2015-05-22 UTC
# 00:00 gRegorLove Is the "open external" icon at the bottom supposed to open a Woodwind view of the single post? I though tit would open the original in a new tab.
# 00:01 aaronpk KevinMarks: lol nice link to "Medium's brilliant engineers" ;)
# 00:03 kylewm gRegorLove: yeah clicking the little "pop-out" icon is supposed to open just that post in a new tab. it was intended for podcasts mainly
snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 00:20 kylewm KartikPrabhu++ just caught up to the "Oh boy, Ten years?" comment. B.S. indeed!
LCyrin joined the channel
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# 00:35 kylewm Vendan: Creole is basically mediawiki syntax?
snarfed1 and __number5__ joined the channel
# 00:36 kylewm but basically all the markups are fine and you should use whichever one you are used to
gillisig joined the channel
# 00:40 Vendan it's not too far different from markdown. Big difference is that it supports wiki-links natively
# 00:41 Vendan having to put a whole url into a link is kinda messed up for a wiki
# 00:43 Vendan but that's not that big a deal. I just can't stand yaml.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 01:01 sparverius pretty much all markup (even xml) is fine as long as you dont use the advanced features... to me at least
# 01:22 Vendan one reason I like golang is that it has a hard style guide, and it says tabs
scoates joined the channel
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# 02:13 KevinMarks Yaml started out as a decent idea, then it kept adding things
# 02:16 Vendan Kinda want to build my own version of yaml, that's just a simple version of json without all the extra punctuation
acegiak joined the channel
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# 02:50 Vendan toml has an advantage in that it looks really similar to ini
wrk3 joined the channel
# 03:07 mattl __number5__: I'm a big Short Circuit 2 fan
# 03:09 mattl I'm making a monkey movie right now as my tribute to SC2
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craftycorvid, callovarne and tantek joined the channel
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snarfed joined the channel
# 04:10 tantek GWG, I know two people at NYTimes apparently and will look into whether they can help with hosting things.
# 04:10 tantek keep pursuing all alternatives, but I wanted to give you that heads up
# 04:25 GWG I was down lower as an organizer.
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 04:43 tantek GWG, but you're the most local - so feel free to put yourself at the top of the organizers for NYC
# 04:45 GWG I meant, lower on the page under Organizers
tilgovi, KevinMarks, craftycorvid and chalettu joined the channel
# 05:19 tantek kylewm: is that DH-params thing something that should be added to the steps to take in /HTTPS ?
frzn and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 05:40 kylewm tantek: I have no clue unfortunately, keeping up seems futile
# 05:40 tantek also I wonder how the efficacy / validity of the information at such one-off domains can be verified
# 05:40 kylewm __number5__: that's great, what is your personal site's url?
eschnou, loic_m, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and snarfed joined the channel
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# 06:02 tantek __number5__: right, kylewm shared that link earlier.
# 06:02 tantek the question is, how the efficacy / validity of the information at such one-off domains can be verified? who checks it? or is it taken on faith that all the magic hex codes in there are correct?
frzn, nloadholtes, cweiske and craftycorvid joined the channel
# 06:47 craftycorvid Any indieauth experts online?
sanduhrs joined the channel
loic_m, KevinMarks_ and acegiak joined the channel
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# 07:16 cweiske it's probably because I'm missing the rel=self link header
# 07:20 craftycorvid I think I found my answer... Looks like indieauth.com doesn't do paths, or follow redirects
nloadholtes, jacus and glennjones joined the channel
# 07:31 craftycorvid Huh...is that to say 302s won't do?
# 07:32 craftycorvid Makes sense
eschnou and wolftune joined the channel
# 07:35 craftycorvid 301 now issued, but no luck. What's the trick with paths?
# 07:44 craftycorvid Helps to make the page public. X.x Appreciate the help...looks like I need sleep!
tvn, j12t, rubberdu_, jacus, friedcell, squeakytoy, evalica, KartikPrabhu, benborges and stream7 joined the channel
j12t and endi joined the channel
# 09:53 benborges would be great to have the EVENT post type to generate a ICS output
petermolnar joined the channel
# 09:57 petermolnar I wonder if we could do that with invisible android emulators running behind a service running actual the instagram app and some kind of glue app to post from anywhere else
