#tantekaaronpk re: oldest domain - I do have a domain registered from 1995 but that was for my first startup. Would be interesting to see distribution by decade. 90s, 00s, 10s
#tantekaaronpk++ for that superb overview email. goodness you make email look good. HTML email at that.
evalica, sivoais and Sebastien-L joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /2014-review (+615) "resources: FreeMyOAuth, onboarding, wikifying. cluster post types in Tech section, add edit" (view diff)
#tantekand with that I’ve completed my review of https://indiewebcamp.com/2014-created and curation into most relevant / impactful / useful resources from there to: Technologies, Services, and Community Resources
#tantekif you see something in /2014-created that is missing from /2014-review and you feel it was either an oversight, or feel it’s significant enough to merit inclusion, please bring up!
KevinMarks_ and j12t joined the channel
#tantek!tell aaronpk could you post an indie event for the Friday pre-party?
#csarvenI'm content with my URL design pattern. Cool URI/Ls are always difficult. I don't see how date only URLs or slug's with URLs are preferable in my case.
#tantekKevinMarks: perhaps it’s mashable’s bootstrap-like design sprinkled with NASCAR chicklets and other js;dr that’s looking dead?
#seekrHi, I just discovered the IndieWebCamp project, this IRC channel and the news about this weekend's events, including a couple notes from guys who were offering to help set up something on the U.S. east coast - wondering whether they happen to be in this channel (though I should try back in several hours, since the sun's just come up here)
#seekrI'm also wondering whether there will be video feeds of sessions.
#seekrI just learned of IndieWebCamp following an inquiry I made in another channel about what's happening with Diaspora and/or other Facebook alternatives. I'm wondering whether there are active ongoing efforts along such lines, tantek.
tvn joined the channel
#rhiaroHey seekr. The agendas for this weekend's events are set on the day, unconference style
#rhiaroI *think* there will be live feeds from both Portland and Brighton
#seekroh, rhiaro - thanks - will be linked from that same URL, I s'pose
#rhiaroAnd wrt to alternative social: everyone here is building their own stuff - scratching their own itches - to do social interactions via their own personal sites
#rhiaroThere are a few common protocols and principals that allow us to interoperate with each other and centralised social sites, to varying degrees
#LoqiGet started on the indieweb by connecting with the indiewebcamp community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page & other indieweb essentials https://indiewebcamp.com/Getting_Started
#seekrwell, ben_thatmustbeme, my main question is whether there's a page that has links to records from past conferences and events or just projects associated with IndieWeb
#ben_thatmustbeme!tell aaronpk Did you get a second webmention for that person tag? When kevin commented
#seekras I said earlier, my main interest at present is finding good alternatives to corporate-controlled social media systems like Faceboo, and Twitter (interesting, though, to note that the latter is being used as a communications vehicle for the weekend's events, which I suppose means there is at present no good alternative)
#rhiaroAnd iwc events are also to help new people get started, so twitter is good for reaching them
#LoqiIndieWebCamps are brainstorming and building events where IndieWeb creators gather semi-regularly to meet in person, share ideas, and collaborate on IndieWeb design, UX, & code for their own sites https://indiewebcamp.com/IWC
#seekrah - thanks for all the good info! The 2014 page is quite interesting in that it depicts (with maybe one or two exceptions :) what look like ordinary (yet extraordinary in many ways in actual fact, I'm sure) normal people.
#seekrben_thatmustbeme: You wrote "Known is a good option if you are looking for something well polished." Dare I ask "what is "known?" The sentence makes it sound as if it's a software package or something. Please forgive the newbie confusion.
#seekrAs I mentioned earlier, I found an article (based on a non-evilGoogle search on "alternative to Facebook") at http://www.interhacktives.com/2014/12/28/alternatives-to-facebook/ that lists a number of potential alternatives. I'm wondering whether any of those have been adopted by some substantial number of IndieWebers.
#Loqianswer is a post type that is a reply to a question post; it's not clear whether answer needs to be its own post type, or if simple reply posts will suffice, thus if you're implementing answer posts, just start with implementing replies https://indiewebcamp.com/answer
#ben_thatmustbemeseekr: what is <anything> basically just does a look up on the wiki for that term. (following redirects) and returns the defitiion from them. so ask away, its not a bad habit to get in to
#seekrah - thanks - might be boring for other people in the channel, though
#LoqiTantek-ing is a method of encouraging people to contribute to the wiki by indirectly prompting the person who first mentioned the term to create a short wiki dfn page for it https://indiewebcamp.com/tanteking
#tantek.comedited /notification () "(-776) /* Push Notifications */ link to a main page on the subject, summarize the content here accordingly" (view diff)
#seekrbret: whereas I learned about the channel in another channel whose subject matter has nothing to do with software or web matters - I'm looking forward to getting more info about tuning in to the conference whilst it's in progress and seeing the agenda, which I'm told won't be published until tomorrow morning
#seekrIt was only after joining the channel that I learned of this coming weekend's events
#bretseekr: yeah its an unconference style, so we put up a grid and propose sessions
#seekrah - when will the in-process grid become publicly visible?
