#seekrHi all - just awakened after a nap |-) - was awake during the Brighton event, but unable to see it, since Talky won't work for me - did better on the Portland event, since bret was kind enough to set up a uToob stream - but I was too tired at that point to be able to watch it, and went into sleep mode
#seekrHowever, I was able to record most of that stream, and am willing to send it along to whoever might like to archive the file, assuming it's OK with bret and whoever else might need to be asked.
#seekrI'm hoping that someone in Brighton might be able to do something similar to what bret did, so there's a possibility of capturing and archiving the video - and to make it more accessible during the event itself. I heard from ben_thatmustbeme that he was able to get only audio from the Talky feed, and suspect the same might have been true for others also.
#seekrI'm wondering whether bret's video might have gotten auto-archived at uToob - I'm not able to play it using the link he gave yesterday - just get one of those spinny things, as if the server is trying to start the video - https://youtu.be/yJCtLhopfDY
#seekrany thoughts on what I wrote above, KevinMarks?
#seekrI'm just watching the video now, and am doing screenshots of the opening frame of each presentation, so it will be easy later for someone to build an index that lets people go to a given segment, KevinMarks.
#seekr(each screenshot frame is time-indexed in the filename)
#seekrI'm new in these parts, tjgillies_ - can you give me a pointer to good sources of info about webmention and phoenix? I want to learn about the stuff being talked about this weekend to the extent possible, so I'll have some understanding of what folks are going on about. Thanks.
#seekrUnfortunately, I was unable to tune in to what was happening in Brighton except via this channel and Twitter since what was streamed was only via Talky as far as I know.
#tjgillies_seekr: Phoenix is a webframework that is an Elixir clone of Rails.
#LoqiA note is a post that is typically short unstructured* plain text, written & posted quickly, that has its own permalink page https://indiewebcamp.com/t
#seekrjust listening to some lively Romanian music & puttering - was in nap mode during the Portland events, but managed to capture bret's uToob stream, GWG - planning to watch ASAP, as much as possible prior to the start of Brighton events today
#GWGI have to head to bed soon, but still trying to accomplish something before tomorrow.
petermolnar joined the channel
#Loqi[mention] Jeena posted 'Consider my mind blown. I kind of expected I would get to this Unconference and there would be a bunch of white young guys talking mostly ab...' linking to http://indiewebcamp.com/reader (/indiewebcamp-2015)
#seekrah - good luck - will you be awake for Brighton, GWG?
#seekrI lack specific enough techie knowledge to comment on what you just said, but I'm curious as to your feelings about social networks, which I've been avoiding on philosophical grounds. Perhaps you have some better arguments, better-suited to expressing to others who are still caught in the grip of such networks.
#seekrI just read the _Daily Beast_ article about Reddit and suspect that similar pieces could be done about others, including the ubiquitous Facebook (with dif'rent specific observations, of course).
#seekrI'm working on a site where the people behind the radio programme associated with it are heading in the direction of getting more involved with Facebook, whereas I, as the techie, and the person with what I consider to be the greatest vision of the lot, want to go in exactly the opposite direction.
#seekrBut there's more than a "germ of truth" in it, I reckon.
#seekrIn other words, petermolnar, it matters not whether spooky organisations are actually behind Facebook, as some would contend - if they're able to use the information they collect in ways to which clients have not expressly agreed to and about which they're largely unaware, is that difference really an important one, one wonders.
j12t, hardfire and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#seekrarggggh - seems the ~600 MB MPEG video file I captured from bret's uToob stream from Portland runs only just over an hour :(
#seekrI guess it ran up until the lunch break (thanks, Loqi) - if there was a later stream, I missed it, being tired from trying (but failing) to connect with what happened in Brighton (which I'm fool enough to try again today - hoping they use a better streaming method than they did yesterday with Talky)
#seekrIs there a list of presenters for yesterday's sessions? I was hoping the grid (or pointers therefrom) might have that info
#KartikPrabhuseekr: indiewebcamps don't really have "presenters" it is more of a discussion type meet
#KartikPrabhusuccessfully convert h-entry to Atom format now onto feeds
#petermolnarpresenters are the ones who did the self introduction in this case
#seekrWell, KartikPrabhu, what I saw in the video stream bret did yesterday showed what looked to me like brief presentations followed by even briefer Q&As.
