2015-03-05 UTC
# 00:02 KevinMarks it says Kevin Marks (www.facebook.com) is going is attending.
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 00:03 kylewm hmm...yeah the p-name is a good fallback if you just parsed them as regular replies
# 00:06 aaronpk I display the green "attending" banner when I see the "rsvp=yes" property
# 00:06 tantek KevinMarks all my RSVPs have been POSSEd to Twitter since the start ;)
# 00:06 aaronpk I then show whatever is in the p-name because presumably people write little comments
# 00:07 aaronpk yes bridgy is generating "is attending" text, which is actually good fallback text
# 00:08 tantek KevinMarks: unlikely - those would be from FB
# 00:08 KevinMarks do we each need to mung out the bridgy-made text if it is "is attending" etc?
# 00:08 aaronpk so how can I know whether the text is fallback or user-entered?
# 00:09 tantek no no no that should be completely unnecessary!
# 00:09 aaronpk the problem is the overloading of p-name (and also p-content)
# 00:10 aaronpk we need good fallback text in the p-content and p-name of special post types for consumers that don't know about those types.
# 00:10 tantek we need to look at such special post types on a case-by-case basis
# 00:10 aaronpk so if that shows up in a reader which ignores all the other properties, it'll still look reasonable
# 00:11 aaronpk (actually it also has a photo of the map because I went a little overboard)
# 00:11 aaronpk so the question is then what should it do if I enter text myself in that bike ride?
# 00:11 KevinMarks right, thats the point - we need to distinguish between generated fallback and actual comments
# 00:12 tantek you said: kylewm: KevinMarks: ohh, how can i fix it?
# 00:13 kylewm ironically i was more excited about fixing the markup than the copy
# 00:13 tantek kylewm: I always have a hard time finding your rsvps from your home page :)
# 00:14 tantek kylewm: oh this is about other people's RSVPs
# 00:17 tantek in the bridgy case, since FB RSVPs have no user-authored text, it makes sense to figure out a way to omit any display text if the only information is the RSVP status
# 00:17 tantek ok first things first we don't need e-content for sure
# 00:18 aaronpk tantek: but for consumers that don't recognize rsvps, it should still show up as a regular reply
# 00:18 tantek aaronpk, we must of course start with, what is the desired UX?
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# 00:19 tantek for RSVP aware consuming code? or RSVP unaware consuming code?
# 00:21 tantek KevinMarks you are jumping to plumbing conclusions
# 00:21 tantek without first defining the desired UX outcome
# 00:22 KevinMarks without parsing any markup, bridy's relected post say "Tantek Çelik is attending. Tantek Çelik is attending."
# 00:23 KevinMarks in fact, if you read the alt text too (as as creenreader would) it says "Tantek Çelik is attending. Tantek Çelik Tantek Çelik is attending."
# 00:23 kylewm the bridgy ui is what you get when you generate microformats html *from* microformats json ... probably not the ideal way to design for user consumption :)
# 00:23 Loqi kylewm meant to say: the bridgy ui is what you get when you generate microformats html *from* microformats json ... probably not the ideal way to design for human consumption :)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:26 kylewm KevinMarks: yeah, it converts facebook to activitystreams json to microformats json to microformats html
# 00:27 tantek KevinMarks do you have a URL to how you think RSVP consuming code would ideally display RSVPs?
# 00:27 tantek desperately tries to pull the conversation out from the plumbing depths.
# 00:28 tantek KevinMarks, it's hard to get to where you want to go if you don't know where that is.
# 00:29 KevinMarks shoudl present that wm as ' Tantek Çelik (www.facebook.com) is going'
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# 00:31 kylewm so what if someone rsvp'd "I'm <data class="p-rsvp" value="yes">attending</data> HWC and hope to get help setting up my website!"
# 00:32 kylewm I would prefer to show both the "attending" bit and the additional comment
# 00:33 kylewm for an implementation that does not recognize RSVPs as special, I would want that to show "kylewm: I'm attending HWC and hope to get help setting up my website!"
# 00:34 kylewm for an implementation that does recognize them as special, "kylewm: [[RSVPed Yes ]] I hope to get help setting up my website!
# 00:35 kylewm but is there some way to use the p-rsvp span to "block out" the redundant section
# 00:36 kylewm so that fallbacks would use the whole p-name, but rsvp-consuming implementations could get just the non-p-rsvp part?
# 00:36 KevinMarks if it said kylewm is going<cr>I'm attending HWC and hope to get help setting up my website!
# 00:38 tantek I still don't see how you can conclude "the right thing" without knowing what presentation you are aiming for.
