2015-05-30 UTC
# 00:06 GWG Does anyone distribute p-summary and e-content for a note?
# 00:09 GWG I'm looking into how to improve my POSSE to Bridgy Publish. I was thinking of generating desired content and hiding it in p-summary for some content.
# 00:10 GWG This is behind the scenes markup funniness.
# 00:11 GWG I can't get the formatting on POSSEing to Twitter right. I might want to write something to output my desired format and put it in p-summary for Bridgy Publish to use.
# 00:16 kylewm GWG: I believe Bridgy uses html2text which means <p> and <br> would turn into whitespace (which may be in conflict wiht the definition of note)
# 00:16 GWG KartikPrabhu: "In general, Bridgy prefers to use p-summary if available, then the full e-content, and finally p-name, in that order. The one exception is original tweets (not @-replies) on Twitter: for those, it prefers p-name before e-content. "
# 00:17 GWG kylewm: It is choosing what to include in the tweet I want to control.
# 00:17 KartikPrabhu why not just write a note with the first few lines/sentences that act like a "summary"
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# 00:22 GWG KartikPrabhu: That was sort of my idea. To specify it on my end.
# 00:22 kylewm GWG: is it clear from the documentation that it is talking about "name" for articles only (not notes)
# 00:23 GWG I'm still having trouble with things cutting off.
# 00:23 kylewm for articles "summary" > "name" > "content"; for everything else "summary" > "content" > "name"
# 00:23 KartikPrabhu GWG: I don't see how p-summary will help if there is cutting off of the text
# 00:23 GWG I want to choose the text displaying.
# 00:24 kylewm sure, like p3k's UI lets you enter the main note text, and then optionally alter the twitter posse text
# 00:24 aaronpk kylewm: usually what i do when i end up with a bizarre git situation is just archive that folder somewhere and start over with a new checkout
# 00:25 GWG kylewm: That is what I'm going to explore.
# 00:25 kylewm aaronpk: yeah that was definitely the alternative, nuke kartikprabhu/mf2py and re-fork
# 00:35 gRegorLove Why does Bridgy use e-content before p-name? Seems that should be reversed, no?
# 00:36 snarfed some discussion in issue(s), hopefully searchable
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# 01:23 aaronpk just clicked "poll now" and that seems to have kicked it back into gear
# 03:44 __number5__ Vendan: thanks :) I'm in cafe and tethering via my phone so wondering if it's my 3G provider's issue
# 04:25 tantek fortunately we can still all post on our own sites right?
# 04:59 tantek no shutdown imminent but an acquisition with claims service will be kept running
# 05:00 tantek but we've seen that before - likely estimate is a year tops based on other similarly worded announcements
# 05:21 GWG Okay, tried to make a Bridgy Publish plugin for WordPress. Something isn't working.
# 05:23 GWG I'm feeling I'm missing something obvious.
# 05:27 GWG According to the Bridgy documentation, it is supposed to return the URL encoded in JSON.
# 05:30 tantek I use the webmention method - and haven't been looking at the return value except to check for success - only using it to POSSE likes/faves of tweets currently
