2015-07-28 UTC
# 00:08 snarfed seems unrelated…? any user input is an attack vector, whether it's a direct post or a webmention where you fetch the contents
# 00:08 aaronpk yeah it's just way easier to throw crap at a comment box
# 00:09 snarfed eh, ok. not qualitative difference, but minor quantitative difference, ok
# 00:09 aaronpk well, pretty qualitative, since i can tell you how many spam comments my wordpress gets vs spam pingbacks
# 00:11 kylewm the if(now()=sysdate()) stuff definitely looks like it's part of one or more SQL injection attacks
mlncn joined the channel
# 00:16 kylewm snarfed: the bookmarklets on that page are rendering kind of Zalgo-y on FF and Chrome
j12t joined the channel
# 00:29 Loqi slack/snarfed: oh wow yeah they're broken, thanks kylewm
# 00:29 KevinMarks hm, kylewm, how do I check why you're not getting my h-feed posts?
snarfed, snarfed1 and tantek joined the channel
# 00:35 kylewm heh, yeah published = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(created_time))
tantek joined the channel
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# 00:40 tantek is just now catching up on morning logs he missed.
snarfed and tilgovi joined the channel
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# 01:38 ben_thatmustbeme mpTweet is syndication, not intended for micropub as your primary, but wouldn't take much to make it that way
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# 03:58 KevinMarks well, like pinterest did at the time when instagram didn't have a web view
snarfed, wolftune, JasonO, j12t and tantek joined the channel
# 05:14 KartikPrabhu !tell snarfed: I see why hfeed2atom skipped some posts of yours. The first post for instance gives the mf2 name property as ["", ""]. I was assuming that the name always ends up as a non-blank string due to implicit name parsing. I should correct that
# 05:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 05:16 tantek KartikPrabhu: deliberate empty names make sense to
# 05:17 KartikPrabhu I am wondering why snarfed's markup gives 2 empty strings as name though
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# 05:26 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I would guess backcompat property conversion. entity-title -> p-name
# 05:28 KartikPrabhu so should hfeed2atom look for first non-empty "name" property to construct Atom <title> ?
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# 05:51 KevinMarks gRegorLove: currently you have to know their ID - find them in hashtag then click on their name
# 05:52 KevinMarks I wrote this 3 years ago, the endpoints may have changed since
yakker joined the channel
# 06:02 gRegorLove Works pretty well, KevinMarks. Would be nice to get higher res versions and the author outside the e-content, but those are minor
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loic_m, tilgovi, lukebrooker, endi, cweiske, sanduhrs, endi_, Jihaisse, aranasaurus, KartikPrabhu, j12t, KevinMarks__, squeakytoy and jciv joined the channel
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# 10:26 Jeena !tell tantek the friend didn't comment on anything mine, just some link of one of his friends
# 10:26 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 13:40 petermolnar if that's thousands of people joining the indieweb, let it come :)
acegiak, j12t and fourtonfish joined the channel
# 13:53 petermolnar I have a pretty nasty question: if I pull in all what's in a h-entry for a webmention, I could pull in harmful JavaScript as well, right? Had anyone written any preventions for this?
# 13:53 rhiaro petermolnar: I'm gonna convert incoming webmention content into markdown to store... which hopefully resolves some of that
# 13:54 petermolnar it won't as markdown can have html in it; unless you write your own parser, filtering out malicious code
