#tantekand even coded support for my "clicker" to work with the next/prev arrows on my notes
#tantekthat plus whitespace support so I could make bulleted lists - and it totally worked, plus each slide was in-reply-to the previous one, so when you viewed the POSSE copy of slide one on Twitter, you saw the entire presentation as a series of replies to it
#tantekthen the @-replies to the slides after that as commentary
#kylewmi'm reasonably suspicious of any plaintext -> HTML language that isn't Markdown, but the plain-text for this looks impressively un-code-like compared to Markdown
#Loqiacegiak: kylewm left you a message on 6/9 at 8:14am: ok fixed some issues on my side, but now I'm having trouble parsing your replies. you probably don't want to mark up the header as e-content, and probably do want to add "p-comment h-cite" to comments http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-06-09/line/1433862867646
#acegiakSalmentions are update webmentions passed from a reply post to the original content post when the reply recieves and displays another reply to itself allowing the original post to then check the first reply, parse the second reply displayed as a comment on the first reply and then display it as a threaded reply on the original post
#acegiakall I've got so far is passing the mention and I know kylewm is working on reading downstream comments which is what I don't know how to implement in the indieweb wordpress ecosystem
#Zegnatmy current in-process webmention script will be working asynchronously. So that is going to slow down any sending webmentions up stream. Maybe I should add in an exception for passing along mentions
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#Zegnatacegiak: if someone sends a webmention to a repost, should those be passed along as well? E.g. if you like my repost, you probably want the like to show up on the original as well. That’s what Tumblr does, I think.
#KevinMarks__That isn't necessarily a problem - twitter copes ok
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#acegiakKevinMarks__: yeah I've never thought forking to much of an issue
#ZegnatI am going to grab some more tea and see if I can’t get /Salmentions to make a little more sense on first read :) I do think passing along webmentions up-stream is a good idea
#GWGacegiak: I need to fix comment presentation in mf2_s. How do you feel about it?
#acegiakagreed it could use a little work. I haven't got around to tackling it with my custom css yet
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#GWGacegiak: I might merge the Semantic Comments code I wrote and keep it both as a plugin and part of the theme.
#acegiakalso I upgraded to the latest mf2_s from github with no issues and my child theme worked perfectly
#GWGOne being very basic, the other being fancier.
#rhiarosalmentions is *notifying* the original post that one of it's replies has a reply, right? ActivityPump (and pump.io?) basically work this way. As opposed to *only* notifying the post you're actually replying to, which means the original post would have to check all its replies for replies if it wanted to display them
#petermolnarKartikPrabhu should there be a difference between reply-to-reply vs reply-to-post? I don't think so, keep it simple, clean, flat and treat them all as replies
#aaronpkgiven post A, there is an in-reply-to post B. someone then posts C which is in-reply-to B. post A doesn't know about it yet, so how best to notify post A about post C
#kylewmcsarven: the tongue-in-cheek name "salmention" is a nod to Salmon which iirc is part of Ostatus
#aaronpkKartikPrabhu: I don't see anything on /Webmention that describes how to do that, but I agree it should just be part of webmention and not called a new thing
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: wrong it is saying for B to send a webmention, *and* for A to parse the webmention for comments, and interpret those comments
#aaronpkit also assumes A adds microformat markup when displaying comments, which needs to be explicitly called out
#aaronpkif we want to add a separate header or make a new page for this, I would suggest calling it something descriptive like "Downstream Webmentions" or "Handling Reply Chains" instead of making up a new jargon term, as cute as "salmention" is
#LoqiA reply thread (AKA reply chain) is a threaded list of replies, and replies to those replies, displayed under the original post, as part of the context-thread https://indiewebcamp.com/reply-chain
#aaronpki assume to get your reply context, you just crawl up the chain fetching all of them?
#ben_thatmustbemeyes (if I don't already have them) and I also follow multiple paths if they are reply-to multiple posts
#csarvenkylewm Subjective. Terms where most people would have some understanding of are good choices IMO. What's a "chain" - is it hierarchical / hyper-graph.. ? What's a "reply"?
