2015-05-10 UTC
# 00:00 tefka for example, there does not seem to be a videochat software (like skype) which has this kind of philosophy and is easy to use
# 00:00 tefka true, some things come close .. but still
# 00:02 GWG tefka: Video chatting is a hard one because of bandwidth.
# 00:04 KevinMarks_ well, WebRTC is an indieweb friendly way of doing it, but you still need some STUN infrastucture
# 00:04 tefka why is that GWG, the bandwidth is obviously there, since there are enough comercial applications that people use
# 00:05 GWG tefka: Worldwide, not everyone has it. Most likely many people in here do though
# 00:08 tefka it is just that indieweb seems to be a pretty "new" thing and it does not seem to go all the way with "own your data/software"
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# 00:08 tefka at least not yet
# 00:08 tefka do you own talky.io's software ?
# 00:09 KevinMarks_ tefka: well, if it's something you value, think about how to build it
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# 00:10 tefka I mean talky.io has to at least operate rendezvous servers and manage rooms/chats .. I dunno much about it though
# 00:14 KartikPrabhu tefka: isn't that the trouble with video-chatting though? it is hard to do peer-to-peer video chatting without maintaining some intermediate central server thing
# 00:16 tefka yea, hard as in impossible at the moment .. still, you guys apparently have a blog hosted on a server on your own "personal" domain, it would seem logical to host such an intermediate server as well
# 00:17 tefka hasn't text already been solved with xmpp ?
# 00:18 KartikPrabhu the question isn't about technology/plumbing but how to do text chats using your own domain
# 00:20 kylewm sorry KartikPrabhu, a cool project working on chat that you can install on your own domain
# 00:22 tefka *could* , but still uses github for identification
# 00:23 KartikPrabhu tefka: one step at a time. it is not fair to ask for everything under the sun from any of these projects
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# 00:28 tefka it seems the problems are 90% solved, and the remaining 10% is to put it onto your own domain and have it use that
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# 00:43 ben_thatmustbeme maybe specifying you xmpp user@server... but that gets in to the problems of spam and such
# 00:45 ben_thatmustbeme anywhere that I can now, when i create an account, i use my domain name as my username
# 00:46 ben_thatmustbeme thats step 1, and there really isn't much software needed for it outside of indieauth
# 00:46 ben_thatmustbeme although i worry we need more auth providers as it is a single point of failure at the moment.
# 00:47 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: also, i'm now officially rambling
# 00:48 GWG I'm fine with your rambling if you accept mine. We all ramble sometime or another.
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# 00:49 GWG I'm trying to see how many people I can annoy with my code styling, it seems.
# 00:51 Vendan does it make sense to use indieauth.com or similar for my own login to my site?
# 00:53 GWG Vendan: Indieauth is a tool. You can roll your own authentication if you wanted. Your choice
# 00:54 Vendan lol, honestly, I'm sick of rolling web auth stuff. Considering it's just me logging in, a simple hardcoded check or similar wouldn't be that bad.
# 00:54 kylewm Vendan: indieauth is maybe slightly harder than rolling your own password-based authentication if you just have one user. the payoff comes if you want to allow others to sign in to your site
# 01:11 GWG Vendan: You don't need to reinvent the wheel.
# 01:11 GWG Using a preexisting library, for example, is not against the Indieweb principles
# 01:12 Vendan there really isn't a preexisting library, tbh
# 01:13 Vendan programming in golang, and really, even if I went as far as actually doing hashes and such, its not like it's a massive amount of code
# 01:13 GWG But someone has to be the trendsetter
# 01:13 Vendan preexisting library for a simple password auth system?
# 01:14 Vendan I'm just not going to go overboard with email verification and password recovery tokens
# 01:20 GWG Vendan, I don't know much about golang.
# 01:22 Vendan trying to build as simple of a blog as possible
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# 01:23 GWG I just finished feeling comfortable with PHP.
# 01:24 Vendan probably make a "multi-user" version, like wordpress.com
# 01:24 Vendan but with the distinction that a there's a single file to download that'll contain your whole blog, and you can just push that up to another host, and boom, there's your blog again
# 01:25 ben_thatmustbeme i think the advantage of indieauth is really being able to use a number of micropub clients that assume you are using some sort of auth endpoint complient with indieauth
# 01:27 ben_thatmustbeme the only thing is a need to bootstrap so you can get those initial configs (twitter/FB/github/etc) links to allow it to work
# 01:27 ben_thatmustbeme also as I stated, i'm concerned that there is only 1 indieauth. we really need to use multiple as the docs on indieauth.com are rather the shortcut method that will mean it will only work for sites using indieauth
# 01:28 Vendan do you have any stuff where other users can log in for any reason, or is it just your access to your own admin panel?
# 01:29 Vendan one question with the indieauth approach is that if indieauth.com goes down, everyone who's using it has to rewrite their stuff to use a new service
# 01:29 Vendan one reason I'm leaning away from it for my use
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# 01:31 ben_thatmustbeme also if others log in to my site they can get links to edit their own comments (through mp-config)
# 01:32 Vendan it is, but no matter what, existing sites would need to rewrite code to use the new "gateway", unless you managed to get the "indieauth.com" domain name
# 01:33 Vendan I have a tendency to write code that can be used by anyone, and I don't want to lock people out of their accounts cause a third-party site went down
# 01:33 GWG Actually, if I remember correctly, the existing sites are supposed to get authentication server info from the page itself.
# 01:34 GWG The protocol says that it looks for a link to the authorization endpoint. If people aren't implementing discovery, that owuld be on them.