# 00:38 kylewm tantek: I tried to answer your presentation question
# 00:38 KevinMarks I am aiming for a skimmable list of responses wiht optional comments, just as kyle, aaron and known do now
# 00:38 KevinMarks except that bridgy is generating redundant comments that don't help
# 00:39 tantek KevinMarks - that's not state of the art for RSVP displaying
# 00:40 tantek "skimmable list of responses" is more like an undesigned approach
# 00:40 tantek kylewm - will try to sift through the plumbing talk
# 00:42 KevinMarks even in a non-rsvp specific design I think the bridgy post will still say things twice
# 00:44 tantek I think the problem is in the approach of having your RSVP aware consuming code generate text to display
# 00:45 kylewm i.e. the reply is trying to be a reply and an rsvp, when it should really be one or the other?
# 00:46 tantek where we decided that u-like-of is sufficient
# 00:47 aaronpk actually an analogous situation woult be if an h-entry has u-like-of then it would not have a p-name or p-content
# 00:49 tantek aaronpk - not at all - it would still have p-name for fallback
# 00:49 aaronpk but I thought we were talking about the problem of not knowing whether it's important to display the name
# 00:50 tantek if there's a u-like-of, no need to display p-name
# 00:50 aaronpk that's because we've decided that "likes" don't have additional content like text
# 00:50 tantek and try to generalize it is at best premature, at worst architecture astronomy
# 00:50 aaronpk but we explicitly do want rsvps to be able to contain text comments
# 00:50 tantek s/generalize it/generalize it to all "special" post types
# 00:50 Loqi tantek meant to say: and try to generalize it to all "special" post types is at best premature, at worst architecture astronomy
# 00:51 tantek aaronpk - right! and the way we do explict text responses is … in-reply-to
# 00:52 kylewm aaronpk: "we explicitly do want rsvps to be able to contain text comments" -- do we? i think maybe we don't
# 00:52 aaronpk i think most examples of indie rsvps contain a comment
# 00:52 tantek and typical RSVP UIs have a place to comment at the same time as picking an RSVP state
# 00:53 kylewm ok it changes the prompt to "Say why you can't go", but I wouldn't say it encourages you to comment on your decline
# 00:54 tantek kylewm: it used to be one action - not sure when it changed
# 00:55 tantek I feel like the user-visible fall back text inside the <data> element has a role to play here
# 00:55 kylewm sorry benwerd if you just 9000 notifications of me toggling between Going and Not Going
# 00:56 tantek if anything we have talked about extending what to RSVP
# 00:56 tantek does that make an RSVP an event itself? if it has its own dt-start and dt-end?
# 01:01 kylewm if we give RSVPs a dt-start and dt-end, next they'll start wanting their own fax numbers
# 01:05 tantek KevinMarks - the "pick a time slot" and "let's all agree" use-case are coordination dependent
# 01:05 tantek it's more FYI - I'm only going to be there from x to y
# 01:06 tantek in text comments as part of an RSVP - not in RSVP UIs
# 01:06 kylewm yeah I can see those as being part of the RSVP, not a separate comment. also "maybe: if i can get a babysitter", etc.
# 01:07 tantek hah - too bad it doesn't work in reverse chronological order
# 01:07 tantek hey aaronpk - can you extend the window for dfns by -3 minutes into the past?
# 01:08 tantek what? time is a continuum. I don't see the problem.
# 01:08 aaronpk searching logs is harder than waiting for a specific bit of text
# 01:12 snarfed so re bridgy rsvps…i glaze pretty fast at markup, as usual, but i'll implement anything as long as i don't have to understand it
# 01:13 snarfed feel free to file an issue if/when there's a clear conclusion
# 01:14 kylewm for the markup i was imagining, I think we would need a new property <span class="p-rsvp">yes</span> I'm going to HWC. <span class="p-rsvp-comment">I may be a few minutes late</span>
# 01:14 kylewm (obviously it would need a better name than p-rsvp-comment
# 01:16 tantek.com edited /event (+540) "/* Attendees */ separate silo attendees, start document some of the indie event rsvp display brainstorming" (
view diff )
# 01:17 tantek we already have an explicit way to provide comment content (rather than implied)
# 01:17 tantek and that is p-summary or p-content - depending on whether the publisher wants the entire reply displayed as a comment on the destination, or only a summary
# 01:17 tantek note p-name has *always* been fallback reply/comment content
# 01:18 tantek RSVP aware consuming code: if there's a p-rsvp, use it, and only display a comment if it is in a p-summary, or p-content
# 01:18 kylewm I think I need to see an example, typically reply code would use the content property instead of the name property if it was available
# 01:18 tantek RSVP unaware consuming code: (already defined behavior in /comments-presentation ) if there's a p-summary use it, else if p-content use it, else if p-name use it.
# 01:19 aaronpk that means many RSVP publishers will need to change their current behavior
# 01:20 tantek I already put my RSVP comment content in e-content
# 01:20 kylewm tantek, how would RSVP-unaware code display: <span class="p-rsvp">yes</span> <span class="p-content">I'll be a couple minutes late</span>.
