#indiewebcamp 2015-05-27
2015-05-27 UTC
# Loqi [mention] Chris Aldrich commented 'I've been doing something similar myself, particularly given the number of social media outlets to which one can publish. To solve part of ...' on a post that linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/ (http://stream.boffosocko.com/2015/ive-been-doing-something-similar-myself-particularly-given-the-number)
misuba_, lukebroo_, benwerd, misuba, snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
# @misuba Those few indieweb projects that don't fail on protecting users, fail on usability. No one's gonna install a TLS cert to use your shit. (twitter.com/_/status/603371611266285570)
snarfed joined the channel
# @icicle RT @misuba: Those few indieweb projects that don't fail on protecting users, fail on usability. No one's gonna install a TLS cert to use yo… (twitter.com/_/status/603371809698787328)
snarfed joined the channel
# misuba I admit I’m looking, again, for something to install.
# misuba Not to spend my off hours hacking on for weeks. Can’t do that anymore.
# KartikPrabhu I don't think any indieweb project *needs* you to install TLS certs
# misuba known is the closest I’ve found, but it’s not distributed
# misuba Can I subscribe, on my known installation, to someone on another?
# KartikPrabhu misuba: you mean known doesn't have a built-in reader yet
# misuba KartikPrabhu: the Linked Data stuff requires TLS certs except in one implementation
# KartikPrabhu that ^
# misuba Linked data is not a part of the set of projects you would call “indie web”?
# misuba I’m looking for stuff that enables what I’m interested in doing. They seem to have a lot of it running, more than I see anywhere else
# KartikPrabhu misuba: projects are not "protocols" or "formats"
# KartikPrabhu what is project?
# Loqi These are projects you can use to get your site on the IndieWeb and improve your IndieWeb support https://indiewebcamp.com/project
# misuba Thanks, I’ve seen that page. I am, indeed, looking for things I can install.
# misuba That’d be cool, but I’m also building for multiuser. I’m not making my friends generate TLS certs. That’s a nonstarter. Hence my frustrated tweet.
# misuba I haven’t even seen any such criticism.
# @misuba Those few indieweb projects that don't fail on protecting users, fail on usability. No one's gonna install a TLS cert to use your shit. (twitter.com/_/status/603371611266285570)
# misuba I am frustrated with them, but it is certainly clear to me that they are a different bunch of folks.
mlncn joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu actually all the indieweb things that enable cross-site communication including IndieAuth, micropub, bridgy work without any TLS
# misuba Look, I know I’m not coming from the calmest place here, but… I really do not care about tribes. I am looking for something that works.
# misuba They work without TLS! Good! *sigh*
# misuba I’ve spent my free time for the last day trying to figure out how to extend their Twitter plugin to hack around Bridgy
# misuba Bridgy fails silently for me, all the time, every time
# KartikPrabhu kylewm: ^ maybe you can help misuba here
# misuba No, it doesn’t. There is a separate Bridgy plugin that will… allegedly… do something I’ve never seen.
# misuba Right now the Bridgy plugin, although installed, doesn’t appear in the config menu. I will fish around for error messages when I can, they aren’t on the page
# misuba
Unifex joined the channel
# kylewm also you can just use bridgy directly https://www.brid.gy/twitter/misuba
# misuba I have done that many times, yes
# misuba Maybe I just really, really don’t know how to use it, but I have enabled twitter+bridgy with the prev version of the plugin many times, used it manually many times… nothing
# misuba Like, I’ve just posted from my known install to twitter asking people to reply. What can I expect?
# misuba …okay. So, it sounds as if bridgy can’t do anything for me unless my known site is my main site and thus linked on my profile?
# KartikPrabhu that is the only way bridgy can know what your site is
# misuba there’s no way to have my main site note where bridgy should look, in a header or link tag?
# kylewm misuba: you can add the theha.us link as text in your profile instead of as your "main site"... e.g. I just added indiewebcamp.com to https://twitter.com/kylewmahan
