2015-10-14 UTC
mlncn joined the channel
scoates and snarfed joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove and loic_m joined the channel
# 06:05 kylewm kevinmarks: i hid it til you click somewhere on the post, open to feedback
tantek, nitot, sanduhrs, Jihaisse, friedcell, eschnou, fkooman, cweiske, petermolnar, j12t, sivoais, finchd, adactio, edpw and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 09:23 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
sivoais, peacekeep3r, j12t and elf-pavlik joined the channel
sivoais, elima, fkooman, ttepasse, j12t, edjw, friedcell and ventilateur joined the channel
elima, friedcell, lewisnyman, lewisnyman_, j12t and tantek joined the channel
j12t, hs0ucy, fourtonfish, tvn, hugs-bison, mlncn, nitot, adactio, LanceyWork, snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
scoates, tvn_, wolftune, tantek, gRegorLove and elf-pavlik joined the channel
misuba and scoates joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 16:32 bear aaronpk - well, technically it's not a new one but rather that they are changing how they display mixed-content warnings
# 16:32 bear instead of showing the caution triangle they are going to show the site as being non https
# 16:33 tantek hey I'm getting new warnings from NOSCRIPT that gmail is seeing attempted XSS attacks from mail.google.com
ttepasse_, brucewang, finchd-also, lewisnyman, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, elf-pavlik, gRegorLove, zachdono-, oddvar, blueyed, voxpelli, nitot, catsup, kylewm, FergusL, wolftune, rhiaro_, shiflett, almereyda and indie-visitor joined the channel
snarfed1 and catsup joined the channel
# 17:28 KartikPrabhu so for your post your store uid that is not the actual uid for your post?
# 17:29 KartikPrabhu "u-uid - universally unique identifier, typically canonical entry URL " I'd take that to mean the canonical entry URL of the post, not some post it is referring to
# 17:30 KartikPrabhu so if I like something, the uid of my like is still the uid on my site
# 17:30 aaronpk but what about an event, where I am storing a copy of the event on my site
catsup joined the channel
# 17:30 KartikPrabhu it is weird to have two interpreetations of uid depending on post-type
wolftune joined the channel
# 17:31 aaronpk no, the repost is its own object just like a "like" is
# 17:32 aaronpk the repost has its own publish date and its own author
# 17:33 snarfed1 sounds like the difference is whether your post is the original (e.g. likes and reposts) or a syndication ie copy of an original somewhere else
# 17:33 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:34 aaronpk basically I need a parameter that refers to the local URL of the thing on my site, regardless of whether it's an original or a syndication/copy
j12t and catsup joined the channel
# 17:39 voxpelli uid is meant for deduplication – if eg. many services were to do what Bridgy does and both would send the same silo WebMention, uid is what would ensure that only one is picked up
# 17:40 voxpelli Yep, so uid is only meaningful to explicitly set in Micropub if one publishes a copy, else it will be generated from eg URL
catsup, tantek and shiflett joined the channel
# 17:43 tantek aaronpk - huh? what do you mean "copy of the event on my site"?
# 17:44 aaronpk sometimes i publish a copy of an event that exists elsewhere
# 17:44 tantek Sounds like ... perhaps a repost of an event!
# 17:45 tantek think about it - ideally you'd want your event repost to auto-update its details if/when the original event changes right?
# 17:45 tantek posting a "copy of" something is called reposting
# 17:46 tantek specifically posting a "copy of" some other *post*, is a repost!
# 17:46 tantek good question! I'd say no at first guess because the ACL is different
# 17:46 tantek whereas presumably for your event reposts, you're going public -> public
# 17:47 tantek ACL is an abbreviation for access control list, and in the indieweb context refers typically to a list of people who are allowed to view (and perhaps edit etc.) particular posts or perhaps an entire site.
catsup joined the channel
# 17:48 tantek people say ACL more than access control list so I made the acronym the canonical page
friedcell joined the channel
# 17:48 aaronpk there's nothing wrong with a repost having diferent visibility than the original
# 17:48 tantek KartikPrabhu: when you can document examples of private reposts (somehow), we can address that problem
# 17:48 Loqi tantek meant to say: KartikPrabhu: when you can document examples of private reposts (somehow), we can address that question
# 17:51 aaronpk for example if I mistakenly entered the wrong URL, or realized the URL I reposted had a bunch of utm* parameters that I want to remove
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 17:51 [snarfed] retweets by protected twitter accounts, non-public fb/g+ shares
# 17:52 tantek snarfed great! happy to see some documentation of those with descriptions (preferably with permalinks even if only some folks can verify them)
# 17:52 aaronpk oh yeah, I made a private twitter account that reposts any tweet from an xoxo attendee that mentions "xoxo"
# 17:52 tantek aaronpk: sure, that's a bot use-case. not as interesting as human use-case but probably still worth documenting.
