#gRegorLovebarnabywalters: Since it's in DomElement in the function already, maybe could use the functions to replace HTML5 elements with something like span?
#gRegorLoveAs long as it's at the end of the parsing process and isn't getting passed elsewhere of course
#aaronpk"I simply added a <input value=USER_ID name=public_key[user_id]> field to Public key update form"
#barnabywaltersactually, I can think of an issue with that approach. php-mf2’s parsing algorithm cares what type of element things are, so we can’t just blanket change everything to a <div>
#barnabywalterse.g. <data> parsing rules won’t be applied if all <data> elements are changed to <span>s
#barnabywaltersadding a <span /> shouldn’t ever affect the parsing behaviour, even in parsing implied properties
#tantek(note it only works with a rel=me from your site to your Twitter for now - I believe ben_thatmustbeme is looking at adding github auth support too)
#tantek!tell aaronpk new indieauth broke auto-implying http: :(
#tantek.comedited /User:Tantek.com (-396) "need help with / RelMeAuth PHP library - specific problem fixed thanks to kylewm, could still use help on anything "indieweb community" related" (view diff)
#tantekaaronpk: and if you have a moment, try signing into tantek.com/relmeauth with aaronparecki.com
#tantekI believe I've deployed kylewm's fixes to relmeauth.php there too - so the RelMeAuth demo should now work again
#tantekGWG, still around? wondering if you wanted to discuss the <body class="h-card"> question further, I think I have some ways of helping relate to why it matters.
#tantekthat is, anyone publishing a meta og:type, could instead (or in addition) put the respective h-* class name on <body> to also communicate the "type" of the page
#tantekGWG, and since you consume OGP as well for your bookmarking, do you think it is reasonable to also (or first) check <body class> for h-* class names? i.e. would you parse for that?
#GWGtantek: I want to prioritize microformats over open graph as a policy. However, as open graph is more prevalent, I supported it first.
#tanteksnarfed: also, it's a natural evolution of such ideas, some light experimentation (doesn't need to "stick"), documentation thereof, then eventually some consuming code interest, which can be tested on the documented examples, deployed, which then motivates more publishing experiments, and the publish/consume feedback loop accelerates from there (for ideas which have use-cases worth coding)
#ben_thatmustbemetantek. I saw the message about the 401. that might explain it. the optional redirect option in twitter setup isn't actually optional.... sounds like the type of error that would be expected
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: except now tantek.com/relmeauth works for both me and aaronpk - so this is worth debugging to figure out why you are special :)
#aaronpklike if you've gone to the trouble of setting up https, everything should respect that and make sure you don't accidentally put yourself in a position that sacrifices that
#tantekand then we can search the IRC logs for "u-featured" right
#tantek.comedited /Twitter_Cards (+875) "document Card Types explicitly, step 1 to providing h-* equivalents to use on body tag instead or in addition, add more microformat alternative specifics" (view diff)
#KartikPrabhuI tried and the mentions of "u-featured" go as far back as 2014-09 but couldn't find a mention of me saying I enabled it
#tantekGWG - more like trying to find equivalents for the various existing og:types
#tantekGWG, I just added a few to the Twitter Cards equivalents
#KartikPrabhutantek: I have been going through my photo posts and making the presentation better and so along the way added "u-featured" and "p-summary" to them
#tantekh-entry (with optional u-photo, u-audio, u-video), or h-card, or h-product - covers most of Twitter's cases
#KartikPrabhutantek: agreed. Even though people can make up their own mf2 objects, those should cover almost all use-cases. If not we can just document proposed additions lik e"u-featured"
#KartikPrabhutantek: I think you would better at putting that criticism on the wiki. My thoughts are still filled with "this is useless" and I don't want the wiki criticism to sound dismissive
#aaronpkanyone have an example of publishing the actual text of the PGP key in their home page, not just a link to it?
