2015-03-17 UTC
# 00:00 bear check that your web socket service is listening on both ws and wss ?
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# 00:03 KartikPrabhu kylewm: pwcc: can bridgy see if there is a *-content property and not just a *-summary to decide whether to go looking into the permalink or not?
bengo joined the channel
# 00:04 kylewm KartikPrabhu: that's not why it goes into the permalink ... it's looking for u-syndication links
# 00:04 KartikPrabhu aah I see. so if there is a u-syndication on the feeds page itself then no need to go hunting into the permalink right?
bengo joined the channel
# 00:08 kylewm bear: thank you for testing. i'm going to try proxying the websockets connection through nginx later tonight ... i think that's the right way to fix it
# 00:09 bear nginx or haproxy will really help with this - route all http/ws -> https/wss and just worry about one endpoint
electronicmaji joined the channel
# 00:10 bear nginx is by far easier, just add these two magic lines:
# 00:10 bear proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
# 00:10 bear proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
nloadholtes, KevinMarks_, mdik_, tantek, KartikPrabhu and bengo joined the channel
# 00:26 tantek kylewm: that's a *great* followup by inkdroid.org
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# 00:26 tantek he extrapolated nearly everything I was implying. loved it.
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# 00:33 pdurbin I'd even settle for multiple apps. More Unix-y that way. :)
# 00:34 tantek +1 for offline editing, but why multiple apps?
# 00:36 aaronpk like how Checkie will always be faster/easier to use than any multiple-purpose posting app
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# 00:38 tantek aaronpk - I see what you mean - in some sense you're treating the homescreen with all the apps as buttons as your top level "app" where you choose post type ;)
# 00:38 Loqi tantek meant to say: aaronpk - I see what you mean - in some sense you're treating the homescreen with all the apps as buttons in your top level "app" where you choose post type ;)
# 00:38 KevinMarks_ I've been impressed with phone browsers not losing state on android
# 00:40 aaronpk KevinMarks_: i can't even switch apps on ios without the browser losing state!
# 00:43 tantek (which does make sequential blog post numbering tempting)
# 00:45 bengo Do you mean "Localize" or "Localize.js" (or both?)
# 00:45 bengo Localize.js is A small company building a platform to make Localization of web pages as easy as possible.
# 00:45 tantek bengo - you could create it as a disambiguation page
# 00:46 tantek I think Loqi only creates a page for the term asked about
# 00:46 bengo Localize.js is A small company building a platform to make Localization of web pages as easy as possible.
# 00:48 bengo I mean... the set of services I run to power my indieweb?
# 00:48 tantek stays away from anything that uses subclasses as superclasses are almost always architecture astronomy ;)
# 00:50 tantek so I started writing a blog post about "What is the social web?" and decided when I got off the plane, I'd websearch (non-corp-specific term) for it and see what others had said
# 00:50 Loqi The social web refers to the subset of the web that has social content, that is, content, like posts, which has obvious visible authorship (even if pseudonymous), and mentions other people or other social web content, via URL reference, not just name https://indiewebcamp.com/social_web
# 00:51 tantek thank you Loqi for reminding me that I've been here before :P
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# 01:03 tantek Tell me again how using silo-based identity and login is better for users when the silo shuts you off.
# 01:04 tantek wonders if aaronpk has had to hardcode a timezone fix for tantek.com posts :/
# 01:13 aaronpk Looks good, tho you could say "posts appear in GMT" instead of "causes problems"
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 01:17 tantek well - it's a problem if it miscommunicates the time of post
# 01:27 GWG I keep wondering what to do with all this 'life' data that would be interesting to someone other than me.
tilgovi joined the channel
# 01:35 bengo @tantek what did you mean by "[18:03:36] <@tantek> Tell me again how using silo-based identity and login is better for users when the silo shuts you off.
# 01:35 bengo Like a social network goes bankrupt and deletes your acct?
nloadholtes and danlyke_ joined the channel
# 01:36 bengo Facebook API changes ruined my last three weeks. :)
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# 01:43 bengo I agree but can see the path toward Custom Elements helping a ton.