#petermolnarcsarven if you take a look at 'Files' named application in the current, different linux DEs you can end up not knowing which software you're referring to because they all name it the same
#aaronpki find it interesting that facebook added support for one-level deep threading of comments
#petermolnar( "You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here." - so no, chains are not hierarchical )
#ben_thatmustbemeyeah, i saw that a month ago and was rather shocked honestly
#tantekpetermolnar: another possibility is to allow arbitrary threading, and then just flatten them into a single list by time order, which is what Twitter does
#tantekif you view the "original" tweet that everything replied to first, you see all immediate, secondary, tertiary etc. replies
#csarvenIf the history of ideas and innovation teaches us anything, they don't happen in sequence, hierarchies or with arbitrary depths. They come and go out of nowhere. That's what you can observe in the real-world.
#petermolnartantek I do not have a screenshot, but I'll dig some old sites up later
#tantekcsarven, nah, "come and go out of nowhere" just means you're not doing your homework. "nowhere" = you just haven't looked hard enough. the history of ideas and innovations more often shows derivative works, mashups, etc. evolution of ideas
#tantekif you think something came from nowhere, don't assume that, ask where it came from, and perhaps someone else will be able to point out the origins
#tantekcsarven - good luck coming up with examples to prove your case
#tantekhistory disagrees with you csarven - like I said you're just not looking or asking hard enough
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#tantekI'll just give you one simple citation to keep you busy, re: innovations. Nearly all patent applications cite previous inventions that they're building on.
#tantekfeel free to use the patent search engine of your choice. good luck finding a single patent that doesn't cite prior work it's based on.
#csarventantek The "reasonable" or "simple enough" explanation is that whatever initiated some idea is not always absolutely identifiable in time and space. If you always want to do that, you have a halting problem.
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#csarvenAny way.. I don't mean to get in the way of an actual implementation in which some of you are working on. Just dropping some thoughts - ignore/use as you see fit :)
#csarvenI should have said "don't always happen" instead of "don't happen". :S
#tantekcsarven: that's what you get for trolling with theoreticals ;)
#csarvenIf we are going to look at "history of ideas", I would propose a better example than the patents. You know, people were coming up with stuff before that.
#ben_thatmustbemethey are effemeral and will fall off over time, they are not the posts themselves, they can have different content. This is the same as on pretty much every silo (facebook/G+ Notifications menu, or "view all notifications")
#Loqinotifications in the context of the IndieWeb refer to all forms and ways that an independent web site can receive a message indicating something of interest (server notifications), and potentially relay that information (preferably in realtime) to one or more devices used by the owner of that site (client notifications) https://indiewebcamp.com/notifications
#ben_thatmustbemethe interesting bit is that there are no permalinks to those, so i am going to do an h-feed where the only u-url entries point to the post that is being edited / created / commented on. don't know if that will confuse others or not
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: the way to prove that with a screenshot is to explain everything in the screenshot, and when it is clear none of them are permalinks, QED
#aaronpkI cna't add indieauth.com as a server exmaple until I fix the bugs :)
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: hence the request for screenshots, and analysis of parts thereof.
