is to ask the UI question - is there a good reason to put syndication links on the visible h-feed? (there may be)
# 05:38 tantek I was certainly considering it - as part of including webaction buttons on posts in my h-feed
# 05:38 tantek that may be a way to approach campaigning for people to put their syndication links in the h-feed - that is, give them a good UX reason to do so
# 05:38 kylewm i think there's a very strong argument for putting webactions in the feed,
# 05:39 tantek kylewm: right - the webactions in the feed is what I discovered was important during IWC UK 2014
# 05:39 tantek in practice for me the syndication links are not much different than the webactions buttons
# 05:39 tantek because the webactions fallbacks include links to the syndicated copies
# 05:40 KevinMarks_ Sounds like the problem we had with rel-tag and people putting tags "under the post"
# 05:40 tantek and I for example expose Twitter replies' syndication links as "View Conversation on Twitter"
# 05:40 tantek KevinMarks: not quite - that was a markup problem, this is UX incentive problem
# 05:41 KevinMarks_ Well, similar - the Syndication links aren't seen as part of the post.
# 05:51 Loqi slack/pwcc: Is something like this possible <indieweb:sydication>twitter.com/etc/</indieweb:sydication>
# 05:51 GWG I'm working on Syndication Links right now, coincidentally.
# 05:51 Loqi slack/pwcc: Better than providing as links as it lets the client do what it's good as.
# 05:59 kylewm pwcc: you could just put empty/invisible <a> links but that's kind of a last resort
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# 06:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 07:38 cweiske gitorious was bought by gitlab, and gitorious.org will shut down end of may
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# 07:42 elf-pavlik kylewm, what did you mean by "i feel like it would be more interesting to query a corpus of indieweb sites than a corpus of silo responses" ?
# 07:43 snarfed elf-pavlik: bridgy is a corpus of silo responses :P
# 07:44 elf-pavlik oh, got it :)
# 07:44 elf-pavlik one could crow more data starting from this
# 07:45 elf-pavlik and putting it in an index/cache can offer really fast queries
# 07:45 elf-pavlik s/crawl/crow/
loic_m, KartikPrabhu, sean_ and Jihaisse joined the channel
# 07:59 snarfed for silo data, their own search services are already way better and more complete than we could provide
# 08:00 snarfed and kylewm is right, for indie sites, woodwind or indie-stats are probably better to start from
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# 08:52 elf-pavlik michielbdejong, ^
# 08:53 elf-pavlik jancborchardt, hugoroyd ^
# 08:54 michielbdejong elf-pavlik: yes! Just got a notification because Loqi mentioned my Twitter handle which is also my irc user :)
# 08:55 elf-pavlik oh, true :D
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# 09:04 michielbdejong elf-pavlik: maybe I will! Haven't planned that far ahead yet, but would be nice
# 09:04 elf-pavlik michielbdejong++
# 09:09 elf-pavlik how it goes with indiehosters?
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# 09:12 elf-pavlik scor, hi o/ do you know by any chance if people use microformats in drupal?
# 09:13 scor elf-pavlik: no, not that I know of
# 09:13 elf-pavlik and with RDFa / Microdata, do you know which one people use more out in the wild?
# 09:14 scor on drupal sites or in general?
# 09:14 elf-pavlik in drupal sites
# 09:14 scor RDFa since most of it is baked in
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# 09:38 hugoroyd michielbdejong: where is beograd?
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# 09:54 michielbdejong i can recommend Budapest to everyone by the way, really sad to be leaving here after one month
