2015-07-24 UTC
# 00:02 aaronpk i just came back to irc to type up some thoughts i had about something similar
# 00:03 aaronpk i just had a situation where I wanted to POSSE to a destination (which happens to be a group) where on my iste I want to emphasize the group I am sharing to, rather than my current design which shows syndication destinations very small
# 00:06 tantek this is the problem with the term "group" - it's so overloaded that that when you (anyone) says "how to make groups work" it could mean so many different things
# 00:08 tantek aaronpk - an indieweb-based alternative for mailing lists that didn't suck could be interesting
# 00:08 tantek e.g. presumably it would be expected that all contributions to it would be POSSEd?
# 00:08 KevinMarks so kind of the way I use #indieweb on twitter to ping y'all in here?
rknLA, mlncn and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:20 ben_thatmustbeme i figure a group (in the google+ communities sense of the word) is really just a collection of posts by
# 00:21 tantek I think Google+ is a horrible example to use for the design of a "group" - their UX is awkward/clumsy IMO
# 00:21 tantek the example of FB private groups shows IMO how a group is not "really just a collection of posts"
# 00:21 tantek there's a lot of very deliberate UX design that went into FB groups
# 00:21 kylewm the news about Reddit lately is making me really wary about developing a public-by-default platform with no moderation tools
# 00:22 tantek IMO much more detailed and well thought-through than anything in G+
# 00:22 ben_thatmustbeme tantek: how is it not just a collection of posts with the exception of being shared privately
# 00:23 tantek thus it's misleading to use the "just a ..." framing
# 00:25 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: I suppose I'm saying that's "just" a tag aggregator, not a group
# 00:25 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: that sounds a lot like how I want syndicating to indienews to work
# 00:25 ben_thatmustbeme i'm saying thats what a basic group is. privacy is taken at a different level, and yes there are a few other parts membership / inviting
# 00:26 tantek I'm saying "topic-centric" like that is not actually a "group"
# 00:26 ben_thatmustbeme "Post to it such that only those in the group can see it (expectation, future members could see it too) " that will be really interesting
# 00:26 tantek I'm saying that "group" brings an additional semantic of being more about the group of people, than the group of posts.
# 00:28 aaronpk do I need to build out indienews to work this way just to illustrate this point?
scor joined the channel
# 00:30 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: but i'm saying its a good first step
# 00:31 ben_thatmustbeme was trying to get a minimal working system, and yes its just a collection, but you start with a collection that others can write to
# 00:31 aaronpk that's why I suggested I implement it, so we can get past the first step :)
# 00:33 ben_thatmustbeme we haven't even gotten direct mentions in private posts really working yet, private groups will be a whole other step
# 00:34 aaronpk haha and yet i still feel so far behind sometimes
# 00:35 tantek ok we need to document this complete lack of irony awareness
# 00:37 tantek "Would your customers trust you if you didn’t eat at your own restaurant?" (!!!)
# 00:38 tantek @frontendy why aren't you eating at your own restaurant and instead eating at Medium's?
# 00:39 tantek "use your solution as early as you can and it will give you a head start in your journey of building a great product like it did for us at Frontendy." (!!!)
# 00:39 tantek @frontendy why aren't you using your solution as early as you can, and instead using Medium?
# 00:40 KevinMarks after all all the backend tools build a blog platform as their example
# 00:40 tantek "Frontendy is a web platform for rapid web application development."
# 00:41 tantek @frontendy how long will it take you to build a simple company blog on your "web platform for rapid web application development" instead of using Medium?
# 00:41 tantek "We kick-start you with an infrastructure and all you have to build are web components specific to your business."
# 00:41 ben_thatmustbeme oh, other difference between lists in twitter and "groups" or whatever you wish to call it. Direct control over adding your content to it
# 00:42 tantek @frontendy why are you not kick-starting your own blog with your infrastucture?
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:43 tantek "After spending some time with Frontendy as a tool we confirmed that it is never too early to start ‘eating’ your own product." (!!!)
# 00:44 tantek @frontendy is it too early to build a blog using Frontendy?
# 00:44 tantek "Today we chose to build with our platform and this approach to web development has become natural for us." (!!!)
