2015-04-07 UTC
# 00:00 kylewm which I think means you're just posting a tweet with a link to another tweet at the end
bengo joined the channel
# 00:00 tantek kylewm that's correct 116 + space + 23 chars for an https tco URL
# 00:01 tantek pretty sure this "just works" if you "just" embed a tweet permalink in your tweet
# 00:03 tantek you're sure you didn't set explicit in-reply-to-id to get that threading?!?
# 00:03 kylewm tantek: hmm, mine doens't show up as in-reply-to benwerd's
# 00:04 benwerd tantek: I'm checking my code just to make sure there's no bug, but I didn't, no
# 00:04 tantek this looks like it shipped a little half-baked
# 00:06 benwerd the link is included, as opposed to tumblr-style, which would probably be more interesting, or some other UI element
# 00:06 tantek gives me something where clicking on the embed DOES NOTHING
# 00:07 tantek even though it could have easily statically linked to the embeded permalink :P
# 00:07 tantek because in "normal" tweets where you include a link to another tweet - that link IS CLICKABLE without JS
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# 00:08 gRegor` Twitter on iPad has given a "quote" or native "retweet" option for ages when you click the RT icon.
# 00:08 gRegor` It's been rather annoying that Android didn't have that.
# 00:09 gRegor` So it sounds like they just brought that function to web version?
# 00:09 gRegor` Where, rhiaro?
# 00:09 gRegor` No dialog when I click RT icon, just RTs it.
# 00:10 rhiaro When I tap retweet I get a dialog that offers Quote, Retweet or Cancel
# 00:11 gRegor` Ok, don't mind me...
# 00:11 tantek kylewm: I've verified that there's no sign of your quoted tweet on the original from benwerd
# 00:12 gRegor` No idea how I've missed it. Think I just got used to it not having it and overlooked "Quote" on the left there.
# 00:12 kylewm gRegor`: quote previously did something like "my comment RT @gregor original post" right?
# 00:12 tantek even a disadvantage compared to just RT - which *does* add to the RT count and shows your icon among the facepile of those retweeting
bengo joined the channel
# 00:12 tantek and a *reply* is even better as you get threaded under the tweet
# 00:12 gRegor` Quote, on Android and iOS afaik just populated the author twitter name and text, all surrounded in quotes.
# 00:12 tantek thus I suppose a quote tweet is when you want to fork and start a new thread?
# 00:12 gRegor` So you could manually cut off the quotes and add an "RT" to manually RT
# 00:12 tantek since it clearly disconnects it from the original
# 00:13 tantek which is kind of sad in the hypertexty kind of way
# 00:13 tantek it would be better to see quotes of a tweet *from* the tweet
# 00:14 tantek rhiaro: congrats - you appear to shipped the 10th server implementation of micropub
# 00:15 Loqi tantek meant to say: rhiaro: congrats - you appear to have shipped the 10th server implementation of micropub
# 00:15 tantek gRegor`: what's new is that they no longer show a link to the tweet and thus you can't click on it when you have no JS
# 00:16 kylewm oh but you're saying the link used to show up
# 00:16 kylewm sort of like how they phased out links to photos when the photo is embedded
# 00:17 gRegor` So with JS off is there nothing clickable?
# 00:17 gRegor` With JS on I can click the embedded tweet.
# 00:17 tantek right - JS off = nothing clickable in the embed
# 00:18 tantek I feel like you have to *try* to screw up something that obvious
# 00:18 Loqi tantek meant to say: too many JS-only engineers
# 00:18 gRegor` Think this will cause a rise in Twitter flirting, given the QTs going around?
# 00:19 gRegor` benwerd: Do you get a notification for me quoting your tweet?
# 00:22 kylewm me thinks they just institutionalized subtweeting
# 00:22 gRegor` I believe it does notify you.
# 00:22 gRegor` Before embedding happened, I know some people would link a tweet so they could callout or otherwise subtweet, but then Twitter started notifying people of those too.