# 05:30 GWG tantek: I am using the webmention method.
# 05:31 GWG Although for some odd reason, it is picking up something outside of the content.
# 05:33 GWG But I can't figure out why it is picking up post meta data
# 05:33 tantek have you tried looking at the mf2 parsed JSON result of your permalink?
# 05:35 GWG So, I would go to the wiki to check for other parsers...but...
# 05:39 GWG In the absence of p-name...why are all these parsers setting it to the whole page?
# 05:40 GWG Either way, it still doesn't explain it
# 05:42 GWG I thought notes weren't supposed to have p-names. But it is appearing to make one up out of the whole page.
# 05:43 KartikPrabhu GWG: a name property is always implicitly generated from the contents for all types of mf2 objects
# 05:43 GWG But this stuff isn't in the content.
# 05:44 GWG It is adding in stuff inside the h-entry, but outside the e-content.
# 05:45 gRegorLove Everything in the h-entry goes into the implied name (plaintext) if an explicit *-name isn't supplied, afaik
# 05:46 tantek GWG - you can set the p-name on the same element as you set the p-content or e-content
# 05:46 GWG It still doesn't help my other problem
# 05:47 tantek GWG - I give that advice because that's what I do on my notes at tantek.com
# 05:48 GWG gRegorLove: I'm somehow not getting a JSON response from my webmention with the URL.
# 05:48 GWG But I feel I'm missing something obvious.
# 05:48 tantek GWG - you're not guaranteed any kind of response other than the status code from a webmention
# 05:49 tantek KartikPrabhu: all he's doing is sending a webmention to Bridgy
# 05:49 tantek that's my point - you're not guaranteed any kind of response by sending a webmention except for a status code
# 05:49 KartikPrabhu yes and I think Bridgy is supposed to send some JSON response with the permalink of the syndicated copy
# 05:50 KartikPrabhu i know it is an over-load of webmention but that seems to be what Bridgy does
# 05:52 tantek KartikPrabhu: it was a simple re-use of webmention rather than coming up with a one-off API
# 05:52 GWG tantek: I believe I remember someone saying the spec allows for data in the response.
# 05:53 tantek so I suppose you could hardcode something for Bridgy's particular behavior
# 05:53 tantek can you check your Bridgy logs to see what response it claims to have sent back?
# 05:55 GWG It says it is refunding a whole bunch of things. But I only seem to get error. I'm missing something.
# 05:56 GWG 200. Although if it is an existing post, 400.
# 05:57 GWG Maybe I'm mixed up on the php end.
# 06:22 gRegorLove I use the Bridgy Publish JSON response to populate Twitter syndication link
# 06:22 GWG gRegorLove: That is what I'm trying to do. I think it is something on my end.
# 06:23 gRegorLove I think you can view your Bridgy Publish logs at the bottom of the profile page.
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# 06:42 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 07:39 rhiaro how long do I wait before I resort to using my sparql endpoint for posting?
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# 07:54 tantek rhiaro: have you looked into installing/running your instances of teacup and quill on your server? (e.g. from their github repos)
# 07:54 rhiaro tantek: teacup and quill just aren't loading at the moment
# 07:55 rhiaro I started dockerising Teacup so I could run it myself but got stuck with php framework stuff
# 07:55 rhiaro amy.gy is set up so it's super convenient to deploy things at subdomains with docker
# 07:56 rhiaro I could maybe dump it at amy.so, which is a general mess, as a temporary messure
# 07:57 tantek would it still block on the indieauth dependency?
# 07:58 tantek just trying to figure out how many different copies of things we need running to reduce SPOFs
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# 16:46 aaronpk anyone have IRC logs from 6:30pm PDT last night until now?
# 17:01 aaronpk oh weird, loqi came back online last night earlier than I thought
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# 17:04 XgF Messy. I'm pleased such things don't seem to happen to London
# 17:04 aaronpk they hadn't happened in Fremont in years...this DC was super solid
# 17:05 XgF Hmm, which DC of theres is it that has a reputation for being the troublesome one?
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# 17:16 snarfed GWG: you might want to mention that it requires the webmention plugin
# 17:17 Lancey if only i remembered what i was trying to look up last night ;_;
# 17:19 aaronpk i'm going to do a little maintenance while i'm here
# 17:19 tantek aaronpksservers++ I don't think rhiaro meant it ;)
# 17:21 aaronpk it's this kind of thing that makes me consider launching things on amazon where I can run things in multiple datacenters easier
# 17:23 kylewm I had to quit using screen when I switched to emacs
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# 17:28 Lancey obviously what you need to do is distribute iwc on the blockchain
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# 17:29 aaronpk there actually is a bittorrent version of the wiki available
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# 17:31 aaronpk heh I can tell how long each of my servers was down by looking at the timestamps of failed SSH root logins
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# 17:33 tantek hmm -- aaronpk ^^^ perhaps document there how to get the bittorrent version of the wiki ?
