#tantekanswer is no from Tumblr.com/register when you click the "Sign up" button: "Letters, numbers, and dashes only please. This is serious business."
#aaronpksupporting "tantek.com" as a subdomain of "tumblr.com" means they have to do more crazy things with DNS
#tantekcaseness from the class names is supposed to be preserved
#aaronpkit looks like the parser has knowledge of vocabulary, given that things like "Anniversary" are appearing on the h-card even though it's not in the HTML
#myfreewebthe parser doesn't know about JSON at all
#tantekok so I set this up, now I just have to figure out how to POSSE likes/reposts/replies to Tumblr posts through it into Tumblr: http://tantek-com.tumblr.com/
#myfreewebi might add custom properties, but that's not what i need right now
#kylewmyou can't actually publish native likes/reposts/etc. through silo.pub right now... even if you u-like-of a tumblr post, it still publishes a note with mf2 markup in it
KartikPrabhu, j12t, tantek and snarfed joined the channel
#tantekagreed - it's likely worth sending pull requests to app.net
shiflett and j12t joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /Tumblr (+387) "/* POSSE Favorites of Tumblr posts */ add IndieWeb example of like of a Tumblr post, and POSSE liking of it natively on Tumblr" (view diff)
#tantekBTW Tumblr post types (UI that they present for users to choose from) Text, Photo, Quote, Link, Chat, Audio, Video
#tantekhmm - looks like you can reverse engineer the name/title of a post (or at least partially thereof) from the slug on a Tumblr post - it doesn't seem to be editable
#tantekI mean editable separately from the source content like name/title
#KevinMarks__now we need to get more of us abel to play the different roles in it
#JeenaKevinMarks__ the thing I still lack is the whole reader thing which is huge and I want to tackle it with a native android app but it will take a lot of time before it works
#KevinMarks__you can use reader.kylewm.com if you support micropub...
#Jeenayeah I can but if we only have one implementation of a reader what is the point ;)
#KevinMarks__It's a scaffolding thing; get into the reading habit before you build your own.
#Jeenabut it is really good to test my other stuff, I just yesterday implemented likes, perhaps I should test it with this reader
#Jeenaoh hehe I should add the like stuff to my micropub backend before testing it ^^
#JeenaJesus Christ, it is an amazing feeling to see something KevinMarks__ answers to werd.io in this reader and then to answer myself on this withing this reader and it gets posted automatically on my site and it shows up on Kevins website, and nothing crashes https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4119/4876696414_d3f62d18be_z.jpg
#tantek!tell KartikPrabhu thanks for the "requires login" reminder - just added a parenthetical accordingly to the copy text to give a heads-up to viewers.
#Jeenayeah, Twitter did really a good job with Botstrap, it made all the engineer stuff which was always dreadfull to please the eye so people wouldn't just run away but would at least play with it :D
cweiske and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#Jeenahm there is one not so cool thing we will need to adress some time in the future, just so we're better than the RSS community. We need a way to share the subscription lists between readers
#Jeenait is neat that monocle gets the big picture from the full post, but it is weird that it shows all the text from the page as the title https://jeena.net/s/latest.png
#tantekheh - that's a p-name issue I think aaronpk would say
#KevinMarks__except bootstrap was crap at mobile and still feels kludgy
#KevinMarks__we need a shiny new layout framework built on flexbox and SVG to replace it
#tantekJeena - it's because the h-entry has no explicit p-name, it is implied by the full text contents of the h-entry
#Jeenaso basically have to always have some kind of title because otherwise all the readers will show all the text from the whole entry as the title which looks hidious
#tantekKartikPrabhu: I'm thinking of adding the following: "A POSSE portal, or IndieWeb-Silo Bridge, is a syndication feature that takes a fundamental shortcut through hypermedia. Observers inside the silo see a local representation of hyperlinked responses from the IndieWeb."
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 33 minutes ago: thanks for the "requires login" reminder - just added a parenthetical accordingly to the copy text to give a heads-up to viewers. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-07-30/line/1438323542989
#KartikPrabhualso I don't trust any summary that says "fundamental", its my science brain
#KartikPrabhuJeena: yup. that is a good first implementation. but I'd like to have some sort of reply-context, as in pull in tantek's post and display it
#KartikPrabhucweiske: oh no! I have been doing everything wrong so far!
