2015-07-10 UTC
# 00:04 KevinMarks also that I am going to have to add lots of IDs to make this work
# 00:05 tantek though we can do CSS Q&A in #indiechat if you like
benwerd joined the channel
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# 03:30 aaronpk still has some more to go for his role, but plans to hack on that this weekend!
KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
# 03:42 aaronpk i'm kind of curious who out of the guest list has registered their domains the longest
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# 04:14 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: WHOA just got a push notification
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# 04:37 bret aaronpk: what/where was that reference to db-less token endpoints agian?
# 04:38 aaronpk oh no, it links to "creating your own token endpoint" at the bottom
# 04:54 aaronpk just sent an email to everyone about indiewebcamp tomorrow!
# 04:54 aaronpk first time i've done that, hopefully it's useful!
# 04:58 aaronpk some people didn't put in their email address, ahem bret
# 05:00 aaronpk ah i must have copied it to ti.to then and forgot to add your email
# 05:18 KevinMarks (I ended up using the hidden radio button trick as couldn't get inline links to not scroll wrongly)
nedorito, wolftune and snarfed joined the channel
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friedcell, tantek, Jihaisse, KartikPrabhu, csarven, lukebrooker, sanduhrs and eschnou joined the channel
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# 07:39 tantek aaronpk re: oldest domain - I do have a domain registered from 1995 but that was for my first startup. Would be interesting to see distribution by decade. 90s, 00s, 10s
# 07:40 tantek aaronpk++ for that superb overview email. goodness you make email look good. HTML email at that.
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# 07:52 tantek haha csarven usually I agree. his was very minimally styled.
# 07:53 csarven I regret the title of that article. It should be singular.
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# 07:54 csarven I can change it but rather not. It is the canonical URL.
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# 08:29 tantek if you see something in /2014-created that is missing from /2014-review and you feel it was either an oversight, or feel it’s significant enough to merit inclusion, please bring up!
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# 08:58 tantek !tell aaronpk could you post an indie event for the Friday pre-party?
# 08:58 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 09:00 csarven tantek I don't see how dates in topic apply to my case in the URL you've pointed. Care you elaborate?
# 09:01 tantek see the Also: section specifically about Make the slug optional
# 09:05 csarven I'm content with my URL design pattern. Cool URI/Ls are always difficult. I don't see how date only URLs or slug's with URLs are preferable in my case.
# 09:05 tantek KevinMarks: perhaps it’s mashable’s bootstrap-like design sprinkled with NASCAR chicklets and other js;dr that’s looking dead?
evalica and tvn joined the channel
adactio, j12t and seekr joined the channel
# 09:57 seekr Hi, I just discovered the IndieWebCamp project, this IRC channel and the news about this weekend's events, including a couple notes from guys who were offering to help set up something on the U.S. east coast - wondering whether they happen to be in this channel (though I should try back in several hours, since the sun's just come up here)
# 10:03 tantek feel free to ask any indieweb related questions and likely someone will get to them
# 10:06 seekr I'm also wondering whether there will be video feeds of sessions.
# 10:08 seekr I just learned of IndieWebCamp following an inquiry I made in another channel about what's happening with Diaspora and/or other Facebook alternatives. I'm wondering whether there are active ongoing efforts along such lines, tantek.
tvn joined the channel
# 10:25 rhiaro Hey seekr. The agendas for this weekend's events are set on the day, unconference style
# 10:26 rhiaro I *think* there will be live feeds from both Portland and Brighton
# 10:26 seekr oh, rhiaro - thanks - will be linked from that same URL, I s'pose
# 10:27 rhiaro And wrt to alternative social: everyone here is building their own stuff - scratching their own itches - to do social interactions via their own personal sites
# 10:28 rhiaro There are a few common protocols and principals that allow us to interoperate with each other and centralised social sites, to varying degrees
