2015-07-25 UTC
gRegorLove and snarfed joined the channel
# 00:07 KevinMarks I got a weird error uploading another version of that - metadata too big
tvn joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 00:18 aaronpk j12t: thanks! My favorite part was it was published in German too!
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:19 tantek j12t++ thank you! Appreciate the example and especially the note about private use. Every real world example that we collect like this helps better inform future designs.
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 00:21 aaronpk I looked at that, clicked the link, then immediately closed the tab
tantek joined the channel
# 00:26 tantek benwerd: you were too kind, could have said something like resistance if futile. #radiofreeamerica
# 00:26 Loqi tantek meant to say: benwerd: you were too kind, could have said something like resistance is futile. #radiofreeamerica
_fran, KartikPrabhu, scor, snarfed, chreekat, emmak and frzn joined the channel
dns53, KartikPrabhu, j12t, keroberos, chreekat, KevinMarks_, wolftune, snarfed, KevinMarks__, poka, tvn and tantek joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 06:57 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
tantek joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 07:26 indie-visitor Hi all, somebody around to discuss a question about h-entry?
loic_m and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 07:35 indie-visitor Nobody around? What's best time to ask a question, in Holland it's in the morning now.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 07:38 indie-visitor Hey Kartik
# 07:41 indie-visitor I'm trying to answer this question for myself: should I use hentry/h-entry on normal pages, since I consider this not as 'datestamped content'. A lot of WordPress themes don't think about this and just use it, but because a page doesn't output a 'author' and 'published' this is giving errors in Google Webmaster Tools. I can now go two directions: add this information (because it is correct to have this info on pages) or r
# 07:41 indie-visitor (since it's not datestamped content)
# 07:42 indie-visitor Yes, but on the microformat IRC I got this about hentry/h-entry for pages: I don't think it's incorrect to mark up pages with h-entry or hentry (the indiewebcamp.com wiki marks up every article with it)
# 07:43 indie-visitor But I'm trying to understand that becausing reading the microformats docs I just don't get it...
# 07:43 KartikPrabhu I agree with kylewm's answer there. Since there isn't anyone who consumes pages, it does no harm to mark it up with h-entry
# 07:44 KartikPrabhu indie-visitor: all of this depends on why you want to mark up pages in the first place
# 07:45 KartikPrabhu for instance, is there someone who parses your static pages for microformats? to what end?
# 07:47 indie-visitor To be honest I do it only to benefit our search results, and for that I'm already into schema.org as well. But it doesn't harm to have hentry/h-entry included as well (Google reads this), but having it on pages Google gives errors because of the missing 'author' and 'published'. Although I'm quite sure these errors are not that important as well, I'm think I'm best of just removing hentry/h-entry markup from pages.
# 07:48 indie-visitor Pages are not included in XML feeds as well.
# 07:48 indie-visitor Only blogposts and comments are.
# 07:48 KartikPrabhu if you are only concerned with search results I don't know if any search engine actually parses microformats for anything
# 07:49 KartikPrabhu i mean i don't think any serach engine uses h-entry markup. they might use rel links
# 07:50 indie-visitor Don't know in that much detail, but they supported different microformats markups for search results before they came up with their own schema.org.
# 07:50 indie-visitor But outside this scope...
# 07:50 indie-visitor Why is indiewebcamp marking up pages with h-entry/hentry?
# 07:50 KartikPrabhu right. I just mean that if your only concern is SEO, you don't need to worry about microformats that much
# 07:50 indie-visitor Who/which tools is consuming their pages?
# 07:53 indie-visitor From WP I only know that posts and comments are outputted as feed to consume by readers. So user using RSS tool for example can easily follow blogposts or comments.
# 07:53 indie-visitor In this perspective
# 07:53 indie-visitor I don't understand your example yet about 'replies from site to site'
# 07:54 indie-visitor I understand that marking up h-feed with h-entry is meant to be 'consumed' as well
# 07:55 KartikPrabhu by "reply from site to site" I mean that you can reply on your site to a post on my site and using webmention and microformats it will show up on my site under the post
# 07:55 indie-visitor but I never seen website with archive pages (h-feed) about pages
# 07:57 KartikPrabhu this is what indiewebcamp is doing. You write on your own site, including replies, fav, reposts and all that. And the other site will know about it and parse it using microformats
# 07:57 indie-visitor Thanks for the further explenation, I had seen that on other site already, it's about the idea to 'publish your content on your own website first' when I'm right.
# 07:58 indie-visitor Yes great! That we got that straight :-).
# 07:58 indie-visitor Last thing though..
# 07:58 indie-visitor I understand (I'm interested in that as well).
# 07:59 indie-visitor That comment that we are talking about = datestamped, so I understand using h-entry there.
# 07:59 indie-visitor But how to relate this to my original question why I should have h-entry on a normal page.
# 08:00 KartikPrabhu you might want to have h-entry on a normal page if someone uses microformats to check for updates, for example
glennjones joined the channel
# 08:00 KartikPrabhu as an example, suppose I have an about page. I can mark it up with h-card and an updated date so people can check if my personal info has been updated
# 08:03 indie-visitor Ok, thanks for that example as well. Can you only confirm that I'm right that the page markup is not important/related to getting the -comment-on-your-site-first- functioning?
