2015-03-07 UTC
# 00:11 GWG How would most parsers interpret a rel=me inside an h-card?
j12t and uhsf joined the channel
# 00:19 GWG I'm trying to decide how to solve a problem. WordPress always assumes multi-author. I want to store rel=me links. I could either store them in the user data or in sitewide data.
# 00:20 GWG If they are in user data. they'd logically come out with the rest of that data...the h-card
# 00:20 aaronpk if you look at the parsed result of a page with rel=me somewhere, even in an h-entry, it will appear outside the "items" object in its own "rels" object
# 00:22 GWG aaronpk: That is what I thought. Which is why I'm trying to figure it out, going back to the multi-author issue.
# 00:23 GWG I have rel syndication links that scope to the page, even though they are each in an h-entry. I'd better fix that.
# 00:27 GWG There, fixed. rel=syndication only on single pages.
# 00:27 uhsf The first step to get to IndieMark Level 1 is to get a personal domain name. What do you think about having only a static IP instead of a domain name. Is there any problem with this? Can I get my 0.2 pts for identity with only a static IP?
edsu joined the channel
# 00:28 GWG aaronpk: There isn't a microformats alternative to rel me, is there?
# 00:28 aaronpk uhsf: an ip address is not a good identifier, since it is not something you can port around easily
# 00:28 GWG I'm assuming a link within an h-card is that
# 00:29 aaronpk uhsf: the point of a domain name is that it's something you can control, and change what is behind it whenever you want. you can't realy do that with an IP address, even a static one, since the IP addresses are owned by ISPs, you wouldn't be able to change ISP and keep your IP
# 00:30 GWG aaronpk: That's what I thought. Trying to figure out how I can describe this in the WordPress UI. Having trouble mapping conventions.
# 00:32 uhsf aaronpk: That doesn't seem to be a show-stopper because I don't plan to change ISP anytime soon. Is there another problem that you can think of, maybe in conflict with indieweb principles?
jasonwehmhoener joined the channel
# 00:40 aaronpk it's also not gonna look very pretty, since most of us display domain names of people in comment lists, etc
Sebastien-L, JHSheridan and jasonw22 joined the channel
# 01:04 uhsf I just discovered indiewebcamp today and I'm surprised I didn't know about it earlier. It's exactly the kind of thing that really interests me. I browsed the wiki almost all day. I'm amazed at how it seems to solve all problems the web currently has. There are so many ideas on indiewebcamp that I already figured out and wanted to see happen. Thanks for making it happen.
# 01:06 pdurbin uhsf: I was pretty happy to find this group too :)
# 01:09 GWG uhsf, pdurbin: Pretty much my story too.
# 01:11 uhsf What I think is mostly missing are good tools that are easy to install and easy to use with good interface. That would allow for a greater adoption of all these nice features and concepts.
# 01:13 uhsf I already checked it out. It seems to be the most advanced tool currently available.
# 01:15 pdurbin I wonder what ever happened to the... uh... rip off of Known. I forget what it was called.
# 01:15 uhsf I just have to say that I was really disapointed learning that it was 'yet another' php blog platform. Why not Rails? I would have loved a great indieweb Rails project.
# 01:16 uhsf There are so many php blog platforms already. I really prefer to tinker with ruby than php.
# 01:16 GWG uhsf: I said that when I showed up here.
# 01:17 uhsf It seems the ruby community + the indieweb are mean to go together.
# 01:18 kylewm uhsf: there are several open source indieweb rails projects Publify, Pants
# 01:19 kylewm Homesteading also, though i think it is still cooking
# 01:19 uhsf Yes, I looked at Homesteading too. But they are nowhere as well integrated as Known.
# 01:20 kylewm right, most projects were built for people to scratch their own itch
# 01:20 kylewm not necessarily be polished user-facing applications
# 01:22 kylewm "user-facing" is the wrong term, since obviously they are all facing users :)
wagle, alanpearce and tilgovi joined the channel
# 01:32 kylewm and the reason benwerd chose to write Known in PHP is that it still has the widest possible deployment on inexpensive hosting
JHSherid_ joined the channel
# 01:43 Loqi benwerd: aaronpk left you a message on 3/5 at 7:40pm: how's reader functionality looking on the Known plan? I'm wondering if I can build components of my reader as libraries that you can use for it
snarfed and Loqi joined the channel
# 03:41 GWG snarfed: I need to do more with Semantic Linkbacks
# 03:42 GWG snarfed: It uses Post Formats. I need to write a filter to use Post Kinds, because now it thinks everything is an article.