# kylewm and now bridgy includes it https://www.brid.gy/twitter/kylewmahan#
# misuba that’s what i thought, yeah. great news
# misuba yeah it isn’t the feed exactly
# KartikPrabhu kylewm: wait what! So I can add any site to my twitter profile and make my replies go to that site?
# KartikPrabhu weird
# kylewm KartikPrabhu: ha, it's not any different than before. you could have said your personal site was http://aol.com
# misuba so what can I expect to see in Known?
# misuba I’ve got a reply and bridgy’s found it (by my manually having it check) but known isn’t visibly aware
# kylewm just click on Twitter here https://www.brid.gy/
# KartikPrabhu and this is what it might look like: http://werd.io/2015/i-want-to-talk-to-people-who-want-to-build
# misuba reauthorized, still nothin
# misuba and now I have to go. Time will tell I guess.
# misuba thanks all for the help
# Loqi slack/snarfed: <https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/226>
# aaronpk this is successful on my dev copy of indieauth.com :) https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth.com/issues/53
# KartikPrabhu kylewm: regarding Bridgy not re-parsing new domains, it would be good if the Bridgy user page just had a button that said "look for new domains" or something
# kylewm that's a good idea. also we just need to suck it up and do https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/304
# KartikPrabhu right. But starting with an explicituser prompt might be easier than automating the whole thing
misuba joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu misuba: It turns out that bridgy does not support re-parsing older posts after you add a new domain to your Twitter. But new posts should be found and replies will be backfed. Correct me if wrong kylewm ...
# Loqi Vendan: tantek left you a message on 5/25 at 11:39pm: Flickr 4.0.1/iOS experiment complete. As you both suspected, there is no actual Instagram integration, but rather only *after* you've uploaded a photo to Flickr, then you can "share" it to IG, which just passes it to the Instagram app's upload UI. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-25/line/1432622346836
lukebrooker joined the channel
# misuba here’s a wrinkle: nowhere on the page I’ve linked bridgy to does the text ‘u-syndication’ appear. I use Known’s default templates.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# Loqi slack/snarfed: <https://www.brid.gy/about#link>
KevinMarks_, tilgovi, KevinMarks__, benwerd, yakker, lukebrooker, misuba, tantek, snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# misuba hello
# misuba hahahaha nothing was ever unclear to me about linked data!
# misuba apparently there’s been a tribal war in the recent past
# misuba yeah, i wasn’t bringing it up with any idea that it was “affiliated” or something
# misuba it does look pretty good from here though! but… usability.
# misuba the only evidence i know of has been in this channel.
# misuba i mean just in the time i’ve been logged in today.
# misuba look, i dunno, i just can’t really explain ppl’s reactions here when i brought them up any other way
# misuba people earlier seemed really concerned that, hey, those guys are not us, and i was just so far from even caring about that. i was already clear on it
# misuba to me, if it is trying to be distributed and do the things a social network does, it’s indieweb
# misuba the linked data projects seem pretty obviously aimed at that to me. not all of them explicitly, i suppose
# misuba my point is that that debate, what’s indieweb and what’s not, was not at all what’s important to me
# misuba i came here frustrated not being able to do something, and instead i got a faceful of corrections on what’s in what category. a pretty big context switch
# misuba ah - i can also see that that’s another convo that’s gonna go poorly. i’m breaking principle #3.
# misuba also i feel no particular need to replace my WP site
# misuba yeah, but today in particular has been frustrating due to my desire to keep my Known site on the side, as a possibly-multiuser utility
# misuba i kinda wish Known weren’t trying to be totalizing that way. ephemeral content and content for the ages demand different software IMO
# misuba yah
# misuba no problem, glad there is some talk. i didn’t post to known’s channel because i’m always reluctant to be the one who breaks the stony silence :)
# tantek if you do find yourself curious about WordPress and IndieWeb, this is a good starting point: https://indiewebcamp.com/Getting_Started_on_WordPress
# Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message 1 day ago: I noticed the Flickr 4.0.1 for iOS (native app) claims to now have "Share to Instagram" - that hints that it might be possible to POSSE to Flickr to POSSE to IG. Thought you might be interested. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-25/line/1432613474202
nloadholtes joined the channel
# misuba hello!
# misuba “totalizing” may be the wrong word - to me, I have WP for managing my “archive,” content that has value to contribute going forward
# misuba I am in the market for something to do the ephemeral communication. not (necessarily!) to throw it out the window in six minutes snapchat-style, but to be designed for conversation and daylogging.
# misuba obviously i can just not use the blogging stuff in known. (better, though, would be if it did Gplus-like tricks when I posted a link to WP.)
# misuba i’d love it if - and I’m not sure why I’ve been thinking about this - we could lose content types entirely, at least from the UI. detection over selection.
# misuba G+ is great at that stuff, for all its flaws.
# misuba posts make sense as a switch on status updates tho. typed more than 255 chars? here you go, here’s an opportunity to add a title and formatting.
