2015-07-27 UTC
tilgovi and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:57 GWG !tell acegiak Some of what I'm doing is up in the GIthub repo, if you want to look
# 00:57 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j12t joined the channel
# 01:05 kylewm complains about documentation that uses "authentication" and "authorization" interchangably
KartikPrabhu, j12t and schmarty joined the channel
# 01:12 kylewm (that said, their API is great and such a big difference from the walled gardeny silos)
# 01:14 GWG kylewm: As I said, you should try for the new REST API
# 01:14 GWG I think it is similar, but they are trying to refine it before integration
# 01:17 kylewm GWG: I don't really want to encourage self-hosted Wordpress users to use silo.pub
# 01:27 GWG kylewm: If the standard is clarified on the subject of editing, yes
frzn joined the channel
# 01:57 kylewm oh man this is very confusing. I want to get authorization credentials from Wordpress.com, but later also want to use it as an identity provider ... should I create two different "Applications" for those two purposes?
# 01:57 kylewm because the SiloPub Wp.com application only allows one redirect_uri to be used, and I don't know how to use the same one for those two very different purposes...
# 01:58 aaronpk kylewm: that's is bad form on wordpress.com's part. but the way to get around it is to use the "state" parameter
# 01:59 aaronpk you can do state=123123124123-authz and state=123124123124-id and then your app can know what to do
frzn joined the channel
# 02:05 GWG aaronpk: I'm sorry to say I'm not planning to read it
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 02:05 GWG But if for some reason I decide to implement oauth, your book will be my first stop
acegiak joined the channel
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# 02:16 GWG aaronpk: Have you written any other books?
# 02:17 GWG And why is anomalily coming in here to tell us not to distract you?
wolftune joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, tantek, snarfed and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:50 tantek aaronpk - would it be bad to edit that typo tanttk to fix a mistaken link?
# 04:51 tantek jarofgreen++ for a successful #IndieWebCamp Edi!
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
mlncn and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
j12t, tantek, KevinMarks__, KartikPrabhu, cweiske, Jihaisse, loic_m, aranasaurus, csarven, sanduhrs, wagle, eschnou, LauraJ, acegiak and petermolnar joined the channel
loic_m, Tristitia, cuibonobo, evalica and j12t joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, LauraJ, eschnou, interactivist, Sebastien-L and edpw joined the channel
j12t, Sebastien-L, KartikPrabhu, fkooman and ttepasse joined the channel
# 09:28 tbrb petermolnar: I think it went pretty well actually, most people seemed to take something from the weekend and there was a lot of good hacking done on the sunday
lewisnyman and adactio joined the channel
# 09:38 moredhel yeah, I definitely enjoyed it.
# 09:38 moredhel I spent more time being social and chatting than actually hacking though
j12t joined the channel
edpw1, ttepasse_, edpw2, ramsey_, CaptainCalliope_, bigbluehat_, JonathanNeal_, j12t, keroberos, petermolnar, mlncn, eschnou, JasonO, frzn, edpw, loic_m, stream7, LanceyWork and wolftune joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 12:40 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
petermolnar and wolftune joined the channel
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# 12:55 mxstbr voxpelli cheers for the links, will read through them! cweiske, yes, exactly it is currently intended for personal domains.
# 12:56 petermolnar mxstbr you can store that in dns and there's already a few solutions for that...
# 12:58 voxpelli there's many ways for discovery – all with their upsides and downsides :)
# 12:58 petermolnar although to be honest the more I understand the DNS system I trust it less and less
# 12:59 mxstbr petermolnar, true, but you have to be able to add DNS records, which might not be given. Also, you know the DNS system... ;-)
# 13:00 mxstbr petermolnar Whichever one you want to share
stream7 joined the channel
# 13:01 mxstbr petermolnar: it's assumed the sender already has it/has an easy to find it (e.g. a mention on your webpage)
# 13:02 voxpelli if the e-mailer claims to be the same user as site X and you on site X finds a public key that can verify a signature included in the e-mail then that verifies that claim
# 13:02 petermolnar ( by the way I had /pgp for this already, but not as plain text; the pgp.avc does make is more reasonable )
# 13:02 Loqi petermolnar meant to say: ( by the way I had /gpg for this already, but not as plain text; the gpg.avc does make is more reasonable )