# 10:04 cweiske so I can use it as my indieauth server? as <link rel="authorization_endpoint"...>?
# 10:05 fkooman cweiske: it works a bit different, you publish your cert fingerprint on your home page
# 10:06 fkooman cweiske: but that should be easy to implement...
# 10:07 fkooman cweiske: it is almost the same, but has some changes
# 10:07 fkooman cweiske: like returning json on the verify step, not requiring client_id on the auth request
# 10:09 cweiske I wouldn't like to implement an indiecert-specific protocol but rather rely on the indieauth protocol
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# 10:10 fkooman cweiske: i guess I could sniff the 'Accept' header on verify requests to return this weird uriencoded post body on verify requests :)
# 10:11 fkooman ah, i thought it was mostly used for POST requests, not for responses
# 10:11 fkooman OAuth also uses JSON responses
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# 10:14 fkooman cweiske: also, i use a seperate endpoint for the verify step
# 10:15 fkooman as a post on the auth endpoint is used for the user to confirm the authentication
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# 11:23 elf-pavlik adding rel="me" href="irc://irc.freenode.net/elf-pavlik,isnick"
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# 14:15 cweiske fkooman, how do I get the fingerprint for an already installed client certificate?
# 14:16 cweiske chromium shows the sha1 and sha256 fingerprints in the settings
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# 14:18 cweiske it'd be cool if there was a tool that simply took the copied text
# 14:22 elf-pavlik cweiske, fkooman went out somewhere... he'll see highlight once back
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# 14:38 GWG pfefferle: Thank you for the update
# 14:42 pfefferle GWG not yet it is a bit tricky with the german articles (der, die, das) for the post-types
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# 14:44 GWG pfefferle: Hope it works out. No one understands my attempts to use what little German I know
# 14:45 GWG pfefferle: Your English is very good. Only an occasional grammar issue
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# 14:46 GWG In other news, my Syndication Links plugin has got a contributor.
# 14:47 GWG I consider any interest in anything I wrote to indicate that I am doing something right
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# 16:04 elf-pavlik good afternoon :)
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# 16:29 fkooman ah, cweiske just left :(
marclaporte, tantek, snarfed, pfefferle and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
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# 17:08 aaronpk that's an ineteresting problem with URL autolinnking
# 17:09 aaronpk tantek: does your function handle that appropriately?
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# 17:29 fkooman aaronpk: thanks! :)
# 17:33 kylewm and it definitely handles parens correctly, I just got done fixing a really annoying bug with that in bridgy and used cassis as a reference
# 17:36 aaronpk i should see if i can just use cassis for the logs
# 17:38 kylewm it's good. i would use it if i was in php or js
# 17:39 aaronpk i should write a ruby version of it and release just the auto_link function as a gem
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# 17:53 tantek yes the trailing paren auto-linking case was a pet peeve of mine (bug in Twitter auto-linking) so I fixed it :)
# 17:53 tantek and yes it works (to include the paren) if there is an open paren in the URL (e.g. some wikipedia URLs)
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# 17:55 kylewm oh that's interesting and kinda weird -- i'm getting PuSH updates from benwerd now. the hub.topic for his h-feed is "http://werd.io/content/all/?_t=rss"
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# 17:58 gRegor` What us hub.topic?
# 17:58 gRegor` What IS hub.topic?
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# 18:00 gRegor` snarfed: Ooh, Bookmarklet Free looks cool. I will try that out.
# 18:01 gRegor` Is this captured on the wiki anywhere?
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# 19:22 GWG aaronpk: Someone did client certificates for indieauth?
# 19:25 GWG KevinMarks, wp-cli is a cli interface to Wordpress. Not a core product
# 19:25 KevinMarks mung is a verb meaning to transform with code. See the Mac OS Munger function.
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# 19:30 gRegor` What is wp-cli?
# 19:31 gRegor` Wiki edit races (as a service)
# 19:38 Jeena how would you mark up a "Now playing track ..." thingy with microformats?
# 19:39 gRegor` I think mowens (? forget exact username) has examples of that.
# 19:41 Jeena on his/her website they have it as a h-entry and fa-music with p-track p-album and p-artist
# 19:42 gRegor` Jeena: I think the album and track attributes are last.fm UIDs. He's PESOS from last.fm iirc
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# 19:42 gRegor` I think he has code on Github for that, in Node.