# 10:29 seekr hmmm - interesting
# 10:29 seekr Is there bot command help?
# 10:30 rhiaro I'm not sure.. Loqi works in mysterious ways :)
# 10:30 seekr And is there a page linking to the sorts of goodies you're listing here?
# 10:30 seekr ah - good - thanks - will do!
# 10:31 seekr It does - will scrutinise carefully - thanks much, rhiaro (and Loqi)!
frzn, j12t, glennjones, cweiske, friedcell and mlncn joined the channel
# 12:17 GWG seekr: We have had an event in Cambridge the last two years
# 12:18 seekr ah - I'm actually closer to Cambridge than to Boston (10 min bike ride vs. 20 min)
# 12:18 seekr anything planned in Cambridge this year?
# 12:20 GWG seekr: It was this year. In March.
# 12:20 seekr I just discovered IndieWeb today.
# 12:22 seekr Seems I'll have to wait until tomorrow to know what's happening, and whether there will be video feeds.
# 12:23 seekr I'm particularly interested in alternatives to corporate-controlled social media.
# 12:24 seekr Maybe there are materials laying around in webspace from previous events, and links to projects along such lines?
# 12:29 rhiaro seekr: there are indeed, on the wiki. There are links to past events on the events page
# 12:30 rhiaro Very tentatively, there might be an IWC in Cambridge towards the end of this year. Keep an eye out
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# 12:35 seekr rhiaro & ben_thatmustbeme - thanks for the info
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# 12:49 GWG seekr: ben_thatmustbeme organized the last Cambridge event. He's a good contact for Boston-area.
# 12:49 seekr good to know, GWG - thanks
# 12:50 GWG Trying to get an event down here again
# 12:50 seekr I'd be happy if I can somehow tune in to at least some of what's happening this coming weekend.
# 12:51 seekr ah - so we'll know when we know, I guess
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# 12:53 rhiaro If nobody else is checking up on a live stream in Brighton I'll do it
# 12:54 seekr most kind of you, rhiaro!
# 12:55 rhiaro If you don't mind getting up early to join us in BST :)
# 12:55 seekr will there be parallel sessions, a single track, bofs and/or what? I don't see any details in the wiki.
# 12:55 seekr np, rhiaro - I'm presently sorta in that mode anyway - been awake for ~six hours already now :)
# 12:56 rhiaro Usually groups take notes on etherpad so you can follow if there's no camera
# 12:56 rhiaro And should be lots of irc and twitter activity
# 12:56 seekr good - and the wiki is the comms mechanism for announcing all such things?
# 12:56 GWG aaronpk did a full stream in Cambridge last year.
# 12:57 seekr has a hash tag been invented yet for the conf as a whole?
# 12:57 rhiaro Links to session docs will be added to wiki event pages
# 12:57 seekr ah - natch! (too obvious for me :) )
# 12:58 seekr Are there archival records of past confs online now?
# 12:58 rhiaro And loqi reports wiki updates and tweets with the hashtag in here!
# 12:59 rhiaro Most past event pages should have links to notes, yeah
# 12:59 rhiaro I'm on my phone, so not handy to grab a link right now
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# 13:03 seekr ok - I'll continue to lurk in this channel, so if you find anything later and can pass it along, I'll get it - tia
# 13:06 seekr well, ben_thatmustbeme, my main question is whether there's a page that has links to records from past conferences and events or just projects associated with IndieWeb
# 13:06 ben_thatmustbeme !tell aaronpk Did you get a second webmention for that person tag? When kevin commented
# 13:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 13:07 ben_thatmustbeme Seekr. Indeed. I'm on my phone so it may take me a second but every past IWC has data on it. Some have Videos some just notes
# 13:08 seekr as I said earlier, my main interest at present is finding good alternatives to corporate-controlled social media systems like Faceboo, and Twitter (interesting, though, to note that the latter is being used as a communications vehicle for the weekend's events, which I suppose means there is at present no good alternative)
# 13:08 seekr rhanks rhiaro & Loqi - looking...
# 13:09 rhiaro seekr, many of us post to our own sites then use Twitter for wider distributing - see POSSE
# 13:09 rhiaro And iwc events are also to help new people get started, so twitter is good for reaching them
# 13:09 Loqi IndieWebCamps are brainstorming and building events where IndieWeb creators gather semi-regularly to meet in person, share ideas, and collaborate on IndieWeb design, UX, & code for their own sites https://indiewebcamp.com/IWC
# 13:12 seekr ah - thanks for all the good info! The 2014 page is quite interesting in that it depicts (with maybe one or two exceptions :) what look like ordinary (yet extraordinary in many ways in actual fact, I'm sure) normal people.