# 17:33 tantek is that a static HTML+CSS+JS snapshot? or is it a torrent of DB+templates? or?
# 17:34 aaronpk so it could be used to re-populate a mediawiki instance
# 17:34 tantek we should all have that locally on our laptops
# 17:35 aaronpk i can use OSX Spotlight to search the wiki, it's great
# 17:36 tantek is there a simple "one file" PHP script that can take one of those .txt files and render it in the browser as HTML?
# 17:36 aaronpk it gets a little complicated because of the mediawiki templating
# 17:36 aaronpk the {{ }}
thing that lets you include pages in other pages
# 17:36 tantek but the templates are there as Template:main.txt etc. files right?
# 17:37 aaronpk other than that it wouldn't be too bad to throw a mediawiki syntax parser in there
# 17:37 tantek ok, yeah, MVP for such a script could just show templates as code {{ }}
# 17:38 aaronpk i dont think the File:*** pages are there, but the files themselves are
# 17:38 aaronpk you realize this is step 1 on the path to replacing mediawiki right? :D
# 17:38 tantek ah - that's the challenge then - since to get the actual image file you have to get whatever magic IDs are used between the File:*** pages and the image file
# 17:39 tantek oh ok - so the script could algorithmically figure that out
# 17:42 aaronpk i'm gonna do an upgrade on the server, so it might go down briefly
# 17:45 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: i'm gonna do an upgrade on the server, so it will go down briefly
# 17:46 tantek interesting is BitTorrent Sync and BitTorrent separate apps?
# 17:46 Loqi tantek meant to say: interesting are BitTorrent Sync and BitTorrent separate apps?
# 17:50 GWG !tell snarfed I will be coding a notice in for that
# 17:50 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 17:51 GWG aaronpk: Can the wiki export to mobi or epub?
# 17:52 aaronpk right now it's more of a backup of the source files rather than meant to be a readable finished product
# 17:53 GWG aaronpk: I think there is an existing mediawiki plugin for it though
# 17:53 GWG Is it worth finding one and adding it so it could be loaded offline as a single file?
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# 17:57 tantek I think there's a page for wiki suggestions like that GWG
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# 18:32 ben_thatmustbeme tantek, re indiewebcamp going down, no we could only post on our own sites if we were logged in or not using indieauth
# 18:32 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: yes - so I was able to still post because I use my own RelMeAuth library
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# 18:37 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: I could definitely use a collaborator that understands this stuff with the RelMeAuth library
# 18:38 tantek Like there's a pending pull request patch from kylewm that I have yet to have to time to relearn all the code and evaluate
# 18:38 KevinMarks__ Hm, Jason is sounding pro indieweb because twitter is limiting his friends from harassing people
# 18:40 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: come on now, that's just the htaccess
# 18:40 tantek all the meat is in relmeauth.php - which is only 2 years since last edit :P
# 18:41 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: hah I forgot about that one - I'm not using the Python version but it definitely could use an update and a new owner!
# 18:41 tantek I have commit privs directly on themattharris/RelMeAuth/ so I just work on that there
# 18:42 tantek yeah, collab on relmeauth.php would be welcome with anyone else that wants to selfdogfood and help!
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# 18:49 snarfed ok all, question time: what are the next big challenge(s) for indieweb?
# 18:49 snarfed 3-6 mos ago we would have said reader, but we have multiple good ones now
# 18:49 snarfed we have identity, auth, publishing, many kinds of interactions (and UI for them), silo interop
# 18:50 snarfed is it...social graph? search? recommendation? mobile publishing tools? driving adoption? …?
# 18:50 snarfed i suspect the next big challenge(s) may not be technical, ie not something new we have yet to build…but i don't know
# 18:51 snarfed or maybe more indieweb friendly hosts/server platforms
# 18:51 aaronpk my votes are mobile publishing with proper offline support
# 18:52 snarfed esp if we look hard at existing offline+sync libs instead of rolling our own
# 18:52 aaronpk unfortunately many of those come with their own server-side backends
# 18:53 tantek snarfed, integrated reader is still a big one
# 18:54 tantek reply UI smothness - we've made progress with webactions and handlers but nothing quite seamless there yet
# 18:55 tantek in fact, I'd argue those are the #1 and #2 most important to get working to get people using indieweb tools *more often* (i.e. even *us*)
# 18:55 tantek 2. realtime display of replies / responses, so when you use that seamless UI, you see your interaction happen immediately