# 01:35 ben_thatmustbeme it would be entirely possible to use the indieauthprotocol with just a fixed password, ignore the rel-me-auth part
# 01:35 Vendan cause it's still my site that has the auth link and such
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# 01:56 GWG Well, the protocol falls over onto indieauth
# 01:56 Loqi slack/snarfed: ben_thatmustbeme yup, sorry, your twitter bridgy acct is broken right now due to that Unicode url
# 01:58 Loqi slack/snarfed: heh np. PRs welcome for fixing stuff too! :P
# 01:59 ben_thatmustbeme actually you don't ping the auth endpoint until you redirect the user there... i think you are right about being able to maybe select auth endpoints if there are multiple listed
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# 02:14 GWG Speaking of HWC...People who have been to HWCs, what sort of food venue is good for them, considering I can't get a centrally located non-food venue.
# 02:15 tantek GWG, cafe style - where you order at the counter separately
# 02:16 GWG tantek: Makes me think of Schnippers, that place we ate at during IWC NYC
# 02:17 GWG It's centrally located, easy to get to...
# 02:17 tantek GWG, is there an indie event for the NYC 2015-05-20 HWC?
# 02:18 GWG tantek: I added the Facebook one, but not the Indie one. I still haven't coded events into my site
# 02:21 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: XMPP is quite problematic. It's a massive spec that no one has ever fully implemented, that there's no comprehensive (or even feature covering) test suite for, and which everyone (who bothers to) implements only part.
# 02:21 GWG tantek: Not until I attend more of them.
# 02:22 GWG That's why I started on check-in...
# 02:22 tantek GWG, but as an organizer, it's better if you post an indie event and make the FB event the POSSE copy :)
# 02:22 tantek So it's gotta at least be a lower priority itch for you ;)
# 02:22 Loqi Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an open messaging standard, perhaps best known in its use for cross-platform instant-messaging application interoperability https://indiewebcamp.com/XMPP
# 02:24 GWG !tell zachdonovan tantek gave me, inadvertently, a good venue idea
# 02:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:26 GWG tantek: My next project is refining my existing projects to be in line with the WordPress developer standards while making some improvements. I will likely be laying the groundwork for further post kinds in there, so I can use the Post UI I just built to input them.
# 02:28 Vendan does anyone use bootstrap for their indieweb stuff?
# 02:29 Vendan I really suck as a designer, so my site's ui is currently extremely minimal :)
# 02:29 tantek Vendan, I believe Known used to and is in the process of abandoning it becacuse bootstrap is too much of a pain to evolve / iterate :(
# 02:30 Vendan I've got a very template friendly system so far, so I'm not terribly worried about changing stuff like that
# 02:33 ben_thatmustbeme tantek: xmpp sounds like push in that regard. . A giant spec that never gets fully implemented
# 02:33 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: PuSH is *tiny* compared to XMPP
# 02:37 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: PuSH is a very small spec, just in general
# 02:37 kylewm tantek: Vendan: Known is moving to Bootstrap 3
# 02:38 tantek hey kylewm! Could you post an indie event and FB POSSE copy for HWC SF 2015-05-20 as well? (I'm going to be in NYC, so maybe Creamery again?)
# 02:38 GWG tantek: Maybe if you are there, the RSVPers will show.
# 02:39 tantek GWG - I'm going to both invite people on the FB event and message them personally
# 02:39 kylewm Vendan: aaronpk uses bootstrap a lot, too. aaronparecki.com, quill.p3k.io, monocle.p3k.io, etc.
# 02:39 tantek and I'm going to invite the entire CSS Working Group
# 02:39 tantek kylewm, hmm that sounds like it's worth capturing...
# 02:39 tantek sounds like you know of a lot of IndieWeb Examples as well
# 02:40 tantek kylewm: surprised about Known using BS3. I know Ben & Erin's new not-so-secret project does not use Bootstrap. The podcast thing.
# 02:41 Vendan ugh, so many pretty designs. Could not make anything close :P
# 02:43 tantek kylewm: yes they have a lot of early usage for it - but my understanding from last time I spoke with Ben in person is that they're trying hard to move away from it.
# 02:44 Vendan one of my main complaints with bootstrap is that you wind up with a semantic class and multiple display classes
# 02:44 GWG Vendan: You shouldn't style basic on a semantic class.
# 02:45 GWG Design and structure are different things
# 02:45 tantek Vendan, it depends. For a quick deployment of a site you don't expect to restructure / iterate much (if at all), you can totally get away with styling semantic classes (e.g. h-entry)
# 02:46 Vendan then you'll need to change the h-entry, and with any kind of decent css preprocessor, that change takes 30 seconds to change in your css
# 02:46 GWG If you are starting from scratch, better to plan from the beginning.
# 02:46 tantek However, if you end up iterating a bunch on your site (with design etc.) you will have to do a lot more work.
# 02:48 GWG I'm trying to get hfeed out of the most common base for WordPress themes and find a way to get hentry out of WordPress the way it is implemented in a way they'll except.
# 02:48 GWG I may be trying to convince them of the same...semantic markup shouldn't be styled.
# 02:51 tantek Vendan - in practice a bunch of us have been bitten by this - so it's not just 30 seconds of change - especially depending on what your CSS rules are like
# 02:52 tantek the other scenario, which GWG points out, is multi-person development.
# 02:52 tantek If more than one person is working on the HTML and/or CSS for a site, then it's even more important to separate classes for styling and *purely* semantic classes.