# 00:23 gRegor` So it seems like QT is just a shortcut for pasting the link in now
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# 00:24 gRegor` So /2015 is coming... should dates be selected?
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# 00:25 tantek gRegor`: are you volunteering to help co-organize?
# 00:25 gRegor` Doh. Should have screencapped that, kylewm. Yes, I got "Kyle quoted you and said..." in my phone notifications. And it shows up in my Twitter notifications tab.
# 00:26 gRegor` I mostly wanted to have it on my calendar so I could plan for it.
# 00:27 tantek gRegor`: if you have constraints or suggestions, you could edit /2015 accordingly
# 00:28 gRegor` I've voted on there :)
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# 01:20 aaronpk Oh man better start putting that into my mental model of the next few months
# 01:21 tantek aaronpk - I'm not going to OSBridge because I have a conflict that whole week
# 01:21 aaronpk Yeah I don't think we need to "ride the osbridge momentum" like we did in the past
# 01:22 aaronpk I haven't even looked at what dates osbridge is yet
# 01:24 tantek one question is - do we want to stick with the Saturday / Sunday format, or should we try shifting to a weekday or two? e.g. ThF or FSa?
# 01:25 tantek the thinking would be - it would be nice to have a day or two after to just have the weekend in Portland
# 01:26 tantek aaronpk - wait you take quantified self conferences seriously? aren't they just big marketing / sales driven things to sell people devices to put data into silos that they forget about?
# 01:26 tantek (my experience has been that very few in the QS conf scene actually selfdogfood any QS themselves)
# 01:26 tantek (so much so that it's just an excuse to sell people crap)
# 01:26 tantek (to make them *feel* like they are doing QS - but no one actually has a hold on their data)
# 01:26 aaronpk Oh there's plenty of selfdogfooding. People take that stuff very seriously and often have very interesting projects/outcomes
# 01:27 aaronpk But the data ownership part is a very sad state right now
# 01:27 tantek hmm - gonna need some citations to that "plenty of selfdogfooding"
# 01:29 aaronpk Also quantified self != web, but the data ownership stuff overlaps a lot
scor joined the channel
# 01:30 tantek add your +1/0/-1 for each, and other candidate dates
# 01:30 tantek that's an open invitation for everyone to do so
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# 01:36 kylewm how'd it go having Cambridge on weekdays; were there people who couldn't come because of work?
# 01:37 tantek I don't think we heard of any one saying that
# 01:37 tantek if anything - we definitely got a few more different and interesting participants by being adjacent to the Social Web WG f2f
# 01:38 tantek people that could stay an extra day for day 1 of IWC
# 01:38 tantek but I have no idea how that would affect past IWC Portland participants
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# 02:01 acegiak shouldnt it unhide when I enable link sharing in the options?
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# 02:32 acegiak GWG: fair enough. what do I need to do to unhide it in hte meantime?
# 02:39 GWG $include = array_unique(apply_filters('kind_include', $include));
# 02:40 GWG I may get to that tonight, if they stop fighting with me over Simple Location
scor, bengo, gRegor`, lukebroo_, verdi_, lukebrooker and snarfed joined the channel
