2015-07-29 UTC
# 00:00 tantek KevinMarks - perhaps you can write a counter-article explaining how h-entry markup works for actual interoperable discovery of articles across sites today?
# 00:00 GWG aaronpk: Did you ever fix the Quill issue I filed?
# 00:00 tantek and you wouldn't have to bother with so much API mumbojumbo
# 00:04 GWG snarfed: No. Revert of the edit-of functionality. But I'm learning about unit tests. I've been participating in the oembed feature plugin discussions(much to my dismay) and they have some nice code I'm learning from.
# 00:11 kylewm snarfed: btw micropublish.herokuapp.com works with silopub now
# 00:13 GWG I haven't seen barryf in a while.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:28 kylewm KevinMarks: just the silo url, I don't have the proxy homepages up yet
# 00:36 snarfed i think it might have swapped name and content though…
# 00:36 snarfed oh no it didn't, blogger's rendering is just confusing :P
# 00:38 kylewm ha, those services are really not designed for note-length posts
# 00:39 GWG aaronpk: Did you finish your book?
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:44 GWG aaronpk: Thank you. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't keeping you.
# 00:50 kylewm oh man, my digitial ocean server that died apparently had stopped doing automatic backups in March
# 00:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KartikPrabhu, wolftune, KevinMarks__, KevinMarks_, lukebroo_, endi, scor and snarfed joined the channel
# 03:30 snarfed GWG: merged. so sorry about that! definitely meant to merge it when i commented last
# 03:30 GWG snarfed: Thank you. There will be more eventually.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 03:33 GWG snarfed: I have a question though. With the newest micropub change...
# 03:36 GWG How many of the older reserved properties are worth maintaining?
sparverius joined the channel
# 03:38 snarfed i wouldn't worry about it yet though. i'lll happily merge a revert to the old edit param, but we'll need tests in before anything bigger
# 03:40 GWG snarfed: The whole edit functionality needs work either way. I edited the parameters, but not going to push for a while.
scor and jciv joined the channel
# 03:43 GWG I still want to make Post Kinds work with Micropub before I go back to enhancing Micropub.
# 03:51 KevinMarks__ So, if I want to re-enact swat0 with Leo and Jeff jarvis, who gets to be whom?
# 03:55 GWG KevinMarks__: Buzzmachine.com is running the latest version of WordPress
# 03:55 GWG Can you talk him into installing the webmention plugin and the Semantic Linkbacks plugin?
# 03:56 GWG I'm reading the source code of the homepage
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
scor joined the channel
# 04:01 GWG Also, he is using Disqus for comments.
# 04:03 GWG Has anyone ever tried webmentions on WordPress with Disqus?
# 04:03 snarfed disqus fundamentally different from wordpress, to the point that wp doesn't matter
# 04:04 GWG Which means without some hacking, it wouldn't display on Buzzmachine
# 04:04 snarfed yup. there's no plain vanilla disqus backfeed service yet afaik
# 04:05 KevinMarks__ Ok, so then the goal is to get him interested enough to go to or host hwc ny
# 04:10 GWG I'm wondering what would have the biggest impact.
cmhobbs, aranasaurus, wolftune and tantek joined the channel
# 04:42 tantek KevinMarks: we're not quite at the point where we can get *any* 3 people to re-enact SWAT0 with their own sites
# 04:43 tantek currently only very custom solutions are able to be Player A and Player B. Even Player C is non-trivial.
# 04:44 tantek biggest challenges (least implemented) are posting/receiving a person-tag, salmention sending/receiving, push notifications in response to receiving webmentions
# 04:46 GWG tantek: Push Notifications I have.
# 04:47 GWG But the text is broken. I've fixed it. Waiting for some PRs to be approved.
# 04:49 tantek how are you waiting for PRs for something to work with your own website?
# 04:50 GWG tantek: I made a decision to run the stable version of certain pieces of code.
# 04:52 tantek GWG, which part isn't your project, and what functionality is it adding to your website?
# 04:52 GWG tantek: The actual push notification part.
# 04:53 GWG I spent a lot of time testing, and discovered it was an intersection of the push notification code, the webmention code, and the Semantic Linkbacks code that was causing trouble.