# 00:45 tantek @frontendy is using Medium to blog more natural for you than building with your platform?
# 00:48 reidab OpenID using the domain you don't use anymore: the gift that keeps on giving
# 00:50 reidab I got around it by replacing my HTTP redirect with a blank page on the old domain with delegation info and a meta redirect :/
# 00:51 reidab I was going to use the indieauth delegation, but I didn't want to put the old domain on all my oauth providers (or be forced to always use GPG auth)
# 00:51 aaronpk reidab: the email(persona) auth is a good choice in that case
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# 00:53 reidab aaronpk: ah, good point - I'll give that a try
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# 00:59 aaronpk side note: interesting that mediawiki's use of the term "category" is the same as mf2!
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# 01:27 aaronpk "How we used Frontendy to build the Frontendy blog"
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# 01:39 tantek I have a feeling they're realizing the irony of their Medium post, and hopefully rallying to the challenge internally
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chreekat, tantek, todrobbins and j12t joined the channel
# 02:58 aaronpk does Known micropub not support the "name" parameter?
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# 03:22 acegiak Having fun posting DnD stuff to my blog complete with Cheesy CSS
# 03:22 acegiak parchment background, handwritten font for titles
# 03:23 GWG I'm doing something of limited utility.
# 03:27 GWG Which mean spaces, and function documentation and such.
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# 03:31 GWG It started when snarfed suggested unit tests for Micropub. I set up some testing tools. There was a WordPress test suite...which included the coding standards.
# 03:32 GWG I'm setting up all my plugins for testing.
j12t, schmarty, KevinMarks_, tantek and cweiske joined the channel
# 04:15 cweiske !tell aaronpk, I get a blank page when trying to sign into your page.
# 04:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 04:16 cweiske GDJx9kPZWoKMzYnDx7y-4BduN-VYylKOlKN2ikOofH-HM0ynkVJwT1Q2nnNBPvbU3ho7FUG-1Qr9PnhlTYAH5DaAXGRcmCXDe-b8e8_LuIW8kDkBlR4kNygP2QWjJoVE4KARPmT57wc-.LOw2abVS9AcpI5eX4OkyDA%3D%3D&me=http%3A%2F%2Fcweiske.de%2F
scor, chreekat, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks__, gRegorLove, cweiske, sanduhrs and tantek joined the channel
# 06:57 atomicules kylewm: No, Fossil isn't git. It's a different version control system altogether. It can import and export from git repos though.
tilgovi joined the channel
# 06:58 atomicules kylewm: But on the plus side it is low on dependencies, is one self-contained exe and has issues/tickets built in.
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# 07:02 atomicules tantek: For POSSEing to Flickr I have only tested with private photos so far, but my set-up does work
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# 07:03 atomicules tantek: Long story, but I like film photography, but wife/daughters like ponies and the money tends to go on ponies instead of film
# 07:04 atomicules tantek: So I have long gaps between getting stuff developed and uploaded
# 07:06 atomicules tantek: I'll see if I can find another photo so I can have an example post for the wiki though.
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# 09:38 voxpelli Is there any Micropub client today that publishes anything else than h-entries?
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# 10:45 petermolnar also, calling algorithms and learning patterns and AI is a bit of an overstatement
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# 10:53 rhiaro I need to write something that pre-populates Quill from train website confirmation pages to post my travel plans
LanceyWork, uranther, j12t, scor, KevinMarks_, Pierre-O and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
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# 11:43 rhiaro Nice when I'm just googling stuff and I find a site that receives webmentions by chance
# 11:44 rhiaro makes bookmarking things that much more satisfying
# 11:47 cweiske how do you get notified that the bookmarked link is linkback-enabled?
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# 14:03 ben_thatmustbeme well then there are two cases for joining a group, respond yes to an invite, or just directly join
# 14:06 rhiaro I've seen responding to event invitaitons somewhere
# 14:07 ben_thatmustbeme ahh n to create an RSVP post in reply to the event post (and in reply to the invitation post!),
# 14:08 voxpelli ah, see now that your pointing at the activity of joining rather than the state of being a member
# 14:09 rhiaro Wouldn't it work the same as private any kind of posts?
# 14:09 ben_thatmustbeme so its a publicly readable group, but you want to "join" but then you have to be approved
# 14:09 voxpelli ben_thatmustbeme: will be hard to stop anyone from pretending to be part of your group?
# 14:10 voxpelli well, all XFN relations are purely claimns – I can add a rel-me on my profile claiming that I am you :) But without a link back to my profile no one will believe me
# 14:10 ben_thatmustbeme voxpelli: certainly, nothing to stop people from claiming to be part of the group, but its what is listed for members on the group that is the true "members"
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# 14:10 voxpelli ben_thatmustbeme: so just like relmeauth you check that the link is bidirectional?
