2015-11-07 UTC
wolftune, Geng, warden, sparverius, Calli, nitot and paroneay` joined the channel
[aaronpk] joined the channel
# 01:37 kevinmarks I suspect they just looked at the pyramid scheme aspect and put them on the spam list
nitot, snarfed, tantek, Calli and [aaronpk] joined the channel
nitot and KitB joined the channel
mlncn joined the channel
# 05:57 GWG I keep thinking about doing Owncloud
nitot, wolftune and snarfed joined the channel
# 06:28 snarfed added more info to bridgy user pages, e.g. when it last sent you a wm, fetched your web page, found a syndication link, etc.
nitot, loic_m, sparverius, j12t, e-lima, ttepasse, iboxifoo and [aaronpk] joined the channel
j12t, lukebrooker and [aaronpk] joined the channel
j12t and elf-pavlik joined the channel
# 11:44 rhiaro Let me know what coffeeshop you all end up at and I'll find you. Clover mass ave is open;
j12t, e-lima, bear and glennjones joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 15:01 david.shanske.com created /Streaming_Kit (+1116) "Created page with "Streaming an IndieWebCamp requires some planning. Streaming can be anything from an extra laptop to a dedicated streamer. = Dedicated Streamer = {{aaronpk}}
uses a Teradeck Vid..."" (
view diff )
# 15:04 Kongaloosh will you have a talky or something up that I can just link to?
# 15:06 rhiaro Kongaloosh: we'll get 2 way up during discussions if you still are around then
mlncn joined the channel
# 15:22 Kongaloosh I'm currently in a cafe. I'll move somewhere else and rejoin.
# 15:23 GWG aaronpk has better toys than I do.
# 15:24 rhiaro aaronpk: Working on new site, not ready to demo but will anyway
# 15:24 rhiaro ... Goal to launch without losing too many features of current site, and not add too much to it until after it's launched
# 15:26 rhiaro *discussion about use of random photos for people*
# 15:26 rhiaro ... New site, everything is rendered more similarly
# 15:26 rhiaro ... Same HTML with things added, but no types
# 15:30 rhiaro ... Also don't have a web interface for posting, will always use external micropub clients
# 15:30 rhiaro ... Changed how I'm handling and storing webmentions
# 15:30 rhiaro ... Don't have a webmention endpoint on this site, use webmention.io
# 15:31 rhiaro ... Added to webmention.io a webhook so that you can tell webmention.io to ping your site when a verified webmention is recieved
# 15:31 rhiaro ... DOes all the parsing and ensmallens it to send to your site
# 15:31 rhiaro ... Realised I should make that payload be the jf2 payload
# 15:33 rhiaro ... Whenever it finds an author profile image it downloads the image and stashes it in s3 and rewrites the url in the payload it sends to you
# 15:33 rhiaro ... everything is https and if you have old webmentions you're not going to end up with broken images
# 15:40 ben_thatmustbeme wants to have weekly summaries, things like "liked # things" "subscribed to # of people"
# 15:46 ben_thatmustbeme tantek: this is where the indieweb is nice, it lets us pick the best design and use it for ourselves
# 15:51 ben_thatmustbeme after "SOMEONE" (points at tantek) commented that there are too many post kinds to choose from so there is options now to enable or disable types
# 15:52 ben_thatmustbeme cannot write a post UI for every possible instance, it just supports more micropub functionality