# 19:43 Jeena I already have implemented the fetching, now I just want to mark it up in some meaningfull way
# 19:43 gRegor` What is listen?
# 19:44 gRegor` Musicbrainz IDs, not Last.fm
# 19:44 gRegor` What is Musicbrainz?
# 19:45 GWG Jeena, how does something become official if not usage?
# 19:46 gRegor` Jeena GWG It's pretty early on and experimental. Try it and iterate, I say.
# 19:46 Jeena I don't know, if it is at least described in the microformats.org wiki?
# 19:47 Jeena and hopefully some day implemented in the microformats parsers
# 19:47 aaronpk microformats parsers don't need to know about property names
# 19:47 gRegor` Jeena: The parsers will handle it already based on the prefix p-, u-, h-, etc.
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# 19:53 GWG gRegor`: Will do when next home. But acegiak uses it too
# 19:54 gRegor` acegiak and mko are listed
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# 20:01 gRegor` I don't think so. It's not a product you're listing for sale.
# 20:02 gRegor` Which I think is the common use-case for h-product
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# 21:08 elf-pavlik what is indiecert?
# 21:12 elf-pavlik what is indiehosters?
# 21:14 elf-pavlik what is indiecert?
# 21:14 fkooman cweiske: i could, but right now the indiecert.net instance only accepts certs signed by indiecert.net CA, not from other CAs, but it is possible to disable the check and allow for all certs..
# 21:15 gRegor` elf-pavlik: A <dfn> around "Indiecert" in the page will make Loqi return the first sentence.
# 21:15 cweiske is it ok if my homepage's ssl cert is from cacert.org, even if it's not trusted by most browsers?
# 21:16 fkooman cweiske: oh no, not right now...
# 21:16 fkooman cweiske: i can add the CAcert CA as trusted CA
# 21:17 elf-pavlik what is indiecert?
# 21:17 elf-pavlik gRegor++ thx!
# 21:19 fkooman cweiske: i guess CAcert is only relevant as long as Let's encrypt is not live, or do you expect use of CAcert after that?
# 21:19 cweiske fkooman, could you guide me through the certificate URL generation?
# 21:20 fkooman cweiske: certificate url generation?
# 21:20 cweiske even if I like cacert.org more from a philosophical standpoint
# 21:20 cweiske <link rel="me" href="ni://indiecert.net/sha-256;WXXyBZDo1pZYiLbrCNGFtSdSamqEvSJJBRzpx-MNIUA?ct=application/x-x509-user-cert">
# 21:24 Jeena the only problem is that the artwork shown comes from a http server and my website is https
# 21:24 fkooman cweiske: sorry I didn't see that, i wasn't subscribed to my own project, weird GH :(
# 21:27 fkooman cweiske: i'll look at it tomorrow and answer your created issues :)
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# 21:27 cweiske when I try to use a client cert generated by indiecert
# 21:28 fkooman cweiske: yup it is
# 21:28 fkooman 60 = Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates.
# 21:29 fkooman super user friendly error handling :/
# 21:29 cweiske now I also understand why indiecert told me I have no certificate - I had my own client cert, but it was not from comodo/your CA
# 21:29 fkooman cweiske: yeah, it will only show the popup if you have one that is signed by indiecert ca
# 21:30 fkooman cweiske: it is an apache config option so your browser only needs to show the supported certificates
# 21:30 fkooman and not all 200 that you may have installed
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# 21:45 tantek nothing demonstrates social web expertise like actually adding to the social web using your own website :)
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# 21:47 tantek see now ben_thatmustbeme I'm going to go out on a limb and say IRC cultural terms like "linkslapping" and phrases like "slap x with a trout" etc. are things that have made IRC less than friendly to new folks, general population, and anything other than deep old nerd culture.