KevinMarks, lukebrooker, KevinMarks2, cweiske and Jihaisse joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /Instagram (+403) "note adoption with article about fashion bloggers, note looping/pause/volume changes in UX" (view diff)
Zegnat, friedcell, LauraJ, afrogeek1 and Zegnat_ joined the channel
#aaronpkis it more important to have URLs in order of date of the post, or date the post was published?
#rhiaroaaronpk: I have in order of published date on my home page, and in order of post date in 'special' pages where future plans matter, like /travel and /calendar
#rhiaro!tell tantek: I can't sign in at /relmeauth, it says 'expecting 200, got 301', but I don't have any redirects on my homepage
#Zegnat_aaronpk: are there any problems with indieauth’s new load balancer? I can’t reach the site.
#aaronpkZegnat: not that i'm aware of. i see requests to all the servers within the last few minutes
#ZegnatI’ll try again then. Karma seems to be against me anyway, my own website gave a 403 this morning.
#aaronpkalso if you refresh a couple times on indieauth.com you'll get bounced around to different servers
#ZegnatI am just getting ‘Safari Can’t Find the Server’ pages every time. I think I am going to reboot, because all these problems are really starting to pile up.
#Zegnat192.168.1.1 is the router, I am using an ethernetcable directly plugged into it
fkooman joined the channel
#aaronpkhuh, i have no idea why it would not know how to resolve that
#ZegnatI’ll see if there is some way to reset the router’s DNS when I login on it.
#ZegnatI was still using IndieAuth yesterday, including some more tests with cookies to get the FAQ updated. So no idea why it stopped working.
#Zegnatfkooman: question, are you hosting tuxed.net in Germany, and how are you getting away with not having an Impressum on the site?
#aaronpki changed the root nameservers for the domain today, but i don't understand why that would cause anything to completely forget how to resolve it
#fkoomanZegnat, because I didn't know about it? :)
friedcell joined the channel
#Zegnatfkooman, I don’t think that holds up in court but it does answer my question ;)
#aaronpki doubt any court will be going after fkooman's personal site any time soon ;)
#Zegnataaronpk: yep, it is weird. I’ll try an alternative DNS server for a second.
#cweiskefkooman, I thought I don't have to have an impressum as long as the page is not commercial
#fkoomanZegnat, yeah, and maybe they could give me a warning first or something :)
#ZegnatThere also seem to be lawyers simply looking for websites that forget it and then try to settle out of court, which everyone wants as the fine is upward to 5000 EUR
#Zegnatcweiske: ‘Bitte beachte, dass du bei jeglicher Veröffentlichung von Inhalten (einfach gesagt, immer dann, wenn deine Website nicht ausschließlich aus einem passwortgeschützten Bereich besteht) dem Telemediengesetz unterliegst, das dich in aller Regel zur Angabe eines Impressums verpflichtet.’ - Uberspace.de Hausordnung.
#ZegnatThat article does also say: ‘Rechtlich noch nicht geklärt ist auch der Bereich der journalistischen oder redaktionellen Inhalte. Auch Blogger und Forenbetreiber sollten deshalb über ein Impressum verfügen.’
#Zegnatcweiske: that page also talks about the difference between ‘geschäftsmäßig’ and ‘gewerbsmäßig’, basically pointing out that the law applies even without ads on the site.
#ZegnatInteresting, I wonder if that argument makes a difference.
#ZegnatIt is a weird law to apply to people who aren’t selling anything.
#ZegnatBut as I am considering moving my hosting to Germany I was wondering how other IndieWeb-folks were complying. That’s a ‘not’ from cweiske and fkooman then :p
#fkoomanand unfortunately I can't comply to it, because I am not gonna put my address on a public website... if someone wants to know where I live they could just ask :)
#KevinMarks___sounds like one for Jeff Jarvis to rant about
#Zegnatfkooman: yes, that is the main complain for everyone. If you do not own a company with a separate address you will be forced to publish your home address :(
#fkoomani wonder why this law hasn't been fixed yet
#ZegnatSame reason as always, no actual IT-interested parties in parliament.
