2015-07-31 UTC
# 00:01 aaronpk what good is an SVG if it references a non-standard font
# 00:04 tantek has anyone tried creating a tumblr account with a domain name as the name / "subdomain" ?
# 00:08 tantek answer is no from Tumblr.com/register when you click the "Sign up" button: "Letters, numbers, and dashes only please. This is serious business."
# 00:08 aaronpk supporting "tantek.com" as a subdomain of "tumblr.com" means they have to do more crazy things with DNS
# 00:12 aaronpk why are there so many properties in the parsed result that aren't on the page?
# 00:13 myfreeweb i could've customized it
# 00:13 myfreeweb but i didn't
# 00:13 tantek that's not really compatible since JSON is case-sensitive
# 00:13 myfreeweb it's not intended to be compatible
# 00:13 tantek caseness from the class names is supposed to be preserved
# 00:14 aaronpk it looks like the parser has knowledge of vocabulary, given that things like "Anniversary" are appearing on the h-card even though it's not in the HTML
# 00:14 myfreeweb the parser parses into Haskell types
# 00:14 myfreeweb then Aeson, a JSON library, serializes into JSON
# 00:14 tantek there's no special types involved, just strings
# 00:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:18 myfreeweb mf1 approach?
# 00:19 myfreeweb that's a haskell approach :)
# 00:19 myfreeweb key-value maps are not idiomatic haskell
# 00:22 myfreeweb the parser doesn't know about JSON at all
# 00:24 myfreeweb i might add custom properties, but that's not what i need right now
gRegorLove joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, danlyke and aranasaurus joined the channel
# 01:02 kylewm you can't actually publish native likes/reposts/etc. through silo.pub right now... even if you u-like-of a tumblr post, it still publishes a note with mf2 markup in it
danlyke and tilgovi joined the channel
# 01:10 kylewm I didn't really see the point of micropubbing tumblr-specific responses *to tumblr*, not sure why anyone would use it like that
# 01:11 kylewm but if someone does want to , I'm more than happy to add it
# 01:13 tantek a whole site for linking to preferred pronouns, where the page at that URL shows you how to use that preferred pronoun!
tilgovi joined the channel
# 01:16 tantek I think it's on github and they accept pull requests
wolftune and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 01:26 KevinMarks That pronoun site is by @morganastra, source of the object oriented quote
# 01:27 tantek tumblr-specific responses *to tumblr*, that is
# 01:30 tantek kylewm: I think even just supporting responses to Tumblr would be a good incremental and useful step
# 01:30 tantek before the massive effort it would take to support POSSEing the 7 native top level post types of Tumblr
# 01:35 tantek I'll start documenting examples of my manual POSSEing of response to Tumblr to show some real-world-ness at least.
# 01:35 Loqi tantek meant to say: I'll start documenting examples of my manual POSSEing of responses to Tumblr to show some real-world-ness at least.
yalamerde joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, j12t, KevinMarks_, danlyke, KevinMarks, tvn, jciv and wolftune joined the channel
# 03:20 aaronpk not sure how much app.net is still in development, but they would probably accept a PR to fix their microformats
j12t and [aaronpk] joined the channel
# 03:29 [aaronpk] hah gregorlove it got translated back in slack #indiewebcamp tantek #indiewebcamp
KartikPrabhu, j12t, tantek and snarfed joined the channel
# 04:11 tantek agreed - it's likely worth sending pull requests to app.net
shiflett and j12t joined the channel
# 04:21 tantek.com edited /Tumblr (+387) "/* POSSE Favorites of Tumblr posts */ add IndieWeb example of like of a Tumblr post, and POSSE liking of it natively on Tumblr" (
view diff )
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 04:30 tantek BTW Tumblr's "Dashboard" also has an item called "inbox" which has nothing to do with reading your social stream of who you follow etc.
