2015-07-23 UTC
snarfed joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
gRegorLove and chreekat joined the channel
# 00:46 gRegorLove Looks like u-comment gives a fuller implied 'value' in the parser?
# 00:47 aaronpk one step closer to having an always-useful "value" as a fallback when the consumer doesn't understand the object
# 00:48 aaronpk hm i should also add the php parser version number into the response just for kicks
# 00:50 aaronpk yeah, imagine if you didn't do any fancy comment parsing, what would you display?
# 00:51 aaronpk like if the source URL doesn't have any microformats, the best you can do is show the URL
# 00:52 KartikPrabhu yeah so then should native comments have a p-comment and webmention ones u-comment?
# 00:52 aaronpk i don't know, i don't really think about native comments much since I abandoned that years ago
# 00:53 aaronpk oh i see, the libraries have links to the hosted versions if there is one
# 00:54 gRegorLove I plan to have local comments support for a while on my site, so yeah, I'll probably use p-comment h-cite for those.
mlncn joined the channel
# 00:58 aaronpk it's unfortunate we didn't get this into the parsers from the very beginning, but the idea is that the "value" property should always be a useful fallback if you don't understand what the object is
# 00:59 aaronpk so for comments/salmention, if you don't go into the h-cite object and get the attributes from there, you could just use the "value" of the h-cite
# 00:59 aaronpk which is now the URL if the object is "u-comment h-cite"
# 00:59 gRegorLove KartikPrabhu: If you have a neested h-*, the parent h-* value should be the p-name of the child, for example
# 00:59 KartikPrabhu if you are parsing a comment why not have the palin text as fall back?
# 01:01 KartikPrabhu gRegorLove: yes. so if I have a nested h-cite the value will be whatever p-name it has
# 01:01 KartikPrabhu yes. I still don't understand the use for having the URL as the "value"
# 01:02 KartikPrabhu also there is no way to know if the value is actually a URL or just some text someone inserted
# 01:03 gRegorLove For salmentions, makes it easier to find new comments without diving into the h-cite. I dunno, haven't implemented salmentions yet
# 01:04 KartikPrabhu well at the moment no salmention implementation actually check the URL of the comment anyway
# 01:04 aaronpk you have to check the URL of the comment in order to know if it's a new comment or not
# 01:05 KartikPrabhu well I don't know, I'll stick to p-comment unless I find some reason to switch
# 01:06 gRegorLove It does seem pretty restrictive, if that's the only way to support salmentions.
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 01:06 KartikPrabhu it is the only way if you don't want to go into the h-cite and find the URL
# 01:06 gRegorLove Does your implementation dive into the h-cite if the value isn't a URL?
# 01:07 gRegorLove Then I guess it's not restrictive, as long as implementations fallback to looking in the h-cite
snarfed, KevinMarks__, mlncn and tantek joined the channel
# 01:47 tantek gRegorLove: note that the u-comment explanation is *right there* below the how to mark up code sample under "What each of these do:"
# 01:47 gRegorLove I saw it later. I would have expected it to be under the first bullet
# 01:47 tantek but hey - if no one else here could find that then an extra FAQ works too
# 01:48 tantek "for comment discovery when reading an h-entry for salmention receiving. "
# 01:49 tantek which is all you want for anyone coming to the page for the first time
# 01:49 tantek who don't really care about the history of how it got to be that way
# 01:49 tantek (in fact, trying to incorporate such history inline typically leads to spec-bloat, and makes anything spec-like harder to read)
# 01:50 gRegorLove I think most first-time readers will not be clear on "comment discovery" or "salmention"
# 01:50 tantek they would be even *less clear* if they had to read a history
# 01:50 gRegorLove "The u- prefix on the "comment" property works to get the u-url from inside the h-cite" under the second bullet is clearer
# 01:50 tantek nope - because the simpler case is just the u-comment
# 01:50 tantek it's incremental disclosure of the information
# 01:51 gRegorLove I'm not suggesting adding history, just explanation of "why u-comment"
# 01:51 tantek it does say why u-comment. just doesn't say why u-comment vs. all other possibilities
# 01:51 aaronpk frankly I don't find the explanation of "because comment discovery" compelling
# 01:52 tantek also for a native comment - you probably want p-comment h-entry anyway
# 01:52 aaronpk and I definitely do like having justifications for things when I'm reading these, otherwise I just think "eh that seems like extra work, why bother"
# 01:52 gRegorLove Further confusing to people coming across a 'how to markup' section :)
# 01:52 aaronpk i think we need a "how to mark up native comments" section too :)
# 01:53 tantek of the phrase which is "for comment discovery when reading an h-entry for salmention receiving"
# 01:53 tantek obviously when you drop pieces of that, you create a strawman which you can then claim, eh, doesn't matter
# 01:54 aaronpk ironically i'm pretty sure I was the one that pointed out it was better to use "u-comment", and now I don't even remember the actual reason other than it was related to salmention
# 01:54 tantek because for salmentions you care about the URL of the comment being updated
# 01:55 kylewm i think u-like and u-repost were pretty much slam dunks, p-/u-comment is somewhat more debateable
tilgovi joined the channel