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# 21:48 ben_thatmustbeme fair enough, though i had not heard the term 'linkslapping' until recently on the backchannel
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# 21:51 aaronpk yeah I set my permalinks to the event date, and I don't actually have a separate "publish" date for posts, which is going to be a problem with readers
# 21:52 tantek aaronpk: I'm actually storing events (in my partially implemented code) in my storage *on* the date they occur
# 21:52 tantek so my events will *also* have such a permalink
# 21:53 rhiaro I need to sort out event dates vs publish dates too
# 21:53 tantek the *act* of "creating" it will simply be a "reply" to the event
# 21:53 aaronpk yeah i like having hte permalink be the date of the event
# 21:53 aaronpk but I need to set the dt-published to the create date so that readers sort it properly
# 21:53 rhiaro I have a 'todo' list of posts on my sites, which includes future events, and at the moment everything is listed under publish date
# 21:53 tantek aaronpk - a-ha! a different meaning for dt-published vs. dt-start!
# 21:54 ben_thatmustbeme my permalinks are actually something i need to sort out. if I post after 7pm Easter, the permalink shows the next day
# 21:54 tantek since I haven't marked mine up with explicit timezone :/
# 21:55 aaronpk server UTC and explicit timezones for everything <3
# 21:56 ben_thatmustbeme honestly my biggest issue was just dealing with mysql's interesting characteristic of always storing in UTC
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# 22:04 snarfed hey tantek!…so i've been curious about something for a while…you can author arbitrary html in a falcon post, right?
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# 22:05 snarfed so when you ask people to post events, etc., or say only certain people are able to post them…are you able to yourself, and your goal is to keep fostering community by having other people involved in events?
# 22:06 snarfed oh, so falcon doesn't let you change the top-level h-* class manually?
# 22:06 tantek snarfed, I'm not yet able to post something top level other than an h-entry
# 22:06 snarfed and good point, embedding is probably good enough for e.g. events
# 22:07 snarfed that's what i've done when i've posted them and no one's complained (and rsvps have worked etc)
# 22:07 tantek I'm expecting that anything I post people will view source and assume that must be the way to do it
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# 22:08 snarfed understood. always more than one factor, though, and it's sad if that one has kept you from posting events for years
# 22:08 tantek snarfed, there are *many* things that I haven't implemented on my site for years ;)
# 22:08 snarfed sure, of course. my point isn't to implement more, it's maybe to do more manually
# 22:09 tantek sure - comics posts are manual for example (like any "article" but with particular structure of object > heading etc.
# 22:10 snarfed manual events might free you from depending on others, at least in the rare cases when no one's around
# 22:10 tantek sure, I don't mind RSVPing to others' events though :)
# 22:10 tantek especially pretty cool in the different ways that aaronpk, benwerd, kylewm all handle receiving RSVPs and invitations
# 22:10 tantek quite a diverse amount of interesting design going on
# 22:11 tantek snarfed - it's definitely a pretty big itch - my home page has a manually updated (more like manually outdated) "next 3 events" box
# 22:18 tantek snarfed, the other thought I've had, as I keep asking for others to post events, is almost a counter to your point about "free you from depending on others"
# 22:19 tantek I feel like there's an aspect of community that makes it not only *ok* to depend on others but even a good thing, as you typically end up depending on each other for *different* things, which I think strengthens the community overall.
# 22:19 snarfed yup. hence the "your goal is to keep fostering community" part of my initial msg
# 22:19 tantek especially when others are already doing a great job
# 22:20 tantek depending on someone is a form of recognition / props / compliment
# 22:21 tantek I realize such "depending" appears counter to the implied core "indepedence" value of INDIEwebcamp, yet I think there's a difference between independents depending on each other, as peers, and individuals depending on orgs.
# 22:22 tantek of course there are those that would rather do / pursue everything independently, and that's fine too
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# 22:24 tantek even just a skeleton with the same info as your post - happy to help expand it if you co-admin me
# 22:25 tantek but I think you need to post it in order for the Bridgy backfeed to your indie event to work
# 22:25 tantek will make an excellent demonstration for all the non-implementers ;)
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# 22:29 rhiaro aaronpk I just sent my post I already had about socialwg f2f as reply to yours using your webmention form, but realised I don't link to your post in mine, as I made it a while ago
# 22:29 rhiaro Do you automatically check for that, or can you accept responses from posts that don't link?
# 22:29 aaronpk if there's no link then it just looks like a spam webmention
# 22:30 rhiaro currently my publishing process is a massive hassle though, so I don't have time to update the post right now..