# misuba “it looks like i’m on your screen, would you like me to sod off?”
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# misuba i wouldn’t use posts until there was an option for drafts.
# misuba you could implement drafts as just posting an item to a group that only has yourself in it. #hint
nloadholtes joined the channel
# misuba nope
# misuba sorry. i shouldn’t be snarky like that here
# KevinMarks__ I get a floating kevinmarks head in medium
# misuba that would be so, so awesome even if it were just for internal users
# KevinMarks__ Screenshot here
loic_m joined the channel
# misuba endi: the only reason I was talking about the Linked Data people earlier is they’re looking at Web Access Control, which looks like a good approach
# misuba yesssssss
# KevinMarks known has it's own friendly popup robot
# misuba My goal is to get enough Known science into my head that I can be of some help in turning under-the-hood stuff into… over-the-hood? That’s not right
# misuba over the river and through the hood
# KevinMarks I did a new fragmention experiment the other day:
# KevinMarks hm, I think I need a new fragmention plugin
# tantek.com edited /Webmention (+92) "/* Discovery in PHP */ only fall back to loading the HTML body if content-type is HTML or XHTML" (view diff)
scoates and lukebrooker joined the channel
# KevinMarks updated the chrome extension to make new style fragmentions: https://github.com/microformats/fragmentions
# KevinMarks I shoudl edit the etxt too
# KevinMarks sorry, which bit?
# KevinMarks the code in my auto_link parsers the fragment and makes a <blockquote>
# KevinMarks no, that's the point - fragmentions.js parses the text of the page
# KevinMarks if that's not clear I should definitely rewrite it
# KevinMarks the original post explains the idea more: http://www.kevinmarks.com/fragmentions.html
# KevinMarks yeah, I should edit that explanation
# KevinMarks Jonathan was using minimal examples with single words
# KevinMarks that's because it is in internal link on the page
dariusdunlap joined the channel
# KevinMarks right
# KevinMarks the example's aren't great
# KevinMarks also, I now prefer single # and %20 for better URL validity
# KevinMarks as in I just made shit up originally, and created 2 violations of the URL spec
# KevinMarks ## is actually invalid
# KevinMarks that second example is very confusing
dariusdunlap joined the channel
# KevinMarks as you should really % escape the unicode stars too
# KevinMarks I think I'll replace that with a link that actually works
# KevinMarks hm, the indiewebcamp wiki implementation doesn't support single # :(
dariusdunlap_ joined the channel
# KevinMarks blasted markdown
# KevinMarks I haven't been paying attention, what happened?
# KevinMarks (I'm on TWiG tomorrow, but haven't followed their changes)
# KevinMarks is this clearer?
# KevinMarks oh wow
# KevinMarks where was that announced?
cweiske joined the channel
interactivist joined the channel
# KevinMarks so instead there will be bootleg periscope streams from people in the audience seats?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# KevinMarks sounds like something to talk about with Jeff ;)
KevinMarks joined the channel
# KevinMarks oops, closed the wrong window
friedcell joined the channel
# endi her's a link to a video posted in #twitlive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfaUyDMJrlw
# @tmilos77 IndieWeb, Free Domain, nice HTML5 templates, octopress https://twitter.com/planetphp/status/603195149036953600 (twitter.com/_/status/603451900105760768)
pfefferle joined the channel
# KevinMarks hm, lots of the tests in https://github.com/microformats/tests have empty results
pfefferle_, csarven and glennjones joined the channel
interactivist, petermolnar, pfefferle and stream7 joined the channel
# endi KevinMarks: Ran into that error with Fragmention URL: "https://weakdh.org/#Millions%20of%20HTTPS,%20SSH,%20and%20VPN%20servers%20all%20use%20the%20same%20prime%20numbers%20for%20Diffie-Hellman%20key%20exchange.%20Practitioners%20believed%20this%20was%20safe%20as%20long%20as%20new%20key%20exchange%20messages%20were%20generated%20for%20every%20connection.%20However,%20the%20first%20step%20in%20the%20number%20field%20sieve%E
# KevinMarks may have been a bit long
friedcell joined the channel
nloadholtes and Sebastien-L joined the channel
# @TheWritingGeek Learn it. Repeat it. Live it. http://ow.ly/i/aWK1K #bookdesignhumor #selfpub #indieauth (twitter.com/_/status/603480820821708800)
# @Inkwater_Masha Learn it. Repeat it. Live it. http://ow.ly/i/aWK1K #bookdesignhumor #selfpub #indieauth (twitter.com/_/status/603480821102678016)
# @endi Bummed about #LogJam [testing: #fragmentions #indieweb] https://social.andrejstefanovski.com/2015/bummed-about-logjam-testing-fragmentions-indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/603482519984611328)
mlncn joined the channel
# endi KevinMarks: Is the goal for the chrome extension to eventually display the HTML embed code? atm I got the fragmention URL and copied it to your unmung to create the HTML. It would perhaps make sense for a new tab to open w/ the Fragmention URL in one box and the HTML embed code in a box below it? So it's actionable in fewer steps?