# 01:55 tantek kylewm - how is different? other than "native" comments
# 01:55 tantek which you could argue based on some systems that their could be "native" likes too
# 01:55 gRegorLove I like the idea of explicit how to markup sections for native/webmentions
# 01:55 kylewm well you could argue whether the text or the url of the received comment is more representative
# 01:56 tantek kylewm - it's more about which gives you a way to *get to* more representative, which the URL does
# 01:56 tantek unless it's a "native" comment, in which case the comment is all there inline
# 01:57 aaronpk it's a bot that tweets search results for "micropub"
# 01:57 tantek aaronpk - you explained it yourself I thought above - for more easily getting the URL of the comment
# 01:58 tantek but clearly yes based on the confusion it's worth documenting more as an FAQ
# 01:58 aaronpk but even still, the problem is if people don't do it consistently, I can't rely on the "value" being useful
benwerd joined the channel
# 01:58 tantek and that's what we discussed and figured out that night in PDX
# 01:58 tantek and why I updated it from p-comment to u-comment
# 01:59 tantek when it doesn't work for people, they'll fix their code
# 01:59 aaronpk but I can't rely on the value being useful because it isn't always guaranteed to be a URL
# 01:59 tantek (as in an addition for indiewebify.me - test your comments markup on your h-entry)
# 01:59 tantek sure - we should diagram what happens with a "native" comment and salmentions - and what should happen
# 01:59 kylewm well you're only falling back to "value" if you don't recognize the object you want anyway
# 02:00 tantek kylewm - or you don't even bother looking for the object
# 02:00 aaronpk the problem is more apparent when you consider that the "comment" property of the h-entry may be both a native comment or a webmention comment
# 02:00 tantek that's the point - to not have to care about the nested object if you don't need those details
benwerd_ joined the channel
# 02:00 aaronpk if we can make the h-entry spec say that the value of the "comment" properties must always be a URL, then as a consumer I can always expect a URL as the value, whether there's an h-cite, h-entry or it's just a URL
# 02:01 aaronpk for native comments, the URL of the comment might be a fragment ID which is fine
# 02:01 aaronpk then h-cite becomes a way to augment the "comment" value with additional data beyond the comment's URL
# 02:01 aaronpk that's how I imagine effectively using the "value" fallback
# 02:03 aaronpk does that make sense? I can try to re-word if necessary
# 02:05 kylewm if you can't depend on h-cite value being a url, then it doesn't help you that it's sometimes a url
# 02:06 kylewm if you can't depend on h-cite value always being a url, then it doesn't help you that it's sometimes a url
# 02:06 aaronpk right. and if the spec requires that the value is a URL, then if it's not a URL I can assume it's an error
tantek joined the channel
# 02:07 tantek except putting the burden on a publisher is misleading
# 02:07 tantek so making it a must only deceives consuming code into a bad assumption
# 02:07 tantek right - however, that didn't stop people from misimplementing Atom
# 02:08 tantek because feed readers assumed hey if the spec it must be x
# 02:08 tantek that's literally how people write consuming code in practice
# 02:08 aaronpk you can never trust external data. that's not the point
# 02:08 tantek that's not the point, the point is coders don't act that way
# 02:08 aaronpk in this case we're talking about literally a one-character difference so i dont think it's really a burden
# 02:09 tantek regardless of any guidance, we have to say what the consuming code should do in either case
# 02:09 aaronpk the burden is whether the publisher marks up the h-cite or not
# 02:09 tantek anything you ask the publisher to do that isn't immediately obvious adds burden
# 02:09 tantek as you or others said above about not bothering
# 02:09 aaronpk the easy thing for the publisher is to *only* mark up the URL of the comment with "u-comment"
# 02:10 aaronpk so i'm saying if you're going to make it an h-cite, then you should use "u-comment h-cite"
# 02:10 aaronpk and as a consumer, if you encounter a value of an h-cite that is not a URL, then don't use it
# 02:10 tantek I suppose the question is, what's the benefit of the additional h-cite markup
# 02:11 aaronpk the benefit to the consumer is they can use the values of the comment text and author h-card without fetching the external comment
# 02:11 tantek or I've cheated in the past by using first / short names in one list, then full names in another
# 02:12 aaronpk mediawiki already handled it by adding _2 to the second list of names
# 02:12 aaronpk but i'm not opposed to splitting it into two pages
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 02:22 tantek It would probably be a more robust pattern for future camps that copy/paste the Schedule page with links to the usual sessions
# 02:24 tantek I mean heck, Science Hack Day is similar in that respect
# 02:24 tantek most of what people do and demo there has nothing to do with coding
# 02:24 tantek renaming something to something more obscure/general is usually a really bad way to solve a meaning / communication problem
# 02:25 tantek that's how you end up with crappy abstractions like "Actor" because hey "author" seems grammatically awkward in some cases
# 02:25 tantek better to use a reasonably accurate existing term that people understand than a more precise term that you have to explain