# 01:22 tantek wait - that's not a real example - there's no event being reference
# 01:23 tantek ditch <div class="e-content"> and the respective </div>
# 01:24 tantek and instead of <div class="p-name"><a class="u-url" href="https://www.facebook.com/444025702419735#214611">Tantek Çelik is attending.</a></div>
# 01:24 kylewm I don't have a real world example because this rule didn't exist yet!!
# 01:24 tantek use <div class="p-name"><a class="u-url" href="https://www.facebook.com/444025702419735#214611">Tantek Çelik <data class="p-rsvp" value="yes">is attending</data>.</a></div>
# 01:27 tantek <div class="p-name"><a class="u-url" href="https://www.facebook.com/214611">Tantek Çelik</a></div>
# 01:27 tantek <img class="u-photo" src="https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/214611/picture?type=large" alt="" />
# 01:27 tantek <a class="u-url" href="https://www.facebook.com/444025702419735#214611">
# 01:27 tantek <data class="p-rsvp" value="yes">is attending.</data></a>
# 01:28 tantek for RSVP aware clients - all they should be using is the p-rsvp, not the p-name
# 01:28 tantek and for RSVP unaware clients - they will fall back to the p-name and display "Tantek Çelik is attending."
# 01:29 tantek that fix to bridgy can be deployed immediately
# 01:29 aaronpk I don't think the author name should be part of the p-name
# 01:29 tantek and should work with existing consumers no problem without the e-content
# 01:29 tantek as well as DRYing out the person and "is attending" text!
# 01:29 aaronpk because then i'll be displaying the author name twice
# 01:31 tantek kylewm: my intent in that post was to have the entire thing displayed as a comment, not just the "only for 17:00-19:00" part
# 01:31 aaronpk i think the key that will help is having bridgy drop the e-content
# 01:31 tantek like I said earlier, too much markup, make less :)
# 01:31 kylewm I need to see an example with with p-content where p-content < p-name
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# 01:32 tantek kylewm: if I didn't want that context as part of the comment, then I'd only include in my reply-context
# 01:32 Loqi tantek meant to say: kylewm: if I didn't want that context as part of the comment, then I'd only include it in my reply-context
# 01:33 tantek kylewm the "general" example for that is when the p-name includes the p-rsvp as well as the p-content\
# 01:34 kylewm that was the example i was trying to give earlier but it was ignored because there is not an example in the wild
# 01:34 tantek let's at least fix Bridgy's markup and move forward
# 01:34 tantek kylewm: yeah - because it didn't read sensible
# 01:34 Loqi tantek meant to say: kylewm: yeah - because it didn't read sensibly
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# 01:36 kylewm <div class="h-entry">In reply to <a class="u-in-reply-to" href="http://aaron.pk/hwc-event">Homebrew Website Club</a>, <data class="p-rsvp" value="yes">I'll be there</data> <span class="p-content">but I may be a couple minutes late</span></div>
# 01:37 kylewm RSVP aware consumers would handle that properly. Kyle [[RSVP Yes ]] but I may be a couple minutes late
# 01:37 kylewm RSVP-unaware consumers would only dispaly "but I may be a couple minutes late"
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# 01:38 aaronpk but isn't "I'll be there" part of the user-entered text in this case, so should go inside the p-content?
# 01:38 kylewm I thought that was the whole entire problem we were trying to solve?
# 01:38 tantek kylewm: no we are trying to solve the auto-generated text problem
# 01:38 aaronpk but this example is "I'll be there" not "is attending"
# 01:39 kylewm so there's no way to have some text as the comment and different text as the standalone-comment
# 01:40 kylewm no way to have some text as the fallback and only a subset of that text as the rsvp-comment
# 01:42 kylewm the example i gave above is when i would want that, but it doesn't bother me if it's not possible
# 01:43 aaronpk lol well I disagree with that being a desirable outcome. Seeing just "but I may be a few minutes late" seems wrong, since the user entered more than that.
# 01:44 aaronpk did you type "is attenting" when you made the RSVP post?
# 01:44 kylewm what if it was "[is attending.] I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone"
# 01:45 aaronpk i'm not sure what the brackets mean in your example
# 01:45 tantek and that's exactly why we force this back to real world user behavior / examples
# 01:45 kylewm i mean, what if i selected "Yes" from a drop down menu in my UI, and then typed in a comment
# 01:45 kylewm the comment wouldn't necessarily duplicate "Yes I am attending"
# 01:45 tantek snarfed I'm lost in that code - can't find any mention of p-rsvp
# 01:46 kylewm or what if the comment was ambiguous. like "I really miss you guys"
# 01:47 tantek snarfed, I'm not following where <data class="p-rsvp"… is actually generated
# 01:47 aaronpk that's a good one. so you type "I really miss you guys" and choose "RSVP yes", that is handled fine for rsvp-aware consumers. but what about unaware?
# 01:47 tantek aaronpk, kylewm I think the first problem is that the DRY violations in the Bridgy output is confusing things more than we need.