# 04:33 tantek BTW Tumblr post types (UI that they present for users to choose from) Text, Photo, Quote, Link, Chat, Audio, Video
# 04:34 tantek hmm - looks like you can reverse engineer the name/title of a post (or at least partially thereof) from the slug on a Tumblr post - it doesn't seem to be editable
# 04:34 tantek I mean editable separately from the source content like name/title
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:48 tantek tried to provide explanation for what that Tumblr is for, and a hook for learning more about IndieWeb
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# 04:56 tantek it's a repost of a repost (both with comments)
# 04:58 tantek the next one (which appears to be the original) looks like it was actually deleted, and does not show the source
# 04:58 tantek thus when you repost something on Tumblr, it gets copied completely
# 04:58 tantek in contrast to Twitter, where retweets of a deleted tweet themselves disappear!
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 05:06 KartikPrabhu tantek: copy look good. seems I have to login to view "Tumblr posts liked by tantek.com."
[aaronpk] and jciv joined the channel
tvn and endi joined the channel
# 05:41 endi wow just watched SWAT0 video on TWIG via @KevinMarks :) well done all!
# 05:52 Jeena KevinMarks__ the thing I still lack is the whole reader thing which is huge and I want to tackle it with a native android app but it will take a lot of time before it works
# 05:53 Jeena yeah I can but if we only have one implementation of a reader what is the point ;)
# 05:53 KevinMarks__ It's a scaffolding thing; get into the reading habit before you build your own.
# 05:54 Jeena but it is really good to test my other stuff, I just yesterday implemented likes, perhaps I should test it with this reader
# 05:55 Jeena oh hehe I should add the like stuff to my micropub backend before testing it ^^
# 06:08 KevinMarks__ you see it done, then you have to look again to see how much crawling through tubes is going on underneath
# 06:09 Jeena haha yeah, it is unbelievable that this can work at all
# 06:10 KevinMarks__ if we can get the reply contexts, cites and salmentions wired up, we really do have distributed twitter
# 06:12 Jeena yeah I mean the software behind it, is it you who is writing it?
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 06:13 Jeena ah haha I'm sorry obviously, I should have looked at the domain
tantek joined the channel
# 06:14 endi watching the reader bit, looks awesome :)
# 06:15 Jeena it's such a pitty it didn't work on live TV, hehe you should retry it next time ;)
# 06:16 tantek Jeena you can also use monocle.p3k.io as a micropub enabled reader!
# 06:16 tantek the design/styling in monocle is really slick
# 06:19 tantek !tell KartikPrabhu thanks for the "requires login" reminder - just added a parenthetical accordingly to the copy text to give a heads-up to viewers.
# 06:19 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 06:19 Jeena yeah, Twitter did really a good job with Botstrap, it made all the engineer stuff which was always dreadfull to please the eye so people wouldn't just run away but would at least play with it :D
cweiske and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 06:20 Jeena hm there is one not so cool thing we will need to adress some time in the future, just so we're better than the RSS community. We need a way to share the subscription lists between readers
# 06:25 tantek heh - that's a p-name issue I think aaronpk would say
# 06:26 KevinMarks__ we need a shiny new layout framework built on flexbox and SVG to replace it
# 06:28 Jeena so tantek because this photo doesn't have an explicit p-name this is what comes out of the algorytm for that page?
# 06:30 Jeena hm, I guess I need to do something about it
# 06:34 tantek Jeena - it's because the h-entry has no explicit p-name, it is implied by the full text contents of the h-entry
# 06:36 Jeena so basically have to always have some kind of title because otherwise all the readers will show all the text from the whole entry as the title which looks hidious
# 06:36 cweiske and know that they should not use a text as title
# 06:37 tantek it is an open issue also, there have been various brainstorming proposals for how to improve
# 06:38 Jeena cweiske yeah but the readers can only take the information from the mf2 parser
# 06:38 Jeena and p-name is the designated thing for a title as far as I can see
# 06:39 tantek it's the name of the h-entry, which can be displayed as a title
# 06:45 Jeena I see I do that for notes already where I just set it to "Note #37" or something
glennjones joined the channel
# 06:51 Jeena I think Note #3 has more value for the users because it at least has some information
# 06:52 tantek KartikPrabhu: I'm thinking of adding the following: "A POSSE portal, or IndieWeb-Silo Bridge, is a syndication feature that takes a fundamental shortcut through hypermedia. Observers inside the silo see a local representation of hyperlinked responses from the IndieWeb."