# 02:26 tantek no that was the earlier change from Builder to Creator
# 02:26 GWG I'm trying to decide if I am going to be up in time for IWC Edinburgh.
sparverius joined the channel
# 02:33 KevinMarks so it seems we are hitting the 'mf2 consumers need to sniff for type' issue a fair bit
# 02:33 KevinMarks per that comment discussion above, and previous issues with cards
# 02:34 tantek is this the same kind of conflation that people do when they say scrape when they mean parse
# 02:34 tantek that is, there should be no reason to sniff anything with cards
# 02:35 tantek and it's pretty big leap from url/text to "sniff for type"
# 02:36 aaronpk if by "sniff for type" you mean "sanitize" then sure
# 02:38 tantek so yeah, this is like people saying "scrape" when they're actually talking about parsing
wolftune joined the channel
# 02:40 tantek forgets how long unmung takes on his home page ;)
# 02:41 aaronpk tantek: this is actually why I want the "h-entry" vocab to say that the "comment" property is a URL
todrobbins joined the channel
# 02:42 aaronpk because if consumers are expected to actually use both URL and non-URL values, then you *do* have to sniff for type
# 02:42 aaronpk I would rather tell consumers to ignore non-URL values rather than use them
# 02:42 KevinMarks if it can be url, text or html, then you have to write more convoluted code
# 02:42 tantek KevinMarks, as noted, it's not expected to be text or html
# 02:42 tantek those are already provided in separate fields - please stop conflating
# 02:43 tantek and just because you have conditional code does not mean you are "sniffing"
# 02:44 tantek (e.g. checking for 'value' first before array index)
# 02:47 aaronpk there is a standard code path of "if object, use value. if string, use it directly"
# 02:47 tantek KevinMarks, that's just transitional because we're switching from p-comment h-cite to u-comment h-cite. sheesh
# 02:47 aaronpk you can avoid needing to look at the "url" property of the h-cite if the value of the h-cite *is* that url
# 02:47 aaronpk so the standard code path never needs to know about data types of teh object
# 02:48 tantek aaronpk - I think we should design consuming algorithms that way
# 02:48 tantek and just make them defensive about other possibilities
# 02:48 tantek the quicker people can check to see if their code is "correct" the better
# 02:50 KevinMarks given a mf2-parsed output of a page, extract certain kinds of indie-useful structure
# 02:50 aaronpk one could write a generic "get_value" function which is basically: if(is_string(property)) return property; elseif(is_object(property)) return property.value
# 02:51 KevinMarks if we want them to be testably consistent across languages, I mean
# 02:51 aaronpk json->json maybe, like defining a super simple JSON structure that corresponds to a "comment"
# 02:52 aaronpk then writing a funciton that turns one element of an h-entry's "comment" properties into that structure
j12t joined the channel
# 02:52 KevinMarks and then the 'how to markup' part mappingback into html is a template of choice issue
# 02:53 KevinMarks the salmention issue makes this concrete as it does assume some kind of html->json->html->json->html cycle
# 02:55 aaronpk yes. well, html->parsed->html->parsed->html. JSON is not actually part of the picture
# 02:55 aaronpk nowhere in my code does the HTML page actually get transformed to JSON, it gets parsed from HTML to native data structures
# 02:56 KevinMarks OK, I'm using JSON as a shorthand for 'dynamic language structure'
KevinMarks_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 03:22 aaronpk omg the website field of their twitter account is their medium profile
# 03:27 KevinMarks and the 'learn more' link on their website is also their medium profile
snarfed, j12t, lukebrooker, KartikPrabhu and chreekat joined the channel
chalettu joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
tilgovi, chreekat, snarfed, kylewm, eschnou, g3funk, lukebrooker, cweiske and loic_m joined the channel
lukebroo_, KevinMarks__ and csarven joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, cweiske, KevinMarks_, Jihaisse, sanduhrs and loic_m joined the channel
petermolnar joined the channel
j12t and interactivist joined the channel
adactio and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 08:43 mapkyca (very) minor point re: https://indiewebcamp.com/IRC as I'm looking at it right now.. Port is listed as 6667 on the set up details. Any reason we don't point folk towards 6697, which is the TLS endpoint?
Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 08:52 voxpelli Do any Microformats parser parse any language properties?
# 08:52 voxpelli Thinking I want to be able to post both English and Swedish stuff over Micropub so would want to use the same format
Pierre-O, j12t and petermolnar joined the channel
stream7 and loic_m joined the channel
# 09:46 joskar voxpelli: The parser I wrote last year parses language properties. (not open source though, and is undergoing a rewrite at the moment)
# 09:47 joskar voxpelli: (I've tried doing some multilingual stuff on my web page)
# 09:48 voxpelli joskar: my blog has a somewhat weird attempt at having Swedish content within an otherwise English site – valid HTML, but probably a bit hard for a consumer to understand
# 09:52 joskar Haven't seen those before, but mine being written last year I don't think it would comply with that anyway (and the language properties doesn't even translate to something remotely JSON...)
# 09:52 joskar That page will be good when I'm rewriting my parser though, thanks :)
# 09:53 voxpelli I think the Node.ja, Python and PHP parsers all produce the output there – and Micropub consumes data in a similar format
# 09:53 Loqi voxpelli meant to say: I think the Node.js, Python and PHP parsers all produce the output there – and Micropub consumes data in a similar format
j12t joined the channel
# 09:57 joskar Is there a way to express language properties of the strings in JSON?
# 09:58 voxpelli joskar: the language probably has to be expressed as a property of the parsed h-*
lewisnyman joined the channel
# 10:02 joskar voxpelli: So, a simple "lang": as a sibling for the "type": would be enough then if a lang= attribute was found on the h-* tag? (or possibly on the *-content tag)
mlncn joined the channel
# 10:03 voxpelli joskar: either that or having it as a key in the "properties", my initial thought was the latter
# 10:06 joskar voxpelli: Wouldn't that clash with a hypothetical "*-lang" class name? Is that desirable?
# 10:08 voxpelli joskar: would merely be an implied value in case one explicitly haven't set up a "*-lang" I'm thinking
# 10:08 joskar If a *-lang class name would denote "languages spoken" for instance, then I think no. But I haven't seen such a class, so I don't know.
frzn and Jihaisse joined the channel
# 10:39 rhiaro voxpelli: Do you mean you want to submit the same post in two different languages in, in one micropub request?
sammachin and acegiak joined the channel
# 10:46 acegiak can anyone see acegiak.net? online dns tools say they're getting the right IP but my machine is timing out
# 10:47 acegiak I've moved the machine to a new physical location with a new IP so I've updated the dns records but it's being weird
# 10:48 rhiaro acegiak: I get not available - address unreachable
LanceyWork joined the channel
# 10:52 acegiak petermolnar: weeeird. I wonder what is cauing that
# 10:53 Loqi ppp203-122-217-74.static.internode.on.net
loic_m joined the channel
# 10:54 acegiak rhiaro: ok the ip change hasn't propagated to you yet
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# 10:55 petermolnar po2.lns20.adl6.on.ii.net ( hangs for traceroute from Germany; work from UK
# 10:57 acegiak petermolnar: is it maybe just a case of waiting for propagation then?
# 10:57 acegiak has her own bind9 server but is actually way over her head
# 10:59 petermolnar so I'm ok using that, because messing up dns is an ugly knot to untie
# 11:07 voxpelli rhiaro: nope, just that I want to indicate the language that the post is in – that's something I do for my non-micropub posts
# 11:09 voxpelli rhiaro: nope, not much reason to – if it's a post of general interest I write it in english as all swedes know english
# 11:10 voxpelli but I guess the nordic countries are a bit odd that way, totally different with posts in eg. German
scor joined the channel
# 11:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 12:04 voxpelli glennjones: does it also expand whitespace for eg. <br>?