#bretusually someone will drop a link in IRC fairly quicky
#KevinMarksben_thatmustbeme: putting h-entry on the body is triggering that implied name, though possibly <script> shoudl be ignored by the parser
#seekrbear: I saw something on the talky site that seemed to suggest there's a limit of 5-6 simultaneously connected users - did I read it right do you think?
#KevinMarksseems like both python and php mf2 parsing implementations are seeing <script> as viable for implied name
#tantekKevinMarks - yes about script contents being ignored for display purposes, however I think you can also SGML comment them out
#KevinMarksthis is a drawback of the mf2 class on body approach, it does tend to scoop up a lor
#seekrbear: looks like you've gone away for the time being, so I'll drop out of talky
#KevinMarkswasn't that exactly the argument against :parent selectors in CSS?
#tantekKevinmarks, but then again I may be biased as I’m currently letting a <style scoped> on one post on my home page cause nearly the whole body to look like a rainbow in buggy browsers ;)
#KevinMarksin this case 'buggy' is defined as 'all browsers except your employer's one' ?
#tantekwouldn’t surprise me if they at least respected the scope, if not apply it.
#tantekIE10 / Edge / Spartan have made surprising progress
#KevinMarksI keep getting followed on twitter by people whose tweets are all '[prime number] things to know about [fatberg] [hashtags of fatberg terms] "
#tantekhow does one submit changes to “caniuse” ?
#sparveriusmicrosoft did a whole campaign to that effect targeted at developers
#tanteksparverius - having seen IE in action with some tough CSS during CSS working group meetings, it’s more than just a campaign
#sparverius"it's not shit anymore and our dev tools are pretty decent, stop on by" i think they're worried that people are just not testing on IE that much anymore
#aaronpkKevinMarks++ now I wanna make a bot that does that
#sparveriustantek: yeah i know, ive been using edge/spartan at work for the occasional testing; i dont like their dev tools as much as chrome but better than safari
#KevinMarksso if you resend the webmention, does Known fix it?
#tanteksparverius - oh neat - can you answer a quick question then? do you see a rainbow background behind all posts, one post, or no posts on tantek.com ?
#KevinMarkswell, not without setting up a VM on my mac, and I really can't be arsed
#sparveriusi am not at work right now, but when i go in ill fire it up
#ben_thatmustbemealso 'X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett' what?
#tantekKevinMarks - I’m trying to figure out a way to ask for something to be noted as *broken* not just unimplemented, but not sure how to suggest it in a productive way
#KevinMarksben_thatmustbeme: it's a reference to his books on how dead network engineers were memorialised on the clacks
#KevinMarksI like it when you can repair other people's sites by fixing a typo on your own
#sparveriusthe clacks being the magical/victorian/parody version of telegraphs
#sparveriusit's in the headers because a lot of people greatly enjoyed and were influenced by his work, myself included. and he once wrote that you can't be dead until people stop speaking your name.
#aaronpki might have to follow that when i implement my new webmention receiving
#rhiaroThanks aaronpk. Hopefully I'll implement it this weekend
#aaronpki'm going to try to implement some of the logic in a php library so that I can reuse the code on my new site
#rhiaroI was gonna just do a cron job to pull things from webmention.io, but I want to do salmentions so I think it's probably easier to do the whole lot myself
#rhiaroThought I might end up with some kind of hybrid
#sparveriustantek: my edge build is a few weeks out of date; im seeing rainbows
#aaronpkcrazy thought... what if the static site linked to <a href="http://example.com/post/hljsfjlsjlsjet/comments" class="u-comment">view comments</a>
#ben_thatmustbemeas i read through that i had the same idea aaronpk, at least some way to get comments for the post
#KevinMarksmay want to have a different property name as it is a colelction of comments
#aaronpkthat'd be a sort of progressive enhancement for static sites, where the JS could still load them inline, but parsers would find the URL property, and nojs browsers would see the link
#aaronpki should probably get my hands dirty with the php parser at some point, but at the same time it's also nice that a fundamental building block is not built by me :P
#gRegorLoveSo all of my URLs are about to be changed. Not sure how to avoid bridgy sending duplicate wms. My de-dupe process is basically md5 ( source + target )
#gRegorLoveIf A is redirected to B, will bridgy re-send the webmentions to B?
#gRegorLoveMy code uses the final URL for the hash, so if source sends to B and B redirects to C, md5 ( source + C ) is the result. wm to the old URL and the new should properly de-dupe
#KevinMarksright, what I'm saying is, keep the old hashes too
#gRegorLoveBut yeah, maybe I'll update my code to keep both hashes as a double check
shalkydri, KartikPrabhu, voi_, benwerd and snarfed joined the channel
#benwerdReplying to the earlier conversation: I was going to drive to PDX today but I'm just feeling too rotten to do it (I'd hoped I wouldn't be by now). I will, however, do my best to be on Talky and participate remotely.