# 17:53 aaronpk well, lots of people want to follow that account because of the filter it provides
# 17:53 tantek sure! it's still a bot, or "aggregator service" if you prefer
catsup joined the channel
# 17:58 voxpelli I disagree that a copy of something is necessarily a repost – a repost is an active action, not a passive one
# 17:59 voxpelli A repost activity is also always an h-entry, not eg an h-event or an h-card?
catsup joined the channel
# 18:01 snarfed one distinction might be whether it appears on your front page or in any feeds
# 18:02 snarfed voxpelli: if you mark up a copy as a repost, but omit it from front page and feeds, the difference is probably pretty small. thoughts?
tantek joined the channel
# 18:03 voxpelli snarfed: isn't it enough to set a uid and a syndication-of pointing to what it copies?
# 18:04 tantek voxpelli: a-ha! was waiting for someone to ask what does it mean to repost an h-event when reposts are (always? usually?) h-entry's themselves!
# 18:05 voxpelli In activitystreams one embed the event object in the activity object, would we do
catsup joined the channel
# 18:08 kylewm hmm, yeah h-cite doesn't give you the type of the original thing does it
tantek, catsup and e-lima joined the channel
# 18:14 voxpelli not sure repost-of and h-cite would be right way to go to copy an event to ones cite
# 18:15 tantek presumably from a presentational perspective you want your copy of the event to still look like the primary thing on its page - not just a citation
# 18:16 tantek sorry I misread - *only* using h-cite would probably not communicate the right thing
catsup, eschnou, nitot, ngoldman_ and tvn joined the channel
shiflett, catsup, KartikPrabhu, mdik and petermolnar joined the channel
# 19:11 kylewm ^ suggesting a tool to download a user's data from any service and archive it somewhere/keep it up to date
catsup, sammachin1, nitot, Lancey, elf-pavlik, mlncn, gRegorLove_, friedcell, wolftune, shiflett and danlyke joined the channel
# 21:29 tantek aaronpk, just read up on the mp issue you mentioned
# 21:30 tantek seems like you do want to indicate some aspect of unique identity, and it is also desirable to express the URL permalink semantic
# 21:30 tantek something like mp-uid or micropub-uid would indicate both of those I think
# 21:30 tantek the implication being that everything on your site has a UID
# 21:31 tantek I can also see how mp-url or micropub-url would be preferable, and then only allow one value for that
# 21:31 tantek as in, this is the URL that this micropub request is operating on
# 21:31 tantek that seems more directly obvious to a new micropub developer than *-uid
nitot and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 21:36 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 21:41 tigt hey folks, I was wondering if someone could help me track down an indieweb post/site I've been looking for, on the off chance they remembered it
# 21:41 tigt it was about a fusion of static/dynamic web servers
# 21:41 tigt something about "half-baked" websites, I think? not sure
# 21:42 tigt it was a spartan white-background appearance which isn't terribly unique among indieweb sites, so that's not of much help
# 21:46 tigt I think the going implementation was something like a dynamic site that spat out static HTML, kind of "cache-first"
# 21:49 tantek tigt - I think that approach is possible with most CMSs. E.g. I've heard of setups that use WordPress purely on an intranet to publish static pages to another server which serves them publicly.
# 21:50 tigt I'm just trying to track down something very interesting he was doing with his comment <form>
# 21:50 tigt where it was the bare minimum of "dynamic" that I could conceive
# 21:50 tigt same with webmention
# 21:52 tigt I think it might just be
# 21:52 tigt thank you very much
# 21:53 tigt right now the plan is to provide as user-friendly of server-software-installation process as possible, and we're trying something weird
# 21:53 tigt the idea was that most hosts roll out the red carpet for WordPress in some fashion
# 21:54 tigt so we're investigating writing a plugin that shunts WordPress into a protected directory, uses it for static site generation, but also providing an available backend for search, comments, etc.