# 12:05 voxpelli glennjones: I see, it does it for block level tags but not for br I think – anyway – would be great to spec that functionality out as something standard-like
# 12:05 voxpelli should preferably be the standard way to parse microformats
bergie and benborges joined the channel
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# 12:19 voxpelli glennjones: I think it could make sense independent of the microformat spec – all parsers that wants to extract text out of plain HTML needs to do somehting like that
# 12:25 glennjones Yes will do, once I have finished the work I am currently doing on the parser for Mozilla, I will try and have a look at formalising and document this way of handling text
pfefferle, cdevroe and j12t joined the channel
# 13:10 pfefferle GWG not really, pfefferle.org is way older… I tested the IndieAuth-OpenID script of cweiske…
fiatjaf joined the channel
# 13:13 GWG pfefferle: I'm fixing the errors thrown by my new WordPress coding standards test suite.
# 13:14 pfefferle GWG camel case doesn’t matter for the wordpress coding standard… are you usinf PSR?
# 13:15 GWG I also don't have whitespace in the right places
# 13:15 GWG 163 violations in Post Kinds alone
# 13:17 GWG snarfed suggested unit testing. The same test suite had the WordPress Coding Standards. I figured I'd test for everything.
yalamerde joined the channel
# 13:19 pfefferle GWG I think it is easier to use a standard you can check against
pfefferle, stream7 and schmarty joined the channel
# 13:44 GWG pfefferle: I also would like to put some functionality in as I fix coding standards
fiatjaf, fourtonfish, snarfed, cweiske, Pierre-O, lewisnyman and pfefferle joined the channel
# 14:33 snarfed …but having said that, GWG, if you're taking votes, i vote to prioritize tests over style :P
# 14:35 Loqi supercalifragilisticexpialidocious has 1 karma
# 14:44 csarven Are the IWC kids using XFN these days or is it declared dead?
# 14:44 csarven is considering to chuck it out of the window from his comments and contact page...
# 14:48 csarven GWG for some reason, I equate your nick to OMG in my head
# 14:48 jonnybarnes any css whizzes in here? how can I apply a rule to classA only when it follows classB?
# 14:49 csarven Follows as in first child?
lewisnyman joined the channel
# 14:50 csarven foo bar { }
(where bar is a descendant of foo), foo > bar { bar is first child of foo), foo + bar (bar is a sibling of foo, where they have the same parent)
# 14:58 csarven Yes, but it can be better e.g., if the object in question to which replying to is given more context (e.g., prominent size, location in contrast to everything else). So, one way to do that may be to simply keep the width of the replied space less than or equal to the width of the object's width it is replying to
# 14:58 csarven aka "thread" look
chreekat joined the channel
# 15:02 csarven Ok, I'm dropping XFN from the comments.
ttepasse, wolftune, shiflett, todrobbins, martinBrown and chalettu joined the channel
# 15:42 kylewm I tried gregorLove's trick of adding everyone while private then switching to public
# 15:45 kylewm so that's a list of everyone i could find from Category:Guest_List and irc-people
# 15:54 csarven is successfully outside of kylewm's list even though he is listed in /irc-people
yakker and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:08 voxpelli the rest of the site is always in english – navigation and such
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# 16:10 KevinMarks Steph posts inboth french and English, and puts summaries in the other language on each post, and marks them up with lang
ramsey joined the channel
# 16:12 voxpelli_ KevinMarks: I have it covered on the backend side, what I want to do is to be able to specify the language in the Micropub request
# 16:13 voxpelli_ And since Micropub maps to the parsed result of Microformat it feels like it should be there as well
# 16:13 voxpelli_ (I guess h-feed clients of non-swedish readers would prefer to be able to filter by language as well)
# 16:13 aaronpk voxpelli_: what does your markup look like right now? do you have an example?
# 16:13 aaronpk snarfed: hmm yes although not the priority in my case
# 16:14 aaronpk my use case is uploading my camera photos to flickr with the new wifi card since eye-fi is shutting it down
# 16:14 petermolnar hm... I didn't really thing it trough that importing all my last.fm scrobbler may stress my database a bit
# 16:15 Loqi petermolnar meant to say: hm... I didn't really think it trough that importing all my last.fm scrobbler may stress my database a bit
tilgovi, snarfed1 and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 16:30 voxpelli aaronpk: KevinMarks: would just using a new "lang" property (for micropub) and eventually getting parsers to set it to the implied value of the html lang attribute be a good solution?
tilgovi joined the channel
# 16:30 aaronpk i would want to see what the parsed microformats version looks like before adding a micropub property
# 16:32 KevinMarks the trickiness is that lang could apply to an individual property rather than a whole h- object
# 16:33 aaronpk you know how when there's e-content, the value ends up turning into an object? maybe the same could be true for lang
# 16:33 aaronpk so if you had <p class="p-name" lang="fr">foo</p> the result would be "name":{"value":"foo","lang":"fr"}
# 16:33 voxpelli KevinMarks: I wonder though if it would make sense very often to have multiple languages within the same h- object?