# 13:55 rhiaro it isn't one-to-one both ways is it? When I convert stuff to markdown it drops a lot of stuff
# 13:55 rhiaro Well, I haven't really got far with this yet, I'll report back..
# 13:56 petermolnar that depends on the parser to drop or include as html those that it can't parse
# 13:56 cweiske i remember that there are XSS tests for webmention
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# 14:03 voxpelli I myself simply ignore HTML as there's other attack vectors in there as well – like an absolute positioned Iframe that takes over your entire site with a phishing one
interactivist joined the channel
# 14:08 ben_thatmustbeme this is why most people opt not to use the html from an h-entry and use only content which should strip out tags like "<script>"
# 14:08 voxpelli One needs to ensure to filter rel-attributes and classes as well to avoid microformat injections that could in worst case hijack ones identity
# 14:08 voxpelli And style attributes to prohibit the HTML to break ones site
# 14:09 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: this is why most people opt not to use the html from an h-entry and use only content which should strip out tags like "<script>" and "<style>"
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# 14:17 Loqi slack/snarfed: stripping *all* html may be a bit too far. i often put links in relies that are important for context
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# 14:18 Loqi slack/snarfed: but a small whitelist generally makes sense. WordPress's and bleach's are both good afaik
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# 14:23 cweiske the owner of a white-listed domain dies, the domain is squatted by a malicious person and boom
# 14:24 cweiske they don't see it if the malicious person is good
# 14:24 cweiske because they just get infected with some drive-by-trojan
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# 14:25 voxpelli A whitelist of <strong>, <em>, and <a> with href as the only allowed attribute would probably be good enough
# 14:26 Jeena <a href="javascript:alert('wohoo!')">Jeena</a> ;)
# 14:27 voxpelli Jeena++ One would have to sanitize the href attributes as well :P
snarfed joined the channel
# 14:29 Jeena the thing I'd like to preserve is new lines because they are not that problematic for security but make it much easier to read.
# 14:33 ben_thatmustbeme although the content returned has new lines in it but they may not be the same as the html <br> tags
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# 14:34 voxpelli That getting the text representation of HTML elements is _hard_
# 14:36 voxpelli Can't we just all send markdown instead? *me-runs-and-hides*
# 14:38 po- plaintext uber-allles. firmly in theszak camp. metadata in HTTP-headers
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# 14:41 petermolnar and for the sanitize things, take a look at that kses.php from WordPress, it's pretty well done from all directions
# 14:41 KartikPrabhu it is one of many things one can implement, including white/black lists, moderation, AI moderation and what not
# 14:42 voxpelli ben_thatmustbeme: I know, I'm joking – but honestly – markdown handles whitespace much more easily than HTML :P
# 14:43 Loqi slack/snarfed: fwiw bridgy publish uses html2text, which understand the various ways html does line breaks, whitespace, etc. among other things
# 14:44 voxpelli KartikPrabhu: Check the github link I posted above – eg <br> is rarely converted to a whitespace when extracting text from HTML
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# 14:45 voxpelli problematic thing is that there seems to be no standardized "right" way of extracting the text from HTML?
# 14:45 voxpelli So stripping HTML always risks resulting in erroneous presentation of the text
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# 14:46 KartikPrabhu so I haven't had any trouble with next lines in webmentions from notes
# 14:48 voxpelli There's no requirement to have a \n after a <br> though – and any \n will anyhow be treated as a regular space in the browser so one can't assume that a \n in the HTML means a line break :P
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# 14:49 Loqi slack/snarfed: KartikPrabhu: two goals: security and preserving formatting. we jumped from the first to the second
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# 14:51 voxpelli KartikPrabhu: the only kind-of-spec for extracting text from HTML actually requires that you apply the CSS, because of things like that, and applying CSS isn't really what one want in a server side parser :/
# 14:51 KartikPrabhu no. not on server side but if you want to present comments with white-space intact, that is how to do it. HTML should not dictate presentation anyway
# 14:52 voxpelli ben_thatmustbeme: You have to handle the fact that all block level elements will be followed by a line break as well – youay even need to handle <hr> if you want to be bullet proof :P
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# 14:53 Loqi slack/snarfed: hence HTML influencing presentation, if not dictating it
# 14:53 voxpelli KartikPrabhu: glennjones made a note in the linked to issue about his approach which handles most cases (although currently not <br> actually)
# 14:53 Loqi slack/snarfed: if we say it's all css and not html, then it's even harder to convert to text with formatting, not easier
# 14:54 Loqi slack/snarfed: and would make this even harder :P
# 14:54 voxpelli ben_thatmustbeme: problem with including CSS is that then a "text-transform: lowercase" will also affect the parsed data :P (Currently the case wen using .innerText in Chrome)
# 14:55 ben_thatmustbeme for a third time, this is why most just ignore the html and just use the content, stripped of all html
# 14:55 voxpelli I lowercase my company name for presentational purpose, but the raw data should still not have it lower cased
# 14:56 Loqi slack/snarfed: in practice, all of the edge cases I've seen in bridgy publish (dozens!) were html formatting. not a single one was css, and not a single user requested it
# 14:56 voxpelli ben_thatmustbeme: funnily enough – these text problems are present in that data already – thankfully only in some edge cases though
# 14:57 Loqi slack/snarfed: i vote forget about css until we have an organic real world example that we actually care about
# 14:57 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: I don't think its true that most ignore html. I at least sanitize it, and my whitelist has been getting larger over time
# 14:57 kylewm the example of css is tantek and aaronpk who use whitespace:preserve
# 14:58 Loqi slack/snarfed: ben_thatmustbeme: in bridgy publish examples the majority of line breaks came from block elements, not br
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# 15:01 tantek whoa good morning 150 people in #indiewebcamp
# 15:02 Loqi snarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 9 hours, 47 minutes ago: I see why hfeed2atom skipped some posts of yours. The first post for instance gives the mf2 name property as ["", ""]. I was assuming that the name always ends up as a non-blank string due to implicit name parsing. I should correct that http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-07-27/line/1438060499242
# 15:04 aaronpk petermolnar: I only use the plaintext content from the parser, so there's no HTML injection attacks possible
# 15:05 aaronpk wow that's a lot of chatter about html sanitization
# 15:05 voxpelli KartikPrabhu: I think it's desireabl from the mf2 spec perspective that the plain text presentation is expectable and consistent across clients
# 15:06 petermolnar aaronpk I was just wondering if we already have a solution specifically for webmentions but soon realized that this is basic HTML trouble
# 15:08 tantek petermolnar: if you can brainstorm a simplification of /vouch or a simpler alternative, it would be greatly welcome to discuss and explore!
