2015-06-17 UTC
lukebrooker and mdik joined the channel
# 00:20 Loqi slack/tantek: KevinMarks do you a citation/reference to the entire original email from Apple?
# 00:22 shaunguice Hi Indiewebcamp. I am a first-timer who found my way here via the getting started materials. I’ve hosted my own basic site for a few years now, mostly for use as a project portfolio. In the short-term I’d like to turn it into a place for sharing short stories. I <3 the idea of owning my own data and I look forward to learning, building, and following along with this community. -shaun
# 00:24 Loqi slack/tantek: Also please add to /RSS#Criticism - that is, RSS is such a bad "standard" that it causes corp legal depts to write and send really stupid emails.
# 00:24 Loqi slack/tantek: Citing the aforementioned reference to the full email.
# 00:37 kylewm @tantek genuinely curious how RSS as a standard has anythign to do with corporate legal stupidity
# 00:37 GWG kylewm: There was something I wanted to ask you, but I can't remember what. You don't have any idea, do you?
# 00:38 kylewm GWG: about p-content vs. e-content or somesuch?
# 00:39 GWG kylewm: Possibly. This morning, I got even more confused about what I thought I understood with u-like vs p-like with pfefferle.
# 00:39 GWG Every time I think I get it, I feel like I'm back at square one.
# 00:39 GWG Either that, or I'm right, everyone else is wrong, and I just have an inferiority complex.
# 00:40 kylewm well, you know generally, that neither p- nor u- is right or wrong, right? they are just parsing directives
# 00:40 KevinMarks_ pfefferle was asking for p-entry instead of h-entry but I'm not sure why
# 00:41 GWG kylewm: I thought u made sense because it is a property of a url, even if not attached to the link, but...
# 00:41 GWG Either way, the link I posted earlier in the day, how does your parser react to that? I'm still tweaking.
# 00:43 GWG And the u-like/p-like was rejected by pfefferle, so I'd have to recode that.
# 00:50 GWG kylewm: Did the changes address the issues you saw on acegiak's site? I'm still fiddling and tweaking.
# 00:50 kylewm GWG: OK so one issue is that you have "u-like h-cite", but the citation itself doesn't have a u-url
emmak joined the channel
# 00:51 kylewm the difference b/t "u-like h-cite" and "p-like h-cite" is what is fills in the "value" of the parsed object; with the recent changes to the parsing spec that means whether it takes the "url" property or the "name" property
# 00:51 kylewm (can't imagine why anyone would be confused by the :P)
# 00:52 kylewm and, generally I'm not sure we have the use cases for *-like to figure out what the markup needs to be
# 00:54 KartikPrabhu I don't see how the markup for likes is any different from the mark up for any other type of response post
# 00:55 kylewm KartikPrabhu: to be clear, this is marking up received likes below a post, as opposed to marking up a "like" post
# 00:58 GWG kylewm: I think I used existing code for that. WIll check.
# 01:04 gRegorLove I think to do /invitations properly, I would need a nickname cache set up so on my site it would link to the invitee' homepage, and on Twitter it would be replaced with their @username
# 01:07 kylewm gRegorLove: to avoid tweeting "https://kylewm.com Are you going to attend ..." ?
# 01:07 kylewm I hope i didn't derail your invitation efforts with the comment about p-invitee
# 01:08 KartikPrabhu kylewm: same question how is different from marking up any other response?
# 01:09 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I'm not sure it is... and I don't know if there is a correct answer "p-like h-cite" vs. "u-like h-cite"... what's more representative, the text "so and so liked this" or the URL that the like came from
# 01:10 kylewm also should it be "p-like h-cite" or "p-like h-comment"?
# 01:10 KartikPrabhu URL. "so and so liked this" is already implicit in the *-like part. Unless you are inserting some non-trivial text/content
# 01:12 KartikPrabhu p-comment says it is a comment to the actual post. u-like says this is a like and probably has no non-trivial content. h-cite makes it an object inside with you can put author and url etc...