# 09:58 benborges isn't that already OwnYourGram site ?
# 10:00 endi ownyourgram is reverse of what he's talking about, pulls from instagram
# 10:01 benborges ow ok got it wrong
# 10:01 endi which is what brid.gy does as well; pulls interactions back to the originating post
friedcell joined the channel
# 10:12 endi maybe it's because I'm at a subdomain
# 10:13 endi I'm starting out w/ a self hosted Known site
# 10:13 petermolnar there is a pretty robust plugin for WordPress called Keyring Social Importers
tvn joined the channel
# 10:14 endi It's running on an RPi on my shelf :p
# 10:14 endi It's been a fun project; I'm new so I'm learning a ton
# 10:15 petermolnar I once managed to get Mysql (Percona) + PHP + nginx on my previous phone, but that really was too slow for WordPress :)
# 10:15 benborges endi, funny i'm doing the same today, using labriqueinter.net hardware
# 10:16 benborges Yunohost stack & i will play with custom Yunohost apps to bundle a Known one
# 10:17 benborges "self-hosted in a box" labriqueinter.net comes with email, jabber, vpn, etc...it's simply amazing
# 10:17 endi Everything I did was simple since I was just starting; I'd setup Apache a few times but first time with a full LAMP stack, first time w/ a DB, first time configuring HTTPS
interactivist joined the channel
# 10:18 petermolnar benborges a ages ago i started with virtualmin which was a pretty impressive bunch of perl scripts setting up everything for you for shared hosting
# 10:18 petermolnar eventually you want more and more control and understanding and will slowly, gradually start building things from (near) scratch
# 10:19 endi As I set stuff up I am trying to learn more and get better connected
# 10:19 endi I haven't used IRC in ages but I thought I'd start to lurk around see what I can learn
# 10:20 endi petermolnar: umm just familiarity I suppose? I've had 2-3 sites on Apache, I had done a few virtual servers on a machine etc so I felt it best to start with something familiar
# 10:21 petermolnar please, pretty please, take a look at nginx + php-fpm; you'll never look back :)
# 10:21 benborges well Younohost is soo well done and simple (most of automatization is bash scripting) iv seen a non techy geek friend, start from nothing to having part of his needs self hosted in one day
# 10:21 endi nginx lighter on resources / better performance I would imagine?
# 10:22 endi friends I've had working with nginx have had such issues I figured it was better but more difficult to get running
# 10:23 benborges at first, coming from apache, it might look like, but it's just a matter of getting used to it
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# 10:24 endi Well I've been meaning to move this to an RPi 2, I'm sure it could benefit from the extra resources then maybe I'll repurpose the current Pi for learning nginx :)
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# 10:24 endi I've amassed more than a handful now I need to build them a server cabinet
evalica joined the channel
# 10:27 endi awesome a curated nginx repo :D good first bookmark in nginx/
LanceyWork and j12t joined the channel
# 11:26 cweiske petermolnar, why don't you link the bookmarks in the list page?
# 11:26 cweiske I always have to go to the detail page to be able to click on the bookmark url
# 11:26 petermolnar I'm not entirely sure; I'll take a look at the search page template, I guess the markdown formatting is not applied for some unknown reasons