# 04:55 GWG The Semantic Linkbacks code was enhancing the webmention after the notification was already triggered
# 04:55 GWG The WordPress notification code didn't know anything about webmentions.
# 04:56 GWG The push notification code didn't have a hook to hook onto custom comment types, so I couldn't customize the message.
# 04:56 GWG tantek: When I was on vacation, I'd post a picture, and get a bunch of likes I couldn't understand.
# 04:58 GWG Of course, I'm waiting for pfefferle to merge the PR into the development version of webmentions for that part.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 05:22 KartikPrabhu yeah. I think homepage mentions themselves are not very widely implemented
# 05:23 tantek and person-tag webmentions are a specific type of homepage mention
# 05:25 KartikPrabhu yes. a good start is to just get usual mention without classifying them
tvn and sanduhrs joined the channel
tilgovi, cweiske, tantek, KevinMarks_, Jihaisse, lukebrooker, KartikPrabhu and andicascadesf joined the channel
# 07:01 andicascadesf Hi guys.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 07:03 andicascadesf So I am bringing a guest tomorrow to the Homebrew meetup at Moz.
# 07:04 andicascadesf that’s irrelevant actually now that I’m thinking about it.
# 07:04 andicascadesf I’d like to know how much you guys want IWC to grow.
# 07:05 andicascadesf and if there was any interest in meeting up one day to take the content from the wiki and design it into a responsive landing page,that would attract more people and spread the message beyond it.
# 07:05 andicascadesf It depends on big you want it to be. Right now I think it’s hidden gem and I lvoe it.
# 07:05 andicascadesf *love it
# 07:06 andicascadesf who designed that?
# 07:07 andicascadesf I”m offering to set aside a day to work with you guys and make a really visually compelling landing page that will grow IWC.
# 07:08 andicascadesf but only want to get involved if you guys want that. This isn’t my group.
# 07:08 andicascadesf I have Cascade and love helping with IWC.
# 07:09 andicascadesf Just know that if I designed that landing page, you would attract A LOT more people.
# 07:09 cweiske you're welcome to help. just send a pull request to the repository
loic_m joined the channel
# 07:09 andicascadesf I’m trying to understand the goals behind IWC and the vision of it.
# 07:09 andicascadesf I do want to help.
# 07:10 andicascadesf I think I’m over thinking it. haha
eschnou joined the channel
# 07:12 andicascadesf I do have some ideas and hope to share them tomorrow!
# 07:13 andicascadesf Where does everyone live?
# 07:14 andicascadesf can’t I just hover over your name and see information on you? ;)
# 07:14 andicascadesf cool! What time is it in Berlin?
# 07:14 andicascadesf nevermind i got it
# 07:15 andicascadesf 9:15am. Have a wonderful day @cweiske!
# 07:16 KartikPrabhu !tell andicascadesf: it definitely is a good idea to have the indiewebcamp wiki be responsive and all that. I have no idea how hard that is to do with mediawiki which is a backend that runs it
# 07:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
glennjones, KartikPrabhu, webhat, interactivist, prettyuglyliar, evalica, j12t, petermolnar and jcbsnd joined the channel
# 09:31 Loqi petermolnar meant to say: I didn't know we have an indiewebcat
adactio, j12t, lewisnyman, jcbsnd, joskar, MMN-o, KevinMarks and jdcauley joined the channel
mdik, keroberos, squeakytoy and j12t joined the channel
# 10:33 petermolnar I probably should stop webmentions on my imported/reposted content
LanceyWork, lukebrooker, j12t, parzzix, frzn and terminalpixel joined the channel
keroberos, stream7 and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 12:10 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
indie-visitor, eschnou, Jihaisse, j12t and wolftune joined the channel
# 12:49 cweiske "2. Optional: Get your own domain" vs. "You will need a domain"
# 12:52 cweiske i think that's too much for a simple getting started page
lukebrooker joined the channel
j12t, fourtonfish, yalamerde, scor, indie-visitor and scoates joined the channel
loic_m, glennjones, terminalpixel, tbrb, JasonO, bear, revere, joskar and adactio joined the channel
# 14:17 voxpelli Just updated to some new versions of the parsers in my WebMention endpoint so if anyone sees something weird on a site that uses that one (like eg. KevinMarks), then ping me
JasonO, uhhyeahbret and loic_m joined the channel
shiflett, snarfed and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 14:41 ZegnatMbl Almost at Sweden's first HWC. Any idea how many of us there are going to be, Jeena?
