#KevinMarks1also, about half the thread is now in my blogpost's comments, thanks to bridgy
#tantekkylewm: also, context, it’s quite late right now in the UK where adactio is, and that might be making him, particularly eager (not holding back) to reply on a Twitterfight.
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#tantekdo we have a place on the wiki where we document indieweb pain points?
#tantekGWG, you asked earlier in the channel about implying post kinds right? or am I misremembering?
tilgovi joined the channel
#GWGtantek: Not asked per se. It was one of my ideas for a solution to the post formats problem I was trying to come up with a proposal that people might get behind.
#tantekI believe implied post kinds is necessary for a variety of use-cases
#aaronpkoh man I'm getting pretty excited to turn that SD card into a micropub client
#LoqiSWAT0 is an abbreviation for The Social Web Acid Test level 0 and is an user-feature interoperability test for social web functionality defined in 2010 https://indiewebcamp.com/SWAT0
#tantekHow’s this for incentive for achieving 100% reproducible, selfdogfooded 3 person and sites and implementations SWAT0 at IWC 2015:
#tantekThe first 3 people that get it working *with each other*, we update the /SWAT0 summary with THEIR NAMES and so it shall be set (as long as they maintain that functionality at a minimum on their site).
#tantekaaronpk, since you have notifications working, and close to getting push notifications working I suspect you’re the leading candidate for player B.
#tantekand player C, I think the leading candidate may be kylewm - since he has a reader
#tantekpretty sure kylewm can post a reply to a post directly from his reader via micropub
#tantekwhich will send a webmention to the photo publishers (e.g. Ben)
j12t joined the channel
#tantekhowever, the notification to aaronpk (person-tagged subject of the photo) about the comment on the photo may depend on Ben supporting salmentions
#tantekand for that matter a previously undefined form of salmentions
#tantekwhen someone comments on your post and sends you a webmention, you have to send a webmention onward to anyone person-tagged in the post
#tantekthen *their* person-mention notification system has to know to receive salmentions, that is not only know about just “someone posted a photo that you’re in” BUT “someone commented on a photo that you’re tagged in"
#KevinMarks1when I visited aaron last time, I webmentioned him and his watch buzzed
#tantekaaronpk - at that github summary this: “Because this is an update to the contents of the URL, Ben's server re-sends the original Webmentions to indicate there was an update to the receiver.” is now what we call a /salmention sender!
#tanteknot sure if ben_thatmustbeme’s software supports sending salmentions
#tantekaaronpk: everything else you have written up in SWAT0.md aligns exactly with what I said above - so I just came up with the same thing you wrote. Good verification of your analysis.
#tantekthe only change I would suggest is explicitly calling out the “re-sends the original Webmention to indicate there was an update” as supporting salmention sending
#aaronpki chose the names for that writeup based on who I thought was closest in each category, but that has changed now
#tantekthis in particular in your write-up: “It sees there is a new property, comment, containing an h-cite.” is essentially support for receiving salmentions
#tantek.comedited /SWAT0 (+1315) "resolved the last undefined piece by realizing that's exactly what salmentions (sending/receiving) do - invented/named since the last time we assessed what's in/missing in SWAT0 for indieweb" (view diff)
#tantekand with that, the last UNDEFINED thing in IndieWeb SWAT0 is now defined
#tantekwe have a solution for how to implement SWAT0 using indieweb protocols, now to see if we can the pieces implemented
#tantekKevinMarks - I’m good at identifying gaps like that, but the solution to the gaps is sometimes so far away from personal itches / working on, that it’s hard to figure that out
#tantekhowever I can see when pieces fit together. thank you LEGO
#acegiakis trying to work out a way to authorise game players /before/ high score submission using indieauth
#acegiakI should wait until my meeting with my security friend before letting my mind run too wild
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#aaronpkben_thatmustbeme: could you do me a favor and /person-tag me in a post?
#aaronpktantek: the SWAT0 summary "aaronpk gets a person mention notification that he's been tagged in a photo" shouldn't that actually say "aaronpk gets a person-tag notification"?
#tantekvery well, then apparently Post Type Discovery is also a necessary building block, good thing it’s been gestating for 3+ years as a subsection of the /posts page!
tilgovi joined the channel
#tantekhappy to leave it as a subsection of the /posts page until someone implements it and documents why
#aaronpkokay so reading https://indiewebcamp.com/person-tag ... in order to consume a person-tag I need to check if any of the values of "category" for the post are an h-card with my site as the url?
