#LoqiA note is a post that is typically short unstructured* plain text, written & posted quickly, that has its own permalink page https://indiewebcamp.com/note
#GWGI'm looking into how to improve my POSSE to Bridgy Publish. I was thinking of generating desired content and hiding it in p-summary for some content.
#KartikPrabhu"unstructured plain text" seems to disallow markup funniness
#GWGI can't get the formatting on POSSEing to Twitter right. I might want to write something to output my desired format and put it in p-summary for Bridgy Publish to use.
#KartikPrabhudoes Bridgy publish even use p-summary to do something?
#KartikPrabhudoesn't seem to say anything about p-summary
#kylewmGWG: I believe Bridgy uses html2text which means <p> and <br> would turn into whitespace (which may be in conflict wiht the definition of note)
#GWGKartikPrabhu: "In general, Bridgy prefers to use p-summary if available, then the full e-content, and finally p-name, in that order. The one exception is original tweets (not @-replies) on Twitter: for those, it prefers p-name before e-content. "
#GWGkylewm: It is choosing what to include in the tweet I want to control.
#KartikPrabhuwhy not just write a note with the first few lines/sentences that act like a "summary"
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#GWGKartikPrabhu: That was sort of my idea. To specify it on my end.
#kylewmGWG: is it clear from the documentation that it is talking about "name" for articles only (not notes)
#KartikPrabhuGWG: : no need for p-summary markup then
#GWGI'm still having trouble with things cutting off.
#tantekI use the webmention method - and haven't been looking at the return value except to check for success - only using it to POSSE likes/faves of tweets currently
#tantekso all the [[File: ]] references could embed too?
#aaronpki dont think the File:*** pages are there, but the files themselves are
#aaronpkyou realize this is step 1 on the path to replacing mediawiki right? :D
#tantekah - that's the challenge then - since to get the actual image file you have to get whatever magic IDs are used between the File:*** pages and the image file
#bearyea, I was thinking about how I would catch up on what has happened over the last couple of months
#snarfedi'm not so convinced about search or integrated reader - seems like reader-as-a-service that can load your feeds from from your site is pretty good, and i know others here agree - but meh just imho
#bearand realized that I would have to scour the wiki and start asking questions
#tanteksnarfed - I think we need both websocket (complicated but smoother), AND page refresh (for networks that block websocket ports - happens all the time at conferences / camps)
#tanteksnarfed: would love to discuss this general subject more: what are the next big challenge(s) for indieweb? but have to run for now - maybe later this afternoon!
#KevinMarksone is a "turn this silo page into an indieweb friendly place"
tilgovi joined the channel
#KevinMarksthe other is seamless UI to post where you expect
#kylewmhmm, can you get around monkeying with templates though?
#kylewmstill need to defined link rel="micropub" so the posting tool knows where to publish to
#snarfedaaronpk: re your offline+sync itch, here's a strawman
#snarfeda web based, localStorage-d micropub client that regularly crawls your feeds, syncs and stores your existing posts, lets you edit and compose new posts (online or offline), stores them locally, and publishes them via micropub when you're online
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#snarfed(maybe expose the meat of it as a reusable JS lib)
#KevinMarkssimilarly for webmention - if there isn't a rel there, could you overlay a way to do it webmention.herokuapp.com style
#aaronpki think step one is just getting offline posting working, not necessarily in conjunction with replying to stuff
#flyingdutchSure for me the disadvantages as far as I see for self hosting, is maintaining the server.
#flyingdutchSo it's kind of a dilemma, keeping at Gmail or switch to another service, just for the sake of not having it hosted at Google.
#snarfedflyingdutch: no, really, google "email deliverability." it's a very different thing than just sysadminning, and *much* harder
#flyingdutchAnd yeah, I know it can suck to configure an email server..
#aaronpkno really, google "email deliverability" :)
#aaronpkwow, i was gonna drop TOTP logins on indieauth.com as part of the move to make it easier to run multiple instances, but 140 people have set up totp logins
#snarfedaaronpk: interesting! how about login volume?
#Loqislack/snarfed: encrypt email or have people actually read it; choose one
#flyingdutchI have been considering to switch to them.
#kylewmaaronpk: drop TOTP and see if anyone complains :P
#bearyea, if that level of security is needed then you will need to find a company that is in an EU country that doesn't have terrorism treaties with the US
#kylewmI didn't bother to set it up again when my phone got reset
#aaronpkTOTP is the only method right now that requires you have a relationship with the indieauth.com server, so if i can drop that this whole thing becomes easier
#bearif it requires a relationship, then does that mean you can send them a message?
#KartikPrabhuso this "no install" thing will attach my domain to some app on some one else's server?
#Loqislack/snarfed: yup. tumblr, blogger, <http://wp.com|wp.com> do this. more importantly, known does it too
wolftune joined the channel
#Loqislack/snarfed: and remember, unless you physically own your server, you're already "on someone else's"
#KartikPrabhuhmm then it is a good first step. I reckon there will still be people like me who want to put things on their own server to experiment with it, but those will be fewer
#KartikPrabhuanother problem is "for off site readers, how do you still keep your reading data?" at the moment all your subscription data lives on Monocle or Woodwind.
tantek, snarfed, raucao and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
#GWGsnarfed: Now that I have addressed the webmention dependency, still wondering if there is anything else I can add to this Bridgy Publish plugin. I don't think it needs much else, but I want to figure that out before I go any further.
#GWGsnarfed: I have one more feature idea. A way to use the excerpt box as a hidden custom Twitter POSSE text if you want to specify it. But I haven't figured out how to do that, so maybe I'll do a once-over cleanup and submit it to the .org repository.
#GWGsnarfed: I assume my request of last year still applies?
#snarfedGWG: oh god, last year?! definitely more context pls
tantek joined the channel
#GWGsnarfed: I asked you if I ever wrote one, would you link to it from the bridgy page?
#tantekand I just Voiceover in Mobile Safari to properly read the fallback text in my indie /comic post! just needed one aria-labelledby attribute (and the id on the inner div to reference)
#tantekKartikPrabhu: ^^^ want to start that draft with a simple dfn and "Why" section with the use-case you've identified?
#tantekand heck, while you're at it - add a "IndieWeb Examples" section with yourself as a subsection with "e.g. https://kartikprabhu.com/ all the articles listed have a summary. I want the full article to have the same visible <p> as p-summary and the thumbnail image as u-featured"