2015-04-14 UTC
torrorist and scor joined the channel
tantek and frzn joined the channel
# 00:31 tantek salmon was too hard to implement and definitely provided inspiration for trying again with simpler building blocks
# 00:36 kylewm gets the feeling this has been discussed before here
# 00:40 kylewm found a discussion where barnaby tried to implement salmon to integrate with statusnet but had to give up
# 00:40 kylewm "barnabywalters it's essentially xmlrpc with public key verification"
# 00:42 kylewm lol, it is somewhat depressing reading these references in the IRC logs reverse-chronologically ... barnaby gets more and more enthusiastic the farther back i go
snarfed, Erkan_Yilmaz and bengo joined the channel
# 00:58 kylewm 🎶 cannot remember if I let StartSSL generate my private key or not 🎶
joshwnj joined the channel
j12t and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 01:09 bengo Found this on there 'sot', which looks to be like a decentralized messaging protocol. It's JSON-based, meaning they could probably benefit from a standardized serialization format: https://zothub.com/help/Zot---A-High-Level-Overview . It looks like it's currently using some sort of activity like thing. { verb: 'post', ... }
snarfed and scor joined the channel
# 01:20 kylewm I believe RedMatrix is built by the same guy as Friendica
# 01:22 kylewm (and that carries some clout with me because friendica actually does bridge multiple networks)
scor and acegiak joined the channel
# 01:41 bengo kylewm from what I saw wrt github usernames, I think that's right (Friendica)
snarfed, joshwnj, smcgregor, sh4l, jancborchardt, KevinMarks_, sandro, danlyke, trodrigues, bengo, lukebrooker, dariusdunlap and afrogeek joined the channel
# 05:06 snarfed love the tagline. "Pretty much just here for testing indieweb integrations with tumblr"
# 05:07 kylewm my test posts are somewhat comical.... lots of "This is a photo upload" with no photo
elima_ and lukebrooker joined the channel
tilgovi, eschnou and wolftune joined the channel
cmhobbs joined the channel
# 05:57 acegiak Dear youtube: why not embed a player in your rss feeds?
cweiske, lukebrooker, elima_, pfefferle, Jihaisse, Sebastien-L, friedcell, acegiak, joshwnj`, csarven, tilgovi, eschnou, friedcell1, bengo and nloadholtes joined the channel
# 08:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
stream7, thehighfiveghost and nloadholtes joined the channel
# 08:32 bengo Unfortunately I don't think indiecert works if your HTTPS uses self-signed certs :(
stream7 and petermolnar joined the channel
wagle joined the channel
# 09:06 cweiske because it verifies the certificates against its internal list of official CAs
# 09:07 bengo I figured. I'm interested in whether it really HAS to have a whitelist to be useful
# 09:15 bengo It seems like if I'm telling indiecert what my domain is, that domain is protected via HTTPS with a Cert signed by key A. If I can use the same key A for signing something when I logging in with indiecert, shouldn't I be trusted?
modem joined the channel
# 09:16 bengo esp if my site also has a fingerprint of the same cert (signed by key A, which I've just proven I have)
danfowler joined the channel
wagle joined the channel
# 09:27 bengo cweiske Thanks for the advice. I'm hardly an expert in this. We'll see what fkooman says on that gh issue
# 09:29 bengo It appears based on other pulls that the main indiecert deployment is just using the host OS's trusted CAs. I suppose I'm proposing to either allow for an explicit whitelist that can be peer-reviewed in the source code, or just for his cURL requests to use the insecure flag, but verify via fingerprint
kylewm_, Sebastien-L, sdboyer_, thehighfiveghost, scor, bengo and frzn joined the channel
bengo, csarven, scor and friedcell joined the channel
frzn, scor, cweiske, petermolnar, eschnou, prtksxna, stream7, pfefferle, thehighfiveghost, GenioDiabolico, Garbee and gRegor` joined the channel
stream7, Sebastien-L, fkooman, fourtonfish and snarfed joined the channel
# 14:25 tommorris there's some things I'll want to add at some point: blocking, for one.
pfefferle joined the channel
# 14:36 kylewm GWG: hey wordpress question for you... if you were posting a photo, would you use Post Format = Image, and what would the title/content of the post be?
chalettu, tantek and friedcell joined the channel
# 14:59 tantek tommorris++ nicely done with showing likes! what design considerations did you have in terms of name vs icon (e.g. facepile) etc.?