# 11:36 endi Good post. I personally really like Google+ but I hate that they've been so closed.
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# 12:43 petermolnar Loqi is our own little twitter crawler, so whoever dares to mention indieweb, they'll probably get caught in Loqi's web
friedcell joined the channel
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# 13:21 Vendan personally, I like lighttpd, but it's about on par with nginix
# 13:21 petermolnar I tried light, back in the days when it had some terrible memory leaks
# 13:24 Vendan I'm not really doing any kind of load on my server, but I can pump 10000 requests through it without affecting memory usage, so probably
LauraJ joined the channel
# 13:29 Vendan biggest issue is just don't send large files over fcgi
j12t, nloadholtes, LauraJ, tvn and glennjones joined the channel
# 14:16 GWG I still haven't gotten to breakfast actually.
j12t, chalettu, fourtonfish and shiflett joined the channel
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# 15:00 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
craftycorvid and mlncn joined the channel
# 15:14 acegiak so I keep having this issue where I want to reply to one of kylewm's replies to my post but I'm not sure what's the best way to do that
# 15:15 acegiak cause i want to do my reply as a reply post not as just as a comment on my system
# 15:16 acegiak but then I want it to show up in the comments post in my original post...
# 15:16 acegiak kylewm: yeah, there was a power outage on my server last night
# 15:18 acegiak !tell GWG the post context is not part of the post content?
# 15:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:29 Loqi slack/snarfed: acegiak: in-reply-to both kyle's reply and your original post?
craftycorvid joined the channel
# 15:29 Loqi slack/snarfed: that's what bridgy does
# 15:31 acegiak it doesn't exactly make it easy to piece together the comment tree at my end but I think that's a bridge for crossing later
# 15:32 acegiak just displaying a list of all the comments as a thread works for now
# 15:40 Loqi slack/snarfed: yup. nested comments... meh
callovarne, craftycorvid and sammachin joined the channel
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KevinMarks, craftycorvid, gRegorLove, callovarne, tilgovi and LauraJ joined the channel
# 16:55 petermolnar !tell kevinmarks the internet lack the "explore", "discover", "recommended" & similar tabs on it's own; how could those be replaced, those, present in silos?
# 16:55 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:59 oddvar well the point is you could use an open, decentralised protocol to share this data
# 16:59 oddvar rather than let it live in a single silo
# 16:59 oddvar I work on matrix.org so am biased, but you could use anything that's similar
# 17:00 petermolnar oddvar I've been asking this question for a long time now, and as far as I'm aware, there is no tool for this - yet.
# 17:01 benborges there should be a way to interconnect indieweb instances and then have a internal self hosted way to explore/discover/recommend content
# 17:01 oddvar peter: but that's just functionality. the point here (in my humble opinion) is where the data belongs
# 17:02 oddvar then anyone could build that functionality on top (like ben says)
# 17:02 petermolnar oddvar there is no such thing as just functionality; functionality is everything for the end user
# 17:02 benborges data should belong where it's created: in our self hosted instances
# 17:02 oddvar and medium.com could be that client with that functionality
# 17:02 oddvar but the data is still open and free
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# 17:39 GWG acegiak: Right now, it isn't. But looking at it, that is only really an issue for replies.
tilgovi joined the channel
mlncn, snarfed, wolftune, LCyrin, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks, eschnou and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 18:25 kylewm !tell cweiske you were right, it's because there is no link rel="self"
# 18:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KevinMarks__, KevinMarks, afrogeek, dariusdunlap, craftycorvid, torrorist, frzn, hmans, loic_m, wont_on, wilfredh and eschnou joined the channel
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# 20:02 KevinMarks_ I should change that back, I was seeing if gifs came through the google resize
# 20:05 kylewm benborges: syndicating a photo from Known to Twitter *does* include the photo
# 20:08 benborges well then i have a problem with twitter on my known instance
# 20:09 benborges neither twitter links "display" on my instance
# 20:09 benborges neither pictures get uploaded to twitter
# 20:09 benborges let me retest this out, this is too good
# 20:11 benborges kylewm, well can't upload image in the first place : Image wasn't attached.
# 20:11 benborges and when this photo upload crash, it also interrupt the POSSE to twitter while creating the post
# 20:12 benborges so i can't really test but very happy that it's not a wish anymore :)
# 20:24 kylewm benborges: if you have access to the error log that would be very helpful in debugging the issue
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# 20:26 benborges of course i can have access
# 20:26 benborges kylewm, is there a place i should look or is this error on the system logs ?
# 20:32 benborges it's nginx, i know where to look then
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# 20:36 benborges seems to be a permission problem ?