#ZegnatMy address is listed on my whois and on several Swedish look-up websites. As far as I know addresses are actually part of public information in Sweden. (A long with a person’s income and what not.) So I don’t much care about that.
#ZegnatI just want to know what the Telemediengesetz is actually forcing me to put on my website
#cweiskeif you want to put an impressum on your site, you have to provide your postal address
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#Zegnatcweiske: providing my postal address is not a problem (http://vanderven.se/martijn/). Information about other requirements is harder to find though.
#ZegnatCookies is a wrong term to use there, actually. I gave the Dutch implementation of the EU directive a look not long ago, and I believe it also applies to localstorage et al.
#KevinMarks___reading them, like the US paperwork prevention law
#ZegnatOh my, I was wrong, the fine for a missing or faulty impressum is upwards to 50000 EUR, an extra 0.
#ZegnatUsually it means some form of AES, because at some point the US government guideline was to use AES encryption for classified material. These post-Snowden days it can mean anything.
#petermolnarso I guess no one is actually checking kickstarter for frauds...
#Zegnatpetermolnar: I am assuming that was spoken with irony?
#Zegnatmilitary grade encryption: once the military feels fine sharing their encryption with you, it is no longer military grade
#KevinMarks___tattoing a slaves head and waiting for hir to regrow was militray grade encryption in the 2nd century AD
#petermolnarI'd be surprised if the encryption tools available for us in linux would be much less powerful than the ones they actually use for military purposes
#cweiskemilitary grade means that the government can decrypt it
#petermolnargosh I can't believe that thing in Britain, especially that I'm living here currently
#Zegnatpetermolnar: that is true, also because a lot of today’s encryption tools are based on solid mathematical principals. But the military might have access to even slower and more hardened file formats we don’t know about yet, which would still make them better.
#cweiske"Etwas anderes gilt nur bei Angeboten, die ausschließlich privaten oder familiären
#cweiskeZwecken dienen und die keine Auswirkung auf den Markt haben."
#cweiskewhen publishing open source software, am I having effects on the commercial software market?
#ZegnatI think this applies to OSS: ‘Manche Gerichte vertreten die Ansicht, dass das Angebot schon ”žgeschäftsmäßig“ ist, wenn es aufgrund einer nachhaltigen (das heisst nicht auf einen Einzelfall beschränkten) Tätigkeit erfolgt; eine Gewinnerzielungsabsicht ist danach nicht erforderlich.’
#cweiskeI don't want to care about this anymore and will stop thinking about it
#KevinMarks___that link is relevant, in that Germany is trying hard to protect against corporations to the point of bothering individuals too mahc
#ZegnatKevinMarks, I think the link is relevant to any IndieWeb creator based from Germany or hosted in Germany. It may apply to anyone of them who wants to set-up their personal identity online. But finding correct info on the issue is proving to be hard, especially in English
#keganKevinMarks, I think they just want people to be consistent
#KevinMarksthey have 8 icons for kinds of airline seats
#rhiaropetermolnar: Scotland is better. If we end up leaving EU maybe there'll be another indyref :)
#petermolnarand I'll end up either in Scotland if you stay in the EU or in Amsterdam in that case, being a foreigner
#nurvI work at a open source project called FenixEdu, we do software for schools, from cloud based storage, to workflow systems. We are going to make a new LMS, with social caracteristics, and we would like to use something like diaspora so that each school would have their instance but a student from a school could add a friend from another school. Did you guys worked on something like this?
#petermolnarnot really; the indieweb goal is for everyone to have their own site/domain instead of centralized services
#KevinMarksyes, indieweb protocols make this possible
#KevinMarkswithknown.com is probably the most education focused project
#nurvKevinMarks: can you point protocol spec so I can start looking at it?