j12t and friedcell joined the channel
# 13:08 mxstbr petermolnar that's what I'm currently doing, just waiting for the certificates. Should be done soon!
sanduhrs, snarfed, wolftune, scoates, scor, lewisnyman and JasonO joined the channel
interactivist and loic_m joined the channel
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# 14:06 aaronpk mxstbr: for the GPG support for indieauth.com, I let people put their GPG key wherever they want, including on a different hostname, and just link to it with a rel=me attribute from their home page
# 14:06 voxpelli it and webfinger – I still find them a bit interesting, but lack of momentum around them makes me not give them a lot of attention
# 14:07 aaronpk the benefit is you can put the GPG key wherever you want, regardless of what backend storage mechanism you're using. and if you want, you can even put it on a different server
# 14:07 aaronpk some people link directly to their key on keybase.io that way
# 14:10 voxpelli too bad there doesn't seem to be a mime-type for such keys – otherwise a <a rel="me" type="a-relevant-mime-type"> would have been kind of neat
shiflett, tvn and fourtonfish joined the channel
# 14:28 mxstbr aaronpk yeah, but then you need a webpage to parse. Having the pgp key at /pgp.asc, no matter if you have a website or not has the benefit of not needing a webpage.
# 14:30 aaronpk that feels like an edge case not worth optimizing for
# 14:32 aaronpk when I have seen people who have a domain but don't have a website there, it's because they don't have hosting for the domain and there is no A record for their domain
# 14:36 mxstbr Don't feel like that's necessarily true, one of my domains (mxs.is) is hosted on a virtual host that is solely a link shortener — no homepage there.
# 14:36 mxstbr Maybe it's just me though, that's possible. :-)
# 14:36 aaronpk why would you want your pgp key on your short domain tho?
# 14:37 mxstbr Because I have an email address @mxs.is
# 14:38 aaronpk it would still work though, because mxs.is redirects to mxstbr.com which does have a home page!
# 14:38 mxstbr And the basic premise is that a mail client could automatically check for a pgp key based on the recipients domain
# 14:38 petermolnar aaronpk is there a way to use that link rel="pgpkey" as rel="me" in a hcard?
# 14:38 mxstbr Yeah I just checked that and mxs.is/pgp.asc works as well, because it redirects to mxstbr.com aswell
# 14:39 voxpelli one could have the well-known as a fallback to a rel-pgpkey
# 14:40 voxpelli aaronpk: a lot of those keys are taken from vCard, aren't they? So from there?
# 14:44 aaronpk mxstbr: nice job on the pgpasc.org site though, es sieht gut aus! :)
# 14:46 mxstbr While I'm okay at design, I get really perfectionistic and it's never good enough, so it takes me ages to finish anything.
# 14:46 mxstbr So it's good to have somebody else take that responsibility ;-)
# 14:47 aaronpk I'd love someone to help with design for some of my projects like indieauth.com and webmention.io :) I mostly use bootstrap and do as little as possible haha
sanduhrs, lewisnyman and j12t joined the channel
chreekat joined the channel
# 15:04 aaronpk is that the micropub endpoint that actually posts to twitter?
interactivist, chreekat and djwesto joined the channel
djwesto, snarfed and rektide joined the channel
tilgovi and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 15:40 kylewm I should have recorded the video on a smaller window
# 15:41 aaronpk hehe yeah a full screen shrunk down is hard to see
# 15:43 snarfed kylewm: youtube's "up next" videos for your screencast are soooo random
# 15:43 aaronpk i wish there was a way to disable those as a publisher
# 15:43 snarfed MUST SEE! Magicians Young & Strange Hijack Sky News!
# 15:43 snarfed MUST SEE! Magicians Young & Strange Hijack Sky News!
# 15:43 snarfed MUST SEE! Magicians Young & Strange Hijack Sky News!
# 15:43 snarfed How to Destroy Your Cell Phone With Sen. Lindsey Graham
# 15:45 kylewm ha, yeah that is weird. It would've been nice if it was other indieweb related stuff....
# 15:46 aaronpk i think it uses tags to match? so if you add a bunch of indieweb tags it might help
# 15:47 aaronpk oh and that description isn't accurate anymore right?
cweiske and j12t joined the channel
# 15:49 snarfed right. maybe silo.pub should either allow that or error?
# 15:49 aaronpk accepting summary as a fallback would be a good plan i think
# 15:50 kylewm did you say that 'summary' will maybe be the thing that is always guaranteed?
# 15:52 snarfed also jonnybarnes minor feature suggestion, i first tried logging in with snarfed.tumblr.com and it errored. maybe consider adding http:// automatically in that case.