j12t joined the channel
# 16:00 GWG aaronpk is contemplating an h-trip
# 16:01 GWG aaronpk is proposing new top level objects
# 16:01 GWG Is this a post type thing which he is trying to avoid?
# 16:01 rhiaro Kongaloosh: I think the youtube stream will be better
# 16:03 GWG Kongaloosh: There is more than one rhiaro?
# 16:04 GWG Kongaloosh: I'm equally impressed. I need her to come down to NYC and help me recruit HWC candidates
raretrack joined the channel
snarfed and [jonnybarnes] joined the channel
# 16:16 KitB fwiw I seem to be having difficulty watching the youtube stream even on 144p
# 16:17 rhiaro Kongaloosh: whatever you want... your hopes and dreams... and what you've done since IWC Edi
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:21 rhiaro Kongaloosh: Undergrad at Edinburgh, introduced to IWC this summer
# 16:21 rhiaro ... Background in ML and robotics, not much experience in web dev
# 16:22 rhiaro ... primary interest was keeping track of pho...
# 16:27 rhiaro I think the screensharing is messing with the connection
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 16:30 tantek Kongaloosh: one of the things I got working recently are webmentions, and in-reply-tos
# 16:30 rhiaro KitB: if you appear on camera you can increase the Edinburgh count :)
neanias joined the channel
# 16:31 neanias My mic isn't working apparently
# 16:32 rhiaro Kongaloosh: everyone is just discussing how fun it is to have Edinburgh here :)
# 16:32 tantek THIS: "Making it more difficult for people to call me is a feature, not a bug."
# 16:33 aaronpk Kongaloosh: wants to work on hosting photos to reduce dependency on third party services
# 16:34 Kongaloosh I've been told it's a bootstrap thing, but I haven't found the cause
# 16:35 neanias rhiaro: haven't anything to demo
# 16:35 neanias Except my shiny, shiny shoes
# 16:35 neanias All it says is 'Yo'
# 16:35 rhiaro neanias: this weekend is a good time to get one!
# 16:36 rhiaro kongaloosh: you have anything else to show/say?
# 16:36 neanias Remembrance Sunday tomorrow
# 16:37 neanias Doesn't detract from it being Remembrance Sunday
# 16:37 neanias rhiaro: After I've finished bulling my shoes
# 16:38 rhiaro Kongaloosh: added that discussion session idea to the whiteboard!
# 16:38 tantek (aside, great to put a face & voice with the IRC handle!0
# 16:39 rhiaro Anyone else have session topics for discussion today?
# 16:41 neanias Hot damn, those are shiny
# 16:41 Kongaloosh Ahahah, the generational inertia was one of the points that I was going to bring up, tantek
# 16:41 neanias What is relmeauth?
# 16:43 neanias cannot into perdy designs
# 16:44 neanias Well, the M and C bits anyway
# 16:44 neanias Should probably do that
# 16:44 neanias First I need to think of something to put on my site
# 16:44 rhiaro Kongaloosh, neanias, KitB: you have to stick around until sandro gets here, 15-30 mins
# 16:45 neanias Christ almighty, my ears
# 16:45 KitB I didn't even have my headphones on and it hurt
# 16:46 rhiaro wonders who Kongaloosh and KitB are talking to - is it moredhel?
# 16:48 rhiaro 1. Where/how to store data for different types of posts
j12t joined the channel
# 16:50 rhiaro Kongaloosh, moredhel, KitB, neanias: give me 3 numbers please!
# 16:52 KitB the youtube stream straight up doesn't seem to work
# 16:52 [snarfed] heh wish i could, mostly out of pocket this weekend. wish i was there!
# 16:53 neanias Looking at my server
# 16:53 neanias Something new on my prompt
# 16:54 neanias For realz, Kongaloosh ?
# 16:56 Kongaloosh yup. Neither of them are computer scientists, yet both of them should be : /
# 16:57 neanias Wait, Amy, where are you?
# 16:58 neanias Oh, hey, it's KitB
# 16:59 neanias I thought you were in America?
# 17:03 neanias I'm with you Kongaloosh
# 17:05 neanias I see KitB & moredhel's flat
# 17:05 KitB so we just can't see you
# 17:05 KitB for whatever reason
Calli joined the channel
