#LoqiThe indieweb is about owning your domain and using it as your primary identity, to publish on your own site (optionally syndicate elsewhere), and ownyourdata https://indiewebcamp.com/indieweb
#KartikPrabhutefka: mostly because of focus on that ^
#tefkait is just that indieweb seems to be a pretty "new" thing and it does not seem to go all the way with "own your data/software"
#KartikPrabhuman what is up with these sites just reproducing other stuff.
#tefkaI mean talky.io has to at least operate rendezvous servers and manage rooms/chats .. I dunno much about it though
#KartikPrabhutefka: isn't that the trouble with video-chatting though? it is hard to do peer-to-peer video chatting without maintaining some intermediate central server thing
#tefkayea, hard as in impossible at the moment .. still, you guys apparently have a blog hosted on a server on your own "personal" domain, it would seem logical to host such an intermediate server as well
#KartikPrabhua good intermediate is to figure out how to do text chats
#Vendandoes it make sense to use indieauth.com or similar for my own login to my site?
#GWGVendan: Indieauth is a tool. You can roll your own authentication if you wanted. Your choice
#Vendanlol, honestly, I'm sick of rolling web auth stuff. Considering it's just me logging in, a simple hardcoded check or similar wouldn't be that bad.
#kylewmVendan: indieauth is maybe slightly harder than rolling your own password-based authentication if you just have one user. the payoff comes if you want to allow others to sign in to your site
#Vendanprobably make a "multi-user" version, like wordpress.com
#Vendanbut with the distinction that a there's a single file to download that'll contain your whole blog, and you can just push that up to another host, and boom, there's your blog again
#ben_thatmustbemei think the advantage of indieauth is really being able to use a number of micropub clients that assume you are using some sort of auth endpoint complient with indieauth
#ben_thatmustbemethe only thing is a need to bootstrap so you can get those initial configs (twitter/FB/github/etc) links to allow it to work
#ben_thatmustbemealso as I stated, i'm concerned that there is only 1 indieauth. we really need to use multiple as the docs on indieauth.com are rather the shortcut method that will mean it will only work for sites using indieauth
#ben_thatmustbemebut if you are designing just for the site owner itself, thats not really an issue
#Vendando you have any stuff where other users can log in for any reason, or is it just your access to your own admin panel?
#Vendanone question with the indieauth approach is that if indieauth.com goes down, everyone who's using it has to rewrite their stuff to use a new service
#Vendanone reason I'm leaning away from it for my use
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#ben_thatmustbemeso I did have stuff for others to get extra info if they are logged in to my site
#Vendanit is, but no matter what, existing sites would need to rewrite code to use the new "gateway", unless you managed to get the "indieauth.com" domain name
#VendanI have a tendency to write code that can be used by anyone, and I don't want to lock people out of their accounts cause a third-party site went down
#GWGActually, if I remember correctly, the existing sites are supposed to get authentication server info from the page itself.
#ben_thatmustbemeits just changing the html to point to a different auth endpoint
#Loqislack/snarfed: heh np. PRs welcome for fixing stuff too! :P
#ben_thatmustbemeactually you don't ping the auth endpoint until you redirect the user there... i think you are right about being able to maybe select auth endpoints if there are multiple listed
#GWGSpeaking of HWC...People who have been to HWCs, what sort of food venue is good for them, considering I can't get a centrally located non-food venue.
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: XMPP is quite problematic. It's a massive spec that no one has ever fully implemented, that there's no comprehensive (or even feature covering) test suite for, and which everyone (who bothers to) implements only part.
#LoqiExtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an open messaging standard, perhaps best known in its use for cross-platform instant-messaging application interoperability https://indiewebcamp.com/XMPP
#GWG!tell zachdonovan tantek gave me, inadvertently, a good venue idea
#GWGtantek: My next project is refining my existing projects to be in line with the WordPress developer standards while making some improvements. I will likely be laying the groundwork for further post kinds in there, so I can use the Post UI I just built to input them.
#Vendandoes anyone use bootstrap for their indieweb stuff?
#tantekkylewm: surprised about Known using BS3. I know Ben & Erin's new not-so-secret project does not use Bootstrap. The podcast thing.