# 13:15 seekr ben_thatmustbeme: You wrote "Known is a good option if you are looking for something well polished." Dare I ask "what is "known?" The sentence makes it sound as if it's a software package or something. Please forgive the newbie confusion.
# 13:19 seekr ah - that's what I expected - gotta learn how to talk to Loqi, I guess.
# 13:19 seekr much obliged, GWG
# 13:19 rhiaro You should always date to ask 'what is' questions
# 13:19 seekr any special slash syntax for getting Loqi's attention?
# 13:21 rhiaro You can use !tell to leave messages for people
# 13:22 GWG Never mind. Just delayed reaction
# 13:22 Loqi answer is a post type that is a reply to a question post; it's not clear whether answer needs to be its own post type, or if simple reply posts will suffice, thus if you're implementing answer posts, just start with implementing replies https://indiewebcamp.com/answer
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# 13:50 ben_thatmustbeme seekr: what is <anything> basically just does a look up on the wiki for that term. (following redirects) and returns the defitiion from them. so ask away, its not a bad habit to get in to
# 13:51 seekr ah - thanks - might be boring for other people in the channel, though
# 13:51 seekr ben_thatmustbeme: ^^
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# 13:56 bret whoa hey github.. not loading repos very reliably
# 14:08 bret a moment ago it was a small subset of repos
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# 15:22 aaronpk you found the RFC for bearer tokens it looks like
# 15:23 aaronpk it just beans the bearer of the token can use it without any other sort of verification
# 15:23 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: it just means the bearer of the token can use it without any other sort of verification
# 15:23 bret aaronpk: yeah, just trying to understand to what extend I should validate the string
# 15:23 aaronpk you should only accept the token if the authorization header starts with "Bearer "
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# 15:24 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: I did get anothoer webmention from you last night, but my site isn't parsing the replies on it yet
# 15:27 aaronpk i doubt i'm going to have any time today to work on it, so hopefully can finish on sunday!
shiflett, KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, wolftune and snarfed joined the channel
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# 15:59 tantek aaronpk - not quite - “notifications” now just means a page of stuff that you poll
# 16:00 tantek ever since everyone started to rename “recent activity” to “notifications"
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# 16:02 Loqi Tantek-ing is a method of encouraging people to contribute to the wiki by indirectly prompting the person who first mentioned the term to create a short wiki dfn page for it https://indiewebcamp.com/tanteking
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# 16:22 GWG acegiak: I am trying to propose link previews in WordPress now. Something that I try has to bear fruit.
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# 16:41 sebbers i thought you meant a dry dick and a vagina
# 16:41 sebbers what did the dd say to the v?
# 16:43 sebbers wont do it again
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# 16:51 bret hey sebbers welcome :) no worries about the joke, just keep it in line with the coc
# 16:51 bret did you hear about the channel due to the conference this weekend?
# 16:54 seekr bret: whereas I learned about the channel in another channel whose subject matter has nothing to do with software or web matters - I'm looking forward to getting more info about tuning in to the conference whilst it's in progress and seeing the agenda, which I'm told won't be published until tomorrow morning
