#aaronpkj12t: thanks! My favorite part was it was published in German too!
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#tantekj12t++ thank you! Appreciate the example and especially the note about private use. Every real world example that we collect like this helps better inform future designs.
#KartikPrabhualso you can set your nickname using /nick youname if you want to
#indie-visitorI'm trying to answer this question for myself: should I use hentry/h-entry on normal pages, since I consider this not as 'datestamped content'. A lot of WordPress themes don't think about this and just use it, but because a page doesn't output a 'author' and 'published' this is giving errors in Google Webmaster Tools. I can now go two directions: add this information (because it is correct to have this info on pages) or r
#indie-visitor(since it's not datestamped content)
#indie-visitorYes, but on the microformat IRC I got this about hentry/h-entry for pages: I don't think it's incorrect to mark up pages with h-entry or hentry (the indiewebcamp.com wiki marks up every article with it)
#KartikPrabhuindie-visitor: yes I saw that on the microformats IRC
#indie-visitorBut I'm trying to understand that becausing reading the microformats docs I just don't get it...
#KartikPrabhuI agree with kylewm's answer there. Since there isn't anyone who consumes pages, it does no harm to mark it up with h-entry
#KartikPrabhuon the other hand, even if you don't mark it up it is fine too :)
#KartikPrabhuindie-visitor: all of this depends on why you want to mark up pages in the first place
#KartikPrabhufor instance, is there someone who parses your static pages for microformats? to what end?
#indie-visitorTo be honest I do it only to benefit our search results, and for that I'm already into schema.org as well. But it doesn't harm to have hentry/h-entry included as well (Google reads this), but having it on pages Google gives errors because of the missing 'author' and 'published'. Although I'm quite sure these errors are not that important as well, I'm think I'm best of just removing hentry/h-entry markup from pages.
#indie-visitorPages are not included in XML feeds as well.
#KartikPrabhui mean i don't think any serach engine uses h-entry markup. they might use rel links
#indie-visitorDon't know in that much detail, but they supported different microformats markups for search results before they came up with their own schema.org.
#KartikPrabhuto consume h-feed as HTML markedup feeds instead of RSS/Atom
#indie-visitorFrom WP I only know that posts and comments are outputted as feed to consume by readers. So user using RSS tool for example can easily follow blogposts or comments.
#indie-visitorI don't understand your example yet about 'replies from site to site'
#indie-visitorI understand that marking up h-feed with h-entry is meant to be 'consumed' as well
#KartikPrabhuby "reply from site to site" I mean that you can reply on your site to a post on my site and using webmention and microformats it will show up on my site under the post
#indie-visitorbut I never seen website with archive pages (h-feed) about pages
#KartikPrabhuthis is what indiewebcamp is doing. You write on your own site, including replies, fav, reposts and all that. And the other site will know about it and parse it using microformats
#indie-visitorThanks for the further explenation, I had seen that on other site already, it's about the idea to 'publish your content on your own website first' when I'm right.
#KartikPrabhumicroformats are more useful in that context than SEO
#indie-visitorI understand (I'm interested in that as well).
#indie-visitorThat comment that we are talking about = datestamped, so I understand using h-entry there.
#indie-visitorBut how to relate this to my original question why I should have h-entry on a normal page.
#KartikPrabhuyou might want to have h-entry on a normal page if someone uses microformats to check for updates, for example
glennjones joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuas an example, suppose I have an about page. I can mark it up with h-card and an updated date so people can check if my personal info has been updated
#indie-visitorOk, thanks for that example as well. Can you only confirm that I'm right that the page markup is not important/related to getting the -comment-on-your-site-first- functioning?
#indie-visitorThen I'm only having this last question:
#indie-visitorCan you only confirm that I'm right that the page markup is not important/related to getting the -comment-on-your-site-first- functioning?
#KartikPrabhuyes. as far as I know all comments etc... are done using posts and not static pages
#indie-visitorOk, thanks for all the help again and have a great day!
#KartikPrabhuif you are interested in getting indieweb functionality on wordpress we have a wiki for that
#tantekwhy not check now to check what you thought / said?
csarven joined the channel
#tantekno need to hold onto a hypothetical supposition any longer than you need to when there is more background material to help you with a more informed summary
#tantekabsent any evidence, all we can assume is that they (at least try to) use whatever markup they find that's useful to them (e.g. enough instances / domains using it)
#aaronpkmoredhel describes how he built his site, used to have javascript on it, but got annoyed at how slow that made it, so now there's no JS at all and it's fast
#pokawill having a Google acct get you video on X11 firefox? http://mw.logbook.am/hangouts.png - 403 error suggests it's not a codec but a signin issue. webm/vp[89] all compiled in
#pokasurellt there's an indie and opensource-in-debian 1-lline cam-cappture-to-reflector-for-VLC/mplayer tool?
#ben_thatmustbemehmm, if you are going to post a version people have to log in to to see anyway, would probably be better to just stick with that, not needing multiple posts
#ben_thatmustbeme(in response to the PGP and other post for facebook people, etc)
#tbrbrhiaro: We'll try and get back to the schedule with after lunch sessions?
#tbrbso, in ~ 45 minutes we've got two sessions in parallel, one on Categorisation / Collection & Media and one on Static Sites, we may be able to get a hangout going for each, though if folks want we can just move the current hangout wherever needed
#JarOfGreenis the issue if some web mentions you a page that has an event on, are you sure they want that event to be passed on or is that by accident?
#GWGacegiak: If you have any ideas in this vein, tell me. This time, I'm not deprecating, I'm expanding.