#Vendanugh, so many pretty designs. Could not make anything close :P
#kylewmtantek: interesting! I didn't realize wavelist wasn't... http://known.co/ does use bootstrap too
#tantekkylewm: yes they have a lot of early usage for it - but my understanding from last time I spoke with Ben in person is that they're trying hard to move away from it.
#kylewmBootstrap is a large collection of boilerplate HTML and CSS styles and components originally developed by Twitter. http://getbootstrap.com
#tantekVendan, it depends. For a quick deployment of a site you don't expect to restructure / iterate much (if at all), you can totally get away with styling semantic classes (e.g. h-entry)
#Vendanthen you'll need to change the h-entry, and with any kind of decent css preprocessor, that change takes 30 seconds to change in your css
#GWGIf you are starting from scratch, better to plan from the beginning.
#tantekHowever, if you end up iterating a bunch on your site (with design etc.) you will have to do a lot more work.
#GWGI'm trying to get hfeed out of the most common base for WordPress themes and find a way to get hentry out of WordPress the way it is implemented in a way they'll except.
#GWGI may be trying to convince them of the same...semantic markup shouldn't be styled.
#tantekVendan - in practice a bunch of us have been bitten by this - so it's not just 30 seconds of change - especially depending on what your CSS rules are like
#tantekthe other scenario, which GWG points out, is multi-person development.
#tantekIf more than one person is working on the HTML and/or CSS for a site, then it's even more important to separate classes for styling and *purely* semantic classes.
#GWGI use WordPress, and I've rewritten my theme three times in the last year.
#GWGAnd I'm still rewriting it, because I discovered a mistake.
#Vendaninteresting, most of the articles I've seen talk about the exact opposite
#kylewmVendan: have you tried logging into the indiewebcamp.com wiki yet with your domain?
#Vendannope, my domain isn't running my indieweb stuff yet
#Vendandeveloping locally, cause having an IDE rocks :)
#tantekVendan, yes, a lot of us wrote articles like that in the past :/
#tantekit took a while, and many iterations of changing markup and style sheets to figure this out
#Vendanthe main thing that I see is that if I just styled the right semantic classes, I could drop replys and such in my markup without too much effort, other then a basic sanitization
#tantekVendan, yes, in theory (and in practice initially) you can get pretty far with that approach
#Vendanif I have my own class names for styles, I have to process those replys to insert my class names
#tantekyou shouldn't be putting others markup in your page anyway! that's an XSS vulnerability
#Vendanthere's so many small, relatively easy to implement little "features" on the indieweb stuff that just adds up to a massive "holy crap that's awesome" when it all works together
#tantek!tell aaronpk how's the realtime display of responses (comments, likes, reposts) working on your notes? I remember something was broken last october - haven't checked since.
#LoqiRealtime is a well-defined software field where computing has to complete or fail cleanly by a deadline, because latency is paramount https://indiewebcamp.com/Realtime
#Vendanthat's the embedded programming and such def. of realtime
#GWGsnarfed: I wanted to mention I stabilized the webaction handler. You'd just have to add a filter and a hook to store it in your preferred formats and open up the closed types.
#Vendanthat's also more complex, as websocket isn't really compatible with fastcgi and such
#GWGsnarfed: And the category code has a filter. And should be familiar. You wrote the original version. I borrowed the logic you created for micropub that looks for categories, if not, saves as tags.
#GWGI just couldn't decide on whether I wanted to write display code when I had it in Post Kinds. So I tabled that. But I made sure it would work without it.
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 29 minutes ago: how's the realtime display of responses (comments, likes, reposts) working on your notes? I remember something was broken last october - haven't checked since. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-09/line/1431231742445
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#aaronpkhmm i don't know actually, i think i fixed the bug but not totally sure
#tantekaaronpk - having comments show up on your posts in realtime is definitely worth demoing every opportunity you get
#rhiaroFor anyone watching, main subcamps at IWC Dusseldorf day 2 seem to be adding microformats, webmentions, UI stuff, and a few people adding or improving micropub endpoints
#aaronpkooh yeah, you should be able to find that knid of stuff by googling without too much trouble. i don't know the specifics of how apache and fpm work together
#fkoomanaaronpk, is it intentional that if you put your PGP key on your site and link to it, it cannot be a relative URL? I have to use <link href="/fkooman/fkooman.asc" rel="pgpkey"> instead of just "fkooman.asc"
#fkoomanindieauth.com will not detect it otherwise...