#KevinMarksbut the various readers enable this too
#ZegnatEvery school could run there own local installation of Known, and I think the members will be able to cross-server follow each other. There is no real ‘friending’ system though. I would say it compares more to Twitter than Facebook, in social terms.
#LoqiThe indieweb is about owning your domain and using it as your primary identity, to publish on your own site (optionally syndicate elsewhere), and ownyourdata https://indiewebcamp.com/indieweb
mlncn, sharplefthander and shiflett joined the channel
#kylewmpetermolnar: indieauth.com went through a *major* refactoring this weekend; i bet aaronpk would appreciate a bug report if it was giving you trouble this morning
#kylewm!tell aaronpk the 404 from woodwind to switchboard for push verification is because it's sending the field names without "hub."
#tantek!tell ben_thatmustbeme the point of the relmeauth library is to have that functionality on your own site - certainly *not* to make another protocol (in addition to IndieAuth protocol). Also ok to grow relmeauth lib to optionally *support* the IndieAuth protocol.
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme: tantek left you a message 15 minutes ago: the point of the relmeauth library is to have that functionality on your own site - certainly *not* to make another protocol (in addition to IndieAuth protocol). Also ok to grow relmeauth lib to optionally *support* the IndieAuth protocol. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-06-01/line/1433177320674
#ben_thatmustbemeand not another protocol, i'm making another implementation of the same protocol
#tantekit sounded like you were talking another protocol in IRC, e.g. mention of OpenAuth2 (what is that?!?)
#LoqiThat! (or "that ^" or "that ^^^") is a rarely seen reply often emphasizing agreement with a This post, but sometimes[1] merely emphasizing agreement with a previous reply https://indiewebcamp.com/that
#gRegorLoveBridgy doesn't seem to be finding my post from yesterday and sending wm back. I did renew Bridgy last week-ish, I think, though I don't know how long it had been expired.
#aaronpkthat's why i went with the prompting approach for indieauth.com (which also let me do the relme verification asynchronously which also makes it look faster)
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: I got "SUCCESS! You verified" which feels - empty? shouldn't it say I verified (domain name) ?
#tantekthe point of the separate "relmeath" / or . deployment is to provide a tool to help teach about relmeauth - so it helps to have a more explanatory result upon success.
#gRegorLovetantek: Saw the logs /media_checkin criticism. I'm pretty neutral on the term, so I'm fine with a better term. I'm not a big fan of "bookmark" because that means something different to me on the web.
#gRegorLoveThe Goodreads link is "update status" which shows "I am on page [input] —or— I'm finished (link)" followed by a textarea for optional comments.
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk: i would love to, but the wiki appears to have hard-coded indieauth.com as the endpoint
#ben_thatmustbemeits using indieauth.com as a service, rather than indieauth as a library right now. those are different architecturally
#aaronpkthe wiki is always going to use indieauth.com as a service because there is nothing yo ucan do to compel me to write a mediawiki plugin that supports relmeauth
#aaronpkthe DNS issue probably had to do with me changing the root nameservers on indieauth.com in order to move DNS from linode to AWS. it could have happened just as easily if I moved the indiewebcamp.com DNS to AWS as well
#gRegorLoveHmm, maybe something's up with my post, snarfed? Woodwind isn't pulling in the post content, just the title. The parsed mf2 looks ok at a glance, though.
#aaronpkone of the indieauth.com servers is on the same machine as the wiki, but there are 3 servers now
#ben_thatmustbemethe other day indieauth.com went down for me too.... i could not log in to anything
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: it's one thing to get your own auth setup so you can sign into your own site without worrying about an external SPOF, it's something else entirely to try to use your own auth setup for all other external sites.
j12t joined the channel
#tanteke.g. I was able to still post etc. on my site because I run my own relmeauth.php - but I still couldn't see/use the wiki or any of the apps which depend on indieauth.com
#gRegorLoveLaid in a hammock and drank beer, aaronpk? ;)
#solson_I have two websites and I am unsure how this would work with that. Could you have two websites?