# 03:45 GWG snarfed: That was why pfefferle was this close to removing the filter you are using
# 03:45 GWG I commented on the fact it didn't send in the raw comment data.
aaronpk, caseorganic and Loqi joined the channel
# 05:19 aaronpk realizing that replacing my use of IRC as a reader has been pretty great
# 05:20 aaronpk all my linode servers rebooted today for required maintenance, and I'm realizing how much of a pain in the butt it is to maintain these IRC bots
# 05:22 GWG aaronpk: They sent you that email too?
# 05:22 aaronpk it's a pretty big deal. on March 10th we'll hear the details
# 05:22 aaronpk a Xen vulnerability, so I also got emails from Amazon about it
alanpearce, wolftune and j12t joined the channel
alanpearce, j12t, loic_m, KartikPrabhu, Erkan_Yilmaz, krendil, benwerd, interactivist, lukebrooker and michielbdejong joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, alanpearce, raretrack, upper- and squeakytoy2 joined the channel
addal and frzn joined the channel
# 11:47 pdurbin aaronpk: replacing your use of IRC as a reader? you aren't reading IRC anymore? I'm confused.
sacrelege and bear joined the channel
# 12:43 rascul aaronpk do you start your irc bots manually? use supervisord or something if that's the case
loic_m and frzn joined the channel
jacus, loic_m, Deledrius_, wolftune and cphyc1 joined the channel
# 16:39 aaronpk pdurbin: I mean replacing my use of IRC as a reader of non-IRC things
# 16:40 aaronpk rascul: on my new servers I have init scripts to start stuff, but i still have a fedora 9 box running and it's kind of a mess
# 16:47 aaronpk it also wasn't vulnerable to all the openssl bugs that made the rounds a few months ago because they weren't in that codebase yet ;)
# 16:51 rascul ponders running seven year old distros for security
cphyc1, snarfed, interactivist, raretrack, wolftune and michielbdejong joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
nloadholtes and snarfed joined the channel
# 18:56 pdurbin aaronpk: thanks. I just I'm curious about the "why" behind "In order to replace IRC as a generic notification platform for myself". Why replace it? What are the pain points?
snarfed, frzn and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
frzn and wolftune joined the channel
# 19:53 GWG I was listening to a podcast called WordPress weekly and they were unknowingly saying very Indieweb things. I think I should drop them a line.
wolftune and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 20:06 aaronpk Maybe I should document more of the things I hope to get out of a reader vs irc
# 20:08 aaronpk I guess text-only notifications are somewhat limiting. Like I want to see the pictures my cameras take, not just get a link to the photo
# 20:08 aaronpk It's also somewhat fragile since there are so many moving parts
# 20:10 aaronpk Like when my door notifies me someone enters, it goes: Twilio -> web server -> http to node bot -> node bot to irc -> my irc client -> prowl api -> push notification on prowl iOS app
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:23 pdurbin aaronpk: you have cameras taking pictures for you?
# 20:25 GWG Aaronpk, your house really needs a website.
# 20:27 pdurbin aaronpk: anyway, yeah, I'd be interested in reading more about a reader vs irc if you get around to documenting it.
Tilley joined the channel
# 20:38 aaronpk i haven't decided if i'm going to make it a multi-user site where each "user" is a different part of the house like "front door" "living room" etc
# 20:49 bret !tell snarfed I'm loving your yt-dl gateway! ty for putting that together freestyle podcasts ftw
# 20:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:58 GWG aaronpk: I want to see this when you do it
# 21:00 aaronpk and then do I have each room as a separate entity? or each device specifically?
# 21:00 aaronpk if the room is a user, then I could be like @livingroom please make the lights red
# 21:04 aaronpk is the coffee maker its own user? or is it part of the kitchen?
# 21:06 GWG I'd say go by room and you can always fork.
# 21:08 aaronpk i'm leaning towards a mix of rooms plus certain devices
# 21:09 aaronpk can't wait for @barbot to start posting+tweeting the drinks he makes
nloadholtes joined the channel
# 21:26 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I was fiddling with my site, and I triggered mine
# 21:26 aaronpk and because wordpress has a new URL structure, webmention.io thinks it's a new URL so spit it into IRC again
caseorganic joined the channel
# 21:33 Loqi slack/snarfed: thanks bret! glad you like it
# 21:33 Loqi slack/snarfed: it's much nicer now with the streaming output as feedback
# 21:40 aaronpk wordpress people: is there a way to know what version of wordpress a database dump is for?
# 21:49 aaronpk GWG: how does the syndication links plugin get stuff added to the page?
# 21:49 aaronpk for example caseorganic's posts don't link to the syndicated versions anymore
# 21:50 GWG And I just updated to add a few more
# 21:50 GWG 1. It can be in the syndication_urls key in the post meta
# 21:50 GWG 2. It can be added in by filter from another plugin.
# 21:51 GWG Then if you have syndication links installed, just go into Settings->Syndication Links and uncheck the option to disable syndication links in the content if it is checked.
# 21:55 aaronpk they're showing up in the post editor, at least for older posts
# 21:55 aaronpk (it looks like they're not getting added to new posts but that's a different problem)
# 21:56 GWG If they are in the Syndication box in the Post editor, then they should be displayed.
# 22:00 GWG caseorganic: I see it in there. Trying to figure out why it isn't ending up in the content. Checking the theme first.