# 15:00 tommorris tantek: I'm not sure yet. Need to doodle in my notebook some more. I am in the process of rebuilding Ferocity to be less hacky, but wanted to hack in likes to see how to make the next version of ferocity less crap. ;-)
# 15:01 tantek new features are a good way to instigate re-architecting for less hackiness ;)
# 15:02 tantek as the Twitter analogy you draw is just a mention, not a "tagging"
wolftune joined the channel
# 15:02 tantek you can (should) still send webmentions for "just" mentions, and thus you get the Twitter "start a new thread" functionality
# 15:03 tantek person-tagging is for when someone is part of the *subject* of a post, e.g. the post is about them (whether text or a photo of them)
# 15:04 rhiaro tantek: okay, that makes sense, just overthinking I guess
# 15:04 Loqi rhiaro: tantek left you a message 1 day, 9 hours ago: " this presents another point for confusion: when do I like a post, and when do I like the fact you published it" <-- precisely why separate Activities vs. Objects is *bad* (confusing) for the user model, thus bad overall and to be avoided. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-04-12/line/1428904302766
chalettu_ joined the channel
davidmead, frzn and winghouchan joined the channel
# 15:25 winghouchan Howdy everyone! Is anyone here based in or around London, UK?
# 15:26 winghouchan I'm trying to recruit volunteers to help kids code :)
# 15:27 winghouchan Email me if you're interested: wing-hou.chan@escalla.me
# 15:27 tantek winghouchan - welcome! what's your personal site?
# 15:27 winghouchan I'm finishing work so will be on the move
# 15:27 winghouchan winghouchan.co.uk
# 15:27 winghouchan tanek: Thanks!
# 15:28 tantek are you helping kids code their own websites?
# 15:28 winghouchan tantek: Thanks!
# 15:28 winghouchan Can we talk via email, Skype, WhatsApp, etc? Or later
# 15:28 winghouchan I'm finishing work now so am on the move
# 15:28 winghouchan IRC on Android isn't that good xD
# 15:28 tantek no problem - come back whenever it's convenient for you!
# 15:28 winghouchan Okay cool!
# 15:28 tantek and feel free to lurk with indiewebcamp.com/irc/today
# 15:29 tantek with some minor changes you can add some good indieweb support to your homnepage winghouchan
# 15:34 tantek welcome davemenninger! and thanks for adding yourself to the HWC page!
# 15:36 davemenninger tantek: thanks!
# 15:36 gRegor` Nice icon, davemenninger. Makes me think of the Pit Stop game.
# 15:36 davemenninger gRegor`: thanks
# 15:37 davemenninger at some point many years ago, i got tired of constantly having to find up-to-date square-cropped images of myself, so i made a pixel-art logo to use instead
# 15:39 gRegor` Does your website ever say "Sorry, I can't let you do that Dave"? :)
# 15:42 gRegor` tantek: I guess I should move Chicago HWC to "Getting Started" section since it's technically on hiatus, until another person expresses interest?
# 15:42 gRegor` Yep, Kartik and I cannot meet on the 22nd.
# 15:43 tantek should Getting Started be renamed to Getting (Re)Started?
# 15:43 gRegor` That could work
marclaporte joined the channel
winghouchan and davidmead joined the channel
# 16:00 winghouchan Howdy everyone!
# 16:00 winghouchan tantek, tommorris: Hey again!
# 16:00 winghouchan tantek: Cheers!
# 16:00 winghouchan tommorris: Hey!
# 16:00 tantek was just saying - if you want to add indieauth support to your personal site, you can add rel=me to your links to your other profiles / email etc.
