#ben_thatmustbemeyes, but its turning out to be very very frustrating. the plugin for the android intents hasn't been updated in some time / has tons and tons of forks
#tantekKevinMarks: and liquid diet is more common that either - so I used that instead
#KevinMarks__Ben, have you worked out how to pass text and url through an intent?
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: I thought you were referring to the "airplane" icon Share toolbar button in Firefox.
#ben_thatmustbemeKevinMarks__: I have sample on how to fire an intent, and I can set my app to be triggerable by them, but I cannot figure out actually getting the text in
#ben_thatmustbemetantek: I leave that up to others really. I'm more interested in getting MobilePub up to something nicer than what it is.
callovarne, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks__, nloadholtes, glennjones, endi and squeakytoy joined the channel
#LoqiKevinMarks meant to say: (part of my fork is avoiding the 'lets split feedparser into lots of files because fashion' - the other part is restoring features )
#Loqislack/snarfed: copying dependencies per project instead of system wide is basically the whole idea behind docker, virtualenv, containerization, etc
#KevinMarksright, but I'm not wholly convinced that is actually clearer
#Loqislack/snarfed: you can do that same thing for unmung with pip + virtualenv, right?
j12t, raretrack, tmro and tilgovi joined the channel
#rhiaroaloha indiewebcamp. Did a date for IWC Brighton get confirmed? I felt like it was going to coincide with the Portland on 11/12 July, but I also felt like it was in June, so now I'm confused. Can't find anything on the wiki..
#rhiaro!tell tantek: I haven't found it useful to differentiate between drinks and food, I normalise everything to food. I can see it might be useful for someone who specifically wants to track alcohol or caffeine consumption, but I don't. I refer to it (in my head) as 'consume' too, because I plan to record other things I consume
#tantekI love it when deployed code works the first time.
#Loqitantek: rhiaro left you a message 3 hours, 50 minutes ago: I haven't found it useful to differentiate between drinks and food, I normalise everything to food. I can see it might be useful for someone who specifically wants to track alcohol or caffeine consumption, but I don't. I refer to it (in my head) as 'consume' too, because I plan to record other things I consume http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-25/line/1432578651880
#tantekmy /RSVP posts in-reply-to to a FB event now automatically (using @Falcon) use Bridgy Publish to POSSE the RSVP to FB right after my code POSSEs it to Twitter. Touched 3 different files to make this work.
#tantek(I was previously manually using the Bridgy web UI to POSSE RSVPs to FB events)
#tantek!tell rhiaro the term "consume" makes sense, except, especially in the online context, it tends to include non-physical things too - which seems quite outside the bounds/meaning of food&drink. Would "ingest" work for you if you're looking for a more generic term than "food"? (but still implying physical consumption rather than virtual consumption like reading / listening ? )
#tantek!tell kylewm thanks much! gave me an excuse to add more code/support to /Falcon too :) Also could you make me a co-host of the FB event? Thanks!