# 04:04 gRegor` I like the idea of a weekend IWC so it's less likely to conflict with work schedules/require time off.
# 04:04 gRegor` Perhaps a Fri/Sat, but not both on weekdays
# 04:42 GWG Had a bit of a flood emergency here.
# 04:42 GWG acegiak: Did I answer your question? I sort of had to run there
GWG, wolftune and tantek joined the channel
# 05:37 acegiak do we have a wiki article on how comment threads work?
# 05:39 GWG acegiak: What do you mean by comment threads?
# 05:40 acegiak like, kylewm replied to a post I made, trying to work out what the proper way to respond is
# 05:45 GWG acegiak: Yes. I had pointed it out. The comment type needs to be set to "" instead of webmention
# 05:59 GWG acegiak: It's a problem that will fix in 4.2
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# 06:09 acegiak I really think I need to make semantic linkbacks add comments on a webmention reply as child comments to the comment being added
cweiske, e-lima, KartikPrabhu, bengo, yakker and pfefferle joined the channel
alexhartley, KevinMarks__, e-lima, KevinMarks_, LauraJ, petermolnar, glennjones, pfefferle, alexhart_ and stream7 joined the channel
# 09:11 cweiske kylewm, did you already implement using the POST data from a PuSH notification?
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# 09:15 cweiske !tell aaronpk, no, I didn't check php-resque. I was happy with gearman. But now I just found out that I need scheduled tasks, which is something that neither gearman nor php-resque give me
# 09:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
csarven, loic_m, e-lima, pfefferle, LauraJ, Deledrius__, bengo, glennjones_, glennjones, frzn, Jeena and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 14:17 aaronpk I usually use cron to schedule jobs in the same worker queue
# 14:23 aaronpk Huh I didn't see that yet. I apparently don't have very good github notifications set up. I'm always getting emails about the Bridgy threads I get added to but seem to not get emails about PRs to my own repos
# 14:27 kylewm cweiske: also those numbers don't measure real latency... it's rendering on my server based on your <time> tag
# 14:28 cweiske as difference between of the article's update time and the time it's displayed in the browser
# 14:29 kylewm so yeah i'm not sure why it still takes > 0 seconds
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# 14:43 GWG Petermolnar, I submitted the location plugin for the repository.
# 14:44 GWG Would you be willing to have a look?
# 14:46 petermolnar GWG I've tested the dev version from Github; I'd say it's fine but I'll try the final as well
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# 14:48 GWG Petermolnar, mostly cleanup since then.
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# 14:48 GWG I want to change map generation methods. I have issues with the current one, but wanted to get the thing working.
# 14:49 GWG Petermolnar, what did you think so far?
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# 14:55 GWG Petermolnar, appreciate any feedback especially if it helps me improve it.
# 14:55 petermolnar GWG what exactly is triggered with "Display Map and Coordinates" ?
# 14:56 petermolnar I have a pretty tricky theme and a lot of hacks in my setup and it's not really doing anything for my site at the moment, but again, tricky setup
# 14:57 GWG Petermolnar, iy adds the map and the geo coordinates to the content
# 14:57 GWG The alternative is just the textual location description
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# 14:58 GWG I have a way to disable that if the theme wants to place it.
# 15:00 GWG Okay. But you have already helped. May need to change the text
# 15:01 GWG Petermolnar, UI changes required.
# 15:02 GWG Petermolnar, map code needs a rewrite. I want to sideload the map.
# 15:03 GWG Then it can be managed by the media library code
# 15:04 GWG Petermolnar, that was what I was trying for. Simple
# 15:04 petermolnar although I have a feeling many would prefer a map on the Edit UI to pinpoint the location
# 15:05 GWG Petermolnar, you change status back to draft?
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# 16:04 aaronparecki.com edited /2015 (+349) "add my votes, add spacing between days for easier reading when voting, reformat osbridge dates to not look like IWC days since that was confusing me when reading the page" (
view diff )
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# 16:09 aaronpk what does the little "o" mean next to peoples votes?
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# 16:09 gRegor` > Add a date and whether you can make it (and/or help organize o) for those dates +1 (or can't -1 or don't care 0)
# 16:12 rhiaro I'm hoping for a London/Brighton for June, who usually runs that? Not that I don't love an excuse to go to Berlin, but it would be slightly more convenient for me to stay in the country that week
# 16:14 aaronpk rhiaro: if you can help run one in london/brighton in june that would be great!
# 16:14 aaronpk I was talking with Brennan last week in Berlin and he was interested in doing one in Berlin again but I'll need to get him to pop into the channel more for that to actually happen
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# 16:14 rhiaro I could support, but I'm not well placed to be main organiser for London
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# 16:18 rhiaro I should probably concentrate on finding sponsors for Edinburgh before I start thinking too hard about another one
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# 16:24 aaronpk tantek: if we're not concerned with anchoring to osbridge, what about something drasitc like... july!