# 17:07 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 11/7 9:37am (#5738)
# 17:08 neanias That reminds me
# 17:08 neanias Might pop to Sainsbury's
# 17:08 rhiaro TOPIC: notifications clustering and presentation
# 17:09 KitB We should be muted
# 17:10 rhiaro aaronpk: Lowest common denominator for mentions is text
# 17:10 Loqi rhiaro meant to say: aaronpk: Lowest common denominator for notifications is text
# 17:10 rhiaro ... webmention.io clusters because of flooding
# 17:11 rhiaro ... when a notification is received it starts a timer, notifications coming in are added to timer and timer is extended for x amount of time
# 17:11 Kongaloosh it's interesting, most people check their notifications within a few minutes of waking up
# 17:11 rhiaro ... if no new webmentions are recieved by the time the timer goes off, it's a cluster, text is created and whole cluster is sent
# 17:11 rhiaro ... only similarly typed notifications are clustered
# 17:11 rhiaro ... that can be combined into a single sentance
# 17:11 Kongaloosh and the number of times people check their phones during the day is astronomically high
# 17:11 neanias Kongaloosh: one of the first things I do, to be honest
# 17:12 rhiaro ... you want to cluster when one post links to multiple things
# 17:12 GWG Notifications are by author or by type, but not both.
# 17:12 tantek aaronpk: you do want to cluster by: source (permalink) of notification (e.g. one post links to many posts)
# 17:12 rhiaro ... also multiple people respond to one post, like rsvps to an event
# 17:12 tantek aaronpk: or multiple sources link to one of your posts
# 17:13 rhiaro aaronpk: silos do it based on distance in social graph and amount of interactions. Obviously harder.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 17:18 [snarfed] lol I've been posting that link here. hopefully the slack bridge is still working?
# 17:18 rhiaro aaronpk: liked a post that linked to... happens all the time
# 17:19 rhiaro ... bridgy sends a post to every link your tweet, which is different to salmentions
# 17:20 rhiaro aaronpk: some of the notification text is till wrong, lots of edge cases
wolftune joined the channel
# 17:24 rhiaro Kongaloosh, KitB, moredhel, neanias: group photo time!
# 17:25 KitB neanias: how far away do you live?
# 17:25 neanias So not very far
# 17:25 neanias Maybe 10-15 mins
# 17:25 KitB clearly you should run over here
# 17:25 KitB and join us for the photo
# 17:25 neanias Give me an address and I'll head over
# 17:26 neanias I don't know where you live..
# 17:26 neanias All I know is near Sciennes
# 17:29 neanias Kongaloosh: dat grin do
# 17:29 neanias Such forced smiles
# 17:30 KitB audio is breaking up btw
# 17:31 rhiaro Anyone have any comments about social notifications?
# 17:32 [snarfed] social (silo) notifications are relevant to my interests!
# 17:32 aaronpk oops sorry [snarfed] I wasn't seeing those cause i was standing up by the whiteboard
# 17:33 rhiaro tantek: if you think about notifications for every type of post you have, it forces you to think about text-first design
# 17:33 rhiaro ... push notifications are just one type, you might also have a page of them
# 17:33 rhiaro sandro: any need for standardisation / interop?
# 17:34 rhiaro aaronpk: *recaps notification text / clustering brainstorming*
# 17:37 rhiaro Preferences for notification clustering are going to vary per person and context
# 17:37 rhiaro sandro: want to know sooner if something surprising is happening, like 300 people share a post in 2 minutes, don't want to wait 5
# 17:38 rhiaro sandro: some posts I'm nervous about and want to know everything that happens straight away, some posts I don't care about
# 17:38 rhiaro aaronpk: but still a lot of text design in common regardless of timing
# 17:38 rhiaro sandro: and having terminology about this, so users can set their preferences
j12t joined the channel
# 17:43 rhiaro tantek: designing for notifications first makes it easier to figure out overall design of a post on the site
# 17:43 rhiaro sandro: ways to do push notifications to phone?
# 17:45 rhiaro ben_thatmustbeme: there are ways to disable webworkers, but you can go back to the site to disallow it
# 17:46 rhiaro tantek: a month ago shipped in firefox for android too
# 17:47 rhiaro ben_thatmustbeme: can also tell chrome mobile and browser are me, so i can dismiss on one and it is dismissed on the other
# 17:47 rhiaro aaronpk: safari desktop recently added support for apple's push notifications
# 17:50 rhiaro Kongaloosh, KitB, moredhel, neanias: Since you're all going to be on one site you can add Edinburgh as a co-located IWC