# 06:53 KartikPrabhu also I don't trust any summary that says "fundamental", its my science brain
# 06:54 tantek "that would fundamentally be a shortcut through spacetime" ;)
loic_m joined the channel
# 06:56 KartikPrabhu :) anyway, your new description idea might have too much Indieweb jargon
# 06:56 tantek it was supposed to sounds all pseudo-scientificy as a point of humor
# 06:57 KartikPrabhu "hypermedia" does sound like the Web version of "fundamental theory" ;)
eschnou joined the channel
# 07:05 tantek KartikPrabhu: if I ever write an academic paper about POSSE I will use that as the summary before the abstract ;)
# 07:06 tantek yeah, because abstracts are so long these days ;)
# 07:07 KartikPrabhu Jeena: yup. that is a good first implementation. but I'd like to have some sort of reply-context, as in pull in tantek's post and display it
# 07:09 KartikPrabhu as in in that note the "about 8 hours ago" is so close and same in size to the actual post content that it looks like a part of content
# 07:10 KartikPrabhu aah yes! but why is the like display different from notes. You could do "Jeena liked, about 8 hours ago" then URL
# 07:10 KartikPrabhu no need to make new patterns for each post type unless really required
# 07:11 Jeena it was late yesterday so I din't think clear ^^
endi joined the channel
# 07:12 KartikPrabhu tantek: yes. I like the notification-first idea. Hadn't thought of that while first designing likes. Will have to work that in
# 07:12 tantek KartikPrabhu: I literally designed those first and then step by step expanded until I had hypertext, then markup, then coded it and kept iterating.
# 07:13 tantek That's how I got to the presentation of likes on my site
# 07:13 tantek I hope the intermediate steps I documented are of use to others
# 07:13 tantek It's also a "proof" of sorts, allowing anyone to verify the thinking that went into the design
KevinMarks joined the channel
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# 07:17 tantek I suppose I should put in footnotes for all the jargon
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# 07:32 KartikPrabhu Jeena: managing and outputitng references is annoying in latex and also other things
# 07:33 KartikPrabhu I wrote most of this paper in HTML, but have to switch due to journals
# 07:34 Jeena I never wrote pure latex, always just used lyx and that was quite nice to work with
# 07:35 KartikPrabhu not writing pure latex gives me the same feeling as using Word! or a CMS HTML editor ;)
# 07:39 elf-pavlik from then he can move to cyberspace and leave the gross matter behind ;)
# 07:42 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 07:49 elf-pavlik aaronpk, also alice (or bob) 'home page' can send web mentions (so no satic site) but they use separate wm.alice (or wm.bob) to receive web mentions ... i don't understand why separating concerns this way helps in any way?
KevinMarks_, thehighfiveghost, petermolnar and KevinMarks joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, evalica and Sebastien-L joined the channel
danfowler joined the channel
# 09:10 Zegnat 400 Bad Request is the only error code defined by the webmention spec, IIRC
yalamerde joined the channel
# 09:11 Zegnat Sorry, two error codes: 400 for “sender error”, which would be a faulty vouch, 500 for “receiver error”, if your endpoint had problems somewhere
