#tantekbret, cool. The Wikipedia page is sufficient for that, and anyone (re)searching will find that. I'll wait for follow-up requests for more before I send any more links or photos.
#tantekin checking twitter results for "indie web" (with quotes and space) I'm glad Loqi doesn't pick those up - mostly noise, and very little of it has anything to do with this community
#ben_thatmustbemerather than creating a new setup for tags, i merged all the duplicate code for tags, likes, reposts, mentions, comments into just "interactions" with a type specified on them
#ben_thatmustbemeso I have spent a lot of time with deduplication of code this week, but i should be able to add new functionality a lot faster after this
#ben_thatmustbemetantek, how long ago was that? responses says "Note: the term interactions is being more frequently used now to refer to the full set of things people to do with / to a post. This page mostly captures historical debate."
#tanteka while ago - I thought I noted my updated opinion there
#gRegor`Looks like the wiki indicates a /repost is a 100% re-publication, sans additional comment, but I would consider a 100% repost + comment still a repost, and a form of response.
#tantekbrings his semantic popcorn to watch and cheer.
#gRegor`But I understand others might just consider that a /quotation
#ben_thatmustbemeokay, lets formulate this another way, the way i see it "responses" can have a reply. But try to reply to someone's action of "liking" or "tagging (a person)" in FB
#ben_thatmustbemeexactly, I was debating this while working on tag, and i realized I display likes and comments on my like posts... and I don't think that makes sense at all
#ben_thatmustbemecorrect, so from snafed's side, that isn't a response
#tantekit is, because he considers likes to be responses
#ben_thatmustbemei think the real issue here is different definitions of "response".
#ben_thatmustbeme"response" can be just "reaction" which means any action that in any way references your post is a response
#ben_thatmustbemeanother example would be a mention, same thing, if someone happens to mention a post of mine, i don't consider that in any way "responding" to my post
#ben_thatmustbemei use response in the "correspond" way, not "reaction" way
#voxpelliI think its a matter of whether the page is the dominant target of the action taken – either the indirect object of the sentence or in the lack of an indirect object, the direct object
#tantekvoxpelli: thus would you exclude mentions from all of those terms?
#tantekperhaps then we also say: references = responses + mentions
#ben_thatmustbemei don't think mentions really falls in to reactions either. the action you are reacting to may not be the content you are mentioning
#voxpelliI would say: interactions = responses/replies + mentions
#tantekvoxpelli: by your same reasoning I'd say a mention is not an *inter*action at all.
#tanteknor would any other plain "reference" e.g. bibliography
#voxpellino matter who sent it, the receiver have been passive and someone has interacted with it and told it that something has happened
#voxpelliso from the perspective of the receiver its something different to something it would have found through eg. a crawler – interaction rather than reference?
#tantekthe assumption of "someone" is flawed, it could be a bot
#tantekdiscovering the link / sending the webmentino
#voxpellifor the sake of the term I think we can assume that even bots, like brid.gy, have a clear intent with their pinging
#ben_thatmustbemei am actually thinking "reactions" might be better now. as the only thing I am showing are other actions that either are in response to my action or in reference to my action
#tantekI don't think we can assign any conscious intent to any bots
#ben_thatmustbemebots require someone to set them up, there was a conscious intent to send "all future posts" for example
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: hmm, isn't it possible to mentioning something without reacting to something? I'm not sure myself whether it is
#tantekvoxpelli: it is. especially when you've already written a blog post (thus it's not a reaction), and then *afterwards* go through and find related/earlier posts on the same subject to list them.
#tantekor heck, when you link to comments on your post
#tanteklinking to a reaction is itself not a reaction so much as part of automatically handling the reaction
#tantekplenty of use-cases of mentions that aren't a human reaction in any way
#ben_thatmustbemethats just a delayed reaction "then *afterwards* go through and find related/earlier posts "
#tantekvoxpelli: or even the whole post permalink, since a quotation is (typically) a subset of a repost (share)
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#voxpelliyeah, can probably be both depending on how its implemented – quotations can have so many forms
#voxpelliall references/interactions are tricky if their primary focus is a fragmention – should eg. a like of a paragraph be considered a like of the page of the paragraph as well or just of the paragraph
#tantekeven a "like" of a blog post does not imply that the *entire* blog post was like, just that it was "overall" and perhaps only some or a few or one paragraph thereof
#Loqitantek meant to say: even a "like" of a blog post does not imply that the *entire* blog post was liked, just that it was "overall" and perhaps only some or a few or one paragraph thereof
#tantekvoxpelli: I keep going back/forth between interactions vs. responses as the catchall thing that covers replies and reactions (like, bookmark, repost)
#tantekis an RSVP a form of reply (I think so), or just a reaction?
