#bearcheck that your web socket service is listening on both ws and wss ?
petermolnar joined the channel
#KartikPrabhukylewm: pwcc: can bridgy see if there is a *-content property and not just a *-summary to decide whether to go looking into the permalink or not?
bengo joined the channel
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: that's not why it goes into the permalink ... it's looking for u-syndication links
#KartikPrabhuaah I see. so if there is a u-syndication on the feeds page itself then no need to go hunting into the permalink right?
#kylewmbear: thank you for testing. i'm going to try proxying the websockets connection through nginx later tonight ... i think that's the right way to fix it
#pdurbinedrex: I didn't mean to derail your point about offline editing at http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-03-16#t1426545919175 . I'm not sure I want to edit stuff in a phone browser though. I'm thinking native Android app. Something that can preview markdown. And do a `git push`, ideally.
lukebrooker joined the channel
#pdurbinI'd even settle for multiple apps. More Unix-y that way. :)
#aaronpklike how Checkie will always be faster/easier to use than any multiple-purpose posting app
KartikPrabhu and joskar joined the channel
#tantekaaronpk - I see what you mean - in some sense you're treating the homescreen with all the apps as buttons as your top level "app" where you choose post type ;)
#Loqitantek meant to say: aaronpk - I see what you mean - in some sense you're treating the homescreen with all the apps as buttons in your top level "app" where you choose post type ;)
#KevinMarks_I've been impressed with phone browsers not losing state on android
#KevinMarks_It's iOS that flushes state all the time
#KevinMarks_Especially with in-app browsers in fb/twitter
#tantekso I started writing a blog post about "What is the social web?" and decided when I got off the plane, I'd websearch (non-corp-specific term) for it and see what others had said
#LoqiThe social web refers to the subset of the web that has social content, that is, content, like posts, which has obvious visible authorship (even if pseudonymous), and mentions other people or other social web content, via URL reference, not just name https://indiewebcamp.com/social_web
#bengo@tantek what did you mean by "[18:03:36] <@tantek> Tell me again how using silo-based identity and login is better for users when the silo shuts you off.
#LoqiURL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indiewebcamp.com/URL_design
#tantekno that's odd - loading his JS doesn't help
#bengoWhat happens if you do bengo.is in that field?
#tantekthis might be the weird quirkiness with WordPress OpenID plugin where it still makes you "create" another account, just based on your openid. which I can't be bothered with
#tantekrecheck your <link> headers? feel free to copy / paste from mine at tantek.com
#bengoWeird. Mine were in a different order, but I copy pasted your exact ones and changed the delegate to me. Still no work. Oh well will try again later.
#tantekbengo - compare this hassle with openid delegation with how much work was it for you to setup rel=me
#bengoFWIW I've been working on accounts.livefyre.com as an OpenID Connect Provider (we have an impl in QA and a few RPs), and it's so much better than go OpenID
#bengoFWIW we use Janrain as an OpenID bridge thingy. I see this error: "Other OpenID authentication error: Error verifying signature with the OP: null"
#tantekmeme is a [[post]] type consisting of a funny or provocative image with a brief text [[note]] overlaid on top of it, usually in white all capitals text outlined in black, similar to a single-pane [[comic]], yet with text that reads like prose rather than a caption.
#aaronpkkylewm: i only have the content[html] from the parsed mf2 at this point
#aaronpki need to switch it to filter on the way in before I store the data, rather than comparing on display, that way i have access to the content[text]
#aaronpki'm going to be finishing this on the plane, but then that means i'm going to arrive in boston in the morning, and i'll need to deploy it to a server
#tantekfortunately API discussions / demos aren't until after lunch
#kylewmGWG: I'm not sure what you mean by webportals. this is just ferrying connections through :80 to the websocket server running on :8077
#GWGkylewm: That is what I need to get past filtering on open wifi networks.