# 02:53 GWG I use WordPress, and I've rewritten my theme three times in the last year.
# 02:53 GWG And I'm still rewriting it, because I discovered a mistake.
# 02:53 Vendan interesting, most of the articles I've seen talk about the exact opposite
# 02:58 kylewm Vendan: have you tried logging into the indiewebcamp.com wiki yet with your domain?
# 02:58 Vendan nope, my domain isn't running my indieweb stuff yet
# 02:58 Vendan developing locally, cause having an IDE rocks :)
# 02:58 tantek Vendan, yes, a lot of us wrote articles like that in the past :/
# 02:59 tantek it took a while, and many iterations of changing markup and style sheets to figure this out
# 03:01 Vendan the main thing that I see is that if I just styled the right semantic classes, I could drop replys and such in my markup without too much effort, other then a basic sanitization
# 03:02 tantek Vendan, yes, in theory (and in practice initially) you can get pretty far with that approach
# 03:02 Vendan if I have my own class names for styles, I have to process those replys to insert my class names
# 03:02 tantek you shouldn't be putting others markup in your page anyway! that's an XSS vulnerability
# 03:11 Vendan heck, with the sanitization library I use, I can go all the way down to "only allow these specific classes on divs"
# 03:14 Vendan it's rather hardcore in the standard mode, I'd actually be relaxing it some to allow those classes through
# 03:15 Vendan it's "meant" to be paired with blackfriday, a golang markdown processor
# 03:19 tantek Vendan, have you signed into the wiki with your personal domain?
# 03:19 Vendan lol, hopefully I'll be adding my software to that wiki in the next couple of days
# 03:19 Vendan heh, not yet, my software is only running on my desktop right now
# 03:24 Vendan I'm just rather hardcore on efficient code, and php and similar is too much of a bloat to install on my vps
# 03:24 Vendan I guess I could just put up a temporary index.html on my domain though
# 03:29 tantek Vendan++ for just getting it done with a simple index.html
# 03:30 Vendan well, I really just edited my current hugo static blog, but I'm going to replace the whole thing with my own software soon :)
# 03:34 Vendan actually in NC, wish I could show up to events
# 03:34 GWG Vendan: I'm trying to get the NY meeting up and coming. You could always find some friends and start something in NC?
# 03:35 Vendan I'll see about it, if anyone is interested at the local hackerspaces
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# 03:41 tantek Vendan - I think sandro wrote a webmention handler in golang at IWC Cambridge 2014
# 03:43 tantek I'd guess it was pretty open, sandro works for W3C
# 03:43 Vendan is there any kind of recommended licensing? I usually go MIT or AGPL
# 03:45 tantek but I can't find any record of the code being posted online so ...
# 03:46 Vendan using a lot of stuff I worked on for my wiki, so the first bit of it is rather simple
# 03:46 Vendan kicking myself for not pushing it all to github yet, cause I'm away from my main desktop
# 03:50 Vendan there's so many small, relatively easy to implement little "features" on the indieweb stuff that just adds up to a massive "holy crap that's awesome" when it all works together
# 03:52 tantek kylewm, GWG I've invited a bunch of people to the FB events for the next HWC
# 03:52 tantek get ready for the Bridgy invitation flood! (assuming that still works / got fixed)
# 03:52 GWG As soon as I talk to zachdonovan, time to confirm a venue/time
# 03:53 Vendan heh, makes me want to get a shared hosting account again, just so I can get the fastcgi stuff working right with golang
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# 04:04 GWG snarfed: I'm still having trouble with backfeed from bridgy.
# 04:05 GWG snarfed: Facebook. On the user page, it says it found no post links. But in the log, it found the u-syndication links.
# 04:06 GWG So, if it found both, why is it not sending the webmentions?
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# 04:09 GWG IT is finding the responses, but it isn't sending webmentions, even though it says it is saving the relationship
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# 04:12 snarfed GWG: i don't actually see that it's finding syndication urls
# 04:12 snarfed it's *looking* for them for each FB post url, not finding anything, and saving a blank relnship
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# 04:14 GWG snarfed: They are coming from SNAP automatically that way.
# 04:14 snarfed bridgy has limited support (or maybe none) for FB syndication URLs w/nicknames right now, due to 2.x API apocalypse
# 04:16 snarfed if you can get the synd urls in there with your user id, it will work
# 04:16 snarfed FB 2.x API literally prevents us from mapping nicknames to user ids and vice versa
# 04:17 GWG What about the user telling you what the username is?
# 04:18 GWG So, now that I changed the links...will it ever rescan?
# 04:20 snarfed i can't say i'd prioritize letting users input usernames
# 04:20 GWG snarfed: At least I found a setting to override it. I didn't realize it was there.
# 04:21 snarfed we're kind of burnt out on bending over backwards to handle FB's breaking API changes
# 04:21 GWG I was thinking of trying petermolnar's project
# 04:22 tantek !tell aaronpk how's the realtime display of responses (comments, likes, reposts) working on your notes? I remember something was broken last october - haven't checked since.
# 04:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 04:23 GWG snarfed: I wish people would respond more elsewhere
# 04:23 Vendan does realtime display include ajaxy updates while on the page, or just better then static site generation?
# 04:24 tantek Vendan - better than just Ajaxy updates - updates from the server via websockets!
# 04:25 Vendan that's the embedded programming and such def. of realtime
# 04:25 GWG snarfed: I wanted to mention I stabilized the webaction handler. You'd just have to add a filter and a hook to store it in your preferred formats and open up the closed types.
# 04:28 Vendan that's also more complex, as websocket isn't really compatible with fastcgi and such
# 04:30 GWG snarfed: And the category code has a filter. And should be familiar. You wrote the original version. I borrowed the logic you created for micropub that looks for categories, if not, saves as tags.
# 04:31 GWG I just couldn't decide on whether I wanted to write display code when I had it in Post Kinds. So I tabled that. But I made sure it would work without it.