# 22:30 tantek rhiaro: if there's no in-reply-to link, then it's not a reply ;)
# 22:31 tantek wonders how many linked data jokes he can get in any given social web discussion ;)
# 22:31 rhiaro Maybe events are a use case for not needing this...?
# 22:31 tantek rhiaro: nonsense! everything must have a URL.
# 22:31 rhiaro Well, I made my post first, but it still works as an rsvp if someone else makes an official event post afterwards
# 22:32 tantek it doesn't because it is undefined what you are RSVPing *to*
# 22:32 tantek did you create a local URL for the event yourself?
# 22:33 rhiaro but I'm not actually accepting webmentions yet, so it was no good me advertising it to people..
# 22:34 tantek rhiaro: it's my biggest itch, but also involves a lot to implemet, hence it's been an incremental thing
# 22:34 rhiaro I'm hoping to be sending and receiving before next IWC, but I'm not sure when I'll have time..
# 22:35 tantek receving / showing is much harder (without a js embed)
# 22:35 tantek hence why that's the next thing after my event posts in my to implement list
# 22:35 tantek now that I've pasted that URL twice, time to wiki link
# 22:36 rhiaro I'm not expecting to host events pages myself for people to reply to in general. I'm going to work with jarofgreen to get webmentions in opentechcalendar, then do all my events through that, and rsvp from my site
# 22:36 rhiaro since most events, at least ones I attend in scotland, are on there, and if they're not I can add them
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# 22:38 acegiak GWG: So the new version of post-kinds has the new structure and a migration function?
# 22:38 rhiaro although longer term hopefully we can get something working so I can post an event on my site initially, send a wm to opentechcalendar and have it create a public event on there for me or something... but probably jarofgreen needs to implement indieauth and micropub first
# 22:41 tantek rhiaro: that's more like POSSE your event to opentechcalendar
# 22:41 tantek the same way that a bunch of us are posting indie events and POSSEing a copy to FB
# 22:41 tantek we don't actually have a webmention POSSE protocol defined yet!
# 22:41 tantek (thought that might be something that could be interesting)
# 22:42 snarfed two existing precedents for wm-based syndication are indienews and bridgy publish
# 22:42 aaronpk of course you do. you need a facebook login to create facebook events
# 22:42 tantek rhiaro: no - that's implied from the author of the post you're POSSEing
# 22:42 tantek in fact you wouldn't want to allow someone to "take over" a copy of someone else's event
# 22:43 tantek (at least not without permission from the original author)
# 22:43 rhiaro well, you need an account on opentechcal to post
# 22:43 tantek rhiaro: you shouldnt! that's the whole point of indieauth
# 22:43 tantek you shouldn't have to create accounts everywhere you want to post
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# 22:44 rhiaro I was going to say I'm hoping to persuade james to implement indieauth on opentechcal, which is what I meant as a way to post as someone
# 22:44 aaronpk aggregator sites make sense to not require an account
# 22:44 rhiaro opentechcal has complicated wiki-like version tracking
# 22:45 kylewm i love the idea of a shared calendar that aggregates indie events
# 22:45 rhiaro opentechcal creator is helping me with organising IWC Edinburgh, and he's definitely interested in making it indiewebbie
# 22:45 tantek and if we can get all this working, we can likely talk Andy Baio into implementing the protocols so that the new Upcoming is indieweb based