glennjones and joskar joined the channel
# KevinMarks oh, interesting
# KevinMarks making the chrome extension do that
# KevinMarks currently ti just changes the addressbar to the selected fragmention
# KevinMarks making it bale to post the bookmark by micropub would be interesting
# KevinMarks maybe that's too far
joskar, evalica, pfefferle, csarven, j12t, jb___, dariusdunlap_, joskar_, cstanhope1, danfowle1, friedcell, LanceyWork, benborges, Sebastien-L and tantek joined the channel
Dym_, mlncn, jb___, tvn, elf-pavlik, evalica, petermolnar, wolftune and shiflett joined the channel
# cweiske pfefferle, how did you edit https://github.com/pubsubhubbub/PubSubHubbub/wiki/Hubs ? I don't see an edit button
loic_m, scoates, j12t, elf-pavlik, pfefferle, mlncn, evalica, chalettu, jansauer, KartikPrabhu, interactivist, danlyke, danlyke_ and dariusdunlap joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu of interest: http://worrydream.com/TheWebOfAlexandria/2.html
tmro joined the channel
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tvn joined the channel
# kylewm related: I generated unique dhparams.pem for my server per https://weakdh.org/sysadmin.html, it was much easier than expected
j12t joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu kylewm: are you on a VPS?
gRegorLove joined the channel
# tantek !tell KartikPrabhu interesting article that webofalexandria2 thing, except mostly handwringing about the ephemerality/persistence ambiguity. ambiguity = flexibility = opportunity. actual answer: we're all going to end up auto-persistent-caching everything we personally read (sans ads), sync'd across our devices. like personal history++.
mlncn joined the channel
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# KevinMarks__ Not quite true - we have a huge example of content addressable archiving in bit torrent of video via pirate bay et al
# KevinMarks__ And akamai is a content addressable archive underneath
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "content addressable" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=content+addressable&summary=prompted+by+tantek+https%3A%2F%2Findiewebcamp.com%2Firc%2F2015-05-27%2Fline%2F1432744968164
# KevinMarks__ Also, having a URL for every version you edit is useful http://epeus.blogspot.com/2012/05/keep-all-versions.html
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu we all know that the real answer is DOI ;)
# Loqi KartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 29 minutes ago: interesting article that webofalexandria2 thing, except mostly handwringing about the ephemerality/persistence ambiguity. ambiguity = flexibility = opportunity. actual answer: we're all going to end up auto-persistent-caching everything we personally read (sans ads), sync'd across our devices. like personal history++. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-27/line/1432743927049
# KartikPrabhu nods :)
# Loqi DOI is an abbreviation for Digital Object Identifier, "a character string used to uniquely identify an object such as an electronic document[1]", kind of like a URL with more bureaucracy https://indiewebcamp.com/DOI
# KartikPrabhu i was worried I'd have to write one <phew>
# KartikPrabhu also that article raises a good point though. I think lay users get confused about whether the Internet rememebers or forgets
