#aaronpkpretty sure i'm gonna update my website layout to a single column, and just move all the sidebar stuff into the header and footer
ScruffyDan, mlncn, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__ and snarfed joined the channel
#Vendanelf-pavlik, note, on an issue thing, I'd almost steer towards a more generic noun then issue, like request. You could have feature requests, bugfix requests, even patch requests(with code patch attached). Also opens it up to making requests on people instead of projects, which would be an interesting idea
KartikPrabhu, j12t, Deledrius__, snarfed, wolftune, tantek, shiflett and eschnou joined the channel
#tantek!tell aaronpk of course you should *start* with a single-column layout for your website - that's responsive design 101, so it works well for narrow displays by default, and then progressively enhance wider displays/windows based on how well your specific content could take advantage of more efficient / user-friendly use of display width.
#KartikPrabhuok really confused about HTML tags now! This article manages to put a <div> (which includes marginalia/annotations) inside a <p> by making it a p>span>div but when I try to make p>div in my marginalia UI Firefox does not like it!
#glennjonesI am about to start a couple of days of updating microformats parsing test suite
#glennjonesIf you’re interested in getting something fixed or updated either have chat in microformats room irc://irc.freenode.net/microformats or post any issues with parsing test suite to https://github.com/microformats/tests and I will try address them as I work
#voxpelliKartikPrabhu: one would have to dive into the HTML5 parsing spec I guess to figure out if that's actually correct or not, but it shouldn't be unexpected to get unexpected results with invalid markup imho :P
j12t, almereyda, Sebastien-L, elf-pavlik_, KevinMarks, KevinMarks___, marjolein, snarfed, aral, aral_, KevinMarks__, wolftune, fkooman and elima joined the channel
#Loqislack/tantek: aaronpk any luck with Checkie and micropub?
eschnou joined the channel
#Loqislack/tantek: Annoying aspect of both Foursquare and Checkie iOS apps - if they can't get location info (for whatever reason), they spin cursor for a long time and then fail.
#Loqislack/tantek: Checking in should not require device-level geo/location info.
#aaronpki've noticed swarm seems to fall back to a local cache of nearby venues
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 11 hours, 30 minutes ago: of course you should *start* with a single-column layout for your website - that's responsive design 101, so it works well for narrow displays by default, and then progressively enhance wider displays/windows based on how well your specific content could take advantage of more efficient / user-friendly use of display width. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-17/line/1431927735770
#aaronpki'm not gonna make any progress on checkie or a web app until i can at least pesos my foursquare checkins
#aaronpkand i'm so stuck on making progress on my site right now
#Loqislack/tantek: Hmm - backfilling doesn't see like a hard dependency.
#aaronpkbackfilling isn't the blocker, just posting checkins at all
#Loqislack/tantek: Or is it because we still haven't figured out clear markup for a /checkin post as compared to say a note and/or photo with a location?
#aaronpkthat is part of it, but also my Great URL Refactoring of 2015™
#aaronpk(dropping the top-level post type from my URLs)
KevinMarks joined the channel
#Loqislack/tantek: Though that (markup question) is a bit plumbing-centric. As I discovered with my errant checkin cross-posts, a better question to answer first is what does a plain text checkin look like?
#Loqislack/tantek: Got it - I can see wanting to fix that tech debt rather than adding to it.
#aaronpkyes, that's the main reason. I don't want to add even more URLs i'm just going to have to rewrite later
#Loqislack/tantek: Has anyone here thought or posted about (or examples of?) plain text checkins?
#aaronpkmaybe that's how i should approach my checkin design, starting from scratch as plain text and working up from there
#aaronpkand I don't use third-person language in my posts, so it would be more like "I'm at ___"
#Loqislack/tantek: I like the idea of prototyping any new kind of post as a variant or specific grammar of a simple plain text /note (which everyone should support on their site anyway).
#aaronpkyeah i'm going to need a plaintext summary anyway as a fallback for readers
#Loqislack/tantek: Vendan are posting /notes on your personal site?
#Vendan"I'm at %s" though I would also like the ability to say "I'll be at %s till %s"
#KevinMarksI mentioned that my foursquare ical export got so big Google maps stopped working on it?
#Loqislack/tantek: aaronpk more and more I'm convinced that the way to start building a new post type is a combination of notification first / text first design.
#Loqislack/tantek: So when elf asks about issues and markup, the right pushback is, try posting an issue as a plain text note in your own site and report back what you learn from that.
#aaronpkinterestingly this applies not just to HTML markup, but also if you're making a JSON API like activitystreams
#Loqislack/tantek: Except people making APIs (JSON or other) rarely care about presentation, whether plain text or richer.
#aaronpkat some point they have to turn a JSON object into plain text, so they have to care whether they like it or not
#Loqislack/tantek: At least more people that are asking about HTML markup care at least somewhat about presentation and thus they can be reasoned with in terms of user-centric design.
elf-pavlik joined the channel
#Loqislack/tantek: Whereas API folks tend to prefer staying in abstract data model discussions.