# 01:44 bengo This didn't use Web Components, but you can see how this JS widget enabled extra features by the web publisher adding MARKUP, not JS
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# 01:45 bengo (it should also be able to bootstrap it's news feed content from markup rendered by the server too)
# 01:45 tantek bengo yes I'm optimistic about custom elements as a particularly useful subset of the grand Web Components vision
# 01:45 bengo Really wish I could make to to Cambrige this week :)
# 01:46 GWG I have to figure out what time I'm aiming for to get there
# 01:46 bengo Can't though. Mom's visiting SF. Will be in the IRCs though. Are there video casts planned?
# 01:46 GWG bengo: I'm doing some half-measures.
# 01:47 GWG tantek: You might replace some with ful after this.
# 01:48 GWG A small tablet, USB microphone, and HD camera on a stand.
# 01:48 GWG Also, as a backup, I have an audio recorder
# 01:51 bengo the semweb possibilities are dangerously endless..
# 01:56 bengo oh I need that first. That's micro pub right?
# 01:56 bengo Well I guess it doesn't have to be if all I want is webmentions
# 01:56 tantek sure - or you can manually upload them to your site at their permalinks all static style ;)
# 01:57 GWG What would everyone think of an audio only IWC recording?
# 01:57 bengo canonical URL for all things. Other things can redirect or rel=canonical to that
# 01:58 tantek bengo - sounds good! have you added that to your User: page? what is wikifying?
# 01:58 bengo @GWG if the convs are more likely to be audible that way, it's a good backup plan
# 01:59 tantek then you'll show up all cool and linked and with photo in the logs!
# 02:07 bengo (Added some progress about what I did this weekend)
# 02:18 bengo I think I followed the instructions, but can't log into that Wordpress with bengo.is
# 02:18 tantek yes! good point - need to POSSE my comment there too!
# 02:19 bengo You use your indieweb domain as the opened thing?
# 02:19 tantek yes - just typed in tantek.com into the openid field and it gave me the indieauth flow
# 02:20 tantek hmm - looks like logging in to comment may require JS
# 02:21 bengo What happens if you do bengo.is in that field?
# 02:22 tantek this might be the weird quirkiness with WordPress OpenID plugin where it still makes you "create" another account, just based on your openid. which I can't be bothered with
# 02:22 tantek "Could not discover an OpenID identity server endpoint at the url: bengo.is
# 02:22 tantek Could not discover an OpenID identity server endpoint at the url: bengo.is"
# 02:22 tantek recheck your <link> headers? feel free to copy / paste from mine at tantek.com
# 02:25 bengo Weird. Mine were in a different order, but I copy pasted your exact ones and changed the delegate to me. Still no work. Oh well will try again later.
# 02:25 tantek bengo - compare this hassle with openid delegation with how much work was it for you to setup rel=me
# 02:25 bengo FWIW I've been working on accounts.livefyre.com as an OpenID Connect Provider (we have an impl in QA and a few RPs), and it's so much better than go OpenID
# 02:27 tantek gah - so many things to blog and code before tomorrow morning (!!!) and this week in general
# 02:28 bengo We have OpenID and I just tried bengo.is with it, and I did get to indieauth.com to confirm
# 02:29 bengo You sound like you'd be good in Marketing :P
# 02:30 bengo SocialWG+IndieWebCamp is more fun anyway IMO. Less hangovers or more?
# 02:30 bengo FWIW we use Janrain as an OpenID bridge thingy. I see this error: "Other OpenID authentication error: Error verifying signature with the OP: null"
# 02:31 tantek and a great feeling of comradery and accomplishment when you get stuff working on your site
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# 02:32 tantek there was a time where we did that at SXSW too
# 02:34 bengo I have a hypothesis that ANY indieweb solution that is specific to a single Content-Type will have too many haters to matter
electronicmaji joined the channel
# 02:35 bengo Heading home. I'll attempt to post a note later.
# 02:48 tantek asking because the text of the meme should be available separately
# 02:48 tantek and yet - memes images don't usually have titles / names - their text reads more like notes
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 02:51 tantek meme is a [[post ]] type consisting of a funny or provocative image with a brief text [[note ]] overlaid on top of it, usually in white all capitals text outlined in black, similar to a single-pane [[comic ]], yet with text that reads like prose rather than a caption.