# 09:13 Zegnat I totally missed that, ben_thatmustbeme, thanks!
# 09:14 Zegnat Seems that it is 449 for missing vouch, 400 for non-approved vouch
KartikPrabhu and elf-pavlik joined the channel
KevinMarks___, KevinMarks_, lewisnyman, elf-pavlik, stream7, LauraJ, petermolnareu, frzn, loic_m and lewisnyman_ joined the channel
# 10:33 elf-pavlik <link rel="webmention" href="https://ben.thatmustbe.me/webmention" />
# 10:33 elf-pavlik so for you your 'home page' and webmention endpoint run on the same backend
# 10:33 elf-pavlik but for auth you use <link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="https://indieid.com/">
# 10:34 elf-pavlik and for token <link rel="token_endpoint" href="https://ben.thatmustbe.me/token">
# 10:35 elf-pavlik <link rel="authentication_endpoint" href="https://indieid.com/">
# 10:35 elf-pavlik would make sense for distributed indieauth
# 10:35 elf-pavlik since i see mixing of authorization and authentication
# 10:35 elf-pavlik i don't always write only to 'my homepage'
# 10:37 ben_thatmustbeme whild i think he is correct, it really should be "authentication" not "authorization". i don't see the need for verification being seperate
# 10:38 elf-pavlik yeah also i would use <link rel="authentication_endpoint" href="https://indiecert.net/authenticate" />
# 10:38 elf-pavlik while <link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="https://as.wwelves.org/" />
# 10:39 elf-pavlik yes, i can always keep copy first but than do 'fat ping' and authenticate to shared data space to post directly there
# 10:39 elf-pavlik than it dosn't need to access resource but only have copy and other people who have ACL can access it
# 10:40 elf-pavlik using mediawiki as client you authenticate to
# 10:40 elf-pavlik using <link rel="authentication_endpoint" href="" /> hopefully at some point ...
# 10:41 elf-pavlik which would use authorization_endpoint specified by http://indiewebcamp.com/ which in turn would use my authentication_endpoint to login and write directly to indiewebcamp.org wiki
# 10:42 elf-pavlik s/.org/.com/
# 10:42 Loqi elf-pavlik meant to say: which would use authorization_endpoint specified by http://indiewebcamp.com/ which in turn would use my authentication_endpoint to login and write directly to indiewebcamp.com wiki
fkooman joined the channel
# 10:42 elf-pavlik so we need distinct rel=authentication_endpoint which acts as IdP to authenticate
# 10:43 elf-pavlik and rel=authorization_endpoint which specifies authorization server for this resource server
# 10:43 elf-pavlik enjoy ben_thatmustbeme
# 10:50 elf-pavlik sending web mention looks like a write to 'not my homepage' resource server
# 10:50 fkooman is blogging away about private webmentions...
# 10:50 elf-pavlik i see use in sending the payload if i can authenticate when posting a webmention
# 10:51 elf-pavlik so the 'webmention endpoint' dosn't need to go throught source ACL
# 10:55 elf-pavlik for secret phubble wall (smilar to irc channel or xmpp muc) one can also set read access just for those people
# 10:58 elf-pavlik but seeing who made the actual post and not posting as organization itself
# 11:04 ben_thatmustbeme elf-pavlik: i think for the indie-web ideal of keeping all your own data, private webmention would be the way about this
# 11:06 elf-pavlik this way resource server which 'hosts' discussion also needs agency to act as resource owner
# 11:08 elf-pavlik only people on list of group chair can read and write there (write - append)
# 11:08 ben_thatmustbeme i'd recommend, A) take this to #social as this is getting outside of IWC, and B) start by proposing a new user story that is clear since that one was pretty well downvoted for being duplicate / unclear
# 11:10 elf-pavlik restricted shared feeds, groups can have independent definitiosn e.g. w3c-social chairs
# 11:11 elf-pavlik in private-webmention scenario always a person (having agency) needs to host conversation and fetch webmentions using its webmention endpoint
# 11:14 elf-pavlik private-webmentions seems to require hosting resource server to have agency and authenticate as someone included in ACL
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# 11:16 ben_thatmustbeme when we started to look at the whole groups thing it was suggested that events as they stand now are a pretty good place to start