# 08:04 indie-visitor Ow I didn't read all text
# 08:04 indie-visitor avatar example is good as well
# 08:05 indie-visitor thanks for all your help!
# 08:05 indie-visitor Then I'm only having this last question:
# 08:05 indie-visitor Can you only confirm that I'm right that the page markup is not important/related to getting the -comment-on-your-site-first- functioning?
# 08:06 KartikPrabhu yes. as far as I know all comments etc... are done using posts and not static pages
# 08:07 indie-visitor Ok, thanks for all the help again and have a great day!
# 08:07 KartikPrabhu if you are interested in getting indieweb functionality on wordpress we have a wiki for that
# 08:10 indie-visitor Thanks for the link, are going to look into that!
lewisnyman and _fran joined the channel
fkooman and j12t joined the channel
# 08:45 acegiak So I'm trying to work out if there's a way I can do something like Obsidian Portal but on my own website
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 08:48 acegiak ObsidianPortal is a site that lets you organise notes from RPG games
# 08:48 acegiak it's basically a wiki with a bunch of little features that work really well for RPG games
# 08:49 acegiak like wiki pages can have secret sections that are only visible to certain people (ie the player who knows the info and the gamemaster)
# 08:49 acegiak KartikPrabhu: that's what I've been doing with my preparatory work for my upcoming game
# 08:51 acegiak wondering what's the lowest friction way to let my players contribute
tantek joined the channel
# 08:58 acegiak and I feel like having a separate wiki will discourage us from contributing to it
# 09:00 tantek reads the logs and sees a discussion about h-entry / hentry and Google / search
# 09:00 rhiaro Morning, tantek do you know what's up with te IWC youtube? ben_thatmustbeme gave me access, but I forget how..
# 09:00 rhiaro It doesn't show up as an account I have access to when I'm logged in..
# 09:00 tantek rhiaro: I have no idea what's up with IWC youtube
# 09:01 tantek KartikPrabhu: where did you get that impression?
# 09:02 KartikPrabhu tantek: I mean about h-entry. Do search engines do anything with h-entry? or any microformats other than rel
# 09:02 tantek all we do know is what they do claim to index
# 09:03 tantek you can't actually substantiate "not caring", thus it doesn't make sense to make the claim
# 09:03 tantek KartikPrabhu: did you try looking on the microformats wiki?
# 09:04 tantek why not check now to check what you thought / said?
csarven joined the channel
# 09:04 tantek no need to hold onto a hypothetical supposition any longer than you need to when there is more background material to help you with a more informed summary
# 09:05 KartikPrabhu tantek: checked now. mostly concerned that the wiki might be out of date 2010
# 09:06 KartikPrabhu in any case, nothing on the microformats wiki suggests that h-entry is used so I wasn't too off base
# 09:07 tantek well except for the fundamental logic error of presuming "not caring"
# 09:08 KartikPrabhu is it fair to say that it is not known that search engines do anything with h-entry
# 09:08 tantek as with most things, search engines are secret about what they actually do with any particular markup
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 09:10 tantek absent any evidence, all we can assume is that they (at least try to) use whatever markup they find that's useful to them (e.g. enough instances / domains using it)
