Loqinpdoty: tantek left you a message on 3/13 at 6:00pm: did you braindump any of what we discussed at HWC SF this week? E.g. code-of-conduct, noticing that FB notifications had an RSS feed (URL security through obscurity), Events itch scratching, Known Pro, etc.? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-03-13/line/1426294801107
tantekand Yahoo search is going js;dr as well: "Please enable JavaScript / Our new search experience requires JavaScript to be enabled. Please enable JavaScript on your browser, then try again."
Jeenatell tantek I'm in Poland for vaccation for two weeks so I wasn't able to host a HWC in Gothenburg, but I told that to most of the interested, next time I'll host it again
Jeena!tell tantek I'm in Poland for vaccation for two weeks so I wasn't able to host a HWC in Gothenburg, but I told that to most of the interested, next time I'll host it again
LoqiA reader (or indie reader) in the context of the indieweb is the portion/feature integrated into an indieweb site that provides a way to read content from other indieweb sites, possibly including posts from the current site as well https://indiewebcamp.com/indiereader
[aaronpk]Jeena: cweiske: you can always add an invisible data tag with the photo URL for the h-feed. The photo property doesn't have to be on an img tag
LanceyWorkaaronpk, i was having trouble signing into the wiki through indieauth. was getting 504 gateway timeout errors. i managed to log in from the main page but i couldn't from /posts-about-the-indieweb
Loqitantek: Jeena left you a message 7 hours, 34 minutes ago: I'm in Poland for vaccation for two weeks so I wasn't able to host a HWC in Gothenburg, but I told that to most of the interested, next time I'll host it again http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-08-14/line/1439544379135
snarfedon a related note, please don't tweet/post/advertize the new cookie facebook-atom too loudly, i'd like to keep it low profile for the same reason :P
voxpellitantek: with my new micropub-integration I can very soon start making use of webaction buttons myself :) Basically just need automatic webmentions to complete the circle now
yalamerde, frzn, friedcell, benwerd and wolftune joined the channel
sensiblemnI just installed mediawiki on my indieweb site and want to know what the current suggested customizations are. tantek and benward, i see that OverrideEntryTitle and SemanticHTML are recommended on http://microformats.org/wiki/mediawiki-customization but both projects on GitHub look a few years old. Are they still good to use and recommended?
sensiblemntantek: do you still recommend "enable hyphenated phrases for page names (rather than the MediaWiki default of converting dashes and spaces to underscores)" or have you modified your position on that?
sensiblemnhaha. great, well thanks for writing up that wiki article a few years ago. it has been a help. lemme know if you have any other mediawiki customization suggestions. i'd like to get as many of them implemented at the beginning of this project as possible
tantekcould even do some of this semi-automatically based on content hints, e.g. I would like to post a note, with the #indiewebcamp hashtag (maybe even starting a note with #indiewebcamp) and then have Falcon automatically know to POSSE it to IRC and NOT to Twitter.
aaronpkI use IRC to log things, so like my system that sets the electronic door code will log to IRC that it happened, but that system doesn't have a URL of its own
aaronpkso either I could make a super simple micropub+microformats blog that actually stores this stuff and monocle can subscribe to *that*, or monocle could have a way to have outside things write to it
aaronpkthe other thing I need to figure out first is re IRC... would using monocle as my IRC client mean that everything I type in IRC is also posted to my site?
tantekaaronpk, I see snarfed's point. I mean what are you going to do about the diametric opposition between IRC timeline (most recent at bottom), and classic "feed" reader timeline (most recent at top) ?!?
snarfed(even apart from irc specifically, i get that we want to do lots of things from our own web sites, and that's great for many of them, but it doesn't mean we have to try to do *all* of them that way)
aaronpkthe UI difference between writing in IRC and posting to my website and POSSEing is with IRC I first load the context of the room, but when posting from a client like Quill there's no context adn I just choose where to push the sentence
tantekcleverdevil: if you'd like, please upload your Paprika screenshot to https://indiewebcamp.com/Special:Upload so we can embed that in the /Paprika page (currently just hotlinking your screenshot on your server but I figure you might IWC to deal with the bandwidth of serving the screenshot)
Jeenathere is so much to do with ones own website where the silos are already build and you can just use them, another check-in thingy, checking in and rating every beer you drink https://untappd.com/user/jeena
LoqiUntappd is a social silo for posting consumptions of beer (which they call "Check-ins" to beers) and optionally any or all of where (venue, thus making it an actual checkin), 1-5 star rating, photo, or review commentary https://indiewebcamp.com/Untappd
JeenaI'm still not quite sure how to work around the alt-text of the javascript enhanced images showing up in the reader but at least the noscript image shows up again :)