#seekrI'd just like a list of the names of those who spoke and links to their sites.
#seekrSince today's sessions appear to be working ones, I guess there's not much for the virtual audience to see - except maybe after they're finished hacking.
#KartikPrabhuseekr: yes I understand. somehow that has not been asked for before
#KartikPrabhuseekr: yes there will be demos of what people hacked on in the end
#seekrI think it's reasonable to want to learn more about what these various people are up to, and to get easy ways to connect with them and their efforts.
#seekrIt's a very interesting concept, your marginalia capturing & sharing system, whether for collaborative or purely personal efforts. Do you feel it's working well now? I'm wondering what building blocks you used, or whether it's more of a "ground up" effort.
#KartikPrabhuseekr: the building blocks are mentioned in that post :)
#KartikPrabhuit is mostly building on some things invented here at by people
#seekrah - my quick skim missed that part, I guess - still reading, tho :)
#KartikPrabhuit bootstraps webmention and fragmention to make marginalia
#KartikPrabhuit works reasonably well now, but I am not very happy with the actual JS code. It needs some fixing
#LoqiA fragmention is an extension to URL syntax that links and cites a phrase within a document by using a URL fragment consisting of the phrase itself, including whitespace https://indiewebcamp.com/fragmention
#seekrthanks! as an utter newbie, I'm still learning the lingo ;)
#seekrI'm thinking that this sort of system could be very useful with regard to a project I'm woking on now.
#seekrYeah - Loqi sought to cheer me up a while ago - a real pal! :)
#KartikPrabhunice! let me know if you need help with using it
#seekrok - the main idea is that this sort of system might be better than and/or a useful adjunct to a web-based forum for commenting on and considering what is said during the course of radio interviews done by the organisation whose site I've been working on - they're a fairly backward lot technically (with the exception of one person who retired from her job at a university as a web developer (mostly in Java, I think))
#KartikPrabhuI am not a big fan of forums personally. But marginalia.js is supposed to help comment on specific points
#seekrMy immediate struggle involves pulling them out of the clutches of social media operations like Facebook (which I tend to consider to be evil) and Twitter (which seems more benign) for such purposes.
#KartikPrabhuthe first step would be to get webmention working though
#KartikPrabhuyes having your own site does help to do that part
#seekryeah - I'm thinking it would be the logical first step - only some of the shows have transcripts, which would be the obvious base for linking comments - those transcripts are represented as components within XML files, so it shouldn't be all that difficult to create some other form of document to serve as the anchor point for the comments bit
#KartikPrabhuneeds to update h-feed templates to get a good Atom
#seekrI can install webmention on my own site and play with it.
#KartikPrabhuXML seems pretty annoying to me, I would rather do HTML
#KartikPrabhuseekr: yes good first step. helps you experiment
#seekrWell, it's apples & oranges - they operate in different spaces, and are each well suited for the job they do.
#seekrXML provides a data container, which is not possible in HTML.
#seekrIn fact, the XML files are used as the basis for creating HTML pages.
#seekrVarious items in the XML files are used for various purposes in the generation process.
#seekrBut it would be possible to write a simple script to extract from transcript-bearing XML files whatever is needed to generate documents suitable for use with your software.
#seekrIn fact, that process could proceed at the same time that pages for the site are being generated.
#seekrThat functionality could be incorporated into the page-generation process, in other words.
#seekrIf you have the time and interest, I can show you what I mean, KartikPrabhu - via PM.
#KartikPrabhuseekr: though I have interest I would definitely be lacking time. I am not actually a web-dev so catching up on other projects is pretty time-consuming for me
#seekrunderstood - is your code open sourced or what?
#seekrI wouldn't seek to involve you in any actual work, KartikPrabhu - only show you what I mean - but I can understand how you might want to know at this point. Certainly if your system were to be used, you'd be given appropriate credit and links.
#seekrThe more important question, KartikPrabhu, is whether it's stable and non-buggy. :)
#KartikPrabhuthat it is, I think :P I have been using it on my site for a year without a glitch
#seekrgreat! I'm looking forward to taking a closer look and to playing with it. I'm very glad I ran into you when I did, as this could be a very important component in my struggle.
