Loqislack/dariusdunlap: The way I’ve found to do h-card is as a text widget in the sidebar. There may be something more elegant, but nothing I’ve found built into the plugins I know about. (If there is, I’d love to find out about it) see my site at: <https://darius.dunlaps.net>
gRegorLovesolson: I think if you added a rel=me on the page that points to http://stevenjamesolson.com/author/steve/, then the h-card would work as representative, since it's using rel=author for that URL. I think that's what the Indiewebify message means, and might be the simplest way without adding a widget.
danfowler, snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
gRegorLoveI don't think the representative h-card method is hacky. If solson's site is the default theme (looks like it), adding one rel=me to the template should work.
gRegorLoveGWG: What tantek was suggesting though is instructions for specific WP themes. The twenty* themes will be most common and include author links already, so adding a rel=me to that same URL should make the indiewebify.me test work.
tantekwithout given-name or family-name or one of the other n subproperties, the "n" there can cause an error - it's why we dropped in (and subproperties) in microformats 2
tantekmaybe to prefer readers that have subscribed to PuSH updates? because they've taken a specific action to indicate their interest in seeing what I've written - vs. sending a webmention to someone who may want them in general but didn't necessarily ask you for a response
tantekI just wasn't ready to call the code yet - it was more of a demonstration about how short such code could be (a couple of functions instead of a a bunch of classes, methods etc.)
tantekif this integration works, then I'll get to recast that file as a bit of open source extracted from Falcon, a separable piece others could use (don't want to claim that until I have it live and working for my site)
ZegnatKartikPrabhu: I considered compiling a page with information, but I am hesitant to write up anything that others might take as legal advice for starting a website
ZegnatKartikPrabhu: I can give a wiki page a go by the end of the week, after my exams. Feel free to poke me into action by Saturday. I’ll just write a huge warning at the top of the page about no legal advice and imperfect translations from German and all that
Zegnat!tell tantek What is the wiki policy on information about legal regulations of certain countries? It seems fair to inform new IndieWeb creators from e.g. Germany about their obligation to publish personal information.
KartikPrabhuZegnat: I appreciate that you brought this point up. Navigating legal regulations seems much more of an obstacle than managing servers and SSLs and all that
KartikPrabhuZegnat: do you think that this Impressum thing applies to silo accounts? As in do I have to publish some contact info on my Twitter account or something?
ZegnatThat is what I thought odd. I have seen the argument that this isn’t stopping free or anonymous speech because people can post at forums (aka silos) and the only impressum needed there is from the people running the silo. However that seems to clash with Facebook adding n option for users to add impressum pages.
pfefferleZegnat not really, I had one, but since I removed Google Analytics and similar stuff, I also removed the datenschutz information… I am not sure if they are required…
keganI would guess so. You'd need to know *something* from the user, else it's a bit rubbish if you wanted to manually check the message you received is authentic.
petermolnarZegnat I really wonder why facebook is the first to apply gpg by the way; it might as well be a way to sort out all privacy aware users who still have a facebook account
Zegnatpetermolnar: why would Facebook, a website with an abhorrent “authentic name policy”, set up a .onion address for Tor users? I have long given up trying to understand motives behind social silos.
ZegnatA lot of these people don’t really have that choice. I have several friends on Facebook that are only there because there is no other way to stay in the loop on on-campus events, study groups, you name it.
ZegnatI can of course only speak of university campus here in Sweden – I have seen Karlstad’s and Malmö’s up close – and those meetups, parties at local pubs and clubs, student nights out, they are all advertised exclusively on Facebook.
ZegnatI see less and less flyers. Actually, I have been to a Valentine’s Day party that I believe only had 1 flyer total. The flyer was a handwritten A4 put on the door of the appartment building to let people know what floor the party would be on once they got to the building.
ZegnatI have at least 1 friend who removed their Facebook to later join again, specifically telling me it was impossible for her to keep up with fellow students without Facebook.