#solson_My son also has a couple websites. Would you have more than one identity?
#KartikPrabhusolson_ : you can have one as your primary website and connect the others to it via rel-me
#ben_thatmustbemeor have entirely different identities if you really wanted
#KartikPrabhuor if you want to keep them separate, you can just pretend they are all different identities
#aaronpkthere is no Real Names policy on the indieweb :)
#ZegnatI am going to run on 2 different domains, one will be my feed (blog) and the other one is my personal website (identity). I would say: just go for it.
shiflett joined the channel
#ZegnatBut prefer subdomains to directories if you are planning something like that. Directories mess with the IndieWebCamp wiki and just cause headaches :p
#bearaaronpk - coolness with the refactoring! I will finish my ansible work and deploy indieauth.com to the instance I have running tonight!
#KartikPrabhuZegnat: so your personal website is not going to have any posts?
#KartikPrabhugRegorLove: curious as to what "bookmark" mean to you on the web?
benwerd joined the channel
#aaronpkbear: awesome! also I realized the openid plugin requires memcache so you'll need to add that too :(
#ZegnatI am not planning to have them there, KartikPrabhu, no.
#GWGsolson_: Leo has a Known installation, but I think he only dabbles
#GWGsolson_: Agreed. The idea of not putting so much of myself into a system that I couldn't control was something that resonated with what I was already doing
#gRegorLoveKartikPrabhu: It's what I think is the common definition: a log of URLs I either want to finish reading later or want to easily find later. That's not the same as a physical bookmark in a book to me.
#gRegorLoveA physical bookmark also only tracks the latest position. A "media checkin" or whatever we want to call it is about tracking the history of that
#gRegorLoveIn my experience, most web bookmarks end up just being digital hoarding, though. I have so many that I will likely never revisit or go through again to even clean up :)
#KartikPrabhu"A physical bookmark also only tracks the latest position." you've been using books the wrong way ;)
#LoqiMedia check-in is a somewhat controversial concept that refers to a type of virtual check-in post, where the "location" is an item of consumable media such as a book, audio, video, or realtime media such as a radio or TV broadcast https://indiewebcamp.com/media_checkin
#LoqiA bookmark (or linkblog) is a post that is primarily comprised of a URL, often title text from that URL, sometimes optional text describing, tagging, or quoting from its contents https://indiewebcamp.com/bookmark
#ZegnatI read books a lot like I watch films: a small niche genre that I keep revisiting. Not much to track.
#gRegorLove"currently" could be a generic term for these, though maybe too ambiguous. "currently listening to __ by __" "currently reading __ on page __" etc.
#KartikPrabhugRegorLove: do you write book reviews on Goodreads? Maybe a good place to start indiewebifying your Goodreads activity
#Zegnatkylewm: I can of course not give legal advice. But let me dig up what a German hosting company told me earlier today.
#ZegnatI m not going to name the hosting provider, and again, no legal advice, IANAL, IANYL, etc. etc.
#Zegnat“If you are just hosting your website in germany, but it's not in german and not targeted at a german audience, you probably don't need to have an Impressum at all. Again, the german laws are fuzzy on the matter what constitues "targeted at a german audience".”
#aaronpksince nobody except highly paid lawyers can give legal advice, and the regulation is written in legalese, i'm guessing this doesn't actually matter in practice
#ZegnatIt matters in so much as bloggers have reported getting threatening letters from lawyers when they forget about the imprint. Of course they will try and get you to settle out of court. Something you will want to do as the fines go up to 50000 EUR.
#gRegorLoveGot it sorted, kylewm. Expect it will show up after the cache clears. Thanks!
#ZegnatSmall fry lawyers I guess, people don’t like to discuss those details. But I guess it is a scheme much like those threatening letters you get for illegally downloading stuff in other countries.
#ZegnatIt is pretty ironic that I started researching this for a domain “licit.li” ;)
#aaronpki mean who is sending the letters tho? lawyers representing the german government? or just random lawyers?