wrk3 joined the channel
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# 14:48 joskar Or other people who intend to participate, for that matter :)
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 14:52 indie-visitor Jeena, joskar, I just got off at Gbg central station and will start towards the bar. I get there when I get there. 18 minutes according to Google Maps. --Zegnat
# 14:52 joskar Oh, then I better start thinking about moving myself ;)
# 14:56 Jeena I have a standup with the Portland crew at 17:00 which always takes like 10 minutes, after that I will move too, I'm sitting not that far away from it
# 14:58 KevinMarks__ Andi: I made indie hovercards and they really need some design help too...
j12t joined the channel
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 15:04 kylewm.com edited /token-endpoint (+380) "/* Verifying an Access Token */ this step is required for generic token endpoint services, not required for tightly coupled token/micropub implementations" (
view diff )
# 15:08 kylewm question for you aaronpk, for micropub only, the authorization endpoint similarly doesn't need to support the verification protocol
# 15:08 joskar Jeena, Zegnat: I will be there a bit later than you guys, probably more like 17:45 it seems.
# 15:08 kylewm but if it doesn't, then it wouldn't support indieauth-for-login anymore
# 15:09 kylewm so I'm wondering if all authorization_endpoints SHOULD support verification
# 15:09 aaronpk kylewm: yeah if it doesn't support the verification protocol then it won't support just login
# 15:10 kylewm there's not even really a place on the wiki for an authorization protocol that doesn't support authentication as well
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 15:16 indie-visitor Jeena, I am there. First table at the door, guy in red sweater.
bigbluehat joined the channel
# 15:18 indie-visitor Incidentally, this web IRC sucks for connecting on-the-go.
# 15:21 ZegnatMbl Freenode keeps forcing me to zoom in and out. Even just on their connect page where there is only 1 form and a captcha it isn't responsive
kylewm_kiwi joined the channel
# 15:22 ZegnatMbl I should just figure out how to get my phone connected through my bouncer, but too many hoops.
# 15:23 aaronpk if you have a bouncer it's a small step to get your phone on it!
# 15:23 aaronpk I like Limechat on iOS, i have that connected to my bouncer
# 15:29 Zegnat I tunnel into my bouncer before connecting on my Mac
# 15:30 Zegnat And simply don’t know how to set up the SSH tunnel on my Android phone
petermolnar joined the channel
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# 15:43 Zegnat It is not that crazy aaronpk, it is mostly so I didn’t have to ask my hosting provider to open up an additional port
# 15:45 Zegnat And it works pretty well, I just tunnel to the right local port on the server, and connect to localhost:port with my IRC client.
# 15:45 Zegnat But how would you do that on a phone, is the question.
# 15:45 Zegnat All tunnelling techniques I could find were about tunneling webtrafic
# 15:46 aaronpk yeah no idea. i opened a port for my bouncer and run it with ssl
jciv, j12t, gRegorLove, tvn, ttepasse, rknLA and Garbee joined the channel
# 16:23 Jeena I'm trying to add person tagging, we'll see if I'll be done before this HWC ends, if so I will post a photo tagged ;)
kronda, tantek and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 16:41 kylewm !tell snarfed w/r/t Flickr support for Bridgy, is it a non-starter to make an API request for likes and one for comments for every photo?