# 16:33 KevinMarks if steph was using mf2, how would her <div class="entry-content"><div class="other-excerpt lang="fr"> <div lang="en"> change
# 16:34 voxpelli right, but adding language to eg. p-name's is would be hard?
# 16:35 voxpelli so language on h- object level + e-content level perhaps?
# 16:35 aaronpk if you want to attach a lang to the whole h-object then it could be parsed as an additional key alongside "type" and "properties"
todrobbins joined the channel
# 16:37 KevinMarks <div class="e-content"><div class="e-other-excerpt lang="fr"> <div lang="en"> is still tricky
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# 16:38 voxpelli now – how would one support that in a micropub context :P
# 16:39 aaronpk i also took out lang on the swedish content because it would be assumed from the enclosing h-entry
# 16:39 voxpelli how would one go about actually getting this into parsers?
lewisnyman joined the channel
# 16:42 KevinMarks then modify a parser to demonstrate it, then we can iterate in other implementations
# 16:42 aaronpk be sure to include links to your posts that are in different languages
# 16:43 aaronpk i actually have a couple posts in german you could include too :)
# 16:43 aaronpk if only i had marked them up so i had an easy way to find them ;)
# 16:45 KevinMarks another case I'd expect to see would be cite's or quotations in another language
tvn joined the channel
# 16:49 voxpelli I guess it would be hard to add to anything but h-* and e-* content so unless those are marked up as e-* it will be hard :P
# 16:49 KevinMarks that's a reasonable compromise though - adding it to every possible p- is tricky
# 16:50 aaronpk voxpelli: i was thinking the parser would expand a p-* element to {"value":"foo","lang":"en"}
# 16:50 voxpelli Quotes would make sense to add as e-* as well – if one wants to emphasize something within it or such
# 16:50 aaronpk consumers are supposed to be able to treat the "value" attribute of an object as if it were not an object
# 16:50 voxpelli aaronpk: that would be a rather breaking change though :/
# 16:51 aaronpk yeah, but would also encourage better handling of values
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# 16:52 voxpelli I'll write up an initial brainstorm entry after dinner and try to include as much as possible of the discussions here
# 16:52 aaronpk i just found a few of my german posts so i can add them to the wiki after you do the first pass
schmarty and snarfed joined the channel
# 17:02 snarfed hey aaronpk, any idea if 2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe6e:e59f is you?
# 17:04 aaronpk oh hey yes it is! I didn't even know my newest server had ipv6
# 17:04 snarfed i guess technically it may be indiewebcat's, not yours
# 17:05 aaronpk huh something is doing a HEAD request on one of my URLs at that same rate
# 17:06 aaronpk ohhh it's a beanstalk job that crashes and restarts
KevinMarks, kronda, gRegorLove, j12t and tilgovi joined the channel
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# 18:05 KevinMarks coudl probably make it a tiny bit quicker by making numtosxg put the chars in an array and join at the end
# 18:06 voxpelli should I add it to the issue page as well? otherwise I'm going to make a reference-PR for the node parser now I think
# 18:07 KevinMarks voxpelli: could you make the example have actual swedish and english in instead of gibberish
# 18:07 KevinMarks also, the name is in english, but marked as swedish implicitly
# 18:08 KevinMarks similarly, having some html in the e- bits that is stripped in the value is also clearer
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# 18:09 KevinMarks (we know that's how it works, but it's good to make each example clear as a standalone)
# 18:16 Loqi slack/tantek: The Lang stuff is interesting. Note that we ran into obstacles when we tried similar approaches with capturing the shape and cords attributes from area into the parsed mf2 JSON.
# 18:17 Loqi slack/tantek: Limiting Lang to h- and e- is an interesting approach. Not sure of such a limitation is reasonable though eg for plain text notes in other languages.
# 18:17 aaronpk i am not a fan of limiting to h- and e-, im going to add some more notes to the brainstorming page
# 18:18 Loqi slack/tantek: Point being, is this approach limited to lang or can we use it for other attributes too?
# 18:18 aaronpk i also think that if suddenly any property can be a string or an object ({"lang":"en","value":"foo"}
) then consuming code will end up being more robust and vocab-agnostic
# 18:19 aaronpk encouraging consuming code to take advantage of the "value" property more often
# 18:21 Loqi slack/tantek: Note the inconsistency now between rel 'text' and p- 'value'
# 18:23 Loqi slack/tantek: Yes because rel 'value' as the text inside the a element would be very confusing. (Rel values mean the things in the rel attribute.)
# 18:24 Loqi slack/tantek: And p- 'text' could also be u- 'text' which is confusing because the u- is more likely to be a URL rather than just the "text".
# 18:25 Loqi slack/tantek: Tose are my reasons for being ok with the apparent inconsistency. Each works better in its context.
# 18:26 Loqi slack/tantek: Just wanted to raise that before anyone else did and think/work it through. Not sure if it needs an FAQ or some other note on the wiki.
