2015-11-02 UTC
e-lima, snarfed1, Lancey, lukebrooker, KartikPrabhu, j12t, snarfed, wolftune, kylewm and acegiak joined the channel
lukebrooker, todrobbins and snarfed joined the channel
# 03:57 GWG Though I'm counting down to IWC MIT
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:23 acegiak Does anyone know if I have any outstanding indieweb tasks? Was I doing something for snarfed with salmentions?
# 04:24 snarfed acegiak: i'd definitely love to see your and pfefferle's semantic-linkbacks forks merge so that salmentions are fully supported!
# 04:24 GWG acegiak: Cleaning up the salmentions code so it can go stable
# 04:24 GWG snarfed: Micropub work is on hold again due medical. Will resume soon. Vacation next week
# 04:24 snarfed GWG: no worries! these are all side projects, for fun, no pressure or deadlines
# 04:29 GWG snarfed: I like to feel like I have accomplished something
# 04:33 GWG acegiak, snarfed: Maybe you two can help me
# 04:34 GWG I'm trying to think of a good WordPress Indieweb project for IWC MIT
# 04:40 acegiak GWG: not sure. my biggest itch from last week was a quick and easy way to indieweb reply to a tweet on my android
# 04:40 acegiak my greasemonkey script does a good job on desktop but last week because I was doing so much networking I ended up not bothering with indieweb posting and just reply tweeting in the native app interface
# 04:41 GWG acegiak: I could get that on the WordPress side, but the Android side is not something I know much about.
# 04:42 GWG Just looking for a nice day project idea. I may come up with one on my own
# 04:42 acegiak I need to work out a way to handle android intents
todrobbins and [snarfed] joined the channel
# 05:06 acegiak snarfed: the bookmarklet free thing is looking interesting
# 05:06 GWG Bookmarklet free gave me some issues
# 05:31 acegiak none of the twitter clients I've tested will separate the tweet and the url
# 05:32 acegiak but that's ok I can make my plugin that reads URL parameters into the posting form manually handle the string that plume shares
# 05:38 GWG acegiak: I wrote something on that. I was thinking of adding it back into Post Kinds.
# 05:38 acegiak GWG: I'd prefer not to have it bundled in like that atm
# 05:40 GWG acegiak: Not bundled in exactly. It is something already built into WordPress. You can specify the taxonomy as a query string
# 05:41 acegiak prepoppost let's you specify any field in the post screen in the query string
snarfed and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 05:43 [kevinmarks] I have my creaky twitter client that turns tweets into android notifications selectively. I could update that to have a "reply by webmention" action maybe
lukebrooker joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, Jihaisse, tantek, nitot and loic_m joined the channel
# 08:05 tantek !tell shaners the reason I asked (and brought it up) is because in reading the CoC presuming good intentions, I have difficulty seeing anything explicitly against the letter of what it's stating. Hence looking for more intuitive/gut guidance what is the "right" thing to do, and how we can encourage that in CoC.
# 08:05 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 08:06 tantek mlncn: lol affect/effect - English grammar documenters have long given up on that fight and explicitly allow either for either.
# 08:07 tantek (though I don't mind the OCD aspect myself ;) )
fkooman and pfefferle joined the channel
# 09:05 KartikPrabhu maybe we in a few years we'll all say "should of" when we mean "should have"
# 09:06 mlncn Trying to finish up a blog post for the Drupal Planet i've been sitting on for five months... loosening up on English grammar maybe would speed up my writing progress...
# 09:09 KartikPrabhu mlncn: I don't understand the last "but [URL]" it seems to validate fine on indiewebify
cweiske, elf-pavlik, friedcell, petermolnar, lukebrooker and j12t joined the channel
tvn joined the channel
# 10:06 voxpelli I've done much Drupal in the past and also are doing some Drupal work at the moment
j12t joined the channel
# 10:15 petermolnar voxpelli I ran away from drupal a long, long time ago when I looked at the code of drupal 6
# 10:16 petermolnar but it would be an extremely useful happening if someone would add indieweb options to drupal
cweiske, pfefferle, friedcell, j12t and ttepasse joined the channel
ttepasse joined the channel
# 12:07 acegiak I should be getting the tweet text in [1] the username in [2] and the status id in [3]
# 12:08 acegiak second line in the screenshot is the string being matched in this test, third line is the regex :/
# 12:13 acegiak yeah I threw that in there incase there was a weird whitespace unicode whatever that I couldn't see
# 12:14 acegiak I guess I don't need the \/? cause the \W* covers it
# 12:14 petermolnar the only thing I can spot is the twitter.com the . is not escaped
# 12:17 voxpelli acegiak: if you make a JSBin / Codepin with all data required to run it, it would be easier to help :/
mblaney joined the channel
# 12:25 acegiak can you explain what's happening there so I don't make the same mistake again?
# 12:25 mblaney no worries caught me looking at js regex's myself!
j12t joined the channel
# 12:27 mblaney like voxpelli said, the global flag will try and match as many times as it can, so your initial .* catches everything
# 12:28 voxpelli apparently not lazy enough with the g-flag, but otherwise, yeah, seems like it – didn't know that trick
# 12:30 mblaney yes it matches the minimum number of characters again and again.... I think.
# 12:33 acegiak Lesson learned. (.*?) Is a form I use all the time but obvs behaves slightly differently in that context
# 12:37 voxpelli acegiak: I believe the "g" in javascript also eg. makes it impossible to reuse a regexp multiple times, so I try to avoid it
# 12:38 mblaney my lesson for the day is not to leave backups on the server you are backing up... not very useful when the disk fails :-P
e-lima, hs0ucy, j12t, mattronix_, LauraJ, friedcell, pfefferle and mlncn joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
XgF joined the channel
singpolyma joined the channel
# 14:41 GWG I was thinking about SWAT0 and may try to improve my Semantic Notification plugin to cover that. Add in Pushover support.