# 15:53 KartikPrabhu might attempt an appspot move if my bandwidth takes a big hit but for now easier to host myself
# 15:54 KartikPrabhu snarfed: yeah weird. because it is the same code as on my website which seems to get your webmentions fine afaik. will track the problem
# 15:55 snarfed jonnybarnes: another bug report, when i clicked on Refresh Syndication Targets, it errored and then kept erroring on every page until i cleared cookies. just fyi
# 15:56 kylewm I'm having trouble loading kartikprabhu.com at all
# 15:56 KartikPrabhu kylewm: yeah seems snarfed's feed triggered some bad process on server. will have to restart apache
# 15:57 snarfed kylewm: using silopub…i wonder if there's a way to skip the tumblr approval prompt every time
# 15:57 aaronpk sometimes oauth providers have a parameter that can skip the prompt if the user has already authorized the app
# 16:01 kylewm snarfed: I think your h-feed has a deleted post cached at the top of it
# 16:02 snarfed ah, true, that post is indeed deleted. odd that it's there. meh.
# 16:03 kylewm and even then I think it will only post to one domain
# 16:03 aaronpk i don't know what "space" means, or why it has "aaronparecki.com" pre-filled in the "persona" label which is disabled
# 16:04 kylewm heh, I still have access-control-allow-origin:"https://elf-pavlik.github.io" in my headers
# 16:06 fkooman but you need to use indiecert to be able to actually use the micropub endpoint for now :(
# 16:07 snarfed fkooman: ah ok. even UI wise, i was immediately stumped. but meh no matter.
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# 16:07 fkooman snarfed, haha yeah, the prefiil is a bit confusing :)
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# 16:09 fkooman snarfed, it has the ability to view and post to private 'spaces', so you have to specify the URL of the 'space' you want to post to. Only if you are a member of the group associated with the space you can post...
# 16:10 snarfed fkooman: i see. soo it's feature rich but only partly micropub
# 16:10 snarfed all of those explanations would be great to have on the site itself!
# 16:10 fkooman snarfed, well...
# 16:10 fkooman it is an experiment with private micropub/webmention etc.
# 16:12 aaronpk snarfed: how'd you manage to pull that off? were you using the teacup site as normal?
# 16:12 snarfed postly (ben_thatmustbeme) and jonnybarnes yes, teacup taproot unmpc no
# 16:13 aaronpk weird, i don't understand how that case was hit, but i can fix it anyway
# 16:14 kylewm I need to remember this -- do not test only on Quill
# 16:14 fkooman still is unable to get Quill running locally :-)
# 16:14 aaronpk fkooman: you might try again, Jeena just added sqlite support for it
# 16:14 snarfed hey quill is still better than my wp-micropub testing, i think i only used curl :P
# 16:15 snarfed kylewm: but afaict most/all of the failures were their fault, not yorus
# 16:17 aaronpk you could try monocle but it might not be sufficiently diffeerent from quill since i wrote it too :)
# 16:17 fkooman aaronpk, yeah I did, but was unable to debug white screen of death, nothing in logs, have to look more :)
# 16:17 aaronpk ah weird. might be local php error logging settings?
# 16:18 fkooman aaronpk, that was my first guess... I'll take a look now :)
# 16:18 snarfed kylewm, silly question, how do i reply from woodwind?
# 16:19 snarfed maybe consider auto-discovering and enabling mp/indie-config?
# 16:20 snarfed also, when i enabled micropub, auth worked, but then it was unchecked when i was redirected back to woodwind
# 16:21 Jeena fkooman what problems do you have with it? Most of the things I had was that I had to change something in the php.ini to get it running, perhaps I can help?