# 16:01 winghouchan tantek: Okay, cheers!
# 16:02 winghouchan tantek: Thanks!
# 16:02 winghouchan Soo to answer your question tantek, yes I am!
# 16:02 winghouchan We're not focusing on websites only, just general programming, digital design and hardware hacking.
# 16:03 winghouchan tommorris: Whereabouts in the UK are you?
# 16:03 tantek even if it's just a part of what you get them to learn, that's still great
# 16:03 tantek so they don't just assume that they have to all use Twitter/Facebook/Instagram etc.
# 16:03 winghouchan tommorris: Sweet!
# 16:03 winghouchan tantek: Haha true
# 16:04 tommorris winghouchan: what relationship does what you are doing have to CodeClub?
# 16:04 winghouchan tommorris: Me, none
# 16:04 winghouchan rhiaro: Ya I do!
# 16:04 winghouchan rhiaro: How did you know? xD :P
# 16:05 rhiaro winghouchan: I found your twitter :p I run a centre in Edinburgh
# 16:05 tantek petermolnar: yes a while back when it came out
# 16:05 winghouchan rhiaro: Sweet!
# 16:05 petermolnar I'd wonder what could be powerful enough to offer from the indieweb direction that would give similar experience as medium.com does
# 16:05 winghouchan rhiaro: YRS were looking for a centre up there! Glad you stepped in!
# 16:06 winghouchan rhiaro: Ohhh sweet!
# 16:06 winghouchan tommorris: I've no relationship with CodeClub
# 16:06 winghouchan tommorris: But I'm a centre lead for Young Rewired State Westminster
# 16:08 winghouchan petermolnar: Nice! Not sure if there's a YRS Hyperlocal there but you can set one up!
# 16:08 tantek hahahaha: "I personally do not know anyone who actively uses Google+."
# 16:08 tantek "I personally abandoned the service because I found it difficult and tiring to categorize every single person into different “circles” and then keep track of all of those groups."
# 16:08 tantek so much for all that socio-academic "circles" jerking around
# 16:09 winghouchan rhiaro: What's your twitter?
# 16:09 tommorris circles on G+ is just a fancy UI for what a lot of people do on Facebook with setting up lists.
yakker joined the channel
# 16:09 winghouchan rhiaro: Wanna follow :)
# 16:10 winghouchan rhiaro: Okei dokei :)
# 16:10 tommorris I have a 'Wikipedians' list on Facebook so I don't spam non-Wikipedia friends with stuff that's not of interest to them.
# 16:10 tantek winghouchan: the right question to ask is, what's your personal website? which then links to the silo profiles (like Twitter) ;)
# 16:10 petermolnar tantek I've read that one as well, but I'm still thinking how the mentioned medium.com social experience could be done with indie sites; we used to have webrings an awful long time ago, is there anything similar nowadays?
# 16:10 tantek the point about "Recommend" in the Medium UI caught my eye
# 16:11 tantek I'd suggest coming up with an indie version of that before any reminiscent stuff ;)
# 16:11 tantek on Ello: "By the time I actually gained access to the website, however, everyone I know had already moved on and there wasn't really anything interesting for me on there."
# 16:11 petermolnar that's what I'm trying to do, but I need the brainstorm, because I cannot figure it out on my own
# 16:12 tantek when you're not sure, then do less. e.g. how closely can you mimic the "Recommend" feature?
# 16:13 tommorris petermolnar: I find the whole medium "channels"/"magazines" thing pretty arbitrary. like I heard an interview with someone who was identified as being a staff writer for Matter, a channel on Medium. it's trying to recreate in digital land the idea of a publication or curatorship, but I just get feeds from Medium of people I care about regardless of which
# 16:13 tantek petermolnar: perhaps start with documenting ti
# 16:13 Loqi tantek meant to say: petermolnar: perhaps start with documenting it
# 16:13 tommorris there's plenty of stuff that's interesting about medium that would be worth documenting
# 16:13 tantek tommorris: the context is what feature of medium a 19 year old said made it interesting
# 16:14 petermolnar recommend could technically be done with webmentions as send recommendation, but where to show/list/group the recommended things?
# 16:15 tantek petermolnar: start with documenting how /recommend works before brainstorming how it could be done
winghouchan joined the channel
# 16:18 winghouchan Complete internet failure here >.<
# 16:19 winghouchan I'm back now
# 16:19 winghouchan Lemme catch up on what I missed first
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:21 winghouchan tantek: It was an unfortunate coincidence when I mentioned bad signal in the countryside, my internet completely failed xD