#LukasRosaaronpk, rhiaro and anyone else who’s publishing like/repost/reply-markup on their site - please help me test and create a like, repost or reply for http://lukasrosenstock.net/post/59359549 and send a webmention.
#rhiaroLukasRos: juuust as soon as I'm sending webmentions automatically (soon hopefully!)
#fkoomanraucao, i'm using the firefox webmention plugin to send webmentions, but it doesn't log anything...so hard to know what is going on
#LoqiWelcome to news about the IndieWeb where recent notable articles about the IndieWeb are cited and linked to keep you up to date https://indiewebcamp.com/going_on
#fkoomanhmm apache rewrites throw away the headers you set, useful
#raucaofkooman: i'll try to set up better logging on mine
#raucaoalso, URLs will change in a few minutes because https :/
#LukasRosI feel I’ve done enough for my own site today. Anyone wants my help with theirs?
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#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
#fkoomanaaronpk, hmm it just adds 4 webmentions to my site...why would it want to block some of them? are you supposed to display the html from this page in-line?
#Vendananother question, the parsed json result, is it supposed to be identical between all parsers? i.e. is that part of the spec, or just recommendations?
#rhiaro... show on Treeview which is app.net client. Posts from webmentions are created on app.net from own account
#rhiaro... made webmention parser building on phpmf2 library
#rhiaro... parses page to see what kind of reply it is
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#killerogGWG: It mostly came down to install sempress theme first, and then thte indieweb plugin and related plugins that are already mentioned in the description of that plugin. And Social for posting to twitter/facebook https://wordpress.org/plugins/social/
#rhiaro... add fingerprint into html. First copied from indiecert, but also checked it's really my fingerprint, so used OpenSSL to generate fingerprint myself, to verify code on indiecert works
#LoqiKevinMarks_: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 45 minutes ago: just pinged aaronpk about home page update to IWC Germany - if it's something obvious to you like that, feel free to fix it! http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-10/line/1431243975106
#Loqirhiaro meant to say: ... And then done in the same way for feeds
#rhiaro... Would be nice to also support putting the token in the url query string, so you could bookmark the feed with the query and any feed reader can retreive it
#rhiaro... And for micropub you post with 'recipients'
#rhiaro... Need to check a site supports recipients
#rhiaro... Display recipients so person reading knows who it went to and won't share
#rhiaro... And trying to make cozycloud, owncloud and known interoperable
#rhiaro... Will work on this at OuiShare next week
#Vendangoing through that, trying to get at least a general matchup
#tantekneeds to incorporate resolved issues from microformats2-parsing-issues and accepted brainstorming from microformats2-parsing-brainstorming into microformats2-parsing
#Jeenathank Ryan Barrett and Kyle Mahan for bridgy, I don't think I would have the nerve to reimplement the whole Facebook POSSE with another shitty and non backwards compatible Facebook API
#tantekrhiaro: np - it's just a start - so much to capture! but I left links in place for others to help expand :)
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#tantekI'm also afraid I may get details wrong - since I'm interpreting logs/minutes
#tantekwhereas people who actually saw the demos may be able to add more detailed information
#rhiaroI think I need to figure out what's up with my micropub endpoint then crash for a bit
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#GWGI'm trying to redesign my display code for various kinds of posts. I fear I'm ending up down a rabbit hole again
#Vendantantek, question for you, e-* properties get 2 values rather then the single value the others get. When a p-* is also a h-*, that property is nested with the p-* value in the nested microformat
#Vendanis the e-* html stuff put in beside the value: in the nested microformat?
#Vendanalso, there's now at least a cli tool for testing my library, need to add some flags for specifying source, right now it's just taking 1 argument that's a url
#Vendangoing to see about grabbing that test suite and integrating it into testing for my lib, then get it on travis or something for continuous testing