# 16:21 fkooman Jeena, thanks, I'll fiddle some more first :)
# 16:21 Jeena ok, are you trying to run it via apache or just plain php -S localhost:8000 or something like that?
# 16:22 snarfed btw kylewm silopub's silo setup instructions are great, nice work on those
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# 16:22 fkooman Jeena, via apache
# 16:23 fkooman Jeena, i now reach the post screen! :-) but posting doesn't do anything
# 16:23 Jeena I would start with the standalone thing first, and when that is working go over to apache if your really need it
# 16:23 Jeena hehe nice, good luck with the rest then too ;)
# 16:24 fkooman Request made to your Micropub endpoint
# 16:24 fkooman this box remains empty
# 16:24 kylewm snarfed: thanks for the testing!! yeah the micropub radio button thing is a problem i've had before too. i need to fix it so that it has to submit before you can click "authorize micropub" or something like that
# 16:25 fkooman Jeena, ah, CSP issue
# 16:26 fkooman Jeena, aaronpk everything works now :)
# 16:26 fkooman i had to empty the users table
# 16:26 fkooman that fixed stuff
# 16:27 Jeena I needed to run Quill as root to do that for testing
# 16:27 Jeena because you can use ip addresses as domains but without the port
# 16:28 fkooman but cool now, i have an offline micropub client, yee :)
# 16:29 aaronpk someone logged in with their domain on port 8081 this weekend
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# 16:30 Jeena weird, I couldn't do it, it would just hang or something
# 16:31 kylewm snarfed: also thanks for the kind words about the instructions -- i borrowed a bunch from bridgy for blogs, especially the direct links to Customize HTML type pages
# 16:33 aaronpk Jeena: well until sunday one of the servers was blocking outgoing traffic except 80 and 443
# 16:35 kylewm I think maybe when I redo the oauth flow for Blogger, it invalidates the old token
mxstbr, chalettu, KevinMarks_, jciv, lewisnyman, tilgovi and j12t joined the channel
# 16:44 mxstbr aaronpk: are webmentions.io and indieauth.com online somewhere? (GitHub or similar)
# 16:44 mxstbr Can take a look when I have a few minutes
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# 16:57 aaronpk particularly if you've written either a micropub client or server
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# 17:02 Jeena jeez, Facebook has such a shitty UI, something a friend of mine commented showed up in my stream, I wanted to find it, but I can't on his timeline it doesn't show up and in my stream it's gone too
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# 17:07 voxpelli aaronpk: so far I have assumed "content" to always be HTML – good with a generic approach for that
# 17:08 aaronpk voxpelli: if you assume it to be html, how would you expect to be able to type un-escaped things in a client? like if you're typing literally <blink> and you want the <> to show up in your note?
# 17:08 aaronpk cause the other way this could go (which diverges from the microformats<->micropub mapping) is to say that clients should send escaped content
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# 17:10 voxpelli good to be able to differentiate between when one wants a e-* and when one wants a non e-* parameter – so +1 on your suggestion
# 17:11 aaronpk would you mind adding that to the wiki then? probably worth collecting there
# 17:11 voxpelli and then we can do content[lang]=sv to define the language as well if that direction for language gets traction ;)
# 17:13 voxpelli aaronpk: how do one typically mark up a +1 on a brainstorm page? :P
# 17:14 voxpelli not much feedback on the micropub brainstorming page :P
# 17:14 aaronpk there's a bit of discussion under some of the things
# 17:17 aaronpk damn, i just realized a limitation of using the "edit-of" and "delete-of" properties that way
# 17:17 cweiske aaronpk, I didn't get a webmention from your post
# 17:20 aaronpk doesn't have actual logs, just tmux scrollback ,and it's gone
# 17:20 aaronpk oh you know what, i bet my webmention sending from micropub is broken somehow
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# 17:27 cweiske aaronpk, when clicking on the "more notes" link on your home page, it'd be nice if it jumped to the correct anchor on the notes page
# 17:27 cweiske so I can continue reading instead of having to scroll down manually
tantek joined the channel
# 17:35 tantek !tell GWG any plans for HWC in NYC this week?
# 17:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
interactivist joined the channel
# 17:41 cweiske KartikPrabhu, you should send out last-modified headers with your hfeed2atom proxy and support if-modified-since request headers
