#kevinmarks"The extra tags are part of what's known as Web components, which will likely become a Web standard (or it might turn out to be "ActiveX part 2," only the future knows for sure)."
#tantek!tell kevinmarks, KartikPrabhu lol re: criticism of "isomorphic" code and "isn't actually much code that can or should be re-used in the two environments" - I'll just keep coding more of it then to disprove that statement with my open source existence proof. :)
#Loqikevinmarks_: tantek left you a message 44 seconds ago: lol re: criticism of "isomorphic" code and "isn't actually much code that can or should be re-used in the two environments" - I'll just keep coding more of it then to disprove that statement with my open source existence proof. :) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-11-03/line/1446620200091
#tantekkevinmarks - your replacement suggestion would/could be more interesting if you provided suggested UX for summarizing its display perhaps similar to the summary displays that Slack provides
#tanteke.g. Slack doesn't just show a series of "so-and-so said * in reply to ...", Slack shows a * character with a count on it. Perhaps single-character replies could be facepiled.
#kevinmarks_well, if we treat them as a kind of reply they are
#tantekno need to do any special "kind of" treatment
#kevinmarks_if you look at how we are converging webmentions, we have heart/star and recycle
#tantekmy point is the receiving site can already algorithmically present different UI for one-character replies
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 42 minutes ago: lol re: criticism of "isomorphic" code and "isn't actually much code that can or should be re-used in the two environments" - I'll just keep coding more of it then to disprove that statement with my open source existence proof. :) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-11-03/line/1446620200091
#tantekonce? wouldn't doint it again make it twice?
#tantekcreating once also sounds like creating the past which doesn't make sense
#petermolnarGWG I have a story from yesterday: I ended up with 250k _wp_old_slug entries in postmeta table by re-adding shorturls on every single visit; and the site was still up, except for one post which kept crashing PHP :)
#aaronpkit's not even webmention spam i'm worried about
#aaronpkbasically whenever there is a form on the internet that someone can put things in, it will be spammed. at least with requiring you submit a bookmark, it means the spammer has to host the bookmark on a URL
#aaronpkthe latest change I did with indienews was to allow you to submit things that don't link to indienews, you just have to bookmark them yourself to submit them
#snarfedthe python deferred lib lets you run code on a task queue with literaly a single line: deferred.defer(do_something_expensive, "arg", other_arg=True)
#voxpellian interesting extension of the bookmark + submit to IndieNews is if multiple people bookmarks + submits to IndieNews – then you have Reddit-voting more or less
#snarfedyeah it's only broken on one width segment
#aaronpkvoxpelli: true! i'd better check what happens when two people submit the same url
#aaronpklooks like task queues in php appengine are done by having app engine post to a specific route
#aaronpkthat's nice, that means not a lot of custom appengine code
#voxpelliwonder if it would be possible to forward PuSH-pings from HTML to Atom versions in Granary? what do you think snarfed?
#voxpelliso as long as there's a PuSH-subscriber to the Atom-version Granary will have a PuSH-subscriber to the HTML-version
#kylewmvoxpelli: we talked about this before I think, why not just subscribe to the hub for the atom feed?
#voxpellikylewm: if I want to convert an h-feed to atom then only the h-feed will have a hub, not the atom feed, and with fat pings you're supposed to consume the content of the ping
#kevinmarksright, you enqueue a series of tasks that manifest as POSTs later
#kylewmthe discussion previously went that way -- don't use fat pings, and there's no problem
#voxpelliand even without considering the fat pings, Granary would have to expose PuSH-discovery data
#kylewmyeah granary would need to publish a Link header
#voxpelliand fat pings is kind of part of PuSH so one can't really ignore it – especially when considering established feed clients
#snarfedalso probably not a great fit for the granary webapp specifically, since it doesn't currently do anything in the background, polling or otherwise, and probably shouldn't since it's just a demo for the lib
#voxpellikylewm: snarfed: what about exposing another property in Granary that, if specified, adds discovery data for the specified PuSH-hub – and leaves the actual notification to that hub up to the creator?
#tantekusually when sandro asks a question, it's a tip-of-the-iceberg type query
nitot joined the channel
#kylewmsnarfed: I think what voxpelli was talking about was having granary (originally we wanted unmung to do this too) subscribe to the original push hub, and when it receives update pings from the original, send pings of its own for theproxied content
#kylewmso proxying a push-enabled feed to a push-enabled feed of another format
#voxpellikylewm: that was my original idea, but that sounds complex, much easier to just let the one who wants a hub to be pinged to take care of that itself
#voxpelliand only have you take care of the only part you need to take care of – the discovery
#tantekdoes anyone do full-bleed photo/video presentation on their home page or permalinks?
#snarfedkylewm: voxpelli: right, ok. that's a significant addition to what's currently just a demo for a library, so i'm not sure it would belong in granary-demo or bridgy (alongside https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/420) or somewhere else
#kylewmassuming your consumer is smart enough to look at the fat ping content and say "hey I asked for Atom, not HTML!" and go and fetch the proxied content itself...
#snarfedi guess it's more than demo, it's a REST service...but still
#tantekI'm looking for "nice" mobile presentation examples to document and use as inspiration for (re)writing some CSS
#tantektries to hard to bring up a presentation/UI/UX topic among the plumbing discussions :P
#kylewmam I missing something voxpelli? It seems like we switched opinions :)
#voxpellisnarfed: kylewm: the way I suggested it in the ticket one could easily do the necessary pinging outside of granary – either from the original source or by chaining it onto existing PuSH-notifications
#kevinmarksnice mobile presentation of what, tantek?