# 01:48 aaronpk tantek: this case actually has nothing to do with bridgy
# 01:50 aaronpk currently that will appear as just a comment saying "I'm not available to host this week" on rsvp-unaware consumers, which does not include the RSVP yes/no information
# 01:51 aaronpk because people won't see whether it's a yes or no?
# 01:51 tantek "rsvp-unaware" is really only referring to readers right?
# 01:52 aaronpk like before I added code looking for the "rsvp" property on replies
# 01:53 tantek wait is that an event post that shows comments but not RSVPs?!?
# 01:53 aaronpk of course, all sites do that until the add explicit support for rsvps
# 01:54 tantek ok I'm confused, why would an event post not display RSVPs?
# 01:54 aaronpk because snarfed can create event posts by entering HTML into wordpress, but his webmention plugin doesn't understand rsvps
# 01:55 tantek a-ha these are events embedded in a blog post, not actual event posts
# 01:55 snarfed aaronpk: that's not true. "is attending" and "is not attending" are rsvps
# 01:55 aaronpk oh I didn't realize that, they looked like regular comments and contained the bridgy default text
# 01:56 snarfed oh i see what you mean though. functionally there's not much difference
# 01:56 snarfed there is a little difference in the plumbing, but yeah, you can argue my site is only rsvp-aware underneath, not in presentation
# 01:56 aaronpk i assume "is attending." is actually from the bridgy post and not generated by your site?
# 01:56 tantek snarfed, I can't workout how to rewrite the markup across multiple elements
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# 01:57 tantek snarfed, in that Bridgy RSVP permalink I want to rewrite a *chunk* of markup, not just the line with p-rsvp
# 01:58 aaronpk why do all that work to parse rsvps if you're not going to display them differently?
# 01:58 snarfed tantek: oh, you're saying, you don't know how to refactor the bridgy code to get the markup you want?
# 01:58 snarfed don't worry about that. if you can file an issue with the exact markup you want, we'll make it happen
# 02:00 snarfed aaronpk: looking at my code, it just slightly tweaks language and formatting
# 02:00 snarfed but i think the rsvp language actually comes from the semantic linkbacks plugin, not bridgy
# 02:00 aaronpk that ambiguous benwerd rsvp is interesting though
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# 02:09 tantek I think what we discovered is the "name" is the general fallback
# 02:09 tantek or rather, "name" *works* as a general fallback
# 02:10 tantek further question - could/should we use *summary* as a *deliberate* fallback?
# 02:10 aaronpk interesting, I could see doing that for my bike rides
# 02:10 tantek that would free-up "name" to be more name-like if/when needed
# 02:11 tantek whereas "summary" kind of makes sense for the *visual* summary of an RSVP with an icon representing yes/no/maybe for example, or even the auto-generated text for it
# 02:12 tantek I still think summary is a good way to communicate to consuming code that the summary *can* be displayed instead of the full content, with perhaps a way to expand to show the full content
# 02:12 tantek instead of the consuming code having the ellipse the content at an automatic but inopportune breaking point
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# 02:18 kylewm tantek: I'm still a little confused about the previous issue. We have solved it so RSVP-aware implementations can ignore content-less bodies, but not for RSVP-unaware implementations (afaict)
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# 02:19 kylewm maybe that's just an ignorable case. events that don't recognize rsvps would be pretty weird
# 02:19 tantek perhaps because the latter use-case is unclear
# 02:20 tantek like if your reader saw an RSVP post in my h-feed - would it do anything special?
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# 02:20 tantek I think p-name as plain text fallback may be a forced position
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# 02:21 kylewm tantek: because redwind can't generate replies where p-content is separate from p-name
# 02:22 tantek you're deliberately asking about an implied p-name?
# 02:23 tantek not sure why attendingHomebrew is all one word
# 02:23 kylewm I would want that rsvp to show up like "Kyle <img src="is-attending.png"/> Thanks for hosting!"
# 02:24 kylewm but my reader would just show "in reply to Homebrew Website Club ... Thanks for hosting"
# 02:25 tantek kylewm: because there's no in-reply-to in the source?
# 02:25 tantek right I think that's a reasonable fallback behavior for a reader
# 02:26 tantek it's a reply, and the contents of your reply are "Thanks for hosting."
# 02:26 tantek it might not be ideal, but that's the point of a fallback, they're not ideal
# 02:29 tantek "I'm attending\n Homebrew Website Club at Quip\n Kyle"
# 02:29 tantek also seems fine, though I suppose you could drop the author name if you put in an explicit p-name in the h-entry
# 02:30 tantek which I think is reasonable for the same reason that aaronpk gave
# 02:31 tantek <data class="p-rsvp" value="yes"><a class="p-author h-card" href="https://kylewm.com"><abbr title="Kyle">I'm</abbr></a> attending</data>
# 02:31 tantek <a class="u-in-reply-to" href="https://snarfed.org/2014-06-16_homebrew-website-club-at-quip">Homebrew Website Club at Quip</a>
# 02:32 tantek since presumably your <data> element and author element are auto-generated anyway - you can auto-generate that whole thing
# 02:32 tantek and then no need for explicit p-name inside the h-entry
# 02:33 kylewm does it at least make sense why i was arguing for a more complete fallback than that?
# 02:34 tantek where you want a reader unaware of rsvps to display *all* of that ?
# 02:34 kylewm yeah, "I'm attending HWC. Thanks for hosting"
# 02:34 tantek I think it would/should - in the *title*, e.g. in a list view
# 02:35 tantek which is where you're going to use the entire p-name rather than just the content
# 02:37 kylewm in this case, I would detect the p-name as auto-generated and ignore it (bc content is a subset of name)
# 02:38 kylewm we can stop talking about it :) I'll document my concerns on the wiki
# 02:48 GWG snarfed: You are dequeuing the CSS style sheet for syndication links...what about the part that governs what icon goes for what URL?