ZegnatI think because universities themselves do not want to run them? Some IT-departments might set them up, but I am in the economics department and have never heard of one.
petermolnarthe gigs I used to go to were kind of underground (niche might be a better phrase), and for my surprise, though some of those went over to facebook, many is virtually impossible to find if you don't know exactly which site to look at or where to pick some flyers up
petermolnarwhen I was attending to uni all the gigs were either "promoted" by posters or it was told from one to another, depending on the size of the gig
cweiskeI'd like to give my users the ability to create their own lists, with password-protected web interface for searching. web-based setup process, too
ZegnatImportant footnote might be, petermolnar: what did you study? My brother does a web & multimedia study and they use mostly Facebook. I study economics and we use a lot of Skype or in-person meetings to work on projects.
petermolnarhaving a facebook app on your phone, which requires more access than airdroid (remote android managements app) instead of a mail account? that's madness
petermolnarZegnat I'm very close to the point to say that those who are not willing to answer their phone, get together for a drink or reply to an email doesn't worth me having a facebook account just to feel the illusion of staying in touch
ZegnatI live in a place that is so much the middle of nowhere that there exists a feature length film about ow much there is nothing here. I am okey with using Facebook if that is required to stay social.
ZegnatI am considering a sabbatical from uni as all this theory on things I will never use has completely demotivated me. I’ll be spending the summer job hunting and if I find something I’ll put the studies on hold.
petermolnarZegnat I've learned tonnes of thing I consider useless; however, no learning is ever useless. It may not benefit you for ages, but eventually, they will come in handy at a certain point in your life
petermolnar( I've decided to make a function that exports posts on the fly to the yaml+markdown Grav accepts, just in case I want a backup of my site as a copyable folder )
ZegnatDoes the IndieWeb have a concept of too-much-information? I.e. I see aaronpk does not put his metrics tracking in his main feed. Or is that all arbitrary?
jansauer, csarven, j12t and jansauer_ joined the channel
LoqiItches, in the context of the indieweb, are individuals's personal sources of annoyances using the web or in particular their own website, that they use to itemize and prioritize what to create, design, build, and improve on their own website, often by first listing such "itches" on a section in their User: https://indiewebcamp.com/itches
kylewmhi aaronpk! two indieauth questions for you, 1) does the auth endpoint have to return a 200 with no arguments? 2) does Quill require logins to be a domain with no path?
Loqitantek: Zegnat left you a message 9 hours, 28 minutes ago: What is the wiki policy on information about legal regulations of certain countries? It seems fair to inform new IndieWeb creators from e.g. Germany about their obligation to publish personal information. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-06-02/line/1433229422259
tantek!tell Zegnat we try to avoid any particular legal advice on the wiki. However, if you want to create purely factual (with citations) summaries of things that affect indieweb sites, or that indieweb sites have examples of, go right ahead. Perhaps link to Wikipedia for such things.
tantekoffline first post authoring is definitely a massive pain point / itch of mine, even with existing silos (e.g. Swarm / Foursquare perhaps the most)
tantekaaronpk: no, if you're in the middle of posting a photo, and say switch apps to the browser to look something up, come back, oh sorry, everything is thrown away, start over
tantekbear - if there are indieweb related talks or sessions, please feel free to add it /events, explicitly listing the times/places of the indieweb related taslk / sessions
LanceyWorkhey kylewm, i noticed today that redwind does syndication for drafts, ie, if you check the "share on twitter" button and save a post as a draft, it'll tweet it out with the draft link. is that behavior intended?
kylewmLanceyWork: um.. good question. I never considered syndicating a draft, so definitely not intended. it should probably flash a message saying that it is cowardly refusing to do that
rhiaroI think I fixed my microformats today. They look okay from parser output. I even added top level h-* to body tag. If anyone has time to take a look I'd appreciate it any feedback
rhiarotantek: seems fine, except apparently having an author for a feed is not picked up as the author for the posts inside the feed. Is that expected behaviour?