# 16:23 winghouchan Now I can't remember what I was going to say / do xD
# 16:25 winghouchan I've already read it -- Too fast for you :P
# 16:25 tantek winghouchan: excellent! did you try the rel=me validator at indiewebify.me ?
# 16:26 winghouchan I'm on the train trying to do too many things xD
j12t and j12t_ joined the channel
# 16:33 winghouchan Welp my phone battery is dying. Got to go
# 16:33 winghouchan See everyone later!
stream7 joined the channel
# 16:37 kylewm blogger is waiting on manual access to their api
# 16:38 kylewm I could particularly use help testing custom domains
Deledrius and thehighfiveghost joined the channel
# 17:15 dariusdunlap On Wordpress.com, all “Custom Domains” also have a mydomain.wordpress.com URL to acccess, btw.
thehighf_ and stream7 joined the channel
KevinMarks__, wolftune, friedcell, dariusdunlap, bengo and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 18:02 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 18:03 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: it's the client_id used during authorization
Sebastien-L, dariusdunlap, KevinMarks, bengo and elima_ joined the channel
# 18:34 tantek I really want nested <time> elements instead of the value class pattern
# 18:34 tantek to reduce the DRY violation of having to use the datetime attribute of <time>
# 18:35 tantek as in <time><time>2015-04-14</time> at <time>13:00</time> <time datetime="-0700">US/Pacific</time></time>
# 18:36 tantek instead of <time datetime="2015-04-14T13:00-0700">2015-04-14 at 13:00 US/Pacific</time>
frzn and tilgovi joined the channel
# 18:53 aaronpk speaking of <time> we still need an updated h-event to iCal converter right?
# 18:54 aaronpk it'd be pretty great to get the indiewebcamp events page into my phone's calendar app
wolftune and modem joined the channel
# 19:01 tantek and is it really called "iOS system calendar" ?!?
# 19:02 tantek from an indieweb perspective, the real question is how do we aggregate all the events we're interested in onto our own *sites* (nevermind someone else's app)
# 19:02 tantek and then POSSE it out to where ever we want notifications / mobile etc.
# 19:05 tantek aaronpk do you have an aaronparecki.com/calendar where it aggregates all your RSVPs and Events?
# 19:06 tantek then your mobile calendar "app" could just be a homescreen bookmark of aaronparecki.com/calendar
winghouchan joined the channel
# 19:06 rhiaro is itching for the personal site calendar thing
# 19:09 tantek hmm - I think Loqi ignores the apostrophe terms
# 19:09 tantek that's too bad - probably an escaping problem
# 19:10 aaronpk i use the ios calendar mostly for esri stuf since it's an exchange server behind it
# 19:10 aaronpk but it's nice having things there cause then it's integrated with ios
# 19:11 rhiaro aaronpk: i'm totally reliant on gcal at the moment, but andrei sambra has made a really nice looking linked data based clone. I just need to fix/tweak a few things, then I'm hoping I can just use that with my blog event/rsvp posts which are already available as rdf
# 19:12 tantek funny to hear you both say how reliant you are on gcal or " can not [sic] use google calendar"
# 19:12 GWG Kylewm, I stopped using post formats, but the title and caption would often match
# 19:12 tantek since I don't use it at all except to reserve the room space for HWC in my work calendar
bengo joined the channel
# 19:13 GWG I'm reliant on Google Calendar because of Android
# 19:13 rhiaro I didn't use it at all, then worked at google for 3 months, and that was that
# 19:14 tantek I reject the confines of the default calendar grid
nloadholtes joined the channel
# 19:15 aaronpk it's more convenient to be able to see mornings all next to each other
# 19:15 rhiaro I don't just use it for events, I use it for time management in general
# 19:15 aaronpk also i have a lot of multi-day events that span across the top of the week
# 19:16 GWG I'll wait for someone to get an Indieweb version of Google Now
# 19:16 rhiaro seeing time in coloured blocks helps me get a much better feel for how long I have for/between things
# 19:16 tantek aaronpk - for multi day events I add them as all day events for each day
# 19:17 aaronpk i manage the airbnb rentals using the weekly view too, I don't know how I'd do that without it
# 19:17 rhiaro I have a printout on my wall with days as coloured in squares to help me feel how long I have until deadlines/trips/etc, too. Without being able to see it all at once I tend to struggle to get a sense of time at all..