# 16:41 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
ramsey, voxpelli, snarfed, _6a68, KevinMarks and yakker joined the channel
# 17:10 Zegnat Attending HWC Göteborg out of the train for the last 20 minutes. Does that count?
# 17:14 tantek wonders if we should start putting country names on HWC locations!
# 17:16 Zegnat Jeena, did that send a webmention? It doesn’t seem to be on my endpoint yet
# 17:17 Jeena joskar is trying to check if he got a webmention
# 17:17 Zegnat I’ll check the log again soon, I can only do so much debugging from the train :(
# 17:18 Zegnat Not a problem, I guess you have people spelling your name wrong all the time as well
# 17:20 Zegnat is also happy to see the WM endpoint he build worked
# 17:20 Zegnat Having the same battery problem here, next time HWC should be at a place with charge opportunities.
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 17:31 aaronpk in particular, posseing some of the photos i've been sharing in a Slack channel
# 17:32 aaronpk yeah they have a photo upload thingy, does file attachments too
# 17:36 aaronpk i've been enjoying participating in a sub-community of a small community that has a slack account
# 17:39 aaronpk "no known indieweb examples..." well now that just sounds like a challenge :D
KevinMarks__ and j12t joined the channel
# 17:46 aaronpk on ios you see a thumbnail and then it's two clicks to see the full version
j12t and keroberos joined the channel
# 17:50 KevinMarks__ google image tools resizes gifs but keeps the animation, which is fun
# 17:51 aaronpk btw Loqi's meme generator works with animated gifs :)
# 18:06 Jeena Back with more battery. Damn I'm always almost there but not quite. Somehow webmentions haven't been send, but yeah otherwise it works well for such a short amount of time invested.
# 18:06 joskar Jeena: I see now that I actually got the POST to my webmention endpoint, but for some reason I didn't save it...so it's probably a problem on my end.
# 18:06 Jeena But the bigger problem will be now to make a nice UI which helps me to populate the name and domain
# 18:07 Jeena oh really? haha that would be cool, but I obviously need to test it more ;)
cweiske joined the channel
# 18:12 joskar Jeena: I actually think the problem was that I'm case sensitive on the protocol part (HTTPS:), so my endpoint decided to throw it away as invalid from the beginning.
# 18:15 Jeena I will save it again that way it will be resend
# 18:15 tantek Zegnat do you have some UI on your site for viewing your homepage webmentions?
# 18:16 Zegnat tantek: I do not, I literally build the whole webmention backend in the hour or so I was able to be at HWC Göteborg
# 18:16 Jeena hehe damn bug, now I have everything twice
# 18:17 joskar Jeena: I got the other webmention now :) (but it didn't get accepted because of the before mentioned case-sensitivity)
# 18:18 Jeena hehe yeah, I need to work on the edit functionality
# 18:19 Jeena yes, that should be the case, the third one is a bug on my site
# 18:20 joskar Jeena: That was the result of your webmention ;)
# 18:20 Zegnat HTTP 400 Bad Request is the default webmention error code for any sort of mistake
# 18:20 Jeena (moving on to the train, will be back soon)
# 18:22 GWG I don't get many pure webmentions
# 18:26 GWG I was thrilled when I got one from acegiak recently.
# 18:26 GWG I'd like to get more. Would help improve my process.
# 18:27 tantek GWG, what is the current webaction UI like on your posts?
# 18:28 tantek Jeena, it helps to point out instances of non-US-centrism :)
# 18:29 GWG tantek: I have a web action issue because I don't want the fallback to be a silo
# 18:30 tantek GWG - sounds like you're talking yourself out of UI improvements that would likely get you more replies
# 18:30 voxpelli Jeena: how did you upload your photo? I've been thinking that people tags would be a nice extension of the Quill photo feature you added
# 18:30 Jeena I can say that because it doesn't say US on the other ones people might think that it is only meant for US cities. It's a bit like with the male centerd language where male is the default, here US is the default somehow. Just a thought.