# 15:08 petermolnar tantek I did think about adding DKIM to webmentions but that ended up more difficult and complicated than vouch
# 15:09 tantek petermolnar: could you document that? you're likely not the last person to think of trying to use DKIM as an alternative
# 15:09 aaronpk yes please document it! I would love to see that info
# 15:10 voxpelli Jeena: stripping != extracting the proper text representation of
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# 15:12 KartikPrabhu does HTML spec discuss anything about "proper" text representation of tags?
# 15:13 voxpelli KartikPrabhu: stripping disregards the actual formatting of the HTML and thus line breaks and spaces that's not rendered on the web page itself might get introduced or lost
# 15:14 KartikPrabhu tantek: I don't know. people have been saying that <br> should be next line or something, but I think it is fine to be stripped
# 15:14 voxpelli KartikPrabhu: closest I've heard of is the implementation of the ".innerText" – but it has met resistance amongst some browser vendors and thus never been standardized
# 15:15 aaronpk "Google Inc. GOOGLE (NET-74-125-0-0-1) -"
# 15:15 tantek KartikPrabhu: attempting HTML -> plain text formatting is not a well defined algorithm
# 15:16 Loqi slack/snarfed: uh, guys, re wikipedia, Google runs big IaaS and PaaS services, remember?
# 15:17 KartikPrabhu tantek: which is why I have been saying that the HTML -> text conversion in mf2 spec is fine
# 15:19 tantek !tell gRegorlove if you create the 2015-08 HWC event pages, I'll try to come up with a backronym for PASTA for you
# 15:19 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:20 voxpelli KartikPrabhu: the one in the mf2 spec is fine unless most clients starts to do their own additional processing, then it would be better to agree on a common line there, which is what eg. is up for discussion around <br>
# 15:21 KartikPrabhu I can treat the <br> the way I want on my site and you can do the same
# 15:21 Loqi slack/snarfed: I'm all for that usually
# 15:21 Loqi slack/snarfed: ...one exception is when you run a nanny-user service like bridgy publish :P
# 15:22 Loqi slack/snarfed: or software like known
# 15:22 voxpelli KartikPrabhu: How else can one ensure that ones content will be correctly interpreted or that one will correctly interpret others content? If there's a common practice it should be documented?