#voxpelliif eg. aaronpk were to add the granary feed to indienews he could easily ping any push hub specified in that feed whenever the front page of indienews updates
#tantekkevinmarks: repeating for your benefit: does anyone do full-bleed photo/video presentation on their home page or permalinks?
#Loqitantek meant to say: kevinmarks: repeating for your benefit: does anyone do full-bleed photo/video presentation for mobile on their home page or permalinks?
#tantekalready have Instagram as a good silo example
#tantekif you have a specific URL to suggest (even silo) for mobile presentation inspiration - please provide!
#tantekI still find myself using Instagram as my #1 most frequent "reader" "app" and thus am trying to figure out what about its presentation is so compelling, and if I can replicate that on my homepage and permalinks
#tantekbut I figured I'd see if anyone has indieweb mobile presentation that they're particularly happy with
#kevinmarksgo to g.co/amp onmobile and search for fashion
#tantekwow that blogger stylig on mobile kinda sucks - way too much whitespace L/R margins
#aaronpkyou would be surprised the number of redirects people expect to work. when people put in "example.com" in their twitter profile which redirects to "http://www.example.com" which redirects to "https://www.example.com/" on top of the t.co thing
#tantek1. sidescroll(crawl) sucks for content usability.
#tantek2. the card-styling they're using for displaying the images are good for indicating "this is a preview of content elsewhere", but very bad for your own content. too much grayscale framing noise
#kevinmarksif you click trouhg to NYT ones and scroll those sideways
#tantektheir presentation is usable, but wastes a lot of space for white/grayspace which is poor usability on mobile
#tantek(that was re: google amp demo results for fashion)
ttepasse joined the channel
#tantekinteresting. nytimes.com on mobile is strangely inconsistent. some of their featured images for articles are full bleed, and others have odd L/R margins
#kevinmarksodd, buzzfeed doesn't do full bleed on mobile
#tanteksfchronicle.com typography for election 2015 box uses underlined headings (unlinked), with non-underlined article links below. you would think in this day and age that underline = link (not the opposite!) would be obvious
scoates_ joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+68) "/* mobile design */ full bleed photos examples, IG, mobile nytimes" (view diff)
#rickardgtantek: aaronpk thanks, as long as something works I'm happy, just to be clear though, on the wiki g+ works but not twitter
#aaronpkoh twitter still doesn't work logging in to the wiki?
#aaronpkwhat's your site? I can probably figure out the issue :)
#kevinmarkshm, is there a drawback to adding img,video {max-width: 100vw;} globally to do full bleed on mobile?
#kevinmarksyou can override for things you actually wnt wier then the screen
#tantekkevinmarks: I'm looking at it as one (major) part of fixing my mobile presentation in general - everytime I look at it I notice more problems to fix :/
#kevinmarksok, added that to svgur.com adn ti looks good
#tantekI think I need to break down the parts of a post for mobile presentation (both permalink and instream like homepage) and fix them as a whole rather than piecemeal.
#kevinmarksnow I have my head around flexbox a bit more, it seems like a good way to think about these
#tantekpulls out his physical notebook again and dusts it off.
#rickardgaaronpk: that's probably it, I only added the link yesterday. My site is www.grammaticus.se, it's very mych a work in progress so could also be misconfigurations on my part
#kevinmarksa series of nesting flexboxes where you decide which bits go across and down and when they shrink and when they wrap
#aaronpkman i gotta fix this this week. basically twitter login on indieauth.com is broken unless your site is https right now
snarfed, nitot and funwhilelost joined the channel
#tantekhaving looked at these newspaper sites I'm reminded again just how much most of them are basically a "Doomsday Times" (especially if you look at their physical printed front pages above the fold)
#tantekI know there are just as many (if not more) awesome positive things happening at local and global levels. And I wonder if it is possible to produce a more positive balanced newspaper in that way.
#tantekI feel like this is an indieweb opportunity because maybe we could construct such a "Optimist Daily" type "newspaper" by aggregating positive posts from indieweb sites.
#tantekI realize that's fairly handwavy - but for the moment I'm figuring the concrete thing I can do is to try to report/blog more on positive things happening locally etc.
#tantekDoes any of this analysis interest/resonate with anyone else?
#tantekkevinmarks, thanks for reminding about buzzfeed - I'll take a new look at it with that perspective to see how it feels
#tantekone of the things this "Optimist Daily" would be is very fast - since it wouldn't load so much from crappy js - and instead assemble summary pages on the server
mattronix, zero-gravitas, nitot and mlncn joined the channel
#tantekaaronpk - good question re: adding - thinking a combination of submissions (ala IndieNews) + curation. agreed re: sentiment analysis.
#tantekand yes a newspaper layout for IndieNews would be an excellent way of splitting that piece of it into its own building block and trying it with live data accordingly.
#tantek^^^ is that still true? maybe needs an update re: using /bookmark posts?
#tantekaaronpk: also, would you consider allowing like posts as a way to submit articles to IndieNews? (given that a like is perhaps an even stronger expression of sentiment than a bookmark?)
#tantekwould you process all the h-entrys on a page that was submitted? e.g. could I submit my home page and have all my "recent" likes act as submissions/votes?
#[aaronpk]The whole subscribing to your whole "like" feed is fun too but that's a different project