# 19:17 tantek aaronpk - ooh a business like that with a resource that needs allocation - perhaps that's a good use-case
# 19:18 aaronpk i have to make sure the cleaner is scheduled between each guest, and gcal is the only place I can see both the bookings and the cleanings
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 19:19 GWG You people are much more organized than I am
# 19:20 aaronpk so anyway it is unlikely I will move away from google calendar any time soon, tho if an equivalent one I could run on my server popped up I could use it
# 19:21 aaronpk luckily iCal files make it easy to send meeting requests between completely separate calendar systems so it's pretty interoperable
# 19:21 aaronpk the problem is google's Inbox is now trying to be smart about auto-adding things to your calendar, like flights when you get flight confirmation emails, and I would lose that moving to something non-gcal
# 19:23 tantek aaronpk: the problem with google calendar is that it does not send a unique user agent when querying ics feeds, and it misunderstands robots no-crawl directives as no-subscribe
# 19:23 aaronpk i have several external ical subscriptions in my gcal and it works pretty well
# 19:23 tantek only because those ical subs don't mind getting pounded by google's spiders
# 19:24 tantek which not all servers (e.g. indie) can handle
# 19:24 bengo tantek: Would that proposed <time> parsing assume you had your date time constituents in the same order as the ISO string components?
# 19:25 tantek doesn't want to check how big his foursquare calendar is
# 19:26 aaronpk i didn't realize that existed so i've been importing my fsq checkins to gcal using an ifttt thingy
# 19:28 gRegor` Foursquare has a calendar?
eschnou joined the channel
# 19:31 tantek rhiaro: it wasn't clear at all that "my calendar" meant "my calendar on my personal site"
# 19:31 tantek but rather sounded more like what aaronpk expressed it as - "my calendar app(s)"
# 19:34 tantek remember the whole checkins vs notes with location debate?
# 19:35 tantek this is an interesting point of view, substitute silo mentions for implied post types:
# 19:35 tantek "It also doesn't make sense why you would use Swarm just to publish your current location when you can use Instagram to take a picture of where you are and geotag it, check-in to wherever you are on Facebook, or use location-based Tweets to let your followers know where you are."
# 19:39 kylewm either i"m crazy or tumblr changed their api responses since last night
# 19:39 kylewm last night they were returning status 201 with a Location header
# 19:40 kylewm now they are returning 201 with JSON body and no header
benwerd joined the channel
# 19:44 tantek what's interesting about that quote is it sounds like the user is saying they don't see the point of checkin posts
# 19:44 tantek separate from *doing* something *realtime* at a location like posting a photo or a note
# 19:45 rhiaro I didn't see the point of checkin-only posts for years
# 19:45 tantek are /checkin posts really an "edge case" kind of thing that only "people in the technology industry really use" ?
# 19:46 tantek rhiaro: when a big % of your friends do it (as it happened for me on Dodgeball), then it becomes really good for serendipitous meetups
# 19:47 rhiaro tantek: yeah, I get it in principle now, but I never knew enough people use it
# 19:47 tantek rhiaro: I'd be curious what helped you "get it in principle"
# 19:47 rhiaro and most people I did know to use it just checked into their house all the time
# 19:48 rhiaro occured to me at some point. Though I never actually made use of it
# 19:48 tantek my second use-case is personal tracking where I don't mind if my friends know where I am (and almost feel implicitly connected that they do know)
# 19:49 rhiaro also I've been largely trained not to talk to strangers, so it never seemed like a super good idea
# 19:49 tantek like I have no expectation of anyone showing up there, but just nice to know that some friends may know where I am
# 19:49 tantek third use-case: I use it sometimes for friends-only note publishing - that just happens to happen at a venue
# 19:50 rhiaro personal tracking I definitely get, it was the publishing part I didn't
# 19:50 tantek often times you can get a pretty personal view of "how was your day?" by checking my Swarm feed
bengo joined the channel
# 19:50 rhiaro so if there's a note attached with a location, it's not a checkin-only post to me
# 19:51 rhiaro I just remember seeing one person syndicating foursquare to twitter, and it was a constant stream of "Alex is at home"
# 19:51 tantek rhiaro: in that way, I'm repurposing the "checkin with comment" as a "friends-only note with venue"
# 19:52 tantek rhiaro: I think people go through a "checking into home" phase
# 19:52 tantek eventually you realize it's pretty sad if that's all you have to checkin to
# 19:53 tantek as opposed to, checking in at home to announce hey games night is on - come on over
# 19:53 aaronpk i only check in at home if there's an event there, like i'm hosting a party or something
# 19:53 tantek and just like tracking what you eat, maybe it will help alter your habits
# 19:53 KevinMarks_ foursquare is now sending me "people went to X next" notifications
# 19:54 KevinMarks_ which is probably cool in NYC, but I get "near starbucks? after starbucks people go to Safeway"
# 19:54 tantek you can Swarm do that for you automatically - the city/neighborhood granularity
# 19:55 rhiaro although there is this one tea shop that if I checked in to every time I was there it would probably be noticeable
# 19:55 tantek realtime checkins work better for serendipity with denser cities
# 19:55 tantek outside of dense cities, there is little to no impact on serendipity
# 19:56 rhiaro ooh also if I publicly checked into places in London I'd definitely get responses from people offended I wasn't meeting up with them while I was around
# 19:56 rhiaro because there are too many people in London and never enough time
# 19:57 tantek rhiaro: the defense against that is to announce a plan when you reach London (e.g. this night here etc.) and then ask people to try to meetup on one of those if they can
# 19:57 tantek turn it from your responsibility into theirs, should they feel so entitled to your presence
# 19:57 rhiaro my london friends are mostly shit. They don't make effort, then complain anyway :p
# 19:58 rhiaro so I alternate between them on every trip, and still don't feel like I see anyone enough
# 19:58 dariusdunlap tantek: I don’t really agree about lower density serendipity. In a dense area, you might come to ignore who’s nearby. But if I see that you’re anywhere in Half Moon Bay, I might drive over to find you.