snarfed joined the channel
# KevinMarks__ So DOI is DOA? Put it in an URN?
# KevinMarks__ That's Norton's law.
# KevinMarks__ Norton's law is "In the long run everything is either public or deleted."
wolftune, KevinMarks_, mlncn and indie-visitor joined the channel
chalettu, KevinMarks__, snarfed, wilfredh and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
raretrack joined the channel
# aaronpk and would something like this JSON be easier? https://gist.github.com/aaronpk/532b1868541b3df9a412
# Loqi rhiaro: tantek left you a message on 5/25 at 3:25pm: the term "consume" makes sense, except, especially in the online context, it tends to include non-physical things too - which seems quite outside the bounds/meaning of food&drink. Would "ingest" work for you if you're looking for a more generic term than "food"? (but still implying physical consumption rather than virtual consumption like reading / listening ? ) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-25/line/1432592721014
cweiske joined the channel
# aaronpk all i did was add array brackets around the content value :) https://gist.github.com/aaronpk/532b1868541b3df9a412
Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
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snarfed joined the channel
# aaronpk okay check this out: https://gist.github.com/aaronpk/532b1868541b3df9a412
# tantek just to say that it's not a coincidence that type and properties map to the output of http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing
snarfed joined the channel
# tantek going to have to think about how to best markup "Aaron Parecki updated his profile photo to http://example.com/aaronpk2.jpg"
# aaronpk i would be curious to see what a post that describes "Aaron Parecki updated his profile photo to http://example.com/aaronpk2.jpg" would be marked up like
# tantek "Aaron Parecki updated his profile photo to http://example.com/aaronpk2.jpg today at 13:37"
# KevinMarks if you want a prose example, thinkup shows edits: https://kevinmarks.thinkup.com/?u=kevinmarks&n=twitter&d=2015-05-25&s=bio_tracker
# KevinMarks i think thinkup shows photo changes too, but can't find one
# Loqi An edit (AKA diff, change) is a special type of reply that indicates a set of suggested changes to the post it is replying to. A collection of (presumably related) suggested edits in open source is often called a patch or pull request https://indiewebcamp.com/edit
# KevinMarks lol - thinkup interpreting long back and forth argument as BFF https://kevinmarks.thinkup.com/?u=kevinmarks&n=twitter&d=2015-05-17&s=bestie
indie-visitor joined the channel
# KevinMarks hah at my 'friends' being UK Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet ministers https://kevinmarks.thinkup.com/?u=kevinmarks&n=twitter&d=2015-05-11&s=bio_tracker
# tantek KevinMarks: can you capture those edit example in /edit#Silo_Examples ? and upload screenshots?
# tantek KevinMarks: please add the ThinkUp examples you provided to https://indiewebcamp.com/edit#Silo_Examples
# tantek and now we have a good reason to resolve http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues#implied_properties_when_an_explicit_class_is_provided
# KevinMarks forgets the easy way to upload images again
# aaronpk KevinMarks: http://indiewebcamp.com/File:whatever.png
glennjones_ and eschnou joined the channel
# tantek alright, if we resolve this http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues#implied_properties_when_an_explicit_class_is_provided by saying no implied URL in such cases, then that solves that implied property problem (similarly for u-photo)
# kevinmarks.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:thinkupeditexample.png]]""
# KevinMarks di the screengrab on my 1x screen as the 2x one makes huge examples
# LanceyWork !tell kylewm install.py for redwind was never updated when you started using application factories and doesn't work anymore (can't import app or db from redwind). any plans to fix it?
# LanceyWork ty Loqi
# Loqi kylewm: LanceyWork left you a message 45 seconds ago: install.py for redwind was never updated when you started using application factories and doesn't work anymore (can't import app or db from redwind). any plans to fix it? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-27/line/1432752921306
# LanceyWork awesome, thanks!
tilgovi joined the channel
# KevinMarks why is put ellipses in bullets? WTF?
# aaronpk true, that makes it this: https://gist.github.com/aaronpk/f598be72d7bad1a04eb5
# KartikPrabhu man! micropub is getting more complex than last I checked
# tantek aaronpk: this is good enough to wikify - can you copy/paste to https://indiewebcamp.com/edit#Edit_a_specific_property ?
# aaronparecki.com edited /edit (+1504) "/* Edit a specific property */ add example brainstormed in IRC http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-27#t1432751189458" (view diff)
# loqi.me created /conference_slacking (+177) "prompted by tantek and dfn added by rhiaro" (view diff)
# tantek.com edited /edit (+225) "/* Edit a specific property */ clarify MUST, cite discussion link and gist iteration for historical reference (in case anyone wants to revisit the reasoning/iteration behind the brainstorm)" (view diff)
fkooman joined the channel
# tantek.com edited /edit (+16) "/* Edit a specific property */ ws in markup to make it more readable" (view diff)
# KevinMarks pre Google i/o TWig coming up in 30 mins if you have thinsg fro me to talk about
# tantek.com edited /edit (+559) "/* Silo Examples */ add Facebook since the common FB profile photo change example has helped drive this discussion" (view diff)
# tantek KevinMarks - next IndieWeb Homebrew Website Club meetup is a week from tonight - mark your calendars: https://indiewebcamp.com/next-hwc
# tantek can you (both of you) update https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-06-03-homebrew-website-club accordingly?
