#kylewmthis is the first i've heard about it, the error from this morning had to do with comment IDs
#tantekdo you think this is a transient error? something worth filing an issue about? I tried disable Publish / re-enable and that didn't seem to help.
#kylewmyep, in the logs and also checking that "publish" is enabled for your account (it is)
mdik joined the channel
#acegiakbenwerd, did you jump into the gamergate hashtag specifically looking for a fight?
#kylewmtantek: OK it's not just you, it's basically everybody including me. And now I do think it's related to the stuff from this morning, in a roundabout way
#acegiakcause it's a pretty fertile ground if you want to go fishing for bigotted neocons
bengo and lukebroo_ joined the channel
#benwerdacegiak: I can neither confirm nor deny that I needed some catharsis
#tantekacegiak - I figure benwerd is using gamergate as a way to get voluntary testing of Known's block / mute and other social media management features. ;)
#benwerdI'm actually genuinely interested in how they tick as a group. So very different from the online groups I was a member of when I was a teenager.
bengo joined the channel
#KevinMarksif you want to test reply-threading, benwerd, there are easier ways than poking the bear
bengo, KartikPrabhu and lukebrooker joined the channel
#kylewmaaronpk: cweiske: so i'm thinking the hub.secret needs to unique per hub (at least)... otherwise someone could set up a hub and just use it to collect your secret key
#kylewmI think I will just generate one random token per feed
#kylewm(but if one of you more security-minded people has a better suggestion, I'm all ears)
#aaronpki was thinking about adding fat pings to switchboard, but wasn't sure whether i should do something like reconstruct the HTML from the parsed h-entry, or try to use the original HTML from the h-entry
#cweiskeyou don't know if the subscriber supports microformats
#cweiskeor just wants to have the content of the page
#aaronpki want to assume the subscriber supports microformats
#aaronpkben_thatmustbeme: i'm not following your argument. even if someone wrote their own hub that was only used by them, PuSH is still useful
#cweiskeben_thatmustbeme, it's *my* hub :) not just another one
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk, if someone is willing to shoulder the burden of a hub, but they have to be cognizent of the fact that they are basically becoming a routing system for ANYONE. The point of PUSH from a producer perspective it to cut down needless traffic to their own site, save bandwidth. if one runs their own hub, that does the opposite
#ben_thatmustbemecweiske: the fan-out problem is that as you increase in subscribers your sending goes up contantly. With polling this became exponential, with pubsubhubbub in this makes it only increase at a constant rate (2N really)
#cweiskebut that does not matter for the categorization of it being a hub
#cweiskeben_thatmustbeme, I still don't see the problem
#cweiskewhy shouldn't my hub handle those subscribers properly?
#cweiskeif superfeedr can handle it, I can handle it, too
#ben_thatmustbemewith an external hub, you are diverting all the work of sending traffic to external services (they pull your page once and send to your N subscribers) throughput burden is just 1 pull, nothing more (since pubsubhubbub is supposed to include the content)
#ben_thatmustbemethus increase in subscribers only puts burden on the hub (which will be services that have high bandwidth)
#ben_thatmustbemeif you are running the site on your own, the benefits are only minor (you switch from polling to pushing) but you still have N pushes on your bandwidth, not just 1
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme meant to say: if you are running the site on your own, the benefits are only minor (you switch from polling to pushing) but you still have N pushes on your bandwidth, not just one pull
#ben_thatmustbemethe idea of hubs was to optimize YOUR bandwidth as a publisher
#cweiske"We offer this spec in hopes that it fills a need or at least advances the state of the discussion in the pubsub space. Polling sucks. We think a decentralized pubsub layer is a fundamental, missing layer in the Internet architecture today and its existence, more than just enabling the obvious lower latency feed readers, would enable many cool applications, most of which we can't even imagine. But we're looking forward to d
#snarfed"This type of format can be expected in certain endpoints. This is by design. Please treat IDs as unique strings, they are not meant to be broken down and used."
#snarfedi replied "the problem i mentioned is that we've received the same comments with different ids (without colons) in the past, and we depend on consistent ids…"
#Loqislack/kylewm: tl;dr 63's keep showing up in FB comment IDs, first they were just the number 63, now they are 63 run through the app-scoped id generator
#Loqislack/kylewm: haha, I wondered what you were doing with :pbjt:!
#Loqislack/kylewm: whereyat, whereyat, whereyat, now thereyago, thereyago
#kylewmIf i had gotten this email from LiveJournal yesterday I wouldn't have believed it.
#kylewm"Our new Remember LiveJournal promotion lets active members like you send their long lost LiveJournal friends an invitation to return"
#Loqislack/tantek: kylewm can you capture that on /LiveJournal somehow? It gives hope to counter the shutdown email that I documented there.
benwerd, frzn, snarfed, Pierre-O1 and tilgovi joined the channel
#Loqislack/tbrb: <@U03QSEYTP>: Yeah, slack uses HTTPS for their main interface
#Loqislack/tantek: So basically because router/switch/captiveportal vendors have annoying / dumb defaults we're forced to build any new reliable network apps on http(s) ports 80/443 and nothing else.
#snarfedyup. true…but probably not a big deal. of all the constraints that actually matter to what we build, port and transport protocol are probably pretty low on the list
#snarfedand even then there is some slow progress and experimentation, e.g. spdy and quic
#ben_thatmustbeme!tell aaronpk, is it possible to get Loqi to correct the user names in @mentions coming from slack so we see @tantek instead of <@U03QSEYTP>
#Loqislack/tbrb: ben_thatmustbeme: It should be possible, however it would require Loqi to do another call to the Slack API to look up what name is associated with the user id
#ben_thatmustbemei figured it would have the full text somewhere as well
#Loqislack/tbrb: ben_thatmustbeme: Yeah, you'd think so, but I think the outgoing-webhook api only shows the line as it goes through the slack backend rather than the frontend. Also, funnily enough, when you posted <@U03QSEYTP> it got translated on the slack side to the correct user
#tommorrisgRegor`: I was trying to make a template that lets you put {{Date|2015-01-01}} and it’d give you <time datetime="2015-01-01">2015-01-01</time>
#gRegor`Ah. Yeah, I ran into a similar limitation with the event template a while back. I forget what it was, but I think we were limited by the MW version
#tantekdang that's a pretty interesting example of a composite post type
#tantekthough from the URL structure and the permalink display prominently saying "1754 Check-ins" under bear's name, that makes me think they intend it primarily as a "checkin" and all other information is secondary
#tantek.comedited /Untappd (+280) "rewrite definition noting required vs. optional aspects, and loose use of term "check-in", add examples, see also" (view diff)
#LoqiXML is a markup language syntax, similar to SGML, but with draconian error handling that tends to make it fragile in practice https://indiewebcamp.com/XML
#tantek@adammathes it looks like you're using a silo to complain about silos, but you already have your own domain. Would you like to install an indiewebcamp.com/project to get started owning your posts?
#kylewmI mean ... isn't that basically the narrative? indie web development stalled because of XML bikeshedding?
#tantekalright, there are 20+ followers of his that I know
#kylewmsnarfed: is it worth trying one more time? or should we just move forward assuming it's a one-time change and there won't be new duplicates going forward?
#kylewmI'm giggling thinking of alternate reality trevor noah searching his Known archive for jokes about "jews" and "fat chicks" to sanitize his tweets