# 22:46 rhiaro maybe we'll even have it ready by IWC Edinburgh
# 22:47 rhiaro updating my user page with itches is also an itch :p
# 22:49 snarfed kylewm: probably just another plumbing tool, a la amazon sqs
# 22:49 snarfed not sure what it's built on yet, but i'll know by tonight. i expect it's solid enough
# 22:49 aaronpk it's the thing that powers google's push notifications so yeah
# 22:49 kylewm snarfed: it's orthogonal to PubSubHubbub despite similar names, right?
# 22:50 snarfed kylewm: aaronpk: yeah. more like sqs, rabbit, celery etc
# 22:50 aaronpk tantek: oops I must be setting the image height to a square but facebook is providing rectangle icons
# 22:50 Loqi slack/kevinmarks: Writing is not yet available on mobile devices.
# 22:50 rhiaro a related itch, which I expressed in a socialwg user story, is being able to post photos of an event afterwards and have people who attended authorised to see them, entirely via them having rsvp'd or checked in to the event post
# 22:50 kylewm aaronpk: I don't think Google Cloud PubSub == Google Cloud Messagaing
# 22:51 aaronpk kylewm: oh sorry you're right, "supporting critical applications like Google Cloud Monitoring"
# 22:55 snarfed tantek: that page isn't quite right. the earlier content for realtime notifications of publisher updates is all good, but pubsub isn't really the term for it
# 22:55 snarfed …or at least, pubsub is a lower level, more generic term not restricted to push notifs or content publishers/consumers
# 22:55 snarfed right. i'm saying, pubsub probably isn't the right name for that page, and the dfn should probably be reverted
# 22:55 tantek also better if generic terms are defined in more user-centric terms first
# 22:56 tantek basically, ask yourself, will / do salespeople use the term? then you need to provide a user-centric definition for it
# 22:56 snarfed i'm not sure how to help. there's no clear single user-centric use case for pubsub-the-plumbing, just like dbs or filesystems.
# 22:56 tantek has definitely heard sales / marketing people use terms like pubsub
# 22:57 tantek usually there's some point at which users are exposed to it
# 22:57 snarfed pubsub is commonly used in data processing that end users don't see/use at all
# 22:57 tantek even if not *doing* the backups, knowing about them, and knowing about how to restore / revert
# 22:57 tantek snarfed, and there was a pubsub.com user visible / usable service
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# 22:58 snarfed sure! sorry, i'm being unclear. there are definitely user visible use cases. it's just that none of them are canonical
# 23:00 kylewm crud, I may be the only indieweb user of Celery rn, does that mean I have to edit that :(
# 23:01 Loqi Plumbing in the context of the IndieWeb, refers to all the underlying code, backend setup, protocols, formats that is all merely there to support the design and user experience of a site, the actual user visible and interactive parts https://indiewebcamp.com/plumbing
# 23:02 kylewm 3 minute time limit is not enough to come up with good, jargon-free user-centric definitions of things :)
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# 23:13 kylewm Celery is really a sledgehammer for what I'm doing with it
# 23:13 tantek snarfed: does Bridgy Publish POSSE invitation posts?
# 23:13 snarfed tantek: no. looking to see if fb's api supports it
# 23:14 gRegor` sad (facebook) trombone
# 23:21 tantek also started brainstorming how it may make sense to POSSE an invitation to Twitter - more brainstorming / plain text design to come
# 23:21 tantek once I've got POSSEing of invitations to Twitter working (whether manually or automatically), I'll write up a suggested way that Bridgy could do so as well
# 23:22 tantek hmm - of course POSSEing an invitation to Twitter then begs the question of how do the people you @-invite that way @-reply with plain text RSVP semantics that are predictable/discoverable/readable/parsable?
# 23:23 tantek and then that begs the question of an entire plain text event creation, invitation, RSVP flow
# 23:23 tantek dang it - I keep uncovering interesting design problems
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# 23:25 tantek I wonder - has anyone thought about plain text UI for "simple" post CRUD?
# 23:26 tantek snarfed except people don't txt in http verbs :P
# 23:27 tantek there's also some overlap between plain text UI and voice commands
# 23:40 kylewm tantek: boy seems like that would've been easier with a mouse
# 23:43 tantek.com edited /invitation (+619) "/* POSSEing to Twitter */ document plain text event UI rabbitholes, you know, as a trap for someone to come along and fall into" (
view diff )
# 23:43 tantek how to avoid a rabbithole, document it so someone else can fall into it instead.
# 23:44 tantek snarfed, I like to think of it as wikitrapping
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