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# 04:16 aaronpk what's the trick for checking whether "name" is the same as "content"?
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# 04:17 aaronpk i'm trying to tell if the "name" property is autogenerated or actually a blog post title
# 04:17 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: match content[value] with name after stripping leading/trailing blanks?
# 04:18 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: so far i'm doing this: strip html tags, remove html entities (&#xx;), remove all non-alphanumeric, lowercase, and then compare
# 04:19 KartikPrabhu aaronpk why not use content[value] which iirc is without the HTML tags anyway
# 04:19 aaronpk hm i could try that... but i'd have to go refactor a bunch cause i'm not storing that at this point yet
# 04:20 aaronpk it's working on a bunch of tantek's other posts tho
# 04:22 aaronpk it appears the p-name has added the alt text of the image
# 04:23 aaronpk so KartikPrabhu you're right, that would probably fix it comparing content[value] and name
# 04:24 aaronpk i think i'm gonna have to put this off until after my "like" button is hooked up
# 04:24 GWG You plan on hooking up a like button?
# 04:25 aaronpk tantek: nothing on comments-presentation about displaying a post with content *and* a name
# 04:26 aaronpk it's just about whether to use the content or the name
# 04:29 aaronpk kylewm: how do you know if the name should be displayed as a title?
# 04:30 kylewm pretty sure i did document my algorithm somewhere
# 04:32 aaronpk problem is i'm starting with the html content, not the plaintext content, so i have to change that
# 04:33 aaronpk kylewm: i only have the content[html] from the parsed mf2 at this point
# 04:34 aaronpk i need to switch it to filter on the way in before I store the data, rather than comparing on display, that way i have access to the content[text]
# 04:37 tantek and this is where my adjacent like compression cleverness bites me
# 04:39 aaronpk i'm going to be finishing this on the plane, but then that means i'm going to arrive in boston in the morning, and i'll need to deploy it to a server
# 04:39 tantek fortunately API discussions / demos aren't until after lunch
# 04:40 tantek GWG - you should lurk in the W3C # social channel
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# 04:40 GWG What is usually discussed in there?
# 04:41 tantek GWG - that's the channel for the W3C Social Web Working Group
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# 04:41 tantek which is the meeting we're attending tomorrow
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# 04:45 bengo #social is extremely quiet (in the few days I've been on IRC)
# 04:48 kylewm after upgrading to a version of nginx from this decade, finally have websockets serving over https!
# 04:48 GWG kylewm: I need to scroll back. I wanted to do that to get around webportals
# 04:49 tantek bengo - it's bursty - during meetings it gets busy
# 04:50 tantek then all the email people go back to their mailing lists and write essays to each other
# 04:57 kylewm GWG: I'm not sure what you mean by webportals. this is just ferrying connections through :80 to the websocket server running on :8077
# 04:58 GWG kylewm: That is what I need to get past filtering on open wifi networks.
# 04:58 tantek hmm - I have TZ offset output happening, now to fix it to do DST / ST properly
# 04:59 pwcc I'm autogenerating titles - Noted <date> - for the HTML title and currently on p-name. Is that unwise?
# 05:00 pwcc tantek: have fun there - the one reason I'd dump DST.
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# 05:06 kylewm pwcc: do you want the date to appear as a title in a feed reader?
# 05:06 kylewm (that's the effect that setting p-name = the date would have)
# 05:07 tantek yeah I just wrote some code like: if (date('I', strtotime($d)))
# 05:07 pwcc kylewm: I think i do - trying to avoid the title & content both displaying as the same thing.
# 05:10 pwcc I prefer the date as title over the content appearing twice. Context makes such a difference.
# 05:11 kylewm pwcc: my 2c, I wouldn't want that :) indiereaders will know better than to display the content twice. (and for other readers, you can do whatever you want in the rss/atom feed)
# 05:14 aaronpk kylewm: are you serving websockets through nginx?
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# 05:16 kylewm that's what I was doing too, but just having ssl support broke both the http and https versions
# 05:17 aaronpk Having it behind nginx is great because then only nginx needs to terminate ssl
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# 05:37 pwcc kylewm: have set up an issue to reconsider titles around your advise. Another to fix indieauth so I can check out woodwind.