# 14:48 voxpelli Would be cool to have more verified SWAT0 participants
# 14:49 voxpelli (I'm very close to be able to do it, but have been blocked from progressing by client work for the last couple of weeks)
# 14:49 GWG I am going to tackle the notification requirements. I am not big on picture tagging
# 14:51 mlncn right now Agaric is just marking up our site for IndieWeb, making Drupal easily implement every IndieWeb protocol is a goal but one which we aren't alone on and hope many will join in on doing...
# 14:53 singpolyma GWG: SWAT0 as I read it doesn't have to be "picture tagging" so much as "there is a picture, and alice mentions bob in the post containing the picture" (facebook-style "tag")
# 14:53 voxpelli mlncn: there will be a module for enabling Pubsubhubbub feeds soon
# 14:53 GWG I am going to focus on notification improvements though.
# 14:54 Loqi A person tag (AKA people tag) is a special kind of tag that refers to a specific person by URL rather than just a word or phrase, and is done as an explicit tag by the user, beyond just mentioning a person via hyperlink / h-card https://indiewebcamp.com/person-tag
# 14:55 voxpelli mlncn: that module will also support pinging HTML-pages with eg. mf2-markup on them
# 15:00 mlncn voxpelli: is there a module, sandbox, or github i should point interested Drupalistas at? Only active project we know is https://www.drupal.org/project/vinculum and i wanted to check with Dan Feidt / HongPong before emphasizing that... we do intend to keep blogging about IndieWeb to Drupal (and anyone else we can reach) as we slowly walk the talk
j12t joined the channel
# 15:05 petermolnar GWG, for people tagging are you planning to use a custom taxonomy to store people?
# 15:06 GWG I hadn't planned on tackling that yet, but I had wanted to store hcards as roleless users.
cmhobbs, wolftune, hober2, tallpaul_, uranther_, M-RyanRix1, _6a68, petermolnar, arlen, pfefferle, davbo, moredhel, kronda, danfowler and j12t joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
friedcell, shiflett, snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
tvn, funwhilelost, snarfed, tallpaul, cleverdevil, opyate, raretrack, glennjones_ and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 18:11 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 18:12 indie-visitor hi mates, whacha doin` :)
petermolnar, e-lima, friedcell, j12t, elf-pavlik, tantek, squeakytoy, Tino and tme5 joined the channel
# 18:53 tantek assuming Portland is on because aaronpk will pull it off somehow - maybe even get VIew Source conference attendees to show up!
# 18:53 tantek Jeena: are you own for Göteborg this week? Assuming yes :)
# 18:53 tantek And Jeremy just let me know yesterday that no Brighton this week
# 18:56 GWG kylewm: I wish I could come. It could top my last SF visit when I got abandoned by a cable car
# 18:56 tantek kylewm: unfortunately not - he flies out tomorrow night!
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed and cleverdevil- joined the channel
# 19:14 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Anything is good.
funwhilelost joined the channel
# 19:15 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: I feel you - I have so many things I'd wanted to get done / ready *before* IWC!
# 19:18 GWG snarfed gave me an idea for something I could accomplish in a day or so.
# 19:19 tantek great! did you capture it on your User page itches list?
opyate joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 19:22 ben_thatmustbeme meetup.com also has pretty good discoverability for some people really looking for groups to get involved with
petermolnar joined the channel
# 19:55 tantek Please share with your friends and colleagues in the MIT / Cambridge / Boston area, and anyone in the vicinity that could easily travel (e.g. by train from NYC)
# 19:55 tantek and of course, go sign-up on the Eventbrite (aaronpk rhiaro sandro) so that their promotion algorithms pass the event along to others in the area!
raretrack joined the channel
mattronix joined the channel
# 20:13 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:16 tantek !tell aaronpk just realized the View Source after party is at 17:00! Then perhaps just plan HWC PDX nearby to Ground Kontrol and closer to 18:30? Make sense?