#Loqinotifications in the context of the IndieWeb refer to all forms and ways that an independent web site can receive a message indicating something of interest (server notifications), and potentially relay that information (preferably in realtime) to one or more devices used by the owner of that site (client notifications) https://indiewebcamp.com/notification
#tantekthat is, I think notification implies push (lowercase) of a sort
#tantekwhereas what FB calls "Your Notifications" is actually a "recent activity" page
#ben_thatmustbemetantek, FB calls it notifications without push ability
#tantekI'm saying that's a misuse (dilution) of the term
#ben_thatmustbemei think "notifications" without push is fine. Many sites when you log in you get "notifications"
#tantekthey're not the only ones to have the reactions/responses/interactions bikeshed problem
#tantekbut at some point I think they realized they have a fraction of the users of FB and decided to adopt FB features / text conventions
#tantekanyway - ironically, Instagram (owned by FB) still calls it "ACTIVITY" in their UI
#tantekit is "simpler" UI of a sort to call both things "notifications"
#tantek*only* if they reflect the same set of things
#tantekthat is the set of things you're pushed about (perhaps filtered due to personal / OS prefs), and the page showing all the things you were (or could have been) pushed
#tantekwhat's nice about that (using "notifications" for both the pushes and the page showing recent pushed things or things that could have been pushed) is that it eliminates the abstract term "activity"
#elf-pavlikcould someone please point me to IndieWeb deploymens wich use languages other than english? i can only think of http://christopheducamp.com/
#tantekhmm, might be good to list them as IndieWeb Examples somewhere
#aaronpkthere's a whole host of german ones now, check out the 2015/Germany guest list
#tantekshould such a list be provided in the native language of the deployment(s)? or on a default en page?
#elf-pavlika year ago i used multilingual support in JSON-LD for http://matera.unmonastery.org and it worked pretty well
#tantekelf-pavlik: ah - that's good reason to look at such indieweb examples
#tantekelf-pavlik: did any code consume or do anything with the multilingual support you published? or what do you mean by "worked pretty well" ?
#tantekhistorically, explicit language designations have had very poor adoption in consuming code, and frankly, mostly been noisy/wrong in published markup
#tanteknot saying we shouldn't try, just that history has shown that naive efforts are fruitless
#tantekso we should be deliberate about only proposing multilingual markup that has a decent chance of consuming code actually doing something with (a concrete existing use-case / user-story)
#tantekotherwise we're fooling ourselves that we're helping anything at all
#elf-pavliktantek, to my understanding currently OAuth scopes used by micropub also don't give clear way for providing multilingular labels meant for humans (rather than machine oriented strings - english only or even opaque) https://github.com/aaronpk/Micropub/issues/11#issuecomment-108605762
#LoqiIn OAuth terminology, scope is a way to limit what parts of your account are accessible by third-party applications https://indiewebcamp.com/scope
#KevinMarksno, sorry, thst was the earlier point about how to markup multilingual text
#tantekelf-pavlik: can you add to /scope#FAQ ? "how authrization server can provide information about requested scopes to a person in a language of this persons choice?" [sic]
#tantekperhaps listing Github as an example of good behavior
#aaronpkGitHub takes a scope like "repo:delete" and turns it into a sentence explaining the privilege the app will have
#elf-pavlikaaronpk, even just for multilingual labels using URIs for scopes can make it easier to share common translations, just as this demo uses wikidata for food names http://googleknowledge.github.io/qlabel/demo/menu/
#Loqielf-pavlik meant to say: translating food on wikidata will automaticaly enable software using it to show newly translated name
#aaronpkSo it's a central repository of translations?
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#elf-pavlikif at some point, we come close to situation where each Resource Server (e.g. indie website) uses dedicated Authorization Server may make a lot of sense
#tantekdoes this software actually exist? or is this a wish for such software?
#elf-pavlikbetter central repository of translations than central authorization server like indieauth.com ;)
#tantekthat is, software "to show newly translated name" ?
#aaronpkI dunno, I doubt everyone will want their own authorization server to phone home when they log in somewhere
#tantekis not sure what argument elf-pavlik is trying to make
#elf-pavliki tried to say that central repository of translations can work pretty well, while i would discourage central authorization server used by everyone in the decentralized network
#tantekeither way, I wouldn't worry about such problems unless you have specific citations
#elf-pavliki might try to perform crawl to get statistics on how many indie websites use tokens.indieauth.com as their authorzation server
#tantekor, lacking citations, if you have worries, ask in the form of a question
#aaronpktokens.indieauth.com is not an authorization server
#aaronpkIt is a token endpoint, and a relatively simple one at that, which also includes instructions on how to build a token endpoint and move off of it
#elf-pavlikaaronpk, might got wrong how you separated indieauth.com and tokens.indieauth.com
#tantekwatches IWC 2015 Brighton grow to 27(!) participants
#aaronpkHave you set up micropub and used something like Quill yet?