# 14:11 voxpelli (not sure if rel=member-of is actually the right wording though)
# 14:12 ben_thatmustbeme i figured the group itself could be an h-feed but no author tag, instead a list of member h-cards
# 14:13 voxpelli I feel that membership is a state and should be expressed as a property of someones profile rather than as an activity in someones feed
# 14:13 ben_thatmustbeme webmention to the h-feed (u-category of the h-feef url) and it will get posted to the group (really just syndication to the group)
# 14:14 voxpelli ben_thatmustbeme: then it's impossible for anyone who hasn't historically followed the feed to know if someone is a member or not and impossible to verify if the group's claim that I'm a member of them is actually true?
# 14:16 voxpelli it's a bit like followers vs friends – a one-directional "rel-friend" is a follow while a bi-directional is a friend-relation
# 14:16 rhiaro I think both state and property are useful. You might want to keep track of when you join/leave groups. Which is also why just deleting the original join post isn't necessarily useful. Unless you create a deelte post..
# 14:16 Loqi rhiaro meant to say: I think both state and property are useful. You might want to keep track of when you join/leave groups. Which is also why just deleting the original join post isn't necessarily useful. Unless you create a datestamped delete post..
# 14:16 voxpelli rhiaro: absolutely! representing a join/leave as an activity is a good thing as well
# 14:17 voxpelli and I guess that's what eg. Facebook does – list groups you're a member of on your profile + announces that you join in your feed
# 14:17 ben_thatmustbeme but i would not want to publicly list all groups i'm part of on my profile. indeed, i don't do that on FB
# 14:18 voxpelli ben_thatmustbeme: private-webmentions could show a private version of your profile to the ones you want to reveal the membership to?
# 14:18 voxpelli (I'm partly guessing, haven't looked that hard into the proposal for private-webmentions yet)
# 14:19 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, i'm trying to keep totally private out of it for now, just to keep simplicity. was trying to account for various public types though
# 14:20 ben_thatmustbeme like being part of a group and not publishing it (hidden URL), and approval to join a group, etc
# 14:20 ben_thatmustbeme i may already be considering too much and perhaps we should just get joining / leaving a totally public group working, build from there
# 14:21 ben_thatmustbeme so, the other question I had was about comments on posts in the group. if someone outside the group comments on a post in the group (assuming the salmention comes up to the group) should it be shown as a response to the post from within the group h-feed or not?
# 14:23 voxpelli ben_thatmustbeme: that's up to each implementation I think
# 14:24 ben_thatmustbeme i think it might be odd only showing replies from those in the group. the reply conversation could get really confusing otherwise
# 14:26 voxpelli I would probably accept and save all of the data and then experiment with the presentation of it
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# 14:34 Kongaloosh Question: is there a good example of posts with image collections, or albums?
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# 15:58 GWG petermolnar: I saw your audio thing. Why CPT?
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# 16:01 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: is sure tantek will have input on discussion from earlier
# 16:01 tantek hey ben_thatmustbeme I suggest before working on groups that you try getting /event and /rsvp posting working
# 16:01 tantek doing so will help you explore many related issues to groups
# 16:01 tantek since an event is kind of like an ephemeral group
# 16:02 tantek and in some cases, the comment threads / discussions on an event keep going long after the event itself, thus acting effectively like a group
# 16:03 GWG CPT is short for Custom Post Type, a confusingly named WordPress feature.
# 16:03 tantek aaronpk - I'm always looking for the simpler solved thing
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# 16:04 petermolnar custom post -> because it's special enought to be a custom post, in my opinion; I also need custom taxonomy for a, sanity b, easy search options
# 16:05 petermolnar but to be honest, I'll probably drop that project; I've added a last.fm import to it and loaded my last.fm zip without realizing I'm just about to add 4k album, 1k artist and ~10k entries
# 16:06 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: more understanding will come with building a functional UX flow for yourself