kegan_ and glennjones joined the channel
# 09:27 acegiak is there a tool I can give to my players so that they can send webentions manually with a nice UI?
JarOfGreen and moredhel joined the channel
KitD and gor_zilla joined the channel
# 09:39 JarOfGreen @rhiaro starting IndieWebCamp Edinburgh .....
wilfredh joined the channel
# 09:45 moredhel rhiaro finishes introductions
# 09:46 moredhel working on it
# 09:46 moredhel rhiaro showing quill.p3k.io to demonstrate posting to her site
# 09:48 aaronpk oops i think the "like" bookmarklet broke since twitter changed some security settings
# 09:49 aaronpk that might be a good project for me to fix tomorrow :)
# 09:53 moredhel rhiaro describing her potential goals for this weekend
# 09:54 moredhel JarOfGreen, opening and destribing his website
# 09:55 moredhel interested in easing the process of passing web-mentions around the web
# 09:55 moredhel tbrb mentions and displays his site...
# 09:56 moredhel describing his new site that he is setting up
# 09:57 moredhel shows how to setup rel links for indie auth
fkooman joined the channel
interactivist joined the channel
# 10:00 moredhel hosted on github, allows for a decentralised way to perform voice and video to your website.
# 10:01 KitD question asked about comparison with xmpp
# 10:02 KitD answer: xmpp is very "thin", matrix.org does "presence", "who's typing", "receipts"
# 10:02 KitD tbrb mentions xmpp horrible for voice and video
# 10:02 moredhel incosistent api with XMPP, this aims to provide a higher level api.
# 10:03 moredhel francesco opens, describes his background of academia and wed-dev...
# 10:03 KitD rhiaro mentions wordpress plugins for indieweb
# 10:03 moredhel describes his website, fran.io
# 10:04 rhiaro Fran: posting interface is on a url without authentication, so not showing everyone
# 10:04 moredhel describing his website's state, and wanting to add more to it
# 10:04 tbrb For anyone following iwcedi here, I just deployed my updated site, with support for signing in with indieauth at harryreeder.co.uk
# 10:05 rhiaro ... Deliberately minimal website with blog posts and map
# 10:06 rhiaro ... Recently added indieweb bits, webmention.io
kegan_ joined the channel
# 10:07 rhiaro ... A site for open source projects I've been working on
# 10:07 rhiaro ... Began life as a static site, writing html directly
# 10:07 rhiaro ... then uses hakyll, haskell static site generator... now jekyll
lewisnyman joined the channel
# 10:10 rhiaro ... Uses github instead of blog, force self to commit things
# 10:10 rhiaro Gandolf: Last time I had a website was when people were using dialup
# 10:11 rhiaro ... Worked on website using university computers, hosted on JANET
# 10:11 rhiaro ... Posted a video, but people tried to look at it using dialup
# 10:11 rhiaro ... Before google, I was the firs thit for 'gandolf'
# 10:11 rhiaro ... Until the university asked if there was a reason he had a website on their servers
j12t joined the channel
# 10:12 rhiaro ... Wants to start posting to new site this weekend
# 10:12 rhiaro ... Can now sign into harryreeder.co.uk via indieauth
frzn joined the channel
# 10:13 JarOfGreen sarcastic clapping established early on :-)
# 10:13 aaronpk tbrb: you can add sms support so you don't need to log in to github on amy's computer :)
# 10:15 tbrb aaronpk: I'll add that to my to-do :)
# 10:15 tbrb I'll have a tinker and report back then :)
# 10:16 aaronpk moredhel describes how he built his site, used to have javascript on it, but got annoyed at how slow that made it, so now there's no JS at all and it's fast
# 10:16 rhiaro ... Went to IWC Brighton last year and has done almost nothing since
# 10:17 rhiaro ... Site is a combination of blog (since 2007, disabled comments because of spam) and pump.io which does 'crazy social stuff'
# 10:17 rhiaro ... Very interested in federation and social web and stuff
# 10:17 rhiaro ... I want to throw it all away and write it from scratch
# 10:18 rhiaro Gordan: Don't have much of a web presence. Ethical Hacking student from Dundee.
# 10:19 rhiaro ... Would be interested in sandstorm.io. And personal stuff.
# 10:21 gor_zilla s/Gordan/Gordon
# 10:21 KitD rhiaro: "indiewebify.me is good"
# 10:21 KitD ... also IndieMark is useful
loic_m and terminalpixel_ joined the channel
# 10:31 tbrb aaronpk: I've got both on the go, apparently the hangouts one automatically records too
# 10:34 GWG I'm trying to tune in the Youtube one as the easiest to get on the bigger screen, and it says please stand by.
# 10:34 rhiaro Forgot to hit go on the youtube for the intros :/
# 10:35 rhiaro We're on a break right now, just about to do schedule
# 10:35 rhiaro Hopefully can rustle up enough laptops to stream all sessions
# 10:35 GWG If you can. Only because I always have trouble getting talky on anything but my computer, and then I can't see the chat.
# 10:36 GWG If not, I'll go fire up a spare computer like I did earlier this month
# 10:38 rhiaro (stand by for info from tbrb, he's in charge of it)
# 10:39 tbrb you can view it on the youtube channel for watch only, or the hangouts link for two-way
# 10:40 GWG I'm trying to get the watch only, because I have a Roku box hooked up to my TV. Later I may come in on talky.
# 10:40 tbrb Yeah, we're doing schedule at the moment
# 10:41 tbrb so there's nothing to see right now on it anyway
# 10:41 tbrb It's going live now though to test it out
# 10:46 GWG I hear people, having trouble making out the conversation clearly.
j12t joined the channel
# 10:49 GWG I see...and then it said Loading..
# 10:50 GWG Now I just have to concentrate a bit.
# 10:53 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I'm still asleep myself.
# 10:53 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Good reason to forego the camera feed.
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 10:58 KitD ben_thatmustbeme: on its way
# 10:59 rhiaro We're doing a getting started + webmentions session with everyone first
# 10:59 GWG Still a bit choppy, but getting better
# 11:00 tbrb Raw schedule photo, I'm going to type it up into the Wiki now
# 11:07 GWG Not bad. I think we all need to invest in microphones though
ehk joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 11:12 indie-visitor audio on youtube streaming is gjkljldsfjsfljls