# 16:54 seekr It was only after joining the channel that I learned of this coming weekend's events
# 16:55 bret seekr: yeah its an unconference style, so we put up a grid and propose sessions
# 16:55 seekr ah - when will the in-process grid become publicly visible?
# 16:56 bret usually someone will drop a link in IRC fairly quicky
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# 16:57 bret if the internet is working well, we usually drop talky.io links of sessions into the channel as well
# 16:57 seekr hmmm - don't know about that technology - will have to research it, I guess
# 16:58 bret its cool! it uses webRTC for plugin-less video chat
# 16:58 bret safari is a punk and isn't supporting it yet
# 16:59 seekr nice - I'll find the FF plugin, then
# 16:59 seekr I avoid chrome due to fearing and disliking google
# 16:59 sebbers just tell me what to build
# 17:00 sebbers and ill be happy
# 17:00 seekr thanks, bret - I began reading that item earlier today and got distracted by something else - I'm on the talky site now and will learn about it
# 17:02 seekr I don't see anything on the talky.io site that indicates a way to test it - will look at Principles also
# 17:03 seekr oh - maybe there is - the "Talky beta" thing
# 17:03 bret seekr: just put a room name in an press join
# 17:05 bear yea, beta.talky.io is what you want to use
# 17:05 bear talky.io will be going away for good next week
# 17:05 seekr bear: I'm there now - is the URL I see auto-generated and OK to use?
# 17:06 seekr anyone want to test it with me?
# 17:06 bear we suggest a random one, but you can override it
# 17:07 seekr thanks - can I post the link here, or would it be better via pm?
# 17:07 seekr ok - I don't have working video, so can only do audio
# 17:08 bret i have to be quiet people on the phone
# 17:09 seekr what must I do to activate the chat?
# 17:11 seekr I'm not hearing anything :(
# 17:13 seekr Linux version 38.0.1
# 17:13 bear and do you get past the "hair check" page?
# 17:13 seekr don't know what that is
# 17:14 seekr didn't see a "hair check"
# 17:14 bear it shows your camera image and a checkbox for audio ok?
# 17:14 seekr I don't recall that prompt
# 17:14 KevinMarks ben_thatmustbeme: you have marked up the post as <div class="entry-content e-content:p-name">
# 17:14 bear seekr - ok, you may have found an os/browser combo glitch
# 17:14 seekr well, as I said, I don't have a working camera - but the software may still see the camera as being present
# 17:15 KevinMarks so it's being parsed as a 'content:p-name" element, and thus getting an implied name
# 17:15 bear k, let me try to repro that in a bit - thanks
# 17:16 seekr bear: I see a small thing on the screen showing the firefox logo and a white microphone to the right orange background
# 17:16 KevinMarks ben_thatmustbeme: not sure why the implied name is getting JS though
# 17:17 seekr bear: I use the NoScript extension, and had to enable scripts from a few domains to get that control
# 17:17 bear cool - i'm adding that to the bug report
# 17:18 seekr bear: If I click on the mic image, I get a popup that asks if I want to continue sharing the microphone
# 17:18 seekr bear: are you still in talky?
# 17:19 KevinMarks ben_thatmustbeme: putting h-entry on the body is triggering that implied name, though possibly <script> shoudl be ignored by the parser
# 17:19 seekr bear: I saw something on the talky site that seemed to suggest there's a limit of 5-6 simultaneously connected users - did I read it right do you think?
# 17:20 KevinMarks seems like both python and php mf2 parsing implementations are seeing <script> as viable for implied name
# 17:20 tantek KevinMarks - yes about script contents being ignored for display purposes, however I think you can also SGML comment them out