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# 11:38 aaronpk kylewm: are you doing anything fancy when you encounter a u-photo in an entry? or do you just display the content html?
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# 11:59 aaronpk just realized he hasn't even thought about refreshing feeds yet :P
# 12:06 aaronpk ah it was cause i was taking a shortcut for authorship discovery
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# 12:11 tantek and looks like both pin13.net/mf2 and kylewm.com/services tests are seeing it
# 12:11 aaronpk i need to make a php DateTime object given a timezone offset rather than a named timezone
# 12:12 tantek.com edited /Falcon () "(-700) /* Bug Reports */ dt-published has timezone now in all post types (notes, articles, likes) ! all the way back to the start 2010-01-01 :)" (
view diff )
# 12:13 tantek haha poetic that fixing that was -700 (which is my home timezone now, PDT -0700)
# 12:16 tantek !tell kylewm, barnabywalters I finally fixed timezones in Falcon posts and deployed (tantek.com) - see if your readers (or other contexts) work. Tested with both phpmf2 and mf2py and parsed output looks good.
# 12:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 12:27 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: your short URL is showing up in the name and content of your posts, I don't think that's what you want
# 12:30 GWG Where are you both staying in BOS out of curiosity?
# 12:41 aaronpk oh hey it's in the same room as indiewebcamp was in october!
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# 12:47 GWG I'm still trying to decide which project to work on at IWC. Someone suggested it be very visual.
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# 13:13 GWG petermolnar: Do you use pages on your site?
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# 13:46 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 13:49 aaronpk it can be outside of the content but in the h-entry
# 13:50 cweiske aaronpk, I try to login to monocle and only have an auth endpoint. monocle warns me that I can only read, which is fine. continuing the login process, it still tries to login with a response_type=code instead of id
# 13:51 aaronpk i think i'm going to have to add that to the indieauth docs
# 13:51 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: ew weird, that seems like an ugly hack
# 13:53 aaronpk i guess if your intent is to add a watermark to your posts, then you do in fact want readers and other consumers to get the PSC in the content
gRegor`, rhiaro, LauraJ, verdi_, snarfed, loic_m_, petermolnar, friedcell and dariusdunlap joined the channel
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# 15:04 bret buhhhh damnit, I forgot to get my proposal into open source bridge
# 15:05 bret i'll see if I can sign up as a backup speaker
# 15:05 bret i had a lot going on this weekend and I didnt make any reminders, >:[
# 15:14 bret if i cant present at least i can spend some much needed time working on other indieweb projects
# 15:20 bret Also the unconference day... forgot about that
# 15:21 bret maybe like a "get on the indieweb with a semistatic site toolkit" and just walk people through it
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# 16:36 bret aaronpk++ for improving data coming from webmention.io way long ago
dariusdunlap, catsup, KevinMarks_, pfefferle, elf-pavlik, loic_m__, LauraJ, tantek and tilgovi joined the channel
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# 17:36 gRegor` Howdy, ghost town #indiewebcamp :)
# 17:37 aaronpk wanna be the second person other than me to add feeds to monocle?
# 17:39 gRegor` Sure! I've been kicking the tires of /Woodwind and loving it, why not try another one? :)
# 17:39 gRegor` Does it require micropub? I don't have that.
# 17:40 aaronpk sadly until sites support posting following lists via micropub you'll have to add your subscriptions to monocle as well as woodwind