# 15:22 Loqi slack/snarfed: voxpelli++ eg replying to known makes me sad since i know links will be lost
# 15:23 KartikPrabhu voxpelli: i don't see how that is an issue. I have a <br/> tag. consume it as you will. On my site I can set br { margin: 5000px }
who cares
# 15:23 aaronpk i treat replies as they are treated on twitter, you can't embed markup
# 15:24 aaronpk i assume the other site will autolink things, but not <a> tags
# 15:24 voxpelli KartikPrabhu: if you have a line break in your text then I want to be able to understand that to the best of my abilities so that I can give your content as respectful of a presentation as possible of course :)
# 15:26 voxpelli KartikPrabhu: one doesn't exclude the other :) I want to be able to present the text only version of your content as accurately as possible as well
# 15:27 Loqi slack/snarfed: sheesh, shades of gray
# 15:27 voxpelli And as a consumer I would want the mf2-client library to do all that hard work for me so that I know that what I get out from that is ready to be presented in a certain way out of the box
# 15:28 KartikPrabhu seems like asking a lot from a mf2 parser, instead of using a reasonable HTML sanitiser
# 15:28 Loqi slack/snarfed: bestpractices++ for this, since writing your own code for your indieweb site is important, but is definitely the exception, not the rule, and will only get more so
# 15:28 voxpelli If that certain way is "whitespace: preserve" then I want that to be expected of me and to eg have Indiewebify.me alert me if I don't do that
# 15:29 voxpelli So many protocols in the Indieweb now that it's hard to know the ins and outs of them all – WebMention, Micropub, mf2-parsing etc
# 15:30 voxpelli So we need tools and best practices that can help us keep track of that
# 15:30 KartikPrabhu aren't we just adding to the "ins and outs" by asking mf2-parsers to do a lot more
# 15:30 KartikPrabhu best practices are fine. but shoving all those into a parser is asking a lot
# 15:31 voxpelli KartikPrabhu: the mf2-clients are experts on this and they already do it to a certain degree today as pointed out in the issues above :)
# 15:31 tantek voxpelli: it's good to keep the building blocks small, modular, and potentially swappable
# 15:31 tantek as well as layering things like mf2 helper libs ON TOP OF parsers, rather than incorporating into parsers
# 15:32 voxpelli tantek++ if it's helpers or core parts of clients doesn't really matter – agree on modularity and small size
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# 15:33 KartikPrabhu yeah. use a parser to get mf2 props, then use an HTML sanitser to do other things. If you are building a thing like Known, document how it handles them or something for end-users
# 15:33 voxpelli The nodejs parser eg already have an experimental more advanced whitespace parsing built in
# 15:33 KartikPrabhu I have added HTML tags to my white-list over time, it is unreasonable to say "mf2py should do that"
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# 15:38 KartikPrabhu i only add more tags to their defalt list if I get a webmention that needs it
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# 15:50 KevinMarks I think the whitespace stripping in name/value does need further looking at
KartikPrabhu, jciv, j12t, gRegorLove, snarfed, JasonO, stream7 and tilgovi joined the channel
# 16:10 aaronpk but hey now there are next/prev links on permalinks!
# 16:11 aaronpk oh, if I click a link from twitter.com/aaronpk i get the old permalinks
# 16:11 aaronpk if I visit a permalink URL without clicking the link, i get the new kind
# 16:13 snarfed aaronpk: hmm, i don't see next/prev links either way
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# 16:18 gRegorLove Interesting conversation in the logs today on mf2 whitespace.
# 16:21 aaronpk gRegorLove: why'd you collapse the JSON into one line in the test?
# 16:22 aaronpk also makes it easier to see if anything changed in that json
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# 16:30 gRegorLove Right, it's not there. It came from me replacing the expected JSON :)
# 16:31 gRegorLove I was getting phpunit errors still after I was pretty sure I'd fixed the parser, so as a double check I ran the HTML through unmung and replaced it in the test.
# 16:32 aaronpk i always forget which one the microformats spec references
# 16:32 gRegorLove Yeah, so the datetime parsing seems to be a difference between php-mf2 and mf2py, but that's aside from this specific issue
# 16:36 KartikPrabhu huh, don't understand the context/goal in that link ^ "Make it easier for people to improve their Sense Making as a way of Augmenting Human Intellect"
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# 16:46 tantek so we're preferring datetime WITHOUT the T separator - with a space instead, which is still valid ISO8601
# 16:46 tantek it's one of those dumb human-unfriendly RFCs that insists on things like the T separator and artificial precision of seconds
# 16:47 tantek gRegorLove: yeah, it's UNDESIRABLE to add the "T"
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# 16:47 tantek but really we should update the test suite accordingly
# 16:48 gRegorLove I was just curious. Had no plans to update parsers either way.
# 16:48 tantek RFC3339 was wrong about recommending use of the "T" separator
# 16:48 tantek and the W3C note on date time references RFC3339 so the error was propagated
# 16:48 tantek and Atom I think also referenced RFC3339 so it ended up with artificial precision
# 16:50 tantek KartikPrabhu: sure - add it to microformats2-parsing-issues
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# 17:12 kylewm gRegorLove: re "mf2py parses "2015-07-12 12:03" into "2015-07-12T12:03:00"" -- that's not generally true
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# 17:17 kylewm jeez I would have thought it was a lot longer ago than two weeks
# 17:18 gRegorLove Good to know. Part of the reason I used unmung was because I knew mf2py had the nested h-* parsing correct :)
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# 17:35 gRegorLove Should the Portland "Hack Night" text remain in the August HWC pages?
petermolnar and snarfed joined the channel
# 18:03 kylewm KevinMarks: does it describe any feed reader?
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# 18:06 tantek kylewm: or rather, what requirements does "Read Social Stream" place upon a feed reader?