# 19:58 KevinMarks_ which are often fun, 'cos people show up who should know each other
# 19:58 tantek rhiaro: the announce your own firm plan strategy also is a good filter to see who cares enough to make the effort
# 19:59 tantek then on subsequent trips you can make the effort with them
# 19:59 rhiaro Hm. Maybe I'm projecting. I'm the only one who ever makes an effort, so maybe it's me complaining I don't see them.
# 19:59 tantek rhiaro: that's right, you need to provide the explicit opportunity for them to make the effort
# 20:00 tantek when I see faraway 4sq friends show up in SF, I typically alter plans to intercept them
# 20:00 aaronpk working downtown portland there are always people checked in somewhere around me
# 20:00 rhiaro KevinMarks_: what did you mean by "fb survey's gender popup is Othering"?
# 20:01 dariusdunlap I think pre-annnounced intention to be somewhere is an important variation… the KevinMarks_ pub night works best if people hear about it before it’s happening and can plan to show up.
# 20:02 KevinMarks_ othering is offering gender options male/female/other, instead of a free text field, making it clear that they are for marketing purposes, not self-expression.
# 20:03 rhiaro I filled in two forms today and contacted both of them about their poor gender options
# 20:03 rhiaro one of them was an equality and diversity survey!
# 20:03 dariusdunlap regarding faraway friend… even if they really aren’t that close by. I might drive to Palo Alto or SF, or even Napa… seems like the behavior varies based no many inputs
# 20:04 gRegor` Just sharing for logs / possible expansion of the page
# 20:05 gRegor` Oh yeah, I've watched that. Good talk :)
# 20:09 tantek another aspect I like about checkins is that in their simplest form, they remove the cogntive load of having to come up with something to say (a note)
# 20:09 aaronpk that's the same reason I sometimes post photos with no text
# 20:09 KevinMarks_ dariusdunlap: i have had that experience of going to SF to see people from out of town when they visit
# 20:10 rhiaro good also if you're at a busy place and want to find out if other people have arrived yet, and whether to look for them
# 20:10 tantek by making the "note" secondary as a "comment" on the checkin, it also makes it ok to just put something minimal that only makes sense in the context of the checkin
e-lima joined the channel
# 20:10 tantek like I checkin to the market and might just put a list of what I bought
# 20:11 tantek the checkin is still primary, despite there being a text bit that accompanies it
# 20:11 KevinMarks_ I also checkin to places when travelling (airports, cafes etc) for future expense report tracking
# 20:11 tantek the checkin makes sense without the text bit, however the text bit does not make sense without the checkin
# 20:11 KevinMarks_ and it was very handy when my immigration form needed all my foreign trips for 5 years
# 20:11 tantek "for future expense report tracking" sounds like a subset of "personal tracking"
# 20:11 gRegor` I check in for the mayorships, but then 4sq/Swarm phased that out.
# 20:11 gRegor` Stickers are still fun though
# 20:12 KevinMarks_ google location history used to give you a handy summary fo trips
# 20:13 dariusdunlap Sorry, tantek. Just me once again typing before I read the whole stream.
# 20:14 dariusdunlap KevinMarks_ - you saw that Joi was looking for you earlier on #joiito? something about jibot
# 20:16 gRegor` Good post, snarfed. Tangentially,I just listened to an interesting Invisibilia podcast, The Power of Categories. Pretty interesting.