# 11:16 elf-pavlik freenode.net hosts this channel, indiewebcamp.com hosts wiki ...
# 11:16 elf-pavlik this would work if Ben creates an event
# 11:17 elf-pavlik hosted by w3.org not a person with 'agency'
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# 11:19 ben_thatmustbeme w3.org is a wiki, so it really can't. but some JS alternative in the like of webmention.io could
# 11:19 elf-pavlik shared responsibility, i don't think anyone would like a single person to control w3.org events or groups
# 11:21 elf-pavlik the event wall resource or group message board resource
# 11:21 ben_thatmustbeme i think you are mixing two issues, one is just creating things as some group account, the other is just private groups / events
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# 11:22 elf-pavlik i don't agree... in private-webmention case you need to get token for me=https://w3.org/ for example to fetch content behind ACL
# 11:23 elf-pavlik for group/event walls message boards 'notification' acts as a way to post
# 11:25 elf-pavlik illustrated case would require me=https://web.academy while i would also like to support hosting by resource servers which don't have 'agency'
# 11:25 elf-pavlik so can't authenticate as organization
# 11:27 elf-pavlik i agree we better move this topic to #social :) IWC seems to focus on 'personal' and doesn't seek support for 'group' / 'organization' workflows
# 11:28 ben_thatmustbeme in case of w3.org hosting an event. w3.org needs to prove to my site it is w3.org in order to fetch content
# 11:28 elf-pavlik so the client needs to fetch all the content in this case? not webmention endpoint
# 11:29 elf-pavlik oh webmention endpoint for private-webmention always acts as client on behalf of resource owner (via me=https://alice.example )
# 11:30 elf-pavlik for public posts one doesn't need to authenticate to pull them
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# 11:32 elf-pavlik in this case in each reply i always need to mention everyone? i can't just subscribe to a thread like in github issues
# 11:32 elf-pavlik BTW how does private content work with pubsubhubbub?
# 11:33 elf-pavlik eg. i want to receive 'notification' for each reply to an event, not only those which mention me in explicit way
# 11:34 ben_thatmustbeme you wouldn't need to share with everyone. just the main thread. its a good question, has not been worked out
# 11:34 elf-pavlik salmention :D
# 11:42 elf-pavlik ben_thatmustbeme++
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# 11:43 ben_thatmustbeme the nice thing is that be it a private event, private group, or private post it should work relatively the same way
lewisnyman, mlncn, eschnou and cmhobbs joined the channel
# 12:45 elf-pavlik you can give people subdomains on *.indiesilo.com
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# 12:57 petermolnar ben_thatmustbeme, wasn't withknown.com supposed to be the indieweb silo?
# 13:06 petermolnar or a heavily tweaked wordpress network with all the turns & knobs preinstalled for indieweb
scor joined the channel
# 13:20 LanceyWork !tell tantek i'm having issues with urls not being identified properly in cassis.js tw_text_proxy due to their tlds being excluded from the link regex, but i noticed you had intentionally excluded .mobi and .jobs. any precedent for other missing tlds, e.g. .codes, or is that a matter of having to update the regex to include them?
# 13:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
adactio, lewisnyman, frzn, fourtonfish and thehighfiveghost joined the channel
# 14:03 GWG Okay...spent the last two hours troubleshooting this...fixed three bugs. Still doesn't work. Darn.
# 14:07 GWG First, it wasn't setting what I wanted it to. I found I had a setting wrong.
# 14:07 GWG Now, it is setting what I want it to, but when it tries to retrieve the data it uses to make the decision about what to set, it is getting nothing.