# 17:21 KevinMarks this is a drawback of the mf2 class on body approach, it does tend to scoop up a lor
# 17:21 seekr bear: looks like you've gone away for the time being, so I'll drop out of talky
# 17:24 KevinMarks ah, that's because the homepage template has e-content correctly
# 17:31 tantek huh? thought it was just a typo problem in the class name
# 17:31 tantek the name bit just made it superobvious something was wrong ;)
# 17:32 KevinMarks but that means the fallback is to scoop up all of the body in p-name. including header and footer
# 17:32 KevinMarks wasn't that exactly the argument against :parent selectors in CSS?
# 17:33 tantek Kevinmarks, but then again I may be biased as I’m currently letting a <style scoped> on one post on my home page cause nearly the whole body to look like a rainbow in buggy browsers ;)
# 17:35 KevinMarks in this case 'buggy' is defined as 'all browsers except your employer's one' ?
# 17:35 tantek wouldn’t surprise me if they at least respected the scope, if not apply it.
# 17:36 tantek IE10 / Edge / Spartan have made surprising progress
# 17:36 KevinMarks I keep getting followed on twitter by people whose tweets are all '[prime number] things to know about [fatberg] [hashtags of fatberg terms] "
# 17:36 sparverius microsoft did a whole campaign to that effect targeted at developers
# 17:37 tantek sparverius - having seen IE in action with some tough CSS during CSS working group meetings, it’s more than just a campaign
# 17:37 sparverius "it's not shit anymore and our dev tools are pretty decent, stop on by" i think they're worried that people are just not testing on IE that much anymore
# 17:37 aaronpk KevinMarks++ now I wanna make a bot that does that
# 17:38 sparverius tantek: yeah i know, ive been using edge/spartan at work for the occasional testing; i dont like their dev tools as much as chrome but better than safari
# 17:38 tantek sparverius - oh neat - can you answer a quick question then? do you see a rainbow background behind all posts, one post, or no posts on tantek.com ?
# 17:39 KevinMarks well, not without setting up a VM on my mac, and I really can't be arsed
# 17:40 sparverius but microsoft has a thing called remote ie if you can be assed to set it up
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# 17:41 tantek KevinMarks - I’m trying to figure out a way to ask for something to be noted as *broken* not just unimplemented, but not sure how to suggest it in a productive way
# 17:42 KevinMarks ben_thatmustbeme: it's a reference to his books on how dead network engineers were memorialised on the clacks
# 17:43 KevinMarks I like it when you can repair other people's sites by fixing a typo on your own
# 17:44 sparverius the clacks being the magical/victorian/parody version of telegraphs
# 17:44 sparverius but like most things he poked fun at, in a nice way (unless they deserved it)
# 17:46 sparverius it's in the headers because a lot of people greatly enjoyed and were influenced by his work, myself included. and he once wrote that you can't be dead until people stop speaking your name.
# 17:46 aaronpk i might have to follow that when i implement my new webmention receiving
# 17:46 rhiaro Thanks aaronpk. Hopefully I'll implement it this weekend
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# 17:47 aaronpk i'm going to try to implement some of the logic in a php library so that I can reuse the code on my new site
# 17:47 rhiaro I was gonna just do a cron job to pull things from webmention.io, but I want to do salmentions so I think it's probably easier to do the whole lot myself
# 17:48 rhiaro Thought I might end up with some kind of hybrid
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# 17:49 KevinMarks how could we make salmentions work with webmention.io and webmention.herokuapp.com ?
# 17:50 rhiaro Does webmention.io de-dup for an update webmention?
# 17:51 aaronpk that's what rhiaro was talking about, pulling webmentions from the webmention.io api
# 17:52 KevinMarks right, *I* could, but it doesn't solve the static site case in general
# 17:52 aaronpk pretty sure either service could implement receiving salmentions just fine
# 17:52 tantek you mean how does a static site support salmentions? (say that 10 times quickly ;) )
# 17:52 aaronpk nothing would have to change with the JS embed either
# 17:52 tantek right, the sending part is harder to make work
# 17:53 tantek no no let’s not use relay or forward since that confuses people! ;)
# 17:53 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: but the static site won't have HTML that includes the comments
# 17:53 sparverius tantek: my edge build is a few weeks out of date; im seeing rainbows
# 17:54 aaronpk crazy thought... what if the static site linked to <a href="http://example.com/post/hljsfjlsjlsjet/comments" class="u-comment">view comments</a>
# 17:54 aaronpk most sites have a "comment" property of an h-entry which is an array of h-cites, but what if the comment property was a URL?