#tantekelf-pavlik: is this one of your top itches?
#elf-pavlikdoes anyone see problem with centralized repository of (default) translations for commonly used oauth scopes? one can also choose to create custom translations to not use default ones
#tantekelf-pavlik: are you using centralized repository of (default) translations for commonly used oauth scopes on your own site?
#elf-pavlikaaronpk, i will most likely use delegated feed which will support micropub API
#elf-pavlikon my self hosted homepage will most likely deploy REST based API
#aaronpkIt is worth going trough the setup tutorial on Quill
#elf-pavlikalso this delegated feed can take care of HTML+Microformats
#aaronpkIt walks you through all the steps and tells you how to build them, and offers hosted auth server and token endpoint of you just want to skip that part for now
#aaronpkThen you will understand how the two pieces work together
#Loqicommunication in the context of the indieweb refers to using your personal website as a starting point and potentially way for people to communicate with you https://indiewebcamp.com/communication
#elf-pavlikaaronpk, kylewm can readers you work on read private posts?
#tantekwhen you start a subject with questions here in IRC, and people help answer it, please respect their time by spending your own time to write them *immediately*
#pokai tend to think of it as a stack. eventually the tangent will return
#tantekpoka, heh, in practice people tend to not get around to it, hence the reminder
#tantekalso it's a fair trade - if someone wants others to spend the time to provide advice, they should trade with their own time in writing up the questions (and any answers given)
#elf-pavlikI don't see RPC mentioned on http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub neither Micropub in RPC section on REST page. Does Micropub not qualify as RPC API? "RPC implementations typically target a single endpoint and use POST to send parameters to that endpoint, in essence using HTTP as a tunnel for a custom protocol."
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#elf-pavliknext todo, check out Quill walk through
#LoqiRepresentational State Transfer (REST) is a software design architecture used to communicate state between two systems https://indiewebcamp.com/REST
#tantekgRegorLove: in answer to your question, yes, since all three terms have real world usage/citations
#LoqiRepresentational State Transfer (REST) is a software design architecture used to communicate state between two systems that has no current IndieWeb adoption, likely due to its fundamental incompatibility with static sites https://indiewebcamp.com/RPC
#tantekfor terms that are actually different, we really do need separate (if short) pages
#LoqiREST-based is typically marketing bulshytt that basically means HTTP plus buzzword marketing of REST without actually being RESTful https://indiewebcamp.com/REST-based
#LoqiRepresentational State Transfer (REST) is a software design architecture used to communicate state between two systems that has no current IndieWeb adoption, likely due to its fundamental incompatibility with static sites https://indiewebcamp.com/REST
#tantekok gRegorLove here you go, what is RESTful?
#LoqiRepresentational State Transfer (REST) is a software design architecture used to communicate state between two systems that has no current IndieWeb adoption, likely due to its fundamental incompatibility with static sites https://indiewebcamp.com/RESTful
#LoqiIndieArchive is a project to collaboratively grow an archival copy of pages replied to (possibly also mentioned) in indie web posts https://indiewebcamp.com/IndieArchive
#Loqiarchive in the context of the indieweb refers to date-grouped (often monthly) sets of posts (AKA personal historical archives, a common form of navigation), but can sometimes mean archival copy, a copy of a web page made (often by someone other than the author) at a particular point in time https://indiewebcamp.com/archive
#LoqiAn archival copy is a copy of a web page made (often by someone other than the author) at a particular point in time, that can be used as a reference if the original disappears or is temporarily unavailable https://indiewebcamp.com/archival_copy
#LoqiLongevity is the goal of keeping your data as future-friendly and future-proof as possible; it is one of the indieweb principles https://indiewebcamp.com/longevity
#tantekcsarven: nice one. feel free to add that to the See Also section in /longevity !
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#csarventantek The essay is great / summary. Surely you've come across it? I think that was one of the earlier docs that I've come across which had a nice summary of topics/design principles.