# 18:30 voxpelli Added support for people tags to my site today, but have no nice UI for creating them
# 18:31 aaronpk heh the quill photo page needs a "tags" field at all
# 18:31 Jeena it also needs syndicate-to and so on, I just haven't had the time to add it yet
# 18:31 GWG tantek: Twitter and Facebook, but I get more back feed from Facebook
# 18:31 aaronpk you know, maybe the better solution is to add the "photo" field to the note form
# 18:31 Jeena voxpelli, I only used my normal upload via my own website-backend
# 18:32 Jeena aaronpk, the problem is that note works with ajax
# 18:32 tantek GWG, since you're POSSEing to silos, consider having your fallback be to one of them.
# 18:32 Jeena and you can't send a binary file with ajax
# 18:32 aaronpk it only justifies a separate page if the UI is significantly different
# 18:32 voxpelli Jeena: my "normal" is committing through git, doesn't qualify for SWAT0 I think ;)
# 18:32 GWG tantek: My fallback could also be local comments
# 18:33 voxpelli Jeena: Can't you send binary stuff in XMLHttpRequest2?
# 18:33 tantek GWG except that doesn't work as well for repost or like
# 18:33 aaronpk there might be a reason to keep it separate tho, but i want that reason to be driven by the UI
# 18:33 GWG tantek: Does anyone do a local like?
# 18:34 voxpelli GWG: Quill can do local likes and I've presentation of them built for my site
# 18:34 Jeena I don't think there is a reason UI wise, aaronpk
# 18:35 Jeena Zegnat, yeah, I said it wrong, you can do binary but not multipart
# 18:35 GWG voxpelli: I meant the same way someone can write a comment on most sites.
# 18:36 Jeena hm or am I mistaken, I was sure that it wasn't possible
# 18:36 GWG voxpelli: But you need an account somewhere
# 18:37 Jeena or, yeah I guess it is possible when you do the multipart stuff manually
# 18:37 aaronpk we can also change it so the file is uploaded via ajax (iframe trick) when its chosen, but the micropub request isn't made until you click "post"
# 18:37 aaronpk it's the quill server that makes the micropub request, not the browser
# 18:38 Jeena it's quite ironic that the only valuable part of my Tent app is a comment ^^
# 18:39 voxpelli Jeena: aaronpk: Can we make an issue for it at the repo and whoever feels an urge to change it first does it? :)
# 18:39 Loqi voxpelli meant to say: So we avoid double work I'm thinking
# 18:39 GWG I wonder what a local like would look like
# 18:40 Jeena I still don't get it, what is local about it?
# 18:40 voxpelli GWG: I have done account less like features on articles to get a Reddit-like feel on things
# 18:41 GWG Jeena, where no other website was involved
# 18:42 Jeena ah I see GWG why would that look different to when some other website is involved?
# 18:42 snarfed kylewm: good question! honestly i'm not sure. maybe it's ok? probably at least to start. we could revisit if flickr gets lots of uptake
# 18:42 GWG Jeena: I was trying to think of how the UI would look, not the output
# 18:43 Jeena Oh you mean instad of the name it would say "You liked this" or something_
# 18:44 voxpelli GWG: A star or a thumbs up button would in itself be enough, no? + maybe an indicator of total amount of likes if one thinks that is important
# 18:44 aaronpk there's that one blogging silo that does "Kudos" and just shows the count
# 18:46 voxpelli Some people sort of like not being shown that they have liked ;) Very much so at Flattr :P
# 18:46 GWG So, I am wondering what interface allows for anonymous or non anonymous liking
# 18:48 voxpelli GWG: anonymous with just a plain button and non-anonymous through indie-config?
# 18:48 Jeena they do, just don't do it ;) but I get what you mean, private likes. And I don't think you can indicate that yet
# 18:48 tantek KevinMarks: ^^^ please create /TWiG while waiting to broadcast for it :)
# 18:49 voxpelli One can question whether totally anonymous likes are interesting – they are so easily faked or gamed
mlncn joined the channel
# 18:50 GWG Is there such a thing as semi anonymous liking?
# 18:50 tantek which may reinforce the behaviors (posting, liking)
# 18:51 voxpelli GWG: private likes, a registered user with no published identity
# 18:51 Jeena man, there is still so much to do, for example I need the concept of likes, I need a IndyReader, I need a better way to tag people and one milion other things
# 18:51 GWG I could just hack the comment form in WordPress to allow a like under the same parameters as a comment.
# 18:52 Jeena can you like privately on Facebook? Or will at least all your friends see it?
# 18:52 tantek from there, pick and choose what resonates, and then /wikify on your User page's "Itches" section :)
# 18:52 Jeena haha "IndieMark is a set of metrics for measuring the indieweb-ness of a site"
# 18:54 GWG snarfed: I wonder if any would integrate with the existing Semantic Linkbacks functionality.
# 18:57 Jeena tantek, I don't like the wording of "h-card contact info and representative icon on home page." it should be ok to have it on /about when it is linked with rel="me" from the homepage
# 18:59 Jeena Hm I had a UI for searching but I removed it because it felt meaningless and just made the site look dirty
# 18:59 GWG But either way, I wrote a web action plugin for WordPress, but never released it. Thinking of possibly redoing it as an extension to Micropub
# 19:01 voxpelli Jeena: we're a couple of people that do that, I think its documented on the wiki somewhere – saw it not that long ago