# 20:16 gRegor` (Ask me if it was interesting)
# 20:16 gRegor` goes to drink more coffee
# 20:20 rhiaro tantek: also, if everyone you know checks in to places, you can use it to avoid people :) the anti-social web
# 20:20 tantek rhiaro: that's been mentioned before! please add it! :)
# 20:20 rhiaro ooh or if someone is avoiding you, you can check into somewhere else to lure them into a false sense of security, then find them
# 20:27 tantek benwerd - speaking of chickens, have you seen Derek Powazek's stream of chick(en) photos?!?
# 20:27 benwerd 1. I'm a little concerned that everybody now thinks I'm obsessed with chickens
# 20:33 rhiaro ben_thatmustbeme: aren't the new QTs are RT+comment?
# 20:33 rhiaro which, relatedly, look awful in the android app
# 20:33 rhiaro as they're just links which I am not inclined to click, so I never get the context for peoples comments
# 20:34 rhiaro (I just went to my timeline and there was one at the top)
# 20:34 KevinMarks_ they show on the android app for me on my phone, but not on the tablet
# 20:35 KevinMarks_ because "user interface consistency" is why twitter killed 3rd party clients
# 20:39 KevinMarks_ it's not that new - the inline display of linked tweets was there before, they just made an affordance for creating them as replies
# 20:39 kylewm i'm looking forward to a short story told in QTs
# 20:41 rhiaro sorry I misread and should have addressed that at KevinMarks_
# 20:41 gRegor` They're not replies, but show up in notifications just the same.
# 20:42 gRegor` LRT is an acronym used on Twitter meaning Last Retweet
# 20:43 gRegor` RT of a QT you mean? (Oy, acronyms :)
# 20:43 gRegor` You can see your quoted tweets, yes.
# 20:43 gRegor` They show up in notifications
# 20:44 tantek hopefully this is an example of ship early ship often
# 20:44 gRegor` As a third party, not sure I care to see QTs. As an author, it's handy.
# 20:45 gRegor` Meaning if I care to see your commentary on someone's tweet, I'd rather see it as a reply
# 20:45 tantek gRegor`: as an author, QTs in a stream of notification is not that handy, I want to see them on the tweet permalink
# 20:48 rhiaro I have a backlog of updates seeking my approval, oops
# 20:49 snarfed gRegor`: updated my wm plugin, feel free to resend if you want
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# 20:51 rhiaro ben_thatmustbeme: I get the notifications that way
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# 21:02 gRegor` snarfed: Re-sent. No change, unless the page is caching (I think it was last time)
Unifex joined the channel
# 21:11 snarfed what's your permalink? (hard to discover notes/replies from browsing your site)
# 21:15 ben_thatmustbeme any time i see that, i am always tempted to fork, delete all, then create a pull request
# 21:18 gRegor` That way lie distractions
# 21:18 snarfed gRegor`: thanks! weird, it didn't email me. ok, added ot my todo list
# 21:20 snarfed gRegor`: ahhhh i was confused, it was an existing comment on a different post. ok. yeah just caching. bane of my existence. cleared that cache item.
# 21:22 kylewm snarfed: are you using the WP caching plugin that had the big security issue last week?
# 21:22 snarfed kylewm: yeah. i was already updated when the news broke.
torrorist and todrobbins joined the channel
# 21:35 kylewm aaronpk: +1 your idea to have loqi shorten those wiki links
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# 21:46 tantek yeah that would make it less noisy in the online logs
# 21:46 tantek also less intimidating to click when it's a bunch of query gobbledygook
# 21:46 aaronpk i can't even click them in my irc client cause it wraps two lines
# 21:47 tantek per the principle of tying short domains to domains to minimize cross-site maintenance breakage
# 21:48 tantek also takes less work because you simply alias/redirect the shortdomain then handle the shortpath on the main site
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# 21:50 aaronpk yeah an indiewebcamp short domain would be better than loqi.me
# 21:52 kylewm even just indiewebcamp.com/s/abcd1234 would be fine
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# 22:04 gRegor` indieweb.camp ?
# 22:04 aaronpk oh it's christophe! I bet he'd let me take it over
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# 22:26 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: or is it Sirius Cybernetics? GPP
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# 22:45 tantek aaronpk benwerd there's a simpler path to "This is the end of email miscommunication."
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