# 04:33 GWG It is also using OpenGraph to get data, instead of microformats. Which I am only partly ashamed of.
# 04:33 GWG Most of the news sites I read had no microformats
# 04:34 tantek GWG, do you ever bookmark indieweb posts? or only news sites?
# 04:36 GWG tantek: More news sites. But, I decided that, after that trouble, I would add microformats during a later update
# 04:37 tantek what was the data quality like of the OpenGraph data?
# 04:37 GWG tantek: I parsed dozens of sites to come up with the 'rules' for extraction.
# 04:38 tantek GWG, oh dear that sounds like scraping almost :/
# 04:38 GWG tantek: Not exactly. The fields are there for people to use to get info about the page
# 04:38 GWG I parsed dozens of sites to see who was using what, more than anything else.
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# 04:40 GWG For example, tantek.com, as you know, has none of that markup.
# 04:41 GWG aaronpk appears to be putting the entire post into both the title and description opengraph fields.
# 04:42 GWG But newspapers are giving me suggested tags, description...rarely author name...
# 04:42 GWG So, I figured if I merge that with microformats support, I should be able to get link previews for most things.
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# 04:47 GWG Open Graph is a protocol that places basic metadata into the head of your web page.
# 04:47 GWG OpenGraph is a protocol that places basic metadata into the head of your web page.
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# 05:47 GWG KartikPrabhu: No. Facebook is just its most popular supporter. Twitter uses it as well. And it is an open standard.
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# 05:50 tantek__ GWG, always worth searching the wiki before creating. Note /OGP and other pages there already. Just missed the "OpenGraph" variant
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# 07:29 KevinMarks_ should the main page have germany at the top instead of cambridge?
# 07:33 tantek KevinMarks - yes - I think it just slipped through the cracks
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# 07:46 tantek !tell KevinMarks just pinged aaronpk about home page update to IWC Germany - if it's something obvious to you like that, feel free to fix it!
# 07:46 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 07:52 aaronpk hmm i don't know actually, i think i fixed the bug but not totally sure
# 07:53 tantek aaronpk - having comments show up on your posts in realtime is definitely worth demoing every opportunity you get
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# 08:12 rhiaro For anyone watching, main subcamps at IWC Dusseldorf day 2 seem to be adding microformats, webmentions, UI stuff, and a few people adding or improving micropub endpoints
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# 08:32 fkooman is there anyone with php-fpm + apache experience? it seems to be a disaster to get it working in a secure/reliable way :(
# 08:35 aaronpk i normally set up fpm with nginx, but i might be able to help
# 08:37 fkooman aaronpk, they are not really related, but both are important :)
# 08:38 fkooman it should have been secure & reliable
# 08:38 fkooman i.e. not run out of sockets after 5 concurrent users etc. :)
# 08:41 aaronpk ooh yeah, you should be able to find that knid of stuff by googling without too much trouble. i don't know the specifics of how apache and fpm work together
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# 09:23 fkooman aaronpk, is it intentional that if you put your PGP key on your site and link to it, it cannot be a relative URL? I have to use <link href="/fkooman/fkooman.asc" rel="pgpkey"> instead of just "fkooman.asc"
# 09:23 fkooman indieauth.com will not detect it otherwise...
# 09:30 Jeena is there a API for posting to Facebook via brid.gy?
# 09:33 aaronpk how would people feel about a micropub request for creating a blog post coming in with inline images? e.g. <img src="data:.....
# 09:33 aaronpk cause if I don't do anything with this, that's what's going to happen
# 09:37 Jeena impressive, I guess at least for Facebook it is time to move on from FbGraph to brid.gy
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# 09:51 aaronpk I really want the image positioning thingy that comes with the medium editor
# 09:52 aaronpk has anyone written a lorem ipsum generator for generating code samples?
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# 10:41 rhiaro LukasRos: juuust as soon as I'm sending webmentions automatically (soon hopefully!)
# 10:43 raucao no ssl yet, because our reseller decided to launch a new control panel that has broken CSR parsing
# 10:47 fkooman raucao, i sent a webmention!
# 10:48 fkooman did you get it?
# 10:48 raucao anyone knows if there's a marked up version of this event so i can try rsvping?
# 10:49 aaronpk ah i see what you mean, that is confusing, because every wiki page gets an h-entry added by the wiki
# 10:50 fkooman raucao, hmmm maybe, dunno
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# 11:06 rhiaro ben_thatmustbeme: not sure other than mine keeps sometimes not working for currently unknown reasons
# 11:07 aaronpk michielbdejong is experimenting with adding a "recipient" property to publish a post to a limited audience
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# 11:17 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: re images inline, at that point you are just posting HTML source, which is fine, but the post isn't exactly the image post
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# 11:25 aaronpk i need to update my micropub endpoint to allow posting HTML content when creating an article
# 11:26 aaronpk i'm not sure if that should be specified in the micropub request, or controlled by my micropub endpoint
# 11:26 aaronpk but i still have a bunch of UI work to figure out first
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# 11:32 rhiaro aaronpk: when webmention.io gets a wm to a target with a source it's already seen, does it drop it completely?
# 11:32 rhiaro or does it check if the source has changed since last time?
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# 11:45 aaronpk it only sends an IRC notification the first time it gets a mention tho
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# 11:48 fkooman aaronpk, i'm waiting for that yes, to be able to use quill to post HTML to micropub endpoint :-)
# 11:48 fkooman then i can move my blog over to that :-)
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# 12:07 raucao nice, likes and replies are also published automatically
# 12:11 raucao aaand replied back directly on twitter.com via known firefox service. i think i reached my goal for today :)
# 12:13 raucao oops, sry for spamming the channel. hadn't seen the twitter bot thing
# 12:20 fkooman i am fixing my webmention suppot now
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# 12:20 fkooman so it shows next to the posts if it is mentioned, i just have to figure out stupid htaccess to send the link header
# 12:24 fkooman raucao, i'm using the firefox webmention plugin to send webmentions, but it doesn't log anything...so hard to know what is going on
# 12:25 fkooman hmm apache rewrites throw away the headers you set, useful
# 12:25 raucao fkooman: i'll try to set up better logging on mine
# 12:26 raucao also, URLs will change in a few minutes because https :/
# 12:29 fkooman hmm i can receive webmentions now and they are shown next to the posts now, but the webmention addon in firefox does not work :/
# 12:30 raucao lucky for me, that means known's webmention support might not be broken :)
# 12:30 Vendan hrm, gonna need to come up with a name for my software
# 12:30 raucao fkooman: can you send another mention to that post?
# 12:31 fkooman but not sure it works, because it doesn't work for me...
# 12:31 fkooman maybe the webmention addon only looks at the html and not the http headers...
# 12:32 fkooman can you try and send me one?
# 12:39 fkooman also doesn't work it seems ;)
# 12:39 fkooman raucao, ah okay:) still didn't get anything...i also get an email :)
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# 12:54 LukasRos aaronpk: Have you intentionally removed app.net support from IndieAuth?