# 14:10 GWG LanceyWork: The database, effectively.
# 14:10 GWG The same place the thing it is setting is stored. Just different part.
# 14:12 GWG LanceyWork: Yes. That was how I troubleshooted the other problem
# 14:12 GWG I have another idea about where to get the data to set the parameter
# 14:12 GWG I'm retrieving it from where it was stored.
# 14:13 GWG This is hooking off the Micropub plugin, which stores it based on the POST parameters
# 14:13 ben_thatmustbeme petermolnar: yes, that too but Known comes off more as a pile of independant blogs. there is no feeds, etc
# 14:13 GWG Maybe I'll just try to get it pre-processing, instead of post-processing
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# 15:03 aaronpk that's quite a lot of chatter about extending webmention
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# 15:12 aaronpk elf-pavlik: I think if you're trusting your webmention endpoint to fetch private posts for you, then you have to accept what that means
# 15:18 petermolnar heh, interesting how differently I think; I'd just serve a gpg pubkey crypted version of the post for the webmention read request crypted by the pubkey from the remote site
# 15:19 aaronpk sure but that doesn't really change anything, it means that the thing fetching your private posts has access to your private key
# 15:19 aaronpk which is analogous to "my webmention endpoint can access all the resources which have me in the ACL"
# 15:22 petermolnar no, I think you misunderstood: private post on my page; request comes in from remote site to view; my site fetches the pubkey from the remote site; encrypts the post content with the pubkey; displays the data for the request; the remote site should decrypt it with their privkey
# 15:23 aaronpk right, my point is the *part of the remote site that is decrypting it* must have acess to the private key
# 15:23 aaronpk in the webmention example this is known as teh "webmention endpoint"
# 15:23 aaronpk which could very well be part of your own site, but may also be delegated to an external service
# 15:23 aaronpk and the same would be true in your case with pgp keys
LauraJ, gRegorLove and Rev_Illo joined the channel
# 15:43 elf-pavlik aaronpk, do you have examples of ACL definition?
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# 15:45 aaronpk my private posts contain a list of URLs who are allowed to access the post
# 15:45 ben_thatmustbeme which is actually an interesting bit, aaronpk what are your thoughts on how to set access to a post via MP?
# 15:46 aaronpk elf-pavlik: I would either 1) add that group URL to my site which would pull in all the individual members, or 2) add everyone individually
# 15:46 elf-pavlik what if someone joins or leaves group ?
# 15:47 aaronpk if I reference the URL then that's taken care of automatically
# 15:47 aaronpk problem is "what if someone joins or leaves" actually requires different behavior depending on the desired result, and isn't something I can make a sweeping judgment on
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# 15:47 elf-pavlik how new person joining social-wg will allow her to read posts shared to social-wg ?
# 15:48 aaronpk elf-pavlik: you're going a little far with this right now
# 15:48 elf-pavlik so we focus on bit different use cases
# 15:48 elf-pavlik i need to document group feeds on a wiki
# 15:48 aaronpk there's two different ways to handle groups, one being sharing content from your site with a group, the other where the group has its own storage for the group's content
# 15:50 elf-pavlik i look at group having its own storage for the group's content as both w3social groups and indiewebcamp use such spaces (wiki, irc)
# 15:50 aaronpk in that case the whole private-webmention page is not relevant
# 15:51 elf-pavlik aaronpk, how does pubsubhubbub handle private feeds?
# 15:51 aaronpk the original PuSH authors explicitly left out private feeds from the spec
# 15:51 aaronpk i want to see how that could work, but haven't explored it much yet
# 15:52 elf-pavlik it seems having some similarities to private group discussions
# 15:52 elf-pavlik i want to subscribe to comments even if they don't mention me
# 15:52 elf-pavlik comments / replies
# 15:54 elf-pavlik does PuSH still use 'fat pings' ?
# 15:55 aaronpk it can, but i know a lot of people have implemented it with thin pings
# 15:57 elf-pavlik how for private feeds hub.callback would compare to webmention endpoint ?
# 15:57 elf-pavlik for thin pings
# 15:58 elf-pavlik > hub.callback
# 15:58 elf-pavlik REQUIRED. The subscriber's callback URL where notifications should be delivered. It is considered good practice to use a unique callback URL for each subscription.
# 16:00 elf-pavlik morning gRegorLove
# 16:00 elf-pavlik will need to run soon
benwerd, tantek and thehighf_ joined the channel
# 16:32 Loqi tantek: LanceyWork left you a message 3 hours, 11 minutes ago: i'm having issues with urls not being identified properly in cassis.js tw_text_proxy due to their tlds being excluded from the link regex, but i noticed you had intentionally excluded .mobi and .jobs. any precedent for other missing tlds, e.g. .codes, or is that a matter of having to update the regex to include them? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-07-31/line/1438348827555
# 16:32 tantek LanceyWork: yeah it's a matter of disincentivizing all the new carp TLDs. do you have a specific one that you need e.g. for your personal site?
