#acegiakdoes loqi not answer those prompts from the slack bridge because he hears them as himself or does he display the responses in slack but not irc?
lukebrooker joined the channel
#gRegorLoveDon't think he listens to himself. I don't think Loqi posts directly to slack
#acegiakGWG: You have a second permalink showing the comment domain?
#LoqiSalmentions are a way to pass comments upstream by sending a webmention from a reply post to the original post when the reply recieves a comment https://indiewebcamp.com/salmentions
#KartikPrabhuso on "salmention" the original post need not verify the original of the reply-to-reply?
#Loqilike is a popular webaction button and in some cases post type on various silos such as Facebook and Instagram (uses a heart ♥) https://indiewebcamp.com/like
#KartikPrabhu!tell tantek struggling with text-first design of likes which enhance to facepiles. any suggestions?
#KartikPrabhukylewm: the idea is to have a good text representation of any response, then suitably mark it up. The goal being it is better for consumption like readers or for notifications and possibly "salmentions"
#KartikPrabhuif I markup likes in a particular way and send you a "salmention" of it you might want to display it differently
#KartikPrabhubut you should still have the basic text-representation with suitable HTML markup
#kylewm9.3k favorites, 8 of them shown in the facepile
#KartikPrabhuoh I see. that should be do-able with some JS "more" link but I have no idea how to do it prog-enhanced at the moment without having a separate page for the list of likes of a post
#gRegorLoveFlickr can apparently add tags to photos that look like people are in them, and group shots. One of mine had both "people" and "groupshot" tags automatically.
#KartikPrabhuyup no JS at all if not requesting more data
#acegiakI think in my own stuff: A) that approach relies slightly to much on arcane CSS box-model manipulation for my own taste and B) In wordpress jquery is already loaded so I can just piggyback off that
#KartikPrabhualso B) is not an issue for me. I void jquery like I avoid err... bad fried food ... ?
#acegiakKartikPrabhu: disregard A) I was misreading the flexbox bit in the first link
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: flexbox is used there only to move the toggle button below the revealed content. On my page I skipped all that
#acegiakI see a lot of CSS Tricks using things like "If we make this a float with a certain kind of positioning it disappears 8000px off the side of the page which is pretty much the same as hidden"
#KartikPrabhuyeah, I try to avoid "magic numbers" or explicilty mark them as such so I can fix them when I figure stuff out better
#KartikPrabhualso flexbox is very confusing so haven't used it anywhere yet
#gRegorLoveI've read that native JS functionality is pretty stable across browsers now, so most of the basic jQuery things can be done without it. I have not delved into that much myself, though.
#KartikPrabhugRegorLove: I have managed to do without jquery so far
#KartikPrabhusmall JS code that does little things you want, instead of giant libraries that do very little
#gRegorLoveCool. I should clarify it's long been possible to do jQuery-ish without jQuery... just that now we don't have junk like IE6 and 7 to worry about compatibility with, so native JS makes more sense in more cases
#gRegorLoveIt was definitely nice to just drop in jQuery and know that I could do something cross-browser :)
#KartikPrabhugRegorLove: progressive enhancement takes care fo older browsers but it takes some foresight and skill to do well
#KartikPrabhutbh I don't think margialia.js is progressive enhanced yet and I am a bit confused as to how to do it well
#Loqilike is a popular webaction button and in some cases post type on various silos such as Facebook and Instagram (uses a heart ♥) https://indiewebcamp.com/like
#ben_thatmustbemei don't think so, maybe by going into the database directly
#csarvenrel=in-reply-to was first and arguably most notably (to the best of my knowledge) implemented on the StatusNet platform for "conversations", i.e., a thread of status updates in reply to one another across StatusNet instances. The original intention was to link an hentry URL to another hentry URL (which may or may not be the full doc or a fragment in a doc). In parallel, I have used in-reply-to on
#csarvenmy own site's comments. Glad that in-reply-to stuck and made its way to mf2.
#tantekcool - if you find dated permalinks for those let me know!
#csarvenI'm not sure about the earliest use, but the example in the wiki gives it away :) i.e., #comment_20080902144745 . I have since broke that "cool URI" and changed it to #comment-20080902144745. URL for that is http://csarven.ca/my-responses-are-in-white#comment-20080902214745
#ZegnatHaven’t looked yet, but might as well ask now that we are on the topic, is there a recommended way of linking translations of posts/notes together?
#tantekZegnat - HTML has hreflang="" and rel="alternate"
#Zegnatif rel="alternate" works on the page level it means I can’t include the translation links on feed pages? That sounds annoying. I will need to put some research in when I get back from my vacation
#tantekZegnat - you can include the translation links on the permalink pages
benwerd joined the channel
#tantekfor a feed page, you should use rel="alternate" hreflang=".." to link to the whole feed in a different language
#Zegnattrue, but I do not think I will be translating all my posts
#Zegnatthe blog system I am working on now will work with lang="" on a per-post level in the feed. So the feed is mixed-language. Just looking into how best to handle the case where I publish the same content in several languages (which will be the odd-post-out)
#csarvenNot sure what the "process" is around here.. propose->implement or implement->propose or ..
#tantekcsarven: on the indieweb - there's a lot of experimentation on personal sites, before/after proposals, perhaps even without a proposal, just quietly
#nedoritoanyone have experience introducing children to the indie web?
#nedoritomiddle school or high school age, how to build and maintain a personal website?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#rhiaronedorito: I've got a few started with html/css and ftp to my shared hosting over the last few months
#rhiaroI also started setting up Known for my kid's programming club with the idea that I'd get them all on there, then gradually migrate them to their own indieweb sites... but didn't quite get everything set up
#rhiaroWe have a few who get a hard time at school cos they don't want to be on facebook and all of their friends are, so I'd really like to help them with alternatives. I just haven't had time to push it.
#tantek!tell snarfed do you have a list of new Bridgy features in 2014? Even if it's just a list of closed github issues
#tantekaaronpk, do you have a list of what new Micropub clients were deployed in 2014?
#snarfedyeah i may have announced publish at iwc sf
#kylewmlol, snarfed, I missed that you already had a list
#rhiaronedorito: started them on codeacademy, showed them how to do it in a text editor once they'd got the basics. There are a couple dozen kids all working on different things, so it's not easy to do structured kinds of lessons or anything. They all sort themselves out, mentors lurk to help out
#aaronpkyou know, the {"html":"<b>foo</b>","value":"foo"} thing makes total sense now that i think about it... because in this JSON form, the micropub request to create things is really just sending a JSON version of the parsed mf2 json
#tantekcsarven that being said - h2vx (and the core code, X2V) needs updating to support microformats2
#gRegorLovetantek: I've actually started taking a shot at updating that
#gRegorLoveI was thinking it would be more like barnabywalters MF2 cleaner functions, so you could include php-mf2 and the updated h2vx helper functions, so it could be used more generally (I wanted to include it in some work projects)
#csarventantek That's likely the case. I thought maybe it tripped over something else.