# 02:55 tantek wonders if he should bother to design clustering of RSVP posts in a stream.
# 02:57 tantek right, host, I keep forgetting the terminology
# 02:58 tantek that seems like an event post feature worth documenting
# 02:59 tantek can any host add a host? or only the creator?
# 03:12 tantek uh who are all these people invited to indiewebcamp cambridge?
# 03:15 ben_thatmustbeme as for who Micky Metts is, looking at the photos i'm pretty sure she was there last year
alanpearce, jacus, gRegor` and nloadholtes joined the channel
# 04:58 bret is an <ul> of <li>'s really only different than a <div> of <div>'s by its default display style? (and semantics?)
# 05:30 bret i guess there are some special attributes
# 05:31 bret other than convention, and shorthand styling hooks?
# 05:37 kylewm bret: tantek has said in the past basically no
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# 05:39 kylewm like <article> always implies class="h-entry"?
# 05:40 bret i mean, I haven't really thought through it
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# 05:41 kylewm that must have been sort of the dream of them, that a screenreader would say "give me all the articles under main" or whatever
# 05:47 kylewm "people tried defining <article> based fallbacks to convert to Atom semantics and failed horribly in the HTMLWG in the late 2000s"
# 05:51 bret people markup things with mf2 to get access to a machine readable version of the page, people markup with semantic tags based around a loose idea of how they should be used
# 05:51 bret maybe due to lack of an end goal, what you could possible get back from semantic tags is relatively low quality
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# 05:54 bret still, if there was an actual usecase with how semantic are used together, like there is with mf2 classes, (maybe mirroring mf2) people would use them in a useful way
# 05:54 bret anyway, not planning on writing a parser anytime soon
# 05:55 aaronpk i dunno we seem to get by just fine with microformats classes, which have the added benefit of being recognizable in the source code
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# 06:55 KevinMarks_ Bret, we had xoxo which used li and dl tags for json type structures
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# 08:47 cweiske is anyone using php with gearman? how do you ensure the workers are started when booting the machine?
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# 09:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 09:53 fkooman cweiske: i added both class1 and class3 cacert root cert, are they both needed, or is the class1 sufficient?
# 09:54 cweiske now I get: "IndieCert was unable to find a matching fingerprint on your claimed URL"
# 09:54 cweiske hey, and here you tell me what to put into the html
# 09:55 fkooman yeah, that was always there :)
# 09:55 cweiske but it'd be still nice if the algorithm was documented somewhere
# 09:56 fkooman yeah, working on it :)
# 09:56 fkooman it is actually super simple
pfefferle_, Sebastien-L and adactio_ joined the channel
# 10:15 fkooman cweiske: also documented the fingerprint generation in the blog post
# 10:17 cweiske can't we simply use the sha256 fingerprint that the browser's cert info popup shows?
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# 10:24 fkooman cweiske: he doesn't i just published it 3 seconds ago ;)
# 10:24 fkooman cweiske: oh yeah, but it was not mentioned anywhere, you looked around! :P
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# 10:25 fkooman cweiske: there is a standard for publishing fingerprints on webpages...so I'd prefer to use that :) I also like the scoping to the particular instance of "IndieCert"
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# 10:54 tommorris fkooman: those all seem reasonable. I hope aaronpk implements ‘em. ;-)
# 11:04 fkooman tommorris: thanks :)
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# 12:45 GWG Do you mean the posts themselves, or the part of it I add dynamically?
# 12:48 GWG I probably need a custom feed template.
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# 13:05 pfefferle GWG the link I posted has no ”žreal“ content, and so the content field of the feed is completely empty
# 13:05 GWG pfefferle: Yes, so I need to customize the feed. I didn't think of that.
# 13:07 GWG I guess I need to look up how to do that. But will figure it out.
# 13:12 fkooman cweiske: i removed the class 3 CAcert subroot again, it is signed by the class 1 cert, and everything still seems to work...
# 13:12 GWG pfefferle: I've added it as an issue
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# 14:56 GWG I'm working on styling h-cards again. Why don't we have h-card examples in the wiki? Or am I just missing them?
friedcell, elf-pavlik and stream7 joined the channel
# 15:11 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I meant styling, not markup
# 15:18 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I want to improve mine.
# 15:18 GWG I should be screenshotting other people's.
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# 15:57 tantek ben_thatmustbeme, aaronpk about the event hosts feature, at least on FB, it appears only the creator of the event can upgrade people to hosts.
# 15:58 tantek aside: just invited / added you to that event as well ben_thatmustbeme
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# 16:02 GWG tantek: The question I asked a few minutes ago...it seems up your alley. You have any thoughts?
# 16:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 16:34 kylewm fkooman: in your indieauth proposal, I don't understand why/when you would want the auth and verify endpoints to be different
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# 16:37 cweiske aaronpk, how is a hub supposed to make a thin ping in pubsubhubub 0.4?
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# 16:43 kylewm cweiske: section 7 doesn't say the content of the notification has to be anything in particular
# 17:00 aaronpk cweiske: yes the spec itself doesn't say what the payload contains, so you could just as well interpret that as fat or thin pings
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# 17:14 Acidnerd can someone lend me a hand for a few minutes ?
