#indiewebcamp 2015-08-08

2015-08-08 UTC
snarfed1, benwerd and benwerd_ joined the channel
The New York Times liveblogged last night's GOP debate directly from Slack - noterlive.com competitor? http://nzzl.us/mYh3e50 via @nuzzel
tvn joined the channel
Is the web "beta" chat mentioned earlier today different than the freenode one linked from /irc?
Yeah, colintedford_
"beta" lets you chat directly from the log page
scor joined the channel
Ok, that's what I thought. First time on the web chat & was confused at the non-log experience :)
benwerd joined the channel
How do I reach this magic land?
Of "beta" chat?
KevinMarks and scor joined the channel
scor, snarfed, modem, wolftune, KevinMarks_, KartikPrabhu, rbrt, frzn, gRegorLove, aaronpk, sivoais, KevinMarks, interactivist, shaunguice, [colintedford] and snarfed1 joined the channel
gRegorLove++ thanks for the chat link
gRegorLove has 30 karma
aaronpk has 927 karma
tvn, KevinMarks_, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks, fkooman, yakker, LukasRos, interactivist, glennjones, _fran, eschnou, eschenal and TinoKremer joined the channel
#idea: Webmention + #FOAF in webpages = open notification for decentralised "social" network? https://github.com/converspace/webmention
LukasRos, alexhartley, fkooman, frzn, scor, ttepasse and glennjones_ joined the channel
alexhartley, tlesher, TinoKremer and Oliver__G joined the channel
HI, Kevin Marks pointed me here, I am not a techie ;)
I tried to connect quill to blogger.com via silo.pub and got
Type: ErrorException Code: 8 Message: Undefined index: me File: /web/sites/quill.p3k.io/controllers/auth.php Line: 163
(and a longer error code to follow, need that, too?)
eschnou, eschenal, LukasRos, alexhartley, fkooman and wilfredh joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /HTTPS (+103) "/* Possible Future */ Let’s Encrypt updated launch schedule"
(view diff)
@coreymwamba have a look at xfn as well as that is more widely deployed than foaf #indieweb
wolftune, snarfed, yakker, KevinMarks_ and [snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk ^^ quill bug?
[aaronpk] joined the channel
Oh that's odd. Will take a look.
chreekat, fkooman and KevinMarks joined the channel
I love seeing the evolution of online privacy, keep fighting the good fight @EFF ! #OwnYourData https://twitter.com/EFF/status/630040782137749504
snarfed1 and snarfed joined the channel
@kevinmarks I'm probably definitely going to stick with foaf in RDFa - usage stats here: http://t.co/MPgKEDe3dT #indieweb
mdik joined the channel
hmm I was just able to sign in to quill using my blogger acct through silo.pub
I wonder what's different with Oliver's setup
the problem was somehow silo.pub didn't include the "me" parameter in the callback. (The Quill freakout about that was a bug, which I fixed, but now it will just say that error)
rhiaro and [snarfed] joined the channel
ooh that tweet points to http://webdatacommons.org/structureddata/which looks like an industrial strength version of <https://snarfed.org/indie-stats>
we should get them to add mf2 stats!
I agree
they are looking for a bunch of mf1 already
mdik_, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, emmak, mdik, snarfed, uranther, nxd4n, nxd4n_, TinoKremer, cuibonobo, benwerd, mattronix and wolftune joined the channel
@coreymwamba what we say in indieweb in general is 'use this, and get this benefit' - indiewebify.me is an example of that
@kevinmarks that's why I'm rolling my own. The Webmention spec is very clear, but it will take me some time; but it's very interesting
@coreymwamba webmention is a good example; the basic protocol is simple; parsing out mentions' meanings is incremental
@kevinmarks yes, that's true. But in an truly "independent web" a user's Taylor Swift shouldn't require a shim but an agnostic service.
@kevinmarks but that's what I mean: I have a profile: it's part of the indieweb. But I can't connect with you because of data format choice.
@kevinmarks if I don't use microformats, then indiewebify.me can't accept me. It's not agnostic.
alexhartley, interactivist, mdik_ and shiflett joined the channel
@coreymwamba OK, I signed in as http://www.kevinmarks.com/ using IndieAuth's OpenID shim. Now what?
interactivist, alexhartley and hober joined the channel
mdik joined the channel
[mention] Corey Mwamba liked #idea:
LukasRos, sandro, KevinMarks, interactivist, modem, KartikPrabhu and mdik_ joined the channel
loqi messages?
[snarfed] joined the channel
huh. aaronpk is that a clustered mention?
oh dear
yes it is
oh weird, it just didn't get to IRC properly
here's the actual notification
bridgy feature request, don't include the "like-of" property on the links that are in the tweet?
hmm. that's the whole point though, right?
no, he liked kevin's tweet, not the links in it
bridgy should include those links on the page, but not with the "like-of" property
the notification text there is interpreting the mf2 correctly, that the post is a like of the IRC URL
without the "like-of" property, it would say "Corey liked a post that linked to ____"
right, this is that long lived question about distinguishing silo posse posts from mere mention posts
not really
it's just an mf2 thing
we came up with heuristics but nothing decisive
i don't think it's specific to twitter at all
oh no i don't either
it just becomes way more clear when you see it written as notification text
i understand your use case and the problem. the difficulty for us is that this could be a posse post where that link is the original
oh right jeez
barring u-syndication, I'm not sure we have a good way to distinguish programmatically
well, the link isn't at the end of the tweet, that's a pretty clear indicator
i suppose i could live with the false positives like if kevin had included that IRC link at the end
yeah that's one heuristic. we're currently more promiscuous than that
product decisions
the issue has good discussion and links, I'll find it
seems like everyone is agreeing that matching on the author's domain is a good idea
that does sound possible
KartikPrabhu and interactivist joined the channel
just fyi though I kinda intentionally chose to make it this aggressive to get the widest compat and interop. i get all the counterarguments and counter use cases, but i haven't quite been convinced to reign it in just yet
definitely glad for the ongoing discussion though!
I think the notifications might be the thing that does it
djwesto joined the channel
cause we're basically going to see a bunch of notifications of people liking wiki pages in here now, and i'm guessing it will confuse quite a few people
but time will tell
could be yeah
I'm still not sure we have a solid solution though
eg websites in twitter profiles are common, but a bit less so on fb, and way less on Instagram
hm yeah
maybe a good starting point would be only treating links at the end as the original URL
i mean i can't think of any bad things that would happen with that
damn i wish we had actual data :P
data on?
frequency of all of these things
as opposed to anecdotal educated guesses
you could start tracking it, right?
analyzing and logging everything that bridgy sees?
it's pretty much all stored permanently, so yeah, i could crunch numbers
wha? I thought bridgy didn't store anything!
but man. my kingdom for indie-stats!
it definitely does
only public stuff, but yeah, all of it
oh wow, I had no idea.I thought that's why it fetches the silo post on each pageload
some of that is to honor if it's been updated or deleted
snarfed joined the channel
let's see. total storage size right now is ~9G
adds "dragplus.com" to the block list
for ~2k users and ~1.8M responses
we should definitely have a 2 million responses party
even better, for 1M webmentions
over 200k now
interactivist joined the channel
iirc your Flickr app's numbers are even more impressive though!
just passed 2 million imported! 2,128,366 now!
nxd4n_ and nxd4n joined the channel
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, mdik, KevinMarks___, snarfed1 and mdik_ joined the channel