# 01:13 KartikPrabhu in fact inside the h-cite one can have "e-content" which a consumer can use if they really want to
# 01:13 GWG KartikPrabhu: That is what kylewm wanted from me.
# 01:14 KartikPrabhu in fact I'd do that markup for all responses and my hunch is it should work without trouble
# 01:15 kylewm ack, I mistakenly said "p-like h-comment" earlier, please ignore that! no h-comment, bad h-comment
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 01:16 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I have been treating -comment and -like as mutually exclusive, a reponse is one or the other
# 01:17 GWG kylewm: I agree with that in concept. -comment and -like don't mix.
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:18 GWG I think of p-comment more for annotation. A like is a relationship more than a response.
# 01:18 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: no. all responses are comments in mf2. Reply is different from like
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 01:19 KartikPrabhu GWG: sure you can think of them however you want, but there is a mf2 vocabulary already set and one should not invent new terms
# 01:19 kylewm KartikPrabhu: where does it say all response are comments?
# 01:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 01:24 kylewm gRegorLove: how did you end up with {gRegor}
as your signature there? did you use ~~~~?
# 01:24 gRegorLove I tried putting my template in my signature preferences. Doesn't work apparently.
# 01:26 GWG KartikPrabhu, kylewm: Aren't we in agreement then about like?
# 01:27 GWG I may be a bit slow. I'm exhausted and my body thinks it is later than it is.
# 01:28 gRegorLove Oh, it does work. I just forgot template syntax apparently :)
# 01:30 KartikPrabhu that is an awkward departure from the mf2 used for actually replying.
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 01:34 kylewm i'd guess the weird reply/comment dichotomy comes from mf1?
KevinMarks, shaunguice, mlncn, tilgovi, rbrt, j12t, j12t_ and snarfed joined the channel
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# 12:16 GWG pfefferle: Re having the p-like etc... It looks so good in the parser...
# 12:16 GWG The likes are clustered, the comments/replies are clustered...
# 12:16 csarven What is p-value ?
# 12:17 GWG Oh, well. As I said, the more I think I get it, the less I seem to
# 12:17 csarven heh.. Looking forward to that.
# 12:18 GWG pfefferle: That's why I'm trying to find a solution for this.
# 12:19 GWG I want to find the 'right' one though
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# 12:45 GWG pfefferle: I think so. But you have to accept the PR once I tweak it
pfefferle joined the channel
# 13:01 GWG pfefferle: Then I can work on new email notifications
# 13:01 GWG It was driving me crazy on vacation
# 13:02 GWG I had to log in to figure out what the mention was
eschnou, modem, csarven, davidmead, glennjones, almereyda, tilgovi, friedcell, edpw, chalettu, snarfed, KevinMarks, sanduhrs and LauraJ joined the channel
LauraJ, wolftune, snarfed1 and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 15:22 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
jayhoffmann joined the channel
tantek and wolftune joined the channel
gRegorLove, edpw, fourtonfish, KevinMarks, jayhoffmann, RedUnix, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks__, gavinc and yakker joined the channel
snarfed, frzn, KevinMarks and benwerd joined the channel
# 18:15 aaronpk the "sign up to attend" is a ti.to registration page to get a free ticket
# 18:15 aaronpk and then they say "Once you've done that, please add yourself to this page"
# 18:16 aaronpk my theory is that this works better because the initial action of "buying" the ticket is more definitive and easier than signing in to the wiki
# 18:19 aaronpk also he doesn't have the Creator/Blogger/Apprentice distinction on the page anymore, which we talked about in person at IWC Germany
# 18:19 kylewm we talked about it at length on here too last year
# 18:19 aaronpk I think the distinction has served its purpose and is no longer useful
# 18:20 gRegorLove I thought we simplified that on one of the subsequent IWC pages, actually.
# 18:23 gRegorLove I'm going to add Amanda since she's coming this year. She can/has signed into the wiki, but it's just easier since I'm always in there.
# 18:32 aaronpk oh i thought you removed the headers, not just the counts
eschnou joined the channel
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# 18:52 aaronpk maybe it could publish an h-card (or h-x-app) with a name it could display?