#JarOfGreenfor example, if an site has a side bar box with upcoming events you might pick them up, but they are not part of the main post
#JarOfGreenalso, this may not always apply but it does in my case; you want to categorise events on your site, so when you import events by any means you need to be able to do that
#aaronpkyeah that's the danger of a plain webmention for syndication
loic_m, scor and j12t joined the channel
#aaronpkbut requiring the source site actually links to the intended destination helps
#rhiaroyou'd want a u-syndication(?) anyway, right?
#aaronpkthe trick is you won't know the URL of the u-syndication until after you send it there
#JarOfGreenwell, i think i might be talking a separate case
#JarOfGreeni want to post some content on my site with an event or something and be like "I want this syndicated to these other sites, X, Y, Z". It would be nice if X, Y and Z could get a webmention, parse it, see the event but also see that I definitely want it to be passed round and automatically import it for me
#aaronpkoh, a problem with syndicating via webmention... the webmention verification and pulling in the content would have to happen synchronously in order to return the syndication URL in the response
#aaronpkyou'd need either real authentication (which is going to be too much hassle for everyone involved) or you need to be able to verify the canonical version of the post again
#ben_thatmustbemeactually much easier. basically the only thing you need is a few changes to your webmention endpoint to make it a client
#ben_thatmustbemesay i go to service X, it says, "syndicate here" and has a button, that links to your webmention endpoint with a code to tell it where to start auth
#aaronpk(where in case 2 the syndication request would contain all the post data)
#ben_thatmustbemethis allows for different versions to syndicate though as the data passed to the syndication site may be different
#aaronpkbut in both cases, whether or not the request contains the post content (micropub-like vs webmention-like protocol), the syndication target needs to check the canonical URL
#ben_thatmustbemesure you are, its just a different method of syndication. you are saying the plumbing defines whether you are "syndicating" or "reposting"
#tbrbMain laptop was on battery, just booting it up again
#aaronpkin either version, the syndication target needs to go check the canonical URL
#anmaaronpk: What is your motivation for posting so much detail about your life - food, sleep etc? I feel like this is a bad idea - it gives an attacker a lot of help.
#rhiaroHope you don't mind being used as examples for everything
#aaronpkit's possible i will make some of this stuff private or restricted to some smaller audience in the future
#aaronpkbut it's not like you can really do much with the information of when I last slept. maybe you will know if I'm more tired than usual or something?
#anmaaronpk: do you see some benefit from publishing it?
#rhiarowhen you're not in the house might be more useful to enemies
#anmwell I can see your routine (if you have one, not examined it) and have some idea when your house is empty or where you are
#rhiaroinsurance companies might be interested in your sleeping habits
#aaronpkrhiaro: if someone wanted to know when i was not at the house they could just stand outside and wait for me to leave
#aaronpk!tell ben_thatmustbeme I filled in a bunch of the brainstorming page, would be great to get your thoughts on how alice would get a bearer token for the syndication target: http://indiewebcamp.com/syndication-brainstorming
#aaronpkwould love to get your thoguhts since we would want bridgy publish to support this :)
#snarfedyou both probably already know that bridgy publish has supported the "thin" (webmention based) method for ~1y now - checks intent via u-syndication, posts via API synchronously, returns silo post URL in wm response body
#snarfedsites can send webmentions async anyway, after publishing a post and returning to the user/client, so you can still avoid the user-facing latency
#aaronpkyeah i was more concerned with allowing the syndication target to offload that work instead of requiring it to run synchronously
#aaronpki'd be curious to hear why you weren't worried about that
#snarfedeh you have to do the work one way or another
#snarfedif it's not user facing, what's the difference?
#snarfedoh i see, just out of the http request path
#aaronpkthe server has to keep the http reequest open longer
#snarfedorthogonal point: we may want say a best practice is to send these syndication wms *before* other wms, and if you're doing async, maybe even wait for them to complete, so that when your other wm recipients fetch the page, they see the filled-in u-syndication links
#tantekbut it has been a challeng to make it work *for the web*
#KevinMarksscoble is highly skilled at not getting it
#tantekyou're good at this, you can totally explain how it's been much harder to make it work across websites (come from the underdog / understatement perspective)
#tantekand recognizing that users expect this kind of easy functionality, the social web acid test v0 was created at the first Federated Social Web summit
#tantekto make it clear that this kind of user-centric functionality is what's important, not a bunch of academics arguing about protocols
#tantekand that after 5 years, we are finally seeing interoperable implementations emerge because we have solved the building blocks in IndieWebCamp
#tantekwe expect the progress from here to be exponential etc.
#tantekmaybe practice explaining the steps of SWAT 0 in plain english before hand
#tantek!tell KartikPrabhu re: "mostly concerned that the wiki might be out of date 2010" - if that's so, you need to speak up about it. Either use the wiki (feel free to check citations / references), or if you're concerned, *ask* - don't assume "might be out of date". Because then there's no chance of it being fixed if it is.
#tantekrhiaro: in reading the logs - noticing a bunch of new folks here in IRC that are not yet on /irc-people - perhaps as soon as people get IndieAuth setup as part of Getting Started you can encourage them to add themselves to /irc-people ?
#aaronpkh-entry + push doesn't work for selective syndication
#aaronpkyou would have to make a separate feed for "syndicate these things to indienews" or "syndicate these things to twitter" and then be able to put your posts in each feed
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 3 minutes ago: re: "mostly concerned that the wiki might be out of date 2010" - if that's so, you need to speak up about it. Either use the wiki (feel free to check citations / references), or if you're concerned, *ask* - don't assume "might be out of date". Because then there's no chance of it being fixed if it is. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-07-25/line/1437848607911
#KartikPrabhufair enough. I mostly don't pay attention to search stuff as it is not relevant for me
#KartikPrabhubut I should have my facts right while anwering questions
wolftune joined the channel
#GWGaaronpk, how do you store your reply contexts?