# 12:58 aaronpk LukasRos: yes, turns out i hadn't paid my app.net developer fee so they disabled the app!
# 12:58 LukasRos Ah ok, just wondering because yesterday it was working but not today.
# 12:58 aaronpk i can afford a few cents here and there for SMS auth for everyone, but $100/yr is a bit much ;)
# 12:59 aaronpk was it actually working, or just showing up in the list?
# 13:09 LukasRos I feel I’ve done enough for my own site today. Anyone wants my help with theirs?
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# 13:10 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 13:11 fkooman aaronpk, hmm it just adds 4 webmentions to my site...why would it want to block some of them? are you supposed to display the html from this page in-line?
# 13:15 fkooman raucao, is it working for you as well?
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# 13:20 Vendan so ideally, a microformats2 parser should work with any future microformat added to microformats2?
# 13:22 aaronpk Vendan: the parsing happens outside of knowledge of the vocabulary
# 13:22 aaronpk so something like <div class="h-foo"><span class="p-bar">baz</span></div> will parse just fine
# 13:22 Vendan so, that's a yes? I shouldn't be doing any kind of a "h-card needs these elements" and such?
# 13:24 Vendan it's just slightly odd, cause golang stresses very hard type safety
# 13:25 Vendan not that hard to do according to the docs, just odd
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# 13:49 killerog runs away screaming
# 13:49 GWG killerog: Replied to your github issue.
# 13:49 Vendan another question, the parsed json result, is it supposed to be identical between all parsers? i.e. is that part of the spec, or just recommendations?
# 13:51 killerog ah, thx. right back at ya GWG
# 14:05 adactio aaronpk: a parser should be able to find microformat root classes on the html element, right? e.g. <html class="h-feed">
# 14:06 aaronpk php-mf2 has no trouble with <html class="h-entry">
# 14:09 adactio aaronpk: it seems to be having an issue with <html class="h-feed">
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# 14:13 adactio aaronpk: looks like it could be Tumblr's doing: it inserts script elements willy-nilly.
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# 14:16 Vendan question, does it make sense for a single element to have multiple p-*,u-* and so on classes?
# 14:17 Vendan and if so, how does it get added to the properties map, as each class individually?
# 14:22 aaronpk adactio: if i take out the script tag at the top the parser has no problem
# 14:22 aaronpk i'm not sure why that would be causing an issue for it though
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# 14:33 rhiaro aaronpk: You all saw Quill yesterday. What I did today was add a new posting interface for articles
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# 14:33 rhiaro ... somebody already did the hard work of making Medium style text editing
# 14:34 rhiaro ... the crazy thing is it just puts the image data into the webpage
# 14:34 rhiaro ... Saves as you type, autosave to local storage
# 14:35 rhiaro ... publishes to micropub, everything in html is sent
# 14:35 rhiaro ... image data is embedded, didn't need to do a file upload
# 14:37 rhiaro ... wanted to do a drop down with more information about publishing
# 14:37 Vendan issue is screen has banding issues, cause of lcd and camera
# 14:37 rhiaro Vendan: probably not much we can do about that
# 14:37 rhiaro aaronpk: Also whilst learning about appcache yesterday, made Teacup into offline app
# 14:38 rhiaro ... speeds it up a ton, but doesn't save the post
# 14:38 rhiaro ... and added date and time for backdating food posts
# 14:38 Vendan lol, for web stuff, demo from the computer that's running talky.io and share screen from there?
# 14:38 rhiaro adactio: Goal was to send webmentions (already accept them)
# 14:39 rhiaro ... actual webmention part was straightfoward. Dealing with html and urls that was complicated
# 14:40 rhiaro ... was using regular expressions, more problems, then realised it was madness, used DOM instead
# 14:40 rhiaro ... most of the code dealing with possible non-absolute urls for wm endpoints
# 14:41 rhiaro ... Next steps, every time I publish something on blog to loop through any links and do the same thing
# 14:41 rhiaro ... Should go into queue, often have a lot of links
# 14:44 rhiaro *demos posting with quill including reply and location*
# 14:44 rhiaro ... is a drupal module, not published on drupal.org yet still some issues
# 14:45 rhiaro ... drupal is a multiuser system, don't know which user authenticated
# 14:45 rhiaro ... need some settings for primary user, or need to use userid to authenticate
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# 14:45 rhiaro ... everything else was straightfoward, copied from adactio's gist
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# 14:46 rhiaro ... Other thing I wanted to was add microformats, no solution in drupal other than editing template