# 19:02 Loqi voxpelli meant to say: GWG: how is webaction related to Micropub?
# 19:03 Jeena voxpelli, yes it is, that is why I don't like the wording on the IndieMark page
# 19:05 voxpelli Jeena: well, unless one wants to be a rebel it's the way clients currently expects it to be ;)
# 19:06 Jeena and I don't mind to be a rebel either :p if nobody rebels it will never change :)
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# 19:07 GWG voxpelli: The Web actions need an endpoint
# 19:14 snarfed kylewm++ for dealing with a pretty painful flickr api so the rest of us don't have to :P
# 19:14 aaronpk aw you don't like it? I think it's one of the better silo apis!
# 19:16 aaronpk it also hasn't changed like ever, so that's a plus :)
# 19:16 kylewm oh, ha, I was complaining about it being inconsistent in #bridgy (having user id called "nsid" one place and "author" in another place) ... I quite like how much data they give you
eschnou, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks__ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 19:52 Zegnat Too late? When is this happening, KevinMarks?
# 19:53 aaronpk too late for swedish listeners of TWiG to make it to HWC since it already happened :)
# 19:57 Zegnat aaronpk, ah, got it, I thought it meant it was broadcasting too late to watch or something
tantek joined the channel
# 20:03 tantek Jeena - yes we should document the 'h-card on separate /about page' pattern
# 20:03 tantek since there are people that are doing it in the wild!
# 20:04 Zegnat puts his h-card on a completely different domain
# 20:06 Zegnat I liked your floating bio on the wiki, gRegorLove, so I stole your markup
# 20:07 KevinMarks TWiG is This Week in Google, a podcast at [[twit.tv ]] that Kevin Marks occasionally talks about IndieWeb on
# 20:08 Zegnat Jeena: I know it is weird, let’s see how many indieweb implementations I can break by having my hCard in a subfolder on a domain that doesn’t host the rest of my stuff ;)
# 20:08 tantek Jeena - separate domain as well as subfolder?
# 20:09 KartikPrabhu Zegnat: does your h-card on the other domain rel-me link to the one where you post?
# 20:09 Zegnat tantek: I have had my personal information on vanderven.se/martijn/ for so many years that I kinda do not want to move it anywhere
# 20:09 gRegorLove rel-about could be handy if someone has 10 rel-me links, so we could know to parse the rel-about first/only. But I don't know if it's *necessary*
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# 20:09 Zegnat KartikPrabhu: it doesn’t link to my blog domain at all at the moment, I was waiting for that ’til the blog officially launched.
# 20:10 tantek gRegorLove: right - we should try the simpler publishing solution first, see how hard it is to handle in consuming code, and then re-evaluate the consumer/publisher trade-off accordingly
# 20:10 KevinMarks if I plug reader.kylewm.com on TWiG is that OK? (can you cope with the users)
# 20:10 Zegnat Which would have been today, if I hadn’t had unexpected visitors for the last 4 days
# 20:11 gRegorLove Speaking of TWiG, listening to Leo on the Nerdist podcast right now.
# 20:11 KartikPrabhu and without rel-me there is no way to find out if it is the real h-card for the blog
# 20:12 Zegnat Oh, no, don’t worry about that, it will be rel-me’d
Garbee joined the channel
# 20:13 KartikPrabhu Zegnat: yeah. 2-way rel-me is the only way to identify same person. like indieauth does
# 20:14 Zegnat Jeena: you do not send a webmention when you update an entry? I.e. when you fixed my name?
# 20:14 Jeena I do normally but my edit part of the software is broken right now so I just changed it in the database
# 20:14 tantek KartikPrabhu: another way is to have a small h-card that has a u-url to a larger h-card
# 20:15 Zegnat KartikPrabhu: it will link back when licit.li is no longer empty. I did not feel for linking to an empty page. 2-way rel-me will be established, and then we’ll see what indieweb implementations do with it
# 20:15 KartikPrabhu tantek: on same domain that is what I do. but if pointing to a different domain that won't be sufficient
# 20:16 KartikPrabhu tantek: I think I also use u-uid to point to the full h-card on about page
# 20:17 KartikPrabhu tantek: basically reusing the pattern I use for articles in feed which do not have full content
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# 20:19 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 20:20 KevinMarks is web notifications something to talk about? has that landed in chrome/ff yet?
# 20:23 kylewm considers doubling the RAM on DigitalOcean VPS...
# 20:23 Zegnat Jeena: can I add the HWC photo you took to the wiki? (Or will you add it yourself.) You have no open licence going on your website so can’t do it without asking.