_fran joined the channel
# 11:13 KitD indie-visitor: does it seem to be a capture issue or a hardware issue?
# 11:14 aaronpk i suspect it's an encoding issue, maybe not enough CPU
# 11:15 indie-visitor it suddenly got better
# 11:16 csarven left the stream to donate his share to the others
# 11:16 indie-visitor oh, video is dying.
# 11:16 tbrb Got a different laptop doing hangouts audio, is that better?
# 11:16 csarven If only tuning in to receive the stream, just use YouTube.
# 11:17 csarven goes back to his text-editor.
# 11:18 indie-visitor I'm currently using youtube, not hangout
# 11:19 indie-visitor baling out...
ttepasse joined the channel
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JarOfGreen and wolftune joined the channel
# 11:22 tbrb Yeah, the laptop with the webcam doesn't seem to be beefy enough, CPU wise
# 11:23 tbrb Audio will stay, I'll swap the video over to a better one
j12t joined the channel
# 11:32 tbrb Ok, noted for future that that laptop is too low spec to run hangouts :'(
# 11:34 KitD Hah, tbrb posted the new hangout link from my laptop
# 11:34 KitD (which is being used for the video stream)
# 11:34 tbrb yay for having multiple spare laptops around
# 11:37 KitD I think the difficulty right now is figuring out what questions we should ask
# 11:39 ben_thatmustbeme anything, KitD think of it as "you might want to code this tomorrow" so what do you need to know
# 11:40 KitD I'll figure out the questions tomorrow
# 11:40 KitD not to mention I live with rhiaro :P
# 11:41 GWG Unrelated to IWC EDI: If replying to a post on another site, where do people usually store the name of the other site's post, if it exists?
# 11:42 GWG I'm looking at the storage in light of the Micropub stuff, which stores everything as its mf2 property.
# 11:44 GWG Right now, I'm storing the data in a field called cite, which seems to be correct.
# 11:45 KitD Damn, I should've brought a mouse mat; these desks are entirely too white for my mouse
# 11:45 ben_thatmustbeme keeping relations of posts to other posts is important for me. and saves me repulling sites
# 11:46 anm I just get an empty result with https
# 11:47 anm hm, I just looked again right now and it works
# 11:47 anm yes, it was being weird like that here too
# 11:48 KitD I'm definitely seeing it working without ssl and not working with ssl
# 11:48 KitD the vouch article is the longest stub I've ever seen
# 11:50 aaronpk wow how did vouch come up so early in the conversation?
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 11:53 rhiaro next session is private posts, access control stuff
# 11:56 anm thanks, unmung.com is working for me
# 11:56 aaronpk csarven: that link just downloads a file called "acl" for me
csarven joined the channel
# 11:58 rhiaro Have there been private posts discussions on iwc etherpads before?
# 11:58 aaronpk not sure. you could search the wiki tho cause the etherpads all end up there
# 11:58 csarven aaronpk Do you have a particular way of handling RDF/XML in your client?
# 11:59 csarven Whatever your client is.. browser, curl, ..
_fran joined the channel
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# 12:04 tbrb Awwwww, I just saw the twins there :)
# 12:06 poka surellt there's an indie and opensource-in-debian 1-lline cam-cappture-to-reflector-for-VLC/mplayer tool?
cweiske joined the channel
# 12:16 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, if you are going to post a version people have to log in to to see anyway, would probably be better to just stick with that, not needing multiple posts
# 12:18 tbrb rhiaro: We'll try and get back to the schedule with after lunch sessions?
# 12:18 moredhel my thought too... but then how do you distribute the url?
# 12:21 tbrb We've not quite perfected food-over-ip
# 12:22 rhiaro ben_thatmustbeme: we've still got breakfast left, help yourself to pizza :)
# 12:28 csarven ben_thatmustbeme A cat named "Pause" that don't sit still? Is that like the buttered cat paradox?
# 12:30 GWG !tell acegiak I'm rewriting the Post Kinds data plan again.
# 12:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 12:32 tbrb so, in ~ 45 minutes we've got two sessions in parallel, one on Categorisation / Collection & Media and one on Static Sites, we may be able to get a hangout going for each, though if folks want we can just move the current hangout wherever needed
# 12:32 GWG acegiak: I'm trying to add more data in.
# 12:33 JarOfGreen Oh wait, events is not the next session
# 12:33 acegiak isn't the current structure designed to let you do that without changing any of the existing stuff?
# 12:33 GWG acegiak: So I want to support additional mf2 prefixed keys.
# 12:34 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, i mean, recording sessions in somewhat new, i don't think we have ever recorded more than one at a time
# 12:34 GWG acegiak: mf2_cite is staying as it is, except for the change I made regarding multidimensional arrays.
# 12:36 GWG acegiak: I'm trying to support mf2_in_reply_to, mf2_bookmark, mf2_rsvp, etc. as part of the Micropub work.
# 12:38 rhiaro Did syndicating to indienews via webmention go anywhere yet?
# 12:38 rhiaro jarofgreen and I are just discussing syndicating indieevents to opentechcalendar via webmention
# 12:38 aaronpk it's not quite a webmention, it's a slight overloading, but i think it is a good mechanism
# 12:39 JarOfGreen is the issue if some web mentions you a page that has an event on, are you sure they want that event to be passed on or is that by accident?