# 20:37 benborges but it's strange because previously i never had problem uploading pictures
# 20:37 benborges previous posts have pictures
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# 20:40 benborges going to put this error log in the github issue thread
# 20:40 kylewm hmm, maybe the path to your Uploads folder changed in config.ini?
# 20:41 benborges hmm lemme have a look where it's poiting
# 20:44 benborges kylewm, it seems to me that Known can't write to one of the subfolders it uses to structure the uploads ?
# 20:45 benborges these folder names are created by known : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
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# 20:46 benborges this is the sub folders i have, how can i make sure all these folders are owned by www-data and that it can write into it ?
# 20:46 benborges ls -l tell me they are already owned by www-data
# 20:47 benborges but they dont have the same permission from what i can see
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# 20:49 kylewm and what is the permission on the subfolders?
# 20:50 benborges yes group is www-data
# 20:50 benborges sub folders permission where wrong for some reason
# 20:52 Loqi Got it! There are now 41 spammers blacklisted
# 20:52 benborges just gave chmod -R 666 to the Upload folder
# 20:52 benborges perms are now like this : drw-rwSrw- 6 www-data www-data
# 20:53 tantek !tell kylewm,cweiske re: rel=self required by Woodwind - I recall a conversation with aaronpk where we concluded that if there is no rel=self, that implied rel=self to the page itself was a good way of handling that, to make the common case even easier for publishers.
# 20:53 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:53 aaronpk oh yeah I remember that... we never captured that on the wiki or anything
# 20:53 benborges kylewm, Image wasn't attached.
# 20:54 tantek aaronpk - do you remember when we discussed it in IRC?
# 20:54 tantek and, upon latter reflection, do you still think it's a good idea?
# 20:56 kylewm benborges: too bad, thank you for providing all the log info and stuff, hopefully Known people will be able to help on that github issue
# 20:56 Loqi kylewm: tantek left you a message 3 minutes ago: re: rel=self required by Woodwind - I recall a conversation with aaronpk where we concluded that if there is no rel=self, that implied rel=self to the page itself was a good way of handling that, to make the common case even easier for publishers. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-22/line/1432328006141
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# 21:04 tantek Vendan - "LiteSpeed Open Source Edition / OpenLiteSpeed is a high-performance, open source alternative to Apache that retains many Apache-compatible features." from http://www.litespeedtech.com/
# 21:05 Vendan and yet, you don't get most of what they tout unless you pay
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# 21:16 Vendan it's a "application server" that is absolutely insane
# 21:17 Vendan "beats" everything else in horribly inaccurate benchmarks, and the main author is paranoid to the point of thinking other web server authors are out to get him
# 21:17 benborges why litespeed if we have nginx-phpfpm ?
# 21:18 tantek e.g. my webhost switched me from apache to litespeed (only a couple of things broke)
# 21:18 tantek and I have htaccess files with mod_rewrite etc.
# 21:19 aaronpk just moved a site from apache to nginx and had to rewrite all the rewrite rules and move them out of the htaccess file into nginx config... was not fun
# 21:20 kylewm I find the nginx equivalent of rewrites to be much more intuitive though, if you are starting from scratch
# 21:21 Vendan I like lighttpd's better then apache's myself, seems like it has more power, and so much of it is just regexs
# 21:22 Vendan but I end up doing almost everything just in golang, so it doesn't really make a difference
# 21:22 tantek !tell petermolnar what are the "explore", "discover", "recommended" & similar tabs that you're referring to? Is this on Medium? Could you make/upload a screenshot to /Medium if so?
# 21:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:26 tantek !tell petermolnar The general idea is, if you have silo-feature-envy: 1. take explanatory screenshots of the feature, 2. upload to the wiki, 3. document it in a /silo_name#Features section - that way we have something concrete (in time and URL space) to refer to to start mocking up indieweb versions.
# 21:26 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:29 kylewm so about rel=self, a site that publishes with PuSH MUST include rel=self links, but if they don't, Woodwind as a subscriber could still fall back to just whatever the current URL is right?