# 18:28 GWG snarfed:The testing files I added included built in WordPress checking. So I want to clear those errors as I proceed.
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# 18:37 Loqi slack/tantek: Wait what. Cassis.js already has the newbase60 funcs
# 18:37 aaronpk oh yeah i think that's probably where i got them from then. can't remember if i had to make any changes to have it work outside of cassis
# 18:38 Loqi slack/tantek: Oh yeah you prob replaced the strcat with .
# 18:39 Loqi slack/tantek: But I think that's it. :P
# 18:40 voxpelli added a PR for experimental parsing of languages to the microformat-node project now + documented it at the wiki so I think I've done what I can about that issue for now – guess I'll wait for feedback from aaronpk and others now :)
# 18:41 Loqi slack/tantek: Also cassis num_to_sxg handles negative numbers.
# 18:41 aaronpk tantek: did you change your functions in the past 3-4 years or so?
# 18:42 Loqi slack/tantek: And sxg_to_num handles bothe negative numbers and apparent end of number in the string (a bit more robust).
# 18:42 Loqi slack/tantek: I think you may have forked from the newbase60 wiki page which is way out of date!
# 18:43 Loqi slack/tantek: Really should use or fork from cassis.js
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# 18:43 Loqi slack/tantek: Only cassis.js func dependencies are strcat, strlen, and substr.
# 18:45 Loqi slack/tantek: And maybe a future home for PESOS github?
# 18:45 Loqi slack/tantek: As a stepping stone towards POSSE to github?
# 18:46 Loqi slack/tantek: Does Bridgy Publish support POSSE to github? Eg note->gist, reply to github issue -> comment on github issue
# 18:47 snarfed tantek: sorry, no, no github support yet, but i wish it did!
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# 18:48 Loqi slack/tantek: keeps stepping deeper into a rabbithole.
# 18:49 Loqi slack/tantek: Does Bridgy Publish run somehwhere that allows SMTP outbound? Eg so it could POSSE to email?
# 18:50 aaronpk you can farm out to amazon SES to avoid most of the issues
# 18:50 snarfed oh actually good point, google has the same service
# 18:50 snarfed so i wouldn't need to do any email deliverability work
# 18:51 kylewm my 2p, I don't think Bridgy should necessarily be the first to implement some of these publish features
# 18:51 kylewm it'd be nice if some people prototyped them on their own implemetnations first
# 18:54 aaronpk considers making a similar "publish" service for p3k
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# 18:59 GWG snarfed: I hope my nonsensical response made sense. I need to do to learn
# 19:00 snarfed snarfed: sure! made sense. i still say ignore the style warnings and just get unit tests working, but up to you!
# 19:00 GWG snarfed: I am learning init tests on my plugins before subjecting you to them.
# 19:01 GWG Because I'm bound to make annoying mistakes on the way.
# 19:01 GWG By the way, how do you ignore 168 warnings?
# 19:03 GWG I have already started having ideas on Micropub unit testing without http and that would require a rewrite.
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# 19:10 Loqi slack/snarfed: GWG: really? weren't we going to just call Micropub::parse_request() from the test directly?
# 19:15 aaronpk was searching for a name for p3k's potential POSSE service, thought of "movable type" and then *headdesk*
# 19:19 aaronpk "Gazette" would be a better name for an aggregator
# 19:27 aaronpk yeah i'm thinking about making a POSSE service like Bridgy Publish
# 19:27 Loqi slack/tantek: Yes just thought telegraph myself and looked it up on Wikipedia.
# 19:28 aaronpk mostly because I want GitHub and Flickr support, but I probably have a better chance of that happening if I build it myself :)
# 19:28 Loqi slack/tantek: keeps crawling back out of the rabbithole.
# 19:29 aaronpk my general rule of thumb is I make these things public if I'm not storing any actual data on them
# 19:29 aaronpk the cost to run them is low if I'm not expected to store things
# 19:29 snarfed hmm, how can we convince aaronpk to get into python more and contribute to bridgy… :P
# 19:32 kylewm I still want to add backfeed for Flickr to Bridgy... very slowly working on it a little at a time
# 19:33 kylewm yeah, just testing the waters really... starting to implement get_activities_response
# 19:33 Loqi slack/tantek: stumbles into another rabbithole.
# 19:33 aaronpk looks for some rabbits to stuff in the rabbitholes so tantek doesn't fall in to more of them
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# 19:39 snarfed ok then, aaronpk if you start with github, kylewm may have flickr into bridgy by the time you're done :P
# 19:41 tantek.com edited /Flickr (+1386) "add how to POSSE, backfeed, Bridgy Publish / Backfeed status / feature requests, move feeds down, prepend stub Export from section, POSSE copies" (
view diff )