# 12:39 GWG acegiak: If you have any ideas in this vein, tell me. This time, I'm not deprecating, I'm expanding.
# 12:39 JarOfGreen for example, if an site has a side bar box with upcoming events you might pick them up, but they are not part of the main post
# 12:40 JarOfGreen also, this may not always apply but it does in my case; you want to categorise events on your site, so when you import events by any means you need to be able to do that
# 12:41 aaronpk yeah that's the danger of a plain webmention for syndication
loic_m, scor and j12t joined the channel
# 12:43 aaronpk but requiring the source site actually links to the intended destination helps
# 12:47 aaronpk the trick is you won't know the URL of the u-syndication until after you send it there
# 12:47 rhiaro that's why I don't have syndication links for my tweets
# 12:47 aaronpk so it's a little more than a webmention because there is a response
scor joined the channel
# 12:51 JarOfGreen well, i think i might be talking a separate case
# 12:53 JarOfGreen i want to post some content on my site with an event or something and be like "I want this syndicated to these other sites, X, Y, Z". It would be nice if X, Y and Z could get a webmention, parse it, see the event but also see that I definitely want it to be passed round and automatically import it for me
# 12:55 JarOfGreen plans a, b, c, etc .... all fell thru
fkooman joined the channel
# 13:03 aaronpk oh, a problem with syndicating via webmention... the webmention verification and pulling in the content would have to happen synchronously in order to return the syndication URL in the response
# 13:06 aaronpk you can't queue if you are going to return the URL in the response. that's my point
scor joined the channel
# 13:17 aaronpk we had also tossed the idea around of a "callback" URL sent with the webmention, where the receiver can post status data there later
emmak_ joined the channel
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# 13:18 aaronpk the callback method seems better for syndication, because the sender wouldn't need to poll for an indefinite amount of time
# 13:20 aaronpk i wouldn't think of it as overloading webmention, just a totally different spec that does similar things
shout-user60 and j12t joined the channel
# 13:20 aaronpk the challenge with the micropub one is how do you handle auth?
# 13:21 IWC-Edi-Session2 ^ static sites
# 13:21 aaronpk you'd need either real authentication (which is going to be too much hassle for everyone involved) or you need to be able to verify the canonical version of the post again
# 13:22 ben_thatmustbeme actually much easier. basically the only thing you need is a few changes to your webmention endpoint to make it a client
# 13:22 ben_thatmustbeme say i go to service X, it says, "syndicate here" and has a button, that links to your webmention endpoint with a code to tell it where to start auth
# 13:23 moredhel tbrb is way too excited
keroberos joined the channel
# 13:24 rhiaro and tantek was talking about presenting multiple photo posts at some point a while ago..? (anyone remember?)
# 13:24 aaronpk since no community/aggregate sites support micropub right now
# 13:25 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: aaronpk: why, indienews could just be ANY site
# 13:25 aaronpk we're talking specifically about syndication, meaning there is a canonical post that is intended to be copied
# 13:25 aaronpk this is distinctly different from a multi-user blog, where there is only one copy of the post
# 13:26 ben_thatmustbeme correction, micropub endpoints need only accept "u-url means this is a syndication of that url"
# 13:26 aaronpk in order to syndicate a post, the syndication target needs to either: 1) fetch the data from the original or 2) verify the intent to syndicate
# 13:27 aaronpk (where in case 2 the syndication request would contain all the post data)
# 13:27 ben_thatmustbeme this allows for different versions to syndicate though as the data passed to the syndication site may be different
# 13:28 aaronpk but in both cases, whether or not the request contains the post content (micropub-like vs webmention-like protocol), the syndication target needs to check the canonical URL
# 13:28 aaronpk right 1, is the webmention-like protocol, 2 is the micropub-like protocol
# 13:28 aaronpk but unless you go check the canonical URL, you're not doing syndication, youre just doing multi-author posting
# 13:29 ben_thatmustbeme sure you are, its just a different method of syndication. you are saying the plumbing defines whether you are "syndicating" or "reposting"
# 13:30 tbrb Main laptop was on battery, just booting it up again
# 13:30 aaronpk in either version, the syndication target needs to go check the canonical URL
# 13:30 aaronpk otherwise the syndication target is going to get spammed with fake syndication requests
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# 13:31 ben_thatmustbeme if you want you can require syndication url be from the same site you are registered with
# 13:32 aaronpk at least going and fetching the canonical URL means spammers have to create a web page
# 13:32 aaronpk without that step, spammers just have to create fake IDs which is way easier
# 13:32 aaronpk but still easy, as pingback spam has demonstrated
scor joined the channel
# 13:39 aaronpk can I call these two methods "thin" and "fat" instead of "webmention" and "micropub"?
# 13:39 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, i suppose, but they are both existing specs that we are working with so i think it makes sense the other way
# 13:39 aaronpk i want to avoid any baggage of calling it webmention or micropub
# 13:39 aaronpk at least in the brainstorming doc, we can change it later if it makes sense
# 13:40 aaronpk i could call them "1" and "2" but that isn't very descriptive
# 13:48 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: question, what would a standard micropub post containing u-url mean for your mp receiver?