# 21:30 gRegorLove I'm actually a bit impressed with GoDaddy control panel improvements. It looks more modern and isn't as confusing.
# 21:33 tantek kylewm: I understand the current MUST include rel=self link requirement, I'm suggesting relaxing that to a SHOULD to make the common "same page" case even less work for publishers.
# 21:34 kylewm tantek: I re-read the irc logs that aaronpk linked to and was convinced (again) that MUST for rel=self is a good idea
# 21:34 aaronpk kylewm: i think the hub has to agree on the missing rel=self too
# 21:34 tantek why kylewm? can you provide a counter-argument to my point simpler for publishers? (which is one of the stated design goals for PuSH)
# 21:35 aaronpk regardless of the outcome, it sounds like it would bea good idea to document this as an FAQ
# 21:36 kylewm tantek: yes, "<julien51> the reason for specifying the self is because we will only get pings for a specific url from the publishers" ... even if the same resource is served at http, https, /, and /index.html, only one of those URls actually works as the push topic
# 21:37 kylewm it's a good sanity check that makes sure the hub and subscriber are talking about the exact same URL
# 21:37 kylewm and not that much more work, since you already have to add a Link header or <link> element, adding another one isn't 100% more work :P
# 21:37 tantek kylewm: I didn't find that anywhere in the logs that aaronpk linked
# 21:38 tantek kylewm: no that argument doesn't hold water - OpenID thought the same thing (what's the big deal about requiring two <link> tags? and people got it wrong. it was fragile and dumb)
# 21:38 tantek or rather, expereince has shown that requiring another Link header causes fragility and brokenness
# 21:38 aaronpk oh man i didn't even think about the parallels to openid
# 21:38 tantek and frankly it's just bad design to require two things of the publisher when one will do
# 21:39 tantek "what's one more @profile @context … etc. attribute they can just copy/paste?"
# 21:40 tantek however, this "even if the same resource is served at http, https, /, and /index.html, only one of those URls actually works as the push topic" - is an already solved problem
# 21:40 tantek thus if that really *is* a problem for PuSH as well, the PuSH should build upon the pre-existing rel=canonical for the page, rather than *require* rel=self
# 21:41 tantek yes, re-use existing (especially deployed!) just-as-simple building blocks instead of making up your own
# 21:42 aaronpk i wonder if that was ever brought up in the development of pubsubhubbub
# 21:42 tantek the bar for making up your own has to be reasonably high, that is, provides some obv benefit like less work for the publisher (fewer tags/classes/attributes), or more reliable (e.g. visible data instead of invisible metadata), more open (based on an open standard instead of a proprietary snowflake)
# 21:43 tantek yeah, Atom, being XML, has the classic XML maldesign of requiring too much crap and artificial precision from the publisehr
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# 21:47 aaronpk i somehow missed that @ev explicitly mentioned trackbacks in that post
# 21:47 kylewm so but for back-compat with PuSH 0.3 and XML feeds, does that mean it has to be rel=self?
# 21:49 tantek the point is, make rel=self a SHOULD (not a MUST), then in its absence, consuming code MUST fallback to rel=canonical, and absent that, MUST fallback to the URL itself that they retrieved to discover the hub in the first place
# 21:50 tantek (since you know what existing technology is going to be suggested for that ;) )
# 21:51 aaronpk tantek: maybe file an issue on the 0.4 spec to suggest that?
# 21:52 tantek aaronpk - happy to do so - figured I'd see if there was at least a consensus here
# 21:52 aaronpk i think that makes sense. rel=self -> rel=canonical -> URL
# 21:52 tantek that is, if I can't reasonably convince you and kylewm then it's probably not worth trying to push for a spec change
# 21:53 tantek KartikPrabhu: I expect to see you mockup a UI for highlights of your posts that accept marginalia comments :)