# 14:47 rhiaro ... Defines a mapping. Add fields to all content via the backend, so it's not easy to hardcode semantics
# 14:47 rhiaro ... Didn't want to depend on theme for microformats
# 14:47 rhiaro ... Module defines mapping field name => mf property
# 14:48 rhiaro ... Can now set variable in drupal with mapping
# 14:48 rhiaro ... On post page, javascript also parses and displays microformats
# 14:49 rhiaro ... So totally independant from theme, and avoids themers stripping out markup
# 14:49 rhiaro ... It was simpler to add micropub endpoint than classes...
# 14:50 rhiaro ... Third thing was finish webmention support, already started on that a few weeks ago
# 14:51 rhiaro ... Submodule for an existing pingback/trackback module
# 14:51 rhiaro ... Already published on drupal.org as dev release
# 14:53 rhiaro Johann: wanted to hijack instagram interface to upload, use ownyourgram, then delete
# 14:53 rhiaro ... but instagram API won't let you delete your images!
# 14:54 rhiaro ... Tried to delete via web interface, but couldn't find that either, had to do it through app
# 14:54 rhiaro ... post from quill to my site, creates new post and publishes it for me
# 14:55 rhiaro ... tweet from my site, just need to create a new note and select category 'tweet'
# 14:56 rhiaro ... if anyone uses processwire, module is on github
# 14:57 rhiaro ... all file based. Hidden folder for webmentions with json files
# 14:57 rhiaro ... also pings json that caches endpoints you have pinged
# 14:57 rhiaro ... also stores images in location you choose, including user images so you don't run into mixed content problems
# 14:59 rhiaro ... added so you can write "like: url" and it creates link with like-of attribute
# 15:00 rhiaro ... Also started to build something I will convert to micropub endpoint
# 15:00 rhiaro ... integrates with zapier(?) to store tweets
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# 15:02 rhiaro ... Added micropub endpoint to post with Quill
# 15:03 rhiaro ... Post structure is custom, so made a script to parse content from quill
# 15:04 rhiaro ... In the background, creates a new folder in Kirby and inside creates article file, contains markdown and metadata
# 15:06 rhiaro ... microformats, SMS for indieauth with mobile
# 15:06 rhiaro ... Also collected ideas for how an indieweb medium could look like
# 15:07 rhiaro ... Reasons to use medium: easy and delightful, low threshold, comments and interactions
# 15:07 rhiaro ... Could do 1) with tooltip wysiwyg, beautiful typography, auto-embed linked media
# 15:08 rhiaro ... Low threshold: needs script, easy to deploy, multiple format options, shouldn't have to set up whole blog
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# 15:09 rhiaro ... Comments and interactions: likes and replies with webmentions. Reader is also publishing app. Fragments
# 15:09 rhiaro ... Important that if you see an article like that you can reply, then choose to publish/download/share/etc
# 15:10 rhiaro Rogier: Site yesterday was one page with links
# 15:11 rhiaro ... Today, installed Wordpress, has lots of plugins
# 15:11 rhiaro ... First hacked microformats into default 2015 template
# 15:17 rhiaro ... Sent PR to aaron for Monocle to fix css for images
# 15:17 rhiaro LukasRos: implemented webmentions, particularly receiving
# 15:18 rhiaro ... show on Treeview which is app.net client. Posts from webmentions are created on app.net from own account
# 15:19 rhiaro ... made webmention parser building on phpmf2 library
# 15:19 rhiaro ... parses page to see what kind of reply it is
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# 15:20 killerog GWG: It mostly came down to install sempress theme first, and then thte indieweb plugin and related plugins that are already mentioned in the description of that plugin. And Social for posting to twitter/facebook https://wordpress.org/plugins/social/
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# 15:23 GWG killerog: I'm familiar with them.
# 15:23 rhiaro Glenn: Ripped out notes editor from site so other people can use it
# 15:24 rhiaro ... As I type into editor, you see updates to text, html, json version with microformats
# 15:24 rhiaro ... dynamically monitors typing and updates everything
# 15:25 rhiaro ... other box is for tags. You type #tags in editor and it creates comma separated list
# 15:25 rhiaro ... when it hits 140 it goes red, but you can keep going
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# 15:25 GWG I think I will take a break from rewriting Post Kinds in an object oriented manner to avoid global scoped functions and go eat something.
# 15:25 rhiaro ... When it's done it'll be javascript, css and icons file
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# 15:27 rhiaro ... go watch it, you'll get updates when it's ready to use
# 15:27 tantek slept laptop / rewoke, and talky works again now. weird network issue (local).
# 15:28 rhiaro ... already had indieauth with github and twitter
# 15:29 rhiaro ... and improved SSL report and added certificate pinning (more secure)
# 15:30 rhiaro ... With indiecert, use html keygen to generate certificate
# 15:30 rhiaro ... Wanted to see if it'll work generating cert myself, used OpenSSL
# 15:30 rhiaro ... Can use own organisation name, easier to organise
# 15:31 rhiaro ... add fingerprint into html. First copied from indiecert, but also checked it's really my fingerprint, so used OpenSSL to generate fingerprint myself, to verify code on indiecert works
# 15:33 rhiaro Joschi: First thing, add more auth providers to website
# 15:33 rhiaro ... PGP key (fiddly to find out how to sign that), email, google authenticator
# 15:34 tantek (this is all amazing! read the logs and caught up. so much implementation!)
# 15:35 rhiaro ... Spent most of the day updating tool to parse microformats and schema.org
# 15:35 rhiaro ... had to update lots to parse nested schema.org
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# 15:36 adactio tantek: I am absolutely blown away by how much people got done today. Amazing!
# 15:36 tantek rhiaro++ for minuting the demos, and getting automatic webmentions working!
# 15:38 aaronpk .. when I post likes, replies, bookmarks, etc, it now sends webmentions automatically
# 15:39 aaronpk ... also discovered loads of bugs in my "everything" and spent some time fixing htem
# 15:39 aaronpk ... I didn't want to post straight to twitter automatically, so I made a twitter intent button
# 15:39 aaronpk ... made it a retweet intent so others can use it, I delete the RT before posting
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# 15:44 tantek worse than just http, claiming https when it's not
# 15:44 rhiaro ??: Improved HTTPS, managed to bring it up to a B. It's Plesk
# 15:45 rhiaro wishes everyone would wear their namebadge :p
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# 15:47 KevinMarks glennjones: I made a tweet preview in noterlive.com - you can pinch that
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# 15:47 rhiaro Sebastian : Don't want to post to twitter first, half worked, half didn't.