# 13:48 aaronpk that seems like it would be requesting the micropub endpoint create the post at that URL
# 13:50 aaronpk i think it's not, i think that's what "url" is for
# 13:51 aaronpk yeah and my newest micropub endpoint would just set that as a property of the thing it creates
j12t joined the channel
# 14:07 ben_thatmustbeme difficult to write everything up yet, i will get to it.. .but were on our way out the door
# 14:07 aaronpk btw whatever we end up with for this I want to get in to calagator.org
# 14:08 aaronpk this is a syndication protocol, so it only works if both sides speak it
# 14:09 aaronpk which is fine because it's going to reply with the tweet URL anyway so you can store the twitter url after it's done
# 14:10 ben_thatmustbeme just thinking of that interim period "view on twitter' and it links to brid.gy publish url
# 14:10 aaronpk yeah i guess you could make it a hidden link instead
# 14:11 aaronpk !tell Jeena thanks for the PRs! they are live on quill.p3k.io now!
# 14:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 14:13 aaronpk oh i'm going to add a step and assume these posts were created via micropub, which should help
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# 14:19 aaronpk there will be more things on this page when you return
# 14:30 rhiaro Notifications/reminders for indie events, anyone?
# 14:33 rhiaro If I RSVP to an indie event, it would be cool if I could include in my rsvp that I'd like the publisher to ping me the day before or something
# 14:33 aaronpk as opposed to using native reminders/notifications of your client? e.g. iphone
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# 14:40 tbrb aaronpk: no, rhiaro's teacup menu is suggesting PHP under Food
# 14:41 rhiaro I really need to figure out why my micropub endpoint is rejecting teacup posts
# 14:42 anm aaronpk: What is your motivation for posting so much detail about your life - food, sleep etc? I feel like this is a bad idea - it gives an attacker a lot of help.
# 14:42 rhiaro Hope you don't mind being used as examples for everything
# 14:42 rhiaro But if you got just one enemy, they have everything they need all at once
# 14:43 aaronpk it's possible i will make some of this stuff private or restricted to some smaller audience in the future
# 14:44 aaronpk but it's not like you can really do much with the information of when I last slept. maybe you will know if I'm more tired than usual or something?
# 14:44 anm aaronpk: do you see some benefit from publishing it?
# 14:44 rhiaro when you're not in the house might be more useful to enemies
# 14:44 anm well I can see your routine (if you have one, not examined it) and have some idea when your house is empty or where you are
# 14:44 rhiaro insurance companies might be interested in your sleeping habits
# 14:44 aaronpk rhiaro: if someone wanted to know when i was not at the house they could just stand outside and wait for me to leave
# 14:45 aaronpk the main benefit is providing examples for indiewebcamps right now :)
# 14:45 anm I wonder if it is a good example
# 14:45 rhiaro I'm really interested in logging everything for my own personal interest
# 14:45 aaronpk i have more than once gone back and looked up when i last ate something, or what time I woke up on a certain day
# 14:45 rhiaro I find food logs are triggers to loads of other memories about a day
# 14:46 anm have you seen some benefit from other people seeing it though
# 14:46 rhiaro anm: sometimes people are like 'what do vegans even eat' and I can point them to my food logs :)
# 14:46 aaronpk i've had people look up my flight plans to see where i'm sitting so they can get a seat nearby
# 14:48 rhiaro I find posting travel plans really useful, people stop asking 'when are you home' etc
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# 14:58 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 15:00 snarfed aaronpk: ben_thatmustbeme: skimmed the syndication discussion, will read the brainstorm
# 15:00 aaronpk would love to get your thoguhts since we would want bridgy publish to support this :)
# 15:01 snarfed you both probably already know that bridgy publish has supported the "thin" (webmention based) method for ~1y now - checks intent via u-syndication, posts via API synchronously, returns silo post URL in wm response body
# 15:03 aaronpk oh does it actualy require "u-syndication" on the link?
# 15:03 snarfed and yeah aaronpk i'm with you on the lighter intent-instead-of-auth idea
# 15:07 aaronpk i have a process i usually use to set up ruby on a new machine
# 15:07 snarfed you're on mac os x, right? remind me what you use to manage ruby versions?
# 15:09 kylewm setting up an unfamiliar environment is the actual worst
# 15:10 moredhel waves over-enthusiastically back
# 15:10 snarfed kylewm: you'd think i'd be better at it the second time…but evidently no :/
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# 15:26 aaronpk snarfed: right now does bridgy publish do the verification synchronously? cause i thought it returned the twitter URL in the response