#tantekhmm - I have TZ offset output happening, now to fix it to do DST / ST properly
#pwccI'm autogenerating titles - Noted <date> - for the HTML title and currently on p-name. Is that unwise?
#pwcctantek: have fun there - the one reason I'd dump DST.
bengo joined the channel
#kylewmpwcc: do you want the date to appear as a title in a feed reader?
#kylewm(that's the effect that setting p-name = the date would have)
#tantekyeah I just wrote some code like: if (date('I', strtotime($d)))
#pwcckylewm: I think i do - trying to avoid the title & content both displaying as the same thing.
#pwccI prefer the date as title over the content appearing twice. Context makes such a difference.
#kylewmpwcc: my 2c, I wouldn't want that :) indiereaders will know better than to display the content twice. (and for other readers, you can do whatever you want in the rss/atom feed)
#tantekand looks like both pin13.net/mf2 and kylewm.com/services tests are seeing it
#aaronpki need to make a php DateTime object given a timezone offset rather than a named timezone
#aaronpkor i can do the timezone offset myself... hmm
#tantek.comedited /Falcon () "(-700) /* Bug Reports */ dt-published has timezone now in all post types (notes, articles, likes) ! all the way back to the start 2010-01-01 :)" (view diff)
#tantekhaha poetic that fixing that was -700 (which is my home timezone now, PDT -0700)
#tantek!tell kylewm, barnabywalters I finally fixed timezones in Falcon posts and deployed (tantek.com) - see if your readers (or other contexts) work. Tested with both phpmf2 and mf2py and parsed output looks good.
#cweiskeaaronpk, I try to login to monocle and only have an auth endpoint. monocle warns me that I can only read, which is fine. continuing the login process, it still tries to login with a response_type=code instead of id
#snarfedaaronpk: i'm assuming you plan to keep feeds in monocle private by default, right?
#kylewmaaronpk: I think I might have been the second person to subscribe in monocle, not gRegor` !!
#Loqikylewm: tantek left you a message 5 hours, 59 minutes ago: I finally fixed timezones in Falcon posts and deployed (tantek.com) - see if your readers (or other contexts) work. Tested with both phpmf2 and mf2py and parsed output looks good. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-03-17/line/1426594591595
#aaronpkkylewm: note I said second person other than me :)
#snarfedaaronpk: just fyi, i subscribed to a twitter mf2 feed via https://twitter-activitystreams.appspot.com/ , and the channels page shows that it fetched successfully, but i don't see the tweets on my monocle home page
#snarfed(i think kylewm has woodwind consuming twitter-activitystreams.appspot.com, but it might be using the atom format. not sure.)
#aaronpki'm making it fall back to use the feed URL as self if no self is specified
marclaporte joined the channel
#benwerdaaronpk: I have so many things to fix right now on that, as it turns out
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message on 3/13 at 6:00pm: did you braindump any of what we discussed at HWC SF this week? E.g. code-of-conduct, noticing that FB notifications had an RSS feed (URL security through obscurity), Events itch scratching, Known Pro, etc.? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-03-13/line/1426294801107
#benwerdYou should see my list. I've got a JSON Accept: header issue with Superfeedr and the rel="self" issue out of the way
#benwerdNext are micropub likes, micropub syndication and a few RSS tags
#benwerdI don't get to spend enough time just working on code :(
#aaronpkI got two different replies from superfeedr alreay.. one said the topic should be the one that ends in _rss, but the other one said the topic should be a www.* version of the domain
#aaronpkare you auto-adding the feeds to superfeedr for people?
#bengoidenti.ca is A website that "runs pump.io, the high-performance Open Source social engine. It pumps your life in and out of your friends, family and colleagues."
#gRegor`Or is there no hosted version of identi.ca, just self-hosted?
#gRegor`"New accounts are not created any more; use of own or others' pump.io servers is recommended." according to Wikipedia, so that kinda answers that.
#pdurbingRegor`: the former, I think (hosted, runs pump.io)