#kylewmyes sounds very reminiscent of RIAA/MPAA lawsuits
#aaronpkhow in the world can a random lawyer file a lawsuit against a blogger for not having the impressum, unless the lawyer represents the government?!
#ZegnatRandom lawyer contacts you that you are not complying to TMG. TMG is a law that protects “consumers” (the lawyer is a consumer of your site). So they will file a civil suit against you unless you settle with them right there.
#ZegnatAt least that’s usually how it goes. Or so I hear.
#ZegnatStill scares the crap out of people though.
glennjones_ joined the channel
#ZegnatIt might be worth contacting Digital Ocean though, they might be more willing to comment on this than the small hosting company I was talking with
#ZegnatAh, yes, accessibility laws are also prone to this effect
#ZegnatI seem to vaguely recall a case where someone sued a website for not subtitling their videos.
#ZegnatAnd the link gRegorLove mentions there is one of the few English articles I found too. Basically it makes small law firms into cease-and-desist-shakedown offices.
#ZegnatI considered setting up a IndieWebCamp page about this, but I am really not qualified to do so and I don’t think IndieWebCamp should try to give advice concerning this.
#ZegnatOn the other hand, we do urge people to strike out on the web alone, and they can get into trouble if they do not know about local law. Like fkooman admitted earlier today.
#Loqislack/snarfed: the same thing happens in the US with the ADA (disability protection law), among other things
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk: looking at the wiki code, you stopped using the authenticate() function from wordpress, was there any issue with it, or was it just to simplify things?
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme meant to say: aaronpk: looking at the wiki code, you stopped using the authenticate() function from mediawiki, was there any issue with it, or was it just to simplify things?
#tantek!tell aaronpk,kylewm do your readers use the results of a mf2 parser to look for alternates for Atom/RSS - or do you do your own parsing / scraping for those link rels?
#aaronpkbecause the indieauth.com API is very similar to the IndieAuth protocol, indieauth.com can be used as a "fallback" when the user doesn't have their own authorization endpoint
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 1 minute ago: do your readers use the results of a mf2 parser to look for alternates for Atom/RSS - or do you do your own parsing / scraping for those link rels? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-06-01/line/1433194869698
#tantekanyone here object to dropping the "alternates" collection from the parsed microformats2 JSON output? (and using rels + rel-urls to look them up instead?)
#aaronpki am using the "alternates" but it's kind of sad that it doesn't know about the type
#aaronpkyeah right now i show an RSS icon regardless of what the alternate is, but it's fine cause you can't actually subscribe to those in monocle yet ;)
#tantekok cool - and since you could never depend on the "alternates" key being there, your code won't fail when it's not
#tantekin other news I've also joined the W3C's Pubsubhubbub community group - if you're interested in PuSH, and already have a W3C login, you may want to join too: https://www.w3.org/community/pubsub/ - let's support julien51 in his efforts here
#LoqiPubSubHubbub (PuSH) is a notification-based protocol for publishing and subscribing to streams and legacy feed files in real time https://indiewebcamp.com/PuSH
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, zachdonovan, aranasaurus, LCyrin, wolftune and bengo joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /PubSubHubbub (+794) "update Discussion with actual links to where discussion occurs, link to W3C Community Group, move old "complex" discussion point to an Issues section and note historical context vs. deployment today" (view diff)
#kylewmtantek: I use both rel-urls (to look for rel=feed) and alternates; combining them would be great
lukebrooker joined the channel
#Loqikylewm: tantek left you a message 43 minutes ago: do your readers use the results of a mf2 parser to look for alternates for Atom/RSS - or do you do your own parsing / scraping for those link rels? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-06-01/line/1433194869698
#tantekkylewm: thanks - yes current spec says that alternates are included in rel-urls, and glennjones's tests say so too
#tantekassuming implementations catch up, ok with dropping "alternates"?