# 18:53 cweiske it could. does indieauth.com support that already?
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 19:05 aaronpk I made tito ask for your website after getting the ticket :)
nxd4n and rektide joined the channel
# 19:13 Jeena Hm, so I have <a rel="me" href="/about"> on my homepage and on the /about page I have all the link to the profiles like on Twitter, Github, etc. but when I try to log in into the indie wiki then it tells me that this is not enough
# 19:13 aaronpk KevinMarks_: are you actually coming to portland!
mlncn joined the channel
# 19:13 aaronpk Jeena: that is enough in theory, but no implementations of relmeauth currently support that
# 19:14 KevinMarks_ I'd like to, but I am not sure how to fund it. if I get some more paid work soon, yes.
chalettu joined the channel
# 19:16 benwerd What does the group think about WebAssembly? I think it's probably necessary.
# 19:16 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message 1 day, 3 hours ago: for that Tumblr sprint, I suppose we need to better document all the different Tumblr post types and indieweb equivalents then right? so that export Tumblr, import to IndieWeb, and then POSSE IndieWeb -> Tumblr are work with high fidelity. :) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-06-16/line/1434470566637
# 19:17 GWG I'm almost at the point where I think I should hold IWC NYC in my living room
# 19:19 aaronpk alright I got the event page and guest list cleaned up, and made a tito registration page
# 19:19 aaronpk should we see how this is received once I start posting it?
# 19:26 aaronpk kylewm: should probably remove the link to that domain since it goes to a spam page now
friedcell and eschnou joined the channel
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# 19:46 aaronpk so far I think my theory is holding up. already have two RSVPs on tito
# 19:53 mattl aaronpk: are you around for OSCON anyway?
# 19:54 aaronpk that's actually the week of the esri conference, but i'm only going there for monday and tuesday, i'll be back on wednesday
# 19:56 mattl cool, i think i don't get to PDX until Wednesday
# 19:57 aaronpk if that isn't a regular homebrew website club week we should do a special one!
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# 20:30 Zegnat Twitter is testing using a heart icon instead of current star for favourites. Does the IndieWeb have a symbol for “likes”?
# 20:39 aaronpk I attempted to add a web hook to send a notification to IRC when someone registers on tito
# 20:40 aaronpk just need to wait for someone else to register :)
csarven, LauraJ, KartikPrabhu, mlncn and renoirb joined the channel
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# 21:15 uhhyeahbret what is tito?
# 21:16 uhhyeahbret does media wiki have a git blame?
misuba joined the channel
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# 21:21 misuba does the RelMeAuth impl on indiewebcamp.com break on rel=“me nofollow”?
lukebrooker joined the channel
Breadbasket, Breadbasket_ and tantek joined the channel
# 22:10 tantek gRegorLove: do you know if that was connected to a particular incident? Or what motivated it?
# 22:11 tantek I'm more hesitant about "political" wording as often "political viewpoint" is used as an excuse to discriminate against all the other axes described in the code of conduct
# 22:12 tantek IMO "political viewpoint" is not deserving to be at the same level as things like gender, race
# 22:12 tantek because yes, political viewpoints have and continue to be used to discriminate against those
# 22:13 gRegorLove I don't know the context for Django. Just did some searching on CoCs to find examples
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# 22:20 tantek gRegorLove: axes listed right there in the example you quoted - that comma separated list is a list of axes of differences
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# 22:26 gRegorLove I don't see "political belief" as allowing nullification of the other items in the list. If someone's political belief entails them being sexist, the CoC still clearly states it's an inclusive environment regardless of sex, so it wouldn't be tolerated.
# 22:26 gRegorLove I don't have a strong feeling about adding it, but I don't think it would cause problems.
# 22:28 gRegorLove "religion (or lack thereof)" is in there and there are certainly instances of religion being used to discriminate against other items in the list.
# 22:29 misuba aaronpk: also the relme auth is following a link to twitter that I have removed from my domain. not sure where it’s getting that from, does it cache?
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# 22:30 aaronpk but each server caches on its own so you may see the cached list for a while