# 21:54 tigt definitely a weird idea but WordPress-as-an-installer seems worth an experiment
Garbee joined the channel
# 21:57 tigt would also come with a hell of a standard library
wolftune joined the channel
# 21:59 kylewm is that basically what tantek was talking about?
tantek joined the channel
# 22:00 tigt yeah, I'd say they're very similar
# 22:05 tigt you'd think it'd be more common, but the only plugin I found for getting WP to spit out static HTML was a quirky one with all its comments and variables in German
# 22:06 tigt we're interesting in adhering to principle of least power, where it's possible to invoke the WP engine to do things like accepting comments and trackbacks, local search, but if something goes wrong the static HTML should stay up
# 22:08 kevinmarks well, you could go full static and use webmention.herokuapp.com or webmention.io for the comments and trackbacks
# 22:08 tigt and if you don't need it to do those things (using Disqus/Muut, Swift/Google Custom Search/etc.), turn 'em off
# 22:08 snarfed tigt, just as a data point, i configure the wp super cache plugin to write its generated html to disk, and apache serves it from there, which gets close to what you want
# 22:09 tigt thank you, that sounds pretty good
scoates joined the channel
# 22:09 snarfed it can automatically update your apache .htaccess to run in that mode
# 22:10 snarfed and you can configure the plugin to pre-load and generate all pages' html files
# 22:10 tigt we're interested in some more in-depth buildings on top of WordPress, to the point where it might end up as a sideloader, but should probably be KISS for now
# 22:13 tigt presumably I just search "indieweb" on their plugin repository?
# 22:14 Zegnat I think everything might be linked from the indiewebcamp wiki?
# 22:15 tigt powers some frightening fraction of all sites on the internet, depending on what analytics you trust
# 22:15 tigt but it's in the double-digits for sure
# 22:15 tigt basically they've done all the hard work for getting it to run on any combination of OS/server you could shake a stick at
# 22:16 tigt I should have known loqi was a bot
# 22:16 Zegnat ah, yeah, sorry, guess the whole Loqi thing to get quick access to the wiki is very insider-only behaviour
# 22:17 kevinmarks well, it's supposed to work for non insiders too, if they ask a what is?
# 22:18 tigt it's funny, you'd think at this point IRC would have a de-facto way of indicating a user is a bot, but I've never seen such a thing other than just putting "bot" in the name somewhere
# 22:18 tigt and that's not terribly common
# 22:20 tigt it's definitely a puzzle how we have simultaneously people wailing about the web being too inherently slow and JS frameworks that, even assuming a 0s parse/execute time, turn 1 RTT to 3 or more
tantek, nitot and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
indie-visitor and wolftune joined the channel
# 23:25 tantek is it possible to setup ownyourgram to post from MULTIPLE Instagram accounts to ONE indie web site?
# 23:26 aaronpk no I think right now it's set up to assume 1:1 indieweb site and instagram account
# 23:27 aaronpk if I made it so that you first log in with an instagram account and *then* connected a micropub endpoint, it would work that way
# 23:27 tantek another question, is it possible to setup ownyourgram to *only* post photos with a specific tag from IG to your indie web site?
# 23:28 aaronpk not right now, but that would be relatively easy to add
# 23:28 tantek what if you connected a micropub endpoint that had MULTIPLE rel=me links to Instagram? to several profiles?
# 23:29 aaronpk I assume there is a real use case driving these questions, since you're not normally one to theorize hypothetical situations ;)
# 23:29 tantek the real use-case is a one-off shared site for people from an event to share photos in a common stream
# 23:30 tantek precisely what the "Shared" cloud-icon thing in the iOS Photos app does
# 23:31 tantek I haven't created one but have been invited to several, usually associated with specific events, or one for my sister's family where they share private photos (trusting Apple's privacy UX more than a "free" silo that has ad incentive to make mistakes in that regard, or at least not focused on being as careful)
# 23:32 aaronpk oh i've never turned on iCloud support for photos
# 23:32 aaronpk there's no "shared" cloud icon in the photos app unles you turn on the checkbox in settings
# 23:32 tantek I turn off iCloud support for photos too - it's all kinds of buggy - really confused my parents with what gets deleted or not where
# 23:32 aaronpk it's a different one than the setting that uploads everything
# 23:33 tantek huh ok, maybe it's iCloud sync that uploads everything?
# 23:33 aaronpk heh i can't tell what the difference is between these two: iCloud Photo Library, and My Photo Stream
nitot joined the channel
# 23:34 tantek I only have the bottom one, "iCloud Photo Sharing" turned on
# 23:34 aaronpk me too. the third one is the shared aslbum settings
# 23:35 tantek Library means everything and sync it all across devices
# 23:35 tantek Stream means only upload *new* photos, and then *send* them to all your devices. NO sync.
# 23:39 aaronpk now @indiewebcat and I are sharing an album so that I can transfer photos to her iPod quicker
e-lima joined the channel