# 21:55 tantek (we did chat about that before right, like months ago?)
# 21:56 KartikPrabhu and highlights are trickier because they are phrase-level by necessity which fragmention.js does not yet handle
# 21:57 aaronpk it's not necessarily "likes" but i think basically the same mechanism
# 21:57 tantek if so, one line facepile (of mini-faces, like 1em tall, sparkline style) by default with a "…" ellipsis link that wen clicked expands and shows the rest of the facepile, just like a marginalia comment would
# 21:57 Loqi tantek meant to say: if so, one line facepile (of mini-faces, like 1em tall, sparkline style) by default with a "…" ellipsis link that when clicked expands and shows the rest of the facepile, just like a marginalia comment would
# 21:57 KevinMarks_ fragmention.js would need to inject markup into the page for the highlight
# 21:58 aaronpk ah yeah showing facepiles on paragraphs is different story
# 21:58 KartikPrabhu actually marginalia.js should do that since it moves around markup anyway
# 21:58 KartikPrabhu tantek yes your presentation idea is the one I have settled on so far
# 21:58 tantek KartikPrabhu: like this: ⤠👩👦👱👧👵…
# 21:59 KartikPrabhu hey everybody want to sent me fragmentioned likes so I can mockup fragmentioned likes :D
# 21:59 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: hey everybody want to send me fragmentioned likes so I can mockup fragmentioned likes :D
# 22:00 KevinMarks_ Ev: "you can incorporate anything from outside as well as anything else can incorporate anything from outside. i.e., links (and embeds). open to more suggestions on how"
# 22:01 tantek KartikPrabhu: and for reposts: ♺ 👨👸👲👴👳…
# 22:02 tantek KartikPrabhu: scratch that - a repost of a paragraph is an unnecessary new concept - that's called a /quote normally
# 22:03 tantek so a facepile for quotes of a paragraph could look like: “” 👨👸👲👴👳…
# 22:05 tantek always take a photo! it's ok if there's only 2-3 of you.
# 22:06 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: I am confused about how to create a good fragment for the comments. I don't want to use random letters and numbers like Medium
# 22:06 tantek KartikPrabhu: the ⤠and “” "labels" in the above mockups can also be clickable 'webaction buttons to like / quote that paragraph as well!
# 22:07 tantek KartikPrabhu: use "cISODateTimeInSeconds" until you receive two comments in the same second.
# 22:08 tantek where ISODateTimeInSeconds just comes from the time received of the webmention that you've stored
# 22:08 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_ yeas because fragmention does not set any sort of focus on the element
# 22:08 tantek so you're not having to makeup yet-another-random-id-in-a-databse
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# 23:00 KevinMarks_ I'm trying a thing here - what if a fragmention got changed into a blockquote by auto_link?
# 23:14 tantek are you saying turn the *text* in a fragmention into a blockquote? algorithmically - no actual retrieval of the URL?
# 23:15 tantek e.g. all the comment in-reply-to fragmentions already out there
# 23:15 tantek or were you thinking they *could* be inline quotes inside a reply-context of the in-reply-to?
# 23:16 KevinMarks_ I'm thinking how could we do something like twitter's inlining of a tweet without having to fetch it
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# 23:19 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters did suggest using fragmentions on the server-side for reply-contextx
# 23:20 tantek KartikPrabhu: reply-context is for users, not servers
# 23:21 KartikPrabhu no. i mean, if I put a fragmention in an "in-reply-to" or "like-of" my site will go retrieve that part of the original post to display in reply-context
# 23:23 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_ : if I do someday allow logging in to my site, I could add micropub posting to the fragmention-UI stuff
craftycorvid, lukebrooker, mdik, ramsey and callovarne joined the channel
# 23:41 KevinMarks_ if I have <a><blockquote> how do I get rid of the text decoration in css? if I target the blockquote it still has it from the a
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# 23:51 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_ sounds like CSS specificity is getting you. both suggestions by ben_thatmustbeme and gRegorLove should work
# 23:55 KartikPrabhu the trouble seems to be that in your CSS a does not have a text-decoration, the browser is default styling it
# 23:57 KartikPrabhu yeah if you do put a text-decoration: underline on the a and then override it, it works
# 23:59 tantek can't depend on <blockquote> inside <a> because of legacy HTML embedding nonsense (same as div inside p problem)