# 18:56 bear is there a document that links all of this together - like an indieweb flowchart?
# 18:56 snarfed agreed on those 2, tantek, whether websocket (complicated) or just page refresh (easy)
# 18:56 bear yea, I was thinking about how I would catch up on what has happened over the last couple of months
# 18:57 snarfed i'm not so convinced about search or integrated reader - seems like reader-as-a-service that can load your feeds from from your site is pretty good, and i know others here agree - but meh just imho
# 18:57 bear and realized that I would have to scour the wiki and start asking questions
# 18:57 tantek snarfed - I think we need both websocket (complicated but smoother), AND page refresh (for networks that block websocket ports - happens all the time at conferences / camps)
# 19:00 tantek snarfed: would love to discuss this general subject more: what are the next big challenge(s) for indieweb? but have to run for now - maybe later this afternoon!
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# 19:07 KevinMarks one thing that may be worth thinking about is a "less pure" micropub/indieauth combo for posting to silos
# 19:08 KevinMarks silo.pub works as a "make your silo blog micropub compatible" but it does involve a lot of work on the templates
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# 19:08 kylewm silo.pub could implement indieauth, so you sign in with your silo credentials directly
# 19:09 kylewm (wordpress and Known micropub plugins could do the same thing)
# 19:09 KevinMarks one is a "turn this silo page into an indieweb friendly place"
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# 19:10 kylewm hmm, can you get around monkeying with templates though?
# 19:10 kylewm still need to defined link rel="micropub" so the posting tool knows where to publish to
# 19:12 snarfed aaronpk: re your offline+sync itch, here's a strawman
# 19:12 snarfed a web based, localStorage-d micropub client that regularly crawls your feeds, syncs and stores your existing posts, lets you edit and compose new posts (online or offline), stores them locally, and publishes them via micropub when you're online
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# 19:13 snarfed (maybe expose the meat of it as a reusable JS lib)
# 19:13 KevinMarks similarly for webmention - if there isn't a rel there, could you overlay a way to do it webmention.herokuapp.com style
# 19:13 aaronpk i think step one is just getting offline posting working, not necessarily in conjunction with replying to stuff
# 19:14 KevinMarks which is kind of what bridgy does - make assumptions for well-known silos
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# 19:14 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 19:14 KevinMarks and in effect each micropub endpoint that shows POSSE choices has parallel silo cross-posting code
# 19:16 flyingdutch Hey there. Kinda new here.
# 19:18 flyingdutch Ehm, like a personal one?
# 19:18 flyingdutch Was browsing around for options/solutions to switch from Google Mail to hosting a self deployed mail server.
# 19:19 flyingdutch For privacy/decentralisation issues.
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# 19:21 snarfed flyingdutch: definitely do some research before you make the leap. email is probably the hardest thing to self host, by far
# 19:23 snarfed maybe spend the cycles on a nightly incremental gmail backup instead
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# 19:23 flyingdutch Oh yeah? Would love to hear why.
# 19:23 snarfed flyingdutch: google "email deliverability"…read for 15m…run away screaming
# 19:24 flyingdutch Sure for me the disadvantages as far as I see for self hosting, is maintaining the server.
# 19:24 flyingdutch So it's kind of a dilemma, keeping at Gmail or switch to another service, just for the sake of not having it hosted at Google.
# 19:24 snarfed flyingdutch: no, really, google "email deliverability." it's a very different thing than just sysadminning, and *much* harder
# 19:24 flyingdutch And yeah, I know it can suck to configure an email server..
# 19:25 aaronpk wow, i was gonna drop TOTP logins on indieauth.com as part of the move to make it easier to run multiple instances, but 140 people have set up totp logins
# 19:26 flyingdutch Google it, yeah.
# 19:26 flyingdutch Well, seriously what are good alternatives? Even if it's at another service?
# 19:26 flyingdutch I've been browsing through quite a few. The ones I think we're worth it, didn't support custom domains/aliases. Which is a must for me.