LoqiCORS is an acronym for "cross-origin resource sharing," a mechanism for allowing browsers to make JavaScript requests to fetch resources from other domains https://indiewebcamp.com/CORS
LoqiZegnat: tantek left you a message 2 hours ago: we try to avoid any particular legal advice on the wiki. However, if you want to create purely factual (with citations) summaries of things that affect indieweb sites, or that indieweb sites have examples of, go right ahead. Perhaps link to Wikipedia for such things. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-06-02/line/1433263576344
aaronpki'll have to take a look at this again later. not sure what went wrong, cause it was working for me 2 weeks ago! must have broke something in the refactoring
gRegorLove, todrobbins, tantek, Leeky and mlncn joined the channel
aaronpkoh funny, they use both "scrobble" and "checkin". scrobbling refers to devices automatically posting when media is played, and checkin refers to the process of manually reporting what you're watching
tantekaaronpk: do you manually POSSE your indie events to Calagator or does /p3k (semi-)automatically POSSE to Calagator? does Calagator have an API that we could add support for in Bridgy Publish?
tanteklink-rel-parser-php/phpunit.phar " executable file 4568.956 kb \ This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file. \ (Sorry about that, but we can't show files that are this big right now.) "
tantekthis kind of complexity / binary dependency just makes me want to write my own "runtests.php" that just has a flat set of test calls of the flat functions and flat comparisons to hardcoded results right in there.
tantekyeah - remember when adactio made the case about php-mf2 should just be one file you can manually include to get it to work? there's a reason for that.
tantekit's amazing how such language specific dev-tools/environments supposedly designed to make things easier actually make thing *harder* for far more people
vanderven.se martijncreated /Impressum (+6403) "Created page with "{{stub}} <div style="text-align:center;margin:2em auto;">'''Nothing on this page should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a legal opinion or otherwise engage in the ..."" (view diff)
LoqiAn Impressum is a legally required disclosure of information about the person responsible for a website. This concerns creators in Germany and Austria the most https://indiewebcamp.com/Impressum
ZegnatI emailed Marc about this as well when I was reaching out to German IndieWeb creators, so maybe he’ll take it into consideration for beyond tellerand or IWC
ZegnatI haven’t gotten around to writing that email yet. I have been studying for an exam tomorrow. I just couldn’t let go off all this Impressum crap and had to get that wiki page started before collapsing into my pillow
LoqiAn Impressum is a disclosure of information about the person responsible for a website that appears to be required by laws in some countries https://indiewebcamp.com/Impressum
ZegnatI am writing an article in my second language based on scraps of information from around the internet written in my fourth language … ugh. I also hope some Germans can take a look at how my translations have held up.
ZegnatI can write German on the level of a 5 year old. But I read it at a basic 16 year old or so level. That 16 y.o. level gave me a hard time interpreting some of these texts, but I am fairly confident in everything I have written. But I will not be helping with the German translation any time soon.
Zegnat!tell pfefferle Thank you for the links this morning, /Impressum is now a thing! I have linked you as one of the IndieWeb Examples, hope that is OK?
hpincketI just started working on a simple site which might be applicable here (not sure). Its purpose is for users to own their own data, in this case playlist data (in the context of music streaming). It enables them to download plain-text backups of the songs in their playlists. When Grooveshark shut down over night, thousands of users lost their music collections. All of this is done client side. So it's a step in the same directio
LoqiIndieWeb friendly refers to online services interoperating well with the indieweb by supporting open indieweb formats, protocols, as well as enabling users to transition to their own indieweb sites https://indiewebcamp.com/indieweb_friendly
LoqiGitPub is a micropub endpoint that creates static content inside a git repository for later consumption by a ssg or flat file backed cms https://indiewebcamp.com/GitPub