# 17:15 Acidnerd i wanted to start my indie site from scratch
# 17:15 Acidnerd i followed all the install steps
# 17:15 Acidnerd but now when i visit on browser i get
# 17:15 Acidnerd a php file being downloaded ??
# 17:16 Acidnerd i'm probably missing out something very simple, just can't find it
# 17:16 Acidnerd instead of showing the process to finish install i get this in the URL bar : http://_/begin/
# 17:16 Acidnerd anyone ? aaronpk ?
# 17:20 aaronpk Acidnerd: it sounds like your web server is not configured to run php code
# 17:20 Acidnerd hmm let me check that
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# 17:39 Acidnerd aaronpk, it's getting better
# 17:39 Acidnerd but now it's nginx turn to freak out
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# 17:52 bret getting nginx and php working together on a vps presents a surprisingly steep learning curve when you are just getting started
# 17:54 GWG It's not Apache, but there were plenty of tutorials
# 17:56 Acidnerd also the wiki part about Known and Nginx is hard to catch
# 17:56 bret part of the problem was how opaque linux packaging is. I would install something and have no idea where it would land or be configured
# 17:57 bret and would be inconsistent with the documents I was reading
# 17:57 Acidnerd the official Known doc also don't even mention Nginx once
# 17:57 bret it was a while ago, definitely a frustrating experience. I think not finding good tutorials was part of the problem
# 17:58 bret i should have another go now that I have a much deeper understanding of unix
# 17:58 rascul i wasn't able to get known completely working with nginx
# 17:59 rascul i wasn't aware something was linked to a gist of mine
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# 17:59 bret GWG: do you have a collection of resources that you recommend to beginners?
# 17:59 Acidnerd it's on the wiki rascul
# 17:59 Acidnerd i think i'm going to give up and go back to apache & mysql
# 17:59 Acidnerd i also gave up mongodb
# 18:00 Acidnerd it's just impossible, either from repository, or latest nginx repo or even manual install
# 18:01 rascul removing it now, i ended up using apache in the end for it
# 18:02 Acidnerd nobody is i think
# 18:02 Acidnerd but the wiki make it look like it's doable
# 18:03 rascul i had it running but i couldn't get any of the extra stuff working like twitter
# 18:04 aaronpk the only reason I could see to switch to JSON response is that the OAuth 2.0 spec says it should be JSON
# 18:05 kylewm are there other examples of APIs returning form encoded data?
# 18:05 bret who cares about form encoded, use the library that every language has
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# 18:23 bret who cares if its json vs form encoded? its results in the same object after parsing either way
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# 18:27 bret i guess thats the single, expected advantage
# 18:28 elf-pavlik maybe worth doing comparison on a wiki?
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# 18:29 aaronpk ruby `URI.decode_www_form` but doesn't treat [] as arrays and actually turns it into a kind of weird data structure
# 18:29 bret form encoding has the advantage for micropub, since you can do dead simple clients
# 18:29 aaronpk form-encoding for POST requests still makes a ton of sense
# 18:30 aaronpk yeah if someone wants to make a wiki page comparing the behavior of parsing form-encoded and json in a bunch of langauges/environments that would be awesome
# 18:30 elf-pavlik why not add xml to that mix :)
# 18:30 elf-pavlik form-encoded | json | xml
# 18:31 aaronpk not like anyone would actually fight for an XML API at this point
# 18:31 bret i think there are some interesting conveniences that both json and form encoding have... right now today.
# 18:32 bret parsing json in JS is super easy and generally well supported in other languages through standard libraries
# 18:32 bret form encoding post requests can be made by raw html
# 18:32 aaronpk bret: ignore the form-encoded requests for this argument
# 18:33 bret yeah, for api callbacks, I would say json would be easier to deal with
# 18:33 elf-pavlik IMO also more intuitive
# 18:34 elf-pavlik at least as for today ...
# 18:34 bret unless there is an example where the callback needs to be sent from an html page?
# 18:35 elf-pavlik maybe application/x-protobuf ? ;)
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# 18:38 elf-pavlik aaronpk, if you enable Content Negotiation, would only indieauth.com need to support both from-encoded and json?
# 18:39 ben_thatmustbeme actually it would be better to use mf2 reply then as you can just display results without parsing if desired
# 18:39 aaronpk not super useful for the token response, since that is only ever consumed by code
# 18:39 elf-pavlik but not clients
# 18:40 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: my webmention endpoint does that already :)
# 18:40 aaronpk look at the webmention form on my site, it makes a POST request to the actual webmention endpoint
# 18:40 bret ben_thatmustbeme: thats an actually pretty interesting idea.
# 18:42 elf-pavlik "convert between mf2 and form-encoded micropub"
# 18:43 bret elf-pavlik: parse html + mf2 -> json -> form encode that object
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# 18:44 elf-pavlik bret, can you make gist with simple js script doing it?