# 16:06 GWG petermolnar: I might pick up some of the code.
# 16:09 petermolnar GWG by the way, I had to rename it from audioscrobbler; I wasn't aware that 'audioscrobbler' is a trademarked name
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# 16:12 GWG petermolnar: I don't scrobble really. So I will probably not rush
# 16:13 aaronpk cause i have a ton of data on two different last.fm accounts and I want them in one place
# 16:15 tantek anyway - I would avoid any attempt at pre-designing "group" posts / markup until you have at least a skeleton UX flow figured out *and documented* (e.g. with sketches / screenshots)
# 16:15 tantek otherwise you're likely to design markup / details for something which is frankly not very user friendly
# 16:16 tantek so you'll figure out lots of logical details, for something that doesn't actually provide good user functionality
# 16:16 GWG I am trying to figure out how to mix implied and explicit types in a system
# 16:17 GWG tantek: Where can I find those thoughts?
# 16:17 tantek I'm not sure if she captured them anywhere beyond IRC - though I think she blogged a bit about it a while ago
# 16:17 GWG I have to work within an existing structure, which can be challenging
# 16:17 rhiaro possibly rhiaro.co.uk/2015/04/post-and-activity-types
# 16:18 tantek keeps reading this morning's log and sees a bit too much plumbing-focused discussion :P
# 16:18 aaronpk that's funny, that's what happened with my post about post types
# 16:18 GWG That is why I am looking at Micropub.
# 16:18 tantek look I know it's tempting to jump to how to markup - because that's the *easier* problem to solve. but you'll likely end up with a poor solution overall.
# 16:19 tantek it's harder, but you absolutely must focus on first figuring out good UX flow, and prototyping, *before* you jump into markup nitty gritty
# 16:19 aaronpk hey looks like that's when I was starting to think about micropub!
# 16:19 tantek it's almost analogous to bikeshedding - that is, it's much easier to argue about the paint color, than how to build the reactor, so people debate the paint color first
# 16:20 aaronpk wow none of my bike sheds have a reactor in them!
# 16:20 GWG tantek: In my cser, I am building an addition on my house.
# 16:20 tantek voxpelli++ for bring the conversation back to the UX of "what eg. Facebook does"
# 16:20 ben_thatmustbeme tantek: when you require at least two people its good to at least get some ideas out on the subject though
# 16:20 tantek aaronpk - the point is the bikeshed is supposed to be *an addition* to the reactor
# 16:20 ben_thatmustbeme thats more what that was about this morning, its not like we are spending a lot of time on it
# 16:21 tantek and yes, by obsessing over a bike shed design, you end up never actually building the reactor
# 16:21 GWG And I have to deal with the local landmark preservation board
# 16:21 tantek also I agree with figuring out private webmentions with the *simple* use-case of private messaging
# 16:21 tantek get a bunch of those working, then we can talk about how private webmentions could be used as a building block for other things
# 16:22 tantek Kongaloosh: re: "good example of posts with image collections, or albums?" did you see /collection ?
# 16:23 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: the other thing about groups - by its fundamental nature, to be useful you're going to have to convince A BUNCH of other people to implement it
# 16:24 tantek note that the FB "invite friends" UI for an event even shows previous events as if they were groups from which to choose people to invite from!
# 16:24 ben_thatmustbeme also, the reason for starting with public (maybe even auto-joined) groups. put no barier to joining the group or even any implementation needed on those that want to "join"
# 16:24 tantek so the whole event -> group thing is very much true in practice
# 16:25 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: so start with public events
# 16:25 tantek with no barrier to RSVPing or inviting others to them
# 16:25 tantek but one that's much more implemented and understood
# 16:26 tantek heck you could even hack an event *into* a group by making it last e.g. for years (dt-start to dt-end)
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# 17:21 voxpelli aaronpk: how does one disable an OwnYourGram stream? I might have created some now during testing that I might want to disable
# 17:22 aaronpk i think if you un-authorize the app in the instagram account it will stop
# 17:22 aaronpk note that one instagram account only sends to one micropub endpoint, so if you've been using the same IG account it's only sending it to the last micropub endpoint you signed in with
# 17:23 voxpelli aaronpk: also think I pinpointed the problem I had: I was sneaky and used a not-yet-live domain name for my test blog – with a Micropub discovery elsewhere – as a last resort I moved to a real domain name and now it works
# 17:24 aaronpk not-yet-live domain as in there was no DNS for it?
# 17:26 voxpelli aaronpk: basic conclusion: I did hackish stuff that broke something within OwnYourGram despite it working with eg. Quill :)
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# 17:27 aaronpk voxpelli: strange, yeah i'm not sure why it would work with Quill but not OwnYourGram
# 17:32 tantek I wonder if there is a way with Youtube embeds to specify the "closing" frame too - like even just telling it to redisplay the poster frame when its done playing
# 17:32 tantek e.g. in the iframe embed of youtube on my site
# 17:33 tantek when someone plays it inline right there on my site, I feel like I should have some control over that, as the person doing the embedding
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# 17:38 rhiaro Quick, anyone else have a pet on the indieweb?