# 22:01 bret side note, just implemented hidden posts
# 22:03 GWG Find the content-single.php file in the theme
# 22:03 GWG <?php if (function_exists('get_syndication_links'))
# 22:04 GWG Let's see what happens if we embed it
# 22:06 GWG There are three or four choices in settings to change it
# 22:06 GWG Including your choice of text before
# 22:07 GWG caseorganic: If you want it in every view, you just have to add it in the same place to content.php
# 22:07 GWG It should then show on the archive pages as well.
# 22:08 GWG caseorganic: I've learned a lot since I got here. I finally found the simplest way of doing it.
# 22:08 GWG The latest version will pull in from Bridgy Publish(though I have to test that again), Social, and SNAP if any of them are used for POSSE.
# 22:09 GWG Thanks to code Jihaisse and PeterMolnar wrote that I appropriated
# 22:10 GWG It won't show up in the URL box though, if it is coming in from another plugin
# 22:12 GWG Also, have someone who added support in two of their POSSE plugins.
# 22:13 GWG That reminds me. I need to add that to the README
# 22:13 aaronpk next problem: the micropub plugin is apparently not storing the syndication links
# 22:14 GWG aaronpk: It isn't, correct. But Syndication Links is prepared for when it does. I pull the content of the key mf2_syndication and merge the contents of that with key syndication_urls.
# 22:15 caseorganic GWG: Perfect - added in the link text, and some text before the link.
# 22:16 GWG caseorganic: You might want to check that Disable option. It's now showing in the content.
# 22:17 GWG I just figured out the problem. If you've never saved that page, it won't display.
# 22:20 tjgillies on ./build I'm getting " throw new Error("build with no premade plan, TODO: generate one");"
# 22:20 tjgillies wrong channel sorry
# 22:21 GWG Okay, pushed to Github. Will push to WordPress in a few.
# 22:22 GWG caseorganic: Someone who made Tumblr, WordPress, and Disapora POSSE plugins contacted me and is supporting it in all of them. That makes 6 POSSE plugins with some level of support for it.
# 22:25 GWG caseorganic: Feel free to make any suggestions for improvement to that or any of the other plugins. I can use any help I can get.
# 22:29 caseorganic GWG: Next week i'll be announcing that I'm leaving Esri on the site. I'll be manually POSSE'ing the article to FB and Twitter, and will put the permalinks in the syndication box on the post.
# 22:29 GWG caseorganic: Which will work. I always start with manual data entry before automatic import.
# 22:30 caseorganic GWG: I originally wanted to switch my site to wordpress to take advantage of the P2 theme. Super easy posting from the front of the site.
# 22:30 caseorganic GWG: I have a lot of private WP installs using P2, because they're easy to update and have little social networks on
# 22:31 GWG caseorganic: Ever since Jeremy Zilar was talking about doing front end posting at IWC 2014, I've had it on my list. I want it only for simple note posting though.
# 22:33 caseorganic GWG: thanks so much for your help! this is so exciting. It's challenging and exciting to be back on wordpress
# 22:34 GWG caseorganic: I will tell you if I ever get that project off the ground. I'm still iterating Post Kinds and Syndication Links. I keep adding little features.
# 22:41 bret caseorganic: cool haven't see your calm tech site yet
# 22:42 bret I referred to calm tech in a cover letter recently XD
# 22:43 caseorganic bret: I asked for a Capybara, but it was taken. So was the sloth.
# 22:43 bret hah! yeah just looking at the site now. I think I saw one of your pictures of it a while back
# 22:45 bret Slow Loris... has the same look as people who are coping with crappy tech XD
Tilley and AndroUser joined the channel
# 22:53 tjgillies googles calm tech
# 22:54 tjgillies caseorganic: I'm gonna call you slothy from now on
icco joined the channel
# 22:58 Loqi slack/snarfed: caseorganic: congrats on (announcing you're) leaving! can't wait to hear what's next
# 22:59 caseorganic snarfed: thank you! it's going to be a very strange quantified self project
j12t joined the channel
# 23:02 Loqi slack/snarfed: aaronpk: yup, micropub plugin doesn't support syndication links yet. easy to add. feel free to file an issue!
# 23:04 tjgillies I think calm tech is legit. Just went through a process of unsubscribing from alerts because it was more annoying than useful
# 23:05 tjgillies Closed 90% of them without even reading
# 23:09 tjgillies "I did pretty much everything except immerse myself in the flow of the place and time."
# 23:09 tjgillies thats deep man
# 23:15 tjgillies how are you talking through loqi?
# 23:15 tjgillies what black magic is this?
# 23:16 tjgillies who's slack instance?
# 23:16 tjgillies its funny I just noticed he wasn't "real"
# 23:16 tjgillies aaronpk: I can haz signin? ;)
# 23:20 Loqi slack/tyler: gilliesbot intialising slack takeover
# 23:29 tjgillies aaronpk: why the integration? more features in slack?
caseorganic joined the channel
# 23:31 tjgillies i love the indieauth email gateway
# 23:32 tjgillies thats brilliant
KartikPrabhu joined the channel