#tantekor if any of the links to your site are a u-category h-card
snarfed joined the channel
#tantekor maybe you’re thinking from the perspective of using the parsed JSON output?
lukebrooker joined the channel
#tantekbecause the intent was you could just do it as part of webmention target verification
#aaronpkmy webmention handling code works like: look for <a> tag with href = my site, then parse for mf2 and possibly upgrade it from a generic mention to something more specific
#aaronpkso yes, thinking from the perspective of working with the parsed JSON output
#tantekah you’re using the “parse for mf2” as the method to upgrade from generic mention
#GWGpetermolnar: It means Google has gone from free provider to service provider. Google Apps id not something a single user would use for their one email
#kylewmben_thatmustbeme, yep that's right. Effectively when you receive a wm from a downstream, you send one upstream. I think that's all that was meant about forwarding up the tree
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme meant to say: I send to aaron a webmention
#ben_thatmustbemedo i send (source=ben, target=aaron) or (source=kyle, target=ben)
#ZegnatQuestion in Math: when B receives WM(t=B,s=C), should B send WM(t=A,s=C) or WM(t=A,s=B)?
#ben_thatmustbemei had assume the latter, as then you can build infinitely down (or a person replying can send the same WM all the way up, the middle doesn't need to support salmentions at all
#ben_thatmustbemeZegnat: close, but i figures (t=B,s=C) not (t=A,s=C)
#ben_thatmustbemecan make that even more concise, WM(C->B) or WM(B->A)
#ben_thatmustbemewell, you can process the in-reply-to from C and then check if B is something you have already parsed or not, so yes, i suppose that could work
#ZegnatAlright, trying again, the question marks are discussed here, right?: A = Post; B = Reply to A; C = Reply to B; B receives WM(C->B); B sends WM(?->?) to C.
#ben_thatmustbemetantek is going to look at this later and be like... WHAT??
#ben_thatmustbemei think all 3 options can work (B->A), (C->B), (C->A)
#ben_thatmustbeme(B->A) is certainly simplest for B, but for A it requires processing for edits and for all replies
#ben_thatmustbemeC does not need to support Salmentions in that case
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#ben_thatmustbemeand A only needs support reprocessing replies and displaying responses to replies (and possibly resplies to replies to replies to ....)
#ZegnatI think, reading /Salmentions, it goes: C says it replies to B, WM(C->B), B parses the reply and *includes it on its page*, then B tells A it has been updated by resending WM(B->A). The wiki says that A is supposed to check the first reply and parse “the second reply (which is displayed as a comment on the first reply)”
#ZegnatSo as described on /Salmentions it only works if B actively displays replies on its post pages
#ben_thatmustbemesince i already have B stored, i just need to fetch C
#kylewmZegnat: it just shows a flat list, sorted in the order received
#Zegnatben_thatmustbeme: I originally thought that was the idea, to literally “pass along the WM”. So if I receive WM(C->B) I also send WM(C->B) to A
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#kylewmit seems pretty weird to send a webmention to A where target is not on A; though youcould definitely make it work that way, that seems like a much bigger departure from how webmention usually works
#parzzixjust saw this conversation...holy confused I am.....lol
#ZegnatI was actually reading the /Webmention page to see if implementations should even accept non-self targets
#Zegnat“The receiver SHOULD check that target is a valid resource belonging to it […]” - might require a spec change to allow non-self targets
#tantekkylewm clearly “forward” is open to easy misinterpretation in the context of salmentions, and thus we probably shouldn’t use the term to describe what is happening
#aaronpktantek: currently I determine post type by looking for the h- type and then presence of certain properties, in this type order: event, drink, food, sleep, video, photo
#aaronpki need to add 'article' next, but that is more complicated because it involves normalizing and comparing the "name" vs "content" properties
#tantekkylewm is correct re: “it seems pretty weird to send a webmention to A where target is not on A”
#tantekthat breaks existing webmention, and adds unnecessary complexity to webmention processing
#kylewmtantek: ben_thatmustbeme: does it say "forward" somewhere on the wiki?