# 19:27 aaronpk i just moved a bunch of my email domains to dreamhost
# 19:27 flyingdutch Google Mail has that. Basically it has all I need. Just I'm not sure how they encrypt the data and also have privacy concerns.
# 19:27 bear fastmail and pobox are my goto for people who want to self host but not run servers
# 19:28 bear flyingdutch - fastmail supports custom domains and aliases and is very easy to use. also supports ssl connections for pop3 and imap
# 19:29 bear *and* has a very decent web interface
# 19:29 flyingdutch E.g. this post, underlines my current issue for finding a good service to switch over:
# 19:29 bear that reddit post is a huge strawman arguement
# 19:29 flyingdutch bear - Sure, but what about data encryption? Zero knowledge? Data requests by governments?
# 19:30 bear your email is transfering thru multiple servers - it has zero chance of being secure
# 19:30 flyingdutch Unless it's encrypted?
# 19:30 aaronpk looks like the bulk of the logins are people who used it only one time
# 19:30 bear the only secure email is encrypted email - and then you don't care about what server/service you use
# 19:31 aaronpk the real question is whether people who have used TOTP logins also have another method set up
# 19:31 Loqi slack/snarfed: encrypt email or have people actually read it; choose one
# 19:31 flyingdutch I have been considering to switch to them.
# 19:32 kylewm aaronpk: drop TOTP and see if anyone complains :P
# 19:33 bear yea, if that level of security is needed then you will need to find a company that is in an EU country that doesn't have terrorism treaties with the US
# 19:33 kylewm I didn't bother to set it up again when my phone got reset
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# 19:33 aaronpk TOTP is the only method right now that requires you have a relationship with the indieauth.com server, so if i can drop that this whole thing becomes easier
# 19:34 bear if it requires a relationship, then does that mean you can send them a message?
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# 19:35 bear can you have the new servers redirect to the old one for TOTP and put a banner up saying it's being deprecated
# 19:36 aaronpk i could replace the TOTP button with a message that says it's deprecated
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# 19:38 aaronpk okay, confirmed that everyone who has set up TOTP has another way to sign in still
# 19:39 aaronpk (i mean obv they had to to set up TOTP in the first place, but they could have removed the other option later)
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# 19:46 bear someone can always run their own service
# 19:58 KartikPrabhu if I am reading this correctly indieauth is an implementation of rel-me-auth?
# 19:58 aaronpk it started because i didn't want to build relmeauth as a mediawiki plugin
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# 19:59 KartikPrabhu !tell snarfed: making things easy to install is definitely the next big challenge
# 19:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:01 Loqi slack/snarfed: KartikPrabhu: easy install? or no install? :P
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# 20:03 Loqi slack/snarfed: hosted, the way modern webapps generally work
# 20:04 KartikPrabhu so this "no install" thing will attach my domain to some app on some one else's server?
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# 20:06 Loqi slack/snarfed: and remember, unless you physically own your server, you're already "on someone else's"
# 20:06 KartikPrabhu hmm then it is a good first step. I reckon there will still be people like me who want to put things on their own server to experiment with it, but those will be fewer
# 20:07 KartikPrabhu hmm speaking of mucking around I should really move dates to the top of articles :P
# 20:07 Loqi slack/snarfed: sure! I'm all for that. we're the minority though. and it's definitely not required to be indieweb
# 20:10 KartikPrabhu another problem is "for off site readers, how do you still keep your reading data?" at the moment all your subscription data lives on Monocle or Woodwind.
# 20:11 Loqi slack/snarfed: like i said, they'd read your subscriptions from your site
# 20:11 Loqi slack/snarfed: but you're right, they don't yet
# 20:11 KartikPrabhu and we haven't figured out "how they'd read subscriptions from your site"
# 20:12 KartikPrabhu and how can my site get updates about what I have already read on Monocle or Woodwind
# 20:13 Loqi slack/snarfed: yup, unread state is different
# 20:14 Loqi slack/snarfed: since it's so short lived
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# 20:20 aaronpk wow this is going to be quite a project... i forgot how much of this app assumes there is a DB
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# 20:30 aaronpk oh crap... i don't think i'll be able to do SMS auth either
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# 20:32 aaronpk hm i will have to force the code verification request to go to the specific server that generated the code in the first place
# 20:33 aaronpk if it's DNS load balanced it will *probably* do that by itself
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# 20:53 KevinMarks_ We're iterating on the general tests too, but they aren't all right yet.