# 18:44 ben_thatmustbeme being able to add fields without having to send the whole contact would be better, was going to model it after MP
# 18:45 elf-pavlik bret, please also make some values arrays...
# 18:45 elf-pavlik e.g. multiple email addresses in h-card
# 18:45 elf-pavlik doesn't know mf that well...
# 18:53 cweiske aaronpk, about the pubsub payload: section 7 says: "... with the payload of the notification. This request MUST have a Content-Type corresponding to the type of the topic. The hub MAY reduce the payload to a diff between two consecutive versions if its format allows it."
# 18:53 cweiske this totally sounds like I have to send the whole topic/contents of the page
# 18:54 cweiske one could argue about "payload of the notification"
# 18:54 cweiske but the content-type must be that of the topic....
# 18:54 aaronpk "Notification: A payload describing how a topic's contents have changed, or the full updated content. Depending on the topic's content type, the difference (or "delta") may be computed by the hub and sent to all subscribers."
# 18:55 aaronpk so if the topic is HTML, then you have to send HTML
# 18:56 aaronpk i guess it doesn't describe how the contenst have changed either
# 18:57 aaronpk it's a subset of the PuSH 0.4 spec that deals specifically with HTML and microformats feeds
# 18:58 aaronpk and attempts to clarify all the ambiguous parts of 0.4
# 19:03 cweiske the hub I'm writing ("phubb" :)) will be notified by my git hooks
# 19:04 cweiske but having a standard way for http notifications would be fine, too
# 19:06 KevinMarks_ Is there a term for retro POSSE? It's like linkslapping but with fat pings
# 19:07 aaronpk cweiske: yeah I think the more that is well-defined the better, makes things easier to implement
# 19:07 bret elf-pavlik: are you familiar with node?
# 19:08 aaronpk back on indieauth... now I'm reconsidering content negotiation
# 19:08 elf-pavlik bret, yes i mostly use JS nowadays :)
# 19:08 elf-pavlik got pretty rusty with ruby because of that :S
# 19:08 aaronpk it's only the authorization server that needs to support it, and only for one method
# 19:08 aaronpk and generating a form-encoded response is pretty much as easy as generating a JSON response
# 19:08 aaronpk so would it really be that bad to let clients choose?
# 19:09 bret ahh damn the form encoder I used is doing something funny
# 19:09 elf-pavlik ration of IndieAuth clients to IndieAuth servers?
# 19:09 elf-pavlik s/ration/ration/
# 19:09 Loqi elf-pavlik meant to say: ration of IndieAuth clients to IndieAuth servers?
# 19:09 aaronpk likely there will be far more clients than authorization servers
# 19:09 elf-pavlik s/ration/ratio/
# 19:09 Loqi elf-pavlik meant to say: s/ratio/ratio/
# 19:10 cweiske if you want to be total indie you have to host your own indieauth server
# 19:10 aaronpk but "be total indie" is not necessarily the goal of everyone
# 19:11 aaronpk and at any point anyone can switch authorization servers from indieauth.com to their own, and nobody else needs to know
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# 19:16 bret elf-pavlik: the form encoder is working great actually... the %5B%5D just looks funny. thats the [] next to the keys that tell it which array to go into
# 19:17 bret elf-pavlik: is that script what you were looking for?
# 19:18 elf-pavlik bret, please give me few minutes... will take a break from Social IG ACTION-4 and check it now
# 19:20 cweiske aaronpk, another pubsub question: 5.2. Subscription Validation says "Subscriptions MAY be validated" but a sentence later it's "hub MUST perform the verification of intent"
# 19:20 cweiske but it reads as validation is something different
# 19:22 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, i feel like we need an alternative to indieauth.com just so people get the difference between indieauth and.... what is the actual auth mechanism called? rel-me-auth?
# 19:22 elf-pavlik fkooman, will deoply one soon
# 19:23 ben_thatmustbeme actually i was tempted to do that and add in a warning if you are using it to log in when it is not your actual auth provider
# 19:23 ben_thatmustbeme so to warn you are using a sight that isn't actually polling your site for the auth provider, they just hard coded that provider
# 19:25 elf-pavlik bret, micropub also doesn't use *properties*
# 19:26 bret elf-pavlik: oops, looks like I didnt dig deep enough into the mf2 parsed object
# 19:27 elf-pavlik and get it exactly as micropub expects it?
# 19:27 bret elf-pavlik: yeah, looks like it just pulls out type: "h-entry"
# 19:27 elf-pavlik i guess code exists to get microformat json from such micropub request parameters?
# 19:27 bret so a parsed mf2 object doesn't work as a micropub object
# 19:28 elf-pavlik bret, you may need to fiddle with this object before converting to form-encede
# 19:28 elf-pavlik any links to code converting micropub form-encoded microformats to microformats json ?
# 19:29 bret elf-pavlik: any gitpub endpoint would have to make that transform
# 19:29 elf-pavlik link to the source?
# 19:30 bret usually it goes micropub post (form encoded) -> language object -> site storage format (whatever you want) -> html
# 19:30 aaronpk there is very little reason to go from micropub -> microformats json
# 19:31 bret i have my endpoint but its not the best example right now
# 19:31 aaronpk microformats json is actually not used very often at all, because the microformats parsers turn the html into native data structures