# 15:47 rhiaro ... Errors with checkins POSSEing to foursquare
# 15:48 rhiaro ... RSVPing to events (this representation of my person is RSVPing) but theme doesn't display it
# 15:49 rhiaro ... Then had to write a privacy policy because you can't set up a foursquare application without that
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# 15:51 rhiaro ... Whole picture also gets posted to twitter natively
# 15:52 rhiaro ... Wrote a post about twitter integration being great, then twitter integration stopped working
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# 15:52 rhiaro ... Outgoing everything is fine, incoming not everything works
# 15:52 rhiaro ... Happy I can post to my site instead of twitter
# 15:53 rhiaro Nick: New website for sockethub that breaks up all posts into markdown, and static site generator to create html
# 15:53 rhiaro ... Before it was one big html file, was getting a pita to update
# 15:54 rhiaro ... Worked on accepting webmentions and storing them in remotestorage
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# 15:55 rhiaro ... but not doing anything with them yet, want to make a script that whenever I rebuild site it fetches webmentions
# 15:55 rhiaro ... Still not sure what to do about sending webmentions
# 15:55 rhiaro ... Don't want to send them every time I rerun build script
# 15:55 rhiaro ... Gotta figure out something graceful for that
# 15:56 rhiaro Michiel: Started building something to post to a limited audience
# 15:56 rhiaro ... Edited indiewebcamp wiki based on what I've been doing
# 15:56 rhiaro ... Idea is you have to sign in with indieauth to see a post
# 15:57 rhiaro ... Problem with webmention not being able to auth to verify
# 15:57 rhiaro ... Initially gets 401 saying they have to login
# 15:57 rhiaro ... Done in such a way that a machine can use a indieauth token as a bearer token
# 15:57 Loqi rhiaro meant to say: ... And then done in the same way for feeds
# 15:58 rhiaro ... Would be nice to also support putting the token in the url query string, so you could bookmark the feed with the query and any feed reader can retreive it
# 15:58 rhiaro ... And for micropub you post with 'recipients'
# 15:59 rhiaro ... Display recipients so person reading knows who it went to and won't share
# 15:59 rhiaro ... And trying to make cozycloud, owncloud and known interoperable
# 16:00 killerog indiewebcamp++
# 16:00 rhiaro tantek: "I guess that's why you use CMSes, to get done in one day what it's taken me a couple of years"
# 16:01 killerog don't forget rhiaro++
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# 16:02 tantek KevinMarks: the aaronpk develops, it's likely already live
# 16:02 aaronpk i am not comfortable publishing it until it handles errors a little better
# 16:03 sanduhrs Three more building blocks for a Drupal based IndieWeb:
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# 16:07 tantek hey Vendan - saw you were asking about microformats2 parsing earlier - I'm happy to help answer any questions!
# 16:08 Vendan taking a little time to build a parser in golang while I'm working on my site software
# 16:08 KevinMarks vendan - if you want another reference, see unmung,com that hosts the mf2py parser
# 16:09 Vendan it's already able to parse some simple microformats stuff
# 16:09 Vendan still gotta implement the value-class-pattern, but once I have that, p-* and u-* will be parsing correctly
# 16:10 Vendan need to make 5 more repos on github just to push all the code I'm writing :)
# 16:15 Vendan going through that, trying to get at least a general matchup
# 16:15 tantek needs to incorporate resolved issues from microformats2-parsing-issues and accepted brainstorming from microformats2-parsing-brainstorming into microformats2-parsing
# 16:15 Jeena thank Ryan Barrett and Kyle Mahan for bridgy, I don't think I would have the nerve to reimplement the whole Facebook POSSE with another shitty and non backwards compatible Facebook API
# 16:16 Vendan my json is in a different order in some cases, but that's not really relevant
# 16:16 tantek Vendan the order of keys/fields does not matter, but array ordering does (since it reflects document order)
# 16:16 Vendan part of that is golang randomizes map iteration :D
# 16:17 Vendan that's one of the reasons they do it, so you don't get caught out by a map always being in a certain order
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# 16:20 Jeena the first notes test worked gloriously! Now I'm adding it to the photos code too
# 16:27 GWG We shouldn't forget kylewm. He is a large contributor to Bridgy
# 16:28 ttepasse Speaking of, what abou Loqi++?
# 16:28 snarfed speaking of which, kylewm made #bridgy recently, feel free to ask q's in there if we're there too and you don't want to spam this channel
# 16:31 Jeena Neat, so I was able to fix FB Posse just two days before my South Korea journey where I guess I will post many photos and notes
# 16:34 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: it does not. rel is only for page-scoped stuff. not microformats2 properties or root objects.
# 16:35 GWG Jeena: I have a month till my vacation. Better work on that.
# 16:35 tantek now was that an indie repost or just a twitter retweet rhiaro ? ;)
# 16:36 rhiaro It was a twitter retweet, I honestly tried to repost it myself but twitter wouldn't let me copy your url easily and I had my hands full :p
# 16:36 rhiaro and in related news, I think my micropub endpoint is mysteriously broken again
# 16:37 rhiaro howver, if I had, it *should* have sent you a webmention :p I'll try again shortly..
# 16:39 tantek rhiaro: I do have webactions setup on my permalinks - perhaps we can get that working to send an indieaction to your UI
# 16:39 tantek so that from the note on my site, you can click the "Repost" button/link, and have it pop open your posting UI
# 16:41 rhiaro snarfed: I can already repost, just not right now..
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# 17:13 tantek well that's a start at least - hopefully other folks can jump in and help out!