#seekrThe humour in that clip relies on "Stuffing material (as for furniture and mattresses) made of slender, curled wood shavings, as a substitute for hair. " from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/excelsior
#seekrwhereas, I realise, KartikPrabhu, yours relies on the primary original definition, from the Latin: "Loftier, yet higher; ever upward"
#hardfireon the news, i just started indifying my website, made it indieauth compatible. next steps is to look for a cheap and less-maintenance solution for POSSE and webmentions. \m/
#petermolnarhardfire have you checked withknown.com ? you can't really get an easier solution
#hardfiredoes look pretty nice and quick solution. will give it a shot and udpate how it goes. Still thinking if i should use the SAAS version or just get a hosting and host it there.
#petermolnarsetting up known for a self-hosting environment used to be a bit tricky, especially that is like mongo better than mysql
catsup and lewisnyman joined the channel
#petermolnaris the talky session supposed to be running?
catsup joined the channel
#rhiaropetermolnar: we're just sitting around all over the place, nowhere really obvious to point a acmera
#snarfedPSA for anyone hacking on anything today that integrates with silos (ie social networks): granary is a REST API and python lib that talks microformats2 (among other formats) to the silos
#tommorrispetermolnar: DKIM looks... complex. any chance you could set up webmentions brainstorming on the wiki and suggest some idea of how it would work? I'm happy to chuck in how you'd do it with Hashcash
#hotzeplotzbear or aaronpk: hacking on indie-stats at iwc brighton - any of your around and able to help me get started? having issues logging in (either on indie-stats.com or my test instance) once authenticated by indieauth.com
catsup joined the channel
#hotzeplotzlooks like scope is empty and indie-stats.py just displays 'authentication failed' with 403
#joskartommorris: 5-34s for -mb24 and 2-21s for -mb23 on the ARM device. Was that what you were asking about?
#tommorrisI'll stick all this in webmention brainstorming
#ShaneHudson_App is working very nicely :) No settings yet but it feels almost native, I close the app as soon as possible once the web browser opens :)
#tommorrisrhiaro: I hear mention through the grapevine of fish'n'chips
#tommorrisat some point, mf2py may evolve to do linting/validation too. ;-)
tvn_, lewisnyman, petermolnar, tantek and barnabywalters joined the channel
#barnabywalters!tell aaronpk I see you tagged v0.2.10 of php-mf2 on the 10th — thanks for merging those pull requests! In future can you let me know if you want to to tag a new version so that I can add to the changelog and sign the commit? I’m currently releasing v0.2.12
#tommorrishey, if Tower Bridge can have a Twitter account, you could have a fax number for an ocean. maybe you can fax things to it and it'll print them out and drop them in the ocean.
#mey.vncreated /indieweb.txt (+2119) "Created page with "indieweb.txt is a proposal (first discussed at IndieWebCamp Brighton 2015) for a strategy to allow IndieWeb site owners to share information about: * IndieWeb tools they are usi..."" (view diff)
#rhiaro... Was going to get involved in indiemark, but seeing as Paul challenged me to get a blog I thought I'd try to get micropub up and running on a new box
#rhiaro... Got some hosting on Digital Ocean, spin up an ubuntu box, set up a firewall, set up SSH....
#Loqiaaronpk: barnabywalters left you a message 1 hour, 27 minutes ago: I see you tagged v0.2.10 of php-mf2 on the 10th — thanks for merging those pull requests! In future can you let me know if you want to to tag a new version so that I can add to the changelog and sign the commit? I’m currently releasing v0.2.12 http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-07-12/line/1436710842440
#Loqislack/shaunguice: (g'mornin from berkeley, ca.) Caught the last 10 mins of the stream :simple_smile: I like John-Ellison's idea of indiestats as a crawler.