#LoqiSWAT0 is an abbreviation for The Social Web Acid Test level 0 and is an user-feature interoperability test for social web functionality defined in 2010 https://indiewebcamp.com/SWAT0
#aaronpkanyway point is, displaying threaded vs flat vs some hybrid is a personal preference, and isn't actually affected by how salmention works
#Zegnatas long as in-reply-to is included display doesn’t really matter, otherwise salmention is affected because the receiver is supposed to get the whole comment thread from the sender. So the way the sender includes comments on their site has a direct effect. That’s what ben_thatmustbeme was afraid for as weakness, if I understood right
#Zegnatthat would require you to “reindex” every single comment in the thread every time you get an update mention, because you don’t know which one triggered the update
#Loqislack/kylewm: this feature seems... unnecessary :stuck_out_tongue:
#Loqislack/aaronpk: Doesn't really translate to IRC unfortunately
friedcell joined the channel
#aaronpkI kind of like the idea of putting emoji reactions on my own post, and allowing people to click them
#KevinMarks_And custom emoji, so zoidberg and left shark show up
#aaronpki could allow people to click them after they sign in with indieauth
#KevinMarks_One answer to star versus heart is all the stars and hearts
#kylewm-1 to a fixed set of emoji though, sounds very buzzfeed-y (trashy, lol, wow, etc.)
#kylewmi noticed that nytimes article about twitter took an anti-"favorite", pro-"like" stance
#aaronpkooh I could let people click from the list after signing in, but if you wanted to add a new emoji to the list, you'd have to write a reply post and send me a webmention :)
#aaronpkand of course accept votes as webmentions too
#ben_thatmustbemeindex by your IDs you are joining on, and by anything you have in where clause and ORDER BY
#aaronpkironically this is actually a case where a relational database is not always the best solution :P
#aaronpkread about how twitter constructs peoples' home timelines and you'll see what i mean
#Zegnatbret: I know IRC support emoji, I wrote the thumbs down here on IRC. But people have been asking for a thumb-down next to thumb-up on Facebook for years, that’S what I was getting at
#aaronpkalso this is where memcache came from, made by bradfitz for livejournal
#snarfedJonathanNeal: oh! i wasn't. i'm first taken to the Yosemite link in the TOC. if i click on the url bar and press enter again, it then takes me to the section
#JonathanNealsnarfed: I’d like to know if this behavior works the same if the element is not an <a>. Other elements to try would be a heading element and an input element.
#GWGsnarfed: I am thinking of trying to get involved with their revamping.
#csarvenaaronpk Zegnat What I intended to say was that when crappy OSes match a string with their internal emojis representations, it overrides the "text" with the graphical view of that text. For example, if you are on Mac OS X, you will probably see the character ✊ (raised fist) graphically as opposed to a glyph being rendered by a font available in the system.
#KevinMarksslack lets you pick which emoji set to use
JonPincus joined the channel
#csarvenemojis are not consistent across systems. Not anymore than a default set of font families. I highly prefer to rely on a particular font family to deliver that (which will be fairly consistent across systems, if the family is availabe), then some gimmick taking over.
#JonPincusit really does make a huge difference -- especially on mobile
#ZegnatUnicode Consortium is trying to fix some emoji irregularities though, right? redefining dancer I believe and getting strict re orientation rules (so e.g. gun always aims to the same side)
mlncn, snarfed, lukebrooker, j12t_ and tantek joined the channel
#gRegorLoveArg. I'm still getting "outdated security settings" warning in Chrome after updating my StartSSL to SHA256
#gRegorLoveOh, I think the Startcom root cert in the trust store is still SHA1 for some reason.
#tantekI think I’m going to manually copy (incorporate into the post) a few indieweb replies to my recent post but not the silo comments (which I’ll wait til I have code that process the webmention queue).
#tantekAm I the only one that does that? Manually copies comments into a post?
#KartikPrabhuI have done that with blogs that don't support webmention
#snarfedtantek: traditional publishers do that sometimes, right?
#rhiaroI manually add replies to my database when I particularly want them to show up, as I'm not receiving webmentions or scraping them from webmention.io yet
#kylewmgRegorLove: I'm not an expert, but I think you're good ... mine reports RSA1 on Path #2 as well, but it says it's coming from "the trust store" which i don't think you have any control over, and sha^13.com is happy with it
#gRegorLoveIf I understand correctly, Startcom's sha1 and sha2 intermediate both used the same fingerprint, and if you visited a site that had an incomplete cert chain, the sha1 was probably cached in Windows. Seems to be the case with me.
#gRegorLoveAnd that sha1 intermediate is valid through 2017