# 17:44 kylewm cweiske: he would have to implement caching to support that too right?
# 17:44 cweiske not really. he could still query the original source and use its last-modified headers
# 17:45 kylewm oh gotcha, and just forward "Unmodified" to the client?
# 17:45 tantek hey aaronpk is HWC a hacknight again this week?
# 17:45 tantek or is that just getting errantly copy/pasted forward from one event to another?
# 17:45 Loqi kylewm meant to say: oh gotcha, and just forward "HTTP 304 Not modified" to the client?
# 17:45 tantek hoping you'll make it more open than just a hack night so we can be more inclusive of a broader set of creatives
# 17:45 aaronpk helps me set aside time to actually work on things
# 17:46 cuibonobo apparently there's a google summer of code project that is tackling this
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# 17:48 aaronpk speaking of which, it might be time for me to add an events interface to Quill so that I can post indie events faster :)
# 17:48 cuibonobo so kylewm, if that's cool with you, you can jump into that thread and see what needs to be done
# 17:52 voxpelli then there's "q" for GET requests and "mp-action" for POST requests that decides what kind of request it is and everything else regarding that request is relative to the kind of action, right?
# 17:53 KevinMarks I'm trying to get 304 working with unmung hovercards, but hitting all kinds of oddnesss
# 18:01 KartikPrabhu cweiske: thanks will look into it. I don't know what is causing the time outs
# 18:05 tantek aaronpk FYI - did you catch the errant typo link(s) to tanttk(.)com?
# 18:14 cweiske KartikPrabhu, too bad that the feed isn't a full one with content
# 18:17 kylewm I don't think you should expect hfeed2atom to produce higher fidelity than the h-feed itself...
# 18:18 voxpelli if one uses a client like Feedbin or Reeder.app then one can get the full article extracted in there
# 18:19 kylewm I noticed Feedly does that too, are they parsing microformats??
# 18:20 cweiske pubsubhubbub was meant to take load from the server, but by only providing thin h-feeds, the clients do have to fetch more data
# 18:20 voxpelli kylewm: feedbin and reeder.app uses the Readability API – so it's basically an Instapaper-like solution
# 18:21 voxpelli My guess is that Feedly fetches Open Graph data – I know Bloglovin does (as I'm the one who built it there)
# 18:21 voxpelli but +1 on cweiske – having clients fetch data from the individual page removes much of the point with fat pings from the hubs
# 18:22 cweiske aaronpk used to have fat atom/rss feeds which my reader only had to fetch once. now, even with push, my reader has to request each article by itself
# 18:23 voxpelli one way to solve that is to put the resolving in the hub – I believe Superfeedr has played around with some such things
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# 18:23 tantek cweiske - that's an interesting observation re: # of HTTP requests
# 18:25 voxpelli cweiske: that's not a fair comparison – often you would want to fetch the individual articles for Atom as well
# 18:25 voxpelli because the metadata of most RSS/Atom feeds are really bad
# 18:25 aaronpk in practice, many publishers ended up putting only a summary in their atom feeds
# 18:26 voxpelli and the image data is often much worse than the Open Graph data – because honestly – how many web devs test the sites they design in RSS-readers vs tests them at Facebook?
# 18:26 aaronpk right, but then clients go fetch the canonical html anyway to get the full article
# 18:27 voxpelli cweiske: not just ads, statistics are at least as important
# 18:28 voxpelli sites want to know how many readers they have – and that very question was up in this channel as well – that people here wanted to know how many readers they would lose if they dropped their RSS-feed
# 18:28 aaronpk it just occurred to me that this is analogous to podcast distribution
# 18:28 aaronpk podcast feeds contain a link to the audio file, which all the clients go and download
# 18:28 aaronpk there's no such thing as "fat podcast distribution"
# 18:29 cweiske so you're comparing binary data with plain text (html) data
# 18:29 cweiske yep. that's why they are not included in the feeds
# 18:30 aaronpk and they could be pushed to subscribers via PuSH as well
# 18:30 voxpelli one difference is that audio (and photos) are static – harder to put a strain on a server when it's raw bandwidth rather than dynamic generation
# 18:30 cweiske most podcasts have multiple formats, it would make no sense to put them all in the same feed
# 18:30 voxpelli and it can be cached efficiently compared to an article page
# 18:30 cweiske if only one format is then used by the client anyway
# 18:31 cweiske but the HTML in the feed *will* be used, because there is no other format that delivers the same data
# 18:31 aaronpk interesting observation re: dynamically generated pages vs static assets
# 18:31 voxpelli but it would probably be a problem if a podcast started doing PuSH and had thousands of clients all trying to download an episode at once
# 18:31 kylewm "most podcasts have multiple formats" -- citation needed?
# 18:32 M-Kegan Most of the podcasts I listen to just have the one format personally...
# 18:33 voxpelli if one subscribes to a podcast through eg. iTunes – do Apple perhaps "fat ping" the audio by mirroring at their own servers and pointing clients there?
