tantekthen any referring object (whether the relationship is "nesting" or not) can do so by URL - you know, links, like the linked data people supposedly espouse ;)
tantekno one has shown an actual use-case for "complex data, such as a javascript object" therefore it is unnecessary (and undesirable, per simplification and minimizing security surface principles) to support it.
bret!tell elf-pavlik yeah, definitely have to be selective about what goes into form encoding. the benefit is that form-encoding and multipart are supported by html browser forms today right now
brettantek: for posting of micropub collections, would you see a client making a series of individual posts, followed by a collections post containing the 202 accepted URLs from the individual posts?
aaronpk!tell benwerd how's reader functionality looking on the Known plan? I'm wondering if I can build components of my reader as libraries that you can use for it
tanteknote that they specifically highlight "Indie Web" as one of the "talks from past years that we really liked and felt captured the spirit of our event"
millettejasonw22, I wrote my own, since I wanted to explore pouchdb and offline editing. Tiny bit of code, now to indiewebify it, shouldn't be too complicated.
ben_thatmustbemejasonw22, display of comments on the fly, being able to manage posts/etc from my phone without having to remote connect to my home machine or need any software, those things are pretty key for me
jasonw22hmm, i hadn't really considered private messaging. i've always felt pretty ambivalent about the use of the web for private communication. it's not uncommon, but it feels sort of counterintuitive to me. just a personal bias
jasonw22and i have to agree that if there were a way to be self-confident about that, it would become easier to trust myself than a 3rd party. but all that remains to be seen
jasonw22well, at the moment my primary interest in #indieweb is exploring the world outside of silos, and finding ways to make that world more accessible and usable for creative folks (who may not be the most technical people on the web)
LoqiA silo, or web content hosting silo, in the context of the IndieWeb, is a centralized web site typically owned by a for-profit corporation that stakes some claim to content contributed to it and restricts access in some way (has walls) https://indiewebcamp.com/silo
jasonw22I'd like the full flexibility of the web in a publishing platform that has minimal server dependencies so that i can easily migrate content without regard to economics and/or politics of hosting environments
aaronpkjasonw22: yes the ability to pick up a pile of HTML files and ftp it to any hosting provider and have it work with no configuration changes is a good goal for modern systems
ben_thatmustbemeactually i think the future is more likely to be a goal of having any hosting provider being able to run your machine image, so you can pick that up and send it anywhere
Pierre-Ojasonw22: It is what we are trying to do at indiehosters.net hosting people's server and give them seamless migration to change their hosting provider
snarfedtjgillies: afaik authentication is logging in (regardless of where), authorization is granting permission to do something (or determining whether you have it)
ben_thatmustbemeI always think of it as, authentication is loging in (giving yourself permission), authorization is giving permission to something else
snarfedyeah, on a video page, hit the bookmarklet, wait for it to load (i'll fix the lack of feedback soon), and it will eventually pop up the "huffduff it" page
aaronpkbtw everyone, my Linode database server is going to be rebooted in 40 minutes for linode maintenance, so all sorts of things will be offline temporarily
tanteknote that the img of the person *after* their visible name does not need an 'alt' attribute of the same thing - because reading it would look like their name was duplicated for no reason
snarfedi'm happy to revise the markup details. my main q was high level: whether likes and reposts should be refactored similarly, or whether this change was only appropriate for rsvps
aaronpkhuh, i've actually found the website field on twitter profiles to be not very useful, since lots of people put things in their profile that are not their website, like their company site, etc
kylewmif someone publishes (page-scoped) rel=syndication on individual posts in their h-feed, should I 1. complain to them and ask them to fix, 2. ignore rel=syndication in woodwind, 3. change mf2py to read rel=syndication as h-entry scoped?
tantekkylewm: that is, indiewebify.me should report an error if you attempt to validate an h-feed (or a page with multiple h-entry ) that also has rel=syndication links https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me
tantekthat's the point. when an rsvp-aware consuming code sees p-rsvp, then it knows, hey this is an rsvp, I'll display it as an rsvp, and ignore the summary.
tanteksince for example, even in this case the summary should include the content (or most of it if it's too long, which is also typically auto-ellipsed by the publisher)
snarfedhey tantek, can i abuse your mozilla knowledge? my firefox saved passwords all disappeared sometime in the last day or so, i think when i upgraded to 36. know a good place i should go to find a fix?
zfischi was hoping to experiment with a node server on a raspberry pi, but i have no idea if this is a reasonable approach and what walls I'll be hitting along the way
zfischalso curious about UBOS as a way to help in the process -- does anybody have any resources/links/advice that might be helpful in drawing up a plan of action?
j12tDepends what you have and/or willing to purchase. e.g. old unused PC, or single-board computing like pi or similar, or virtual machine on other box
@tistreIt’s the little things: Somehow it makes me happy that I can “ssh [my e-mail address]”. Have your own server and domain, everyone! #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/573971393437696002)
Leeky, jacus, gmack, KartikPrabhu and alanpearce joined the channel
aaronpkbut when i post a "like" to my site, my site gets the URL of the HTML page, which doesn't have microformats2 markup, so it doesn't know about the image
Loqibret: tantek left you a message 35 seconds ago: you should propose an indieweb talk for OSBridge! Neither I nor dietrich nor any other MozPDX folks can go - so you should go and rock it! http://opensourcebridge.org/call-for-proposals/