# 16:25 rhiaro but don't you all want to come to Edinburgh in July? :)
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# 16:32 tantek aaronpk: I agree about not being concerned with anchoring to OS Bridge
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# 17:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 17:20 tantek I'm not sure the use of webmention there means webmention
# 17:21 kylewm thought Superfeedr was gonna start sending webmentions proactively, that would've been awesome and a little crazy
# 17:22 KevinMarks I'm at iiw - there are discounts for indieweb people if they want to come - ping me
# 17:22 KevinMarks suggestions for discussions apart from "Indieweb principles and protocols" and "get on the indieweb now" ?
# 17:23 tantek KevinMarks: are any other IndieWeb folks there? benwerd? erinjo?
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# 17:59 Loqi slack/snarfed: kylewm: re superfeedr sending webmentions on behalf of sites, a la bridgy's blog feature, Julien and i actually talked about that a while back
# 18:00 Loqi slack/snarfed: he liked it, and didn't think the cost would be prohibitive. i think dev resource priorities were the main obstacle
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# 18:06 Loqi slack/kylewm: snarfed: all the more perplexing why he would overload "webmention" like that
# 18:15 kylewm it sounds like a cool feature, but frustrating to call it something intentionally misleading
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# 18:56 tantek is there *anything* that's a concrete example of that "Participatory Ecosystem"
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# 18:57 aaronpk does participatory ecosystem really just mean no monopolies?
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# 19:03 tantek aaronpk - it would be useful if we could conditionally modify the "all contributions to IndieWebCamp are considered to be released under the a CC0 public domain dedication" on the wiki edit page template to also include OWFa for "specs" (things with a spec template?)
# 19:04 tantek or perhaps we should just flip OWFa as a requirement on *all* wiki contributions
# 19:04 tantek that way things can move in/out of spec pages too
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# 19:10 aaronpk tantek: cool. I don't think I can make the copyright thing change per page, but I could add an OWFa note
# 19:11 tantek I'm thinking let's give folks the heads-up for today / tomorrow to get feedback / questions
# 19:11 tantek which we can also discuss in person at the HWC meetup tomorrow
# 19:14 aaronpk it occurs to me that having the indieweb examples and client implementations sections on the /Micropub page is making it confusing to figure out who actually contributed to the spec looking at the edit history
# 19:16 tantek aaronpk - I suppose we could link contributors to history
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# 19:25 KevinMarks reminder: I have discount codes for indieweb peeps to come to IIW
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# 19:32 tantek Google has really dropped the ball on indexing blogs
# 19:32 tantek if someone wanted to start a competing blog search service, realtime even powered by PuSH, now would be the time
# 19:35 KevinMarks tantek, @JockelLohkamp said he was at the remote attending IWC in berlin
# 19:36 tantek aaronpk, snarfed thanks - apparently it's their time-based search that's totally broken
# 19:37 tantek when you search for "TRON:Legacy" from the searchbox on my site, it asks Google to order results by most recent first since 1970
# 19:41 tantek all of my posts have <time> element markup of the dates
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# 19:41 tantek KevinMarks: could you provide me with a permalink to a post that does not show dates?
# 19:44 bret tantek: arrow buttons on your bims would be cool
# 19:44 tantek bret - you're welcome to add +1 nested list items with your sig to any of my /Falcon working on or itches :)
# 19:45 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: screenshot of some posts having dates and some not, tantek
# 19:46 tantek KevinMarks - do you mean in Google search results? as in they're failing to see those <time> elements? (nevermind not indexing the h-entry dt-published )
# 19:47 tantek.com edited /2015 (+2) "/* Candidate Dates */ upping week before OSBridge to 0.5, could be convinced to make this work, and I like the idea of getting stuff working before OSBridge (which then folks going to that can demo)" (
view diff )
# 19:58 tantek KevinMarks - the nice thing about PuSH over pinging is that it doesn't require hardcoding in particular service's ping endpoint
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# 19:59 tantek also - people are already deploying PuSH support without search. There are enough use-cases to implement PuSH without search that there is no need to evangelize people to do it - whereas pinging required separate evangelizing, bizdev with big providers etc.