# 18:33 kylewm huh, I'm pretty sure I've only ever seen that kind of thing on archive.org before
# 18:33 voxpelli cweiske: the German podcaster community and the american one are fascinatingly different even in technological regard though ;)
# 18:33 GWG snarfed: I tested against multiple clients for Micropub
# 18:34 aaronpk you can get approximate listener counts by just checking the number of http requests for your audio file linked in your podcast rss feed
# 18:34 GWG snarfed: That is why Teacup works in the development version of the plugin.
# 18:35 kylewm cweiske: yoru three examples are all produced by the same company!
# 18:36 voxpelli yay – they have rel-payment links in them! then again – I see it is Tim Pritlove so kind of expected it :)
# 18:37 M-Kegan Isn't this mainly a bandwidth problem though? In the ideal world every rss feed would spit out all the info you need, but that's not the point of pinging the client like this though imo
# 18:37 M-Kegan I want to be notified that there's a new podcast, but I may want to download it later eg because I'm on mobile data
# 18:37 M-Kegan I should be able to choose.
# 18:38 voxpelli M-Kegan: yeah, that probably mitigates the "running herd"(?) problem
# 18:39 GWG I am wondering if anything in the IndieWeb community would make for a good podcast
# 18:39 M-Kegan voxpelli, sure that would help with thundering herds
# 18:39 voxpelli and the fact that it is static means that if one have a big audience one probably puts the audio on a CDN
# 18:40 M-Kegan cweiske, I don't get why this is any different between rss feeds and pubsub. If the server is going to send me a crap ton of data, I'd rather it didn't.
# 18:40 voxpelli so – the conclusion here can perhaps be that if everyone were to switch their sites to jekyll then we could skip fat pings altogether – right? :)
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# 18:40 cweiske binary data are optional in the feeds; not everyone needs them immediately.
# 18:41 cweiske because there is no other format that delivers the same data
# 18:42 GWG tantek, I think I may need to replace zachdonovan for a while
# 18:42 M-Kegan The core data needs to be supplied, but that's it imo. Send too much stuff and you also start increasing latency as my client desperately tries to download older content whilst newer stuff builds up.
# 18:42 voxpelli well, just like you download a podcast when you want to hear it you can download the content of an article when you want to read it – the only really necessary stuff is URL, date – and a title is kind of nice :)
# 18:42 kylewm snarfed: does Bridgy use/handle refresh tokens for blogger?
# 18:42 cweiske M-Kegan, the push server should actually know when you got your last ping
# 18:43 M-Kegan I feel quite strongly against data uris in general for similar reasons to why I think audio is a bad idea.
# 18:43 M-Kegan But for teeny tiny icons I'm okay with that.
# 18:43 aaronpk (i'm illustrating a point here, not actually suggesting doing this)
# 18:43 voxpelli it's amazing what people sometimes put in their metadata
# 18:43 M-Kegan cweiske, yes but my point is that the diff may be large.
# 18:44 M-Kegan Eg connectivity losses and the next time you ping you get lots of backlog.
# 18:44 voxpelli (eg. found someone that put their entire blog posts within an og:details – one then hopes that one has put an upper limit on the size of that field within ones parser and data store :P)
# 18:44 cweiske which "core meta data" are the ones you would expect in a feed?
# 18:45 M-Kegan There needs to be enough information for that client to make an informed decision on whether they want to "click" and get more info.
