ben_thatmustbemehuh, weird, aaronpk, i checked in to the source for mechanize and used the exact user agent they send, but i'm still not getting the correct result... weird
ben_thatmustbemevs " curl -D - -A 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_1) AppleWebKit/537.73.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.1 Safari/537.73.11'"
LoqigRegorLove: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 8 minutes ago: re: What's an example of a rel having a text value? Example is in the microformats2-parsing spec - look for French mobile :)
kylewmok there's a snag. so i was thinking i'd log in to Woodwind with, it would redirect me to oh huh, the problem then is that Quill will .com/auth where i'd enter kylewm/password and Quill would get an access token just for me
kylewmok there's a snag. so i was thinking i'd log in to Woodwind with, it would redirect me to where i'd enter kylewm/password.
aaronpkthe two tweets that are in reply to @TwitterSmallBiz and @ThinkwithGoogle (both are verified accounts) aren't showing up when I look at the page
Loqiemmak: kylewm left you a message 2 weeks, 2 days ago: hey I noticed in-reply-tos in your h-feed are parsing a little strangely. you may want to use "u-in-reply-to" or "p-in-reply-to h-cite"
aaronpki don't see any settings that would be doing that, none of the accounts are blocked or muted, i even have the "don't warn me about sensitive content" thing set
kylewmok so, if i'm storing credentials on the server, i think the way to do micropub for a multiuser site is to require people to log in with a path e.g. would it make sense to allow the authorization_endpoint to change the user's "me" value? they log in to Quill and say "I'm" and it asks their authorization point which says "well, no, you're" (I think this would require a protocol change)
tantek!tell KevinMarks: re: "I think the generic definition of meme matters, but that is an uphill struggle these days" - generic definitions are what Wikipedia definitions are for, not definitions.
LoqiA recommendation engine is software or a service that recommends things to people based on their behavior or people that have behaved like them in the past, like the features of sites that say things like people that bought this also bought that, or liked, or followed, etc
tantekaaronpk: from that current dfn of google now - it strikes me that you post enough information to your own site (e.g. travel info, events) that you could easily have an "aaronpk now" view of info from your posts!
LoqiKevinMarks: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 5 minutes ago: re: "I think the generic definition of meme matters, but that is an uphill struggle these days" - generic definitions are what Wikipedia definitions are for, not definitions.
squeakytoy, j12t, petermolnar and csarven joined the channel
ZegnatAs defined by §5 of the Telemediengesetz it seems anyone who publishes anything (this would includes blogs) needs to also publish personal information.
ZegnatI have a hard time digging up proper information in English, and as there seems to be an active Germany community at IndieWebCamp I thought I’d ask here.
KartikPrabhuZegnat: yes I just found the German Wikipedia link and translated it using Google translate. I'm afraid I have no idea about these German laws. Hopefully someone from Germany answers your question here
ZegnatIt might (unknowingly) apply to other IndieWeb creators as well. According to, bear is using the German Flosoft without an Imprint on his website. If his server ended up in one of the German datacentres he may be liable for a fine up to 5000 EUR, according to some articles I read.
eschnou, KartikPrabhu, Mark87_ and j12t joined the channel
kylewmaaronpk: i was thinking about authorization_endpoint returning a different "me" than it was given -- that may already be a vulnerability depending on how the micropub client is written. and it's a good reason to rediscover the token endpoint instead of caching it in the first part
ben_thatmustbemehuh, getting closer to making relmeauth work for me. basically decided to say to hell with twitter for now (as they keep throwing back a 401 on the initial request (and there are literally hundreds of people that just got stuck at the same place) and just using a general oauth2 library
kylewmyeah oauth1 is frustrating, if it doesn't work, there's absolutely no diagnostics you can do other than "these two long random strings don't match"
Loqiben_thatmustbeme meant to say: putting it in the body tag you always know for sure what the page is referring to, no worry of template changes breaking things
tantekelf-pavlik: the multiple Channel(Stream/Feed) issues has nothing to do with this and is irrelevant for the simple common case we are solving re: 2015-06-02#Does_as:Follow_result_in_as:Subscribe.3F
tantekelf-pavlik: re: Social-APIs-Brainstorming/issues/7#issuecomment-107175226 "single link relation for updates used to point to multiple endpoint: SSE (direct read-only), WebSockets (direct read-write), PubSubHubBub (indirect read-only" is also irrelevant for this simple case of one author / one feed home page
elf-pavliktantek, on you homepage besides microformats html specific convention with nested h-feedi only find <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="updates.atom"/> which allows to discover something to subscribe to
tantek(until they're at a point where they care about legacy feeds, which should be a much lower priority than modern indieweb <-> indieweb functionality)
ben_thatmustbemeKevinMarks___: the problem is that no one uses the correctly. In that very RelMeAuth git repo there were submodules that had either detatched heads for submodules or worse had committed and pushed the parent and forgot the submodule and thus have code that references non-public code. also a lot of tooling doesn't handle it well i have found
elf-pavliksure! but while i find all this work very important and creative, claiming it as the future or standard way of doing things on The Web i see as certain overstatement
tantekelf-pavlik: note that none of my statements above said "standard" - you stated that claim, then called it overstatement, which is a strawman, please consider stopping such strawman argumets, they are not useful for discussion:
tantekelf-pavlik: rather than repeatedly inciting (it's not the first time you have done this) theoretical debates about what is or is not "The Web", please focus on *building* *your* presence on The Web by working on your itches:
LoqiA summary is a short textual part of a post that typically conveys the jist or main points of the full (possibly long) post
ZegnatKartikPrabhu, I have a personalised contact page over at that is my identity online. A blog is coming when I finish coding the system that drives it.
ZegnatMy current hosting however wants to bill me more than a year worth of hosting to get HTTPS going. Which is when switching hosting came in, and thus my earlier question aimed at our Germany creators :)
Zegnataaronpk, I have made sure uBlock was disabled on,, and Still getting ‘The authentication provider replied with an error: csrf_detected’ in Safari.
Zegnataaronpk, apparently it was cookies. I switched it to ‘Always allow’ and got through. Any way around that? ‘Allow from current website only’ seems a standard setting these days?
ZegnatI’ll give logging in with GitHub on Hackster a try. I have set my cookies to the more privacy-conscious setting again. Let’s see if I get blocked.
Zegnat‘Allow from current website only’ & sends me to their log in page, nothing else. ‘Always allow’ & sends me to the ‘Hi!’ page asking me to complete my profile.
tantekkylewm: do you remember the discussion we had about p-summary and using it for a plain text equivalent of whatever else is in the post? (e.g. RSVP etc.?) where did we capture that?
aaronpkactually now that i think about it, if i use an oauth provider that supports the "state" parameter (github does, twitter doesn't) then i wouldn't need cookies
ZegnatGuess I could make the wiki-created User:Vanderven.se_Martijn redirect to Can I claim 2 User: pages that way? I don’t know enough about internal wiki workings
aaronpkalso fun fact: when it says you're on the server hosted by aaronpk, that's actually running on my home server on my gigabit connection :)
ZegnatAlmost 1:30 am here, so I am fleeing to bed. If anyone comes up with a solution for my wiki username, I’ll check back in tomorrow. Thanks either way.
barnabywalterstantek: it is very clear there is something to fix, PHP’s DOMDocument is ignoring whitespace following <data> and other HTML5 elements but not <span>