# 19:31 aaronpk it's just a convenient way to display the parsed microformats data structure when talking about it
# 19:32 elf-pavlik aaronpk, if you render html using template (e.g. handlebar) and pass it microformats json
# 19:32 bret elf-pavlik: heh yeah that was my weekend working on a transform
# 19:32 aaronpk elf-pavlik: do you know of anyone who actualyl does that right now?
# 19:32 elf-pavlik bret, what about params which you didn't expect? just droping them?
# 19:34 elf-pavlik will need to add something to 'sprincle' mf on top of RDFa ...
# 19:34 elf-pavlik bret, ciao o/
# 19:34 aaronpk cweiske: oh I think this is leaving more un-specified things open for hubs
# 19:34 aaronpk "Subscriptions MAY be validated by the Hubs who may require more details to accept or refuse a subscription"
# 19:35 aaronpk i think it's saying that hubs can do whatever they want to validate subscriptions, like having their own access controls or rate limits or usage limits
# 19:35 aaronpk so you could make a hub that lets people subscribe to 4 topics for free, but requires $$ to subscribe to more
# 19:36 elf-pavlik i understand that among mf html, mf json and mf form-encoded only mf html->mf json has defined algorithm
stream7, alanpearce, KartikPrabhu, benwerd, krendil and peacekeep3r joined the channel
# 20:12 kylewm really interesting to read fkooman's proposal and aaronpk's response.
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# 20:17 GWG benwerd: If I was interested in a hosted solution right now, I would strongly consider yours.
# 20:18 GWG benwerd: Well, I like the product.
# 20:20 benwerd Apparenty I need some education of my own. It's 40%.
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# 20:33 tjgillies indieauth with a sms number in TXT record could trigger an sms auth flow
# 20:33 elf-pavlik benwerd++ congratulations!
# 20:33 tjgillies that seems rather straight forward
# 20:33 tjgillies elf-pavlik: what did I miss?
# 20:33 GWG !tell snarfed I will be deploying several alternate CSS options in your name
# 20:33 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:36 elf-pavlik benwerd, i understand that you keep *all* the codebase open source and just charge people who don't want to deploy it themselves or use https://indiehosters.net service?
# 20:41 gRegor` You can get a free .withknown.com subdomain. Pro has additional features though.
# 20:42 gRegor` So there's a free version people don't have to deploy themselves
# 20:42 benwerd elf-pavlik: The whole codebase is indeed open source. The sad exception will be Google+ Pages integration, which we legally can't open.
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# 20:43 tjgillies Google: "the open source company"
# 20:44 donpdonp indieauth feature suggestion, from showing the login process to a friend with a domain name but no interest in hosting a webserver, which seems reasonable.
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# 20:48 bret donpdonp: what about just having them use a tumblr gh-pages or neocitites?
# 20:48 tjgillies bret: you mean point domain at it?
# 20:49 tjgillies the think the number of people who would buy a domain and use it for indie auth but have no content is extremely small
# 20:49 bret then they could have their gpg key on their domain and humans can read it too
# 20:49 donpdonp bret: that would be lighter weight than full hosting, i agree
# 20:51 tjgillies how often does neocities go down?
# 20:53 donpdonp or simply added lookup time for the neocities dns and http content xfer
# 20:54 tjgillies rational points
# 20:54 tjgillies txt-record-auth++
# 20:58 snarfed so aaronpk tantek_ kylewm etc, i'm thinking about the rsvp markup and presentation discussion yesterday…and i'm wondering how much of it applies to likes and reposts too
# 20:58 Loqi snarfed: GWG left you a message 24 minutes ago: I will be deploying several alternate CSS options in your name
# 20:59 snarfed GWG: interesting! …out of curiosity, why? dequeueing your stylesheet and adding a few rules in mine worked for me
# 20:59 snarfed i expectusers who want to roll their own style will be capable of setting it up, like i did
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# 21:06 elf-pavlik benwerd, did you document this G+ API issue on a wiki?
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# 21:07 benwerd elg-pavlik: No, I didn't, and I can't provide too much detail, unfortunately.
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# 21:08 elf-pavlik even detais about the conditions of using it not funtioning of the API itself?
# 21:15 GWG snarfed: I use SASS. I can roll several style sheets for people to hook onto that are variants. I wanted to do a B&W one anyway.
# 21:15 GWG snarfed: So it wouldn't be any work to maintain.
# 21:17 GWG snarfed: Besides, I doubt you are the only one who prefers no color in the icons
# 21:17 snarfed you're right that it doesn't say the word NDA explicitly. feel free to add that!
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# 21:30 kylewm am i interpreting it correctly that Pages API would not give me write access to my user stream?
# 21:32 snarfed i think best practice right now for g+ posse is manual, by popping up their sharebox with everything pre-populated so the user only has to click "post"
# 21:41 bret also.. g+ api stuff aside.. CONGRATS benwerd AND ERIN on known pro
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# 21:46 bret donpdonp, i was just trying to address the "dont wanna futz with a webhost" part :p
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# 22:13 snarfed ben_thatmustbeme: sorry. try shift-refreshing your user page
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# 23:46 elf-pavlik "The format is not well defined. Serialising complex data, such as a javascript object, is beyond the specification."
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