# 20:24 Jeena Oh hm true, I should add a license to it, take it and add it and I will fix the thing with the license
# 20:25 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: is that linked from push notifications How to?
# 20:25 Loqi A push notification (AKA client notification) is a notification that shows up on one or more of your client devices without you having to explicitly request it — it's "pushed" to you, instead of you having to poll for it https://indiewebcamp.com/push_notifications
# 20:26 kylewm I'm deciding not to power down and scale my VPS because I don't know how long that takes
sensiblemn joined the channel
# 20:31 tantek might be the earliest (UTC) that a photo has been added to a HWC page on the day of its happening!
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# 20:32 Zegnat Haha, tantek, this “earliest” photo is going to be the last thing I do before going to bed. Good night all!
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# 20:43 tantek kylewm: I did, a bit surprised no one responded with the usual selfdogfood query
# 20:43 aaronpk kylewm: yeah i try not to upgrade VPSs... i just replace them :)
# 20:45 kylewm tantek: what would be the self-dogfood query there? "do you have a responsive indiewebcamp landing page on your own site?" :P
# 20:47 Loqi A hovercard is a brief overview, usually including thumbnail, name, and description, that is shown in a rectangle overlapping in-context when you hover over something like a link, typically richer than a plain text tooltip https://indiewebcamp.com/hovercard
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# 20:54 tantek kylewm: when someone comes into the channel and says "Hey here's this great way to improve your website! I'd like to help you do it!" the selfdogfood response is: "Cool! Thanks for the offer! Can you show you've improved your own website in that way as an example?"
# 20:55 tantek where "your website" could be someone's personal site here in the channel, or indiewebcamp.com etc.
# 20:55 tantek so in your quoted text, just drop "indiewebcamp"
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 20:56 tantek and change the "do you have" (sounds too confrontational) to "Could you show an example of"
# 20:57 tantek "Could you show an example of a responsive landing page on your own site?"
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# 21:04 KevinMarks would trade indiewebifying andi's site for her redesigning mine
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 21:09 tantek yes KevinMarks that's the next step - skillswap for mutual selfdogfood improvements!
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# 21:29 tantek aaronpk - I want to document all your awesome text based notification design that you created in the rush to SWAT0
# 21:29 tantek because you obviously had to make a lot of difficult / tricky decisions to make it all work so well
# 21:29 tantek which post types did you do custom notification strings / templates for?
# 21:31 tantek also the exercise of adding good indieweb support to Calagator is a good way to document a real world example of making an aggregator site indieweb /friendly
# 21:31 tantek aaronpk I'm thinking of documenting each of those on its specific post page
# 21:31 aaronpk the template is {author|Someone} {liked|replied|reposted|RSVPd} to your {target post type}
# 21:32 tantek maybe in a brainstorming / notification design section
# 21:32 aaronpk for person tags, it's {author|Someone} tagged you in a {source post type}
# 21:33 aaronpk if it's a repeat webmention, then the template is {author|Someone} {updated|commented on} a {source post type}
# 21:34 aaronpk and i haven't figured out the proper way to handle the last part of that sentence
# 21:34 aaronpk "someone commented on a photo {you were tagged in|that mentioned you|your photo}
# 21:35 aaronpk oops scratch that last "your photo" because that wouldn't be a webmention from yourself to yourself
# 21:42 aaronpk because actually implementing this means you're going to have to look for all the cases
# 21:50 joskar Those 'sch'/'sj'/sh'-sounds are quite hard if you're not used to them ;) Props for actually ever had attempted to say it though :)
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# 21:59 kylewm hmm, maybe a basic question... In Woodwind, if you get new posts pushed up to you and rendered in JS in the browser, leave the page, then click "Back", it returns the cached version of the page without the new JS rendered posts...
# 22:03 joskar kylewm: are you using the history api for changing pages? Can't that be used to trigger a new page pull or something?