# 22:30 misuba do you mean ‘re-scan’?
# 22:31 misuba nope, still finding twitter, and still not finding the rel=me link back to my domain that is clear and present on my twitter profile
# 22:31 misuba gibberish.com. it isn’t finding the github link for some reason
# 22:32 misuba it helps to get in early. :-)
# 22:36 aaronpk yeah that's what I thought... your twitter profile links to www.gibberish.com which doesn't send a redirect
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# 22:37 aaronpk even though twitter.com displays it without the www, the t.co redirects to www
# 22:38 aaronpk also there is no rel=me link to your github profile on your site
# 22:38 misuba that’s… I’ve just removed the Twitter one and added a GitHub one to try and work around this
# 22:39 aaronpk just change your twitter profile to remove the www from the URL
# 22:39 gRegorLove ReCaptcha has gotten fancy. Checkbox "I am not a robot" sometimes followed by a popover with things like "click the pictures of soup"
# 22:39 misuba a long attempt with the domain www.gibberish.com just succeeded
# 22:40 aaronpk oh you have wp-super-cache on, that might be why I don't see your github link on your site
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# 22:47 misuba you can’t get rid of me that easy :-)
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# 22:48 misuba thanks for the help
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# 22:57 aaronpk that's where all my cycling data on my site comes from
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# 22:59 jonnybarnes Do you still use your own iOS app to record location data aaronpk?
# 22:59 endi hey all, quick question: indieauth for twitter failed and I checked the source, found 'rel="me nofollow"'; is there something I can do on twitter to fix that so indieauth will work?
# 23:00 aaronpk endi: i'm guessing you're having the same problem. does your twitter website field have your site with www?
# 23:01 aaronpk hm that loks fine, what's the error you're getting?
# 23:02 endi my known instance runs on an RPi at that subdomain, so andrejstefanovski.com doesn't work. error: 0 supported and verified providers were found!
# 23:02 endi since indieauth isn't looking at that subdomain
# 23:02 endi well, I'm on ownyourgram and hitting authorize
# 23:03 endi I did enter social.andrejstefanovski.com there
# 23:04 endi but when i hit authorize, it moves me to indieauth and fails
# 23:04 aaronpk i see the twitter button when I try to sign in as you on ownyourgram
# 23:05 jonnybarnes aaronpk, have you read about sideloading in iOS9? If your app is opensource anyone can cpomile it themselves and load it on thier iOS9 device :)
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# 23:06 aaronpk which was possible before, but now you don't need the $99 license
# 23:07 endi that's on ownyourgram before hitting authorize and on indieauth once it fails
# 23:07 aaronpk i think that is misleading, and is likely to get clicks
# 23:08 aaronpk sideloading on android is when a developer can distribute a compiled version of the app that people can load onto their devices
# 23:08 jonnybarnes what would you call it then? to someone who hadn’t prevooulsy had a developers license?
# 23:08 aaronpk i dunno, being able to install apps without an apple developer account
# 23:09 aaronpk "When referring to Android apps, "sideloading" typically means installing an application package in APK format onto an Android device. Such packages are usually downloaded from websites other than Google Play. Sideloading of apps is only possible if the user has allowed "Unknown Sources" in their Security Settings." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sideloading
# 23:09 kylewm endi: your twitter points to http:// instead of https://
# 23:11 endi @kylewm ah, perhaps it does. twitter doesn't display it and I missed it. thank you
# 23:11 aaronpk that's the problem endi, you're serving two different websites, one at http and the other at https
# 23:11 aaronpk if you redirect http to https then you can enter either in the login box
# 23:12 aaronpk otherwise you need to enter the one that matches the one your twitter bio links to
# 23:13 endi I had a redirect in apache and something else broke so I removed it. I will get that in there again. because of hsts I never type in the https anymore so I forgot about redirecting entirely
# 23:14 endi sorry for that, didn't mean to waste your time for such a silly oversight
# 23:15 aaronpk the redirect handling makes it work pretty smoothly regardless of which you enter
# 23:15 kylewm www. is a bit like that h-x- prefix that won't ever quite go away :)
# 23:15 KevinMarks could the thorough walkthrough in quill try them and diagnose it
# 23:15 aaronpk but if you're serving the site from 3 different URLs then you have 3 different sites and there's not a lot I can do
# 23:16 KevinMarks you could detect the variations and say "you linked to http from twitter but typed in http " ?
# 23:20 reidab I didn't know indieauth supported rel="pgpkey" (and I'd forgotten that I'd added it to my site years ago). neat!
tantek joined the channel
# 23:28 endi I wonder why keybase.io doesn't play nice with indieauth; their whole game is authenticating via social connections
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# 23:31 kylewm endi: just that indieauth doesn't have a plugin for authenticating with keybase
# 23:32 kylewm the rel=me's are all there, so it would definitely be possible
# 23:34 endi would be nice, especially since keybase.io is in function a key server. makes sense to authenticate using a site who's holding/distributing your public key.
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