#GWGHere we are...please stand by for 48 more minutes
#GWGanomalily: Nice speaking to you yesterday, by the way
adactio joined the channel
#ShaneHudson_kylewm: Thanks for the reply to github about ?repl=, my app is now working nicely :) Will improve to work with a settings page
dietrich joined the channel
#tantekis thinking of taking on the challenge of nice “mobile” post styling today
#tantekI think my first “hack” task for today is to define comments markup since no one else has bothered to respond to my requests in IRC the past 2-3 days :/
#ShaneHudson_I feel quite productive this weekend, got micropub working, went casino, got cleaning done, make a quick android app for sharing and now cooking a roast :)
#seekrI don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but I note that the demos video is now archived, in case anyone missed it when it was live: https://youtu.be/aMuQ2U8nFPU - I suppose this link will be added to the wiki.
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: please follow order of requests in the !tell
#aaronpki think as a consumer, you're going to have to look at the "content" property and if it's a string, use that value, if it's an object, use the "text" property
#tantekI’ve already pointed out that the “how to markup” on the wiki is likely out of date (also in IRC in the past couple of days - do a search for all references to “comment-presentation” )
#aaronpktantek: I don't really care what your HTML looks like, only what the parsed result looks like. as a consumer of that, I see the "content" property is a string value, and I know what to do with that
#Loqitantek meant to say: aaronpk - ok good to know
#aaronpkI will have to do the same heuristics as in h-entry to determine whether the "content" property is the same as the "name" property to be able to tell whether the "name" value is useful to display
#tantekaaronpk - as a separate issue, the fact that you have to do such heuristics means there’s likely something we should fix with implied p-name
#tantekwe started with that on indiewebcamp, and then switch to p-comment h-cite to indicate that it’s not an original entry but rather a citation of someone else’s entry
#tantekwhich provides the immediate flexibility to do things like truncate, use plain text instead of HTML etc.
#kylewmtantek: your markup looks good to me, mine is the same except I use e-content because I allow some minimal html through
#aaronpki think we have a set of rules here that can be written up as a how-to now
#aaronpkit's basically a bunch of "if ... then.." depending on whether a) the comment has a permalink of its own, b) you are displaying the full plaintext vs full html vs a truncated version
#ben_thatmustbemelast question, do we need something to contain all the comments section as one. the use case being that it would give the ability to set a u-url for it and thus make webmetion.io and similar offsite comments parsable
#KevinMarks(js-injected iframes are more of a pain)
lewisnyman joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemeand thus the idea would be if you see .p-comments->.u-url that means the comments are stored on external URL. and you can receive salmentions from sites that use webmention.io
#ben_thatmustbememany sites might have links down to the comments section of their own site too
#rhiaroI started copying what was on comments-presentation
#ben_thatmustbemeu-comments would make sense for that, would be the same URL probably with just a different fragment probably
#rhiaroI'm actually working on a /mentions page, so replies appear there but without the full post they're replying to, ie. not inside a parent h-entry. Does p-comment not make sense in that case?
#gRegorLove!tell seekr, KartikPrabhu Yesterday's demos will be put on the wiki eventually at http://indiewebcamp.com/2015/Demos. Same for today's hack day demos. Yesterday's demos are currently in the IRC logs but will be dumped to that page.
#csarvenSo, p- is for plain text and e- may include elements?
#KevinMarksmf2 is flexible enough to mark things up differently
#GWGSo, I have a dilemma for all of you. WordPress requires some sort of title, even if it is auto-generated and not displayed. Trying to figure out what the auto-generated title should be a for a Like.
#gRegorLovep- is a parser directive, to parse the contents as plain text
#csarvenWhich also means, zillion different ways to parse it.
#kylewmcsarven: seriously questions about how to parse microformats should be in #microformats
#GWGkylewm: My problem now is that, if I'm not entering that data, and I'm pulling it from the URL, that doesn't happen till after the post is created. Which means I have to move that code to earlier in the chain.
#csarvenkylewm Certainly. So, the discussion earlier on p-* with ben_thatmustbeme belongs here? (*serious* question)
#GWGaaronpk suggests the attendees solve one impossible problem before lunch
#LoqiIndieMark is a set of metrics for measuring the indieweb-ness of a site, and a step-by-step approach to incrementally adopting indieweb features on your site https://indiewebcamp.com/IndieMark
#barnabywaltersthis evening I’m working on fixing some of the things which have mysteriously stopped working on waterpigs.co.uk (maps and, as of yesterday, twitter POSSE)