#ChristopherI think KevinMarks_ is speaking to me? Sorry, I have no real experience with IRC.
#KevinMarks_hi, I was wondering what brought you here
bengo joined the channel
#ChristopherI'm not sure which Kevin Marks this is, but I have found the indie web approach interesting for some time, and occasionally look around at what's new.
#ChristopherIn particular, I was listenting to This WEek in Google, and investigated huffduff-video. That led me along to Jeremy(?)'s site, etc.
#ChristopherI do not have any site of my own, really. the closest thing is that I know a tiny bit about running a MediaWiki site internally at my company.
bengo joined the channel
#bengo@KevinMarks Who was talking micro pub proxy? I was thinking about the same thing earlier today
#bengoe.g. I could write a proxy that speaks micro pub, but takes all published entries and (idfk) posts a Livefyre Comments omewhere
#KevinMarks_christopher, we can help you get your own site
#KevinMarks_bengo: do livefyre comments have permanent urls or are they only on the host site?
#Guest98757All, pardon me as I fumble around to learn IRC. I don't mean to be a disturbance. -- Christopher Ursich
#sparveriusHi, Guest98757! If you type /nick xyz123 you can change your handle. If you type /msg nickserv help then you can learn about registering that handle.
#ChrisUrsichah, thanks sparverius. I wasn't geting the help syntax right
#ChrisUrsichuh, earlier, was I talking to actual Kevin Marks from Apple, Google, Salesforce, etc.?
torrorist joined the channel
#Loqislack/snarfed: wow that guy sounds like a big deal :P
#Loqislack/snarfed: on an unrelated note, looks like the blogger, tumblr, and <http://wordpress.com|wordpress.com> APIs all support creating, editing, and deleting posts
#Loqislack/snarfed: so the micropub proxy is a go if we want to build it!
#ChrisUrsichJust watching the discussion here, I was looking up what "slack/snarfed" was and didn't find anything official looking. Is that people?
#ben_thatmustbemewoohooo... i have deduplication of comments working
#GWGacegiak: The kind selection options, what is the best way to divide them?
#ben_thatmustbemeas least in so far as one of them has the syndication link
#acegiakas in which options should toggle which kinds on and off?
scor joined the channel
#GWGacegiak: Exactly. I agreed with the idea that the full list was overwhelming
#acegiakI feel like you're on track with the options you have so far
#GWGacegiak: I want some to be enabled by secondary plugin.
#Loqigives GWG some to be enabled by secondary plugin
#acegiakyou could add a quantified physicalities category for location checkins and if someone wanted to track food and drinks
#GWGacegiak: For example, I just released my location plugin. I want Check-Ins to automatically appear if it is enabled.
#acegiakpersonally I think hiding some until they're toggled on is solving a problem I haven't seen be an actual problem yet
#GWGWell, if you look at post formats, they let the theme set which ones are enabled.
#GWGAnd I still have the choice between Like and Favorite to deal with.
#acegiakI'm just cautious about scratching the itches of users that are hypothetical
#acegiak/personally/ I consider the difference between the two to be akin to the difference between a post and a page
#acegiakI like a thing that is chronologically contextual. A like happens in the present tense. For me a favourite is something that doesn't require a time context. It is in the infinitive tense
#GWGacegiak: I agreed with the idea on the basis that the list is long and I keep making it longer. But conversely, someone asked me if I disabled them because they weren't ready to be used. So I need to rethink it.
JonathanNeal joined the channel
#acegiakGWG: My suggestion is keep making it longer until either you or anyone else using it gets annoyed with it
#GWGacegiak: I have other improvements to make now that my other project is done for a bit.
#acegiakonly because I'm aware that it's very easy to get caught up developing for use cases that are entirely hypothetical which distracts from looking at what you actually want the tool you're using to be doing
#GWGacegiak: Speaking of which, would you be able to give me feedback on it?
#GWGMy plan for the coming weeks is, in order...revisit Post Kinds, Syndication Links, and mf2_s for some upgrades I've considered while working on this. Then I have an Own My Bookmarks project I want to experiment with.
halorgium, jonnybarnes and reidab joined the channel
#LoqiA bookmark (or linkblog) is a post that is primarily comprised of a URL, often title text from that URL, sometimes optional text describing, tagging, or quoting from its contents https://indiewebcamp.com/bookmark
#aaronpki was using wordpress to store my bookmarks for about 4 years
#bretaaronpk: safari on ios now supports the idea of plugins, I wonder what is involved in creating a micropub reply to url button into that menu.. I think at an application at minimum
#snarfedbut it sounds like KevinMarks__ would use it, so there's one
#snarfedKevinMarks: i don't think that's quite right
#snarfedfrom http://aws.amazon.com/cognito/ : "Amazon Cognito is a service that makes it easy to save user data, such as app preferences or game state, in the AWS Cloud without writing any backend code or managing any infrastructure."
#gRegor`Perhaps up-and-coming could become the semi-active section, with a sentence explaining that. And make the existing section an interested-in-starting section?
#tantektrying to distinguish cities that have organizers that have made an event happen already vs. those that don't
#tantekor rather vs. those that have organizer *interest* but no meetups yet (so anyone can / should step up and make one happen)
#gRegor`Maybe: == Help expand HWC == Join these meetings that are getting started . . . == Start a Meeting == Interested in starting a meeting in your city...
#LoqigRegor` meant to say: Maybe: == Help expand a meeting == Join these meetings that are getting started . . . == Start a Meeting == Interested in starting a meeting in your city...
scor, tantek, KevinMarks_, pauloppenheim and danlyke joined the channel
#rhiaroI spent today organising tomorrow's conference and hosting/attending various talks, and still found time to #ownmylikes #ownmybookmarks and #ownmyresposts ^^ I think I have an #indieweb problem
#rhiarofor image, video etc I would definitely not type them
#rhiaroa response is still a post, and when there's a button saying "create a like post" or "create a repost post" that implies typing to me. I guess it's just a shortcut?
#rhiaroOr when there's "<3 5" below a post, that suggests "there are 5 like posts in response to this post"
#KartikPrabhui have "articles" and "notes" in the URL, but it is because of posting frequency and length of posts
#rhiaroI infer some post types on the way *in* to the store, so I should probably tidy that up
#GWGtantek: Doesn't that make it hard on the post UI to infer?
bengo joined the channel
#rhiaroI infer some display stuff from just tags, which yeah, does result in some messy looking templates, but there are probably more elegant ways of doing it than I've managed
#GWGrhiaro: Some display stuff yes, but all seems hard to me.
#cweiske!tell aaronpk, does switchboard require people to register to use it?
#GWGI need to recreate the read later type functionality.
#tantek!tell rhiaro if you're inferring post types on the way *in* to storage, what happens when you edit/update a post, like add a photo to it - do you then change the type too? Do you re-infer? Not sure explicit post types in storage works.
#rhiaro!tell tantek: I only do post types for likes, shares and reposts, I already said I'm definitely against types based on content - this is more types based on intent. But im rethinking now anyway
#Loqirhiaro: tantek left you a message 17 minutes ago: if you're inferring post types on the way *in* to storage, what happens when you edit/update a post, like add a photo to it - do you then change the type too? Do you re-infer? Not sure explicit post types in storage works. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-04-08/line/1428531822689