#aaronpktext-first design makes a ton of sense actually, because ultimately we're talking about making things for people to talk to each other, and people talk in text
#Loqislack/tantek: (Which are of course pointless without being grounded in specific presentation use-cases)
#Loqislack/tantek: (Pointless data model discussions)
#aaronpkgiven a method of plain text, people can be awfully creative with it, making all sorts of crazy "post types" by using... English!
#Loqislack/tantek: Text first design also has the advantage of providing a default speech/listening design
#Loqislack/tantek: Though as you said aaronpk "English" tends to create a linguistic bias and may be misleading from an i18n perspective. Might help to collect multilingual plain text examples.
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
#aaronpkadding machine-readable markup can help with i18n, since a computer could generate a sentence in other languages once it knows the post type
#GWGI need some code examples of someone taking markup and turning it into reply-contexts, comments, etc. I'm looking for ideas on how to fix my presentation code. Preferably PHP. Anyone?
#Loqislack/tantek: Right, that's a reasonably good working premise. We can also worry about i18n problems from text first design when we see / hear of one.
#GWGNot the actual MF2 parsing. I've separated that out.
#GWGslack/tantek: What I am trying to do as well. I've separated retrieving the data from displaying it. But now I have to figure out how to separate display, because if I add post types, I need to be able to change the display more flexibly.
#Loqislack/tantek: GWG, I still don't understand what you're doing. Do you examples permalinked from the /reply-context page?
#GWGNo. But as I said, the issue is I treat a reply-context, a like, and a bookmark exactly the same, despite the fact they are 3 different things.
#sparveriusquick question about login flows for you guys: does this sound bad?
#sparveriuscomplimentary to login/password is "log in with email", which sends a link to your email and when you click it, it logs you in on the session that instigated the process
#sparveriusprobably need a "clicked by accident button"
#aaronpki should probably change that to emailing you a code instead of persona soon...
#KevinMarks_slack has a flow rather like that sparverius
tantek__ joined the channel
#tantek__GWG, re: "not differentiating [on presentation]" - I suppose then I'm quite curious why you would implement something that has a different meaning but looks the same ("not differentiating").
#tantek__kylewm, that's sort of a half silo quit - since Klabnik is still POSSEING (or maybe PESETASING?) from /Buffer to /Twitter
#tantek__sparverius I think the one-time email login link is interesting and may work for those users who are always logged into their email client.
#KevinMarks_the slack login by email is meant as an affordance on mobile where getting an email and clicking a link is likely easier than typing in some long password
#tantekGWG, look at how much time I spend designing / documenting /like#Brainstorming differentiated design (and details, e.g. collapsing in-stream on homepage) before implementing it on my site. Whereas as you admitted, to you, you spent (nearly?) zero time thinking/worrying about differentiated design/presentation of like posts before implementing them on your site.
#tantekneither approach is wrong, just different priorities for each of our personal sites
#tantekhaving at least "good enough" differentiated design I see as *essential* (hence minimum viable) for any new post types that I show on my site
#GWGtantek: I thought about it. I just postponed it.
#GWGI didn't implement check-ins or events for design reasons.
#tantekno you didn't postpone it - you *shipped* support for like posts while cutting differentiated presentation!
#LoqiA feed file is a feed represented as a side file (a separate file, as opposed to as part of an existing HTML page, e.g https://indiewebcamp.com/feed_file
#shiflettYeah, I mean something my homemade feed reader will be able to read.
#aaronpki dropped my atom feed because some people were complaining that images and things weren't looking right in it, and I didn't want to hassle with that when my HTML looked just fine
#shiflettI made it way back when del.icio.us was cool, and I can just bookmark a URL and tag it "blogs", and my reader will incorporate it into that page automatically.
#shiflettaaronpk or Vendan: Would one of you be so kind as to offer some feedback on my first attempt at adding h-entry and h-feed stuff here: http://shiflett.org/planet
#Vendanalt="" should mean empty or no implied name
#ramseyshiflett: yep. Already done that. :-) I've left my rel="me" as links in the head, though (hidden), since I don't want to put all those links on my index page (they're all on my about me page).
#shiflettramsey: Yeah, I'm using link tags for those, too, even though tantek told me it's not preferred. I didn't already have visible links that were good candidates.
#KevinMarks_that would be true if the p-name was on the img
#Vendanthen there needs to be a distinction written about that in the parsing spec
#ramseyshiflett: according to the wiki, there has been discussion about some contextual way to link your index to your about to note that it's your real "me" page, but I don't think there's been any updates on that thinking in a while
#KevinMarks_but the implied name of the h-Card is the whole h4 tag
#Vendanbut the img tag matches .h-x>img:only-child[alt]:not[.h-*]
#Vendanwhich means the h-cards implied name is the img alt
#KevinMarks_not sure how you're getting that, but the way he php and python ones behave seems like expected behaviour to me
#shiflettShould I add p-name to that image? FYI, it's their favicon (if they have one), so meant to be a representative image of the blog, not the person.
#Vendaninside gomf there's some stuff for a command line parser, it pulls from a url you pass it on the command line. gomfweb is a web app, runs on port 4001? i think