#pfefferle!tell aaronpk the SCREENGUIDE magazine published only a shorter and translated version of your interview… is it ok for you if I publish the complete interview on my site?
#pfefferlepleasy wait before starting to work on the semantic linkback plugin… I reformatted the complete code to follow the WordPress coding guidelines...
#GWGpfefferle: I have another idea that I'm not sure belongs in there
#kylewmdoes anybody know of other projects like dave winer's nodeStorage, that let a web application use a user-configurable data store location? ideally would be swappable among things like Dropbox/S3/github
e-lima joined the channel
#benwerdno, but that kind of abstracted interface would be really cool
#Loqiaaronpk: pfefferle left you a message 3 hours, 9 minutes ago: the SCREENGUIDE magazine published only a shorter and translated version of your interview… is it ok for you if I publish the complete interview on my site? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-07-03/line/1435927336401
#kylewmsnarfed: huh I will look at remotestorage again, i didn't see S3/Dropbox/Google Docs support on their website... seemed like it needed custom server software running
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#Loqislack/snarfed: kylewm: very possible. i haven't looked at them in a long time. you do need *a* server for any webapp, though, right?
#aaronpk!tell fkooman good catch! I thought I remembered it saying only that the authorization code must be short-lived. I will have to think about how to do that
#kylewmi haven't started coding anything for the static site stuff, just little experiments so far
#tantekkylewm - the java mf2 parser could be a big help with adding mf2 stats to the open web crawls - because they use java for all their parsing analysis
#kylewmoh, neat. that sounds like it's worth exploring!
#tantekkylewm: let me see if I can find the github issue
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#snarfedrealizes a full implementation of https://snarfed.org/indie-stats would answer tantek's standard "who does X?" and "when did you first do X?" questions for free :P
#tantekharder for user-facing features / designs that might not have an agreed upon markup and/or backend convention yet - e.g. the "custom post style" feature
#cuibonoboleft a comment about there being a java mf2 parser. kylewm: it would be great if you could flesh out the documentation on that library a little more
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#KevinMarkskylewm: the closes thing to a storage ambivilent API is bradfitz's camlistore
#tantek.comedited /custom_post_style (+528) "brainstorm use style scoped for custom post style when post displayed in-stream, cite references" (view diff)
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#kylewmKartikPrabhu: I think Bridgy only looks at the first rel=feed link if there are multiple
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#ZegnatIs there any specific indieweb/microformat way of linking a transcript to an audio-post? I noticed some people using Spoken, sometimes even cross posting to their own site (e.g. https://brooksreview.net/category/sub/), but almost never including a transcript.
#KevinMarksnot that I know of, but gathering examples is the right way to start
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#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
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#bretanyone have a good strategy to handle cron jobs or systemd timers that need access to a password? seems kinda ghetto to just leave unencrypted passwords around on a server
#raucaobret: you could write the script in a compiled language and just put the binary on the server