# 17:38 rhiaro We've decided we should name the rooms Dora, Tigo and ...
# 17:39 aaronpk i think I've seen ben_thatmustbeme's dog on a livestream before
# 17:42 rhiaro (tbrb is helping me iron out IWCEdi right now)
# 17:43 aaronpk if I get another pet its name is going to be Miso
# 17:43 tantek sorry if I get a pet cat it will have a 3 letter nae
# 17:43 Loqi tantek meant to say: sorry if I get a pet cat it will have a 3 letter name
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# 17:47 rhiaro ben_thatmsutbeme: if Pause gets a blog in the next half hour, we'll name a room at IWCEdi after him
# 17:49 aaronpk rhiaro: maybe you can name the break room after ben's dog
# 17:50 rhiaro There's not really an explicit break room, but I could stick a 'Pause' sign on the coffee machine :)
# 17:57 rhiaro aaronpk: preferred photo for Dora's room sign?
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# 18:14 _6a68 anybody know of indie web projects that POSSE personal email?
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# 18:46 kylewm cat's name is Junebug but we call her June, does that count?
# 18:48 kylewm I thought fiatjaf had a email to webmention gateway of some sort
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# 18:54 kylewm that's what snarfed recommended for silo.pub to twitter
# 18:55 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: that does recentralize
# 18:56 kylewm fastmail does a thing where you can use them as your nameserver (easy), or they give you the DKIM SPF stuff to set up on your own nameserver (more difficult)
# 18:57 KevinMarks if you implement both and explain why, then you're effectively AB testing it
# 18:58 KevinMarks the other thing is that a micropub client could ask for your URL, and if they put in a silo.pub supported one, redirect them to you
# 18:58 voxpelli if you we're to not require discovery of authentication and micropub endpoint at the same place then the two would get more separated
# 18:59 voxpelli so there would be two steps – one for where you want to post, silo.pub, and another of who you are, that can be done through eg. IndieAuth
# 18:59 aaronpk That sounds related to my thoughts on the token endpoint telling the client which Micropub endpoint to use
# 18:59 voxpelli that was what I suggested for multiple micropub endpoints per user
# 18:59 voxpelli aaronpk: yeah, haven't gotten around to actually read your proposal on the wiki yet :P
# 19:00 KevinMarks it fits in with the micropub chaining too - if you want an instagram-like fanout model
# 19:00 KevinMarks at the moment that needs to be supported by the micropub server
# 19:03 aaronpk This also sounds like the oft-conflated authorization vs identification problem
# 19:03 aaronpk Ultimately a Micropub client shouldn't need to know who a user is, it just needs an access token and Micropub endpoint
# 19:04 KevinMarks right, but at the moment it has to do an indieauth handshake to get one
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# 19:09 kylewm ideally, they would go to Quill, put in their tumblr site, get redirected to a tumblr page like "Do you want to authorize silo.pub to post to this site", they'd say yes, and off you go
# 19:10 kylewm that should be relatively easy to implement and would not require the rel=me step
# 19:10 voxpelli kylewm: that would require special handling by Quill, no?
# 19:11 kylewm nah I don't think so, not if their authorization_endpoint was silo.pub -- it would transparently redirect to tumblr's oauth page
# 19:11 KevinMarks so you'd still need to put micropub and indieauth links in, but not rel-me's
# 19:12 Jeena my website now also supports micropub posting of photos, weeee!
# 19:13 Jeena but I only tested it with my own implementation I hacked into Quill, so we'll see if it works with other implementations too
# 19:13 KevinMarks the more subversive answer is that Quill (or whatever) detects a tumblr/blogger/wp url and redirects them through silo.pub/blah
# 19:14 KevinMarks the fully lazy way is that you always do silo.pub/{url}
and it routes them back to real indieauth
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# 19:21 voxpelli aaronpk: not sure if that's the proper way to continue the brainstorm there – I guess I ideally should have left some feedback on your proposed spec as well, will try to do that soon as well
# 19:23 voxpelli kylewm: also – have any feedback on that wiki brainstorm?
# 19:25 kylewm voxpelli: on my queue of things to read through but I can't just now :/
# 19:27 gRegorLove ben_thatmustbeme: Are you still using /Vouch? Do you maintain a list of referers that you don't check, like search engines, t.co, etc?