# 17:55 tantek ok so they’re doing the same buggy behavior as webkit/blink. sigh. ok I think I may resort to sending an email (gasp)
# 17:55 ben_thatmustbeme as i read through that i had the same idea aaronpk, at least some way to get comments for the post
# 17:55 KevinMarks may want to have a different property name as it is a colelction of comments
# 17:55 aaronpk that'd be a sort of progressive enhancement for static sites, where the JS could still load them inline, but parsers would find the URL property, and nojs browsers would see the link
# 17:55 aaronpk different proeprty name? but normally it's also a collection of comments
# 17:56 aaronpk basically the contents of the URL would be the same as what would be inline on the page if it could render serverside
# 17:56 aaronpk with u-comment, receiving code would only have to add a bit that fetches the URL and then continues
# 17:56 aaronpk continues with its normal comment processing that would have happened if the comments were inline
# 17:58 ben_thatmustbeme thinking u-comment is a url for each comment, which is actually supposed to be u-url within the comment
# 17:58 KevinMarks if I run it through an mf2 parser I then have to look at the comment elemtn adn sniff it to see if it's a URL
# 17:58 aaronpk KevinMarks: you normally do anyway for a few properties
# 17:58 aaronpk if you aren't doing that, you will likely be throwing exceptions in your code
# 17:59 tantek what in particular is “annoying as heck” kevinmarks?
# 17:59 KevinMarks this is clearly a different type of object that needs differnt behaviour
# 17:59 aaronpk i dunno, it's annoying, but it's also just as annoying as having to sanity-check user input in general
# 17:59 aaronpk tantek: the fact that a property like "in-reply-to" might be a string URL or an h-cite object
# 18:00 tantek aaronpk - that’s solve with the new “value” rules for the mf2 parser
# 18:00 Loqi tantek meant to say: aaronpk - that’s solved with the new “value” rules for the mf2 parser
# 18:00 tantek so you could either just get the value of the u-in-reply-to (which would get you the u-url from the h-cite if any)
# 18:00 aaronpk in-reply-to might still be a string, and if not, check if h-cite and get the value from the h-cite value
# 18:00 tantek or if you wanted more info you could dig into the h-cite
# 18:00 aaronpk which is definitely easier than getting the value from the url property of the h-cite
# 18:01 tantek aaronpk - every URL “might still be a string"
# 18:01 aaronpk yeah that's what I just said, it's like sanity-checking in general
# 18:01 aaronpk but there are always two places that real data might exist
# 18:01 tantek right, which you have to do with external input, whether from a user or another site!
# 18:02 tantek aaronpk - sorta - there used to be three I think?
# 18:02 aaronpk without the new "value" rules there are at least two places and it's dependent on vocab
# 18:02 aaronpk with the new rules, there are two places that are not dependent on vocab
# 18:03 aaronpk btw how do we get that into the php parser? i want to use that
# 18:03 aaronpk i haven't written any of the php parser, it scares me
# 18:04 tantek it’s been in the spec for a while (and resolved even longer)
# 18:04 KevinMarks p/e handling is messy enough, making it p/e/u handling and then dreferencing the u and pulling more is worse
# 18:04 tantek aaronpk - step one, file a github issue on the phpmf2 parser to fix that
# 18:05 tantek aaronpk, at our rate of iteration / evolution it is :)
# 18:05 aaronpk i should probably get my hands dirty with the php parser at some point, but at the same time it's also nice that a fundamental building block is not built by me :P
# 18:05 tantek aaronpk - feel free to cc me and barnaby on the issue
# 18:05 tantek aaronpk - indeed, just file the github issue for now
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# 18:12 KevinMarks I took kyle's one becsue that was clearly right; this one looks good to me too
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# 18:12 aaronpk i suppose i could do that much since it doesn't involve the actual inner workings of the parser