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# 16:58 tantek I objected to .jobs and .mobi because TLDs should have nothing to do with the content (jobs?!?) or be device specific (mobile?!?)
# 16:58 tantek that's their layer violation and thus those should be deprecated
# 16:58 tantek the explosion is also too crazy so I'm only going to bother adding when there's real world indieweb use-cases
# 16:59 Loqi slack/ben_thatmustbeme: what if you last name is jobs?
# 17:00 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: I'm more interested in "my last name is jobs" than "what if ... "
# 17:00 tantek and yes, if Moby asks me to add .mobi for him then I likely will.
# 17:01 LanceyWork i just feel like if you're going to add them one at a time as indieweb sites use them, you might just end up adding them all anyway
# 17:02 tantek LanceyWork: that kind of reasoning is how we end up with explosions of terms like schema
# 17:02 tantek it's the other way around, by default, minimalism wins
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# 17:07 [slackbot] good morning
# 17:07 [slackbot] good morning
# 17:07 [slackbot] good morning
# 17:07 [slackbot] good morning
# 17:07 [slackbot] good morning
# 17:07 [slackbot] good morning
# 17:08 aaronpk now realizes he did not test this in a two-way integrated room yet
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# 17:16 aaronpk i think i have to completely ignore everything from slackbot
# 17:17 aaronpk there's nothing in the post request that indicates the display name that slackbot shows. their webhook integration leaves something to be desired.
# 17:18 M-Kegan You're trying to do slack to irc?
# 17:19 M-Kegan Shouldn't it just work? Is the irc bridge done by the slack people?
# 17:20 aaronpk not really. slack provides an irc interface that an irc client can use to connect to a slack room. I want a two-way link with an existing IRC channel
# 17:23 aaronpk Slack supports "outgoing web hooks" so each message that is sent to a slack room causes them to send a POST request to your endpoint
# 17:24 M-Kegan So an irc bot will sit in here and consume irc messages, and post to slack? And how does the bot get stuff from slack?
# 17:24 M-Kegan Or does slack just say "give me a channel and I'll spit stuff from slack to it"?
[aaronpk] joined the channel
# 17:24 tantek Lancey you can add your IRC nickname variants too
# 17:25 aaronpk M-Kegan: from IRC->Slack is handled by Loqi an an "incoming web hook" on Slack
# 17:25 M-Kegan What about the reverse?
# 17:26 M-Kegan You said from irc to slack?
# 17:26 M-Kegan What about slack to irc?
# 17:26 aaronpk slack to irc is handled by their outgoing web hook like i mentioned before
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# 17:27 M-Kegan Right which loqi gets
# 17:28 aaronpk Slack sends post requests to the new gateway which signs in to IRC for each slack user
# 17:28 M-Kegan You're going to have problems breaking routing loops if they aren't the same entity, short of hacks like checking the nick, username or real name surely.
# 17:29 [aaronpk] right, which is why I had to ignore "slackbot" which is how all the IRC messages appear when sent back to IRC
# 17:29 [aaronpk] if Slack's outgoing hook contained more information like the display name in slack, I could be smarter about it. But the outgoing web hook does not include all of the information that you see in the Slack UI.