# 18:11 tantek huh - did Woodwind show my scoped style sheet then?
# 18:20 snarfed ah, just linkifying text. yup plenty of python implementations of that, even multiple that include the full extended list of tlds (ugh)
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# 18:21 tantek snarfed - beyond the new tlds craziness, happy to get feedback / requests on better linkifying/embedding behavior
# 18:21 tantek I already know auto_link is better than what Twitter uses
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# 18:21 kylewm Woodwind does sanitize, but it allows video and audio
# 18:21 tantek so if you know of any good features of those other python implementations, please let me know!
# 18:22 snarfed ooh that could be one of the last ugly fb event invites we see, now that the fix is merged and pending deploy
# 18:23 snarfed KevinMarks: sigh. we may still be able to get event members though. haven't investigated yet
# 18:24 snarfed man i totally forgot implementing glyphicons and target= in my linkifier
# 18:25 tantek snarfed: hmm - I disagree with "In the the link text, Removes the leading http(s)://[www.] and ellipsizes at the end if necessary." - since that changes what the author typed in the note - and conveying https is important, as well as supporting the select/copy/paste text use case
# 18:25 tantek ^^^ oh dear, I expect to go back up the chain.
# 18:26 Loqi tantek meant to say: ^^^ oh dear, I expect that to go back up the chain.
# 18:26 snarfed tantek: interesting perspective! not sure i agree but let a thousand flowers bloom
# 18:26 tantek snarfed - note also that you can call auto_link repeatedly on its own output and it won't change
# 18:27 KevinMarks did you see the fun wiht twitter removing the www. the other day?
# 18:32 aaronpk hm i was hoping to finish the webmention notification clustering before deploying but it's proving to be a bigger challenge than originally anticipated so i should probably just deploy the better RSVPs
# 18:33 tantek exactly. such confusion is why I don't think it's a good idea to remove "www." when autolinking URLs
# 18:34 tantek I'll autolink URLs without the http:// - but I prefer leaving it as-is
# 18:34 tantek that is, if the author omitted http:// - then the display text of the link will also do so, and vice versa
# 18:34 snarfed that twitter example is funny, but kind of a stretch to use as justification for always showing www
# 18:36 snarfed seemed like the confusion was that redirects www links but not www/robots.txt, not that the visible link was rendered differently
# 18:36 snarfed it may well be the right thing to do; i'm just not convinced based on that example alone
# 18:36 tantek snarfed: the rendering of the visible link as "twitter.com/robots.txt" added to the impression that twitter *was* blocking everything
# 18:37 tantek whereas if it rendered the "www.twitter.com" then it would have been more obvious that he'd screwed up the link
# 18:37 snarfed i understand. it's just a pretty technical, niche example. i'm not yet convinced that it extends more widely.
# 18:38 tantek as in - in 99% of cases, www.x and x are the same
# 18:38 snarfed yup, and subjectively imho the slight visual elegance of omitting www outweighs the 1% confusion. definitely subjective though!
# 18:38 tantek right, hence I think your design choice is also reasonable
# 18:39 snarfed 100 karma to the first person who serves their gmail feed publicly!
# 18:39 aaronpk wow i did not know you can get your gmail inbox as an atom feed
# 18:40 benwerd Once upon a time Gmail had obfuscated feeds that you could plug into any reader
# 18:41 tantek my dad ordered giant nachos at Papalote Sunday night. which reminds me that there are leftovers of them in the fridge. hmmm...
# 18:41 tantek or benwerd, if you like we could chat IndieWeb things over fresh giant nachos at Papalote today/tonight
# 18:42 aaronpk i hope you all know I get push notifications any time anyone mentions "nachos" in IRC
# 18:42 benwerd tantek: I'm at a podcast event tonight - but perhaps tomorrow night ..?
# 18:44 tantek ponders what it would take to get giant nachos at Homebrew Website Club
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# 19:02 gRegorLove Stolen from the joke "What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese."