# 19:42 Loqi slack/tantek: kylewm I'm leaving a trail of wiki edits as I climb out of the rabbitholes.
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# 19:56 Loqi slack/tantek: gregorlove re would be cool, see ^^^ and comment on that Bridgy publish issue 432
# 19:57 Loqi slack/tantek: crawls out of that one too.
# 19:59 Loqi slack/tantek: How do you link to a specific function name in a github file?
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# 19:59 Loqi slack/tantek: Instead of just a line number (which is more fragile)
# 19:59 aaronpk i should ask if I can copy that text to my site, both english and german
# 19:59 aaronpk tantek: you can link to a line number from a specific git commit so that it's permanent
# 20:00 Loqi slack/tantek: A specific commit would also go out of out date.
# 20:01 snarfed heh, you're both right. both have drawbacks. line number at HEAD will eventually point to a different line than the one you want. line number at a commit won't, but the file it shows will eventually be stale.
# 20:02 aaronpk linking to function name (e.g. with fragmention) has the same problem that the function might disappear later anyway
# 20:07 aaronpk in php you can't have two functions named the same thing with different params
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# 21:22 shiflett Cannot adjust to Boulder altitude, though. It's killing me.
# 21:22 tantek you'll adjust, and then if/when you run at lower altitudes you'll fly
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# 21:27 tantek.com edited /Atom (+122) "/* Echo */ use archive.org link because this post (and the comments) are too much of a historical gem not to surface" (
view diff )
# 21:29 tantek That word [dogfood], I don't think it means what you think it means
# 21:35 tantek aaronpk - I don't think that's the right framegrab for Inigo
# 21:35 tantek IIRC that looks like a frame from a battle scene
# 21:35 tantek whereas I believe the "inconceivable" dialog takes place outdoors in the daylight
# 21:35 tantek the battle scene is more when he says like "... prepare to die"
# 21:37 aaronpk huh that's what showed up in an image search. oh well.
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# 22:06 tantek cool - I can now use tantek.com/github/cassis rather than linking to github.com/tantek/cassis - question - is this a bad idea URL management-wise?
# 22:08 tantek similarly I've been able to use tantek.com/w/ instead of links to pbworks, thus creating links I control rather than they control, but that was easier as it was just a flat space of named pages
# 22:13 csarven tantek Consider using tantek.com/source/cassis instead.
# 22:14 tantek csarven that would require designing a URL hierarchy for "/source"
# 22:14 csarven As opposed to github/cassis ?
# 22:14 tantek right - no design needed, but rather forced by github's URL design
# 22:15 csarven My reasoning was that, if github disappears, or you want to change the service or even the versioning system, it doesn't need to be tied to cassis in any way.
# 22:16 tantek yet as a stopgap, it's reasonable to use /github - and just copy / depend on their URL design
# 22:16 tantek because eventually if/when I switch to /source, I can redirect all the /github links to whatever URL design I come up with in the future
# 22:17 tantek but this was a good exercise to prove that a) I am dependent on github's URL design for now, and b) I can delay design of my own /source path until the point in time when I feel like doing so.
# 22:24 tantek atomicules, replacing my github path is much more than just "code repository"
# 22:24 csarven What is GitLab?
# 22:26 atomicules Any new projects I'm using Fossil for and self-hosting. I'm keeping Github for my legacy projects.
# 22:26 tantek ditching github is not really practical until you have that working, unless you don't care about the "github community", which frankly, is the biggest reason most people use it, even those that would normally self host (e.g. W3C)
# 22:26 aaronpk because they made so many changes to the first version that I installed that an upgrade was not feasible
# 22:27 aaronpk and now both of my instances are so far out of date that I can't upgrade either
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# 22:29 aaronpk yeah the community is the main reason to use github
# 22:30 aaronpk as soon as cross-site/cross-silo code collaboration is possible then i'll host my own public repos
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# 22:43 kylewm "In addition to doing distributed version control like Git and Mercurial" is ambiguous
# 22:45 tantek atomicules: another question while you're here, do you know when you first started POSSEing to Flickr? Could you provide a photo post permalink on your site of an example and the Flickr POSSE copy permalink also? https://indiewebcamp.com/Flickr#atomicules
gillisig, bigbluehat, KartikPrabhu and scor joined the channel
# 23:31 tantek.com edited /timeline (+285) "/* 2011 */ add W3C Workshop on Identity in the Browser, tangentially indieweb related (web identity), but just a month before first IWC, and I attended/presented" (
view diff )
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# 23:49 ben_thatmustbeme in writing up my ideas on how groups should work, i have some ideas on how to make groups work in indieweb
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