tantekKevinMarks_: the sad thing about the Twitter display of the tweet you mentioned, is that it removes the information about WHERE you mentioned the tweet permalink in your tweet
KartikPrabhubut I am using my form on my site and it says "source does not link to target" which is.... oh!! of course my form only looks for the post URL not a fragmention... stupid me!
LoqiA bookmark (or linkblog) is a post that is primarily comprised of a URL, often title text from that URL, sometimes optional text describing, tagging, or quoting from its contents https://indiewebcamp.com/bookmark
kylewmI've been thinking I should probably re-do mf2util as more generic utilities rather than being aware of specific properties, more like barnaby's utils package
LoqiA comment is a kind of post that is in reply to some other post, that makes little or no sense without reading or at least knowing the context of the source post https://indiewebcamp.com/reply
KartikPrabhuthat is also something I should do. If an article is used to reply to a fragmention then marginalia should deal with it nicely instead of showing the whole post in margins :P
KartikPrabhutantek: I do know that when you highlight you can select as much/as little as you want. But If 2 people highlight the same thing but differ by one letter in the end (maybe selection error) does Medium take them as the same phrase highlighted by 2 people?
KartikPrabhuhere is what I am thinking. each marginalia group gets an id and the "activation button" simply links to it. The using the CSS :target selector one can show/hide the marginalia group
KartikPrabhuThis much is easy to do. But if the fragment actually links to a particular marginalia comment, I still want to make the group visible with scroll to the linked one
KartikPrabhuboo! this is hard. I guess I'll write-up a bunch of thoughts on the "if it worked like magic scenario" and hopefully clever people with chime-in
tantek!tell snarfed your checkin https://snarfed.org/2014-11-13_11514 has an error in its attempt to use class="u-featured" as the same element has class="shadow". Multiple class attributes disallowed in HTML. Class names must be combined: class="u-featured shadow"
ben_thatmustbemehmm looking at the php-mf2 parser it claims errors because the labal includes line breaks (and doesn't remove extra spaces). are those requirements of microformats parsing?
ben_thatmustbemeokay now that i have a free hand again.. its expecting "3 Charlotte Road, City of London, EC2A 3PE, UK", but the parser returns "3 Charlotte Road, \n City of London, \n EC2A 3PE, \n UK"
glennjonesben_thatmustbeme: All the parsers are doing well against the common stuff, it just the edge case that are been flaged, and some errors in the tests
tantek.comedited /checkin (+1626) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add Ryan Barrett, with analysis of different kinds of checkins (with photo(s), person(s))" (view diff)
Vendanwith the current specs, it could be done using class="value" for all the parts, and <data class="value" value=", "> </data> for the comma portions
brucewang.netedited /IRC_People (+61) "/* Nicknames */ added __number5__ (sorry didn't want to take top slot but someone else registered number5 on freenode)" (view diff)
Loqipetermolnar: tantek left you a message on 5/22 at 2:22pm: what are the "explore", "discover", "recommended" & similar tabs that you're referring to? Is this on Medium? Could you make/upload a screenshot to /Medium if so? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-22/line/1432329759893
Loqipetermolnar: tantek left you a message on 5/22 at 2:26pm: The general idea is, if you have silo-feature-envy: 1. take explanatory screenshots of the feature, 2. upload to the wiki, 3. document it in a /silo_name#Features section - that way we have something concrete (in time and URL space) to refer to to start mocking up indieweb versions. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-22/line/1432330011135
dns53, Guerillero|BNC and snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks__, craftycorvid, nloadholtes, KevinMarks, KevinMarks___, Guest83752, glennjones, KartikPrabhu, mlncn, tilgovi and interactivist joined the channel
LoqiHTTPS is an abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a protocol for secure communication, supported by web servers (like Apache & nginx) and browsers https://indiewebcamp.com/HTTPS
KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, callovarne, emmak, mlncn, KartikPrabhu, craftycorvid, cmhobbs, tilgovi, aaronpk and aaronpk_ joined the channel