# 18:13 KevinMarks the test case there shoudl have different title and link text
# 18:26 ben_thatmustbeme tantek, got side tracked by those php-mf2 comments, that looks pretty logical p-comment h-cite
# 18:41 KevinMarks I add a link with "u-comments-section" that points to a page that has html rendered comments
# 18:44 KevinMarks but it could generate them as html, then you could iframe them and they'd work in a noscript environment
# 18:45 KevinMarks maybe I'm overthinking this, but this fits in with the hovercard brainstorming
# 18:46 KevinMarks if the hovercards are iframes, a u- on an iframe could mean "pull in this remote URL and insert it's parsed microformats inline"
# 18:57 kylewm I was playing with PhantomJS this morning, so now that's my golden hammer
# 18:57 kylewm so we can just fetch kevinmarks.com with phantomjs :)
# 19:01 KevinMarks I'm thinking about how to transclude a remote page, and realising that that is what iframe does
# 19:03 KevinMarks irony: the embedded tweets in my post have good mf2 html in the iframe, but there is no way to get access to that URL
# 19:03 kylewm oh phantom would just run the webmention.herokuapp.com script and give you the full realized page
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# 19:58 hardfire i just found out about indiewebcamp today, would've loved to join the camp. maybe next year :D
# 20:00 hardfire ah! thats nice. i'll keep an eye and be around on IRC atleast
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# 20:01 hardfire as of now in germany
# 20:02 aaronpk I bet there will be another one in Germany next year! I had a great time in Düsseldorf in May
# 20:03 hardfire okay. i hope i am in germany untill then. but as there are number of events, it'd be nice to be in one of them
# 20:04 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: there are a couple coming up in England
# 20:06 aaronpk well one is tomorrow. the other is in a couple weeks tho!
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# 20:13 hardfire haha! that was the predictable hardfire talking :P
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# 21:17 gRegorLove Think that needs an "actually..." and a pushing up of glasses. ;)
# 21:19 aaronpk they are mostly trucks but they are more permanent installations
# 21:19 aaronpk they legally have to be able to move, but very few of them ever do
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# 21:40 kylewm IDK if "browser SSL certificate" is the right word for those :/
# 21:43 gRegorLove The spec doesn't seem to mention it or the signature, so not sure.
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# 21:57 gRegorLove So all of my URLs are about to be changed. Not sure how to avoid bridgy sending duplicate wms. My de-dupe process is basically md5 ( source + target )
# 21:59 gRegorLove If A is redirected to B, will bridgy re-send the webmentions to B?
# 22:00 tantek you’ll get to test everyone’s webmention / redirects interaction support
# 22:01 tantek this is one of those “architecture” things ;)
# 22:02 gRegorLove I *think* if I update my md5 hashes when I import my old wm, it will work.
# 22:06 gRegorLove My code uses the final URL for the hash, so if source sends to B and B redirects to C, md5 ( source + C ) is the result. wm to the old URL and the new should properly de-dupe
# 22:07 gRegorLove But yeah, maybe I'll update my code to keep both hashes as a double check
# 22:08 gRegorLove Yeah, I follow. Was trying to avoid updating my webmention handler. :)
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# 22:14 tantek ben_thatmustbeme has most of A working. And aaronpk has most of B working.
# 22:15 kylewm I think so too, anyone wiht woodwind+micropub
# 22:15 tantek KevinMarks: sure, it’s just more powerful if the *creator* of woodwind is doing it :)
# 22:15 tantek kylewm: yup, aaronpk pointed that out too - but the goal is to have a different person do each role
# 22:19 aaronpk comment from the same interface they saw the post
# 22:21 aaronpk oh man I forgot I made a script last year that parses the guest list microformats and creates name badges
# 22:23 snarfed gRegorLove: re bridgy and redirects, you should be fine. it won't resend past wms just because permalinks start redirecting
# 22:24 kylewm will bridgy refetch the h-feed, see a bunch of new URL -> Syndication relations, and resend a bunch of wm's with the new target URLs
# 22:24 gRegorLove Those are largely PPD, so when bridgy refreshes the feed it will see new permalinks
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# 22:24 gRegorLove I'm pretty sure my hash updates I'm working on will de-dupe them regardless. Just curious.
# 22:25 snarfed gRegorLove: ah, good question. i believe that only happens if it didn't find a target before, but i'm not sure. kylewm will know...