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# 19:18 gRegorLove I got yours (and aaronpk's). They're not auto-processed and displayed yet.
# 19:20 tantek this is hilarious. we finally have an informal funny term for the opposite of ownyoudata
# 19:21 tantek "hey (tech person with important sounding title), when are you going to start owning your data instead of just posting NACHOS?"
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# 19:23 snarfed tantek: we did, it's like nachos: post activity on silo; that's all
# 19:23 tantek oh? was thinking more like random like Posting All Such Things Anywhere
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# 19:34 tantek ^^^ this is pretty much all your fault gRegorLove
# 19:37 tantek snarfed, PASTA seems to imply spaghetti (code, behaviors), so I'm wondering if we can work that in somehow
# 19:37 gRegorLove For my like display, maybe I should ignore the p-name and just display "Liked this". I think I did that initially, but then switched at some point to using the content, since that was Bridgy's default content for likes.
# 19:37 tantek or maybe PASTA is already overloaded, e.g. giant spaghetti monster, Pastafarian
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# 20:10 aaronpk specifically changing edit-of={url} to mp-action=edit&url={url}
# 20:10 tantek interesting - thus a decoupling of editing a post, vs. posting an edit post?
# 20:11 tantek as I can see wanting to "just" implement editing of your own posts, without doing all the work to implement "edit posts" per se
# 20:11 tantek though it would be nice to try to keep them compatible
# 20:12 aaronpk if the "properties" key stays, then they are still quite compatible
# 20:13 aaronpk e.g. add[properties][category][]= vs the simpler add[category][]=
# 20:13 tantek a-ha that's cool - thus mp CRUD brainstorming is helping to figure out the structure of what /edit post could be like
# 20:13 tantek for editing specific properties - thought that still should (needs to be) connected to what the presentation of an edit post of a property would *look* like to users viewing the edit post
# 20:14 aaronpk we've been talking about adding additional properties to the parsed microformat result such as "lang" attributes
# 20:14 tantek I guess we can hope it works out - and if not (discovered by way of someone implementing more detailed edit posts)
# 20:14 aaronpk would there be a reason to support setting the lang attribute of an h-entry via micropub?
# 20:14 tantek in practice explicit lang attrs in HTML are a mixed bag
# 20:15 aaronpk if so, a request to set the language and add a category would look like: add[lang]=en&add[properties][category][]=indieweb
# 20:15 tantek yeah don't even bother with =en - it's such a template default that all reasonable consuming applications must ignore it
# 20:16 aaronpk ii guess whether to keep "properties" for the micropub request is a matter of whether it's possible that microformats parsers will eventually include other things next to "type" and "properties" keys in the future, e.g. for person-tagging
# 20:17 tantek I guess lang is reasonable to drive via non-english posting practices
# 20:18 tantek if such examples exist, let's see stubs for those pages with examples sections with permalinks
# 20:18 aaronpk hm i thought someone had added a bunch of examples already
# 20:19 tantek right, I'm saying we need indieweb documentation of existing display text publishing practices with permalinks before jumping to needs / markup etc.
# 20:19 Loqi tantek meant to say: right, I'm saying we need indieweb documentation of existing non-english display text publishing practices with permalinks before jumping to needs / markup etc.
# 20:20 tantek sure - probably better to have them on indiewebcamp.com
# 20:20 tantek to focus on actual live indieweb publishing practices
# 20:22 aaronpk well anyway i wasn't talking about language support for micropub explicitly, more in general about whether there might be things added to the microformats spec that are *not* inside the "properties" object
# 20:23 tantek well we tried that with area shape & coords and it failed
# 20:24 tantek ben_thatmustbeme is the one that helped figure that out
# 20:25 aaronpk the way voxpelli drafted it, it assumes a property is in one language, but different properties can have different languages
# 20:25 tantek different properties, or different *values* of properties.
# 20:25 ben_thatmustbeme no matter what, i feel like you have to do an embedded something for micropub posting
# 20:27 aaronpk KevinMarks: it would work with p- too, if you didn't mind the value expanding to {"lang":"sv","value":text"}
# 20:27 tantek maybe that avoids the problems with the first approach we took with area shape and coords?
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# 20:48 tantek sounds like you have a good amount of consensus on it
# 20:48 aaronpk i already implemented it the other way, it will be a small change for me
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# 20:52 tantek aside: we really do need to start creating those social web maps so we document things like the shrinking land bridge of the FB API from the indieweb to FB.