# 22:04 joskar A Cache-Control: no-cache could probably also be used, but then it won't be cached in the first place...
# 22:26 tantek benwerd would you like to demo Known 0.8 at HWC tonight?
# 22:32 gRegorLove KevinMarks++ for a great explanation of SWAT and why it's important
# 22:33 gRegorLove heh "for some reason I feel like we've all given up on the federated web" Leo Laporte
# 22:35 tantek we didn't give up, we just prioritized friends over federation :)
snarfed1 joined the channel
# 22:36 gRegorLove KevinMarks made a good point that "why not just use Facebook?" used to be "why not just use MySpace?" and talked about fragility debt
benwerd and snarfed joined the channel
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# 22:58 gRegorLove Heh, auth took him back to indieauth.com instead of reader.kylewm.com for some reason
# 22:58 kylewm why does it say "Allow Indieauth access" and not "Allow woodwind access"??
# 23:02 benwerd I can't give Leo leoville.net, it has to be www.leoville.net - but there's an automatic redirect from the ofrmer to the latter
# 23:02 kylewm crap that's the issue tantek told me about last week with having to include http://
# 23:02 gRegorLove I was looking for a JS snippet I used to fix that recently, kylewm
# 23:04 benwerd I'll try and find a way to rewrite that subdomain redirector so this kind of flow works with it :|
# 23:08 gRegorLove kylewm: I used onblur, but use whatever JS events necessary for submit
# 23:08 kylewm KevinMarks: he's also going to hit the issue where it unselects "Micropub" when it redirects from indieauth
tantek joined the channel
# 23:11 kylewm Leo and Jeff Jarvis thought it was pretty lame
# 23:12 tantek As in, I break things in representative ways. ;)
# 23:12 tantek thus illustrating the fragility of using "www." subdomains for such trickery
# 23:13 benwerd I'd love to be able to write Leo an email explaining that it's sorted
# 23:13 Jeena sometimes it shows the "authenticate with indieauth" button which is weird and he klicked on it and it didn't get him anywhere
# 23:14 benwerd Sure, that'd work - but it'd be nice if it was actually at the root of a domain. I'm going to have to be a little fancier with the redirection
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# 23:15 tantek kylewm did you see the JS I used to make input type=url work at tantek.com/relmeauth ?
# 23:15 snarfed kylewm: don't feel too bad, i tried schemaless urls first when testing micropub clients (~8 or so) the other day and half of them failed too
# 23:15 tantek thought I brought that up last time this came up
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 23:18 Jeena but he was a really good user he was really patient and tried it a lot of times
# 23:18 gRegorLove It didn't seem like there's a submit button on Woodwind settings page?
# 23:19 kylewm I'm pretty sure the problem was when you authorize micropub, it doesn't actually *select* micropub as the posting method
# 23:20 kylewm but hey at least i can fix it before the video goes up
# 23:21 gRegorLove Note for next time, worth mentioning that Woodwind can subscribe to Atom/RSS
# 23:22 gRegorLove Just heard Leo post-show asking what else he could subscribe to "has to be an indieweb site"
# 23:26 Jeena hehe and it is cool to run the demo at least once before with the data/domain one will demo it live
# 23:27 snarfed KevinMarks: looks like leo manually posses many posts from http://www.leoville.net/ to twitter/instagram, but doesn't connect them. if it's not too late, maybe suggest plugging the urls into known so he gets backfeed
# 23:35 Jeena Oh I get what happened, in Settings after authorizing micropub you have to click on micropub again and _then_ don't forget to klick on save before you go to the home screen
scor joined the channel
# 23:40 benwerd So we run a 307 redirect from blah.com to www.blah.com. I'm still not sure why it 404s out, unless curl in the background isn't respecting redirects?
# 23:40 benwerd If that's the case, I suppose I could mirror the micropub endpoint
# 23:40 benwerd It's not great, but if that would make it work ..
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# 23:49 tantek snarfed: I'd like to know *why* someone manually POSSEs when their software can do it automatically
# 23:50 snarfed we've discussed this before, right? i pretty much only manually posse
# 23:50 benwerd snarfed: so curl theoretically submits POST data etc to the destination page
# 23:50 snarfed ig and g+ because no write api, twitter and fb to customize the message
# 23:51 tantek thus for ig and g+, software can't automatically do it
# 23:51 tantek for twitter and fb - that sounds like a posting UI challenge
# 23:52 tantek that is, if your posting client allowed you to customize, maybe it could alleviate those reasons for manual POSSE
# 23:53 snarfed for me, manual until it hurts, and for original posts (minus checkins), it's never really hurt
# 23:53 tantek ironic since you built (helped build?) Bridgy Publish to enable easier automatic POSSE :)