# aaronpk rhiaro: it's in this gist https://gist.github.com/aaronpk/f598be72d7bad1a04eb5
# tantek also linked from https://indiewebcamp.com/edit#Edit_a_specific_property
wolftune joined the channel
# @akraland Mon nouveau blog sur #Known http://akraland.eu et c'est garanti #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/603651662444630016)
# KevinMarks why is this kp slideshow available as a pdf but not scrolling html?
# KevinMarks well, it's an indieweb thing, slide markup
# tantek.com edited /edit (+238) "/* Edit a specific property */ add notes on p-delete and p-add, for deleting a property, specific value, or adding a property with a value" (view diff)
# Loqi A deleted is a post that has been removed https://indiewebcamp.com/delete
# tantek.com edited /deleted (+287) "/* Tombstoning */ expand, connect 410 to content returned with use-cases, separate ACL, then markup brainstorm" (view diff)
# tantek.com edited /deleted (+156) "/* IndieWeb Implementations */ IndieWeb Examples, update section to modern format" (view diff)
# tantek.com edited /edit (+93) "/* Edit a specific property */ related: user profile management user story" (view diff)
mlncn_ joined the channel
# KevinMarks leo says his IRC is too trolly and wants a replacement - indie thoughts?
# KevinMarks yeah, I don't want to bring the trolls over here
# KevinMarks yes, he has mods
# KevinMarks yes, troll flooding
benwerd, mlncn and fgth_ joined the channel
# tantek and reminder to everyone here: sign-up! https://indiewebcamp.com/2015/Guest_List
# werd.io created /recommendation_engine (+746) "Recommendation engines in an indieweb context" (view diff)
squeakytoy joined the channel
# loqi.me created /abstract_definition (+85) "prompted by aaronpk and dfn added by tantek" (view diff)
# KevinMarks "Re-Imagining Content... It’s Increasingly User-Generated / Curated & Surprising" - meeker
# tantek.com edited /recommendation_engine (+869) "include specific relatable examples in dfn, split into subsections, add silo examples, and more indie brainstorming" (view diff)
# KevinMarks "Imagine That... Users Generating Their Content Are Recreating Their Internet"
# tantek benwerd ^^^ is this more of what you meant? https://indiewebcamp.com/recommendation_engine
mlncn joined the channel
# tantek benwerd: is this an example of a recommendation engine at work? https://indiewebcamp.com/who_to_follow
# @kevinmarks “Imagine That... Users Generating Their Content Are Recreating Their Internet” - @marymeeker #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/603674611964878848)
# KevinMarks we could find the old school blog types there
# snarfed benwerd: got it. i definitely buy the reader part, but i wonder a bit about a recommendation engine. that could be just me though, not representative. (more: https://snarfed.org/2013-05-31_fighting-information-overload-and-beyond##Unfortunately )
# tantek.com edited /recommendation_engine (+170) "/* Twitter */ mention a few more Twitter features" (view diff)
# tantek benwerd could you add some of that to https://indiewebcamp.com/recommendation_engine#Why ?
tantek joined the channel
# KevinMarks leo says he has indieweb questions coming up
# KevinMarks he was talking about using Parse for his backend
benwerd joined the channel
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elf-pavlik joined the channel
# KevinMarks mentioned indiewebcamp
# KevinMarks irc comment that the website needs redesign (maybe on mobile)
lukebrooker joined the channel
# KevinMarks wow, was that nearly 3 hours?
dariusdunlap, yakker, benwerd, KevinMarks_, KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# Loqi [mention] http://boffosocko.com/2015/05/27/the-category-theory-site-is-now-live/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com (webmention)
benwerd and snarfed joined the channel
# gRegorLove Speaking of wiki redesign, I wanted to work on customizing the design made at IWC 2015 per the feedback I was collecting https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/redesign#Issues
lukebroo_ joined the channel
# gRegorLove If I'm digging into MediaWiki though, it would probably be a good idea to update our MW version first, so I might do that. aaronpk said he could get me a zip of the plugins/db so I can set up a local copy.
# gRegorLove I think ben_thatmustbeme was talking about upgrading MW a while back. Not sure if he got anywhere with that? Don't want to redo any existing work.
interactivist joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu tantek will have a bunch of objections that I can predict and agree with :P
# KartikPrabhu particularly "If the user doesn’t want your icon on his home screen [...] it’s the web they want"
# KartikPrabhu tantek: yup! not a very convincing argument but people seem to be convinced
# bret https://github.com/tadeuzagallo/GithubPulse is a javascript app that feels as solid as dropbox's app
# bret have you cats played with electron yet? its my new favorite thing: https://github.com/atom/electron