#KartikPrabhutantek: yes. I like the notification-first idea. Hadn't thought of that while first designing likes. Will have to work that in
#tantekKartikPrabhu: I literally designed those first and then step by step expanded until I had hypertext, then markup, then coded it and kept iterating.
#tantekThat's how I got to the presentation of likes on my site
#KartikPrabhuyes! that is how posts ought be designed, me thinks
#tantekI hope the intermediate steps I documented are of use to others
#elf-pavlikaaronpk, also alice (or bob) 'home page' can send web mentions (so no satic site) but they use separate wm.alice (or wm.bob) to receive web mentions ... i don't understand why separating concerns this way helps in any way?
#Zegnat400 Bad Request is the only error code defined by the webmention spec, IIRC
yalamerde joined the channel
#ZegnatSorry, two error codes: 400 for “sender error”, which would be a faulty vouch, 500 for “receiver error”, if your endpoint had problems somewhere
#LoqiThe Vouch protocol is an anti-spam extension to Webmention. Webmention with Vouch depends on understanding Webmention https://indiewebcamp.com/Vouch
#ben_thatmustbemewhild i think he is correct, it really should be "authentication" not "authorization". i don't see the need for verification being seperate
#elf-pavlikwhich would use authorization_endpoint specified by http://indiewebcamp.com/ which in turn would use my authentication_endpoint to login and write directly to indiewebcamp.org wiki
#Loqielf-pavlik meant to say: which would use authorization_endpoint specified by http://indiewebcamp.com/ which in turn would use my authentication_endpoint to login and write directly to indiewebcamp.com wiki
#ben_thatmustbemelooks bewildered at all this... its taken to a bit of an extreme rediculousness
fkooman joined the channel
#elf-pavlikso we need distinct rel=authentication_endpoint which acts as IdP to authenticate
#elf-pavlikand rel=authorization_endpoint which specifies authorization server for this resource server
#elf-pavlikhaving web mention 'endpoint' of https://phubble.tuxed.net/w3c-social/ authenticating to fetch messages seems to make ACL much more complicated
#ben_thatmustbemeisn't completely following elf-pavlik, you seem to be all over the place
#elf-pavlikonly people on list of group chair can read and write there (write - append)
#ben_thatmustbemei'd recommend, A) take this to #social as this is getting outside of IWC, and B) start by proposing a new user story that is clear since that one was pretty well downvoted for being duplicate / unclear
#elf-pavlikrestricted shared feeds, groups can have independent definitiosn e.g. w3c-social chairs
#elf-pavlikin private-webmention scenario always a person (having agency) needs to host conversation and fetch webmentions using its webmention endpoint
#elf-pavlikfor group/event walls message boards 'notification' acts as a way to post
#elf-pavlikillustrated case would require me=https://web.academy while i would also like to support hosting by resource servers which don't have 'agency'
#ben_thatmustbemeelf-pavlik: you need an authentication token, to prove its you (the reader)
#elf-pavliki agree we better move this topic to #social :) IWC seems to focus on 'personal' and doesn't seek support for 'group' / 'organization' workflows
#ben_thatmustbemein case of w3.org hosting an event. w3.org needs to prove to my site it is w3.org in order to fetch content
#elf-pavlikso the client needs to fetch all the content in this case? not webmention endpoint
#LanceyWork!tell tantek i'm having issues with urls not being identified properly in cassis.js tw_text_proxy due to their tlds being excluded from the link regex, but i noticed you had intentionally excluded .mobi and .jobs. any precedent for other missing tlds, e.g. .codes, or is that a matter of having to update the regex to include them?
#GWGFirst, it wasn't setting what I wanted it to. I found I had a setting wrong.
#GWGNow, it is setting what I want it to, but when it tries to retrieve the data it uses to make the decision about what to set, it is getting nothing.