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# 20:57 tantek this map has been changing every year - definitely worth an attempt at drawing / updating
# 20:59 tantek also a nice acknowledgment of those who get IndieAuth etc. working on their sites
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# 21:05 snarfed probably the biggest win since that page was created is that there are too many people w/indieauth, posse, etc to draw individually
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# 21:09 tantek and how many independents do we have with self-hosted WordPress with indieweb plugins?
# 21:09 snarfed judging by bridgy users, the majority don't hang out here
# 21:10 tantek is there some URL of bridgy user activity we can use to source information for the map?
# 21:11 snarfed like stats? the front page has counts, that blog post has deeper stats, and the users page can get you to any individual user
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# 21:13 KevinMarks__ Hm, pestagram.com should have a "repin" button that reposts the image. Indie actions?
# 21:18 KevinMarks looks like pinterest layout has changed a little bit since I cloned it
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# 21:47 gRegorLove Jeena: Chicago was just 2 most of the time, so that's great. But all it takes is 2. :)
# 21:48 Jeena But I'm on vaccation in two weeks we'll see if someone else takes over of if we just pause one time.
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# 22:00 aaronpk all the text in that example is original text though, not from the link
# 22:00 Jeena it is not like he bookmarks it to read later, he has the citates for people as a teaser
# 22:01 aaronpk oh his are half and half, citations vs original text
# 22:01 aaronpk look at how some of them are in blockqotes and others not
# 22:01 Jeena what? no it a citation, or I see what you mean if you scroll down a bit then yeah, ok
# 22:02 Jeena hm yeah you're right, I didn't scroll down :D
# 22:02 Jeena but I think I'd like to have just the citations, hm
# 22:03 Jeena because the other ones are just notes with a citation, that is nothing special
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# 22:05 tantek aaronpk - time to change the indiewebcamp.com header?
# 22:05 Jeena I guess I would then have a cite with the blockquote text and a h-author and a bookmark around everything
# 22:05 aaronpk Jeena: yeah, you'd post your own h-entry which has an h-cite inside
# 22:07 KevinMarks__ Anyone have somewhere in sf I could do TWiG from tomorrow? I want to be up for hwc, and it will be 103F here again so podcasting from my garden would be hard
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# 22:20 kylewm whoa, one of my digital ocean droplets is super messed up
# 22:22 aaronpk i want to make a visualization of the wiki over time
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# 22:30 aaronpk actually i wonder what would happen if i converted all the wiki edit history to a git repo, then just ran Gource on it
# 22:39 aaronpk it makes a git repo of the wiki on your hard drive
# 22:43 aaronpk which means i should be able to push a copy of the wiki to a github repo as another backup
# 22:43 tantek wondering how it solves the case-insensitivity in the OS problem
# 22:43 aaronpk me too. i have yet to see what the files look like on disk, i'm still cloning it
# 22:44 tantek would be interesting to compare to the BT Sync version
# 22:45 kylewm what on earth, that's literally built in to git? not a plugin or something?
# 22:45 tantek the one version control system to assimilate them all?
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# 22:55 tantek kylewm++ after reading that I feel a bit more enlightened
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# 23:10 aaronpk it writes files just like my btsync export, so will have the same trouble on non-case-sensitive filesystems
# 23:16 aaronpk same failure as cloning a git repo that has case-sensitive files
# 23:17 aaronpk also darn, it didn't treat "/" as a folder, so there's no hierarchy here
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# 23:27 aaronpk well that was a fun exercise, but i like the result of my own export better
# 23:28 aaronpk yeah but there are no folders so it doesn't look very interesting
# 23:29 aaronpk the wiki is pretty flat anyway, but at least we have folders like 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, events
# 23:29 kylewm oh yeah, and it wouldn't know about links between files
# 23:29 KevinMarks so, a pinterest layout should just be a few properties in flexbox?
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# 23:55 aaronpk haha i thought you hada chance to look at that already
# 23:55 GWG I just thought I was getting it too.
# 23:57 aaronpk it wasn't a full revert, just explicitly setting mp-action=edit&url={url}
# 23:58 tantek KevinMarks: I don't understand that weinberger article you linked to
# 23:58 GWG aaronpk: I'm just having one of those periods where everything is changing and I need some certainty in my life.
# 23:59 GWG I'm aware that indiewebcamp is not where I should be expecting things to stay stable.