# 18:46 voxpelli date because you need to know if it's new and relevant and title isn't really necessary but most presentations need it – kind of a notification first design approach as I believe tantek has been pushing for :)
# 18:46 M-Kegan It may be a title, a short summary, it will depend on the content.
# 18:50 tantek KevinMarks__: yeah - that's from lack of design ;)
# 18:53 GWG cweiske: I was advising of a shared use
# 18:55 GWG cweiske, I try to stay away from the developer
# 19:01 snarfed kylewm: yes, google-api-python-client does it automatically
# 19:02 tantek wow gdata - haven't heard a serious reference to that in a while
# 19:04 snarfed for the morbidly curious: blogger's current v3 api is REST, but doesn't support creating comments. v2 is gdata and does
# 19:06 tantek snarfed, wow they're trudging through history of API conventions
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# 20:27 kylewm ok I added refresh tokens for blogger, I guess that had only ever worked long enough for proof of concept but not actual use, oops
# 20:30 kylewm the docs say if you ask for 25 tokens for the same user, itwill silently revoke the oldest one
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# 20:31 kylewm so now i'm a little concerned that the long-lived token I use for posting will be revoked if they log in a bunch of times
# 20:31 kylewm since it generates a new access token for each login :/
# 20:31 snarfed yeah, you probably need to store the new one every time
# 20:32 kylewm store new token each time, ok that makes sense
# 20:41 tantek aaronpk - made some minor edits to the dfn and TOC/styling of that page - please take a look to see if that looks better to you (or not).
# 20:46 tantek it's what the NYT ages ago used as a phrase that is user-friendlier (to their readers)
# 20:57 rhiaro I didn't read backlog, but just wanted to mention that I had no idea indieauth for login was a thing until I saw tbrb implement it at the end of last week, and omg I want it
djwesto and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 21:04 djwesto 236596675647935
# 21:05 wolftune what's "[CTCP] Received CTCP-PING request from djwesto to channel #indiewebcamp, sending answer." mean?
# 21:06 myfreeweb isn't CTCP the peer to peer thing for IRC? that allows sending files
# 21:06 aaronpk didn't know you could send a file to a whole channel
# 21:06 myfreeweb apparently you can send a ping
# 21:07 djwesto Yikes, hi there. I'm new to IRC and just going through a tutorial trying to learn it. I am so sorry for troubling you all.
# 21:09 myfreeweb what's chaining?
# 21:11 ben_thatmustbeme interestingly i can set my micropub endpoint to syndicate different content now to twitter
# 21:12 aaronpk that seems a little different from what we intended the "friendly" page for... maybe we need a new section or new page?
# 21:17 tantek right no evidence of SaveMyMix supporting any indieweb protocols or formats as documented on that page
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# 21:38 aaronpk wasn't there some discussion abou this a couple weeks ago?
# 21:38 aaronpk i think the answer was yes because it isn't your own content
# 21:39 kylewm tentatively, I think we said they should still be u-comment h-cite, and the url should include the #id of the comment
# 21:40 aaronpk if you give the comment its own permalink that'd be fine too
# 21:41 KevinMarks if the comment doesn't have a permalink is p-comment h-cite ok?
# 21:42 tantek kylewm: that sounds right, can you document what Known does?
# 21:42 aaronpk at least the value of the h-cite will still (probably) be a unique string
# 21:47 gRegorLove KevinMarks: I use(d) p-comments h-entry for native commetns, which don't have permalinks of their own.
# 21:47 gRegorLove I haven't added back comments-presentation since I migrated my site at IWC
# 21:49 tantek has anybody documented their implementations of "local comments" ?
# 21:49 tantek native comments, local comments, in-page comments, in-post comments
# 21:51 tantek local comments are comments that are made directly (locally) on a post in the UI of the site serving the post, instead of posting a [[reply ]] post on an indieweb site and sending a webmention.
# 21:51 aaronpk KevinMarks: when that happens to me it's usually because i'm actually editing a file on my computer but i think it's on the server :P
# 21:51 kylewm I have a Known permalink to add to the examples section
# 21:52 gRegorLove Looking over my code, looks like I used a fragment as the u-url for local comments.
# 21:54 kylewm what's the name for a permalink url that distinguishes it from a permalink by #fragment?
# 21:54 kylewm "Known gives comments their own permalink" isn't quite right
# 21:55 kylewm sorry I don't even know how to ask the question
# 21:55 kylewm this comment has its own separate url, it's not just an anchor on the target page
snarfed joined the channel
scoates, KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 22:22 KevinMarks hm, so I apaprently had the same file on my machien twice as it was inside Google Drive's folder
# 22:44 tantek is wondering what trickery KevinMarks is using to extract that feed from IG
# 22:52 snarfed (granary understands ig tags but doesn't know how to fetch by tag)
KartikPrabhu and cmhobbs joined the channel