#aaronpkthat's quite a lot of chatter about extending webmention
wrk3 joined the channel
#aaronpkelf-pavlik: I think if you're trusting your webmention endpoint to fetch private posts for you, then you have to accept what that means
#petermolnarheh, interesting how differently I think; I'd just serve a gpg pubkey crypted version of the post for the webmention read request crypted by the pubkey from the remote site
#aaronpksure but that doesn't really change anything, it means that the thing fetching your private posts has access to your private key
#aaronpkwhich is analogous to "my webmention endpoint can access all the resources which have me in the ACL"
#petermolnarno, I think you misunderstood: private post on my page; request comes in from remote site to view; my site fetches the pubkey from the remote site; encrypts the post content with the pubkey; displays the data for the request; the remote site should decrypt it with their privkey
#aaronpkright, my point is the *part of the remote site that is decrypting it* must have acess to the private key
#aaronpkin the webmention example this is known as teh "webmention endpoint"
#aaronpkwhich could very well be part of your own site, but may also be delegated to an external service
#aaronpkand the same would be true in your case with pgp keys
#aaronpkproblem is "what if someone joins or leaves" actually requires different behavior depending on the desired result, and isn't something I can make a sweeping judgment on
LauraJ joined the channel
#elf-pavlikhow new person joining social-wg will allow her to read posts shared to social-wg ?
#aaronpkelf-pavlik: you're going a little far with this right now
#elf-pavliki need to document group feeds on a wiki
#aaronpkthere's two different ways to handle groups, one being sharing content from your site with a group, the other where the group has its own storage for the group's content
#elf-pavlikREQUIRED. The subscriber's callback URL where notifications should be delivered. It is considered good practice to use a unique callback URL for each subscription.
#Loqitantek: LanceyWork left you a message 3 hours, 11 minutes ago: i'm having issues with urls not being identified properly in cassis.js tw_text_proxy due to their tlds being excluded from the link regex, but i noticed you had intentionally excluded .mobi and .jobs. any precedent for other missing tlds, e.g. .codes, or is that a matter of having to update the regex to include them? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-07-31/line/1438348827555
#tantekLanceyWork: yeah it's a matter of disincentivizing all the new carp TLDs. do you have a specific one that you need e.g. for your personal site?
#aaronpki think i have to completely ignore everything from slackbot
#aaronpkthere's nothing in the post request that indicates the display name that slackbot shows. their webhook integration leaves something to be desired.
#aaronpkbetter slack<->IRC... we've had it for a while
#M-KeganShouldn't it just work? Is the irc bridge done by the slack people?
#aaronpknot really. slack provides an irc interface that an irc client can use to connect to a slack room. I want a two-way link with an existing IRC channel
#aaronpkLoqi sits in IRC and sends messages to Slack
#aaronpkSlack sends post requests to the new gateway which signs in to IRC for each slack user
#M-KeganYou're going to have problems breaking routing loops if they aren't the same entity, short of hacks like checking the nick, username or real name surely.
#[aaronpk]right, which is why I had to ignore "slackbot" which is how all the IRC messages appear when sent back to IRC
#[aaronpk]if Slack's outgoing hook contained more information like the display name in slack, I could be smarter about it. But the outgoing web hook does not include all of the information that you see in the Slack UI.
#ben_thatmustbemei thought you had to say his name 3 times in the mirror
#TinoKremerThat's another reason for selfhosting. Ben has been talking about 0.8 and specifically the ability to set privacy for each post individually. That's not on the service yet :)
#TinoKremerDo any of you know if it's possible to 'import' content from one known site to another?
fkooman joined the channel
#KevinMarks__yes, there is an export/import process, though I haven't done it
#snarfedi'd really rather not maintain scraping like that over time
#snarfedalso i expect the auth part would be difficult, especially to get a reasonable UX. API tokens and cookies are usually totally separate. if the onboarding includes "extract a cookie from your browser and paste it here"…ugh
#tantek.comedited /repost (+907) "/* Tumblr */ Tumblr reblog persistence with real world example with multiple levels of reblogging, including a deleted original" (view diff)
#snarfedooh kylewm want to extend your selenium service to do fb too? i'm totally imagining a service i could give an access token and get back the user's news feed