# 17:41 gRegor` I like that flow, warning the user they cannot reply/like
# 17:42 gRegor` What does the filters feed do? Is that for only seeing certain tags?
# 17:42 aaronpk yeah i'm gonna do a better job of reminding them once you're looking at items, but that's a good start
# 17:42 Loqi gRegor` meant to say: What does the filters field do? Is that for only seeing certain tags?
# 17:43 aaronpk yeah the filters make it so only posts matching the filter show up
# 17:43 gRegor` Oh, so matches any text within the post?
# 17:43 gRegor` This looks nice. I like it
# 17:47 gRegor` Heh, trying to add a Twitter feed shows lots of disabled feed options
# 17:48 gRegor` Could only think of Most Valuable Player and that didn't make sense.
# 17:49 gRegor` tries to subscribe to Woodwind in Monocle. Nothing blows up.
# 17:50 gRegor` No message indicating 'no feed found' though either.
# 17:50 gRegor` I'm just messing around with different URLs to see what it does
# 17:50 aaronpk oh it just disappears if no feeds are found. thanks.
peacekeep3r, KevinMarks_ and snarfed joined the channel
# 18:00 aaronpk okay being a PuSH consumer isn't so bad after all ;)
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# 18:02 gRegor` I would think authors could spell out #IndieAuthor. It's just two more letters.
bengo, KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 18:08 aaronpk alrighty... let's see if i can start subscribing to hubs
# 18:09 bengo Everyone in this room may find some interest in watching W3C IRC #socail today
# 18:15 snarfed aaronpk: i'm assuming you plan to keep feeds in monocle private by default, right?
# 18:16 kylewm aaronpk: I think I might have been the second person to subscribe in monocle, not gRegor` !!
# 18:16 aaronpk kylewm: note I said second person other than me :)
# 18:16 aaronpk snarfed: I was actaully thinking public by default, but hadn't gotten that far yet
# 18:17 gRegor` My Monocle channel is 11, so . . .
# 18:17 snarfed i'd strongly suggest private by default since some feeds definitely are private
# 18:18 snarfed e.g. some silos offer your stream, notifs, etc via rss by giving you "secret" feed urls
# 18:18 gRegor` Agreed on feed privacy
# 18:19 aaronpk snarfed: true... I wonder if I could pre-populate a public/private checkbox based on whether the feed URL has a query string
# 18:19 snarfed aaronpk: that was my instinct too…double checking...
# 18:20 snarfed my two spot checks, facebook and goodreads notifs, both have query params
# 18:20 snarfed but agreed, i wouldn't depend on it. opt in feels right
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# 18:20 fkooman gRegor`: Undefined index: me
# 18:21 aaronpk fkooman: did you get that after signing in to monocle?
# 18:21 fkooman aaronpk: i used indiecert, it doesn't provide me on the callback
# 18:21 KartikPrabhu hmm i don't understand the channels thing. do I put a feed URL in there?
# 18:22 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: no it's just to let you organize your feeds
# 18:22 fkooman aaronpk: it almost works :-)
# 18:22 gRegor` Or whatever channel you set up.
# 18:23 gRegor` I just noticed the "Channels" page, heh
# 18:23 snarfed (i think kylewm has woodwind consuming twitter-activitystreams.appspot.com, but it might be using the atom format. not sure.)
# 18:24 fkooman aaronpk: i wondered why i should return me, it is technically not needed, but I'll implement it :)
# 18:24 KartikPrabhu hmmm i don't see any place to put feed urls. I get the tabs for channels and the lower menu bar also with channels and sign out
# 18:24 gRegor` No subscribe_box in the source?
# 18:26 KartikPrabhu will play around more in the evening and make screenshots or something
# 18:27 gRegor` "Did you try turning it off and on again?"
# 18:31 fkooman aaronpk: it works now with indiecert :-)
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# 18:35 fkooman kylewm: but i cannot login anywhere?
# 18:36 fkooman kylewm: no... "March 17, 2015
# 18:36 fkooman Oh man, monocle.p3k.io looks b"
# 18:37 kylewm sounds like your browser is still redirecting you to kylewm.com
# 18:38 fkooman kylewm: ah, you sent a 301 at some point instead of 302? :-)
# 18:39 fkooman kylewm: yeee! it works with indiecert as well :-) :D
# 18:39 fkooman for the SSL cert :-)
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# 18:44 fkooman kylewm: some chain issues
# 18:45 kylewm ah ok that must be why I had created a unified cert for the primary domain
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# 18:58 kylewm aaronpk: I like the yellow background on Monocle, will it change to purple/black at night? :)