# 15:35 snarfed (nice side benefit that it's simpler too, but not the main reason)
# 15:36 snarfed it already has to fetch the source page sync to get the post content anyway
# 15:36 Loqi snarfed meant to say: it already has to fetch the source page to get the post content anyway
# 15:37 aaronpk well i mean the whole thing could be done async like i described on that page
# 15:37 aaronpk interesting that it wasn't a consideration for you though
# 15:37 snarfed aaronpk: sure! sorry, haven't read yet. i just didn't want to impose that complexity on clients
# 15:37 snarfed btw, re that gist, does wmio require <=2.1.6 ? or was that just as an example for installing multiple?
# 15:38 aaronpk pretty sure it'll be fine on 2.2.2 but i haven't tried it yet
# 15:38 aaronpk so if there isn't a concern from the syndication endpoint of needing to do the work synchronously, then that is a way simpler option
# 15:43 snarfed sites can send webmentions async anyway, after publishing a post and returning to the user/client, so you can still avoid the user-facing latency
# 15:44 aaronpk yeah i was more concerned with allowing the syndication target to offload that work instead of requiring it to run synchronously
# 15:44 aaronpk i'd be curious to hear why you weren't worried about that
# 15:45 aaronpk the server has to keep the http reequest open longer
# 15:46 snarfed orthogonal point: we may want say a best practice is to send these syndication wms *before* other wms, and if you're doing async, maybe even wait for them to complete, so that when your other wm recipients fetch the page, they see the filled-in u-syndication links
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# 15:49 snarfed i'm updating to say that if callback isn't specified, the synd target should return 200 with the synd post url in the body
# 15:49 rhiaro aaronpk: if you're around, there's a micropub session just starting
# 15:50 snarfed also i think we can simplify/minimize the examples a lot more, and stress the similaries w/wm and mp over the differences
# 15:50 aaronpk snarfed: i'm also up for requiring the syndication endpoint handle it synchronously if there's enough justification
# 15:51 aaronpk so, good data point that the first implementation of this does it synchronously
# 15:51 aaronpk tbrb: and when you sign in to quill.p3k.io it walks you through it in more detail with more links
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# 15:56 anm minimal / mini micropub = nanopub
# 15:57 anm Well he must have been a humourous sort of fellow. Hear hear.
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# 16:34 rhiaro We've had live streams all day, but just finished
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# 16:55 GWG I just went to get cleaned up, and I think I figured out what I need to do to make this code cleaner.
# 17:01 tantek KevinMarks - get them to play the awesome new SWAT0 video!!
# 17:02 tantek I mean - you should talk about what SWAT0 is, the history, what it means etc.
# 17:02 tantek KevinMarks - uh, how can gillmor gang not get the whole ownyourdata thing?
# 17:02 tantek you can point out that the steps in SWAT0 are trivial on today's silos
# 17:03 tantek but it has been a challeng to make it work *for the web*
# 17:03 tantek you're good at this, you can totally explain how it's been much harder to make it work across websites (come from the underdog / understatement perspective)
# 17:04 tantek and recognizing that users expect this kind of easy functionality, the social web acid test v0 was created at the first Federated Social Web summit
# 17:04 tantek to make it clear that this kind of user-centric functionality is what's important, not a bunch of academics arguing about protocols
# 17:05 tantek and that after 5 years, we are finally seeing interoperable implementations emerge because we have solved the building blocks in IndieWebCamp
# 17:05 tantek we expect the progress from here to be exponential etc.
# 17:05 tantek maybe practice explaining the steps of SWAT 0 in plain english before hand
# 17:06 aaronpk i have found it very challenging to explain SWAT0 in plain english unless i can point to physical people in the room as an example
# 17:06 aaronpk i updated my post with the new version because I can do that :)
# 17:07 aaronpk it helps to point at someone and be like "you took a photo of me and tagged me in the photo"
# 17:07 tantek A takes photo of B and tags them in it. C who's following A sees the photo and comments on it. Both A and B get notified of C's comment.
# 17:08 aaronpk using abstract "A, B, C" or even made up names is very confusing in person
# 17:08 tantek I've spoken nearly literally that prose to explain it to non-programmers
# 17:08 tantek or if you like, use "I" as A, "you" as B, and name-of-someone-you-both-know as C
# 17:09 tantek you can even gesture with your device while you explain it
# 17:09 tantek yes at some point the next step will be to be able to demo on TWIG or Gillmorgang with tools *they* can use on *their* devices
# 17:13 rhiaro !tell benwerd happy to stream IWCEdi drinks if we're still going when you get here... We're in No. 1 Grange Road
# 17:13 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:18 KevinMarks this isn't one of those edinbrugh pubs with 3ft thick granite walls then>
# 17:18 tantek KevinMarks: we're here for you if you get stuck with any other questions / explanations
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# 18:23 tantek !tell KartikPrabhu re: "mostly concerned that the wiki might be out of date 2010" - if that's so, you need to speak up about it. Either use the wiki (feel free to check citations / references), or if you're concerned, *ask* - don't assume "might be out of date". Because then there's no chance of it being fixed if it is.
