tantek!tell snarfed skimmed OPD proposals, thinking seems pretty sound. Maybe drop 24h restriction for original posts found through existing algorithm (since those have bidirectional links incl rel-syndication link back to POSSE copy)
tantekI will say this, getting POSSE to work well across numerous possibilities has definitely been a lot of work! Especially to Twitter in particular, which is why this section is so long: http://indiewebcamp.com/Twitter#POSSE_to_Twitter
tantekit's commentary on a news article (on its own domain), including relevant quote in the reply-context citation. yet the commentary as written does not seem intended to show up as a comment on original article.
tantekThe difference between a reply and a comment is that a [[reply]] is a post with its own permalink on its own permalink, whereas a [[comment]] is a reply shown in the context of the original post, on the original post's permalink.
tantekGWG, I think you are breaking new ground with the combination of interesting post types and POSSE, perhaps that is why you are finding it challenging, you are doing things and combining things as others have not done before.
tantekGWG, does your reply UI on your site have a field for (optionaly) manually entering the tweet POSSE copy of the post you're replying to, so that you can do POSSE tweet threading?
tantekthat is, you could have POSSEd your reply to Twitter, with an in-reply-to-status-id of 637400305257222144, which would have threaded your POSSE copy with the POSSE copy of the original article!
tantekGWG, I (in Falcon) have a field for (optionally) manually entering the tweet POSSE copy of the post I'm replying to because my Falcon code is not yet smart enough to auto-populate it using rel-syndication from the original.
tantekperhaps I should try to package up just the Falcon code that I have that implements /Twitter#POSSE_to_Twitter , just to see if it would be helpful.
mblaneyMy post options to add a title and send to twitter aren't mutually exclusive, so at least when just the title appears in a tweet I can add the link back then too.
GWGI came up with that so I wouldn't have to ever code for a new service. It will display anything as a rel-syndication or u-syndication that is in the box.
voxpellijust posted a Swedish post on my Facebook to the misfortune of all of my non-swedish friends there – thinking that the indieweb could do better than Facebook there
voxpellipfeffer__: unless one would consider adding it as one has added "rel", but then there would be quite a bit of extra data that one might want to add – thinking this is to highlight exceptions
tantekok here's some alternative thinking about /monoculture projects - what if we reached out (both passively and actively) to them stating a desire to federate with them? prioritize friendliest/smallest such projects first, most cynical/largest last, the assumption being that smaller projects have more incentive to federate, and it's always preferable to work with friendlier communities?
tantekalright, I wanted to write one up as an example like that and have y'all take a look and iterate / provide feedback before attempting to do it on others
ben_thatmustbemei have been slowly pokeing around at other potential candidates to federate with. I have been hoping that known and WP plugins would be enough interest to get a couple of smaller ones
voxpelliaaronpk: that is weird, but I guess – supporting both xmpp and irc clients means one can use ones typical open client to connect to them and then one personally doesn't notice that it's a silo
tantekthe same way that the Mac is "more open" than Linux. The Mac is more open to more people being able to productively use it, as opposed to requiring users meet a bar of becoming a Linux sysadmin. Such high bars are barriers, and thus make something less open.
voxpellitantek: my blog will still mainly be my blog so I will keep articles up front, add a new section for links – like adactio has – and a third section for everything else
voxpellitantek: I have +10k tweets and 20-40 blog posts – but the latter has a longer lasting value than the former – so I want to keep them separate in the main UI (they are all part of the same full archive though)
tantekvoxpelli: my "tweet" frequency went way down after I started posting from my own site, mostly as a result of becoming more thoughtful with my writing just because it was starting on my own site.
tantekGWG, since you're our WordPress Outreach Club chairman, perhaps you could reach out to @meyerweb and let him know about all the awesome IndieWeb WordPress plugins there are (Eric Meyer runs WordPress on his site meyerweb.com)
tantekeither he'll try them out and use them, or he will give you EXCELLENT feedback about challenges in their UX, and perhaps suggestions for improving them
LoqiURL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indiewebcamp.com/URL_design
tantekif I've done my code right, you should be able to use cassis.js auto_link on the page on the client, and it should leave existing auto-links (from any source) alone
aaronpkespecially because the heights of the objects are all unknown, so if you wanted to quickly scroll to the bottom of the page you couldn't, because the bottom would keep getting pushed down farther as more stuff lodas
tantek.comedited /User:Tantek.com (+493) "completed: blog post about 2014-in-summary; added: updated POSSE diagram done in an atomic age design style" (view diff)