#voxpelliI think it's a reply – it targets the event post
#voxpellitantek: at Twitter a Homepage mention can also be the start of a conversation – how would that very first conversation-starter mark up his or her mention?
#Loqiinteractions, in the context of the indieweb, refer to all the different ways and things people do to and with others posts https://indiewebcamp.com/reactions
#LoqiA person tag (AKA people tag) is a special kind of tag that refers to a specific person by URL rather than just a word or phrase, and is done as an explicit tag by the user, beyond just mentioning a person via hyperlink / h-card https://indiewebcamp.com/person-tag
#LoqiAn invitation is an optional feature of an event post (an event with invitations), or a reply to an event post that also notifies a list of invitees that they've been invited to the event, or a special case of that, an RSVP to an event that also invites additional people to it https://indiewebcamp.com/invitation
#KartikPrabhua good question is suppose I have a note which I want to tag with a keyword like "selfie" and then also tag a person like "http://tantek.com" does micropub distinguish them?
#KartikPrabhuif not, is there an algo that the endpoint should use?
#tantekyou can do both, p-category for the "selfie" string and u-category for the URL
#tantek.comedited /person-tag (+0) "/* Basic Person Tagging example */ more u-category instead of p-category to emphasize the meaning of the URL referencing the tag" (view diff)
#voxpellitantek: could you ping me when you've added your responses = replies + reactions and references = responses + mentions somewhere? added support for interactions now – but I like the separation of yours so would like to +1 that as well
#ben_thatmustbemeNeed to not only be able to do multiple u-category but also have attributes that are specific to those
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#ben_thatmustbemeWhich is where form encoding is starting to fall apart for me
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: so area tags is really where you're finding problems
#ben_thatmustbemeSo I suppose any future items that have additional attributes
#Loqiinteractions, or responses, in the context of the indieweb, refer to all the different ways and things people explicitly do to and with others posts: https://indiewebcamp.com/interactions
#Loqiinteractions, or responses, in the context of the indieweb, refer to all the different ways and things people explicitly do to and with others posts, from written replies to quick likes, in otherwords responses = replies + reactions https://indiewebcamp.com/interactions
#Loqireactions refer to the subset of responses/interactions with a post that are quicker, more impulsive, but still a conscious act, typically a simple UI gesture without writing any content, such as likes, reposts, bookmarks, or perhaps multiple simple UI gestures, such as selection a text range and posting a quotation of part of a post, or picking a person from a list to post an invitation as a response to seeing an event https://indiewebcamp.com/reactions
#voxpelliOn a slightly other topic: Just uploaded a square variant of the logo to the wiki if anyone wants to do like me and eg. add the wiki to Alfred.app – nice to have a good icon for it then
#tantekhence I prefer the specific definition related to user actions
#tantekand amount of user time / effort / cognition put into it
#tantekthat feels more "measurable" than any notion of (in)directness, or any linguistic abstraction
#tantekusing one abstraction to define another doesn't actually get you any closer to understanding :P
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#voxpellimaybe, but just asking oneself questions like: "What am I doing? I'm doing X", "What am I X:ing? It's Y", "What am I X:ing Y to? That's Z" – that answers action, direct target and indirect target
#Loqivoxpelli meant to say: maybe, but just asking oneself questions like: "What am I doing? I'm doing X", "What am I X:ing? It's Y", "What am I X:ing Y to? That's Z" – that answers action, direct object and indirect object
#tantekit answers a question, I'm just not convinced it answers any kind of a useful question
#tantekwhereas basing it on user effort / cognition seems more, real
torrorist joined the channel
#tanteksuch linguistic categorization is only marginally more useful than say categorizing based on the number of vowels
#tantekwhereas categorizing by user effort / cognition is directly useful to user interface design of displaying all these different things