# 18:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:24 tantek rhiaro: in reading the logs - noticing a bunch of new folks here in IRC that are not yet on /irc-people - perhaps as soon as people get IndieAuth setup as part of Getting Started you can encourage them to add themselves to /irc-people ?
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# 18:39 tantek (what I successfully used to do 100% standards based syndication to Google Buzz before they shut it down)
# 18:40 tantek the syndication by webmention method is an interesting hack we developed for Bridgy but I'm not sure it's a pattern to replicate
# 18:41 Jeena and it is not quite clear with the news.indiewebcamp.com example what this would be for, I thought you are reinventing the old searchengine ping
# 18:41 Jeena neat aaronpk and I saw that you also added post via email
# 18:44 tantek rhiaro++ for doing an awesome job with kicking off the first IWC Edinburgh!
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# 19:16 aaronpk tantek: syndication brainstorming is basically just describing what bridgy publish does
# 19:17 aaronpk h-entry + push doesn't work for selective syndication
# 19:18 aaronpk you would have to make a separate feed for "syndicate these things to indienews" or "syndicate these things to twitter" and then be able to put your posts in each feed
# 19:30 tantek and "publisher must support separate feeds for any syndication customization per destination"
# 19:31 aaronpk this is the problem with the IRC notifications showing the "name" in the h-card vs the URL
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# 19:33 snarfed URLs may be better on average for indie wms, but probably worse on average for silos
# 19:33 tantek snarfed: it's a mix for Twitter - since SOME PEOPLE change their display name (ahem kylewm ;) )
# 19:33 aaronpk i don't know what you mean, that's exactly what happened tantek. @bowlingball_usa did in fact favorite your tweet, which linked to the wiki
# 19:33 snarfed but not across all silos or indie sites, so maybe twitter specific
# 19:34 tantek aaronpk: check that account. follows 1 person. 43.8k favorites. WTF?
# 19:34 tantek likely due to how Twitter chose to display names - so people messed with it to have fun
# 19:35 tantek why is a bowling ball twitter faving my IWC tweet? how did they find it?
# 19:35 aaronpk i thought most silos let you set your profile URL, typically it is {silo domain}/{silo username}
# 19:35 tantek aaronpk: *some* silos let you set your profile URL
# 19:36 aaronpk my point is facebook is the only silo i've seen that insists on using non-username profile URLs
# 19:36 aaronpk as in, in all cases except facebook, I would rather see the author URL in a noitification like that
# 19:37 snarfed bridgy provides username when available. i propose NAME (USERNAME)
# 19:38 tantek yes this is an interesting design display problem
# 19:38 tantek would be interesting to see what approaches people are taking
# 19:38 aaronpk I decided to show it as "{domain name} {name}
" with the domain in blue and the name in light grey
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# 19:57 GWG snarfed: I might be a while with those unit tests. I seem to have started ripping part of Post Kinds apart.
# 19:58 KevinMarks "I know, I'll make my card caching behave properly and use http 304" - me yesterday, now currently breaking into the zoo with clippers
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# 20:01 GWG kylewm: I feel a witty reply coming in, but I'll resist it
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# 20:26 Loqi KartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 3 minutes ago: re: "mostly concerned that the wiki might be out of date 2010" - if that's so, you need to speak up about it. Either use the wiki (feel free to check citations / references), or if you're concerned, *ask* - don't assume "might be out of date". Because then there's no chance of it being fixed if it is. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-07-25/line/1437848607911
# 20:27 KartikPrabhu fair enough. I mostly don't pay attention to search stuff as it is not relevant for me
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# 21:02 GWG aaronpk, how do you store your reply contexts?
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# 21:32 gor_zilla question: is indie auth intended to be 1 user per (sub)domain or can i use www.domain.com/profile/gorzilla ?
# 21:32 gor_zilla i'm trying known running on my server and it doesn't seem to put the me tags on the root page
# 21:33 gor_zilla indieweb wiki allows it, quill doesn't
# 21:33 aaronpk there's a specific theme that has the links on the home page, I forget which one
# 21:34 gor_zilla ah cool. i was looking for a config page for the plugin but it does it all in the background
# 21:35 KevinMarks they just changed the themes I think. Solo is the one that is emant for single-user sites and puts the rel-me on the front page
# 21:36 tantek Kongaloosh: the two are unrelated, e.g. see {{t}}
for an example
# 21:38 KevinMarks I talked about SWAT0 and explained it, but they didn't play the video
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# 21:39 gor_zilla seem to be getting a blank response from the token endpoint
# 21:41 gor_zilla oh i think i'll have to try again tomorrow. i'm on the train and my battery is about to die
# 21:42 _fran it will die valiantly, if trying to authenticate
# 21:43 gor_zilla hmm, works on the wiki but not quill. is the wiki just really forgiving or is quill extra harsh?
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# 22:44 snarfed …ok…and i can run ruby from either place manually
# 22:45 snarfed …but how do i get bundle to use one of those instead of the system /usr/bin/ruby when i run bundle exec rake db:bootstrap ?
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# 23:41 snarfed aaronpk: looks like chruby will do the trick, thanks