# 17:31 M-Kegan Very. I do the matrix <-> irc bridge so bridges are relevant to my interests ;3
# 17:32 M-Kegan Handling all the edge cases though is nigh impossible.
# 17:33 [aaronpk] yeah also handling the intricacies of Slack is fun, like how they handle emoji :simple_smile:
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# 17:33 M-Kegan Currently doing win95 style LONGNA~1 support for usernames since matrix ids have a bigger namespace
ttepasse, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
[ben_thatmustbem joined the channel
# 17:44 [ben_thatmustbem looks much nicer now
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# 17:55 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 17:55 TinoKremer Hey KevinMarks__
# 17:56 TinoKremer I'm working on my website. I'm trying to setup a self hosted Known instance. So far so good, I figured Ben would be in here as well
benwerd joined the channel
# 17:58 TinoKremer thinks benwerd is monitoring this channel for his name or Known
# 17:58 benwerd This was an accident - I'm in a meeting, needed to find a link to share and IRC is always on when I'm online :)
# 18:01 TinoKremer KevinMarks__ you are also on the hosted WithKnown (pro) I see, I figured you would have your own site
# 18:01 TinoKremer Sorry, that's what I meant
# 18:01 TinoKremer known.kevinmarks.com is resolving to the same IP as my site :)
# 18:02 TinoKremer I want TLS support, so I decided to selfhost
# 18:02 KevinMarks__ yep, I thought that was more interesting for me to try things out, though it means I can't patch the code.
# 18:04 TinoKremer That's another reason for selfhosting. Ben has been talking about 0.8 and specifically the ability to set privacy for each post individually. That's not on the service yet :)
# 18:04 TinoKremer Do any of you know if it's possible to 'import' content from one known site to another?
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# 18:07 TinoKremer You can export, which I did, but there currently is only Blogger and Wordpress import :) I'll try later on #knownchat, ty
# 18:08 TinoKremer I'll fiddle around. Are there Indiewebcamp sessions in The Netherlands yet?
# 18:17 snarfed does anyone have recommendations for software bounty marketplaces? (non security related)
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# 18:27 tantek there was a URL / domain to use to see your FB news etc. in HTML w/o JS
# 18:29 tantek considers running a personal bridgy-like proxy box from his home, so to the silos it just looks like a random home access
# 18:30 snarfed tantek: sorry i don't follow the q re html-only view
# 18:31 snarfed i'd really rather not maintain scraping like that over time
# 18:32 snarfed also i expect the auth part would be difficult, especially to get a reasonable UX. API tokens and cookies are usually totally separate. if the onboarding includes "extract a cookie from your browser and paste it here"…ugh
# 18:33 snarfed if someone does all the investigation and packages up a nice minimal chunk of code, i'd maybe consider it, hence bounty
# 18:33 snarfed i'd pay for that with money right now, but not time and effort :P
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 18:42 tantek gah now it's bugging me that I can't find that URL
# 18:43 snarfed (btw tantek you'll at least be happy to know that losing /me/home won't affect bridgy at all. just facebook-atom.)
# 18:45 tantek darn it I really thought I'd added this to the wiki
# 18:46 KevinMarks_ gah, medium ficks up my fragmention by putting a "back to top" link on top of it
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# 20:18 tantek.com edited /repost (+907) "/* Tumblr */ Tumblr reblog persistence with real world example with multiple levels of reblogging, including a deleted original" (
view diff )
jciv joined the channel
# 20:47 GWG Okay, finally got the Post Kinds plugin to set the kind when the post is created by Micropub.
# 20:47 GWG Seem to have broken the ability somehow to change the post kind in the WordPress Post UI
modem, wolftune, KartikPrabhu, squeakytoy2, lewisnyman, fkooman, Rev_Illo, Deledrius, catsup, benwerd, awolf and snarfed joined the channel
# 22:38 aaronpk kylewm: are you POSSEing your instagram comments?!
# 22:41 aaronpk whoa did you just send a webmention to me because your post was updated?
# 22:41 aaronpk i just got a notification "aaronparecki.com commented on a post you were tagged in"
# 22:42 aaronpk haha i should probably not send myself a notification if i'm the one that commented
# 22:43 snarfed ooh kylewm want to extend your selenium service to do fb too? i'm totally imagining a service i could give an access token and get back the user's news feed
# 22:45 kylewm snarfed: sadly, it would have to be your username/password...which i don't want to be responsible for
# 22:46 Loqi KevinMarks_ meant to say: a browser plugin like brad's one
# 22:46 kylewm oh haha, yeah it sent you a salmention notification!
MatrixBridge joined the channel