# 22:25 gRegorLove Less concerned about my articles because I almost always manually post links to them on FB / Twitter, no PPD.
# 22:26 kylewm gRegorLove: snarfed: I *think* it will send them again with new target URLs
# 22:27 snarfed sounds like the de-duping will hopefully work. de-duping on uid or u-url should also work
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# 22:31 KevinMarks aaronpk: heh, that's like my reaction each year when I remember xmaslabels.com
# 22:31 tantek kylewm - were you able to coordinate with KevinMarks, snarfed, on a SF/bayarea spot for “dialing in” to the Talky together?
# 22:32 tantek seems like at least a few of you could cluster this weekend and make an informal SF meetup spot!
# 22:32 KevinMarks haven't yet; need to co-ordinate with family as my sons and a niece are staying with us
# 22:34 kylewm I definitely cannot participate tomorrow, but should be in for Sunday. thanks for the prod, will check with Ben, snarfed, Kevin
# 22:34 tantek definitely - Sunday hackday meetup would be great - because then you could demo together too!
# 22:34 tantek kylewm: as soon as you have *something* (anything, even just 2 of you) confirmed for a Sunday thing, let’s add it to the wiki
# 22:35 gRegorLove Time to pack and get ready to leave for PDX in an hour! See some of you tomorrow.
# 22:38 snarfed the old *-activitystreams demo sites now redirect
# 22:39 KevinMarks grr. appengine is telling me to update old apps that don't use the deprecated store
# 22:40 KevinMarks right, but I have apps that don't touch it at all, and they're still nuking them
# 22:42 KevinMarks granary's html is amusing as it doesn't put any constraints on image size
# 22:42 snarfed ah yeah that's a good point about the demo, that iframe should always show text
# 22:43 snarfed anyone know if there's an easy way to make an iframe always render as text, regardless of the response's content type?
# 22:48 snarfed should be read only though so relatively harmless
shalkydri, KartikPrabhu, voi_, benwerd and snarfed joined the channel
# 22:58 benwerd Replying to the earlier conversation: I was going to drive to PDX today but I'm just feeling too rotten to do it (I'd hoped I wouldn't be by now). I will, however, do my best to be on Talky and participate remotely.
# 23:02 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:02 snarfed anyone want to vote on the granary logo? i'm looking at these three:
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# 23:09 kylewm snarfed: I'd vote for #2 ... looks better as a favicon imo
# 23:10 snarfed we can probably at least nix the water tower since it looks like…a water tower?
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# 23:16 kylewm hehe, I was wondering about the water tower :)
# 23:17 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:18 KartikPrabhu in the same discusion kylewm snarfed bridgy does re-send webmention to changed permalinks due to POSSE-post-discovery
# 23:19 KevinMarks some granaries look like that, if the area is prone to flooding
# 23:19 KartikPrabhu well not if comments show up twice under the post once you have made your system also read older URL comments
# 23:22 KartikPrabhu I like monochrome, actually SVGs since I can change their color in CSS as I want :P
# 23:29 KartikPrabhu snarfed: once can easily change color on SVG Icons, I can add the color if you have a specific monochrome in mind
# 23:30 snarfed KartikPrabhu: i understand, but i like multiple colors, not just one
# 23:30 snarfed one can likewise convert to grayscale or b&w, right? :P
# 23:31 KartikPrabhu yes. but I am saying just the monochrome should not stop you from using the "shapes" of an icon
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# 23:32 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: anyway I iike the one on the right :)
# 23:33 KartikPrabhu also granary is a good name. activitystreams-unofficial sounded very unofficial for how much it is doing :)
# 23:33 tantek greetings from #IndieWebCamp Portland pre-party at Pints Brewing!
# 23:35 kylewm KevinMarks: the right one is *more* phallic isn't it??
# 23:36 snarfed aaaand that's my cue. back later, enjoy the preparty!
# 23:36 kylewm I like the icon on the left if it didn't have the dumb yellow circle