# 17:51 rhiaro Kongaloosh: Hope you're back for barriers to entry conversation
# 17:51 rhiaro This'll be way more fun than whatever else you were planning for this evening
squeakytoy, j12t, petermolnar and elf-pavlik joined the channel
# 19:20 rhiaro Kongaloosh, KitB, moredhel, neanias, still awake?
# 19:21 rhiaro Kongaloosh, we'll do your barriers to entry session before you sleep if you want?
# 19:21 neanias It's only 20 past7
# 19:21 neanias You need some sort sort of timezone bot
tantek and dannyid joined the channel
# 19:34 rhiaro aaronpk: My problem is I have posts on my site in little rectangles, some are text, some are events, some are bike rides
# 19:35 rhiaro ... right now I have h-entry, h-event and h-card as top level posts
# 19:36 rhiaro ... With my new site, storing things as microformats objects internally
# 19:37 rhiaro ... for things like bike rides, want to collapse properties into a trip object
# 19:38 rhiaro ... is that part of the h-entry or a top level trip object
# 19:38 rhiaro ... do I store it this way? Do I present it this way? How to fall back if you don't know the vocabulary?
# 19:40 rhiaro aaronpk: decision so far was that h-entries can have complex objects as properties
# 19:40 rhiaro ... Difference between trip and route.. a trip is like an event, happened once. A route is just the path and maybe mode of transport
# 19:41 rhiaro ... If a route is its own object it can have its own url
funwhilelost joined the channel
# 19:49 rhiaro *something about summary being usefl for fallback text for consumers who don't understand specific properties*
# 19:52 rhiaro tantek: does it make sense for what you think as an entry to contain more than one of the new thing
# 19:52 rhiaro ... then you may want that thing to be an array of objects inside an entry
# 19:52 rhiaro ... and therefore start out as a property with a nested object
# 19:53 rhiaro ... If in practice you're almost always just publishing one, you can do both
# 19:54 rhiaro ... h-card used to always have address as a substructure
# 19:54 rhiaro ... we found people almost always published one address
# 19:54 rhiaro ... so asking people do this extra heirarchy makes no sense fro usability
# 19:54 rhiaro aaronpk: so you let h-card contain a street address property rather than requiring it to be inside h-adr
# 19:56 rhiaro ... hierarchy is a way to cluster a set of properties
# 20:00 rhiaro Does the thing need its own URL or have its own name?
# 20:00 rhiaro aaronpk: If I look at the trip example, I could give a name to my commute to work
# 20:00 rhiaro ... I would say I biked from home to work this morning
# 20:00 rhiaro ... If I'm designing notfication text and want a summary, it is convenient for the route to have its name be home to work
# 20:01 rhiaro ... The summary of the trip includes the name of the route in it
# 20:01 rhiaro tantek: what you're publishing right now are instances
# 20:02 rhiaro ... Confront that problem when you have a route object, not just instances
# 20:02 rhiaro aaronpk: I can ignore that problem for now, but it still indicates that the trip should be the top level thing
# 20:02 rhiaro aaronpk: I should do it right now as its own top level thing, if I later want to give these routes names the structure is in place for that
wolftune joined the channel
# 20:12 rhiaro Anyone think of events that have different start and end locations?
# 20:13 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 11/7 12:18pm (#5739)
# 20:19 tantek aaronpk: ^^^ those are good places to start, with a user-centric definition
# 20:25 aaronpk petermolnar: you can try arguing with Loqi, but he may not argue back
# 20:26 GWG I tried teaching Loqi expressions in other languages, which didn't work
j12t and gRegorLove joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:31 aaronpk i doubt anyone would go through the trouble of scripting an oauth client to sign in to the wiki
# 20:32 aaronpk especially when they then don't go make spam wiki edits after
# 20:35 petermolnar by the way, are the new domains for logins logged? we could auto-add them an alternate irc-people list as seen-people
# 20:36 aaronpk i'm not comfortable publicizing those unless we make it way more obvious when signing in to the wiki
# 20:37 petermolnar by the way, which is harder: getting a website or launching IRC? :)
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 20:38 [snarfed] it's easy to sign up for blogger, tumblr, or wordpress.com