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# 20:56 gRegorLove I found a php-mf2 test for an <a rel>. It was pretty easy to add 'type', 'title', and 'text' keys to the array. Test passes.
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# 20:57 aaronpk getting rel-urls in there will be a useful addition
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# 20:58 gRegorLove Wasn't sure if that was just being discussed or there's some consensus
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# 21:10 GWG snarfed: Now that I have addressed the webmention dependency, still wondering if there is anything else I can add to this Bridgy Publish plugin. I don't think it needs much else, but I want to figure that out before I go any further.
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# 21:15 tantek !tell gRegorLove re: What's an example of a rel having a text value? Example is in the microformats2-parsing spec - look for French mobile :)
# 21:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 21:20 GWG snarfed: I have one more feature idea. A way to use the excerpt box as a hidden custom Twitter POSSE text if you want to specify it. But I haven't figured out how to do that, so maybe I'll do a once-over cleanup and submit it to the .org repository.
# 21:20 GWG snarfed: I assume my request of last year still applies?
# 21:20 snarfed GWG: oh god, last year?! definitely more context pls
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# 21:21 GWG snarfed: I asked you if I ever wrote one, would you link to it from the bridgy page?
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# 21:25 KartikPrabhu refactored site templates to put published date on top, broke a bunch of mf2 in the process :P
# 21:28 tantek and I just Voiceover in Mobile Safari to properly read the fallback text in my indie /comic post! just needed one aria-labelledby attribute (and the id on the inner div to reference)
# 21:32 tantek KartikPrabhu: ^^^ want to start that draft with a simple dfn and "Why" section with the use-case you've identified?
# 21:33 tantek and heck, while you're at it - add a "IndieWeb Examples" section with yourself as a subsection with "e.g. https://kartikprabhu.com/ all the articles listed have a summary. I want the full article to have the same visible <p> as p-summary and the thumbnail image as u-featured"
# 21:34 Loqi gives tantek the full article to have the same visible
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# 21:36 aaronpk is always worried when a major refactoring results in working code the first time
# 21:37 tantek no no /summary is harder work that you are more cognitively aware of than me - so do that one :)
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# 21:38 KartikPrabhu is midly tempted to start with "Dicitonary.com defines summary as... " ;)
# 21:40 tantek KartikPrabhu: come on now - that's as bad as the people that copy from wikipedia :P
# 21:40 tantek it would be funnier if people didn't do stuff like that
# 21:40 tantek also - this is "summary" in the context of indieweb, and h-entry etc.
# 21:40 KartikPrabhu I know :P The whole "Oxford Dictionary defines..." is one of my pet peeves in writing
# 21:40 tantek you can contrast it to "name" and "content" for example
# 21:41 tantek we really should avoid such generic dfns on Indiewebcamp because they're not useful
# 21:41 tantek dfns on indiewebcamp should always be "in the context of indieweb"
# 21:41 tantek like the generic dfn of memes was totally unnecessary for example
# 21:42 tantek KartikPrabhu: look what I did with /featured in terms of minimal subsections and how I defined it contextually for indieweb
# 21:42 aaronpk just found a completely unnecessary column in the DB
# 21:42 tantek aaronpk: are you saying you found a column that was not load bearing? ;)
# 21:42 KartikPrabhu tantek: of course. I always see other pages on the wiki when starting a new one from scratch
# 21:48 KevinMarks__ I think the generic definition of meme matters, but that is an uphill struggle these days
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# 23:11 aaronpk i sure hope nobody was making any assumptions about the length of auth codes returned by indieauth.com
# 23:13 aaronpk yeah i'm storing everything i need in the auth code instead of in the database
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# 23:47 aaronpk you can set the user agent to something that looks like a browser to get past that
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