# 20:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
shiflett joined the channel
# 20:35 Jeena  tantek, done, and it`s the first thing I wrote on my new Dvorak keyboard
[jonnybarnes] joined the channel
# 20:36 Jeena and it takes forever to write anything, but it`s fun!
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 20:39 singpolyma [jonnybarnes]: with CSS inside the SVG or outside? how are you embedding the SVG?
nitot joined the channel
# 20:52 [jonnybarnes] that’s what I’ve resorted too, I’ll just need to remember to update the svg files if I ever change the colour of my links
davidpeach and tvn_ joined the channel
# 21:01 singpolyma jonnybarnes: ? oh, you made seperate SVG files for each colour instead of embedding?
# 21:04 [jonnybarnes] if I ever change the colour of links in my CSS, then the SVGs will still be the old colour
# 21:05 kevinmarks if you can inline the SVG, that saves more roundtrips too - depending on how compelx the SVGs are that can be a saving
# 21:05 singpolyma [jonnybarnes]: right. better to inline the SVG in your app. or use xlink as the article kevinmarks just linked suggests
# 21:08 tantek kevinmarks: perhaps start that page and collect links there?
cleverdevil- joined the channel
# 21:09 kevinmarks SVG is Scalable Vector Graphics, a way of avoiding pixel images implemented in all modern browsers. See also [[svgur ]]
fourtonfish joined the channel
# 21:17 aaronpk you should be able to find an API wrapper that handles most of that for you
# 21:18 aaronpk using a library is the only way to deal with OAuth 1
# 21:18 davidpeach got past the user auth and back to my site, but now signing the next step is wrong
# 21:18 singpolyma kevinmarks: svgur is yours? would be nice if stuff on there were licensed in some way
# 21:18 aaronpk davidpeach: definitely use a library, and then just make sure you're passing in all the config secrets to the library
# 21:19 singpolyma aaronpk: using a library is the only way to do any security protocol. Otherwise you'll 100% definitely get something wrong and introduce a new attack surface
# 21:19 kevinmarks it's an 'upload it yourself' site; the svg filss can have licenses in
# 21:21 singpolyma I wonder how hard it would be to parse that metadata out and display it on the page, if present.
# 21:21 davidpeach @aaronpk may go that route soon. I started it as a bit of a dev challenge for myself.
# 21:21 aaronpk davidpeach: oh my. I definitely do not recommend writing code for OAuth 1 yourself.
# 21:22 singpolyma davidpeach: or any other auth/crypto/security code. libraries always
# 21:23 davidpeach i just wanted to see if i could - its just for posseing photos to flickr
# 21:23 aaronpk if you do want to write it yourself, write it as a library
# 21:23 singpolyma kevinmarks: I think inkscape generates the cc metadata by default always, even when blank
# 21:24 aaronpk there is pretty much 0 reason to write a Flickr API client from scratch at this point tho
# 21:25 davidpeach with flickr I need to manually auth it first before getting tokens i believe
# 21:27 aaronpk using a web service to talk to flickr is a whole different story. i would not always necessarily recommend that
# 21:28 davidpeach so with flickering, that handshake method - is that basically doing that whole back and forth?
opyate joined the channel
elima_ and nitot joined the channel
# 21:42 kevinmarks (depending on what you;re doing, the idno plugins model may be useful)
# 21:49 snarfed kevinmarks: thanks for the report, feel free to file an issue
# 21:51 snarfed we should definitely find and use that link...but as a workaround, if you add known.kevinmarks.com to your flickr profile and re-auth, it should work via your syndication link
# 21:52 kevinmarks as that's the standard Known -> flickr propagation, worth fixing
# 21:52 kylewm kevinmarks: snarfed: I definitely will, thanks for the heads up
# 22:01 kylewm snarfed: wait, I thought we ignored links that didn't have a domain == user's domain
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:06 kevinmarks ah, so if I post a new one it will work, it's the backfilling not quite working
# 22:08 snarfed kylewm: we demote them to mention, but i think they should still show up as webmention targets on his user page
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 22:19 kylewm snarfed: in that case wouldn't it interpret the photo itself as a mention of Kevin's post, but not backfeed the responses to the mention?
funwhilelost joined the channel
# 22:20 kevinmarks there is a <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/kevinmarks/19508258254/" rel="syndication" class="u-syndication flickr"><i class="fa fa-flickr"></i> Flickr</a>
# 22:21 snarfed you need to add that url to your flickr profile and re-auth so we know to crawl it :P
# 22:21 kevinmarks it's on the linked page, but the url isn't matching becasue flickr is annoying
# 22:22 snarfed ah. right. we don't crawl links in silo posts. at least not to search for synd urls
# 22:22 kevinmarks the flickr page has <link id="canonicalurl" rel="canonical" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/kevinmarks/19508258254" data-dynamic-added-by="bb44774707b5780000000000000000000000000000000" data-dynamic="true" />
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 22:23 kevinmarks ah, I thought if you were crawling it for a webmention endpoint, you might find it
# 22:24 snarfed we do crawl for wm endpoint, we just don't also look for synd urls
# 22:29 kevinmarks you'd still have to unmangle the flickr one, but looks like useful info
# 22:33 kylewm kevinmarks: we do replace flickr username with user-id when canonicalizing the url
tantek and nitot joined the channel
snarfed, edsu, M-RyanRix and funwhilelost joined the channel
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# 23:41 tantek interesting about the many URLs of Flick permalinks - pretty sure Flickr themselves are consistent about the "canonical" URL of a (photo|video) post on Flickr - that should help right?
shiflett, nitot and snarfed joined the channel