#gRegor`Before embedding happened, I know some people would link a tweet so they could callout or otherwise subtweet, but then Twitter started notifying people of those too.
#gRegor`So it seems like QT is just a shortcut for pasting the link in now
scor joined the channel
#gRegor`So /2015 is coming... should dates be selected?
#tantekgRegor`: are you volunteering to help co-organize?
#gRegor`Doh. Should have screencapped that, kylewm. Yes, I got "Kyle quoted you and said..." in my phone notifications. And it shows up in my Twitter notifications tab.
#tantekone question is - do we want to stick with the Saturday / Sunday format, or should we try shifting to a weekday or two? e.g. ThF or FSa?
#aaronpkOh man the quantified self conference is thu-sat
#tantekthe thinking would be - it would be nice to have a day or two after to just have the weekend in Portland
#tantekaaronpk - wait you take quantified self conferences seriously? aren't they just big marketing / sales driven things to sell people devices to put data into silos that they forget about?
#cweiske!tell aaronpk, no, I didn't check php-resque. I was happy with gearman. But now I just found out that I need scheduled tasks, which is something that neither gearman nor php-resque give me
#Loqiaaronpk: cweiske left you a message 5 hours, 1 minute ago: didn't check php-resque. I was happy with gearman. But now I just found out that I need scheduled tasks, which is something that neither gearman nor php-resque give me http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-04-07/line/1428398114615
#aaronpkHuh I didn't see that yet. I apparently don't have very good github notifications set up. I'm always getting emails about the Bridgy threads I get added to but seem to not get emails about PRs to my own repos
#GWGPetermolnar, appreciate any feedback especially if it helps me improve it.
#petermolnarGWG what exactly is triggered with "Display Map and Coordinates" ?
#petermolnarI have a pretty tricky theme and a lot of hacks in my setup and it's not really doing anything for my site at the moment, but again, tricky setup
#GWGPetermolnar, iy adds the map and the geo coordinates to the content
#aaronparecki.comedited /2015 (+349) "add my votes, add spacing between days for easier reading when voting, reformat osbridge dates to not look like IWC days since that was confusing me when reading the page" (view diff)
#rhiaroI'm hoping for a London/Brighton for June, who usually runs that? Not that I don't love an excuse to go to Berlin, but it would be slightly more convenient for me to stay in the country that week
#aaronpkrhiaro: if you can help run one in london/brighton in june that would be great!
#aaronpkI was talking with Brennan last week in Berlin and he was interested in doing one in Berlin again but I'll need to get him to pop into the channel more for that to actually happen
chalettu joined the channel
#rhiaroI could support, but I'm not well placed to be main organiser for London
#Loqislack/snarfed: kylewm: re superfeedr sending webmentions on behalf of sites, a la bridgy's blog feature, Julien and i actually talked about that a while back
#Loqislack/snarfed: he liked it, and didn't think the cost would be prohibitive. i think dev resource priorities were the main obstacle
bengo joined the channel
#Loqislack/kylewm: snarfed: all the more perplexing why he would overload "webmention" like that
#tantekaaronpk - it would be useful if we could conditionally modify the "all contributions to IndieWebCamp are considered to be released under the a CC0 public domain dedication" on the wiki edit page template to also include OWFa for "specs" (things with a spec template?)
#tantekor perhaps we should just flip OWFa as a requirement on *all* wiki contributions
#tantekthat way things can move in/out of spec pages too
#aaronpkit occurs to me that having the indieweb examples and client implementations sections on the /Micropub page is making it confusing to figure out who actually contributed to the spec looking at the edit history
#tantekKevinMarks - do you mean in Google search results? as in they're failing to see those <time> elements? (nevermind not indexing the h-entry dt-published )
#KevinMarksor failing to display them in SERPs selectively
#tantek.comedited /2015 (+2) "/* Candidate Dates */ upping week before OSBridge to 0.5, could be convinced to make this work, and I like the idea of getting stuff working before OSBridge (which then folks going to that can demo)" (view diff)
#tantekKevinMarks - the nice thing about PuSH over pinging is that it doesn't require hardcoding in particular service's ping endpoint
bengo joined the channel
#tantekalso - people are already deploying PuSH support without search. There are enough use-cases to implement PuSH without search that there is no need to evangelize people to do it - whereas pinging required separate evangelizing, bizdev with big providers etc.
#tantekhmm - Google seems to have hidden blog search (the blogsearch.google.com URL no longer does it)
#tantekGWG - right - I think I answered the who question - specifically people in the community, past participants, people you know personally. To avoid spamming.
#kylewmoh cool! I used document.querySelector('.opened-tweet') in a bookmarklet to let me reply to a tweet without actually going to its permalink page
#kylewmonly slightly less work because you still have to expand it
#tantekkylewm: how does that work if you're not already *on* the tweet permalink page?
#kylewmI may be using the wrong terminology. I'm on https://twitter.com, I click a tweet to expand/focus on it, but don't actually click on its permalink
#kylewmand then the Reply bookmarklet has a special case where if you are on twitter.com, it looks for class=opened-tweet
#@rmiThe Google event horizon is when you add more special punctuation to say "search for what I actually asked for" than your actual search. (twitter.com/_/status/585555112095002627)
#KevinMarks_still denies blogspot: You need to be hosting your identity from your own domain name, not from a shared domain. See Getting Started for more information.