# 19:04 gRegor` That's awesome, cweiske!
# 19:09 kylewm aaronpk: monocle loads really fast, are you doing any special caching or anything?
# 19:09 aaronpk also it's just one giant list in the timeline, no paging yet
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# 19:28 aaronpk benwerd: it looks like Known isn't setting the rel=self value, so my PuSH consumer isn't subscribing to Known feeds
# 19:29 aaronpk i'm making it fall back to use the feed URL as self if no self is specified
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# 19:35 benwerd aaronpk: I have so many things to fix right now on that, as it turns out
# 19:35 benwerd I did not do that because I have some broken things :(
# 19:36 aaronpk well now Woodwind and Monocle are PuSH consumers!
# 19:36 benwerd I've got a bunch of bugfixing on my agenda for the rest of today.
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# 19:52 aaronpk hmm apparently known.kevinmarks.com only has an RSS topic advertized on the hub
# 19:55 bret Just some css fixings for youtube embeds
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# 20:00 KevinMarks I tried subbing to an unmunged feed, but maybe not enough recent posts
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# 20:28 benwerd aaronpk: hopefully that rel="self" header should be friendlier now
# 20:28 benwerd You should see my list. I've got a JSON Accept: header issue with Superfeedr and the rel="self" issue out of the way
# 20:29 benwerd Next are micropub likes, micropub syndication and a few RSS tags
# 20:29 benwerd I don't get to spend enough time just working on code :(
# 20:30 aaronpk I got two different replies from superfeedr alreay.. one said the topic should be the one that ends in _rss, but the other one said the topic should be a www.* version of the domain
# 20:30 aaronpk are you auto-adding the feeds to superfeedr for people?
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# 20:47 aaronpk hmm i'm getting a 202 response from superfeedr but it's not making the verify request to me
# 20:52 aaronpk kylewm: you've been able to subscribe to my superfeedr hub right?
# 20:54 kylewm you send hub.mode, hub.topic, and hub.callback?
# 20:55 kylewm it would be nice if superfeedr had a little more diagnostic info... rather opaque
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# 21:38 bret i cant answer that but ill peek at them KevinMarks
# 21:41 bengo identi.ca is A website that "runs pump.io, the high-performance Open Source social engine. It pumps your life in and out of your friends, family and colleagues."
elf-pavlik and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:51 gRegor` I thought identica was StatusNet which is now GNU Social, or is there some forking in the history?
# 21:53 kylewm gRegor`: pump.io is totally separate from statusnet/gnusocial. written from scratch, no code in common
# 21:53 kylewm identi.ca users were migrated from statusnet to pump.io a few years ago
# 21:56 gRegor` So identi.ca is still a social network (silo?) of sorts, it just runs on pump.io instead of StatusNet now, right?
# 21:59 gRegor` Or is there no hosted version of identi.ca, just self-hosted?
# 21:59 gRegor` "New accounts are not created any more; use of own or others' pump.io servers is recommended." according to Wikipedia, so that kinda answers that.
# 21:59 pdurbin gRegor`: the former, I think (hosted, runs pump.io)
# 22:01 pdurbin statusnet was in php. pump.io is in javascript/node.
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# 22:08 kylewm no new accounts on identi.ca but there are other servers that evan also manages that are accepting new accounts
# 22:15 fkooman aaronpk: is there a plan to support distributed indieauth on indiewebcamp.com?
# 22:18 aaronpk If you try right now with an authorization endpoint specified on your site you'll see a little note "is coming soon"
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# 22:33 aaronpk Yes because the last thing I want to do is write more mediawiki plugin
# 22:37 acegiak Anyone got a second to tell me if my unityplayer embed is working?
# 22:37 acegiak cause I'm on linux which apparently there isn't a player for
KartikPrabhu and electronicmaji joined the channel
# 22:47 fkooman aaronpk: yeah, i saw the code ;)
# 22:50 acegiak Yay! Now if I repost a thing with pictures some of the pictures display on twitter
bengo and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KevinMarks_, KartikPrabhu1, electronicmaji, pauloppenheim and KartikPrabhu joined the channel