# 19:28 gRegorLove I don't have /Vouch fully working, but the processing of referers is running. Wondering the best way of not listing those as vouches.
# 19:31 aaronpk voxpelli: i'm not sure i follow your thoughts exactly
# 19:32 aaronpk i might need to see a little more about the interactions between the different compoenets
# 19:32 aaronpk like where does the token come from? and how is it verified?
# 19:33 voxpelli aaronpk: the token comes from the IndieAuth endpoint and is verified by the Micropub endpoint just like before – the discovery is just separated
# 19:34 voxpelli all Micropub endpoints already knows how to verify acceptable IndieAuth tokens
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# 19:36 aaronpk what if the client discovers the authorization endpoint by asking the micropub endpoint where it is
# 19:36 kylewm KevinMarks: you need to update your OpenSSL, it looks like you are vulnerable to POODLE
# 19:36 voxpelli aaronpk: that wouldn't work very well for multiauthor blogs
# 19:37 voxpelli and also makes identity discoverable from the micropub endpoint again
# 19:37 aaronpk hm, i think it just means the multiauthor blog would need to implement its own auth endpoint
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# 19:38 ben_thatmustbeme if anyone is on my whitelist they get through immediately though, i don't even store the vouch they send
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# 19:38 voxpelli aaronpk: if the auth endpoint can't be found at the site where you want to publish to as it needs to be today, then why not ask the user to present authorization itself?
# 19:39 aaronpk voxpelli: i guess i don't follow the user flow in that case
# 19:39 voxpelli aaronpk: if I invite you to guestblog at a blog of mine, then you go to a micropub client and say that you want to publish to it and then gives an authorization using your own site
# 19:40 aaronpk i think there are two different problems people are trying to solve here
# 19:41 aaronpk 1) a user has their own identity, like aaronparecki.com, and wants to publish to multiple different locations (guest blogs, whatever)
# 19:41 aaronpk 2) a user has a micropub endpoint (like silo.pub) and doesn't care about the identity
# 19:45 voxpelli true – the solution kylewm suggested solves 2, the comments I gave on the wiki solves 1
# 19:45 aaronpk there are really two questions: who are you? and where do you want to post?
# 19:47 voxpelli yes, or rather: how do you want to provide authorization? and where do you want to post using them? So we avoid that identity issue
# 19:49 aaronpk yes except from the user's POV they are identifying themselves
# 19:50 aaronpk and in order to provide authorization, they do have to provide authentication anyway (authenticating at the authorization endpoint)
# 19:52 aaronpk and any micropub endpoint is going to want to know *who* is making the post, in order to add authorship info to the entry
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# 21:06 KartikPrabhu Kongaloosh: :) I just publish them as usual HTML with a u-photo on each photo/image
# 21:08 KartikPrabhu right now they are on Google Photos because I haven't figured out a good photo hosting solution
# 21:10 KartikPrabhu also Google Photos allows for getting different sizes of the image by changing a URL parameter, which I use to "responsive images"
# 21:11 KartikPrabhu cool! I do that with static images, but for photos I'd like to have the query by size feature
# 21:13 KartikPrabhu that is a good way to do it. It would also be nice to have a bulk uploading UI to an album, then the post could simply collect all images from an album and display them
atomicules joined the channel
# 21:20 snarfed looks like >1k facebook-atom users right now. sad that they'll all lose it too
# 21:24 snarfed …but not optimistic. their messaging isn't "use this new thing instead," it's "no news feed any more." period.
# 21:30 gRegorLove "2-year deprecations"? meaning it will work for 2 more years?
# 21:34 snarfed gRegorLove: yup that's what those mean. 2-3y deprecations are common for big platforms.
# 21:41 GWG snarfed: I resisted joining Facebook long after most people did. Buy that is where people who aren't anywhere else are. Like relatives
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# 23:55 j12t aaronpk: congratulations! Nice interview!
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