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# 17:34 rhiaro Yay, thanks for adding stuff to the wiki tantek!
# 17:34 tantek rhiaro: np - it's just a start - so much to capture! but I left links in place for others to help expand :)
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# 17:35 tantek I'm also afraid I may get details wrong - since I'm interpreting logs/minutes
# 17:35 tantek whereas people who actually saw the demos may be able to add more detailed information
# 17:35 rhiaro I think I need to figure out what's up with my micropub endpoint then crash for a bit
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# 17:41 GWG I'm trying to redesign my display code for various kinds of posts. I fear I'm ending up down a rabbit hole again
# 17:42 Vendan tantek, question for you, e-* properties get 2 values rather then the single value the others get. When a p-* is also a h-*, that property is nested with the p-* value in the nested microformat
# 17:43 Vendan is the e-* html stuff put in beside the value: in the nested microformat?
# 17:44 tantek Vendan - could you provide a brief markup example of what you mean?
# 17:45 Vendan not sure if it's valid, but something like <div class="h-entry"><div class="h-card e-content"></div></div>
# 17:47 Vendan I'm guessing the content property for the h-entry should be a microformat entry with a value: {value: "", html: ""}
# 18:02 tantek hmm - may help to add some content/markup to that in the middle
# 18:03 tantek e.g. <div class="h-entry"><div class="h-card e-content"><p>Hello</p></div></div>
# 18:03 tantek let's try one of the existing parsers and see if it does something expected
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# 18:07 tantek both phpmf2 and mf2py fail to produce the html in the parsed output!
# 18:08 tantek this works in both: <div class="h-entry"><div class="e-content"><p>Hello</p></div></div>
# 18:08 ttepasse The MF2-Algorithm doesn't use or care for the HTML lang attribute, do I see that correct?
# 18:09 tantek ttepasse: with the exception of the extra bit of rel parsing at the end which just collects the lang attribute, yes
# 18:11 ttepasse Hm. Even DOM doesn't seem to have a method for querying Nodes oder Elements for the inherited language. Strange.
# 18:15 ttepasse Ah. HTML has HTMLElement::lang, but crippled.
# 18:16 tantek Vendan: did you see how they parse <div class="h-entry"><div class="e-content"><p>Hello</p></div></div> ? more like that
# 18:16 tantek e.g. right next to the "value": "Hello", you should see "html": "<p>Hello<\/p>",
# 18:17 Vendan ok, not nested in a dictionary under the value:
# 18:19 tantek good job Vendan, already finding bugs in existing parsers :P
# 18:20 Vendan lol, just mentally brute-forcing all the code paths in my parser :D
# 18:24 tantek got an email from Google about "Important notice for Master/Slave Datastore app owners on Google App Engine" that I really don't understand.
# 18:24 tantek anyone else get that email? snarfed? KevinMarks? kylewm?
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# 18:25 tantek I don't think I have any App Engine apps, and it was far too long to bother trying to understand, so I tl;dr'd it.
# 18:26 tantek the kind of email that should have been a blog post
# 18:26 snarfed tantek: agreed, if you don't run anything on app engine, you can ignore it
# 18:26 tantek email should have been brief and linked to the blog post for details / follow-up :P
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# 18:47 tantek Vendan - do you have a simple textarea based web UI for folks to try your library?
# 18:49 Vendan I'll see about throwing something together this afternoon
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# 18:53 kylewm it'd be interesting to benchmark the performance of the mf2 parsers
# 18:55 kylewm i mean, i'm sure the mf2 bits are dominated by parsing html bits
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# 19:11 GWG !tell acegiak Insert request for brain picking here.
# 19:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 19:24 kylewm KevinMarks__: ya exactly, i'm curious how mf2py+lxml compares to mf2py+html5lib, php-mf2, node-mf2, golang
# 19:24 LukasRos I might do a bit of transfering IRC demo notes to the wiki.
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# 20:14 LukasRos I made a summary of rhiaros notes for all hack day demos on the wiki. I hope nothing got ”žlost in translation“ over those two hops.
# 20:15 LukasRos If any of you feels themselves misrepresented feel free to edit, it’s a wiki after all.
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# 20:18 LukasRos No problem :) Nothing else to do on this train anyway.
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# 22:03 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: where did that rel misconception come from?!?
# 22:05 tantek ah, from michiel - ok will have to ping him next time he comes back here to ask if / why he deliberately chose 'rel' and if so from what
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# 23:03 tantek KevinMarks, nice! somehow you have a different deployment of mf2py than KartikPrabhu
# 23:04 tantek the value: { value: }
looks kinda dumb too - glad we're fixing that
# 23:04 KartikPrabhu tantek: KevinMarks made some new contribution to mf2py that mine is lagging behind
# 23:05 tantek not sure how his has the e-* h-* parsing and yours does not
# 23:09 tantek KartikPrabhu: yours was the only live textarea I could use - so deployed implementation > github trunk :P
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# 23:41 Vendan also, my opinion, it needs to get standardized somehow. A strict reading of the spec suggests that value:value: is correct
# 23:42 Vendan also, my opinion, it needs to get standardized somehow. A strict reading of the spec suggests that value:value: is correct
# 23:46 tantek Vendan: I agree that value:value does not look good - and that was unintended, so I fixed the spec accordingly
# 23:47 Vendan cool, that makes my parser compliant with that
# 23:48 tantek the intent of "value:" was that it was always a string - no more dereferencing needed
# 23:49 Vendan also, there's now at least a cli tool for testing my library, need to add some flags for specifying source, right now it's just taking 1 argument that's a url
# 23:50 Vendan going to see about grabbing that test suite and integrating it into testing for my lib, then get it on travis or something for continuous testing
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