#elf-pavlikaaronpk, does any tool exist that would take on input data in microformats html or microformats json and output form-enceded microformats? i want to add such information to https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Social_syntax#Serialization
#snarfedelf-pavlik: bridgy stores a limited amount of as/mf2 data for all silo activities and responses it sees. doesn't include location.
#snarfedit would take a little work to munge it into a format that's easily queryable like you describe, but only a little. happy to help if you want to try that!
tilgovi, KevinMarks_, scor and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#GWGaaronpk: Pfefferle got around to updating Semantic Linkbacks on the repository. That function I use is now stable.
tilgovi, KartikPrabhu and wolftune joined the channel
#kylewmsoliciting clever ideas, i want to deduplicate originals and syndicated copies in my feed reader... i started looking for u-syndication on the originals but it turns out most people (incl me) don't publish those in the h-feed
#kylewmi don't really want to fetch every permalink every time
#tantekkylewm: that's interesting about the lack of syndication links in people's h-feed
#tantekone approach is to ask the UI question - is there a good reason to put syndication links on the visible h-feed? (there may be)
#tantekI was certainly considering it - as part of including webaction buttons on posts in my h-feed
#tantekthat may be a way to approach campaigning for people to put their syndication links in the h-feed - that is, give them a good UX reason to do so
#kylewmi think there's a very strong argument for putting webactions in the feed,
#elf-pavlikkylewm, what did you mean by "i feel like it would be more interesting to query a corpus of indieweb sites than a corpus of silo responses" ?
#snarfedelf-pavlik: bridgy is a corpus of silo responses :P
#tantekyes the trailing paren auto-linking case was a pet peeve of mine (bug in Twitter auto-linking) so I fixed it :)
#tantekand yes it works (to include the paren) if there is an open paren in the URL (e.g. some wikipedia URLs)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#kylewmoh that's interesting and kinda weird -- i'm getting PuSH updates from benwerd now. the hub.topic for his h-feed is "http://werd.io/content/all/?_t=rss"
#LoqigRegor`: snarfed left you a message on 3/3 at 10:13am: you've seen https://snarfed.org/easy-indieweb-interactions-on-android ? doesn't solve the 'Check out X's tweet' thing specifically, but it does provide for indie reply/like/repost generally
#LoqiA scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track) that you have listened to https://indiewebcamp.com/listen
#fkoomancweiske: i could, but right now the indiecert.net instance only accepts certs signed by indiecert.net CA, not from other CAs, but it is possible to disable the check and allow for all certs..
#gRegor`elf-pavlik: A <dfn> around "Indiecert" in the page will make Loqi return the first sentence.
#tanteksee now ben_thatmustbeme I'm going to go out on a limb and say IRC cultural terms like "linkslapping" and phrases like "slap x with a trout" etc. are things that have made IRC less than friendly to new folks, general population, and anything other than deep old nerd culture.
#ben_thatmustbemei seem to have some issue with my markup on there though
#aaronpkyeah I set my permalinks to the event date, and I don't actually have a separate "publish" date for posts, which is going to be a problem with readers
#Loqitimezones are a way to create dependencies in your code on legislative bodies in countries you have never heard of[1] https://indiewebcamp.com/timezone
#snarfedso when you ask people to post events, etc., or say only certain people are able to post them…are you able to yourself, and your goal is to keep fostering community by having other people involved in events?
#tanteksure, I don't mind RSVPing to others' events though :)
#tantekespecially pretty cool in the different ways that aaronpk, benwerd, kylewm all handle receiving RSVPs and invitations
#tantekquite a diverse amount of interesting design going on
#tanteksnarfed - it's definitely a pretty big itch - my home page has a manually updated (more like manually outdated) "next 3 events" box
#tantekwhich I could automate if I had events posts
#tanteksnarfed, the other thought I've had, as I keep asking for others to post events, is almost a counter to your point about "free you from depending on others"
#tantekI feel like there's an aspect of community that makes it not only *ok* to depend on others but even a good thing, as you typically end up depending on each other for *different* things, which I think strengthens the community overall.
#tantekI realize such "depending" appears counter to the implied core "indepedence" value of INDIEwebcamp, yet I think there's a difference between independents depending on each other, as peers, and individuals depending on orgs.
#snarfedright, that context for "indie" is pretty clear
#tantekof course there are those that would rather do / pursue everything independently, and that's fine too
#rhiaroaaronpk I just sent my post I already had about socialwg f2f as reply to yours using your webmention form, but realised I don't link to your post in mine, as I made it a while ago
#rhiaroDo you automatically check for that, or can you accept responses from posts that don't link?
#tantekreceving / showing is much harder (without a js embed)
#tantekhence why that's the next thing after my event posts in my to implement list
#tanteknow that I've pasted that URL twice, time to wiki link
#rhiaroI'm not expecting to host events pages myself for people to reply to in general. I'm going to work with jarofgreen to get webmentions in opentechcalendar, then do all my events through that, and rsvp from my site
#rhiarosince most events, at least ones I attend in scotland, are on there, and if they're not I can add them
mhoran joined the channel
#acegiakGWG: So the new version of post-kinds has the new structure and a migration function?
#rhiaroalthough longer term hopefully we can get something working so I can post an event on my site initially, send a wm to opentechcalendar and have it create a public event on there for me or something... but probably jarofgreen needs to implement indieauth and micropub first
#tantekrhiaro: that's more like POSSE your event to opentechcalendar
#tantekthe same way that a bunch of us are posting indie events and POSSEing a copy to FB
#tantekwe don't actually have a webmention POSSE protocol defined yet!
#snarfedkylewm: aaronpk: yeah. more like sqs, rabbit, celery etc
#aaronpktantek: oops I must be setting the image height to a square but facebook is providing rectangle icons
#Loqislack/kevinmarks: Writing is not yet available on mobile devices.
#snarfedpubsub is a generic name for the functionality
#rhiaroa related itch, which I expressed in a socialwg user story, is being able to post photos of an event afterwards and have people who attended authorised to see them, entirely via them having rsvp'd or checked in to the event post
#snarfedtantek: that page isn't quite right. the earlier content for realtime notifications of publisher updates is all good, but pubsub isn't really the term for it
#LoqiPlumbing in the context of the IndieWeb, refers to all the underlying code, backend setup, protocols, formats that is all merely there to support the design and user experience of a site, the actual user visible and interactive parts https://indiewebcamp.com/plumbing
#tantek.comedited /invitation (+1049) "/* POSSEing invitations */ details on FB and Twitter, note possibility of Proxying to Twitter" (view diff)
#tantekthanks for the reference snarfed - captured
#tantekalso started brainstorming how it may make sense to POSSE an invitation to Twitter - more brainstorming / plain text design to come
#tantekonce I've got POSSEing of invitations to Twitter working (whether manually or automatically), I'll write up a suggested way that Bridgy could do so as well
#tantekhmm - of course POSSEing an invitation to Twitter then begs the question of how do the people you @-invite that way @-reply with plain text RSVP semantics that are predictable/discoverable/readable/parsable?
#tantekand then that begs the question of an entire plain text event creation, invitation, RSVP flow
#tantek.comedited /invitation (+619) "/* POSSEing to Twitter */ document plain text event UI rabbitholes, you know, as a trap for someone to come along and fall into" (view diff)
#tantekhow to avoid a rabbithole, document it so someone else can fall into it instead.