# 20:38 [snarfed] and you can do indieauth and webmentions (via bridgy's blog support)
# 20:39 [snarfed] all three of those are probably less intimidating than irc
# 20:39 petermolnar instead of blogger and tumblr and wordpress.com, shouldn't we kind of embrace withknown.com?
# 20:39 aaronpk maybe we should stop saying IRC since there are now 3 ways to connect to this chat channel
# 20:40 [snarfed] petermolnar: sure, known is preferred, but not an either or!
# 20:40 petermolnar chat is also an archaic thing if it's not an app and if you're talking to random strangers :/
# 20:40 [snarfed] getting and attaching a domain is a bit more work (on all four) but we've documented the steps pretty well on the wiki
# 20:40 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 11/7 1:15pm (#5740)
# 20:41 petermolnar [snarfed] right, but if someone asks me where to get a personal website, I'd definitely point at known first instead of the others
# 20:42 rhiaro (kongaloosh: we're talking about barriers to entry, it sort of naturally occurred)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 20:46 tantek A web standard is a technical specification that describes [[format ]]s and/or [[protocol ]]s (or extensions thereof) for the web that instructs implementations in how to code support for them in sufficient detail to interoperate, and in practice has several existing interoperable implementations.
# 20:47 kevinmarks nb known currently has free signup disabled as spambots were scripting it
# 20:47 tantek !tell benwerd congrats on your success of becoming a big enough target for spammers to create scripts for!
# 20:47 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
dannyid joined the channel
# 20:48 GWG snarfed: Wonder if webmentions on WordPress will get there
# 20:48 GWG snarfed: Before I forgot, would you have any ideas for a little project of mine?
# 20:49 GWG snarfed: Just thought you might have ideas
# 20:50 sandro what is the meaning of life?
# 20:50 dannyid what is it to be alive?
mlncn joined the channel
# 20:52 dannyid what is rel=me auth?
# 20:52 dannyid what is relmeauth
# 20:52 Loqi Using rel=me on a hyperlink indicates that its destination represents the same person or entity as the current page, which is a key building-block of web-sign-in and IndieAuth https://indiewebcamp.com/rel-me
# 20:55 GWG What is antidisestablishmentarianism?
# 20:57 GWG snarfed: By the way, me doing notifications was your idea. You suggested SWAT0. It is a necessary component.
# 20:57 GWG snarfed: I was wondering what you were talking about
# 21:04 [snarfed] btw, if you post syndication links, your bridgy user page now has lots more details on when and how it's crawled your site for those
# 21:14 rhiaro good synonyms for journey: adventure, expedition, jaunt, quest, sojourn
# 21:15 Loqi Countdown set by rhiaro on 11/7/15 at 12:40pm
# 21:15 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 11/7 2:00pm (#5741)
# 21:15 rhiaro emergency TOPIC: auth with twitter giving errors
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
j12t and KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
# 21:24 www.funwhilelost.com created /Solid (+408) "Created page with "Solid is a decentralized file system and protocol designed to power decentralized social applications and linked data. It primarily leverages existing technologies - like many e..."" (
view diff )
# 21:30 rhiaro *discussion of storing tags as urls rather than strings*
# 21:33 [kevinmarks] Drawback is that rel is now page scoped, so tagging h-entry in a feed is misparsed
myfreeweb, dannyid and e-lima joined the channel
# 21:46 tantek dannyid: were you able to sign-in and create your User: page?
# 21:46 dannyid tantek: yep, finally got it
# 21:46 dannyid I had cookies turned off :)
a_ joined the channel
a_ joined the channel
a_ and catsup joined the channel
# 22:00 Loqi Countdown set by rhiaro on 11/7/15 at 1:15pm
snarfed and lukebrooker joined the channel
wolftune, snarfed and j12t joined the channel
warden joined the channel