# 20:01 tantek hmm - Google seems to have hidden blog search (the blogsearch.google.com URL no longer does it)
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# 20:03 tantek and apparently you can order its results by "most recent"
# 20:08 gRegor` I should get a projector set up so I can work like that.
# 20:08 tantek I think we clearly need IndieWeb hoodies like that
# 20:15 tantek KevinMarks - and the answer is no - it is not, but definitely evocative of
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# 20:26 tantek ok I'll look for hoodies / tracksuits with stripes like that
# 20:28 tantek just to make that more findable in the future as well
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# 20:46 GWG So, I want to get started promoting HWC in 2 weeks when it has a NYC component. How do people usually promote?
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# 20:52 tantek GWG - I believe you asked that question already last time we discussed it - and I answered it then :)
# 20:52 GWG I'm afraid by the time I get around to coding an event, the event will pass.
# 20:53 GWG Last time was more...who do I promote it to.
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# 20:55 tantek GWG - right - I think I answered the who question - specifically people in the community, past participants, people you know personally. To avoid spamming.
# 20:56 GWG So, should I invest the time to set up Events, when I have not put that on my list...for one single event?
# 20:57 gRegor` GWG We've been having Chicago HWC without indie event posts for over a year. No problem for us.
# 20:58 gRegor` I don't see the existence of them as a factor in promoting HWC
# 20:58 aaronpk you can always just point people to the indiewebcamp wiki page for the event
# 20:58 gRegor` And/or the FB event.
# 20:59 GWG Should I try a Facebook event? Never done one of those before either.
# 20:59 gRegor` And link the FB event from the URLs section of indiewebcamp.
# 21:00 gRegor` Make sure the FB event is public
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# 21:25 kylewm oh cool! I used document.querySelector('.opened-tweet') in a bookmarklet to let me reply to a tweet without actually going to its permalink page
# 21:26 kylewm only slightly less work because you still have to expand it
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# 21:39 tantek kylewm: how does that work if you're not already *on* the tweet permalink page?
# 21:40 kylewm I may be using the wrong terminology. I'm on https://twitter.com , I click a tweet to expand/focus on it, but don't actually click on its permalink
# 21:41 kylewm and then the Reply bookmarklet has a special case where if you are on twitter.com, it looks for class=opened-tweet
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# 21:48 gRegor` kylewm: Does your bookmarklet intercept the twitter reply button, or just a bookmarklet you click in the browser?
# 21:49 kylewm gRegor`: it's just a bookmarklet in the browser
# 21:51 tantek one-click reply UIs are a pretty key focus of area of improvement for indieweb UX
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# 21:52 aaronpk kylewm: speaking of which I just pushed out your change to Quill
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# 22:52 kylewm I tried to add enough key words describing the problem so that searches for it will come up
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# 23:03 gRegor` Hey, legit email through my contact form. Imagine that. Paul Chalekian who visited Chicago HWC last September contacted me.
# 23:04 gRegor` Apparently has an indiewebcamp question.
# 23:05 KevinMarks_ OK, it's time for the get on the indieweb session, are y'all ready to help?
# 23:05 gRegor` Sure! Depending on the definition of 'help' :)
# 23:14 KevinMarks_ what is a good site to show logging in with indieauth that allows subdomains?
# 23:22 KevinMarks_ still denies blogspot: You need to be hosting your identity from your own domain name, not from a shared domain. See Getting Started for more information.
# 23:48 tantek hah - almost - one more space in the 2nd tweet